Fixture Design For Exciters
Fixture Design For Exciters
Fixture Design For Exciters
2.1. GENERAL 2
Some General Rules for Fixtures 4
Beams 5
Plates 5
Stretching Resonance 7
The design and construction of fixtures can be a very complicated undertaking, as a look
at some of the literature will show. Some firms and research organizations keep a full-
time staff of qualified engineers occupied w i t h nothing but designing fixtures. Indeed,
w h e n the test involves a large airborne radar unit w h i c h must be tested at several g in
the frequency range from 10 to 2 0 0 0 Hz, the design of the pertinent fixture is a job for
an expert.
However, we have found that many of our customers have neither the staff nor the expe
rience for this kind of work, and quite often only need a simple general purpose fixture
to handle all their testing needs.
This Application Note is intended as a practical construction guide for those customers
w h o have purchased a B & K vibration exciter and are faced w i t h the problem of building
a vibration fixture for it. It is not meant to be a comprehensive study of fixture design,
w h i c h would indeed fill quite a large volume. A bibliography of fixture and related litera
ture is given in the last section for further study.
2 . 1 . GENERAL
The basic idea w i t h any fixture is that it should transmit uniformly the forces produced
by the vibration exciter to the test object. It is generally impossible to fix a test object di
rectly to the shaker table itself, and the fixture acts as a transition piece between the
In B & K vibration exciters, the force from the driver coil is transmitted via the skeleton
to the four mounting holes at each corner of the table. The object to be tested usually
has a number of finite points (feet, mounting brackets, screw holes) w h e r e the force is
to be applied, the idea being to duplicate as nearly as possible the force input experi
enced in service. Between the table and the test object is the fixture. In order to get the
most out of the vibration exciter, this fixture should carry the force from the four m o u n
ting holes in the table to the mounting points on the test object w i t h a m i n i m u m of loss
and distortion. In other words the fixture should be as rigid as possible. This is condition
number one in fixture design.
The acceleration level possible w i t h the vibration exciter is inversely proportional to the
total mass it has to drive, therefore the fixture should be as light as possible. This is con
dition number t w o . An ideal fixture, t h e n , would have infinite stiffness at all frequencies
and zero mass, and it is this paradox which is the basis of fixture design.
Although a fixturing problem may seem very complicated, in fact many of the design par
ameters are determined before-hand. The weight, for instance, is limited by the weight
of the test object and the force available from the exciter. The shape is determined in
part by the fact that it has to fit the exciter table at its bottom surface and the test object
at one of its other surfaces. Finally, the test conditions impose restrictions on the fix
ture. A typical test specification calls for testing to 2 0 0 0 Hz w i t h no fixture resonances
below 1 0 0 0 Hz and an allowable variation in vibration levels between 1 and 2 kHz of not
more than 2 ; 1 between any pair of points on the table.
The ratio of Young's Modulus to density (E/p) is a controlling factor for the natural fre
quency of a construction, and since this ratio is roughly the same for steel, aluminum
and magnesium, the choice of material will not greatly affect the natural frequency of
the fixture. It w i l l , however, in the case of steel, affect the weight, and in the case of
magnesium, the cost. Table 2.1 compares the E, p and E/p of the three metals. Tita
nium, used in B & K accelerometers, is included for comparison.
There are numerous ways to fabricate a fixture; among t h e m , machining the fixture out
of one solid piece of material, casting, bolting together several pieces to form an assem
bly, building up an assembly by laminating strips of material together, and welding.
Steel Aluminum Magnesium Titanium
2 10
Young's Modulus (E) N/m 20,7 x 1CH0 6,9 x 1010 4,14 x 1 0 10,7 x 1010
Density (p) kg/m 7840 2770 1800 4510
E/p N m/kg 2,65 x 107 2,49 x 107 2,3 x 107 2,38 x 10
Machining. Machining from solid stock usually yields a good fixture because there are
no joints to work loose or bolts w h i c h act as springs at high frequencies. It is also a sim
ple, easy method of construction and is often used for small test items such as electrical
connectors or electronic components. However, for larger fixtures it would be expensive
and wasteful to machine from solid stock.
Bolting. Bolted fixtures are not recommended. Although it is a simple way to assemble a
fixture, it can produce a lot of trouble later o n , w i t h bolts working loose under vibration.
Furthermore a bolted connection is not as rigid as a welded connection and is usually
considered as a pin connection rather than a fixed connection w h e n designing.
The beam in Fig.2.1a is simply supported and that in Fig.2.1b is fixed at both ends. The
ratio of the frequencies of the t w o beams is 2,3. This is, in effect, the advantage to be
gained by welding instead of bolting.
