I thank all teachers, whose guidance became building block and helped me to
reach this stage of academic life. My sincere thanks to all the scientists of Dairy
Engineering division, Dr.R.K.Kohali, Prof. I.K.Sawhney, Er .S.K.Makker, & Dr. R.L.
Chaudhary and the technical staff Er. S.K.Chaudhary, Er.M.P.Singh, Er.Nayyar,
Er.J.K.Dabas, Mr. S.S. Bhinder, Mrs.Manju, Mr.Pavan Kumar, Staff of dairy
engineering division and experimental dairy.
Token of thanks and appreciation are also due to Gagdish ji, Ramswaroop ji,
Keematilal ji, Parveen ji, Veerender ji, Anil ji, Ramesh ji, Subhash ji, jaibhavan ji and
all the administrative staff of Dairy Engineering Division.
Table. Page
No. No.
Average proximate composition of basundi collected from
2.1 6
different cities of Gujarat
Physico-chemical properties of market samples of basundi
2.2 7
collected from different cities of Gujarat.
Effect of Scraper Blade Speed on the Flow Rate of Initial Milk to
4.1 39
Keep Final Concentration Constant
TS = Total solid
TFSSHE = Thin Film Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
SSHE = Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger
DMB = Dry matter basis
UHT = Ultra High Temperature
RO = Reverse Osmosis
MS = Mild steel
LA = Lactic acid
SS = Stainless steel
SD = Standard deviation
PV = Peroxide value
A = Cm / C
B = Number of blades
vapour fraction
वतर्मान जांच क े तहतबासुqaदh के �नमार्ण क े �लए तीन चर एस- एस - एच- इZ- क� �मता
का पता लगाने के �लए �लया गया थाA पर��ण प्र�क्रया मापदंड� जैसे मास प्रवाह ]
चीनी के प्रक और घूण्
र ग�त का अनु कूलन करने के �लए �कए गएA इस अध्यय म� मास
का प्रवाह 125 ls 200 �कग् / घट
ं ा] चीनी के दो �व�भन्न प्रकऔर खुरचनी ब्लेड ग�त क े
चार स्तर अथार् त् 100] 125] 150 और 175 vkj-ih-,e- का उपयोग �कया गया थाA आसन्न
संरचना �व�ेषण] भौ�तक&रासाय�नक �व�ेषण और संवेद� मूल्यांक के सद
ं भर् म बासुqaदh क�
गुणव�ा का मूल्यांकन �कया गया थA अध्यय संके त दsतs है �क चीनी के दो �व�भन्न प्रक
का शर�र और बनावट पर बहुत कम प्रभाव पड़ है] ले�कन स्वा] रंग और रू पर महत्वपूणर
प्रभ पड़ता हैA अध्ययन h संके त संके त दsतs है �क कारमेल चाशनी का उपयोग करके बनाई
गईZ बासुqaदh म� वां�छत सुखद कारमेल है और अखरोट के स्वाद का स्व और कारमेल रंग
प्रगट A आंकड़े यह भी संके त दsतs है �क चीनी के प्रकार क बासुqaदh के आसन्न संरचना
अथार् नामतः वसा] ,l-,u-,Q-] कुल ठोस] और भौ�तक&रासाय�नक गुण� नामतः अम्लत]
�व�श� गुरुत और दलदलापन पर बहुत कम असर पड़ता हैA चीनी के दो �व�भन्न प्र का
बासुqaदh क� रंग �वशेषताएं पर महत्वपूणर् प्रभाव हैA सफेद �क्रस्ट चीनी बासुqaदh और
कारमेल चाशनी बासुqaदh के �लए अध्ययन क े दौरान प्रा� क� �भन्न �वशेषताएं क्रम इस
प्रक ह� ] एल* 88-21] ए* -2-02 और ch* 12-613] और एल* 76-87] ए* 0-69 और ch* 19-86A
India has emerged as the world’s fastest growing market for milk and milk
products with an annual growth rate of about 3.01%. The country’s milk production
which is mostly rural based, recorded 100.8 million tonnes per annum in 2007
(Khanna, 2007). Out of total milk utilization pattern, indigenous dairy products are
India’s largest selling and most profitable segment after liquid milk accounting for
50% of milk utilization (Pal and Raju, 2007). Traditional Indian Dairy Products are
highly valued in the society as a source of nutrition and are an inseparable part of
wedding ceremonies, feasts, festivals and religious occasions. The flavor of new
millennium is India’s ethnic milk based sweets, desserts and puddings. Many
traditional dairy products particularly khoa based sweets, chhanna and chhanna
based sweets, and paneer have enormous market presence and tremendous
consumer base in India and overseas as well. The other popular indigenous milk
products such as rabri, shrikhand, basundi, palada payasam etc. are region specific
(Dairy India, 2007). As the growth rate of dairy industry in India is growing, the
demands for energy efficient and highly sophisticated mechanized systems are also
growing. Besides higher profitability, traditional dairy products have acquired interest
in large scale production of these products. Therefore the large scale manufacture of
traditional milk products will enable the dairy plant more economically viable due to
their higher profitability and export potential. The GATT agreement from the time it
has come into action facilitates free trade through the opening of potential market. It
is therefore necessary to give top priority to work on design and development of
mechanized systems for manufacture of traditional dairy products.
delicious sweet dish. It is most popular in Maharashtra, Gujarat and parts of
Karnataka and is mainly prepared at home by the housewives on some special
occasions like festivals, weddings etc. and relished due to its rich, caramel, pleasant
and nutty flavor and thick consistency (Pagote, 2003).
under the Indian conditions. Moreover, in modern times, packaging has been
identified as an integral part of processing in the food industry. Exploitation of
combination of some of these areas could be advantageously used to enhance the
shelf-life of the product manufactured.
