Answer Key For Alif Baa, Third Edition PDF

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Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program

Answer Key for


Alit Bad

Lg9-,.n19 a. -p)-2-11 "69i-a v-I 1

Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds

Kristen Brustad
Mahmoud Al-Bataljk! II -19.0_u)
Abbas Al-Tonsi L ..69_1J1 L>J14.c.

Third Edition
Answer Key

Drill 1. Differentiating the th sounds

Answers: three: thumb, teeth, throb, think, through, thought, theft, depth
that: they, there, thus, although, brother, together, weather, bother,
then, rather

Unit Two LA:11 .6J._-_.9.11

Drill 1. Hearing frontal and deep alif

1.D 2. F 3. D 4.D 5.F 6.F

7.D 8.F 9. F io. D 11. F 12. D

Drill 2. Dictation
1. L! 2. L..$1.3 3. U I..! 4. 1..) Li • 1.)•
5. L.../ 6. C.31.3

Drill 3. Word recognition

1 . C.J
. 1..$ 2. C.-) Li 3. LA.). 4. lf....4.3 5. C.A..)12.1. 6 C.A..4:3

Drill 4. Dictation
1. ye,' 2. C...)3.3 3 ' L-) 33 4. C3y11;
Answer Key

Drill 5. Dictation
1. 2. 3. 1.1%-3 4. L31.!

Drill 6. Distinguishing between long and short vowels

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b

Drill 7. Identifying long and short vowels

1. L 2.S 3. L 4. S 5. L 6.S

7. S 8. S 9. L 10. L 11. S 12. L

Drill 8. FatHa dictation

I CL.LL,f3 2. C2.)L:6 3. C-431..) 4. C...)0 5.L i 6. C2_4:11:3

Drill 10. Short vowel dictation

.9 S. 2.
3. 4. L..)32.3 5. ‘2_42 2.:3 6. C.)9-,.j

Drill 11. Dictation


3. 4.

7. Lib 8.
Answer Key

Drill 13. Letter connection

. „.
2. 41.,.S. 3. t-? L! 4 L..4..4..$ 5. Lit..! 6 .J 3

8. 1..$33 9 10. C.,_,.,3 11 L.7..,...,..).

. .LP-.1).

Unit Three ZJWI ii.J.,- .911

Drill 1. Dictation
1. L..J12-
• •
2. ei 3. 49?
4 L...,..,..P- 5 L...a.-
'' 62-

Drill 2. Dictation
1. C.33.2- 2. t.....-
s 3 :-"; 4. C..4.Pc:i 5. L..,-3..! 6.L13

Drill 3. Recognizing z, t, and t

1. e 2. z. 3. 4. t 5. z, 6.

7. t 8. t 9. 10. 11. t 12.

Drill 4. Letter connection

1. C.,4L3- 2. L..)1.2r..2-
• • , 3 Y 4 t-; 4. C...36.

5. L-33.-?'" 6. L...)
. 3.94 7. L72-3.t..$ 8 .

Drill 5. Dictation

1 l:.4...;s..; 2. ti.! 3. L.2;...3 4. e...,- 5. LL.,-L) - .

6. c...,*6-
Answer Key

Drill 7. Dictation
1. ..9..9- 2. k.7.23.,.3. 3. yl3.:?- 4. ‘.4).

Drill 8. Dictation
, .0 0 -
1. L._.)i-i 2. 41:4r.; 3. k..3..9-.:-?" 4'

Drill 10. Letter connection

Drill 11. Dictation

. 90-
_.",. ;3-
1. L.....4..?-13 2.(:"..4..)
. 3. .3..t) 4 k.....4...,9--) 5. L.-L97_2--)

Drill 1. Recognizing hamza

1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. No

7. Yes 8. No 9. Yes 10. No ii. Yes 12. Yes

Drill 2. Dictation
-4 --i:
1. st.f). 2. L..11 3. ‘.:1)Lil 4. L.,..-1 6 . C...,3 I
wer Key

Drill 3. Distinguishing initial hamza, 3, and

1. I 2. 3 3. j 4. S 5. 3 6. 1

Drill 7. Distinguishing between kf.4) and S

1.0 2.J 3. S 4. S 5. 6 6.J

7. l 8. 6 9. S 10. S 11.j 12.