Laminating. Something can be said for the method of laminating, whereby a fixture is
built up in layers from different materials. This technique has t w o advantages: 1) It can
be done by lab personnel w i t h fairly simple tools, and 2) by alternating layers of rubber
or plastic a highly damped fixture can be built. The disadvantage is that a considerable
amount of time is used in the construction, w h i c h makes it expensive.
Welding. For most fixtures for the B & K interchangeable head exciters, welding is proba
bly the best construction method, both from the point of view of economy and that of per
All seams should be fully welded on at least one side. Spot welds are no more effective
than bolts and should be avoided. After welding and before machining, let the fixture
stand overnight in an oven at 2 5 0 ° C . This w i l l relax some of the stresses induced by
welding. It will also reduce some of the warping.
To compensate for this w a r p i n g , the top plate of the fixture should be made thicker t h a n
the design thickness, then machined down to the design thickness after annealing.
Wooden Fixtures. It should also be noted here that wooden fixtures have been used suc
cessfully at low frequencies and that a reasonable fixture can be made of laminated
w o o d , w h i c h has a high damping coefficient.
1. The easiest and cheapest fixture for the B & K interchangeable head exciters is that
made of welded a l u m i n u m plate.
2. The mating surfaces of the fixture should be machined as flat as possible. If the sur
face is a plate, the fabrication thickness should be greater than the design thickness
as some warping w i l l occur during fabrication which can later be machined off.
3. All seams should be full welded on at least one side. Avoid spot welds and bolts.
4. Attachment bolts from fixture to exciter table should be counter-sunk so that the
stressed length of the bolt is twice the diameter.
6. Make a drilling template to match the threaded holes in the shaker table. This in
sures proper alignment of the bolts.
7. Tighten all the bolts as hard as the limiting torque of the inserts will allow.
The load carrying ability of the material almost never enters into fixture design. This is
because, if the structure is designed so as to avoid resonances, it is over-designed by far
w i t h respect to static or dynamic loading. The resonant frequency then becomes the criti
cal design factor.
f - -^ - -1_ / J T Hz
By breaking the fixture down to a combination of simple elements and assuming a single
degree of freedom system, this formula can be used as the basis for almost all frequency
calculations in fixture design. The trick then comes in deciding what k should be.
2 . 3 . 1 . Beams
This is a fairly common type of configuration. For instance, resonant fatigue specimens
are typically bars of material clamped at one end in a fixture. The k value for a beam is
k = —~- N/m
E = elastic modulus N / m
I = second moment of area m
L = length m
B = a constant based on end conditions, given in Table 4 . 2 .
b = width m
d = thickness of the beam m
p = density k g / m
3 2
fiT /BEI / 12Ebd /Ed ~
co = /— = /—-pr - /— T = / — r = 5 x 10 -o- rad/s
3 3 4 2
ym J mL yi2pbdLL J pL L
which shows that for a rectangular section the resonant frequency is independent of
width. For the above example,
f = — * 5 x 10 x —«■ - 800 x — = 8 0 0 Hz
2 2
2TT L 0,1
2 . 3 . 2 . Plates
Because of the great number of edge conditions and shapes possible there has been a
great deal of work done on plate resonances. A very useful compilation of all this rese
arch has been made by Arthur Leissa and published as a NASA bulletin (see bibliogra
phy). However, anyone using this information is cautioned to read very carefully because
the various authors state their results in slightly different terms and it can be mislead
Most plate formulae are based on the work of W a r b u r t o n , w h o used the Rayleigh-Ritz
method of equating kinetic and potential energy and evolved a formula for resonant fre
For a plate:
4 3
? 7T D o Eh
co = —A A , where D = —- 0
4 2
b ph 12 (1 -v )
Since the use of steel, aluminum or magnesium is assumed for fixtures, this can be sim
plified to
A h -
f = 23,5 x 10 —n2
A, where h and b are in centimeters
4 h
or f = 23,5 x 10 —?- X
minimum ^ Maximum <b, L)
(see Fig.2.3) and A may be found in Table 4 . 3 . This simplification holds true as long as
the following conditions are met:
1. The plate should have uniform thickness, no applied load and h less than 1 / 2 0 of b,
although this last is somewhat flexible.
2. Clamped edges are rigidly restrained. Simply supported edges allow bending at the
support. Free edges have little or no restraint.
3. E/p is approximately 25 x 1 0 N m / k g and v (Poisson's ratio) is 0 , 3 .
Note that the frequency thus obtained is the first mode frequency. For quick estimations
and comparison between alternative designs, a graph of b / L vs. A is given in Table 4 . 4
and a nomograph for computation of f is supplied in Table 4 . 5 . Note also the relation
ships given in Fig.2.4, w h i c h w i l l simplify certain calculations.
