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UllltEd States Piltéllt [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,718,633
Gehrke [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 17, 1998
[54] UNIVERSAL JOINT WEAR INDICATOR ' 4,947,786 8/1990 Maynard 6161. ..................... .. 116/218
5,188,564 2/1993 Keller .............. ..
[75] Inventor; Glenn F, Gehrkg’ Davisburg, Mid-L 5,315,954 5/1994 Richmond ........ ............... .. 116/218 X
[73] Assignee: Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
428092 4/1927 Germany .
[21] APPL No_; 401,189 640144 8/1977 U.S.S.R .
[22] Filed; Man 9, 1995 Primary Examiner—John P. Darling
6 Assistant Examiner—Will1'arn A. Rivera
[51] Int. Cl. ............................. .. F16D 3/16; G08B 19/00
[52] US. (:1. ............................ .. 464/23; 464/136; 116/218 [571 ABSTRACT
of Search ................. .......... .. 1]., An and of life indicator for a univcrsal joint comprises an
464/14, 31, 185, 116/217, 218, 374/ 160, indicator member that monitors the temperature of the cross
153’ 141 member of the universal joint. As the universal joint
- . approaches the end of its life, the cross member exceeds
[56] Refemnces Cited expected temperatures as the bearings begin to wear. At a
U5. PATENT DOCUWNTS temperature above the typical operational temperature
expected with a properly functioning universal joint, but
16% 9; --- " " 11161, below the temperature wherein the universal joint could be
’ ’2 9 umec damaged or seize, a portion of the temperature indicator
3,682,130 8/1972 Je?‘ers .. l16/l14.5 . . . .
3 693579 911972 new“ 116,218 melts allowing the indlcator to move to the actuated pos1
3:759,1o3 9/1973 Volk ............. .. . 116/218 x tiOfI- All 013mm will be able to visually identify the
3,813,178 5/1974 Herbenar et a1. .... .. 403/27 Il?lversal i0111t as approaching the end of its life‘ 111 0116
3,820,499 611974 Kliewer et a1. 116/217 X preferred embodiment, the indicator includes a plug at a
3,890,052 6/1975 Herbenar et a1. .. 403/27 position spaced forwardly of the indicator piston, with the
4,289,033 9/1931 Scibelli . 116/213 plug holding the piston at the non-actuated position. When
, , e e . .
the plug melts, the indicator is spring biased to an outwardly
. . _ _
4,445,875 5/1934 Kosuda et a1. .. .... .. 464/14 g?2215;251:5215;Per“or W111 be able to visually
4,626,121 12/1986 Tajima et a1. ... . ... . . . . .. 403/27 '
.34 \
4/ ~> /
35 52
US. Patent Feb. 17, 1998 5,718,633
1 2
UNIVERSAL JOINT WEAR INDICATOR mounted in a hostile environment. As such, the mounting of
the indicator in the bore ensures that the indicator is
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION adequately protected, and remains operational as the uni
versal joint approaches the end of its useful life.
This application in general relates to a device to provide
an indication as a universal joint nears the end of its useful In one preferred embodiment of this invention, the indi
life. cator includes a piston slidably mounted within the indicator
housing. The piston is spring-biased outwardly of the indi
Heavy vehicles are equipped with universal joints that ' cator housing. A plug formed of a material that melts at a
comprise a cross member having four shafts or trunnions. design temperature is placed at an outer end of the housing,
Bearings are mounted on each shaft. Two yokes are mounted retaining the piston within the housing. When the cross
onto two shafts. The yokes are mounted at positions spaced member reaches the design melt temperature, the plug melts.
90° relative to each other and are each connected to drive The piston is then free to move outwardly of the housing.
shafts. This arrangement allows rotation to be transmitted The piston is preferably brightly colored to provide a good
between the drive shafts, through varying angles. This type visual indication of the fact that the universal joint is
of universal joint is particularly popular in heavy duty 15 approaching the end of its useful life.
vehicles such as trucks.