Drill 8. Reviewing the difference between u and S

.E J .r S .r J.1

S .A 6 .v J.7 6.o

Drill 9. Letter connection

Drill 10. Dictation

L...11.1S .3


Answer Key

Drill 13. Dialing the telephone

1. 01-355-6791 2. 05-923-761 3. 703-856-9421 4. 70-724-3695

5. 678-924-3090 6. 416-290-0874 7. 044-694-8015 8. 010-768-1705

9. 944-304-667 10. 20-2-766-9143

Drill 1. Identifying shadda

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes 6. Yes

7. No 8. Yes 9. No 10. Yes ii. No 12. Yes

Drill 2. Identifying shadda and long vowels

w so to
1.1 4 .0
_ .E _ .r I .r _ .1
03 4.4
-.11 _ .) • 3 .V

Drill 3. Dictation
,-,. - :-. ,- v.--;
3)-?'-' .7 ‘.....o 3 . 0 L.'1:94 .r J3..) . 1.' it:;-;- . ■

Drill 4. Dictation
..9 o . - -- 0-
L... .1 LYJ I,911-9 63_74 .1" 0.4., 3Lw .r L7.31,),A, .ti

Answer Key

Drill 5. Dictation
:. :. - ,t
. ,

- -: .o
..Rc..4.7., Ly.,...w....,- ,L$.3.2z421 r
r-.4."':)-' .1

Drill 7. Distinguishing between ud and 00

1. j.4.0 2. JO 3. j0 4. J.0 5. JO 6.

7. j.4.1 8. ut, 9. JO 10. ut, 11. Ly.1 12. JO

Drill 8. Identifying p and u‘s

0.4 .0
L.)=' .€ LP •r 0.4 .`

JO .A 00 .v

Drill 10. Dictation

t s;,22-.;. .1

L.51 ...0 .0
zs -
z.l..!...,2) r LPL? •r j...$ 1-4,0

Drill 11. Contrasting J and L t,

J.1 3.o L.)2' . E 0.0 .r 0='' •r 3 .‘

V.%) . ^ r 3. u , .1. u2, .° 3 .A 0:, .v

Drill 12. Recognizing J and 0:2

3 .o 3 .r L.)2' •r 02' - \

3 .v 3 .1

isio■ri 9 1es■ INNIN■11■1•1■1

Answer Key

Drill 14. Letter connection

3 1).t..724 .0

Drill 15. Dictation

. . 0 ;.1354.0A .r
1,%? .g .A

Drill 1. Listening for 8

i. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. Yes
7. No 8. No 9. Yes

Drill 2. Recognizing
1.b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a
6. a 7. b 8. b 9. b io. a

Drill 3. Identifying Jo
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes
7. Yes 8. No 9. No 10. Yes

Answer Key

Drill 4. Identifying C.) and ,6

,6 2. JO 3. C.) 4.1 5. ,L)

6. JO 7. C.) 8. C.) 9. C.)

Drill 6. Dictation
L7r.P.567., .1 L. 0 J 3 .E r 61 .r jib .)

Drill 7. Recognizing 4'2

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
6. a 7. b 8. b 9. b lo. a

Drill 8. Distinguishing kf...) , J , uc , and ,6

1. 4?) 2. 4.J 5. u2,

6. 6 7. S 8. (..)2, 9.0 10.

Drill 10. Identifying k:.%) , J , and

6.0 L.) .E .r J.r • ^^
L.) .A J.v .1
Answer Key

Drill 11. Dictation

'' .A C.)5.43 .V .1 .o

Drill 14. Identifying 0. and t

t 2. 3. a, 4.s 5. t
6. c, 7. t 8. t 9. s-

Drill 16. Distinguishing between s and t

t .0 s .€

s .A .v

Drill 17. Dictation


• • .V .1 S 333,., .0

Drill 18. Distinguishing between E and t

1. t 2. t 3. t

6.t 7.t 8. t 9. t

Answer Key

Drill 20. Identifying E and t

t .0 .r
.A .v

Drill 21. Letter connection

Jai .r •

• 0
. tip

Drill 22. Word recognition

1.v 2.1)3 3. E s. .) )

6. 8.

