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Repair Appx V3

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# RepairAppx.ps1 - by nidietr@microsoft.

# AppX tool intendeed for troubleshooting purposes only
# This tool is provided AS IS, no support nor warranty of any kind is provided for
its usage.

param (
[string]$action = "repair",
[switch]$force = $false,
[switch]$verbose = $false,
[switch]$no_download = $false,
[switch]$no_change = $false,
[switch]$no_deps = $false

$VERSION = "v1.81"
$global:mainPFNs = @()
$global:userRights = $false
$global:canInstallForAllUsers = $false
$global:allUsersSwitch = "-AllUsers"
$global:repairSucceeded = $false

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.ServiceModel

$BindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic -bor

Type=WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
plicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl,ContentType=WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime
$asTaskGeneric = ([System.WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions].GetMethods() | Where-
Object { $_.Name -eq 'AsTask' -and $_.GetParameters().Count -eq 1 -and
$_.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.Name -eq 'IAsyncOperation`1' })[0]

Function Await($WinRtTask, $ResultType) {

try {
$asTask = $asTaskGeneric.MakeGenericMethod($ResultType)
$netTask = $asTask.Invoke($null, @($WinRtTask))
$netTask.Wait(-1) | Out-Null
catch {
$savedForegroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$savedBackgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black"

"Couldn't look for apps update, check connectivity to the Microsoft Store."
" Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
" Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $savedBackgroundColor
function ShowUsage()
" .\RepairAppx.ps1 -action <Action> <PACKAGE_NAME>"
" Repair Microsoft Photo app:"
" .\RepairAppx.ps1 *Photo*"
" Look for packages binaries corruption:"
" .\RepairAppx.ps1 -action verify *ExperiencePack*"
" Set Calc and its dependencies to modified appmodel state"
" .\RepairAppx.ps1 -action setstate *Calc*"
" List packages that depepnd on .NET Native framework 2.2"
" .\RepairAppx.ps1 -action depends *NET.Native.Runtime.2.2"
" -action <Action>"
" repair - [Default] Try to repair app package(s) and their dependencies
by downloading them again"
" register - Registers app package(s) and dependencies for the current
user but doesn't repair files"
" verify - Verify package(s) consistency by comparing the on-disk files
with package declaration"
" setstate - Sets package(s) and dependencies to modified state, to
prepare downloaing them again"
" resetstate - Clears the modified state of package(s) and dependencies to
get back to normal state"
" config - Shows config settings related to AppStore, GPO and Windows
" depends - List dependees and dependencies of specified main package(s)
or framework(s)"
" queue - List active items in the download queue"
" cancel - Cancels the inprogress download queue"

" update - Scan for updates available to current user"

" updateall - Scan for all updates on local machine (requires admin
" Package(s) name(s) to work on."
" This switch can only be omited for a verify action, where it run on all
packages for all users."
" Note: Wildcards are permitted, but should be used with caution to avoid
repairing many packages at one time"
" [optional settings]"
" -verbose - Used in conjonction to -verify, to output verbose about files
being verified"
" -no_deps - Do not try to repair frameworks / package dependencies"
" -no_change - Only search for available package updates, do not modify any
" -no_check - Do not show configuration settings"
" -no_cancel - Do not cancel the current download queue items"
" -no_download - Avoid trying to to download package files from Windows
" -no_clear - Do not reset package status at the end of a repair operation"
" This tool is provided AS IS, no support nor warranty of any kind is provided
for its usage."

function CheckConfig()
"Checking Store and Windows Update configuration:"

$privatestore = $false
$nostoreaccess = $false

" Current context:"

$winVer = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion")
" - OS`t`t`t`t`t`t`t " + $winVer.ProductName + " " + $winVer.ReleaseId + "
(build " + $winVer.CurrentBuildNumber + ")"
" - UserName `t`t`t`t`t`t " +
" - ComputerName `t`t`t`t`t $env:ComputerName"
" - Security `t`t`t`t`t`t $global:userRights"


" AppManager properties:"

if ($global:canInstallForAllUsers -eq $true) { $val = "Yes" } elseif
($global:canInstallForAllUsers -eq $false) { $val = "No" } else { $val =
$global:canInstallForAllUsers }
if ($global:allUsersSwitch -ne '') { $val += " (will use '$allUsersSwitch')"}
" - CanInstallForAllUsers`t`t`t`t $val"

try {
$val = $appInstallManager.AutoUpdateSetting
catch {
$val = "N/A"
" - AutoUpdateSetting `t`t`t`t`t $val"

try {
if (Await
"CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington,
C=US")) ([bool]))
$nostoreaccess = true
$val = "blocked"
else {
$val = "NOT blocked"
catch {
$val = "N/A"
" - IsStoreBlockedByPolicy`t`t`t`t $val"