Preferably, the design melt temperature is selected to be
Proper functioning of a universal joint requires adequate between 140° F. and 200° F‘. More preferably, the design
lubrication between the bearings and the shafts. In the past, melt temperature is selected to be between 140° F. and 175°
technicians have periodically relubricated the bearings and F. In a most preferred embodiment the design melt tempera
shafts. During this lubrication process, the universal joint ture is between 150° F. and 155° F.
was checked to ensure that it did not need to be replaced
The material utilized for the melt member is preferably
The periodic maintenance checks allowed the technician to
bismuth alloy, although other materials may also be used.
predict the end of useful life for the universal joint, and to
One suitable alloy is available under the trade name CERRO
replace the universal joints before failure.
ALLOY from Cerro Metal Products Co. of Bellefonte, Pa.
More recently, universal joints have been developed that 25
These and other features of the present invention can be
do not require any lubrication after assembly. The new best understood from the following speci?cation and
universal joints eliminate the periodic maintenance that drawings, of which the following is a brief description.
provided for checking the universal joint. Some universal
joint maintenance system would thus be bene?cial. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Various heat actuated indicators are known in the prior art FIG. 1 shows a universal joint incorporating the present
to indicate a particular temperature for items being moni invention.
tored. The monitored items have ranged from food being FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a cross member of a
cooked, to axles or bearings. The prior art indicators have universal joint incorporating the present invention.
typically been structured to monitor immediately unaccept FIG. 3 is a cross sectional view through the indicator in
able conditions such as an unacceptably hot bearing or axle. 35
an nnactuated condition.
Moreover, the prior art indicators have not been constructed
to survive in the hostile environment that is experienced on FIG. 4 shows the indicator of FIG. 3 having been actu
the underside of a vehicle. ated.
In a disclosed embodiment of this invention, an indicator Universal joint 20 is illustrated in FIG. 1, and incorporates
is placed within the cross member of a universal joint. The a cross member 22 which is formed with four shafts 23.
indicator monitors the temperature of the cross member, Yokes 24 and 26 are each received on two of the shafts 23.
which increases as the universal joint approaches the end of 45 As shown, bearings 28 are received on each shaft 23 and
its useful life. The indicator is carefully designed to actuate provides for relative rotation between the yokes 24 and 26
at a temperature that exceeds an extreme of the cross and the shafts. The structure described to this point is as
member normal operational temperature. The extreme cross known in the art and forms no portion of this invention.
member temperature would only be expected as the univer The, inventive aspects of this invention relate to an end of
sal joint components begin to wear, to the extent that the 50 life indicator 32 for the universal joint 20. A brightly colored
joint is approaching the end of its useful life. At the same indicator piston is normally retained within housing 31. The
time the actuation temperature is not so high that it would indicator is designed, as explained below, to be released as
result in damage to any of the components. the universal joint approaches the end of its useful life. An
In one embodiment of this invention, the temperature operator who wishes to check the condition of the universal
actuated indicator is mounted at the center of the cross 55 joint 20 can look at the indicator 32. If the operator cannot
member. In a preferred embodiment, the temperature indi see the brightly colored indicator, the operator will know the
cator includes a housing threaded within a bore formed in universal joint should still be operational for additional time.
the cross member. Most preferably, the bore includes a ?rst As shown in FIG. 2, the cross member 22 incorporates
internal portion that has a relatively small diameter, and a four shafts 23, each receiving a bearing 28. In the past, the
second outer portion that has a relatively greater diameter. bearings 28 and yokes 24 and 26 were assembled with the
_ The ?rst portion is threaded. The second portion provides a cross member 22 being placed within the yokes 24 and 26.
stop surface for the indicator housing. The indicator housing The bearings 28 were then placed on the shafts and within
preferably has an enlarged outer portion with an end face the yokes. Assemblers were charged with providing proper
abutting an end face of the enlarged portion of the bore, thus lubrication. The assemblers did not always properly lubri
insuring that the indicator is securely mounted and properly 65 cate the universal joints. Thus, universal joints have been
?tted within the bore. A universal joint, and thus, the developed that are preassembled to require no assembly
indicator, is subject to a good deal of vibration, and is lubrication.
