1997 - Nowak - Kleinrahm - Wagner - Measur and Correl of PRoT Rel of Nitrogen - Sautated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
1997 - Nowak - Kleinrahm - Wagner - Measur and Correl of PRoT Rel of Nitrogen - Sautated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
1997 - Nowak - Kleinrahm - Wagner - Measur and Correl of PRoT Rel of Nitrogen - Sautated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
1. Introduction
This paper is the second part of a project which deals comprehensively with the
( p, r, T ) behaviour of pure nitrogen. The first part,(1) where the reasons for these
new comprehensive measurements are given, describes the experimental results in
the homogeneous gas and liquid region, including the largest part of the critical
region in the temperature range from 66 K to 340 K at pressures up to 12 MPa.
This second paper presents the measurements of the saturated-liquid and the
saturated-vapour densities and the vapour pressure of nitrogen along the entire
coexistence curve from T = 64 K (triple-point temperature Tt = 63.151 K) up to
slightly below the critical temperature Tc = 126.192 K. The aim of this work was to
provide a comprehensive and reliable set of measurements, which accurately
describes the coexistence curve and allows the establishment of new correlation
equations for the thermal saturation properties.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: Wagner.thermo.ruhr-uni-bochum.de.
2. Experimental
The essential details of the apparatus for accurate ( p, r, T ) measurements in the
entire fluid region of pure substances have been described in a previous paper.(3)
The operational range of this apparatus covers a density range from 1 kg·m−3
to 2000 kg·m−3 at temperatures from 60 K to 340 K and pressures up to 12 MPa.
The principle of the method for density measurements (‘‘Two-Sinker-Method’’)
was briefly described in the first part of this work.(1) Nevertheless, in order to
understand the measuring principle for the application considered in this paper, the
measuring procedure of saturated-vapour and saturated-liquid densities is briefly
explained in this section.
As well as the saturation densities of methane,(3,4) carbon dioxide,(5) argon,(6) and
ethylene,(7) the saturated-vapour densities of nitrogen along the largest part of
the coexistence curve were determined in the following way. In the lid of the
measuring cell (see the schematic drawing in reference 3), an especially designed
small reference cell was included which was filled with nitrogen in such a way that
the fluid was in the phase equilibrium (vapour + liquid). A differential-pressure
indicator (uncertainty Q10 Pa) was installed between the measuring cell and the
reference cell. With this arrangement, the values of the saturated-vapour density
r0 were determined by measuring three or more ( p, r, T ) values very close to
the phase boundary {pressure difference ( p − ps ) = −5 kPa to −0.4 kPa} on the
corresponding isotherms in the homogeneous gas region outside the critical region.
The measured densities were then extrapolated to the coexistence curve by means of
a linear equation fitted to the ( p, r, T ) values. In the critical region, however, a linear
extrapolation is no longer suitable for the curved isotherms. Therefore, to determine
the saturated-vapour densities in the critical region for T e 125 K, several densities
were measured on the corresponding isotherm at pressure differences p − ps between
the pressure p in the measuring cell and the vapour pressure ps ranging from
about −3.0 kPa to −0.15 kPa. The saturation densities were then determined by
extrapolating these isothermal ( p, r, T ) values to ( p − ps ) = 0 with:
= p − N1 = = N2 ·=r − N3 =d, (1)
which is mathematically identical with the corresponding power-law to describe the
critical isotherm around the critical density. For this extrapolation, the constants
N1 , N2 , N3 , and d were non-linearly adjusted to the experimental values on each
isotherm in the critical region.
Very close to the critical temperature (for nitrogen from 0.112 K below
Tc up to Tc ) a refined procedure was applied to determine saturated-vapour
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1159
FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the new procedure to determine the saturated-vapour densities
very close (in this case at T = 126.170 K) to the critical temperature Tc = 126.192 K. A: filling of the
measuring cell; B: Phase equilibrium (vapour + liquid) in the measuring cell; q, ( p, r, T ) measurements
in the homogeneous gas region close to the phase boundary (vapour + liquid); w, ( p, r, T ) measurements
in the homogeneous gas region extremely close to the phase boundary (vapour + liquid); these values were
measured in a quasi-equilibrium state while the fluid in the measuring cell was slowly condensing; w, =
( p, r, T ) value measured after phase equilibrium (vapour + liquid) had been achieved in the measuring
cell; (, saturated-vapour density r0 determined by extrapolating all measured ( p, r, T ) values in the
gas-phase to ( p − ps ) = 0 by means of equation (1). Also, Dphyd corresponds to the hydrostatic pressure
of the gas column between the phase boundary (vapour + liquid) a few mm above the bottom of the
measuring cell and the reference height of the two sinkers (see figure 1 in reference 3); this distance only
amounts to a few cm and is very well known.
