Theory of Colored Flame Production
Theory of Colored Flame Production
Theory of Colored Flame Production
The theories and attributes associated with the production of colored flames are presented. Par-
ticular attention is given to flames containing strontium (red), barium (green), sodium (yellow) and
copper (green or blue). Thermal excitation of vaporized neutral atoms, molecules and ions is corre-
lated with the emission of atomic, band and ionic spectra. These spectra are tabulated. The color con-
tribution of C-type chemiluminescence, a non-thermal excitation, is described briefly.
The variability of emitters, emissions and color with the operating flame temperature is discussed
in relation to the thermodynamic properties of the reactants and the products of combustion. These
thermal properties are tabulated. Ionization is shown as a contributor to color degeneration. The use
of an ionization buffer to reduce ionization is explained.
Depending on flame conditions and the metal being used, the influence of halogens on the produc-
tion of color is discussed. The influence is not always beneficial. The flame equilibrium shift caused by
the halogens is described for each of the metals. Metals and anions other than the halides are dis-
cussed in relation to their ability to intensify or suppress emission. The preferred emitters for each of
the metals are listed, and idealistic postulates are presented which apply to the production of color in
a flame.
The information contained in this document represents the opinions of the author and hence should not
be construed to represent the official policy of any other individual or organization.
1. Purpose
a. The purpose of this presentation is to enumerate and discuss the theories and attributes associ-
ated with the production of colored flames.
2. Introduction
a. Ellern[16] states, “… colored flame production is beset with unusual problems. These problems
are caused by the lack of choice in the available color-creating materials, the absorption of
light by the atmosphere, the limits of discrimination by the human eye, and the chemistry and
physics of the processes and substances involved.” To overcome the “lack of choice” problem,
additional color-creating materials can be made available by inorganic, organic and metal-
organic chemical synthesis. In order to evaluate new materials, it is necessary to establish cri-
teria by which the material may be judged.
b. If the chemistry and physics of the processes involved in colored flame production were
known in detail, it would not be difficult to establish the criteria. Because, however, much in-
formation is not available, it is often necessary to judge materials by empirical methods.
Ellern[15] summarized most of the problem when he stated, “With increased and fuller knowl-
edge of the heats of formation, boiling points and dissociation temperatures of reaction prod-
ucts; and with greater insight into the emitting characteristics of gaseous flames and of solid
particles, we should eventually be able to build formulas in a more rational manner. Even so,
compromises are unavoidable. Maximum heat output per unit volume, highest stability, and
lowest volatility of end products (lowest volatility for white light, highest volatility for colored
light), and desirable behavior of original reactants, may not be attainable in one formula”. One
should not interpret this to mean that there is a complete void of knowledge of the chemical
and physical processes related to colored light production. Certain facts and theories are avail-
able which can be used first to describe the process by which a colored flame is produced and
secondly to evaluate and judge the value of new compounds intended for use in colored light
formulations. It is for this purpose that the theories related to colored flame production were
collected, formulated and discussed in this presentation.
the thermal energy of the flame. Ionization and excitation of the neutral atoms may occur
to some degree. From the excited levels of the atom, or molecule, or ion, a reversion takes
place to the ground state - partly by impacts with other species, partly spontaneously by
emission of light. The preceding sequence[2] of events occurs in rapid succession. Figure 1
may help to visualize the entire sequence if strontium chloride is used as the example.
b. Spectrum vs. Emitter
1. Different wavelengths of radiation are emitted whenever different events occur. No useful
radiation (with respect to colored flames) results while the metal or metallic compound is
a solid or liquid. As soon as it is vaporized, useful radiation may result. If the compound
remains as an undissociated vaporized molecule, it produces a band spectrum. When the
temperature is reached that causes the compound to dissociate to vaporized neutral atoms,
a different spectrum results. Neutral atoms produce an atomic spectrum composed of
atomic (arc) lines. When the temperature is increased further to the point that the electron
is completely removed from the influence of the nucleus, the atom is ionized. Ionized at-
oms produce an ionic spectrum composed of ionic (spark) lines.
2. Now that a specific event has been described as being associated with a specific spectrum,
the sequence of events shown in Figure 1 will be reviewed. The solid Sr° metal or SrCl2
molecule is vaporized. The SrCl2 molecule dissociates to SrCl. The gaseous undissociated
SrCl molecules emit a band spectrum. The gaseous neutral atoms of Srº emit an atomic
spectrum. The gaseous neutral Srº atoms are obtained from the vaporization of the neutral
Srº metal or the dissociation of the gaseous SrCl molecule. At this point, one of two things
can happen to the neutral Srº atom. It can be heated until it ionizes, at which time it emits
an ionic spectrum, or it can combine with an anion such as the hydroxide, OH, radical to
form molecular SrOH. This new molecule will emit a band spectrum and will behave like
the SrCl molecules. As long as it remains as an undissociated gaseous molecule, it will
emit a band spectrum. When the temperature is raised, such that the SrOH dissociates into
the neutral Srº atom and the OH radical, the Sr° will once again emit an atomic spectrum.