The demand for efficient and labor saving processing of Basundi in the dairy
industry attracts the application of continuous processing methods. Scraped surface
heat exchanger (SSHE) is the most suitable heat exchanger for handling high
viscosity and heat sensitive products, which tend to foam and foul heat transfer
surface. The commercial large scale production of Basundi with very good sensory
properties has necessitated sincere efforts in the developing suitable equipment for
the manufacture of Basundi. Looking over the performance characteristics of Thin
Film Scraped Heat Exchanger it can also be used for manufacture of Basundi.
Recently three stage SSHE has been designed and fabrication with state of art
technology by incorporating various factors. In order to establish the versatility of the
equipment for the multiple applications in dairy industry, the investigation was
proposed to make feasibility studies on manufacture of Basundi using Three Stage
Review of literature
Generally, whole milk is preferred for the preparation of Basundi. The milk
is kept on open fire in shallow vessel. Then evaporation is continued till to
achieve about two-fold times concentration of milk on slow boiling with
continuous agitation and scrapping to avoid burning. At this stage sugar is to
be added, while cardamom or nutmeg powder and dry fruits are being added
at the stage when desired concentration is reached. The product is then
cooled and served as a special and delicious sweet dish. It can be consumed
as such like kheer or along with specially prepared four-folded chapathi
(Pagote, 2003).
Recently, a traditional method of basundi making has been standardised
and an appropriate technology has been developed to obtain most desirable
organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics for Basundi (Pagote, 2005),
as shown in Fig. 2.1.
Fresh Milk
(Fat/SNF= 0.6; Fat= 5.1%; SNF= 8.5%)
Forewarming of milk
(900 C/ 10 min.)
(~ 2.0X milk solids)
Sugar (5% on the milk basis)
Concentration continued
(~2.5X milk solids)
The cow milk Basundi was reported to contain 10.38% fat, 7.39% protein,
10.88% lactose, 1.39% ash, 14.12% sucrose and 46.83% of total solids (Patel
and Upadhyay, 2003).
Table 2.1: Average Proximate Composition of Basundi Collected from
Different Cities of Gujarat.
Attribute (%) Mean
Ahmedabad Anand Vadodara
It is seen that fat, protein, ash, SNF and fat: SNF ratio of Basundi collected
from three cities were alike, whereas lactose, sucrose and TS contents
differed significantly among the three cities.
Attribute Mean
Ahmedabad Anand Vadodara
These refinements are discussed hereunder.
Membrane processes such as ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis (RO) can
also be advantageously used for the manufacture of concentrated milk
products since they are energy efficient. Alvarez et al. (1979) reported the
application of ultrafiltration in the production of sweetened condensed milk.
The process was beneficial since the product had high calcium to phosphate
ratio and had more available lysine than the conventional SCM.
In future, organized sector may find wide applications of SSHE for direct
conversion of milk into concentrated product in a single pass, or use of
pressurized steam jacketed kettle integrated with packaging system
(Bandyopadhyay and Mathur, 1987). Use of RO as an intermediate process
could also be used as an adjunct with the conventional method for preparing
such products.
SSHEs are most often used for products that are highly viscous in
nature. For evaporation, thin film operation is used where process liquid
moves along the heat transfer surface as a thin film. The greatest advantage
of SSHEs for either heating or cooling is the constant removal of the stagnant
film near the wall and subsequent increase in the heat transfer coefficients
and reduction in fouling at the wall. Investigations were also carried out to find
the type of heat transfer mechanisms occurring in SSHEs during evaporation.
Two types of mechanisms were suggested.
First mechanism was suggested by Kramers et al. (1955). On the basis
of studies conducted it was concluded that heat transfer takes place by
conduction across the vapour films combined with evaporation of the more
volatile component at the surface of the film. During evaporation of liquid film
in the SSHE, force of gravity, internal friction, and peripheral forces are the
principal forces created by rotation and acting on the film.
The second mechanism explaining that heat transfer takes place due
to vapour bubbles formation at heat transfer surface and at overheated spots
inside the film was given by Ziolkowski and Skoczylas (1965). On the basis of
trials conducted, the workers observed that the liquid film which is the
resultant of forces of internal friction, gravitational force and the peripheral
forces, is affected by formation and release of vapour bubbles and is
expected at higher values of specific heat flux and with turbulent flow of film.
U 0 = 620.083 – 2.181 (E) – 32.313 (S)+ 585.562 (V c )+ 133.336 (B) –
11.67 (∆T) – 0.234 (E)2 + 0.483 (S)2 – 73.616 (V c )2 – 6.293 (B)2 –
0.168 (∆T)2 – 0.246 (E) (S) + 0.641 (E) (V c ) – 0.029 (E) (B) + 0.706
(E)(∆T) + 2.242 (S) (V c ) + 0.758 (S) (B) – 0.21(S) (∆T) – 11.987
(V c )(∆T) – 0.464 (V c ) (∆T) - 0.302 (B) (∆T).
