2 Fallopian Tubes
- Ovulation- secretion of egg
- Egg pass through fallopian tube to uterus to vaginal canal
- Fimbriae- catches egg after it comes out of ovaries
- Ampulla- broadest part
- During ovulation, progesterone secretion increase resulting to the thickening of inner kayers
foe preparation of possible pregnancy.
2 Ovaries
- Ova meaning egg
- Female gonads, produces eggs and dufferent hornones that play important role in reproduction.
- Endocrine that produces diff hormones
- Oocytes- one that produces eggs. 5M. Prior birth; after birth, on 2M. Remain.
200-500k follicles when you are born; drop to 30-40k, specifically 34,000 follicles after birth
- Follicles are vital part of your ovary; One that shelters and protects egg
- Produces prog. Estrogen, relaxin( helps in child birth), and inhibin
- Shelters and protects the egg
Ovaries are connected or anchored by ovarian ligaments to uterus
Suspensory ligaments- ligaments where there are arteries, veins, and nerves pass through.
Broad ligament- anchors and connects reproductive organs to pelvis
Fallopian tubes
- Then goes to fimbriae- catches the egg when it goes out of the ovary
Ampulla- where fertilization occurs
Fallopian Tube- Connected all the way to the uterus
- One responsible transporting egg to the uterus
- Thickening of the layer
- If it doesnt get fertilized it will get out of your system
3 parts
Fundus-top part
Cervix -Narrowest. Almost always closed. Just a little opening during ovulation. Important during
child birth.
- When in labor through inravaginal examination, cervix dilates to 10cm for child birth
- When Mom is about to give birth, cervix is very elastic that can be able to facilitate during child
- Where sperm goes to
Perimetium- outer
Myometrium- responsible for contracting during child birth
Endometrium- inner part. Thickens during ovulation.
- Vaginal canal
- Superior part is connected to
Vulva- external
Vulva Vestibule-utheral and vaginal opening
- Covered by longitudinal fold called labia minora, rounded fold is called Labia Majora
Young females have covering called hymen or mucous membrane
- Hymen easily breaks because of strenuous activity
Clitoris- like your glands penis. Has sensory receptors. Sexual arousal can be felt.
Right and left clitoris
Connection of labia majora on top- mons pubis- Soft and brown, where hair grows
Clinical perinium- between vaginal opening to anus. Can become laserated when giving birth.
- Episiotomy- cutting the perinium for child birth. Midline incision of medio lateral if sideways.
Usual pH of vagina is 3.5-4. If acidic some of the sperms may die. Sperms are alkaline in nature.
- Lymph nodes
- Lymph vessels
Usual temp of sperm to survive is less than normal body temp. 98.6 F or below 37 c.
- Anything below 37 survives,
- pH is 7.2-8
Epididymis connected to vastus deferens
* Corpus cavernosum- dilates and gets filled with blood so you will have erection.
- Morning wood- morning is peak of testosterone production stimulating erection.
* Corpus spongiosum- responsible to keep the urethra open while erected, for urine or sperm to pass
- Pee during erection. Part where penis passes through.
Urine dribbling- comes our in drops. Hurts. Urine cannot pass through (prostate cancer)
Prostate enlargement- common in males 50 and above
Prostate cancer-underuse, overuse, misuse
-production of gametes
Metaphase I
- Homologous pairs line up at the metaphase plate
- Independent assortment
Anaphase I
- Homologous separate to opposite ends of the cell
- Sister chromatids stay together.
Telophase I
- Newly forming cells are haploid
- Non identical sister chromatids but not similar
- Still cleavage formation and cytokinesis i
- Each chromosome has 2 non identical sister chromatids
Prophase II
- Starting cells are the haploid cells made
Metaphase II
- Chromosomes line up in plate
Anaphase II
- Sister chromatid cells separate to opposite ends
Telophase II
- Newly forming gametes are haploid
- 4 haploid with 23 chromosomes each
Come up with 4 gametes that are genetically similar but not the same
Crossing over and independent assortment reason why we look like our parents but not
Indentical- same. Fingerprint are diff.
Meiosis I
Meiotic division I
Meiosis I
Secondary spermatocyte
- Primary oocyte. Will undergo meiosis i. 2 haploid cells
- Primary oocyte(commencing maturation)
- Have one secondary oocyte and first polar body
Mature ovum
One ovum. 3 polar bodies
- Oogenesis. 1 product
During the 5th month. When your reproductive system is being from. Oocyte is already made,
women are usually always naturally prepared.
- Primary oocyte
- Secondary oocyte
- Mature if u start ovulating.
- Thats’s why no pregnancy
Manarchy- first menstural period
- Sometimes ovum gets fertilized at a young age