Drill 23. Dictation


1133 1
Answer Key

Drill 1. Dictation
.o s low .r

Drill 2. Hearing L.,§

1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes
6. Yes 7. Yes 8. No 9. No

Drill 3. Dictation
°). .o
359 31.9.5:3 r

Drill 4. Distinguishing between C§ and Ls/

1.J 2. 39 3. 39 4. 5. 3 6. 3

7. U 8. 3 9. 3 11. 3 12. L9

Drill 6. Identifying L9 and di

3.0 3 .r 3 3\
Lti A .A v

Answer Key

Drill 7. Dictation
.1 3615.0 61515 .r LaS- • r .)

Drill 8. Dictation
L.313A .0 J .E J3.23 .r
3% • .A L 1
.) .v J-

Drill 9. Word recognition

.0 •i ■

.\ • s•

Drill 10. Sound recognition

.\ •

E L) .\ r

Drill 11. Dictation

.r LA3a..z.:0 .r L 4. 63i
ja9._ .o .E

Answer Key

Drill 1. Dictation
o o -

.r 3,9-o—c..o 1

L>4421.0 z,.t.-0.v
c t.412, .1

Drill 2. Dictation
j5.40..o0 .0 .r

.1 • .A

Drill 3. Distinguishing between -a. and t

2. _S:b 3. Z 4. —Atto 5. Z 6.

8. 9. —1:b 10. —46 11. Z 12. _Z

Drill 5. Distinguishing between -a:. and t

1a.1 Z.0 .r —tb _S:b .1

Z.11" —12) .11

Drill 6. Dictation
j.s?L.6 .1 L f Sly o
9 5

.r c '49 c).." 5.\

Answer Key

Drill 8. Word recognition

yiLs .1 Cii_s 0 815-40 .E L.) .1-1 r ti-. ' i 13 .r

3 . \r yo ■■ ji ii • L.L.4.29. 9 J-2-.4.4 .A LIS la3 V

Drill 9. Letter connection

L..31)., .0

.) • A

4) 41) .\0 .
.r •

Drill 1. Reading JI aloud


L_La.11 v

Drill 2. Recognizing .J)

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes 6. No

7. Yes 8. Yes 9. No 10. Yes ii. Yes 12. Yes

111/111111111111ONIM 17
Answer Key

Drill 3. Word recognition

fN..41.o .€ r .1

1.\ • L.,:..ILL.11 A fWall .A e.t...el.fl v f3..001

Drill 4. Listening for JI and word boundaries in phrases

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes

5. No 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes

Drill 6. Dictation
o ji..SZ;1 .€ 9.1 0 ‘!.11.r .r
i1., • J A;11.J1 A BSI 4JI .A 4
.) .V

j1331. ■ r 61.1J1.\\

Drill 7. Identifying 6. :).0.4s and aidas


j_a_11 .o

Drill 9. Names of Arab countries

j .13.:?J1 y13. 11 .r ,63.2L.5133 Y.Aji

Eb."Li.11 J•42.42 o
43,-33 LYj ,93° •E

Answer Key

C.)311 ciLoail A .v . ■ r :c!
31 3 .■ ail
"I If., I ■•

1). ;11 tiJ9. .J I , o ;S•JI .\€ 31, 31).211 . ■ r

L...74?) 3.!1 C..)/ J41 .1n a...4balil .■v ap-3:01 Jim:4 ■

slsuAC)-41 r•

Drill 16. Using the Arabic English glossary



.\ • '

■11==ii 19
This answer key is to be used with Alif Bea:
Introduction to Letters and Sounds,
Third Edition.
Please note that this answer key is only useful
to students and teachers who are NOT using
the companion website, which includes self-
correcting exercises.

ISBN 978- -58901-634-7

Washington, DC

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