It was inferred that the system could be suitably adopted for continuous
manufacture of indigenous milk products.
1. Milk was concentrated upto 70 % total solid using thin film scraped
surface heat exchanger. The obtained product was browning free.
This inferred that thin film scraped surface heat exchanger could
be successfully used for manufacture of indigenous milk products.
19 ≤ So ≤ 70 %
Number of blades = 4
Vc = 3.558
coefficient decreased rapidly with increasing steam condensing temperature.
In the thin film heat exchangers there are mainly two types of blades
that can be used according to the investigation to be carried out:
1. Straight blades
2. Staggered blades
Kohli et al. (1993) worked on thin film scarped surface heat exchanger
system for the concentration of milk and reported that, staggered blades are
highly advantageous from viewpoint of heat transfer and hydrodynamics. It
caused high turbulence due to more frequent interruption of fluid film by
Alfa Laval (1993) developed Alfa Lavel blend process line for the
production of Bregott spread and for blended products with varying fat content
with the help of scraped surface heat exchanger for blending various
ingredients to produce water in oil emulsion.
blade speed was optimized. It was found that minimum FFA was available in
the product at feed rate of 15 l/ hr, steam pressure of 2.0 Kg / cm2 and with
rotor speed of 175 rpm.
Manufacture of basundi was tried at NDRI using conical process vat and
two-stage thin film SSHE with standardized buffalo milk. Basundi prepared in
conical process vat were good in body and texture, appearance and overall
acceptabiliy for processing time between 80 to 100 min (Ranjeet 2003).The
SSHE was modified for the recirculation of the product from SSHE back to
feeding tank in order to continue heating till desired consistency and olor is
achieved. The various process parameters of SSHE were used for the
manufacture of basundi. The trials indicated that product was getting
concentrated to desired consistency but desired colour required for basundi
could not be obtained. The colour was therefore supplemented by adding
burnt sugar of required concentration.The sensory evaluation reports of the
product indicated no foul smell. The product so obtained gave desired colour
and body and texture.It was also recommended that processing time in
conical process vat can also be reduced by integrating it with SSHE.
Sushanta Kumar et al. (2005) investigated the performance evaluation
of two stage thin film scraped surface heat exchanger for manufacture of khoa
using low fat milk. It was found that good quality khoa can be made raw
buffalo milk having 4% fat. In this study it was observed that due to problem of
scaling, khoa could not be made from raw buffalo milk having fat less than
4%. Milk having 3% fat can also be suitable for manufacture of khoa using
TFSSE if it can be pre- concentrated upto 21 – 24 % TS. The sensory score
of khoa made from TFSSHE was comparable to that made from conventional
method. Water evaporation rate ranges from 48 -55 Kg / m2 / hr. during
manufacture of khoa using raw buffalo milk having fat in the range of 2- 4%. In
this study it was observed that due to problem of scaling water evaporation
rate decreased with decrease in fat percentage.
3.1.6 Instrumentation
3.1.1 Thin film scraped surface heat exchanger
The unit is consisted of three thin film scraped surface heat exchanger
(TFSSHE). All heat exchangers are identical in length, diameter and effective
heating length. The heat exchanger is made from SS 304 shell having 37.6
cm inner diameter, 45.1 cm outer diameter, 0.5 × 10-2 m wall thickness and
136.3 cm length. Each heat exchanger is provided with MS jacket of 41× 10-2
m inner diameter and 100 × 10-2 m length. The jacket of third heat exchanger
is provided with partition at the middle. All the jackets are insulated with glass
wool of thickness 4 × 10-2 m for minimizing the heat losses. All three
TFSSHEs are provided with end covers fabricated from 0.7 × 10-2 m thick SS
304 sheet. Vapour outlet of 23.7 cm diameter was provided on the top of all
the three heat exchanger.
The driven end of the scraper assembly was coupled to a variable speed drive
through flexible coupling. The drive consisted of geared three phase, fan
cooled induction motor. The required speed adjustment was done with the
help of gear units, which are splash-lubricated. With the help of these
PR. GAGE-3, 4
Pneumatic valve
Pressure gauge
Flow meter
Balance tank
arrangements, the rotor speed of first, second stage and third stage TFSSHE
rotors as well as augur speed was adjusted from 20 to 200 rpm.
Make : REMI
Kw : 1.5
Efficiency : 77 %
Reduction gear box : Reduction gear box was used to reduce the
Motor rpm.
A cylindrical SS tank with a capacity of 250 lts was used as the feed
tank. It was connected to the feed pump through a SS pipe. The outlet of the
pump is connected to the first TFSSHE.
Flow of milk through the pump was regulated by varying the speed of
feed pump with the help of frequency controller provided on the control panel.
Make : ABB
Efficiency : 68.0
RPM : 910
Weight : 22 Kg
Amb : 45º c
Steam supply valves are provided at the inlet of each TFSSHE with
following details:
No : 7
Size : 40 mm
Spindle : 13 % CR
3.1.6 Instrumentation
22 Magnetic flow meter
To measure the flow rate of the working fluid, a magnetic flow meter
that works on the Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, which states
that a voltage will be induced in a conductor moving through a magnetic field.
