Answer Key: Student's Book
Answer Key: Student's Book
Answer Key: Student's Book
Answer Key
UNIT 1 Adventure
page 5 7 Possible Answer
I wouldn’t like to go on the trip that Ed went on. It
1 ossible Answers
P seems to me to have been very dangerous. If you want to
I enjoy seeing famous places. / I like adventurous see that part of the world, you can take a holiday there
activities. / I prefer hiking in nature. / I enjoy talking for two or three weeks. I don’t understand why it is so
with the people and getting to know their customs. / important to walk the length of the river.
I like buying things to remind me of the place I’ve
visited. / I like to stay in unusual and exotic places. / page 8
I prefer staying at a nice hotel in the city centre.
Topic Vocabulary
Travel Words from the Text
2 a Advanced Language
f ace up to: accept that a bad situation exists and try to
3 1. His goal was to be the first person to walk along the deal with it
Amazon River from start to finish. face facts: accept the truth, although it is unpleasant
2. He faced dangerous animals, unfriendly people and a face the consequences: accept responsibility for your
hostile environment. actions
3. Some were friendly towards him, while others were
not. Phrasal Verbs
4. He raised about £40,000 for rainforest charities and
made people more aware of the environmental dangers 3 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. c 7. h 8. g
that the Amazon rainforest is facing today.
4 1. give up 5. turn back
4 1. a 2. c 2. Watch out 6. get away
3. ran out of 7. is setting off / is going to set off
5 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 4. got in 8. was taking off
6 . diseases (line 1)
2. mild (line 16)
3. encountered (line 27)
4. frighten (line 32)
5. push (line 40)
1 . far from
1 5. farms TA S K
2. buildings 6. skiing Possible Answers
3. different from 7. need Picture I
4. no people 8. easy 1. What are the people doing? They are travelling in
2 1. False – A train station is not usually a peaceful place. 2. Where are they? They seem to be at a market. It looks
2. True like they are in the Far East.
3. True 3. How would you describe the area? It’s very crowded
and it’s probably quite noisy.
4. False – A train is crowded after all the people get on.
4. How do you think they feel? I suppose they feel hot
5. False – In a lively city everyone goes to bed late. and tired.
6. True Picture II
7. False – The Netherlands is not a hilly country. 1. What are the people doing? They are on a beach.
8. False – A desert is less colourful than a market. It looks like they are on holiday.
2. Where are they? They are at the coast, near the sea.
Maybe they are in Italy.
3. How would you describe the area? The area is sandy
and there are cliffs in the background.
4. How do you think they feel? They probably feel quite
4 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c
5 Possible Answers
1. The police arrived at the scene of the accident.
At first, they didn’t understand who caused the accident.
2. Rob had almost reached the top of the mountain, but
then he gave up.
3. Sophie decided to go swimming in the sea after she had
got up.
4. They ran back to their hotel before it began to rain.
5. Tania sat in the park for about an hour. Finally, she
went home.
6 b, e, d, a, c
Advanced Language
1. At first 2. First
A Narrative
language consolidation
1 1. B 5. D 9. D
2. A 6. A 10. A
3. C 7. B 11. C
4. C 8. C 12. B
1 1. easy 4. well TA S K
2. several things 5. first-aid kit ossible Answers
3. new 6. news report The pictures are similar because they show people using
cameras. The pictures are different because the man in
picture I is using an old-fashioned camera, while the girls
2 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. b in picture II are using the latest digital camera. Picture I
shows a photographer taking a picture of a family while
3 Possible Answers picture II shows the girls taking a picture of themselves.
The following are examples of electronic devices: One difference is that the people in picture I look serious
GPS, a calculator, a DVD recorder, an MP4 player, while the girls in picture II are smiling and having a good
a fax machine, a scanner time. I think that the camera in picture II is more user-
friendly than the one in picture I. The pictures are also
Listening different because picture I is black and white while picture
II is colour.