" Group Policies:"
$key = "RemoveWindowsStore"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"} else {$msg = "
- $key `t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"} else {$msg += "`t and is
not set in HKCU"}

$key = "RequirePrivateStoreOnly"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"; $privatestore =
$true} else {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"; $privatestore = $true}
else {$msg += "`t and is not set in HKCU"}

$key = "DisableStoreApps"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"; $privatestore
= $true} else {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"; $privatestore = $true}
else {$msg += "`t and is not set in HKCU"}

$key = "NoUseStoreOpenWith"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path
HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ -Name $key -ErrorAction
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"} else {$msg = "
- $key `t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path
HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ -Name $key -ErrorAction
if ($val) {$msg += "`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"} else {$msg += "`t and is
not set in HKCU"}

$key = "AutoDownload"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t `t is set to $($val) in HKLM"} else {$msg =
" - $key `t`t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"} else {$msg += "`t and is
not set in HKCU"}

$key = "SetDisableUXWUAccess"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key `t`t`t`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"} else {$msg = "
- $key `t`t`t`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"} else {$msg += "`t and is
not set in HKCU"}

$key = "DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg = " - $key`t is set to $($val) in HKLM"; $nostoreaccess = true}
else {$msg = " - $key`t is not set in HKLM"}
$val = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\
-Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$key
if ($val) {$msg += "`t`t and is set to $($val) in HKCU"; $nostoreaccess = true}
else {$msg += "`t and is not set in HKCU"}

$MUSM = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"

$val = ($MUSM.Services | Where-Object IsDefaultAUService | Select-Object
" - Default Update Service`t`t`t`t $val"

$val = ($MUSM.Services | Where-Object ServiceId -Match "855e8a7c-ecb4-4ca3-b045-

$response = try { (Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -URI $val
-ErrorAction Stop).BaseRequest } catch { $_.Exception.Response }
" - WU Test ($val) $(if (!@(200, 403) -contains ([int]$response.StatusCode))
{'DOES NOT '; $nostoreaccess = $true})looks reachable ($([int]

if ($privatestore) { "WARNING: You use the private store, please ensure you have
added the apps there for the repair to work."; "" }
if ($nostoreaccess) { "WARNING: Your settings block Windows Update from accessing
internet, the script will likely not be able to re-download apps and fix file
corruptions."; "" }

function CleanupUpdateQueue()
$queuedApps = $appInstallManager.AppInstallItems

"Cancelling any active update:"

if (!$queuedApps.length) { " No installation or update is in the active queue."}
foreach($queuedApp in $queuedApps)
# Do not cancel Store app update to avoid leaving it in an unconsistent state
if ($queuedApp.PackageFamilyName -like '*Microsoft.WindowsStore*') {
"WARNING: The store app is currently being updated. You may have to run again
the script once it will be completed."
else {
" - Cancelling update for $($queuedApp.PackageFamilyName)"

function ListUpdateQueue()
$queuedApps = $appInstallManager.AppInstallItems

"Active update queue:"

if (!$queuedApps.length) { " No installation or update is in the active queue."}
foreach($queuedApp in $queuedApps)
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =
" - $($queuedApp.PackageFamilyName) $currentstate"

function SetPackageToModifiedState()
$packages = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch
-PackageTypeFilter Main $package"
$packageManager = New-Object Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager

"Setting following packages to modified state:"


foreach ($p in $packages)

" - $($p.PackageFullName)"
$global:mainPFNs += $p.PackageFamilyName

if ($no_deps)
" - [No dependencies processing was requested]"
ForEach ($dependencies in (Get-AppxPackageManifest
$dep = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch
-PackageTypeFilter Framework $dependencies"
ForEach ($d in $dep)
" - " + $d.PackageFullName

function ClearPackageFromModifiedState()
$packages = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch
-PackageTypeFilter Main $package"
$packageManager = New-Object Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager

"Resetting state of following packages:"


foreach ($p in $packages)