1160 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
3. Results
The nitrogen used for the measurements was supplied by Messer-Griesheim,
Germany. According to the gas analysis of the producer the purity was
x(N2 ) q 0.999999, where x denotes mole fraction {impurity: x(Ar) Q 1·10−6}. The
experimental results are listed in tables 1 and 2. The saturation densities and
the vapour pressures were measured from T = 64 K (triple-point temperature
Tt = 63.151 K) up to 0.022 K below the critical temperature Tc = 126.192 K in steps
of, generally, 3 K; near the triple-point temperature and near the critical temperature
the steps in temperature were reduced to 1 K and 0.02 K, respectively. In order to
check the reproducibility, some measurements were repeated at different times.
The results of the measurements in the critical region are listed in table 2 and
are partly shown in figure 2. The measurements were carried out very close to
the saturation line from T = 125.00 K to T = 126.17 K for the vapour, and
from T = 125.25 K to T = 126.15 K for the liquid. The values were measured on
isotherms at pressure differences ( p − ps ) ranging from about 23 kPa to 20.1 kPa
to determine the saturation densities by extrapolation to ( p − ps ) = 0 by means of
equation (1). In order to determine the isothermal compressibilities k'T and k0T
at saturation and also to check the consistency of the measurements in the
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1161
TABLE 1. Experimental results for the vapour pressure ps , the saturated-liquid density r', and the
saturated-vapour density r0 of nitrogen together with their total experimental uncertainties Dps , Dr', and
Dr0, respectively, and T is the temperature (ITS-90)
T ps r' r0
102·Dps /ps 102·Dr'/r' 102·Dr0/r0
K MPa kg·m−3 kg·m−3
Saturated-vapour density r0 determined from a virial equation of state, truncated after the third virial
coefficient, by means of the vapour pressure ps (see section 3).
critical region, the values for k'T and k0T were calculated by means of equation (1)
for each isotherm at ( p − ps ) = 0. The vapour pressures determined in the measuring
cell at liquid-levels of about 5 per cent (in the course of the r0 measurements)
TABLE 2. ( p, r, T ) measurements close to the (vapour + liquid) phase boundary in the critical region of nitrogen,
where T is the temperature (ITS-90), p the pressure, ps the vapour pressure, r the density, Dr0 and Dr' the total
uncertainties of the saturation densities, and kT the isothermal compressibility
TABLE 2—continued
Vapour pressure, measured directly after measuring the vapour densities, followed by its total uncertainty.
Vapour pressure, measured directly after measuring the liquid densities, followed by its total uncertainty.
Isothermal compressibility kT = r−1(1r/1p)T for the saturated-vapour k0T or the saturated-liquid k'T followed by its estimated uncertainty.
Saturated-liquid density r' or saturated-vapour density r0 obtained by extrapolation of the ( p, r, T ) measurements to the saturation line
( p − ps ) = 0.
Critical constants not measured but determined in section 4.
1164 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
FIGURE 2. The ( p, r, T ) measurements on isotherms close to the (vapour + liquid) phase boundary
of nitrogen, where ps is the vapour pressure, rc is the critical density, r' the saturated-liquid density, and
r0 the saturated-vapour density.
and about 90 per cent (together with the r' measurements) are listed separately in
table 2.
The total uncertainty of the vapour pressures and the saturated-liquid and
saturated-vapour densities can be calculated by applying the Gaussian
error-propagation formula. Apart from the experimental uncertainties of the
individual quantities p, r, and T, which were given in the first part of this work(1)
and discussed in a previous paper,(3) one additional uncertainty must be taken
into account, namely the uncertainty of the extrapolation in the critical region
for the determination of the saturation densities from the isothermal ( p, r, T )
measurements. The influence of impurities on the vapour pressure and on the
saturated densities is negligible, as discussed in section 2. In general, each of the
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1165
FIGURE 3. Experimental densities r' of the saturated liquid and r0 of the saturated vapour in the
critical region of nitrogen: W, this work; t== , Goldman and Scrase;(10) q, Zozulya and Blagoi.(11)
FIGURE 4. Relative deviations of the rectilinear diameter r d = ( r' + r0)/2 of nitrogen, calculated from
the experimental results of this work for r' and r0. The zero line corresponds to equation (6), a straight
line through the critical density rc and r td at the triple-point temperature. The uncertainty of the r d values
corresponds to about one third of the size of the symbols.