4 1 They could be in a restaurant, café or on a plane. page 38
2. No, they have never met.
3. They are talking about a Kindle. WRITING
An Informal Letter / E-mail
5 1. True 4. True
2. True 5. True
1 a. 4 b. 1 c. 3 d. 5 e. 2
3. False – Kindle books 6. False – You just push
are usually cheaper the button next to the
than paper books. screen. 2 1. a new mobile phone – paragraph 1
2. Because it’s cool and up to date, and has got great
6 1. B 2. W 3. W 4. B features and lots of applications. – paragraph 2
3. It has got a large screen with a high-quality display. The
7 Possible Answers images and text are clear with strong bright colours. –
paragraph 2
1. I don’t think I’d read more. Reading a Kindle book is
4. She plans to listen to her favourite songs, watch videos
just like reading a paper book.
and to check her e-mails. – paragraph 2
2. I might read more. Reading a Kindle book is cool and
it’s cheaper to buy books for a Kindle.
3 Possible Answers
Adverbs of manner: hopefully, quickly
Adverbs of degree: really, very
4 1. very
2. a bit
3. terribly
4. absolutely
5. really
6. pretty
5 1. really
2. Luckily
3. quickly
4. Unfortunately
5. slightly
6. quite
An Informal E-mail
language consolidation
1 1. amazing
2. innovative
3. instructions
4. complicated
5. accurately
6. quickly
7. Scientists
8. fascinating
9. impressive
10. effective
1 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A
2 Possible Answers
holiday can be organised around a film, such as the
Harry Potter series. Tourists can visit the castle which
was used for Hogwarts School and other locations where
scenes were filmed.
A holiday can be organised around arts and crafts, which
would involve visiting museums and participating in
I don’t really like the idea of culture-based holidays. I see
a holiday as a time to relax, walk around different places
and see all kinds of attractions.
page 42
1 Jackie: b, d, e, f
Clerk: a, c, g
3 Possible Answers
Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?
Tourist: What’s the best way to get to Oxford?
Clerk: It depends. The bus is cheaper than the train,
but it takes longer.
Tourist: How long is the journey?
Clerk: It usually takes about an hour and 20 minutes
by bus. The train takes about an hour.
Tourist: How often do the trains and buses run?
Clerk: Buses leave every 15 minutes while trains leave
every half an hour.
Tourist: How much are the tickets?
Clerk: A return ticket on the bus is £14 if you come
back on the same day. A return ticket on the
train is £22 if you come back on the same day.
Tourist: I see. Alright. I think I’ll take the bus.
Vocabulary GRAMMAR
Words from the Text Modals / Modal Perfects
3 Th
e verb is formed with have and the past participle
1 1. True and the context of the sentence shows that it
2. False – If you’ve met your perfect match, you will happened in the past.
probably get along well.
3. True 1 1. shouldn’t
4. True 2. may
5. False – If a plan has worked out, it has succeeded. 3. could, didn’t have to
6. False – When you tie the knot, you get married. 4. must, mustn’t
7. False – When you want to know someone’s
background, you might ask about his family / past. 2 1. can’t
2. should / ought to
2 1. research 5. relationships 3. have to / must
2. increased 6. doubted 4. should / ought to
3. values 7. plays a role 5. may / might
4. claim 8. date 6. may
7. must
Noun Suffixes
Best title: b
3 1. argument 6. arrangement
3 Possible Answers
2. friendship 7. happiness
1. You should / must wear a helmet.
3. possibility 8. description
2. Could / Can you close the window, please?
4. darkness 9. decision
3. You mustn’t / can’t smoke here.
5. discussion 10. kindness
4. You shouldn’t eat so much junk food.
5. Our team may / might do well.
4 1. arrangement 6. description
6. You needn’t / don’t have to bring any food (to the
2. possibility 7. friendship party).
3. argument 8. darkness 7. You must be hungry.
