Implementing The Curriculum: The Teacher As Curriculum Implementer and Manager
Implementing The Curriculum: The Teacher As Curriculum Implementer and Manager
Implementing The Curriculum: The Teacher As Curriculum Implementer and Manager
My FS Learning Episode Overview
My Performance Criteria
My Learning Essentials
1. Interview administrators/
students about changes in
the curriculum. 4. Prepar
e your
My Learning Activities
We are now we The k to 12
are the one who programs is the
present it in the part of student and
class and the teacher. If using
teacher is only multimedia
guiding us. technology.
s s Changing a
The teacher curriculum is a
instructional particular syllabus
materials are it or updating it or
was innovated using a different
into a more teaching strategy.
progressive one.
Portfolio Paste it on this page. Write your insights about the article
on this page.
The above assumptions has given rise to a tendency for CMC scholarship to follow in the wake
of the latest popular technologies, in an attempt to get descriptive fix on their affordances and
emergent cultures of use. Consider the rapid popularization of blogging, for example, and the
scholarly attention that it is presently attracting. (Conversely, how many scholars are
researching MOOs anymore?) Yet, although this technology driven agenda may seem justified,
it suffers from a systematic bias: it overestimates the novelty of much CMC, and
underestimates the effects of social forces such as mass popularization, according to which
mundane uses of technologies tend to co-opt their destabilizing potentials over time. Brown
(2000) flagged this process with respect to the commercialization of women’s content on the
World Wide Web several years ago. Could it be that the CMC of chat rooms, web boards, text
messaging on mobile phones, blogs, and such like is also on its way to becoming mundane and
ordinary? If so, how can this trajectory be reconciled with the perception of seemingly endless
technological innovation?
My Insights
Defining the curriculum implementation / change
elaborating on the different categories of curriculum changes and
Analyzing the different changes in the curriculum at the present