Evidence 7 Video Design A Tourist Route With Cultural and Natural Destinations PDF

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Actividad de proyecto 5

Learning activity 16: Determine the activity to be carried out in natural areas
according to the user's profile.

Design a tourist route with cultural and natural destinations to provide

logical explanations about your profession

The tourist guide program provides the apprentice, in a didactic and precise way,
with the necessary tools to develop quality materials that will allow his or her future
clients to recognize and value the natural spaces of the Colombian geography.
These materials can be of diverse nature, including audiovisual, written and
acoustic resources that recreate and enhance the didactic value of each

By developing this evidence, we seek to rescue the intrinsic value of the natural
landscapes that decorate this beautiful country. Also, the intention is to build
communication through multimedia platforms with other tour guides, in order to
cooperate and improve social skills. Interaction with your partners is essential to
develop reasoning points, to give advices and suggestions.

In order to complete the evidence, the apprentice must:

1. Read the learning material "How to design a tourist route and a guiding script”
in order to have the necessary tools for the elaboration of the evidence.

2. After analyzing the materials content, please read these complementary

materials, to give the apprentice a clear view of how to write a cultural script for
tour guiding. The documents are:

o “10 top tips for museum interpretation”.

o “Writing effective museum text”.

o “Short destinations descriptions”.

3. Choose the two destinations you wrote about in the previous evidence, and add
three cultural and natural destinations in Colombia from the options that your
partners wrote in the forum, which may include museums, natural parks,
archaeological destinations, architecture and important buildings such as
churches, old houses, and towns declared as cultural heritage, include pictures
from the internet as a visual help. Write a description of more than one hundred
words and less than three hundred words about each one of the cultural
destinations you chose. Give reasons to go there with a tour group. You can
write interesting facts, historical data, fun stories, how to get there, dates,
historical characters that were involved in those places. Please, try not to
repeat the destinations your other partners wrote. Use the next grammatical

o Have to / don’t have to.

o Reflexive pronouns.

o Infinite pronouns.

o Adjectives with -ed and -ing

4. Finally, make a video where you create a tour route with all the five descriptions
you have chosen where you include natural and cultural destinations in
Colombia. Use a map to include the route, pictures from the internet about
these cultural places.

5. Send to the instructor the video file in .mp3, .mp4, .mov, or .wma format,
through the virtual learning platform.

Environment required: Virtual Learning Environment.

Materials: computer, internet, training material “How to design a tourist route and a
guiding script”, complementary material “10 top tips for museum interpretation”,
“Writing effective museum text”, “Short destinations descriptions”, glossary and
SENA library.
Evidence 7: Video “Design a tourist route in a cultural environment to provide
logical explanations about your profession”.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the
file is attached.

3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the project guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop
them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

• Proporciona explicaciones, argumentos y explicaciones lógicas sobre aspectos

técnicos de su profesión en un debate.

• Explica claramente su punto de vista sobre un tema técnico de actualidad en su


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