The Rosemount magnetic flow meter specifically designed for food,
beverages and pharmaceutical application. In Rosemount magnetic flow
meter, the output voltage is directly proportional to the liquid velocity, resulting
linear output. Following specification was used:
Accuracy : ± 0.005
Pressure gauges are used to indicate the steam pressure inside the
shell maintained to carry out the present investigation at different locations of
the three stage TFSSHE, with following specifications:
Dial marking : black and white
No of gauges : 5 I / P converter
Input : 4 – 20 mA Transmitters
No : 3
Power : 4 – 20 mA
Voltage : 10 – 30 volts
24 Pneumatic valves
No : 3
Size : 25 mm
Travel : 28 mm
Characteristic : equal
The air pressure indicators are used to indicate the pressure supplied to
the pneumatic valves to regulate the steam pressure in the cylinder shell with
following specifications:
Make : Denvar
The digital panel meter was used to indicate the readings of rpm of all
the three rotors of the three stage TFSSHE unit and had the following
Make : R / R electronics
Supply : 220 V AC
Input : 10 V DC
To monitor the temperature change during the production process at
Basundi, a battery operated digital temperature indicator alongwith probe has
been used.
3.3.1 Milk
3.3.2 Sugar
3.3.3 Dry-fruits
Nuts and dry-fruits were purchased from the local market and used in
(Fat/SNF= 0.6; Fat= 5.1%; SNF= 8.5%)
Preheating of milk
(900 C/ 10 min.)
Partial Concentration
(~ 2.0X milk solids)
Sugar (5% on the milk basis)
Concentration continued
Final concentration
(~2.5X original TS including sugar)
Cooling (~100C)
White crystalline sugar 5% w/w Heating over the heater with
of the initial amount of milk continuous stirring
(Fat/SNF= 0.6; Fat= 5.1%; SNF= 8.5%)
Preheating of milk
Sugar (5% on the milk basis), either
white crystallline sugar or caramellized
Balance Tank sugar syrup solution
Concentration in TFSSHE
Final concentration
(~2.5X original TS including sugar)
Cooling (~100C)
First the buffalo milk is taken, filtered and standardized to a fat: SNF
ratio. It is then preheated to 800C for few seconds.This preheated milk is
mixed with either white crystalline sugar or caramellized sugar syrup solution
in the balance tank. Then the steam valves of the steam header and three
TFTFSSHEs, which were located at the rear side of three stages TFTFSSHE,
are opened manually. The feed pump is then started and flow is varied
between 100-200 kg/hr with the help of electromagnetic flow meter by
controlling the rpm of feed pump from the control panel. The rotor blade
assembly of first and second TFSSHE is switched on and the speed of both
TFSSHE`s are kept between 100 to 175 rpm. Milk is first concentrated in first
stage TFSSHE and then enters into the second stage where it is further
concentrated. The mass flow rate is approximately so adjusted to get the
concentration required in the Basundi. From second stage TFSSHE, the
product formed is collected and cooled to 100C and then dry fruits were added
to it @ 1.5% w/w of the Basundi.
• Initially the raw milk was tested for fat, SNF and total solids (TS) by
using standard methodologies
• The fat content was determined by Gerber method (IS: 1224, 1977).
cool and weighed. The process of heating, cooling and weighing was
repeated till consecutive weights agreed to within 0.5 mg.
c) Sucrose
Sucrose content of Basundi sample was determined as per BIS procedure
(IS: SP-18, 1981) for condensed milk. A well mixed sample of basundi was
accurately weighed (40 g) followed by addition of hot water at 80-900C. The
contents were mixed thoroughly and transferred to a 200 ml measuring flask,
washing it with distilled water at 600C, till the volume was 120 to 150 ml. The
mixture was cooled to room temperature and 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution
was added. Then it was mixed and allowed to stand for 15 min. followed by
neutralization with dilute acetic acid. Then 12.5 ml of zinc acetate solution was
added followed by addition of 12.5 ml potassium ferrocyanide solution. It was
mixed and volume was made to 200 ml mark. Solution was allowed to settle
and filtered. This solution was marked as B1. Fifty ml of B1 solution was
hydrolyzed with 5 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid by heating at 680C for
5 min. Hydrolyzed solution was cooled and neutralized with sodium hydroxide
solution. Then the volume was made up to 100 ml. This solution was marked
as A1. The solution A1 and B1 were diluted to such a concentration that
volume required to react with 10 ml of Fehlings’ solution was between 15 to
50 ml. These solutions were marked as A2 and B2 respectively. These
solutions were filled in the burette and titrated against a mixture of 5 ml each
of Fehling’s- A and Fehling’s- B solutions in boiling conditions using
methylene blue as an indicator. The titre values were noted down to compute
the sucrose content of Basundi sample. The sucrose content of basundi
samples was calculated using following formula:
v 2 = volume in ml of A2 corresponding to 10 ml Fehlings’ solution
d) Solids-not-fat (SNF)
For SNF content of milk aand skim milk samples, they wer tempered at
290C, and determined by using BIS lactometer (IS: 10083, 1982).The
following formula was used for calculating SNF:
a) pH
The pH of basundi samples was determined at 250C by potentiometric method
using a digital pH meter. The electrode assembly was calibrated against pH
7.0 and pH 4.0. Approximately, sample of 100 g was taken in clean 100 ml
beakers and electrode was inserted into the sample. Two to three readings
were taken to eliminate the error.