1168 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
FIGURE 5. Relative deviations of the rectilinear diameter r d = ( r' + r0)/2 from values calculated from
equation (7) in the critical region of nitrogen. A: uncertainty of r d values; B: reproducibility of r d values;
C: uncertainty of the critical density rc .
5. Discussion
A comparison of the experimental results of this work with selected measurements
on nitrogen of other experimentalists(10–21) is presented in figures 6 to 8. A summary
of the selected sets of measurements together with their uncertainties given by the
authors is listed in table 3; a comprehensive compilation of experimental ( p, r, T )
values published prior to 1986 is given by Jacobsen et al.(22) Figures 6 to 8 show the
deviations between the measured values and values calculated from the new
correlation equations for the vapour pressure, equation (2), the saturated-liquid
density, equation (3), and the saturated-vapour density, equation (4). In the case of
very comprehensive sets of mesurements, not all values have been plotted for clarity.
Moreover, the figures show a comparison with values calculated from the correlation
equations published by Jacobsen et al.(22) Figure 6 additionally shows a comparison
with values from the vapour pressure equation of Wagner.(12) This vapour pressure
equation has been adopted in the IUPAC book on nitrogen;(23) however, separate
correlation equations for the saturated-liquid and saturated-vapour densities are not
given in this book.
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1169
TABLE 3. Summary of the selected experimental results for the vapour pressure ps , the saturated-liquid density r', and
the saturated-vapour density r0 together with their total experimental uncertainties given by the authors
of points Temperature Relative uncertainties
Source Year ps r' r0 T/K 2
10 ·Dps /ps 102·Dr'/r' 102·Dr0/r0
Not specified by the authors.
In the critical region and near the triple-point temperature the uncertainties exceed this value, see tables 1 and 2.
Figure 6 shows the comparison between the experimental vapour pressures ps and
the values calculated from the new vapour pressure equation (2). For temperatures
T E 80 K nearly all measuring points confirm each other within the experimental
uncertainty of this work. For T q 80 K, the ps values of Weber(13) and Wagner(12)
102·{pσ – pσ(calc)}/pσ
Tt Tb Tc
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
FIGURE 6. Relative deviations of experimental vapour pressures ps and of calculated vapour pressures
of nitrogen from values ps (calc) calculated from equation (2). W, this work; q, Wagner;(12) t, = Weber;(13)
y, Armstrong;(14) , Moussa et al.;(15) r, = Zozulya;(16) – · – · –, values calculated from the vapour pressure
equation of Jacobsen et al.;(22) – ·· –·· –, values calculated from the vapour pressure equation of Wagner.(12)
The grey area corresponds to the experimental uncertainty of this work. The temperature Tb = 77.355 K
indicates the normal boiling temperature at ps = 0.101325 MPa.
1170 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
show, compared with the values in this work, a slightly rising course. Taking into
account the scatter of these two measuring runs, their maximum deviation is about
4·10−4·ps at T 1 120 K which corresponds to their uncertainty of E=4·10−4·ps =. The
measurements of Zozulya(16) agree very well with the new values for T q 120 K
(deviations Q =5·10−5·ps =) but they show increased deviations, up to −8·10−4·ps and
more, for T Q 100 K. These deviations are greater than the claimed uncertainty of
Zozulya’s(16) values of E=6·10−4·ps =.
The vapour pressure equations of Wagner(12) and of Jacobsen et al.(22) yield values
that mostly deviate by not more than the experimental uncertainty of this work. Due
to the previous data situation for T q 105 K the two equations run slightly outside
the experimental uncertainty of the new values with a maximum deviation of
5·10−4·ps .
102·{ρ' – ρ'(calc)}/ρ'
Tt Tb Tc
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
FIGURE 7. Relative deviations of experimental saturated-liquid densities r' and of calculated
saturated-liquid densities of nitrogen from values r' (calc) calculated from equation (3). W, this work;
== , Goldman and Scrase;(10) r, = Zozulya and Blagoi;(11) r, van Itterbeek and Verbeke;(17) r, = Cockett
et al.;(18) u, Haynes et al.;(19) , Orrit and Laupretre;(20) w, Straty and Diller;(21) –·–·–, values calculated
from the saturated-liquid density equation of Jacobsen et al.(22) The grey area corresponds to the
experimental uncertainty of this work.
