Toll Plaza Requirements PDF
Toll Plaza Requirements PDF
Toll Plaza Requirements PDF
TA 98/08
February 2008
Volume 6, Section 3,
Part 6
Summary: This Advice Note gives guidance on the layout of toll plazas and the factors that
need considering during their design. It can be used for the design of new toll
plazas and for modifying existing ones.
Volume 6 Section 3
Part 6 TA 98/08 Registration of Amendments
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amendments amendments
February 2008
Volume 6 Section 3
Registration of Amendments Part 6 TA 98/08
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amendments amendments
February 2008
TA 98/08
1. Introduction
6. References
7. Enquiries
February 2008
Volume 6 Section 3 Chapter 1
Part 6 TA 98/08 Introduction
1.6 There are many elements in a toll plaza facility Environmental Design
that involve a number of interrelated design decisions.
These elements need to be integrated with each other
through balanced design to satisfy the numerous 1.13 Environmental design is an integral aspect of the
requirements of a toll plaza. design of any road and toll facility. Many features such
as landscaping, air quality and noise can have a radical
1.7 A holistic approach is required throughout the effect on the environment and its protected habitats and
design process. The designer should ensure that the species. The ‘Good Roads Guide’ HA 55, HA 63
(DMRB 10.1 to DMRB 10.3), HA 67 (DMRB 10.4) 1.18 For the purposes of visibility for the approaching
and DMRB Volume 11 provide further advice. driver the toll plaza should be treated as a ‘junction’
within the context of TD 9 (DMRB 6.1.1). The
1.14 Toll Plaza sites tend to be large, open, brightly lit “immediate approach to a junction” should be taken as
and obtrusive. Topographically hidden sites are best. that length of carriageway from a point 1.5 times the
Associated buildings within the toll plaza area should desirable minimum stopping sight distance upstream of
be considered as part of the overall design; input from a the start of the Approach Zone to the end of the
registered architect should be considered. Reference Departure Zone.
should be made to the Highways Agency sponsored
publication ‘The Appearance of Bridges and other Northern Ireland
Highway Structures’ ISBN 0 11 551804 5 published by
1.19 The legislation referred to in this document may,
in some instances, have a Northern Ireland equivalent.
Health and Safety Responsibilities For schemes in Northern Ireland the designer should
refer to the Overseeing Organisation for advice.
1.15 The designer is required to consider the operation
and future maintenance of the toll facility when
selecting the most appropriate configuration. It is a
requirement of Health and Safety legislation that the
designer considers the safety of maintenance activities
during the plaza design. The designer should compile a
checklist of all relevant health and safety issues to
ensure that all planned and routine operational and
maintenance activities are considered.
• environmental impact;
• capital cost;
• economic assessment;
Toll Plaza Configurations, Elements and Layout • Traffic Control – Use of traffic signals and/or
rising-arm barriers.
2.1 Layouts for toll plazas should be developed in • Shared facilities, i.e. will service areas or
accordance with the guidance in this Advice Note and highway maintenance units be combined with the
in conjunction with the Overseeing Organisation’s toll administration and associated welfare
requirements. facilities?
2.2 The simplest description of a toll plaza is a length 2.6 The width of the toll plaza is principally
of highway where the carriageway width increases to established by the number of toll lanes necessary to
accommodate additional traffic lanes and their deal with design level of traffic flow. The number of
associated toll collection facilities; see Figure 2/1. The toll lanes required to process that traffic flow is
design of a toll plaza is influenced by a multitude of dependant upon their combined throughput.
factors which will determine the number of toll
collection facilities and hence the width and the
resultant length of the toll plaza. Maximum vehicle demand
2.3 Different schemes will require different toll plaza 2.7 The number of toll lanes required will depend on
arrangements. One-way tolling may be effective for the maximum traffic demand that the facility is required
structures such as major bridges or tunnels if there is no to cope with. The maximum potential design flow may
viable alternative route. Two-way tolling may require be taken as the hourly maximum traffic capacity of the
one-way toll plazas at each end of the structure to approaching or departing highway. However, lower
remove the risks associated with traffic queues forming design flows may enable a more economical but equally
within a tunnel or along one carriageway of a bridge. efficient design to be achieved. The chosen design flow
and traffic mix will be the major determinant of the
2.4 Tolled highways may be provided with toll number of toll lanes required. Where express lanes are
facilities at strategic locations or at all entry or exit to be incorporated the proportion of traffic expected to
points. use the express lanes should be taken into account.