b) Acidity
Approximately, 10 gm of well mixed sample was weighed into 100 ml
porcelain dish; 10 ml of hot distilled water was added to it followed by addition
of few drops of 0.5% phenolphthalein indicator. Contents were mixed well with
a glass rod and titrated against 0.1 N NaOH with continuous stirring till a faint
pink color persisting for 30 sec. appeared. Average of two consecutive
readings was taken for calculating the acidity. Acidity was expressed as %
lactic acid.
W = weight of basundi sample taken (g).
c) Specific gravity
Specific gravity of basundi sample was determined at 300C using a specific
gravity bottle according to method described by Ling (1956).
d) Viscosity
The viscosity of milk and Basundi samples was dtermined using Contrave’s
RHEOMAT RM-108 E/R viscometer. Viscosity was measured by single point
measurement mode with the following paarameters.
Sample temperature 250C
Time Interval 30 sec
Shear rate 280/S
Measuring system 1, 1
Mode 11
Measuring tube 1 (Ф=32.54 mm)
Measuring bob 1(Ф=30 mm, 1=45 mm)
e) Color Characteristics
Colour characteristics of Basundi were measured by Color Flex instrument.
The Basundi made from fresh standardized buffalo milk have typical
sensory attributes, which depends on the process variables under study, viz.,
type of sugar, rotor rpm, and mass flow rate. The Basundi samples were
subjected for sensory evaluation by a panel of 5-7 judges selected from Dairy
Technology and Dairy Engg. Division. A 100-point descriptive scale was used
(Appendix I) for sensory attributes like Flavour, Body & Texture and Colour &
No. of Blades : 4
Blade Speed : 1.968 m/s (100 rpm), 2.461 m/s ( 125 rpm), 2.953
m/s (150 rpm), 3.445 m/s (175 rpm)
No. of Blades : 4
RPM : 1.968 m/s (100 rpm), 2.461 m/s ( 125 rpm), 2.953
m/s (150 rpm), 3.445 m/s (175 rpm)
2. Physico-chemical analysis
3. Sensory evaluation
The present study is undertaken to explore the potential of three stage TFSSHE
for continuous manufacture of Basundi. Three stage TFSSHE is developed with the
state of the art technology by incorporating many processing features as already
described in the description of the equipment. It is basically developed for continuous
manufacture of Khoa where milk is concentrated in the first stage around 30% TS
and further concentrated to around 60-63% TS in the second stage. In third stage
rotor is having two fixed scraper blades and two skewed blades and is rotated at low
speed in the range of 20-40 rpm. This stage which is having poor thermal efficiency
provides suitable body and texture to the final product. In order to evaluate its
performance for Basundi making third stage of TFSSHE was not used as two stages
were enough to provide required consistency to the product.
The results obtained during the course of investigation are presented and discussed
as follows:
One of the primary objective of the study was to establish a flow rate to get the
final concentration of Basundi 50±1%TS at different scraper blade speed under the
condition that the steam pressure kept constant @1.5 kg/cm2.
With the intension to see the effect of different scraper blade speed in the
TFSSHE viz. 1.968 m/s (100), 2.461 m/s (125), 2.953 m/s (150) and 3.445 m/s (175)
rpm on flow rate of the milk so as to maintain the final concentration of the Basundi
50±1% TS trials have been done. Table 4.1 shows the effect of variation of scraper
blade speed on the mass flow rate for getting fixed concentration of the product .It is
observed from the table that with increase in scraper blade speed the flow rate is to
be increased to get the final product of same concentration i.e. 50±1% TS. As
evident that increase in scraper blade speed increases the rate of heat transfer and
thus evaporation rate at constant steam pressure. In order to compensate increased
heat transfer rate, the mass flow rate is consequently increased to get final product
of fixed concentration. Abhichandani et al. (1985) has also shown the same results.
Table 4.2 shows the sensory score of Basundi with different kind of sugar and
with different scrapper blade speed during manufacture of Basundi.Data indicated
that the type of sugar has very little effect on the body and texture but gave
significant effect on the flavour , colour and appearance and hence the total score.
TABLE 4.1: Effect of Scraper Blade Speed on the Flow Rate of Initial Milk to
Keep Final Concentration Constant
TABLE 4.3: Two sample t-test on sensory attributes of Basundi grouped by
sugar type
The type of sugar has significant effect on the flavour of Basundi. Basundi made by
using caramelized sugar syrup solution has desired caramel and nutty flavour while
the Basundi made by using white crystalline sugar lacks this sensory attribute.The
data obtained from sensory panel were recorded and were statistically analysed
using two sample t-test (table 4.3).It was observed that type of sugar has significant
effect on the flavour.Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup solution
has mean sensory score of 40.756 ± 2.058SD while white crystalline sugar has
mean sensory score of 34.243 ± 1.336SD.