Fig.2.4. Frequency relationships of different plates
2 . 3 . 3 . Stretching Resonance
One question w h i c h usually occurs to the novice fixture designer is whether to take into
account the stretching of the fixture as well as the flexing modes of the plates. Gener
ally speaking, the answer is no.
As in most cases, the dimensions of the fixture are pretty much predetermined. The top
surface w i l l measure 4 0 0 mm x 4 0 0 m m . The bottom surface (see Table 4.1) will mea
sure 1 0 0 mm x 1 0 0 m m . If we simply mounted a plate on the shaker table it w o u l d have
to be quite thick and therefore heavy and would obstruct the movement of the table on
the downstroke. If we make the fixture very high, any off-centre weight in the test object
w i l l cause rocking. So we choose a height of 1 0 0 mm as reasonable and set the top
plate atop a 1 0 0 mm cube.
Since the forces in the drive coil are delivered to the mounting points on the table w e
add four diagonal braces such that the forces are led from the mounting points to the far
corners of the table. The layout of the fixture at this point looks like Fig.3.1 .
The top plate area bounded by the diagonals can be approximated by a right isosceles t r i
angle w i t h the equal edges clamped and the remaining edge free (see Fig.3.1). The
clamped edges have a length of 2 8 , 3 cm. To have a resonant frequency above 1 0 0 0 Hz,
the required plate thickness would be given by eq. (1) using A = 1,31 from Table
2 2
1000x b =
1000 x 28,3 =
h = 2. A * 2,60 cm
4 4
23,5 x 10 x X 23,5 x 10 x 1,31
This plate would weigh 1 1,52 kg by itself. In order to reduce this, w e can add another
brace to bisect the angle of the plate. This would allow us to reduce the thickness to
6,5 mm but we will actually make it 12 mm thick. There are t w o reasons for this; 1) If
all the plates are designed for exactly 1 0 0 0 Hz we could get a beating effect w h e n we
near that frequency and may even get resonances around 8 0 0 — 9 0 0 Hz due to the
composite effect of all the plates. It is therefore a good idea to spread the resonant fre
quencies a little. 2) The top plate is the best place to put any " f a t " in because it is here
that the test object is mounted and there w i l l be extra stress induced at the mounting
The fixture now looks like that shown in Fig.3.2. The resonant frequency of the top plate
can be calculated using eq. (1) and the relation given in Fig.2.4.
f 4 x 23,5 x 10 x '—- x 1,31 = 1845 Hz
The side braces are shown in Fig.3.3. For brace (§) the calculations are as follows:
= 16
T '
From Table 4.3
X = 0,39+ 0,96 ( — ) + 0,36 (—) - 4,37
X = 2,09
For a 6 mm thick plate the resonant frequency of brace (§) is given by:
A 0,6
f = 23,5 x 10 x —^ * 2,09 = 1310 Hz
The plate, of course, could have been 4,5 mm thick but 6 mm was a more convenient
size. Fig. 3.4 shows the diagonal brace (A) . The calculations follow:
— - 2,09
X = 0,39 + 0 , 9 6 ( — ) + 0,36 \—\ = 11,45
X = 3,38
f = 23,5 x 10 x —~ 2 x 3,38 = 1091 Hz
3 . 2 . C O N S T R U C T I O N DETAILS
As it is not necessary to have a full 1 0 0 mm cube for a core, a 6 0 mm hole was milled
out after the main parts were welded together. This serves t w o purposes:
The hole is milled all the way through the core to the top plate and a 1 0 - 3 2 UNF
threaded hole is provided in the centre. The accelerometer is mounted upside down at
this point, thus putting the control as close as possible to the test object without being
in the way. 4 channels, each 3 mm square in section, are milled into the base so that
the accelerometer cable can be led out in whatever direction is convenient. It is a good
idea to write the sensitivity on a piece of tape and stick it on the fixture. This saves
looking for the calibration chart w h e n you set up.
The top plate was originally 2 0 mm thick, then after welding and soaking overnight at
2 5 0 ° C was milled down to 12 m m . The bottom surface was ground off to obtain a
smooth mating surface w i t h the shaker table.
Mounting holes can be made in the top surface according to need. At B & K w e made a
series of holes around the edge at 4 0 mm centre-to-centre. Into each hole is fitted an
M 1 0 helicoil. The total weight of the fixture was found to be 7,7 kg.
When all the welding and machining is finished, the fixture should be evaluated before
use, both as a check on the design and construction and as a way of knowing the condi
tions at the table surface during testing.
