Annex 02 - Tender Conditions, AFG 1223-NT-001-construction Materilas
Annex 02 - Tender Conditions, AFG 1223-NT-001-construction Materilas
Annex 02 - Tender Conditions, AFG 1223-NT-001-construction Materilas
1.1. The Tender must comply with the following conditions and instructions. Failure to do so is liable to result in
the rejection of the Tender.
1.2. “Tenderer” means any person or persons, partnership, firm or company being prequalified and submitting
construction designs and fully priced Bill of Quantities in accordance with the Tender.
1.3. All recipients of the Tender Documents shall, whether they submit a Tender or not, treat the details of these
documents as confidential.
Bidders may submit bids if none of the following reasons for exclusion apply:
• Participation of a Tenderer is ruled out by sanctions issued by the UN Security Council.
• The Tenderer is or was involved as a consultant in the preparation or implementation of the project.
• The Tenderer is legally barred from the procurement process in the country of the contracting agency on
the grounds of previous violations of regulations on fraud and corruption.
• The Tenderer or subcontractors are enterprises economically intertwined with the contracting agency in the
host country and/or state-controlled enterprises that are not legally or financially independent.
• The Tenderer is under Investigation or proceedings or conviction in respect of child labour or human
3.1. The Tender must be made out on the forms provided in the Tender Documents duly completed in ink or in
print. Bill of Quantities has to be fully priced, totalled, checked arithmetically, and the grand total must be in
compliance with the sum entered in the Tender. Tender and Contract Documents must be kept intact. The
Tender Documents and accompanying documents shall be signed by the Tenderer or his legally authorized
representative and be returned to the address according to the “Invitation to tender”.
(c) Copy of the Company Registration / Business License / company account details
3.3. Prices must be quoted for all items individually. Specific details regarding the specifications of each item
must be clearly provided directly in Tender Appendix 3 and by providing samples of the items at the time of
submitting the tender.
4.1. The Tender may contain only the prices and statements required in the Tender Documents and shall be
signed by a duly authorized person. Any addition to, deletion or alteration of the Tender Documents may
result in the rejection of the Tender.
4.2. Modifications by the Tenderer concerning prices quoted or statements made shall be unambiguous.
Samples and patterns submitted with the Tender must be clearly marked as appertaining to the Tender.
5.1. All prices must be indicated in AFN. Fluctuations in market prices must be compensated by the Tenderer to
his own benefits or loss.
5.2. All prices (unit prices, lump sum prices, etc.) shall be stated inclusive of tax (turnover tax, value added tax,
or alike). The amount of applicable tax shall be calculated as stated below:
5.2.1. 2% tax shall be considered for all suppliers registered with the Government of Afghanistan and in possession
of a business license issued by the Government of Afghanistan (for example Ministry of Commerce, AISA);
5.2.2. 7% tax shall be considered for all suppliers based in Afghanistan and who cannot provide proof of
registration or don’t have valid business license.
5.2.3. In the case of foreign (non-Afghanistan based) suppliers, the amount of applicable tax shall be based on the
locally valid tax rate and shall be added as the last item on the Tender Appendix 3.
5.3. The offer of a discount based on the observance of certain payment deadlines described by the Tenderer
shall be taken into account in the evaluation only if the Tenderer declares that such a discount shall apply to
all payments on account and the final payment, providing that the deadlines set for payments leave
reasonable time for their processing.
5.4. Welthungerhilfe will not be held responsible if the local bank in the recipient country converts the payments
to the Contractor into local currency before crediting the same to the Contractor’s account. The Contractor is
not entitled to claim for any charges or fees deducted by the bank due to the exchange and/or transfer of
If, in the Tenderer’s opinion, the Tender Documents contain ambiguities which might influence the calculation of the
prices, the Tenderer shall indicate this to Welthungerhilfe in writing before submitting his Tender within 5 days after
the receipt of the Tender Documents. Necessary clarification will be made by Circular Letter(s).
7.1. In the event that Welthungerhilfe sends Circular Letters to the Tenderers during the tendering period in order
to comment, clarify, or modify the Contract Documents, these Circular Letters shall become an integral part
of the Contract Documents and it shall be assumed that they have been taken into account by the Tenderers
in drawing up their Tender.
7.2. The Tenderer shall confirm the receipt of a Circular Letter to Welthungerhilfe immediately. No Circular Letter
shall be dispatched within 3 days before the submission date for the Tender, except one that confirms a due
postponement of the original submission date.
Agreements restricting the competition are not permitted, especially arrangements and negotiations with other
Tenderers in respect of
• submitting or not submitting a tender,
• the prices to be demanded and profit rates,
• binding arrangements for other compensation,
• processing cost margins and other price components,
• terms of payment and delivery and other conditions of contract insofar as they influence the prices directly
or indirectly,
• indemnity or compensation payments for non-participation or limited participation in the competition, and
Ref: AFG 1223-NT-001-Construction materials Welthungerhilfe, Taimani Road, Street 05, House # 202, PD 04, Kabul, Afghanistan
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Email : Hussain [email protected]
If parts of the Tender are intended to be executed by subcontractor(s), the Tenderer shall indicate the nature and
scope of the partnership and state name and address of the subcontractor(s) considered.