The type of sugar has little effect on the body and texture of Basundi. Basundi
made by using caramelized sugar syrup solution has similar body and texture as
compared to Basundi made by using white crystalline sugar.The data obtained from
sensory panel were recorded and were statistically analysed using two sample t-
test.It was observed that type of sugar has no significant effect on the body and
texture (table 4.3). Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup solution has
mean sensory score of 27.381 ± 3.601SD while white crystalline sugar has mean
sensory score of 25.731 ± 2.232SD.
41 Effect on the colour and appearance:
The type of sugar has pronounced effect on the colour and appearance of
Basundi. Basundi made by using caramelized sugar syrup solution has caramel
colour while Basundi made by using white crystalline sugar has dull white with
greenish tinge colour.The data obtained from sensory panel were recorded and were
statistically analysed using two sample t-test(table 4.3).It was observed that the
colour and appearance of Basundi differ significantily Basundi prepared by using
caramelized sugar syrup solution has mean sensory score of 13.688 ± 2.058SD
while white crystalline sugar has mean sensory score of 11.170 ± 1.336SD.
Table 4.4 shows the proximate composition of Basundi with different kind of
sugar and with different scrapper blade speed during manufacture of Basundi.Data
indicated that the type of sugar has very little effect on the proximate composition
viz. fat, SNF, Sucrose, total solids, of Basundi.
The type of sugar has no effect on the fat percentage of Basundi.The data obtained
from chemical analysis were recorded and were statistically analysed using two
sample t-test (table 4.5). Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup
solution has mean fat% of 13.826 ± 0.112SD while white crystalline sugar has mean
fat% of 13.811 ± 0.149SD.
TABLE 4.4: Effect of type of sugar on proximate composition of Basundi
FAT/SNF ratio
TFSSHE1 TFSSHE2 Fat Sucrose Total Solids
RPM RPM % SNF% % %
100 100 14.13 13.98 23.55 22.55 12.45 13.66 50.13 50.19 0.6 0.62
100 125 13.98 13.65 23.3 22.75 12.97 13.1 50.25 49.5 0.6 0.6
100 150 13.64 13.73 22.36 22.51 14.05 13.89 50.05 50.13 0.61 0.61
100 175 13.7 13.82 22.46 22.66 13.84 13.79 50 50.27 0.61 0.61
125 100 13.62 13.94 21.97 23.23 13.41 13.12 49 50.29 0.62 0.6
125 125 13.82 13.98 23.03 23.3 13.4 13.45 50.25 50.73 0.6 0.6
125 150 13.92 13.82 22.82 22.66 13.76 13.87 50.5 50.35 0.61 0.61
125 175 13.65 13.79 22.75 22.98 13.14 13.46 49.54 50.23 0.6 0.6
150 100 13.81 13.68 22.27 22.8 14.12 13.65 50.2 50.13 0.62 0.6
150 125 13.63 13.74 22.34 22.52 13.53 13.03 49.5 49.29 0.61 0.61
150 150 13.94 13.85 22.85 23.08 13.71 13.32 50.5 50.25 0.61 0.6
150 175 13.9 13.91 23.17 22.44 12.93 13.14 50 49.49 0.6 0.62
175 100 13.78 13.98 22.59 22.92 13.13 13.31 49.5 50.21 0.61 0.61
175 125 13.85 13.68 23.08 22.06 13.07 13.99 50 49.73 0.6 0.62
175 150 13.92 13.79 23.2 22.24 13.9 13.48 50.9 49.51 0.6 0.62
175 175 13.69 13.88 22.08 23.13 13.33 13.18 49.1 50.19 0.62 0.6
*(WCS-White crystalline sugar, CSSS- Caremelized sugar syrup solution)
The type of sugar has no effect on the SNF percentage of Basundi.The data
obtained from chemical analysis were recorded and were statistically analysed using
two sample t-test(table 4.5). Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup
solution has mean SNF% of 22.739 ± 0.353SD while white crystalline sugar has
mean SNF% of 22.739 ± 0.465SD.
43 Effect on the Sucrose%:
The type of sugar has no effect on the sucrose percentage of Basundi.The data
obtained from chemical analysis were recorded and were statistically analysed using
two sample t-test(table 4.5). Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup
solution has mean sucrose% of 13.465 ± 0.313SD while white crystalline sugar has
mean sucrose% of 13.421 ± 0.461SD.
The type of sugar has no significant effect on the total solid percentage of
Basundi.The data obtained from chemical analysis were recorded and were
statistically analysed using two sample t-test (table 4.5). Basundi prepared by using
caramelized sugar syrup solution has mean TS% of 50.031 ± 0.399SD while white
crystalline sugar has mean TS% of 49.964 ± 0.516SD.
The type of sugar has no significant effect on the FAT: SNF ratio of Basundi.The
data obtained from calculation were recorded and were statistically analysed using
two sample t-test (table 4.5). Basundi prepared by using caramelized sugar syrup
solution has mean FAT: SNF ratio of 0.608 ± 0.008SD while white crystalline sugar
has mean FAT: SNF ratio of 0.607 ± 0.008SD.
The table 4.6 shows that the type of sugar does not have any significant effect on the
acidity, specific gravity and viscosity (5% level of significance).