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1171
Figure 8 presents the comparison between experimental saturated-vapour densities
and values calculated from the saturated-vapour density equation (4). The r0
measurments of Zozulya and Blagoi(11) for T e 120 K deviate mostly by more
than the claimed uncertainty of E6·10−4·r'= at T 1 120 K and E=2.5·10−3·r'= at
T 1 126 K, respectively. Figure 8 illustrates clearly the unsatisfactory data situation
for nitrogen where no recent r0 measurements for T E 120 K are available. Since the
saturated-vapour densities for T E 83 K are very small (Q8.2 kg·m−3 ) they have been
calculated by means of a virial equation and the vapour pressures measured in this
work (see section 3 and table 1). The results are also plotted in figure 8. At T = 86 K
the calculated and the measured saturated-vapour density have nearly the same value
(see table 1), and consequently they are consistent with each other. Moreover, such
102·{ρ" – ρ"(calc)}/ρ"
Tt Tb Tc
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
FIGURE 8. Relative deviations of experimental saturated-vapour densities r0 and of calculated
saturated-vapour densities of nitrogen from values r0(calc) calculated from equation (4). W, this work;
w, this work, calculated values (see table 1 and section 3); r, = Zozulya and Blagoi;(11) –·–·–, values
calculated from the saturated-vapour density equation of Jacobsen et al.(22) The grey area corresponds to
the experimental uncertainty of this work.
1172 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
TABLE 4. Compilation of values for the critical temperature Tc (ITS-90) and its uncertainty DTc
determined by previous workers
calculated values remain consistent with the newly measured values even up to
r0 1 19 kg·m−3 at T = 93 K which are, however, not shown in the figure.
Due to the previous data situation, the values calculated from the correlation
equation for r0 of Jacobsen et al.(22) show deviations up to =2.5·10−3·r0= and more
(for T q 122 K).
Table 4 shows a compilation of selected published values for the critical temperature
of nitrogen; the estimated experimental uncertainties are also given. The Tc value of
Voronel et al.(39) agrees very well with the critical temperature determined in this
work within its experimental uncertainty, which was conservatively estimated.
The Tc value of Zozulya and Blagoi(11) can just be confirmed within the combined
experimental uncertainties. The critical temperature determined by White et al.(40) is
obviously too high.
To complete our comprehensive measurements, we also measured the triple-point
temperature as Tt = (63.151 2 0.003) K and the vapour pressure at Tt as
pt = (12.523 2 0.010) kPa. By means of equations (3) and (4) the saturated-liquid and
-vapour densities at the triple-point temperature have been calculated with the
following result: r't = (867.21 2 0.09) kg·m−3 and r0t = (0.6744 2 0.0006) kg·m−3.
The triple-point temperature of nitrogen was determined by several authors with a
very small uncertainty. The temperatures measured by Lee et al.,(41) Ancsin,(42) and
Pavese et al.(43) only range between T = 63.1505 K and T = 63.1509 K with an
uncertainty E=5·10−4 K=. Therefore, the triple-point temperature determined in this
work is in excellent agreement with these values.
Figure 9 shows the derived isothermal compressibilities at saturation, namely k'T and
k0T for T e 125 K together with the estimated uncertainties. The determination of
the isothermal compressibilities is mentioned in section 3. As kT : a at the critical
point, 1/kT is plotted in figure 9. For comparison, figure 9 also shows the isothermal
compressibilities calculated from the equations of state from the IUPAC(23) and from
Jacobsen et al.(22) Neither equation is able to reproduce the experimental values
within their uncertainties.
( p, r, T ) measurements on nitrogen 1173
6. Conclusion
The conclusions from these brief comparisons can be summarized by the
statement that the (p, r, T ) data situation for nitrogen was only satisfactory in a few
sections of the (vapour + liquid) coexistence curve. With the new, comprehensive,
and consistent set of measurements presented in this work the previous data
situation has been considerably improved along the entire saturation curve from
the triple-point temperature to the critical temperature up to a high level of
accuracy. On the basis of these measurements, including the new measurements
in the homogeneous region,(1) a new equation of state is being developed by Span
et al.(2) This equation will describe the entire fluid region of nitrogen in reference
The authors are grateful to all who contributed to this work, especially to S. Müller
for performing a part of the measurements. Above all, we thank the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support of our work.
1174 P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm, and W. Wagner
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