Tenders submitted by Joint Ventures or other Bidding Combinations shall be accepted only if the following
information is provided with the Tender
• A list of the members of the Joint Venture/Bidding Combination designating the duly authorized
• A declaration, signed by duly authorized representatives of all members, stating that the duly authorized
representatives shall represent the members specified in the list in a legally binding manner vis-a-vis
Welthungerhilfe, and that all members are jointly and severally liable for the performance of the Contract
with Welthungerhilfe.
11.1. The Tender shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the address stated in, and prior to the time and date
specified, in the Invitation to Tender.
11.2. Tenders received after the date and time of submission will not be considered.
12.1. The opening session of the Tenders shall take place on the 15.06.2020 at the address specified in the
Invitation to Tender.
12.2. The session shall be held for opening and reading out the Tenders. Until this session all Tenders received
shall be kept under lock and key with the envelopes unopened and marked with the date of receipt only. For
the Opening Session the following procedure shall be observed and laid down in the minutes of meeting,
stating place, date and time of the opening:
(a) The chairman of proceedings shall establish whether the seals of the envelopes are intact.
(b) Samples and patterns submitted with any Tender shall be on hand and duly marked.
(c) The Tenders shall be opened one after another and all major parts marked. The names and
addresses of the Tenderers and the final amounts of their Tenders or of individual sections as well
as other particulars concerning the price shall be read out. It shall be announced if and by whom
proposals for modifications and/or additional offers have been submitted. Other details of the
contents shall not be made known.
12.3. Tenders which were not received prior to the submission time and date shall be specified separately in the
minutes or addendum thereto. The time of receipt and the reason for the delay of the receipt shall be noted.
Envelopes and other means of proof shall be kept in safe custody.
13.2. In selecting the Tenders to be considered for the award of contract, only those bidders who offer the
Ref: AFG 1223-NT-001-Construction materials Welthungerhilfe, Taimani Road, Street 05, House # 202, PD 04, Kabul, Afghanistan
Page 3 of 4
Email : Hussain [email protected]
necessary security for the performance of the contractual obligations will be taken into account. This shall
entail the necessary expertise and experience, performance capacity and capability, the reliability as well as
technical and financial means and resources.
13.3. Tenders, of which the prices are obviously disproportionate to the items concerned, will be disregarded. Only
such Tenders from which proper execution and covering of the defect liability period can be expected with
due regard to rational and thrifty operations and efficient management will be considered. From those
Tenders the award will be made to the one which appears to be the most acceptable with regard to all
technical, functional, environmental and economic aspects.
13.4. Any arithmetical error by the Tenderer in pricing in the Tender Appendix 3 or in the additions or in carrying
forward subtotals to the summary or to the Tender shall be corrected during the evaluation of the Tenders. In
such cases the Tender sum shall be adjusted accordingly and the Tenderer shall be informed. It shall be
assumed that the unit price rates entered in the Bill of Quantities are correct.
13.5. Proposals for modifications and additional offers which Welthungerhilfe has admitted or requested for the
tendering action shall be evaluated in the same way as the base tender. Other proposals for modifications
and additional offers may be considered.
13.6. Welthungerhilfe does neither bind itself to accept the lowest Tender or any Tender, nor will it be responsible
or pay for expenses or losses which may be incurred by any Tenderer with the preparation of his Tender.
(a) No Tender has been received which corresponds to the Tender Conditions,
(b) There have been substantial changes to the basis of the Tendering Action, or
(c) There are other serious reasons for such a cancellation (i.e. the Supplier is black-listed).
14.2. The Tenderers shall be informed without delay of the cancellation of the Tendering Action by
Welthungerhilfe and of the reasons for the same.
Welthungerhilfe organizes its procurement practices in a fair and transparent manner and obeys the guidelines for the
use of public funds. Contractors and suppliers must bindingly confirm that they reject corrupt behaviour according to the
definition outlined in the guideline (E-CoC Prevention of Conflicts of Interest and Corruption) and have never been
legally convicted of fraud or corruption. In the case that bribes have been offered or paid within the period of contract, the
right to end the contract should be reserved as well as the right to exclude the contractor from any further procurement
procedures with Welthungerhilfe in Afghanistan. In order to effectively prevent corruption and avoid any semblance of
corrupt behavior, Welthungerhilfe has developed guidelines for the fight against corruption which have to be followed by
the employees of the organization as well as the contractual partners (suppliers, service providers, etc.).
The contractual partners submitting the bids/signing the contract oblige themselves to follow the guidelines (E-CoC
Prevention of Conflicts of Interest and Corruption) and to communicate these guidelines strongly to other contractual
partners (suppliers, service providers, etc.). Employees and contractual partners are encouraged to report violations and
concerns as early as possible. For this purpose, secure, easily-accessible and trustworthy channels of information will be
established. The first point of contact is the Internal Auditing Department and can be contacted as per Whistleblowing
hotline (confidential email-address): [email protected]"
Ref: AFG 1223-NT-001-Construction materials Welthungerhilfe, Taimani Road, Street 05, House # 202, PD 04, Kabul, Afghanistan
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Email : Hussain [email protected]