3 4
With such universal joints, the operator will not periodi further away from the face of the cross member 22 increases
cally check the condition of the universal joint as routine its visibility. Moreover, the outer portion 52 also protects the
lubrication is also not required. Instead, indicator 32 pro extended piston 34 reducing the likelihood that it will be
vides the operator with an indication of when the universal broken away from its extended position before an operator
joint 22 is approaching the end of its useful life. As shown is able to see the extended piston 34.
in FIG. 2, the indicator piston 34 is actuated. The operator Disposing the plug 39 at the forward end of bore‘ 45,
will now know the universal joint 22 is approaching the end ensures that there will be no build up of salt and other road
of its useful life. As shown. the indicator 32 is placed on the
debris, clogging movement of piston 34. In other types of
indicators wherein a meltable member is positioned rear
center of the cross member, preferably equally spaced from wardly on an indicator, such debris may prevent movement
each of the four shafts 23. The universal joint typically of the indicator.
begins to fail with the beatings 28 beginning to fail. As the In one embodiment of this invention, the meltable plug 39
bearings 28 fail, the cross member 22 begins to heat up. As melts at a temperature selected to be between 140° F. and
will be explained, as the cross member becomes hotter, 200° F. More preferably, the material melts at a temperature
eventually, a design temperature is reached and the indicator between 140° F. and 175° F. Most preferably, the material
is actuated. 15
melts at a temperature between 150° F. and 155° F., and
As shown in FIG. 3. housing 31 is received within bore more preferably at 154° F. A particular material presently
36. Piston 34 includes a ring 38. Spring 35 reacts off ring 38, envisioned for the plug is a bismuth containing alloy, such
forcing piston 34 against a plug 39. Plug 39 is formed of a as described above. _
material that melts at a relatively low temperature. A ?rst Although a preferred embodiment of this invention has
portion 40 of bore 36 is formed with a screw thread, and has 20
been disclosed, a worker of ordinary skill in the art would
a relatively small diameter. A portion 41 of housing 31 is recognize that certain modi?cations come within the scope
threadably received within bore portion 40. An outer portion of this invention. For that reason, the following claims
42 of the indicator housing 31 abuts an end face of a larger should be studied to determine the true scope and content of
portion 44 of the bore 36. Outer portion 42 ensures that this invention.
indicator housing 31 is fully threadably received Within bore 25 I claim:
36. Moreover, the larger portion 44 provides protection to 1. A universal joint cross member incorporating an end of
the indicator housing 31. As should be appreciated, indicator life indicator comprising:
32 is mounted in a hostile environment beneath a vehicle and a universal joint cross member having four shafts spaced
is subject to a good deal of vibration. The secure mount by 90° relative to each other, and having a central body
ensures that the indicator will be able to survive for the years 30
portion connecting said four shafts;
that it may be in service. an indicator received within said body portion, said indi
The plug 39 is formed of a material that will melt at a cator being movable between an actuated and a non
relatively low temperature when compared to the metallic actuated position, said indicator being in a position
components forming the remainder of the universal joint. As 35 where an operator will be able to see said indicator
the universal joint 20 begins to approach the end of its useful when said indicator is in said actuated position, and
life, the needle bearings within the bearings 28 will also said indicator being maintained in a less visible posi
begin to fail. This will cause the cross member 22 to reach tion when in said non-actuated position, and there
higher temperatures than would be expected under normal being a member formed of a material selected to melt
operation of the universal joint. The plug 39 is designed such 40 at a design temperature, preventing said indicator from
that it will melt at a temperature that is above the highest moving from said non-actuated position to said actu
expected normal temperature for the cross member 22, but ated position until said body rmches said design
that is still below a temperature that would cause damage to temperature, said member further obstructing view of
the components of the universal joint 20, or that could result said indicator when said indicator is in said non
in failure or seizure of those components. As shown in FIG. actuated position; and
3, the plug 39 is formed at an outer end of a central bore 45 said member is a plug positioned within an indicator
of the housing 31. housing and holding said indicator within said housing,
As shown in FIG. 4, the plug 39 has melted, and the piston said plug melting at said design temperature to allow
34 now extends outwardly of the bore 45. The spring 35 has said indicator to move to said actuated position where
biased the piston 34 outwardly. An operator will now be able 50 said indicator extends outwardly of said housing.
to visually inspect the universal joint 20, and immediately 2. A universal joint as recited in claim 1, wherein a spring
determine that the universal joint is approaching the end of biases said indicator outwardly of said housing and against
its useful life, and that the bearings or other components said plug.
