Current Character: Good Habits

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1 How would you describe yourself right now ?

2 Where Do You Live?
3 How Much Money Do You Make Per Month?
4 How Do You Currently Present Yourself? How Do You Look?
5 What are your good and bad habits? What things do you do repeatedly? List all of them.
6 Your Top 5 Strengths
7 Your Top 5 Weaknesses
8 What negative things pop into your mind on a daily basis? List all of them.
9 What was your childhood like? Describe everything.
10 What past events do you worry about or replay in your mind all the time?
11 What things do you worry about in the future?
12 What things block you from doing what you want to do each day and working towards your dreams and goals?
13 Who are you currently angry at? What people or things do you blame?
14 Who do you currently judge and what do you judge them for?
15 What things do you love doing and could happily do everyday?
16 What things do you hate doing and never want to do ever?
17 What are your character traits? (Example: Driven, powerful, smart, classy or procrastinate, lazy, scrappy, shy).
18 How do you imagine others gossip and talk about you in a cafe?
1 How would you describe the new version of you necessary to effortlessly achieve all of your dreams and goals?
2 What skills and strengths does this new character need to have in order to effortlessly execute on your dream and achieve it with ease.
3 What strengths does this new character have that your current one does not?
4 What weaknesses is this new character free of that your current one possesses?
5 What good habits does this new character have that your current one does not?
6 What bad habits is this new character free of that your current one possesses?
7 What fears is this new character free of that your current one possesses?
8 How does this new character present him/herself? What does he/she look like?
9 What judgements is this new character free of that the current one possesses?
10 What traits does this new character have? (Example: Driven, powerful, smart, classy or procrastinate, lazy, scrappy, shy).
11 Describe what the average day looks like for this new character when he/she is executing and taking massive action to achieve his/her goals?
12 Describe the things this new character loves doing and has an appetite for that the current character hates and avoids at all costs?
13 How would other people gossip and talk about this new character in a cafe?
My Dream Number (Crores) 0 21 Things I Love About Myself 21 Ways I Can Make Better Use Of My Time 21 Reasons Why My Dreams Must Be A Priority
1 1 1
My Current Age 45 2 2 2
Age I’ll Live Till 90 3 3 3
Years To Go 45 4 4 4
5 5 5
How much I earn per year ₹0 6 6 6
How much I earn per month ₹0 7 7 7
How much I earn per day ₹0 8 8 8
How much I earn per hour ₹0 9 9 9
How much I earn per minute ₹0.00 10 10 10
How much I earn per second ₹0.00 11 11 11
12 12 12
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