Implementing The Curriculum: The Teacher As Curriculum Implementer and Manager

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My FS Learning Episode Overview

The episode explores the process of curriculum implementation. It

allows the students to categorize the changes made in the curriculum. It
also elaborates on the different changes happening in the curriculum.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

 define the curriculum implementation/change

 elaborate on the different categories of curriculum changes
 analyze the different changes in the curriculum at the present time

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

 quality of my observations and documentation,
 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

Changes is inevitable in curriculum development. To be relevant, we

need to change, a change for the better. This can be obviously seen
through effective implementation. What is curriculum implementation?
Let us look into the different definitions.

Teaching what has

been written in the
lesson plan.
Implementing means
Curriculum using the plan as
implementation guide to engage the
means putting into learners in the
practice the written teacher-learning
curriculum that has SADC Classr process
been designed in MoE oom It involves the
syllabi, course Africa Conte different strategies
studies, curricular of teaching with the
guides and , xt support of
subjects. 2000 instructional

Ornst other Curriculum

Shift from what is ein meani implementation
current to a new or and ng means putting the
enhanced curriculum into
Hunsk of operation with the
Change requires ins, curric different
efforts hence goals 1998 ulum implementing
should be agents. It takes place
achievable. in a class, a school, a
district, etc. it
requires time,
money, personal
interaction, personal
contacts and support.
My Map

1. Interview administrators/
students about changes in
the curriculum. 4. Prepar
e your

2. Get samples of 3. Answer

the different the
curriculum question,
changes in the “why do
schools you will you need
visit. to change

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Interview teachers, administrators and students. What changes are

happening in the curriculum?

We are now we The k to 12
are the one who programs is the
present it in the part of student and
class and the teacher. If using
teacher is only multimedia
guiding us. technology.

s s Changing a
The teacher curriculum is a
instructional particular syllabus
materials are it or updating it or
was innovated using a different
into a more teaching strategy.
progressive one.

Activity These are the categories of curriculum change.

2 Get samples / situations for these categories from the school you
Categories of Curriculum Change Situation / Samples
1. Substitution The basic education curriculum is
Replace the present with a new replaced by the k to 12 curriculum.
if a child did not attend kinder
2. Alteration garden he/she will not accepted in
Introduce minor changes or grade 1, there is a need her/him to
modification on the current one. attend kinder garden.

The k to 12 curriculum have a

3. Resctructing special skills and ready to get a job
Introduce major modification of through this k to 12 curriculum.
the current curriculum.

The students collaboration to each

4. Perturbation other to have an interaction for every
Changes happen within a fairly students.
short time.

5. Value Orientation Stakeholders are involved to carry

Respond to shift in emphasis out the vision 7 and mission of the
within the vision / mission of the school.


Answer the question briefly. Why do we need to change the

curriculum from time to time?
Activity 3

We need to change the curriculum from time to time To give them

the opportunities to experience the important of the curriculum in their

Learning Get one (1) clipping from newspaper or from an internet

source about the current trends and issues in education.

Portfolio Paste it on this page. Write your insights about the article
on this page.

The above assumptions has given rise to a tendency for CMC scholarship to follow in the wake
of the latest popular technologies, in an attempt to get descriptive fix on their affordances and
emergent cultures of use. Consider the rapid popularization of blogging, for example, and the
scholarly attention that it is presently attracting. (Conversely, how many scholars are
researching MOOs anymore?) Yet, although this technology driven agenda may seem justified,
it suffers from a systematic bias: it overestimates the novelty of much CMC, and
underestimates the effects of social forces such as mass popularization, according to which
mundane uses of technologies tend to co-opt their destabilizing potentials over time. Brown
(2000) flagged this process with respect to the commercialization of women’s content on the
World Wide Web several years ago. Could it be that the CMC of chat rooms, web boards, text
messaging on mobile phones, blogs, and such like is also on its way to becoming mundane and
ordinary? If so, how can this trajectory be reconciled with the perception of seemingly endless
technological innovation?

My Insights

As what I’ve read in this current trends & issues in

education I found out that every students are having a advantages
when multimedia appear in technology like home works and
research papers, every users are updated about what happen in the
society, are help to communicates people.
My Learning Rubric

Name of FS Student: Eva M. Penaflor Date Submitted: March 18, 2017

Year & Sec.: III-B Course: BSED



 Defining the curriculum implementation / change
 elaborating on the different categories of curriculum changes and
 Analyzing the different changes in the curriculum at the present

Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs

Episodes 4 3 2 Improvements
All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than
Learning done with tasks were were done half of tasks
Activities outstanding done with high with were done; or
quality; work quality. acceptable most
exceeds quality. objectives
expectations were met but
All Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions/epi questions were questions questions were
sodes were answered were not not answered
answered completely. answered Grammar and
Analysis of completely; in Clear completely. spelling
the learning depth connection Vaguely unsatisfactory.
Episode answers; with theories related to the
thoroughly Grammar and theories
grounded on spelling are Grammar and
theories. superior. spelling
Exemplary acceptable.
grammar and
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements statements are statements are statements are
are profound clear, but not shallow: unclear and
Reflections/ and clear; clearly supported by shallow and
Insights supported by supported by experiences are not
experiences experiences from the supported by
from the from the learning experiences
learning learning episodes. from the
episodes. episodes. learning
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis
incomplete, incomplete, incomplete; questions were
clear, well- clear, well- supporting not answered
Learning organized and organized documentatio Grammar and
Portfolio all supporting; most ns are spelling
documentatio supporting; organized but unsatisfactory
ns are located documentatio are lacking
in sections ns are
clearly available and
designated. logical and
clearly marked
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a Submitted two
of learning before the the deadline day after the days or more
Episode deadline deadline after the
Over-all Score Rating:


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