Newtown, Mountmellick & Foy Old Scholars Report 2019/20
Newtown, Mountmellick & Foy Old Scholars Report 2019/20
Newtown, Mountmellick & Foy Old Scholars Report 2019/20
once or twice!)
FACE Masks
beginning to move.
wn starting to ease,
and about once more
e warm weather,
he fragrant flowers
ot wilted in the heat.
e in the air,
ow of cloud above,
blossoming proud and tall,
e thistles turning
te heads, gently
ay in the breeze
ies adorning the skies.
d gazing up rapturously
to catch them before
ay lightly on the wind.
ve in vain to comprehend
matic times,
m in the palm of my hand
dissipate and evolve
other unfamiliar reality.
Lesley Hayoun (Y.O. 68)