" - $($p.PackageFullName)"

if ($no_deps)
" - [No dependencies processing was requested]"
ForEach ($dependencies in (Get-AppxPackageManifest
$dep = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch
-PackageTypeFilter Framework $dependencies"
ForEach ($d in $dep)
" - " + $d.PackageFullName

function RegisterPackageAndDeps()
$packages = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch $package"

"Force registering following packages:"

foreach ($p in $packages)
if ($no_deps)
" - [No dependencies processing was requested]"
ForEach ($dependencies in (Get-AppxPackageManifest
$dep = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch
-PackageTypeFilter Framework $dependencies"
ForEach ($d in $dep)
" - " + $d.PackageFullName
$manifestPath = Join-Path -Path $d.InstallLocation -ChildPath
if (Test-Path($manifestPath))
# Masking errors especially for frequent "Deployment failed with
HRESULT: 0x80073D06, The package could not be installed because a higher version of
this package is already installed."
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -ForceApplicationShutdown
-register $manifestPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
else {
" -> Can't find Manifest to register: " + $manifestPath
$manifestPath = Join-Path -Path $p.InstallLocation -ChildPath
if (Test-Path($manifestPath))
Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -ForceApplicationShutdown -register
else {
" -> Can't find Manifest to register: " + $manifestPath

function SearchForPFNUpdates()
$global:ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
$finished = $true

foreach($packageFamilyName in $global:mainPFNs)
"Looking for available Apps Store updates:"

$finished = $true
$appinstalls = Await
if ($appinstalls.Length -eq 0)
"Package Manager didn't return any package to download for this family
foreach($appinstall in $appinstalls)
if ($appinstall.PackageFamilyName)
try { $appstoreaction = "to " +
$appinstall.InstallType) } catch { $appstoreaction = "" }
" - Requesting $($appinstall.PackageFamilyName) $appstoreaction"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
$finished = $false

"Running the update process:"
while (!$finished)
$finished = $true
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =

if (!($status.PercentComplete -eq 100) -and !($status.ErrorCode))

Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -status
("$currentstate $([Math]::Round($status.BytesDownloaded/1024).ToString('N0'))kb ($
($status.PercentComplete)%)") -percentComplete $status.PercentComplete

if ($finished)
$finished = $false
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =

if ($status.PercentComplete -eq 100)

Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status
"Completed" -Completed
" -> $packageFamilyName ended as $currentstate $(if
($status.ReadyForLaunch) {"and reports now to be READY FOR LAUNCH!"} Else {"and is
NOT ready for launch"})"
$global:repairSucceeded = $true
elseif ($status.ErrorCode)
" -> $packageFamilyName failed with Error $status.ErrorCode /
Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status $msg
"The store apps update process ended for $($appinstalls.Length) packages"
$savedForegroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$savedBackgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black"

"Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"

" Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

# "Trying to open the Microsoft Store, please check the ongoing downloads
and try to update it there."
# Invoke-Expression "ms-windows-store://pdp/?PFN=$($global:mainPFN)"

"Going to reset package status to get back to a normal state"
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $savedBackgroundColor
function SearchForAllUpdates()
$global:ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
$finished = $true

"Looking for all available Apps Store updates:"


$appinstalls = Await ($appInstallManager.SearchForAllUpdatesAsync())

if ($appinstalls.Length -eq 0)
"Package Manager didn't return any package to download for the machine!"
foreach($appinstall in $appinstalls)
if ($appinstall.PackageFamilyName)
try { $appstoreaction = "to " +
$appinstall.InstallType) } catch { $appstoreaction = "" }
" - Requesting $($appinstall.PackageFamilyName) $appstoreaction"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
$finished = $false

"Running the update process:"
while (!$finished)
$finished = $true
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =

if (!($status.PercentComplete -eq 100) -and !($status.ErrorCode))

Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -status
("$currentstate $([Math]::Round($status.BytesDownloaded/1024).ToString('N0'))kb ($
($status.PercentComplete)%)") -percentComplete $status.PercentComplete

if ($finished)
$finished = $false
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =
if ($status.PercentComplete -eq 100)
Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status "Completed"
" -> $packageFamilyName ended as $currentstate $(if
($status.ReadyForLaunch) {"and reports now to be READY FOR LAUNCH!"} Else {"and is
NOT ready for launch"})"
$global:repairSucceeded = $true
elseif ($status.ErrorCode)
" -> $packageFamilyName failed with Error $status.ErrorCode /
Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status $msg
"The store apps update process ended for $($appinstalls.Length) packages"
$savedForegroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$savedBackgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black"

"Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"

" Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

# "Trying to open the Microsoft Store, please check the ongoing downloads and
try to update it there."
# Invoke-Expression "ms-windows-store://pdp/?PFN=$($global:mainPFN)"

"Going to reset package status to get back to a normal state"
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $savedBackgroundColor

function ReinstallStore()
try {
$appinstalls = Await ($appInstallManager.StartAppInstallAsync("9WZDNCRFJBMP",
"", $true, $true))
if ($appinstalls.Length -eq 0)
"Package Manager didn't return any package to download for this reinstall"
foreach($appinstall in $appinstalls)
if ($appinstall.PackageFamilyName)
try { $appstoreaction = "to " +
$appinstall.InstallType) } catch { $appstoreaction = "" }
" - Requesting $($appinstall.PackageFamilyName) $appstoreaction"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
$finished = $false

"Running the update process:"
while (!$finished)
$finished = $true
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =

if (!($status.PercentComplete -eq 100) -and !($status.ErrorCode))

Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -status
("$currentstate $([Math]::Round($status.BytesDownloaded/1024).ToString('N0'))kb ($
($status.PercentComplete)%)") -percentComplete $status.PercentComplete

if ($finished)
$finished = $false
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SLEEP_DELAY
for ($index=0; $index -lt $appinstalls.Length; $index++)
$appUpdate = $appinstalls[$index]
$packageFamilyName = $appUpdate.PackageFamilyName
$status = $appUpdate.GetCurrentStatus()
$currentstate =

if ($status.PercentComplete -eq 100)

Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status
"Completed" -Completed
" -> $packageFamilyName ended as $currentstate $(if
($status.ReadyForLaunch) {"and reports now to be READY FOR LAUNCH!"} Else {"and is
NOT ready for launch"})"
$global:repairSucceeded = $true
elseif ($status.ErrorCode)
" -> $packageFamilyName failed with Error $status.ErrorCode /
Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity $packageFamilyName -Status $msg
"The store apps update process ended for $($appinstalls.Length) packages"
$savedForegroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$savedBackgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black"

"Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"

" Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"

# "Trying to open the Microsoft Store, please check the ongoing downloads
and try to update it there."
# Invoke-Expression "ms-windows-store://pdp/?PFN=$($global:mainPFN)"

"Going to reset package status to get back to a normal state"
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $savedBackgroundColor

function VerifyPackagesConsistency()
"Checking packages consistency:"
if (!$package)
$package = "*"

$packages = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch $package" |

Where-Object {$_.InstallLocation}
$invalidPackages = 0
$packagesIndex = 0

Foreach ($pack in $packages)

"Checking package $($packagesIndex.ToString("000")) / $
($packages.Count.ToString("000")) - $($pack.Name)"
if ($verbose)
" Installed in $($pack.InstallLocation)"
# Reading the AppxBlockMap file and compare each of the expected file with size
$appxBlockMap = $pack.InstallLocation + "\AppxBlockMap.xml"
if (!(Test-Path $appxBlockMap))
" WARNING - No .appxBlockMap file found inside package $($pack.Name)"
$expectedPackageSize = -1
$expectedPackageSize = 0
$realPackageSize = 0
$missingFiles = 0

Foreach ($expectedFile in (Select-Xml "/" -Path

$realFilePath = $pack.InstallLocation + "\" + $expectedFile.Name
$expectedFileSize = $expectedFile.Size -as [int]
$expectedPackageSize = $expectedPackageSize + $expectedFileSize
if (!(Test-Path $realFilePath))
" WARNING - File not found : $($expectedFile.Name)"
$realFileSize = (Get-Item $realFilePath).length
$realPackageSize += $realFileSize
if ($realFileSize -ne $expectedFileSize)
" WARNING - Unexpected size: $($expectedFile.Name) should be
$expectedFileSize bytes but is $realFileSize bytes"
elseif ($verbose)
" - $($expectedFile.Name) is as expected $expectedFileSize bytes"

if ($expectedPackageSize -ne $realPackageSize)

"=> PACKAGE INVALID $($pack.Name) expected to sum $expectedPackageSize bytes,
but is $realPackageSize bytes $(if ($missingFiles -ne 0) {"with $missingFiles files
missing"} else {"with no file missing"})"
elseif ($verbose)
"-> PACKAGE VALID $($pack.Name) sums as expected $expectedPackageSize bytes"

if ($packagesIndex -eq 0)
"Please review your package name and rerun with -verbose"
elseif ($invalidPackages -eq 0)
"==> NO ERROR FOUND IN " + $packagesIndex + " PACKAGES CHECKED <=="
"!!! $invalidPackages INVALID PACKAGES WERE FOUND IN $packagesIndex PACKAGES

function LookForDependencies()
$dependees = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch $package"