2.5 There are a number of basic parameters that the 2.8 The design flow and traffic mix should take
designer will need to establish prior to commencing the account of the plaza location. For example, a nearby
design. major sports stadium may generate occasional but
unusual peak traffic demands.
• One-way or Two-way tolling.
2.9 A strategy to deal with underestimated traffic
• Plaza throughput requirements and anticipated demand should be considered at the outset of the design
traffic mix. process. It is far easier to make advance provision for
• Permitted methods of toll payment. later alterations than to reduce standards or to seek to
acquire more land at a later stage.
• Toll levels and vehicle categories.
2.10 Once the design throughput requirement has been
• Possible plaza location(s) and available land area. established, consideration should be given to the factors
• Priority requirements, e.g. Buses or High that influence the realistic achievable capacity of the
Occupancy Vehicles. toll lanes. These major factors are considered, in turn,
• Operational requirements, e.g. requirements for
emergency vehicles, wide-load facilities, classes
of vehicles exempt from tolls, provision for left-
hand-drive vehicles.
• Cash to toll collector – a necessary feature of any 2.15 ETC systems will continually be developed for
toll plaza to deal with motorists who are unable an increasing range of purposes. The need for toll
to use any of the other payment options. Not the plazas as a method of collecting payment from
most efficient method of toll collection but still motorists on major elements of infrastructure will
the most versatile. therefore reduce.
• Tickets/tokens – These may be beneficial where 2.16 Although there are several available methods for
the toll level is not equivalent to a single coin, toll collection, it may be decided not to adopt some of
e.g. 80p or £4.70. Open to abuse, particularly the methods. It is recommended that, in order to give
where discounts are offered. optimum flexibility in operational configuration, each
toll lane is equipped to be capable of receiving payment
• Automatic Coin Machine (ACM) – best used by all of the chosen methods; although for normal
with low toll levels and automatic classification. operations, operators may choose to restrict some lanes
Throughput decreases if change is offered. to, for example, ETC or card payment only.
classification of vehicles into defined categories, will 2.29 Special consideration should be given to the
allow simpler operation and greater throughput. procedures required for dealing with vehicles which
may be classed as exempt from tolls. These may be
2.22 Vehicles which are to be exempt from tolls will considered in various ways:
be defined within the legislation associated with right to
toll. An exemption will either be confirmed by the toll a) Frequent use vehicles, such as maintenance
operator or the exempt vehicle will be provided with a vehicles, Public Service Vehicles and local police
‘toll exempt’ ETC transponder. There is no standard or vehicles. These may be provided with an exempt
common classification for exemptions and they may be ETC account (Tag or similar) or they may use an
applied either to vehicle types or to the use being made ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’ route.
of a vehicle.
b) Occasional use vehicles, such as those carrying
Toll Plaza Operational Procedures disabled persons. These may be required to
request exemption via a manned toll lane.
2.23 It is essential that the designer fully understands c) Specific vehicle types, such as motorcycles.
the operational procedures which the plaza operator These may be required to request exemption via a
intends adopting. manned toll lane or a dedicated lane may be
2.24 Throughput will depend upon whether or not
raising arm barriers are used. The absence of barriers 2.30 Consideration should also be given for
will increase vehicle throughput but will require emergency vehicles to negotiate the toll plaza without
recording and enforcement systems to be in place to being delayed. This may be achieved by providing an
deal with violations. ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’ route from one end of the
toll plaza to the other. This route would also assist with
2.25 The designer will need to establish whether the recovery of broken down vehicles and for aspects of
specific facilities are required to be provided for left- winter service.
hand-drive vehicles. Generally, this would not be
expected unless the anticipated frequency of such
vehicles justifies it. Detailed consideration should be Toll Plaza Customers
given as to how to adequately sign any facility
dedicated to such operation. 2.31 When considering the design of a toll plaza,
account should be taken of the profile of the customer.