4. decision 9. discussion 8. That can’t be true.
5. happiness 10. kindness
Advanced Language
Advanced Language
1. should
1. relative 2. relationship 2. had better not
page 47 3. had better
page 49
skills PRACTICE 1
Listening 4 Possible Answers
1. Otherwise, I would have bought the trainers we saw in
1 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b the shop yesterday.
2. His parents must have been furious.
Speaking 3. She could have made more of an effort to stay in touch.
4. She might have heard what we said.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. I shouldn’t have shouted at him.
Topic Vocabulary 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c
Describing People
Connectors of Addition
3 Three of the following: and, also, moreover, in addition
Advanced Language
2 Possible Answers
Student A: In picture 1 there are two girls in a clothes
1. date 4. luck shop. One of the girls is holding a shirt which is on sale.
2. order 5. sight The price tag says that there is a 50% discount on the shirt.
The girls may be talking about the colour and style of the
3. tune shirt and deciding whether to try it on. In picture 2 there
is a couple in a photography shop. They are looking at
2 1. passers-by 5. attached the different cameras. Perhaps they are talking about the
2. makes a difference 6. recognising features of the cameras and deciding which camera to buy.
3. outstanding 7. appreciate The price of the shirt and the way it looks on the girl might
affect her decision.
4. ignored 8. upset
The price of the camera, its size and features may affect the
Verb Collocations couple’s decision.
Student B: I think it’s easier to decide which clothes to buy
because clothes are usually not as expensive as a camera.
3 o business, make money, do one’s best, make an
d Furthermore, you can try the clothes on in the shop and
appointment, make plans, do a favour, make a decision, see if they fit whereas you can’t use the camera before you
do the shopping buy it.
Student B: In picture 3 there is a boy who is shopping
4 1. make a decision online. The boy is holding a credit card so he has probably
2. do … a favour decided what to buy and is now paying for it.
3. did business In picture 4 there is a couple in a shoe shop. The man is
4. done the shopping holding a shoe and they are both looking at it and smiling.
5. make an appointment Perhaps they think the shoe is ugly and old-fashioned.
6. make … money The advantage of shopping online is that it is convenient.
You can sit at home comfortably and do your shopping.
7. do … best
You don’t have to go out in the heat or rain, take a bus, find
8. make plans a parking place or wait in a queue. You can save time. You
can compare prices on the internet and see pictures of the
5 Possible Answers items before deciding what to buy. The disadvantage is that
make arrangements, make one’s bed, make a profit, you don’t actually see the product and the picture may be
do well, do the dishes misleading. In addition, it may not be safe to pay by credit
card on the internet. The advantage of going out to shop is
that it’s fun to go to the shopping centre and walk around.
You can see the product you’re buying and try on clothes
or shoes. The disadvantage is that you have to go out and
it takes time. You may have to take a car and find a parking
space or pay for parking. In addition, it’s more difficult to
compare prices.
Student A: I prefer going to shops because I love going
shopping with my friends and looking at new fashion
GRAMMAR 4 1. They would have noticed him if they had known he was
The Conditionals famous.
2. They wouldn’t have enjoyed it if they had known it was
1. second conditional cheap.
2. first conditional 3. He would have remembered if he had taken a list.
3. third conditional 4. I wouldn’t have bought them if they hadn’t been in
4. first conditional a sale.
Time Clauses 5. She would have studied for her exam if she had had
the future
6. I wouldn’t have found them if my friend hadn’t come
with me.
1 Quiz
1. will … buy, goes 5 1. go, would be
2. liked 2. didn’t offer, won’t find
3. would … get 3. wouldn’t have happened
4. aren’t 1. c 2. a 3. b
Answer Key
1. are Advanced Language
2. may not have / won’t have
3. find Possible Answers
4. would enjoy 1. If I’ve got some extra money, I usually spend it on
2. Most teenagers only buy clothes if they’ve got brand
2 Possible Answers names.
1. If I lost my wallet at the shopping centre, I would go 3. If my friends want to listen to music, they use their
back to all the shops I had visited to look for it. music players.
