Vent-Line / In-Line Crimped Metal Flame Arrester: Objective

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SERIES 30000

Vent-Line / In-Line
Crimped Metal Flame Arrester PROTECTOSEAL ®

G Sizes 6" (DN 150) through 12" (DN 300)

G Suitable for use with vapors equivalent to NEC 500
Group D, IEC Group IIA
G Protects against flame propagation in vent lines
G Straight-thru flow pattern minimizes element fouling
G Accurate and consistent element winding
G Low pressure drop, less susceptible to clogging
G Easy inspection and maintenance
G Factory inspected prior to shipment

OBJECTIVE Precision Manufacturing. The crimped metal arrester element

The Protectoseal Series 30000 Vent-Line / In-Line Crimped design allows for flexibility in application. The ability to control
Metal Flame Arrester is designed to be installed in open vent the size of the element openings is the key to prevent the prop-
pipes from storage or processing tanks. The arresters are agation of an external flame sources through the vent opening
used to prevent the propagation of an external flame source and into the tank.
through the vent openings and into the tank. They provide Quality Assurance. Each unit is factory inspected to meet Pro-
maximum air-flow consistent with vapor mixtures such as tectoseal’s high standards prior to shipment.
gasoline and methane (referenced by Group D atmospheres
in the National Electric Code, NEC Article 500, generally PRO-FLOW III® Sizing and Selection Software.
equivalent to International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC Use PRO-FLOW III® to select the correct size unit for pressure
Group IIA). and vacuum relief calculated in accordance with API 2000, NFPA
30 and OSHA 1910.106.
The Series 30000 utilizes wound, crimped 316 Stainless Steel CONSTRUCTION
foil strips to form a heat transfer matrix of uniform triangular A comprehensive range of materials is offered as shown in
cells within the circular element. The unitized crimped metal the chart below. Other materials and features can be furnished
element provides a straight thru flow path, low pressure drop upon request.
and is less susceptible to clogging. The element is mounted Available Options.
between arrester housings that connect to the pipe flanges. ® Material certifications for castings
® Steam jacketing
The arrester elements are removable and interchangeable to
facilitate inspection and maintenance. A clean element may
be inserted during inspection to insure positive flame protec-
Housing & Element
tion at all times. Series Element Housing Winding
When properly mounted in an open pipe line, the Series
30000 Flame Arrester allows vapors to discharge into the at- CS30000 Steel S. S. 316
mosphere and allows air to be drawn into the pipe through the E30000 Aluminum S. S. 316
flame arrester element assembly. These arresters may be F30000 S.S. 316 S. S. 316
mounted within 20' of the end of the open straight vent pipe in Note: Aluminum flanged to mate with 125# ANSI and DIN PN 16 flat face flanges. All
either the vertical or horizontal position. other materials mate with 150# ANSI and DIN PN 16 raised face flanges.

Easy Inspection and Maintenance. The crimped metal ar-
rester element is easily removable and interchangeable for in-
spection, cleaning or replacement.
Sizes Available. 6" (DN 150) through 12" (DN 300). Alu-
minum flanged bodies mate with 125# ANSI flat face flanges
and DIN PN 16 flat face flanges. All other material flanged
bodies mate with 150# raised face flanges and DIN PN 16
raised face flange.
Specifications Series 30000
Vent-Line / In-line Crimped Metal Flame Arrester



DIMENSIONS & ORDERING INFORMATION (Dimensions shown are for reference only, contact Factory for certified drawings.)

Flange Length Width B.C. Dia. Dia. Holes

Cat. No.* K A B D G E N
30006 16" 22" 171⁄ 2" 191⁄ 2" 11" 17⁄ 8" 18
30006DN DN150 559mm 445mm 240mm 285mm 22mm 18
30008 18" 30" 22" 113⁄ 4" 131⁄ 2" 17⁄ 8" 18
30008DN DN200 762mm 559mm 295mm 340mm 22mm 12
30010 10" 377⁄ 8" 251⁄ 4" 141⁄ 4" 16" 11" 12
30010DN DN250 962mm 641mm 355mm- 405mm 26mm 12
30012 12" 377⁄ 8" 281⁄ 2" 17" 19" 11" 12
30012DN DN300 962mm 724mm 410mm 460mm 26mm 12
* Please refer to chart on reverse for the available materials of construction.


Series 18540 Series 7800 Series 4950 Series 830

Pipe-Away Pressure Vacuum Emergency Vent protects tanks Vent Line / In-Line Parallel Plate Combination Pressure / Vacuum
Relief Vent for applications that against rupture or explosion Flame Arrester is designed for Relief Vent & Flame Arrester
require hazardous vapors be resulting from excessive installation in open vent pipe or provides pressure and vacuum
processed into manifolded internal pressure caused by bleed lines from storage or pro- relief as well as protection from
piping and not released into the exposure to fires. cessing tanks. Suitable for NEC propagation of externally intro-
atmosphere Group D (IEC Group IIA) vapors duced flames. Suitable for NEC
Group D (IEC Group IIA) vapors.

Safety Without Compromise
225 Foster Ave., Bensenville, IL 60106-1690
P 630.595.0800 F 630.595.8059
[email protected]

©2009 The Protectoseal Company V-30000/1

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