Faqs For Cgas: Membership Application Form From This Page
Faqs For Cgas: Membership Application Form From This Page
Faqs For Cgas: Membership Application Form From This Page
Why did CGA-Canada and ACCA enter into this Do CGAs need to pass any exams or take any
agreement? courses before they can become eligible for ACCA
This Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) strengthens the membership under the terms of the MRA?
already excellent relationship between the two bodies. It offers Yes. CGAs must complete the Overview of UK Tax and Law course
us an unprecedented opportunity for a key strategic partnership offered by ACCA. Completion should take less than two days.
with a major accounting player renowned globally. It provides a
route for qualified members of either body to become a member CGA members may be exempt from the Overview of UK Tax
of the other body, and enjoy the benefits which both organizations and Law course if they have passed the ACCA UK Business
can offer. The agreement also provides a platform for greater Taxation paper and the English, Global or Scottish Corporate and
collaboration. Perhaps most important of all, is that in today’s Business Law paper or equivalent courses from recognised tertiary
environment, strategic alliances are integral to ensure continued institutions in the UK.
global recognition.
What are the annual fees for ACCA? If I apply for membership with ACCA under this MRA
ACCA’s annual membership fees are currently £197.00 or do I have to keep my CGA membership?
approximately $310 Canadian. Yes. Members of both bodies are required to keep their original
designation if they are accepted as a member of the other body
under this MRA.
Why should I become a member of ACCA?
The MRA provides CGA members with increased recognition
in various parts of the world and, therefore, also increased If I am already an ACCA member, do I have to do
international mobility. anything?
No. Individuals who are currently members of both ACCA and
CGA-Canada only need to ensure each designation’s requirements
are maintained to remain a certified member of both bodies.
What do I need to do to maintain my membership I work in practice. Do I need to obtain a practicing
with ACCA? certificate from ACCA?
To maintain your membership you will be required to pay Yes. However, this certificate does not confer the right to work in
annual membership fees and meet the Continuing Professional audit. Visit www.accaglobal.com/members/professionalstandards
Development (CPD) requirements for both ACCA and for further information.
CGA-Canada. Both bodies have adopted International Federation
of Accountants’ (IFAC) CPD standards. Members in practice will
also be required to meet additional requirements. I have completed all the CGA requirements but
have not completed the practical experience
requirements to become a full member. Can I
What are the ACCA CPD requirements? qualify under the MRA?
They are the same as CGA’s CPD requirements. Both ACCA and No. Only certified CGAs can apply for ACCA membership. All CGA
CGA have adopted IFAC CPD standards. Members holding CGA practical experience requirements will need to be completed prior
and ACCA designations will be required to report CPD annually to to applying for ACCA membership.
both bodies.