Completion, Taking Over and The Taking Over Certificate in Construction - Why Itâ S Important
Completion, Taking Over and The Taking Over Certificate in Construction - Why Itâ S Important
Completion, Taking Over and The Taking Over Certificate in Construction - Why Itâ S Important
May 2017
Taking over is a critical part of any project - it constitutes confirmation that the works have been
satisfactorily completed by the contractor (save for minor defects and outstanding items of works)
and should signify the point that the project has become a revenue generating asset.
What are the key issues for both the employer and the contractor to consider in relation to taking
over the works?
Contracts should clearly specify what needs to be done in order for the works to be accepted by the
employer. Although the specific requirements will depend on the nature of the project, typical
requirements include that the works can be used for their intended purpose (notwithstanding the
existence of minor defects), all tests on completion have been passed and all necessary approvals
for the works to be used have been obtained.
Tests on completion vary depending on the nature of the project. Works with a significant
mechanical and/or electrical component (such as processing plants) will typically only be taken over
if the facility is both physically complete and all mechanical and commissioning tests have been
passed, while power plants usually need to meet specified levels of heat rate (i.e. the efficiency that
the power plant produces energy from a unit of fuel) and output (i.e. the measure of the plant’s
capacity to produce energy).
As it is usual that the works need not be ‘perfect’ in order to be taken over, the form of taking over
certificate should clearly specify the known defects and outstanding works at that time (usually in a
schedule) and require such defects and outstanding works to be completed within a specified time.
This should not be an exhaustive list and the contractor should be under an express obligation to
remedy any subsequent defects which become known from time to time.
This is because such use or occupation of the works by the employer demonstrates adequate
completion of the facility and the employer’s use or occupation of the works may cause damage or
disruption for which it would be unreasonable to hold the contractor liable.
In certain circumstances, it may, unexpectedly, become commercially important for the employer to
undertake commercial activities using the facility (i.e. to accommodate a lucrative order or to hold a
one off event) even though the facility does not satisfy the contractual requirements for it to be
taken over. Regardless of any other consideration, this approach should only be adopted if all legal
consents and approvals for the use or occupation in question have been obtained.
In this situation, the employer could consider circumventing the risk of the whole of the works being
deemed to have been taken over by dividing the works into sections and only taking over particular
sections (but not the entire works). If this approach is not viable (i.e. because the entire works need
to be used or occupied), the employer could consider issuing express qualifications to the effect
that its use of the facility is a temporary measures which should not be deemed to constitute taking
over on account of specified defects or items of incomplete works.
However, we consider that the underlying contract would need to contain specific bespoke drafting
to enable the employer to confidently take this action without the contractor being able to strongly
argue that the works should be deemed to have been taken over.
Perhaps the most important consequence is that, upon take over, the project should have become
a revenue generating asset.
Additionally, possession of and the risk in the works is, upon take over, transferred from the
contractor to the employer. It is therefore vital that the employer ensures that it has adequate
insurance for the works (i.e. in respect of loss of use, damage and destruction) upon the date of
take over as the contractor’s insurance obligations will cease.
If the works are taken over after the contractual time for completion and delay damages have fallen
due, the contractor’s obligation to pay delay damages will cease.
Taking over may also have a significant impact on the performance security under the contract. For
example, the value of the performance bond may be reduced (i.e. by 50 percent) while a
percentage of the retention monies (usually half) may need to be paid to the contractor.
During the defects liability period, the contractor is required to promptly return to the site to remedy
any defects or outstanding works (including those referred to in the taking over certificate).
If the contractor fails to comply with this obligation, the employer should have the express
contractual right to remedy the defect at the contractor’s expense. In this situation, it is important
that the employer can readily recover this cost (i.e. through offsetti≠ng the cost from the retention or
making a call under the performance bond). An alternative would be for the employer to subtract
the value of the defect from the contract price and this will be reflected in the final statement.
Employers typically insert drafting in the contract to clarify that the issue of the final certificate
(following the expiry of the defects liability period) shall not been deemed to constitute acceptance
of the works and that the issue of the final certificate should not absolve the contractor from liability
for latent defects. Contractors, on the other hand, frequently seek to insert drafting to the effect that
the final certificate should release them from further liability regarding the works (other than in
respect of Decennial Liability). Resolution of this issue is frequently determined by the respective
bargaining power of the parties.
It is important that construction contracts contain carefully tailored taking over requirements that
fully address the specific requirements of the project in question and that the works should not be
accepted unless, as a minimum, they can be used for their intended purpose and can therefore
generate revenue.
Al Tamimi & Company’s Construction & Infrastructure team advises on all aspects of construction
law. For further information please contact Scott Lambert ([email protected]) or Euan Lloyd
([email protected]).