Fig. 3.5. Setup for fixture evaluation
Fig. 3.5 shows a typical evaluation setup. The fixture is mounted on the Exciter w i t h a
control accelerometer mounted just under the centre of the top plate. The signal from
this accelerometer is fed to the Input of the Exciter Control via the Conditioning Ampli
fier Type 2 6 2 6 . Here the vibration level is set ( 1 0 m / s is a good level for evaluation)
and monitored. The acceleration level is held constant at the centre by a voltage con
trolled amplifier in the Exciter Control.
It is often useful if a "signature" can be made for different parts of the fixture. This is a
plot of the output of the second accelerometer versus frequency and is made by feeding
the output of the second 2 6 2 6 to a level recorder. Such a signature is shown in Fig.3.6
for the fixture designed earlier in this chapter.
The control accelerometer is mounted on the centre of the top plate, while the second ac
celerometer is mounted on the mid-span. In this case the level is the same as the con
trol level throughout most of the frequency range. Just before the first resonance the le
vel creeps up a little so that it is about 3 d B (40%) higher at 1 0 0 0 Hz. The first peak is at
1 1 1 6 Hz. The calculated first peak should be at 1091 Hz, thus there is an error of only
2,2%. A second peak appears at 1 5 5 8 Hz, which does not comply with either of the next
two calculated resonances, but this is to be expected after the first resonance because
of interaction between resonances and anti-resonances.
What is important in evaluating a fixture is to find out what the actual levels are ac
ross the whole table so that if the control is set for a certain level one can be reasonably
sure that no over-testing will occur. A vibration contour map of the fixture can also be
made at the first resonance to see which parts of the fixture have the highest accelera
tion levels at this frequency. Then, if desired these could be damped or changed.
Fig. 3.6. Fixture signature
3.4. T R O U B L E - S H O O T I N G
If it happens that the fixture fails its evaluation for some reason, it is still possible to re
medy it. If a resonance appears at too low a frequency for example, that frequency can
be changed by bonding an extra brace on w i t h epoxy.
If the resonance build-up occurs in such a way that the level is too high near the upper li
mits of the range even though there is no resonance w i t h i n the limits, this can be remed
ied w i t h damping. Say, for example, that the build-up shown in Fig.3.6 should be
brought down to 2 5 % over 1 0 m / s instead of 4 0 % . We could then try to damp the re
sonance d o w n .
We can be reasonably sure that the peak shown corresponds to the resonance frequency
of the diagonal brace. Therefore w e could either add some damping material to this
brace by coating it w i t h a damping paint or paste, or we could fit wooden blocks be
t w e e n all the braces and epoxy them in place.
Fig.3.7 shows a setup for measuring the inertance of the different parts of the fixture. A
small hole is drilled at the point of application and tapped w i t h a 1 0 - 3 2 UNF thread. A
Mini-Shaker Type 4 8 1 0 and Impedance Head Type 8 0 0 1 are mounted at this point. The
Impedance Head measures force and acceleration simultaneously at the same point. The
force signal is used as a feed back signal to hold the force constant. The acceleration sig-
nal is fed to a level recorder via a second conditioning Amplifier Type 2 6 2 6 . A plot of ac
celeration as a function of frequency is thus obtained from which the resonances can be
Fig.3.7. Setup for measurement of inertance
Square Tables
Table Dimensions
Depth of Hole Thread Size Insert Depth
Type A B
Table 4. 1.
Type of Load B
Uniform load
24 ( L - a)
3 4
Distributed load at end 4a a
3 L +
" L2 L3
Load at any point
F (-1)
Point load at end 24 ( w L + P)
plus uniform load 3 wL + 8P
Uniform load
2 4
3 ^ +a2) L
Off-centre load
48^ a23
Table 4.2.
2 2
X X * x*
14 21
5,33 + 3,55 (—) + 5,33 ( — ) > 3,77
I ^ — _ ^ — - ^ 1 1
* Indicates that b / L = 1
Table 4.3.
1. "Vibration and Shock Test Fixture Design", Tustin Institute of Technology, Santa Bar
bara, California, USA, 1 9 7 1 .
8. "Speed of Sound Limits Size of Vibrating Structure", Wayne Tustin, Test Engineer
ing and Management, Sept. 1 9 6 6 .
10. "Impedance Simulation Vibration Test Fixtures for Spacecraft Tests", Terry D. Schar-
t o n . Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. Van Nuys, California, USA*
12. "Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape", Robert D. Blevins. Van Nos-
trand Reinhold Company.
Quite often an article in their publication, "Shock and Vibration B u l l e t i n " , will have infor
mation on the fixturing for a test even though the test itself is the main theme of the arti