The mean acidity % L.A. for caramelized sugar syrup Basundi was 0.463 ± 0.008 SD
while for white crystalline sugar Basundi it was 0.459 ± 0.011SD.
The mean specific gravity for caramelized sugar syrup Basundi was 1.121 ± 0.006
SD while for white crystalline sugar Basundi it was 1.120 ± 0.005 SD.
The mean viscosity for caramelized sugar syrup Basundi was 149.58 mPa.s ±
64.174 SD while for white crystalline sugar Basundi it was 158.137mPa.s ± 76.338
The colour characteristics of Basundi significantily vary for two types of sugar.The
mean values of L*, a* and b*, so obtained during study for white crystalline sugar
Basundi and the caramelized sugar syrup solution Basundi is given in the table 4.7
Type of Sugar L* a* b*
White crystalline sugar 88.21 -2.02 12.613
Caramelized sugar syrup solution 76.87 0.69 19.86
The table 4.8 shows the values of Fratio obtained while performing the two-way
ANOVA based on the sensory score.
It can be observed from the table 4.8 that the scraper blade speed has a
significant effect on flavour, body & texture & overall acceptability while it does not
have significant effect on the colour and appearance.
Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 has been plotted to see the effect of scraper blade
speed on the flavour score for Basundi prepared by white crystalline sugar (WCS)
and caramelized sugar syrup solution (CSSS), respectively.It can be analysed from
the graph that flavour score significantily started to decrease when the scraper blade
speed increased above 2.953 m/s (150) rpm.The increase in the scraper blade
speed resulted in the development of metallic flavour.The maximum flavour score of
43.9 was obtained by keeping both the scraper blade speed at 2.461 m/s (125) rpm.
40 2nd SSHE rpm
Flavour Score
38 125
37 150
36 175
75 100 125 150 175 200
Flavour Score
2nd SSHE rpm
33 100
75 100 125 150 175 200 175
47 Effect on the Body and texture
Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 has been plotted to see the effect of scraper blade speed
on the body and texture score for Basundi prepared by white crystalline sugar (WCS)
and caramelized sugar syrup solution (CSSS), respectively.It can be analysed from
the graph that body and texture score significantily started to decrease when the
scraper blade speed increased above 2.953 m/s (150) rpm.The increase in the
scraper blade speed resulted in the denaturationof milk protein which resulted in the
powdery body and texture.The maximum sensory score for body and texture was
obtained by keeping both the scraper blade speed at 2.461 m/s (125) rpm.
Sensory Score
27 2nd SSHE
26 rpm
23 150
22 175
75 100 125 150 175 200
1st TFSSHE Blade speed (rpm)
Sensory score
2nd SSHE
28 100
26 125
75 100 125 150 175 200
1st TFSSHE Blade Speed (rpm)
48 Effect on the Colour and Appearance
The scraper blade speed has not any singificant effect on the colour and
appearance of Basundi.
Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6 has been plotted to see the effect of scraper blade
speed on the total sensory score for Basundi prepared by white crystalline sugar
(WCS) and caramelized sugar syrup solution (CSSS), respectively.Summing up all
the sensory attributes and analysing this graph it can be concluded that overall
acceptability significantily started to decrease when the scraper blade speed
increased above 2.953 m/s (150) rpm.The best overall acceptability was obtained by
keeping both the scraper blade speed at 2.461 m/s (125) rpm.
Sensory Score
85 2nd SSHE
80 rpm
70 125
65 150
55 175
75 100 125 150 175 200
1st SSHE Blade speed (rpm)
Sensory Score
85 2nd SSHE
80 rpm
70 125
65 150
60 175
75 100 125 150 175 200
1st TFSSHE Blade Speed (rpm)
The table 4.9 shows the values of Fratio obtained while performing the two-way
ANOVA based on the proximate composition analysis.
Table 4.9: F ratio obtained during statistical analysis (two-way ANOVA, 95%
level of confidence)
TFSSHE1 0.26 0.49 0.21 1.33 0.21 0.59 0.33 2.02 0.23 0.81 3.6825
TFSSHE2 0.36 0.97 0.35 0.43 1.49 0.46 2.55 0.76 0.92 .069 3.6825
It can be observed from the table 4.8 that the scraper blade speeds do not have
any significant effect on the proximate composition of the Basundi.
The table 4.10 shows the values of F ratio obtained while performing the two-way
ANOVA based on the results obtained while performing physico-chemical analysis.
TABLE 4.10 F ratio obtained during statistical analysis (two-way ANOVA, 95%
level of confidence)
TFSSHE1RP .529 1.577 2.89 2.074 2.68 2.96 66.63* 96.75* 3.6825
TFSSHE 2.41 .092 2.6 .101 2.34 .56 59.44* 120.57* 3.6825
It can be observed from the table 4.9 that scraper blade has significant effect
on the viscosity while on other physico-chemical characteristics the effect was not
50 Effect on the viscosity
Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8 has been plotted to see the effect of scraper blade
speed on the viscosity for Basundi prepared by white crystalline sugar (WCS) and
caramelized sugar syrup solution (CSSS), respectively. It can be observed from
these graphs that viscosity increased significantily on increasing the scraper blade
speed.This increase in viscosity is due to the denatuartion of milk protein at high
scraper blade speed.The optimum viscosity was obtained by keeping the scraper
blade speed below 2.953 m/s (150) rpm.