should be replaced or inspected. 3. A universal joint as recited in claim 2, wherein said
As also shown in FIG. 4, the ring portion 38 of piston 34 55 housing is threadably received within a bore in said cross
abuts an end face 48 of the housing 31, preventing further member.
outward movement. A lubricant groove 50 is formed within 4. A universal joint as recited in claim 3, wherein said
the center of the cross member 22, and extends to each of the housing includes a smaller diameter portion threadably
axles 23. received within a smaller bore portion in said cross member,
As also shown, enlarged portion 42 of the housing 31 and said housing also includes an enlarged portion abutting
merges into a ?nal outer portion 52. The ?nal outer portion an end face of a bore in said cross member to properly mount
can be seen in FIG. 4 extending outwardly of the outer bore said housing relative to said cross member.
portion 44. Outer portion 52 of the housing 31 can be seen 5. A universal joint as recited in claim 1, wherein said
to extend the piston 34 further outwardly away from an end indicator is mounted at a generally central axis of said cross
face of the cross member 22. It must be remembered that the 65 member equally spaced from each of said four shafts.
universal joint 20 is mounted beneath a vehicle, and thus 6. A universal joint as recited in claim 1, wherein said
may be encrusted with mud, salt, etc. Moving the piston 34 design temperature is between 140° F. and 200° F.
5 6
7. A universal joint as recited in claim 6, wherein said monitoring said universal joint to visually determine
design temperature is between 140° F. and 175° F. whether said indicator has moved to said actuated
8. A universal joint as recited in claim 7, wherein said position, and servicing said universal joint when said
design temperature is between 150° F. and 155° F. indicator has moved to said actuated position.
9. Auniversal joint as recited in claim 8, wherein said bore 12. A universal joint comprising:
in said cross member includes an enlarged portion leading a cross member having four shafts spaced by 90° relative
into a threaded smaller portion, said housing including an to each other, and a central body portion connecting
enlarged portion received in said enlarged portion of said said four shafts;
bore and a smaller portion received in said smaller portion a pair of yokes, with each of said yokes being connected
of said bore. 10
to two of said shafts;
10. A universal joint as recited in claim 9, wherein said
enlarged portion of said housing extends axially outwardly an indicator received within said cross member, said
of said enlarged portion of said bore. indicator movable between an actuated position and a
11. A method of providing an indication of the condition non-actuated position and being operable to provide a
of a universal joint comprising the steps of: visual indication when said body portion exceeds a
design temperature by said indicator moving from said
providing a cross member having four shafts; non-actuated position to said actuated position, said
mounting bearing in each of said four shafts; design temperature being selected to be above a normal
mounting two yokes, with each of said yoke being operational temperature for said cross member; and
received on two of said shafts; a member formed of a material that melts at said design
providing a temperature indicator in said cross member, temperature, said member holding said indicator in said
said temperature indicator having an indicator member non-actuated position and further obstructing visual
movable between a non-actuated position to an actu view of said indicator until said design temperature is
ated position and further having a temperature reached.
sensitive inhibiting member for inhibiting movement of 25 13. A universal joint as recited in claim 12, wherein said
said indicator member from said non-actuated position indicator comprises an indicator piston received within an
to said actuated position, where said inhibiting member indicator housing, and wherein said member comprises a
is further adapted to obstruct visual view of said plug, said plug being received at an outer end of a bore of
indicator member when said indicator member is main said indicator housing and said indicator piston being slid
tained in said non-actuated position, and where when 30 able within said bore.
said cross member reaches a design temperature, said 14. A universal joint as recited in claim 13, wherein a
design temperature being selected to be above a normal spring biases said indicator piston outwardly of said body.
operating temperature expected for said cross member, 15. A universal joint as recited in claim 12, wherein said
such that when said cross member reaches said design design temperature is between 140° F. and 200° F.
temperature it can be expected that the universal joint 35 16. A universal joint as recited in claim 15, wherein said
is reaching the end of its useful life, said inhibiting design temperature is between 140° F and 175° F.
member ceases inhibiting said indicator and said indi 17. A universal joint as recited in claim 16, wherein said
cator moves from said non-actuated to said actuated design temperature is between 150° F. and 155° F.
position and thereby said inhibiting member further
ceases visually obstructing said indicator member; and * * * * *