It should be obvious by now that the entire system is temperature dependent.
3. Up to this point, spectra were discussed in terms of radiation resulting from thermal exci-
tation. When radiation results from non-thermal excitation it is described as one of three
types of chemiluminescence. For purposes of colored pyrotechnic flames, the C-type
c) Dissociation Energy:
1) The energy necessary for the complete separation from each other of the two at-
oms forming a diatomic molecule, or for the removal of an atom or a group of at-
oms from a polyatomic molecule. More exactly, the dissociation energy is the dif-
ference between the energy of the molecule and its dissociation products in their
respective ground states. If, therefore, the actual dissociation process leads to at-
oms (or radicals) in excited states the dissociation energy is the energy needed for
their separation minus the excitation energy. Example of use: Dissociation ener-
gies for various diatomic and polyatomic molecules are listed in Appendix II.
These values in conjunction with the heat of formation and free energy of forma-
tion are used to hypothesize the existence of molecules in a flame. Sodium hy-
dride, for example, has a low dissociation energy and heat of formation and
slightly negative free energy of formation. Conversely, these thermodynamic
characteristics are numerically large for sodium fluoride. Thus, at high tempera-
tures, sodium fluoride would be expected to be stable whereas sodium hydride
would be expected to decompose.
d) Enthalpy = Heat Content, H.
1) Thermodynamic potential defined as
H = E + PV
where E is the internal energy of the system and PV is pressure-volume.
e) Heat of Formation
1) The increase of heat content of the system when one mole of a substance is
formed from its elements. Example of use: Heats of Formation for various com-
pounds are listed in Appendix II. In a manner similar to that described for disso-
X = halogen
Ionized potassium, rubidium and cesium are useful ionization buffers. To prepare efficient
formulations, pyrotechnics must be compounded to form the neutral atoms or molecules in
large amounts. To do this, the approach will vary with the element used to produce the color.
Certain postulates apply which disregard all practical material considerations, such as sensitiv-
ity, stability, hygroscopicity, combustion properties, cost and toxicity. Such postulates that
apply only to the production of color in a flame are:
1. Formulate the composition so that a maximum amount of the preferred emitter is produced
in the flame as a vapor.
2. Adjust the flame operating temperature in relation to the production of the maximum
amount of excited emitter. This requires that the temperature be kept low to reduce ioniza-
tion and that it be kept high enough to produce vaporization and excitation of preferred
species and dissociation of unwanted molecules.
3. Use an ionization buffer to aid in ionization suppression. This is of particular advantage
when the color is the result of the alkali or alkaline earth metals.
1) J. A. Dean, Flame Photometry, McGraw Hill, New York (1960) p 17.
2) Ibid., p 31.
3) Ibid., p 33.
4) Ibid., p 36.
5) Ibid., p 37.
6) Ibid., p 42.
7) Ibid., pp 41 and 107.
8) Ibid., p 104.
9) Ibid., p 166.
10) Ibid., pp 229–230.
11) Ibid., p 236.
12) J. Drowart and P. Goldfinger, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo
Alto, CA, Vol. 13 (1962) p 459.
13) H. Ellern, Modern Pyrotechnics, Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York (1961) p 78.
14) Ibid., p 81.
15) Ibid., p 90.
16) Ibid., p 96.
17) Ibid., pp 97 and 275.
18) A. G. Gaydon, The Spectroscopy of Flames, John Wiley, New York (1957) pp 48–72.
19) Ibid., p 92.
39) Unknown, International Encyclopedia of Chemical Science, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., NY
40) Unknown, The Science of Color, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., NY (1954) pp 227 and 308.
Appendix I
1. Contents
a. Spectra
2. Symbols
λ = wavelength in Angstroms (Å)
I = relative intensity
εν = electron volts
Å = Angstrom
mµ = millimicron = l0 Å
3. References
a) J. A. Dean, Flame Photometry, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
b) A. G. Gaydon, The Spectroscopy of Flames, John Wiley, New York, 1957.
c) P. T. Gilbert, Flame Spectra of the Elements, Bulletin 753-A, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fuller-
ton, CA, 1961.
d) G. R. Harrison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wavelength Tables, John Wiley, New
York, 1956.
e) L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1960.
f) R. W. B. Pearse and A. G. Gaydon, The Identification of Molecular Spectra, John Wiley, New
York, 1963.