ForEach ($dependee in $dependees)

"Listing dependencies of $($dependee.PackageFullName)"
ForEach ($d in (Get-AppxPackageManifest
" - $d"

function LookForDependees()
$dependencies = Invoke-Expression "Get-AppXPackage $global:allUsersSwitch

ForEach ($dependency in $dependencies)

"Listing packages depending on $dependency"
ForEach ($p in $(Invoke-Expression "Get-AppxPackage $global:allUsersSwitch"))
ForEach ($d in (Get-AppxPackageManifest
if ($d -eq $dependency.Name)
" - $p"

function CheckAdminRights()
$isAdmin = $false
try {
$bytes = New-Object -TypeName byte[](4)
$hToken =
ontainerInfo')).GetMethod('GetCurrentProcessToken', $BindingFlags).Invoke($null,

ility')).GetMethod('GetTokenInformation', $BindingFlags).Invoke($null, @($hToken,
18, [byte[]]$bytes))
if ($bytes[0] -eq 1)
$GetTokenInformation.Invoke($null, @($hToken, 20, [byte[]]$bytes)) #
if ($bytes[0]) { $global:userRights = "UAC disabled but token elevated
(Build-in Admin)"; $isAdmin = $true}
else { $global:userRights = "UAC is disabled and not
elevated" }
if ($bytes[0] -eq 2) { $global:userRights = "UAC enabled and token elevated
(Run As Admin)"; $isAdmin = $true }
if ($bytes[0] -eq 3) { $global:userRights = "UAC enabled and token NOT
elevated" }
catch {
$currentPrincipal = New-Object
) {
$global:userRights = "Administrator"
$isAdmin = $true
else {
$global:userRights = "NOT Administrator"

try {
$global:canInstallForAllUsers = $appInstallManager.CanInstallForAllUsers
catch {
$global:canInstallForAllUsers = "N/A"
finally {
if (($global:canInstallForAllUsers -ne $true) -and (!$isAdmin))
{ $global:allUsersSwitch = ""}

"RepairAppx $VERSION - Repair & troubleshooting tool for AppX packages"
"This tool is provided AS IS, no support nor warranty of any kind is provided for
its usage."
$appInstallManager = New-Object

switch ( $action )
"config" { CheckConfig; exit }
"verify" { VerifyPackagesConsistency; exit }
"setstate" { SetPackageToModifiedState; exit }
"resetstate" { ClearPackageFromModifiedState; exit }
"depends" { LookForDependencies; LookForDependees; exit }
"queue" { ListUpdateQueue; exit }
"cancel" { CleanupUpdateQueue; exit }
"update" { CheckConfig; SearchForUpdates; exit }
"updateall" { CheckConfig; SearchForAllUpdates; exit }
"register" { RegisterPackageAndDeps; exit }
"repair" {
if (!$package) { ShowUsage; exit }
if (!$no_check) { CheckConfig } else { "No config check
was requested." }
if (!$no_cancel) { CleanupUpdateQueue } else { "No active queue
cleanup was requested." }
if (!$no_change) { SetPackageToModifiedState } else { "No package state
change was requested." }
if (!$no_download) { SearchForPFNUpdates } else { "No package
download was requested." }
if ($force -and !$global:repairSucceeded)
$savedForegroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$savedBackgroundColor = $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
# $host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black"

"Couldn't automate Windows Update, running its scheduled task as a fallback:"

New-ItemProperty -Path
"HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InstallService\State" -Name
"AutoUpdateLastSuccessTime" -Value "2010-01-01 00:00:00" -PropertyType STRING
-Force | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InstallService\State" -Name
"AutoUpdateLastSuccessTime" -Value "2010-01-01 00:00:00" -PropertyType STRING
-Force | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InstallService\State" -Name
"HasFrameworkUpdates" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null

schtasks.exe /run /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\InstallService\ScanForUpdates" /I

"==> Please now give time for Windows Update to run..."
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $savedForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $savedBackgroundColor
if (!$no_clear) { ClearPackageFromModifiedState } else { "No package state
reset was requested." }
if (!$no_register) { RegisterPackageAndDeps } else { "No package
registration requested." }
default { ShowUsage; exit }

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