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Poster: Public Notice

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1. An appropriate title.
2. Event information
3. Telling when the event be held
4. The venue of the event
5 Carry the name and designation of the issuer of the notice.
6. Mention the date on which it is issued.
7. Word limit.
8. Simple words and easy to understand.
9. Using capital front.
10.Most of Notice using pictures.
Function Structures Features

Prohibition notifies Attention gather Imperative mood

people not to do (optional) (imperative sentence
Information Declarative reference
Caution or warning
warns people to be to alert and engage the viewer 
Not necessarily
careful in handling to challenge and call an audience
Closure (optional) into
sequenced action.
in time
to promote an event
Function Spoken / written
Guidance gives language features
information to people
to do something
appropriately. Header area
Title area
The informational Author's photo and address
notice provides Main area
that could Footer area
be useful for people.
Structure Background

Short Text Elements

Phrases and Active voice
Language Serif font for text and san-serif font for title and Heading
Feature (Optional)

Using a simple statement

There are some pictures that can describe the
content of the message of the poster
It made a simple depend on the theme

Social Function;
to advertising or naming of college or
universities. Some banners are also used as a
media to promote a product, event, or service

Generic Structures:
Value Proposition
Body Copy
Call to Action (CTA)

Language Features:
Use Simple Present Tense
Use simple phrases or statement

-There is picture as a symbol or logo of community
-It usually made in a flag or cloth
-There is a statement as the slogan that shows the

Language Features
Complex information is conveyed in a simple-to-understand
manner through a visual display.
Social Function
Analytical, critical, planning, and creative thinking skills are
Tools for critical and creative thinking
Tools for organizing information
Tools for understanding information and
The organizers are made to be easily edited, revised, and
Tools for depicting knowledge and
Graphic organizers have multiple uses such as planning,
Tools for self-learning
brainstorming, studying, or summarizing.

Most graphic organizers use short words or phrases, or


Generic Structures Characteristics

Titles, headings, and/or labels Contain a collection of information
Specific locations for information Present information visually
Short descriptions (bullets or limited Formed in a short/limited description
sentences) Provide enough spacing

Description Graphic Organizer
Sequence Graphic Organizer
Compare & Contrast Graphic
Cause & Effect Graphic Organizer
Problem &Solution Graphic
a collection of graphic organizers which integrates different media in
simple diagrams: text, images, symbols and schemes.

to present Statistical
Structures; Characteristics; infographic
information Informational
easily. Headline/ title infographic
Clear goals Timeline
Easy to digest infographic
to visualize a set introduction
of complex Compelling narrative Process infographic
Middle/ main
information by infographic Geographic
Unique concept
using images, content infographic
graphs, maps, Creative design Comparison
End/ conclusion Visual focus, not text infographic
and diagrams to
present a Sources and Hierarchical
message in a footnotes infographic
fast and List infographic
This module entitles English for Public Information. Based on its name, this module is
arranged to make us as English learners and also English teachers know and understand on
how to learn and teach English for public Information.  There are some functional texts
included as English text for public information. They are explained as follows;

1. Public notice is written or statement that gives information, instruction or warning to

people. The characteristics of notice are short text (simple words, phrases, or clauses), easy
to understand, written in capital font, and mostly use images/pictures. There are three parts
of generic structure of public notice: attention gather, information, and closure. Language
features of public notice are using imperative mood (imperative sentence), using declarative
reference, and spoken/ written language features. Kinds of notice are command, caution,
information, prohibition, and warning. 

2. Poster is a temporary promotion of an idea, product, or event put up in a public space for
mass consumption. It is a large notice of promotion, idea, product, and event. Characteristics
of poster are using a simple statement, there are some pictures that can describe the
content of the message of the poster, and it made a simple depend on the theme.
 Generic structures of poster are header area, title area, author's photo and address, main
area, footer area, background, and fonts. There are many functions or purposes of poster. It
is usually used to alert and engage the viewer, to challenge and call an audience into
action and to promote an event. Language Features of poster are short text elements,
phrases and active voice, and serif font for text and san-serif font for title and heading

3.  Banner is a large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto, extended on a
crosspiece, and borne in a procession, or suspended in some conspicuous place.
Characteristics of banner are; there is picture as a symbol or logo of community, it usually
made in a flag or cloth, and there is a statement as the slogan that shows the event.
 Generic structures of banner are logo, value proposition, body copy, image, and call to
action (CTA). Some banners are used to advertise and name of college or universities. Some
banners are also used as a media to promote a product, event, or service. Language features
of banner are the use of simple present tense and the use of simple phrases or statements.

4. Graphic organizer, it is about a tool for collecting and presenting information visually that
helps teachers to show and explain relationships and how they relate to their areas. It
represents visual understanding that structures information by organizing significant
elements of a notion or subject in a pattern using labels.
Its primary function is to present information in a concise manner that emphasizes concept
organization and relationships. The generic structures of graphic organizers: titles, headings,
and/or labels, specific locations for information and short descriptions (bullets or limited
sentences). The social functions for using graphic organizers are tools for critical and creative
thinking, tools for organizing information, tools for understanding information and
relationships, tools for depicting knowledge and understanding and tools for self-learning.

5. Infographic, it can be defined as a collection of graphic organizers which integrates different

media in simple diagram. It is a data visualization which presents complex information
rapidly and clearly and includes signs, photos, maps, graphics, and charts.
Infographics are essentially visual representations of information. Characteristics of
infographic are clear goals, easy to digest, compelling narrative, unique concept, creative
design, and visual focus- not text. The structure of an infographic as
follows: Headline,/title; Begninning/ introduction; Middle/ main infographic content; End/
conclusion; and Sources and footnotes. 
Types or language function of infographics are Statistical infographic; Informational
infographic; Timeline infographic; Process infographic; Geographic infographic; Comparison
infographic; Hierarchical infographic; and List infographic. Language Features of infographics
are informative, engaging and accessible.

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