4. Discussion of Contents
a. The atomic and ionic spectra were selected from the MIT Wavelength Tables.[d] The elemental
ionization potentials were calculated from the energies listed in Table 2–5 in Pauling.[e] The
electron volt, εν, entry listed with the atomic and ionic spectra is the excitation potential or
energy required to excite that particular line. These energy levels were selected from the MIT
Tables. The band spectra were collected from Pearse,[f] Dean,[a] Gaydon[b] and Gilbert.[c] Data
concerning continuum were selected from Gaydon and Dean.
b. The intensities, I, are eye estimates based on a scale of 10 for the strongest line or band in the
system. Because the values were collected from several sources, the values are very unreliable
Elemental Lithium Ionization Potential 5.39 εν
Atomic Spectrum
λ εν I Ionic Spectrum
6707.8 1.8 10 (None Located)
6103.6 3.9 5
4603.0 4.5 4 Continuum 460 to 320 mµ
3232.6 3.8 3
Elemental Sodium Ionization Potential 5.14 εν
Atomic Spectrum
λ εν I Ionic Spectrum
5895.9 2.1 9 (None Located)
5889.9 2.1 10
5688.2 4.3 — Continuum 602 to 360 mµ
5682.7 4.3 —
3303.0 3.7 4
3302.3 3.7 4
Elemental Rubidium Ionization Potential 4.18 εν
Atomic Spectrum
λ εν I Ionic Spectrum
7947.6 1.6 10 (None Located)
7800.2 1.6 10
6298.6 — 5
4215.6 2.9 8
4201.9 2.9 8
Elemental Cesium Ionization Potential 3.89 εν
Atomic Spectrum
λ εν I Ionic Spectrum
8943.5 1.4 10 (None Located)
8521.1 1.4 10
4593.2 2.7 7
4555.4 2.7 8
Elemental Thallium Ionization Potential 6.11 εν
Atomic Spectrum
λ εν I
5350.5 3.3 10
3775.7 3.3 9
3519.2 4.5 7
3229.8 4.8
2918.3 5.2 2
2767.9 4.5 2
1. Elemental Boron
Elemental Boron Ionization Potential 8.29 εν
Atomic Spectrum Ionic Spectrum
λ εν I λ εν I
2497.7 4.9 5 3451.4 20.9 0.05
2496.8 4.9 4
1. Elemental Copper
Elemental Copper Ionization Potential 7.73 εν
Atomic Spectrum Ionic Spectrum εν
λ εν I λ εν
5220.1 — 4
5218.2 6.2 5 2247.0 15.9
5153.2 6.2 4 2192.3 16.2
5105.5 3.8 4 2136.0 16.2
3274.0 3.8 9
3247.5 3.8 10
Green Region: Large number of weak bands, including a little group of heads be-
tween 5237 and 5228 Å, and heads at 5344, 5313, 5308, 5279 and 5274 Å. Emitter
1. Contents
Thermodynamic and Physical Properties
Carbon, Hydrogen and Gases
2. Symbols
g = gas state
1 = liquid state
c = crystalline state
K = Kelvin
d = decomposes
ΔHf = heat of formation
ΔF = free energy of formation
D = dissociation energy
Heat Dissociation
of Formation Energy Boiling Melting
(kcal/mole) (kcal/mole) Point Point
Species State 298.15 K 0K K K
Cs l 958st 302st
Cs2O c –75.9 763
Cs2O2 c –96.2 d1347m 867m
Cs2O3 c –111.2 d1333m 775m
Cs2O4 c –124.2 d1538m 705m
CsH g +29 41g
CsOH c 545
–126.9 127g
CsF c 1524m 955
–103.5 106g
CsCl c 1573 918
CsBr c –94.3 95 1573 909
CsI c –80.5 78g 1573 894
References: Rossini except as noted by superscript.
Heat Dissociation
of Formation Energy Boiling Melting
(kcal/mole) (kcal/mole) Point Point
Species State 298.15 K 0K K K
Ba 1910st 983st
BaO c –133 124g 2273m 2190
BaO2 c –150
Ba2O c –147
BaH g +52 41g
BaH2 c –41
Ba(OH)2 c –226 681
BaF g –9 69g
BaF2 c –287 1673m 1593
BaCl g +24
BaCl c –111 51g
BaCl2 c –205 1235
BaBr2 c –180 1123
BaI2 c –144 1013
References: Rossini except as noted by superscript.