2. If I couldn’t think of a birthday present for my sister, 4. If you download music illegally, the musicians don’t get
I would ask her. paid for their work.
3. If my favourite computer game were on sale, I would
buy it. 6 1. show 5. hadn’t seen
4. If I discovered a hole in my brand-new shirt, I would 2. will recognise / recognise 6. wouldn’t have begged
take it back to the shop. 3. would be 7. put
5. If I found a hundred euros on the pavement, I would 4. didn’t see 8. will prefer / prefer
put it in my pocket.
6. If I bought something that was on sale the next day, 7 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
I’d return it.
Grammar Review
3 1. If I had chosen a hybrid car, I would have saved a lot of
money on petrol. 8 1. I’d buy these shoes if they were comfortable.
2. My new sweater wouldn’t have lost its shape if I hadn’t 2. After they had compared prices in several shops,
washed it in hot water. they bought a dishwasher.
3. If I had known she wasn’t coming, I wouldn’t have 3. Joshua Bell must have been disappointed.
bought all this food. 4. By December the Christmas sales will have begun.
4. If I hadn’t worn those new high-heeled shoes, I 5. If I hadn’t taken my credit card, I would have paid
wouldn’t have hurt my feet. in cash.
5. I wouldn’t have ruined my iPhone if I hadn’t ordered a 6. I wasn’t able to decide on a birthday present.
cheap charger on the internet. 7. I won’t go shopping unless you come with me.
6. If I had bought that Gucci handbag on sale, I would 8. I haven’t seen Edward for three days.
have paid much less.
1. a 2. c 3. b 1 a. 2 b. 3, 4 c. 1
4 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a language consolidation
5 Possible Answers 1 1. B 5. D 9. B
1. I rarely buy brand names. However, I bought a Nike 2. C 6. A 10. A
baseball cap last week. 3. B 7. C 11. A
2. On the one hand, I enjoy shopping. On the other hand, 4. D 8. A 12. C
I don’t have a lot of time to go shopping.
3. I watch advertisements on television. Nevertheless,
they don’t influence me.
2 1. shopping
2. description
4. I sometimes shop on the internet, but I try not to
make a habit of it. 3. deserted
5. I often buy bargains when I see them, even though I 4. attractions
regret it later. 5. darkness
6. I don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes, 6. bored
although I enjoy shopping. 7. difference
8. latest
6 Possible Answers 9. sensible
1. These bags are the latest style. However, they’re a 10. global
2. You can be sure these shoes are good quality, despite
the fact that they are cheap.
3. He bought a new car even though he couldn’t afford it.
4. The trousers fitted me. Nevertheless, I decided to
return them.
5. In spite of the service being terrible, that shop has got
lots of customers.
A For and Against Essay
The Passive, The Causative
1. It is clear who does the action because the sentence
ends with the words by a white minority.
2. It is not clear who does the action. The sentence does
not indicate who considers rugby a white man’s game.
3. It is clear who does the action because the sentence
ends with the words by Clint Eastwood.
1 1. C 6. A 11. B
2. D 7. B 12. A
3. B 8. C 13. C
4. A 9. D 14. D
5. D 10. A 15. B
2 Possible Answer
I ’d write a script for a science fiction film like Star Wars
because I love this genre. I’d choose Daniel Radcliffe for
the main role.
page 80
1 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a
3 Possible Answer
Student B: W hat’s the matter?
Student A: I really want to go to the late-night film with
all my friends but my parents won’t let me.
It’s not a problem of money because the
tickets are really cheap. What should I do?
Student B: Have you tried talking to them about it?
Student A: Yes, but they just refuse to let me go. They
say it’s too late and that we should go to an
earlier show.