2.26 Particular consideration should be given to the An assessment should be made, not only of traffic mix
management of motorists who are unable or unwilling but also of customer mix. If there is an anticipated high
to pay the toll. Procedures will need to be established so level of users that may be unfamiliar with toll plazas
that such vehicles create the minimum of disruption to then throughput will be impaired. This effect will
toll plaza throughput. certainly be noticed in the initial period after the
introduction of tolling but will decrease as users
2.27 In order to cater for abnormal loads, a special, become familiar with the systems in place. Customer
wide lane will be required. This may be combined with mix may vary on an hourly as well as a daily or
an ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’ route. Wide loads will be seasonal basis.
wider than the cab of the lorry and as such, the driver
will not be able to reach a standard toll booth window. 2.32 Where each toll lane has been equipped to be
Alternative payment procedures will, therefore, be capable of receiving payment by each of the permitted
required. Such a lane could be set up so as to be also methods, the operational configuration of the toll plaza
available to deal with left-hand-drive vehicles. This can be adjusted to address varying customer mixes. The
lane could also be designed to provide the toll plaza operational configuration should aim to achieve an even
with a degree of reserve throughput capacity. use of all lanes and to avoid a situation where a queue
at one lane has the effect of preventing access to other
2.28 The designer should establish whether the lanes.
operator is going to take an active or a passive role in
dealing with traffic incidents in the toll plaza area. Such 2.33 The designer should not assume that a significant
incidents may cause disruption to throughput. The proportion of customers will choose to use ETC as a
period of disruption will be minimised if the operator is method of toll payment unless the operator is prepared
able to deal with minor incidents. to offer an incentive to such customers.
Toll Plaza Throughput • toll level would need change to be given, e.g.
2.34 From the above it can be seen that several factors
influence the achievable throughput. • categories are descriptive;
• low proportion of HGV traffic; 2.37 The number of toll lanes will be determined by
the capacity of the toll methods chosen. Table 2/1 gives
• exempt traffic is ‘blue light’ vehicles only; ranges of throughputs that should be achievable for a
variety of methods based on the experience of a number
• a high take-up of ETC is achieved because of of UK toll plaza operators. The throughputs given
incentives offered to users.
below are stated for toll lanes dealing with either only
‘Cars’ or only ‘HGVs’.
2.36 Conversely, the following would reduce the
potential throughput:
2.38 When determining the number of toll lanes, the Toll Lane Width
designer should take account of the need for routine and
non-routine maintenance within the toll plaza. 2.41 For the normal road network, road lane widths
are prescribed by TD 27 (DMRB 6.1.2).
Methods for Dealing with Underestimated Traffic
Demand 2.42 The distance between kerb faces is between 3.0
and 3.3 metres within the toll lanes of major existing
2.39 It should be anticipated that at times there will be UK toll plazas. Toll lane widths within this range help
a build-up of traffic at the toll plaza. This may be due to to slow traffic and guide the driver closer to the toll
various reasons, e.g. peak traffic demand exceeding the collector or ACM bucket.
design provision, equipment failure or maintenance
making one or more lanes unavailable, vehicle 2.43 A greater width should be considered at the
breakdown or accidents within the toll plaza area. height of HGV and PSV exterior mirrors to avoid these
impacting the toll booths and other toll lane equipment.
Consideration should be given at the design stage as to
how such situations could be addressed and, if
2.44 All normal toll lanes should be a uniform width
necessary, provision made within the design.
for maximum operational flexibility. Abnormal wide
2.40 There are various ways in which a toll plaza loads should be directed to a separate wide load facility.
operator can deal with congestion at the toll booths. The
designer should be aware of them in order to allow their Toll Island Width
potential use in the overall design (where applicable),
e.g: 2.45 The overall width of toll islands is determined by
the size of the toll booth and the established lateral
• regular peak hour delays could be addressed by clearance between the face of the island kerb and the
introducing higher toll charges during peak booth face. The toll island width at existing facilities
periods with the aim of spreading the peak varies between 1.2m and 3.0m, although most islands
demand over a longer period; are 1.8 to 2.1 metres wide. 2m is a good starting point
for outline design purposes but this measurement will
• overall throughput could be increased by be affected by the operator’s collection equipment and
encouraging drivers to adopt ETC methods of toll safety requirements.
collection. Discounts to the normal toll level
could be used for ETC users; 2.46 Toll Island dimensions are further discussed in
paragraph 3.69.
