Faculty of Dental Sciences

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Suppor ve Therapy and Advanced Surgical Module

a) Didac cs
vImplant Maintenance and management of complica on

vAdvanced Surgical Procedures including guided surgery

vRidge Augmenta on
Faculty Of Dental Sciences
vSinus Li Techniques
vDistrac on Osteogenesis

vImplant Prac ce management Directorate Of Training And Lifelong Learning

b) Clinical Training
vDemonstra on of Block gra and sinus li procedures

Cumula ve Intercep ve Suppor ve Periodontal Therapy (CIST Protocol) Fellowship Program of

Interna onal Congress of Oral Implantology
Course Director: Dr Ranganath K. ( ICOI)
Faculty Team: Dr. Vibha She y, Dr Mani R,

Dr. Mahantesha, Dr Rohit Prasad, Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vaishali

FDS at MSRUAS has been ranked by the Outlook survey among by outstanding ins tu ons
in the country for the quality of graduate and post graduate educa on

FDS in collabora on with the best organiza ons in the world is now extending con nuing
FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: educa on to enhance advanced clinical skills to clinicians, young graduates and
post graduates. using its state of art laboratories and clinics.
Dr . Vibha She y, Director, DTLL,
Students of training courses at FDS can expect sound preclinical founda ons,
[email protected]
Mul System Training, excellent and varied clinical exposure and pa ent management skills.
Mob.: 98453 05455
Exposure to advanced surgical procedures including hard and so ssue augmenta on and
Dr . Raghavendra guided surgery
[email protected]
Mob.: 99001 54761 Students can also expect facilita on for obtaining ICOI fellowship upon comple on of
eligibility requirement.
v Didac cs Lectures
The fellowship is a modular program comprising of four modules.
vFabrica on of Templates on pa ent models
1) Preclinical Module vTypes of surgical stents
2) Surgical Module Designs for edentulous pa ent treatment–
3) Prosthodon c Module single tooth, implant supported fixed restora on,
4) Suppor ve Therapy and Advanced Surgical Module implant supported overdentures, All on four concept,
All on six concept for full mouth rehabilita on

vBasic principles of surgery and pa ent prepara on

vAnesthe c op ons – LA/GA/IV Seda on

Preclinical module
a) Didac c lectures on: vPost opera ve complica ons and management.
(Healing a er implant placement)
vDiagnosis, Case Selec on and Treatment Planning and Methodology including

Medico legal considera ons

b) Clinical Training
vSurgical Protocols and Instrumenta on vSurgical placements of implants in pa ents

vImplant Design and Systems

Prosthodon c Module
vRadiographic Interpreta on of 2D and 3D images
a) Didac cs
b) Model based training
vSecond stage surgery and impression making
vSurgical stent fabrica on for diagnosis
vImmediate implant placement with Single piece and mul ple piece implants
vSurgical stent fabrica on for implant placement vImmediate vs delayed loading of implants
vImplant Placement on Dummy Model vProsthodon c op ons for varied clinical situa ons
c) Cadaver based preclinical program vGuided Tissue Regenera on (GTR) and
vIncision and flap design vGuided Bone Regenera on(GBR)

vPlacement of implants by the candidates vManagement of esthe cs with prosthodon cs

vSuturing techniques vImplant occlusion for effec ve func on Clinical Training

b) Second stage surgery by conven onal and laser techniques
vDemonstra on of advanced surgical procedures
c) Impression making and prosthodon c procedures
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning

M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Application Form

Affix Photograph

Month: Year:



M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Gnanagangothri Campus, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru -560 054.
Ph.: 080-4536 6666, 080- 2360 0949, Mobile: 99005 54761, 98453 05455. Web: www.msruas.ac.in

I Personal Details

Father’s /Guardian’s /Spouse’s Name :
Date of birth: Sex: Male / Female
Correspondence address : Permanent address:

PIN Tel No: PIN: Tel No:


2 Course: (Please tick appropriate item)

Course Name- Credited Programs

Certificate Course in Implantology

Certificate Course in Aesthetic Dentistry
Bvoc Degree In Chairside Assistants For Dental Clinics

Course Name- Noncredit Programs

Fellowship Program in Implantology
Modular Training Program in Endodontics

3 Academic Qualifications
Educational Institution Year of % of
Degree Branch
School/College/University Passing Marks

4 Work Experience (If any)

Duration (months) Company and job title Brief description of work

5 References

First Referee Second Referee

Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
Address : Address :

Telephone number: Telephone number:

E-mail: E-mail:

5 Payment Details (Registration Fee)

DD No. Date: Bank

Date Signature

Instructions to Applicants:

1. Duly filled-in application should be sent to Registrar Academics, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
2. D.D should be drawn in favor of “M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences” payable at Bangalore.
3. Enclose the following with the application form:
 Photocopies of records supporting Academic qualification/ Working experience.


Please read the following carefully:

 Fees should be paid on or before the due date, failing which the student will not be allowed to attend the classes.
 Fees, once paid, will NOT be refunded.
 On completion of the course, student is required to produce No-due certificate in the prescribed form for obtaining
the Course Certificate.
 Entry to the University premises will be denied if the ID card is not appropriately displayed.
 The Internet facilities in the browsing section of the library can be used as per the rules of the University, at
particular hours of the day (details are available with the Librarian).
 Misbehavior with any Staff or other students of the University or involvement in any undue argument or discussion
with the staff will be viewed seriously. Disciplinary action may be initiated against such students.

I have read and understood the rules and regulations and promise to abide by the same.

Name: ___________________________________

Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/ ____

For office Use

Application received on: Interview letter sent on:
Interview conducted on:

Results of interview

Student joined the course …………………….…………

Student discontinued
Student completed the course


Course Director

Director, DTLLL

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