Student B: If I were you, I’d tell them to talk to one of
your friend’s parents about it. Maybe if they
see that other parents agree, they’ll let you go.
Student A: That’s a good idea.
Words from the Text
1 1. rent
2. bother
3. charge
4. queue
5. move
6 The officer explained that they had created a photography Advanced Language
exhibit called Faces of Meth. He told us that they had
photographed people twice – when they had begun using r aise a flag, raise your hand, raise an issue, raise a
an addictive drug called methamphetamine, and then question, raise awareness
again months later. He explained that those pairs of
1. raise your hand
pictures showed how the drug users’ faces had changed
during that time. He said that the addicts all looked 2. raise awareness
terribly ill and many years older. He told us that they were 3. raise a flag
touring the country with those shocking photographs.
He said that they hoped that the exhibit would convince
young people never to try drugs.
3 Possible Answers
food, clothing, shelter, security, freedom
7 1. had signed / were signing 6. was Listening
2. had arrived 7. would succeed
3. had learned 8. felt 4 1. False – The protesters were angry because university
4. didn’t want 9. was leaving fees had been raised by nearly 300 per cent.
5. to go 10. had made 2. False – Forty-three protesters and 12 police officers
were injured.
8 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3. True
4. False – They are fighting to lower fees.
A News Report
1 a. 2 b. 3 c. 1
Phrasal Verbs 4 1. Her website raises money for people who are homeless.
2. eBay, which is used by people in more than 30
3 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a countries, is a popular auction site.
3. I remember the day when I forgot to log out of my
4 1. 1. b, 2. a Facebook page and my mother read it.
2. 1. a, 2. b 4. Seattle is the city where Microsoft and Amazon have
3. 1. b, 2. a their main offices.
5. That’s the girl whose photo we saw on David’s Facebook
page 97 wall!
6. In 1995, when Amazon began operating, it sold only
skills PRACTICE 1 books.
7. My maths teacher, who used to work in high-tech, is
Listening an excellent teacher.
1 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a
Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
o give more information about the subject or object of
the sentence.
4 a, c and d
language consolidation
1 1. privacy 6. Obviously
2. relationships 7. harmful
3. distrust 8. arrangement
4. truthful 9. ridiculous
5. decision 10. confidential
8 . moved
1 5. was made
2. should have been 6. have become
3. had eaten 7. want
4. would be 8. will probably find
9 1. f 2. d 3. e 4. h 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. g
A Biography
language consolidation
1 1. A 5. A 9. A
2. C 6. D 10. D
3. C 7. B 11. B
4. C 8. C 12. B
2 1. has 7. play
2. than 8. similar / common
3. whose 9. which
4. event / occasion 10. removes
5. takes 11. into
6. make 12. in
1 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
2 Possible Answer
I couldn’t manage without using the internet for more
than a day. I’d miss Facebook because I communicate with
all my friends on Facebook and use the applications on it.
page 118
1 Tony: a, b, c, d, g, h, i, j, k
Seller: e, f
2 1. Is it still available?
2. What would you like to know?
3. How long have you had it?
4. Why are you selling it?
5. When can I come and see it?
3 Possible Answers
Student B: I ’m calling about the advert for the
motorbike. Can I ask you a few questions
about it?
Student A: Sure. What would you like to know?
Student B: How much has it been used?
Student A: It’s been used every summer.
Student B: What condition is the bike in?
Student A: It’s got a couple of scratches but otherwise
it’s in good condition.
Student B: Are you the first owner?
Student A: Yes, I bought it new and I’ve had it for three
Student B: How much do you want for it?
Student A: The price is negotiable.
Student B: When can I come and see it?
Student A: You can come this evening. I’ll be home
at 6.00.
1 1. False – The song reminds many Americans of family 1 1. leave the table without permission
memories, but the song is only about Route 66. 2. watching television / they watch television
2. False – It was “one of the first two-lane roads or 3. eat with their fingers
highways” in the USA.