• for occasional (or regular) periods of high
demand, a wide load facility could be used for all
Toll Plaza Width
• the use of a Host Toll Lane, feeding two or more 2.47 The overall plaza width is calculated after
additional toll booths via Branch Lanes, could be establishing the number of lanes required, the island
implemented. See Figure 2/2. This potential widths and the toll lane widths. The plaza length may
solution for increasing overall throughput, will now be addressed.
require additional signing and traffic
management measures and should be modelled, Toll Plaza Length
assessed and allowed for in the original design;
2.48 Descriptions of the elements of the toll plaza are
• rising-arm barriers could be removed to increase shown in Figure 2/1. The entrance to the plaza is
throughput but this should be expected to result located at the commencement of the Approach Zone
in a greater number of violations which will need which widens over its full length to the plaza design
to be actioned. In extreme circumstances, tolls width. Traffic speed reduces through the Approach
could be suspended for a period of time to relieve Zone as drivers choose a toll lane based on their tolling
the build-up. method preference or on traffic classification where
tolling is segregated. At the end of the Approach Zone
traffic enters the Queue Zone. Vehicles should now be
in the correct lane and minimal lane changing will
Additional Infrastructure Requirements • it provides the motorists and toll attendants with
shelter from the elements whilst paying.
3.1 Each plaza will require a toll administration
building with traffic monitoring and secure cash The canopy and its attached signs and equipment
handling capabilities as well as staff welfare facilities. should be of adequate height to comply with the
headroom standard set out in TD 27 (DMRB 6.1.2).
3.2 In situations where the available land plot is
limited, consideration may be given to incorporating 3.8 On highways which are designated high load
administration facilities as part of the toll plaza canopy routes, at least one lane may need to be sited without
design. the benefit of canopy cover.
3.3 The highway facility that is being tolled, e.g. a 3.9 A canopy should be designed as a structure over
bridge or tunnel, may also require ‘off-carriageway’ a highway and will be subject to technical approval in
infrastructure for maintenance and operation of that accordance with BD 2 (DMRB 1.1.1). The designer
facility. The designer should establish whether such should establish and agree with the Technical Approval
facilities can be combined or whether the toll Authority (TAA) the appropriate design parameters for
administration facilities are to be kept separate. the form, location and use of the proposed canopy and
its supporting structure. The design will require an
3.4 The highway facility being tolled may require independent check in accordance with the requirements
control over the movements of abnormal and dangerous in BD 2 (DMRB 1.1.1). This will usually be undertaken
loads. Provision may be required, within the toll plaza by an independent team within the design organisation
area, for such vehicles to be able to park whilst or, for complex structures, by a checking team from an
awaiting an escort or permission to proceed. independent organisation agreed with the TAA. Primary
design considerations to observe include:
3.5 A section of tolled highway may include a
service area. In such circumstances, consideration • determining the functions to be fulfilled by the
should be given to incorporating the toll plaza with the canopy;
service area.
• aesthetic consideration and architectural
3.6 Consideration should be given to providing requirements;
alternative access arrangements from the toll
administration buildings to the existing local road • canopy and all attached signs and equipment to
network. be of adequate height to comply with the
headroom standard set out in TD 27 (DMRB
• prevailing wind direction and path of the sun;
3.7 The canopy is a roof structure built over the toll
booths and toll lanes. The benefits of a canopy are that: • canopy support structure impact design loading;
• it defines the location of the toll plaza for • canopy impact design loading.
Toll Lane Access Tunnel
• it serves as a mounting frame for signs, variable
message signs (VMS), lighting, lane signals and
3.10 Toll booth access tunnels should be given
ETC antenna;
consideration as they are able to provide several
• it provides support for overhead signs and for operational benefits as well as increased safety for toll
security and safety devices; staff. The benefits of a tunnel are that it provides:
• staff access to the toll booths via a stairwell. • to ensure the integrity of in-lane toll equipment
(This may be limited to every second or third toll such as loops; and
• to facilitate a simpler and effective maintenance
• a route for toll booth services with access for regime (washing).