Viscosity mPa.S (180C)
150 125
75 100 125 150 175 200
1st TFSSHE Blade Speed (rpm)
Viscosity, mPa.S (180C)
2nd SSHE
200 rpm
100 150
75 100 125 150 175 200
TABLE 4.12: Comparison based on physico-chemical characteristics
FAT TO SNF RATIO 0.61 0.60
pH 6.57 6.5
It can also be analysed from the table 4.13 that Basundi prepared by
conventional batch process had slightly better body and texture as compared to the
Basundi prepared in TFSSHE.The other sensory attributes like flavour and colour &
appearance was better in slightly better in case of Basundi prepared in TFSSHE.
Flavour(45) 42.01 43.9
Body & Texture (35) 33.5 33
Colour & Appearance(15) 13.5 14
Total score (100) 94.1 95.9
The batch process almost takes an hour to prepare Basundi from 6 kg of milk while
TFSSHE can process 165 kg/hr of milk for preparing Basundi.
The traditional method for Basundi preparation is more time consuming and
energy intensive. Basundi prepared by traditional method has low shelf-life and
poor quality.The demand for efficient and labor saving processing of Basundi in
dairy industry attracts the application of continuous processing methods. The
commercial large scale production of Basundi with very good sensory properties
has necessitated sincere efforts in the developing suitable equipment for
manufacturing Basundi. Scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE) is the most
suitable heat exchanger for handling high viscosity and heat sensitive products,
which tend to foam and foul heat transfer surface. Looking to the performance
characteristics of thin film scraped surface heat exchanger; it can be used for
manufacture of Basundi. Recently three stage TFSSHE has been designed and
fabricated with state of art technology by incorporating various processing
In light of above facts, it was planned to investigate the feasiblity for manufacture of
Basundi using three stage scraped surface heat exchanger. The investigation was
carried out to optmize the various process parameters to get the best quality of
Basundi. There are various process variables of three stage scraped surface heat
exchanger that were elected for designed research project under study for
manufacture of Basundi.The mass flow rate was varied between125 to 200 kg/hr,
two types of sugar were used and four level of scraper blade speed were taken in
first and second stage i.e. 1.968 m/s (100 rpm), 2.461 m/s (125 rpm), 2.953 m/s
(150 rpm) and 3.445 m/s (175 rpm).The third stage SSHE was not used for Basundi
manufacture as two stages gave the product of desired consistency. The quality of
Basundi so produced was evaluated in terms of proximate composition analysis,
physico-chemical analysis and sensory evaluation.
The conclusions of the results obtained from different sets of experiments during
studies are as follows:
3. The scrapper blade speed has significant effect on flow rate as well as
on the quality of Basundi at constant steam pressure and for constant
final product concentration.
5. The process parameter optimization study has indicated that the best
quality Basundi can be produced by keeping following parameters :
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Package/Container Not attractive 1 1.5 2
(05) Dirty/soiled 1 1.5 2
Page 2 of 2
DATA RECORDED DURING STUDY (based on Sensory Evaluation, Proximate composition analysis and physico-chemical analysis)
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DATA RECORDED DURING STUDY (based on Sensory Evaluation, Proximate composition analysis and physico-chemical analysis)
CSSS 100 150 41 28 14 86 13.73 22.51 13.89 50.13 0.61 0.47 6.43 1.125 112.06
CSSS 100 175 39 24 13 79 13.82 22.66 13.79 50.27 0.61 0.46 6.45 1.122 207
CSSS 125 100 43.4 32 14 93.4 13.94 23.23 13.12 50.29 0.6 0.46 6.48 1.111 88.61
CSSS 125 125 43.9 33 14 94.9 13.98 23.3 13.45 50.73 0.6 0.45 6.5 1.121 91.31
CSSS 125 150 42.1 31 14 91.1 13.82 22.66 13.87 50.35 0.61 0.46 6.47 1.12 101.34
CSSS 125 175 38.1 23 14 79.5 13.79 22.98 13.46 50.23 0.6 0.46 6.47 1.125 210
CSSS 150 100 42 30.2 14 90.2 13.68 22.8 13.65 50.13 0.6 0.45 6.51 1.112 101.3
CSSS 150 125 42.5 30.5 13.5 90.5 13.74 22.52 13.03 49.29 0.61 0.47 6.45 1.115 101.34
CSSS 150 150 41.2 28.1 13.5 86.8 13.85 23.08 13.32 50.25 0.6 0.46 6.48 1.119 110.15
CSSS 150 175 38 23.6 14 78.6 13.91 22.44 13.14 49.49 0.62 0.47 6.44 1.115 214
CSSS 175 100 40.5 24.5 14 82 13.98 22.92 13.31 50.21 0.61 0.46 6.42 1.121 188
CSSS 175 125 39.7 24.2 13.5 80.4 13.68 22.06 13.99 49.73 0.62 0.46 6.44 1.129 192.27
CSSS 175 150 39.2 23.5 13.5 79.2 13.79 22.24 13.48 49.51 0.62 0.47 6.41 1.127 221.32
CSSS 175 175 37 23 13 76 13.88 23.13 13.18 50.19 0.6 0.46 6.45 1.116 281
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