4. she is too tired
3. True – Chief Yellowhorse “sold drinks from a small
5. by bad table manners
stand” on the road.
4. True – It “is now a historic route that thousands of
tourists still travel ... .” 2 1. Fewer families eat meals together, so parents don’t
teach their children good manners.
2 1. More people began to own cars then. 2. Busy work, school and leisure activity timetables make
this difficult.
2. The film was based on real people and places on
3. Families are now making an effort to eat together.
Route 66.
3. They could visit the Grand Canyon and the
Petrified Forest. UNIT 5 page 124
4. Better and faster highways were being used.
5. eight
1 1. At the weekend.
2. They no longer want them.
UNIT 2 page 121 3. At that time of year the weather is fine.
4. They are an opportunity to find a bargain and they are
1 1. b 2. c 3. b a good way to get to know the neighbours and meet
other people in the community.
5. She bought it for £1, but sold it for £32,000.
2 1. False – “I’ve always been a city girl ... .”
2. False – “However, only 10% of the Australian
population lives there.”
2 1. a 2. c
3. True – “So if you go camping in the Outback, make
sure you don’t sleep too close to a river!” UNIT 6 page 125
2 1. A moveable body, a voice and facial expressions. 2 1. False – They wear padded clothing to protect
2. She gets angry.
2. True – “Fans love the excitement that fights add to the
3. Receptionists, nightwatchmen and hospital workers.
4. They believe man-made objects have a spirit which
3. False – There are indoor ice hockey rinks.
lives in harmony with humans.
4. True – They “can begin playing in organised teams by
5. Learning abilities and the ability to speak complex
the age of four.”
5. True – “It’s what makes us Canadian!”
2 1. b 2. c 3. d
UNIT 8 page 127
3 have, has 1 1. a 2. b
result condition
UNIT 4 page 133
They won’t exchange it unless you take the receipt.
result condition
1 1. can / able to 6. must
Second Conditional
2. should / ought to 7. can’t
If I were you, I would wait for the sales.
3. have to / must 8. Could / Would
4. don’t have to / needn’t 9. mustn’t condition result
5. may / might 10. May
Third Conditional
2 base If Emily had met me at the shopping centre,
1 1. should have 4. could have we could / would / might have had lunch together.
2. must have 5. would have
3. may / might have
1 1. third conditional 3. first conditional
2 past particle 2. second conditional
1 1. ought to 4. must
2 1. Present Simple, Future Simple
2. can’t 5. don’t have to
2. Past Simple, would
3. have to 6. could
3. Past Perfect Simple, would, past participle
2 1. should 4. May Time Clauses
2. can 5. were able to
3. might not 6. must not 1. Present Simple 2. Future Simple
3 1. b 2. a
2 1. /HL/ 5. /O/ 2
2. /æ/ 6. /Q/ /b/ /i/ /a/
3. /G/ 7. /CB/ 1. journey 4. delicious 3. search
4. /B/ 8. /C/ 2. arrangements 5. pollution 6. temperature
8. rubbish 7. achieve
3 1. probably
2. deserted
3. crowded
4. mountainous
1 2. hill
5. remote
6. peaceful 2 1. hat 3. ate
2. all 4. harm
4 1. /g/ 2. /h/
3 1. shouldn’t
5 2. is not
/g/ /h/
3. could’ve
1. scenery 3. reservation 4. do not
2. hostile 4. choose
5. husband 4 1. shouldn’t
6. easy 2. isn’t
3. could’ve
UNIT 2 4. do not
1. falls UNIT 5
2. rises
3. falls 1 1. /I/ 2. /H/
4. rises
5. falls 2
/I/ /H/
true woman
juice full
music sugar
too book
/F/ /N/
poverty alone
bother vote
bodyguard grow
problem so
1 1. /B/ 2. /A/
2 1. listen
2. piece
3. decide