3.14 Run-on concrete slabs should also be considered
• a location for ACM coin vaults where they can be for areas constructed on either side of the toll lane and
safely handled; toll island slab. A run-on slab acts as a structural
element seated on the island slab at one end and the
• a secure route for toll revenue from the booth to adjacent pavement construction at the other end to
the administration building. provide a transition between the approach and departure
zone pavements.
3.11 Pavements do not usually fail suddenly but
gradually deteriorate in service. In the case of the 3.15 Advice on drainage is given in DMRB Volume
surface course, loss of skid resistance can be equivalent 4. The standard minimum crossfall is 2.5%.and the
to failure. minimum longitudinal gradient recommended is 0.5%
to allow for water flow along the roadside edge
3.12 HD 28 (DMRB 7.3.1) describes how the channel.
appropriate levels of skid resistance on in-service UK
Trunk Roads will be managed. HD 36 (DMRB 7.5.1) 3.16 For wide carriageways the most direct drainage
sets out advice on surfacing material characteristics flow paths are realised when the longitudinal gradient is
necessary to deliver the required skid resistance zero. Therefore, low longitudinal gradients can be
properties. HD 28 (DMRB 7.3.1) does not specifically acceptable, provided that standard crossfalls are
consider toll plazas within the Site Category and maintained and a continuous edge drainage system is
Definitions section in respect to setting Investigation provided.
Levels. The Designer, in conjunction with the
Overseeing Organisation, should determine the 3.17 In setting the vertical and horizontal geometry of
appropriate Site Category and Investigation Level; the a plaza, water should not be allowed to accumulate in
Operator should ensure that the Investigation Level is the expanses of the approach and departure zones nor in
reviewed on a regular basis. the toll lanes.
3.13 The permitted surfacing materials for roads in the 3.18 Within the transition zones of the toll plaza, the
UK are given in HD 36 (DMRB 7.5.1). In England, use of high performance and heavy duty longitudinal
rigid concrete construction of any type is not a linear drainage channel systems, in combination with
permitted option for trunk roads unless it has an asphalt transverse drains need to be considered. It is likely that
surface course. However, concrete should be considered these drains will require more regular maintenance but
as the pavement material for the length of the toll island they are likely to provide the most suitable system.
for reasons stated below:
3.19 Where a longitudinal drainage system is to be
• to prevent pavement rutting caused by high flows used, the line of the system should coincide with the
of slow, heavy goods vehicle (HGV) movements line of an actual, or theoretical, lane divider, i.e. the line
using the same, narrowly defined wheel track of the drainage channel will appear, to the motorist, as a
through a toll lane constraint; lane marking. (See Figure 3/1). The designer should
also take into account the effect of longitudinal
• to reduce damage caused by the possible drainage systems on powered two wheel vehicles.
discharge of oils, fuel, and grease;
3.20 Maintenance of the drainage system may, at
• to prevent surface layer undulation created by times, render certain toll lanes unavailable. Care should
vehicle braking and acceleration impact, be taken in determining the layout so that maintenance
particularly that of HGVs and public service can be carried out without significantly affecting off-
vehicles (PSVs); peak capacity.
off-peak period start and finish times, vehicle category, position, they also offer safety benefits and should be
the applicable toll level and the accepted payment used wherever practicable. In the approach zone, lane
methods. lines are used to assist drivers in lining themselves up
with their chosen booth: see Figure 3/1.
3.46 Advance signing is necessary to indicate the
accepted methods of toll payment. Drivers entering the 3.50 Chevron markings should be used at the approach
toll plaza area should be prepared to approach a correct to and departure from toll booth islands. They are
toll lane at a reasonable speed. Clear, consistent and intended to aid the separation, and merging, of streams
distinctive signing, using a combination of symbols, of traffic.
colours and legends should be used on the advance
signs and repeated over the toll lanes with the aim of 3.51 ‘Keep Clear’ markings may be considered for use
avoiding late or excessive lane-changing by vehicles. in areas approaching the toll booth in order to ensure
that vehicles only enter the area when the vehicle in
3.47 From the downstream end of the Departure Zone, front has been processed.
for the distance along the route in the direction of
travel, as shown in Table 3/1, there should be no signs 3.52 Markings should minimize the effects of late lane
on the nearside verge and central reserve or on portal or changes in advance of the toll plaza. Cones may be used
cantilever gantries. Any proposal to install a sign within temporarily to assist traffic flows, e.g. if one lane
the distance in Table 3/1 should be referred to the becomes blocked or inoperable.
Overseeing Organisation for advice.
3.53 Further measures may also be considered within,
and in advance of, the toll plaza area to improve driver
Number of lanes on mainline Distance m awareness and to promote appropriate behaviour.
3.48 For further guidance and advice on the correct 3.55 The control of vehicle speed is essential for the
use of traffic signs and traffic signals and control safe operation of a toll plaza. All vehicles should
equipment and their maintenance see: expect, and be prepared, to stop at a toll plaza; this may
be within the toll lane or at a queue in advance of the
• The Traffic Signs Manual, Chapters 1, 3, 4, 6 toll lane. The mechanism for achieving this will depend
and 7; upon the speed of traffic on the approach road.
• TD 46 (DMRB 9.1). 3.57 The designer should seek to ensure that traffic is
required to decelerate steadily as it approaches the toll
Road Markings, Studs and Traffic Cones lanes. On high speed roads, e.g. motorways,
consideration may be given to the introduction of a
‘buffer zone’ speed limit (i.e. an intermediate speed
3.49 Lane lines help to ensure that available limit) on a suitable length of the approach road. In such
carriageway space is used to its maximum capacity. In instances, specific authorisation should be sought from
helping vehicles to maintain a consistent lateral the Overseeing Organisation.
Protection Devices 3.64 Signs and road markings should give clear and
adequate warning to drivers of which toll lane they
3.58 Provisions for protective safety devices on the need to use before they arrive at the toll booths.
approach to toll islands need careful consideration.
Such devices need to be sufficiently robust to ensure 3.65 Impact absorbing barriers should be placed in
that an errant vehicle is prevented from impacting the front of any significant concrete or steel bollards on the
toll booth and the canopy supporting structure but also approach to a toll island unless a specific risk
need to effectively absorb and cushion the impact. An assessment supports their omission.
effective speed limit will contribute towards the
protection of the Toll Attendant and the vehicle 3.66 Examples of toll plazas with and without the
above forms of protection are given in Figure 3/3.
occupants. The safety device on each toll island should
have retro-reflective end panels which will need to be
3.67 For further advice on road restraint systems,
authorised (see paragraph 3.42).
reference should be made to TD 19 (DMRB 2.2.8).
3.75 General points to consider are noted below: • automatic coin machine (coin basket);
• heating, (particularly at floor level); • entrance and/or exit automatic toll barriers;
• air quality monitors; • traffic signals (usually only red and green
• safety;
• CCTV cameras;
• security;
• variable message signs.
• signing;
Exceptional Vehicles
• uninterrupted power supply;
• receipt printer;
Departure Zone: The tapered area downstream of the Toll Plaza Facility: The toll plaza area plus the
toll booths which connects the recovery zone to the adjacent associated off-carriageway infrastructure
departure carriageway, requirements.
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC): A system that Transponder or TAG: A radio or radar device that
automatically identifies a vehicle equipped with an identifies vehicles equipped for the purpose, and allows
encoded data tag or transponder. The system debits the the user to be billed electronically.
cost of the toll from, or charges the toll to, a motorist’s
account without the motorist having to stop.
Note: The above terminology applies to traffic travelling from right to left.
February 2008
Part 6 TA 98/08
Volume 6 Section 3
Volume 6 Section 3 Chapter 5
Part 6 TA 98/08 Illustrations Referred to in the Text
1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 2. Traffic Signs Regulations: The Stationery
(DMRB): The Stationery Office Office
BD 2: Technical Approval of Highway Structures The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions
(DMRB 1.1.1) (TSRGD)
HA 55: New Roads Landform and Alignment (DMRB The Traffic Signs Regulations (Northern Ireland) (TSR)
3. Local Transport Notes: The Stationery Office
HA 63: Improving Existing Roads Improvement
Techniques (DMRB 10.2.2)
Local Transport Note 1/94 – The Design and Use of
HA 67: The Wildflower Handbook (DMRB 10.3.1) Directional Informatory Signs
DMRB: Volume 4
DMRB: Volume 11
All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to:
Director of Engineering
The Department for Regional Development
Roads Service
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street R J M CAIRNS
Belfast BT2 8GB Director of Engineering