Summary 2014
Summary 2014
Summary 2014
Special Communication
FINDINGS Strong recommendations for preventive services include daily oral prophylactic
penicillin up to the age of 5 years, annual transcranial Doppler examinations from the ages of 2
to 16 years in those with sickle cell anemia, and long-term transfusion therapy to prevent stroke
in those children with abnormal transcranial Doppler velocity (ⱖ200 cm/s). Strong
recommendations addressing acute complications include rapid initiation of opioids for
treatment of severe pain associated with a vasoocclusive crisis, and use of incentive spirometry
in patients hospitalized for a vasoocclusive crisis. Strong recommendations for chronic
complications include use of analgesics and physical therapy for treatment of avascular
necrosis, and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy for microalbuminuria in
adults with SCD. Strong recommendations for children and adults with proliferative sickle cell
retinopathy include referral to expert specialists for consideration of laser photocoagulation and
for echocardiography to evaluate signs of pulmonary hypertension. Hydroxyurea therapy is
strongly recommended for adults with 3 or more severe vasoocclusive crises during any
12-month period, with SCD pain or chronic anemia interfering with daily activities, or with
severe or recurrent episodes of acute chest syndrome. A recommendation of moderate
strength suggests offering treatment with hydroxyurea without regard to the presence of
symptoms for infants, children, and adolescents. In persons with sickle cell anemia,
preoperative transfusion therapy to increase hemoglobin levels to 10 g/dL is strongly
recommended with a moderate strength recommendation to maintain sickle hemoglobin levels
of less than 30% prior to the next transfusion during long-term transfusion therapy. A strong
recommendation to assess iron overload is accompanied by a moderate strength
recommendation to begin iron chelation therapy when indicated. Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Hydroxyurea and transfusion therapy are strongly
Corresponding Author: Barbara P.
recommended for many individuals with SCD. Many other recommendations are based on
Yawn, MD, MSc, MSPH, Olmsted
quality of evidence that is less than high due to the paucity of clinical trials regarding Medical Center, Department of
screening, management, and monitoring for individuals with SCD. Research and Education, 210 Ninth St
SE, Rochester, MN 55904 (byawn
JAMA. 2014;312(10):1033-1048. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.10517
(Reprinted) 1033
ickle cell disease (SCD) was first reported in November oped by an expert panel convened in 2009 by the National Heart,
1910 by Herrick, 1 an internal medicine specialist in Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
Chicago, Illinois, who referred to “peculiar elongated
and sickle-shaped red blood corpuscles in a case of severe
anemia.” Substantial knowledge about SCD has been gained
since that first description. Yet the 2 most widely available
disease-modifying therapies, hydroxyurea and long-term The expert panel was composed of health care professionals with
transfusions, are underused, 2 , 3 and hematopoietic stem expertise in the areas of family medicine, general internal medi-
cell transplantation, the cine, pediatric and adult hematology, psychiatry and mental health,
ACS acute chest syndrome only curative approach, has transfusion medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, maternal/fetal
GRADE Grading of been used in only a small medicine, emergency department nursing, and evidence-based
Recommendations Assessment, propor tion of affec ted medicine. An independent methodology group assisted the expert
Development, and Evaluation
individuals.4 panel by performing literature searches, preparing evidence tables,
PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension
Sickle hemoglobin and summarizing the evidence. Rating the quality of evidence and
PSR proliferative sickle retinopathy (HbS), the predominant assigning the strength of recommendations was based on a modi-
RCT randomized clinical trial hemoglobin that is present fication of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Devel-
SCA sickle cell anemia in the red blood cells of opment, and Evaluation (GRADE) system.9
SCD sickle cell disease persons with SCD, results This summary report and the full SCD guideline (available at http:
from substitution of the //
amino acid valine for glutamic acid at the sixth position of the -guidelines/) are designed to support primary care physicians,
β-globin chain.5 When deoxygenated, red blood cells from per- nurses, and other health care professionals who provide continu-
sons with SCD can develop a sickle or crescent shape, become ity of care or outpatient, inpatient, or emergency care to individu-
inflexible, and increase blood viscosity through intrinsic proper- als with SCD and thereby enhance the lives of persons living with
ties of the sickled cells as well as abnormal interactions of these the disease. Care for the wide array of complications may be com-
cells with leukocytes, platelets, vascular endothelium, and clot- plex and often requires consultation with experts in SCD care and
ting factors.6,7 management. The guideline is divided into sections related to
Several SCD genotypes exist (Table 1). The most prevalent health maintenance (including prevention and screening recom-
genotype, HbSS, and the much less common HbSβ0-thalassemia, mendations) as well as diagnosis and management of acute and
are both commonly referred to as sickle cell anemia (SCA) chronic complications. The final 2 sections address hydroxyurea
because they are phenotypically very similar and are associated with and blood transfusion therapies.
the most severe clinical manifestations. Between 70 000 and During development of the guideline, measures were taken to en-
100 000 individuals in the United States have SCD. Most of those sure the transparency of the evidence review process, and processes
affected are of African ancestry or self-identify as black, with a mi- were established to manage all potential or perceived conflicts of in-
nority being of Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Asian Indian descent. terest. For each of the 5 topic areas, the expert panel (assisted by the
An additional 3.5 million people in the United States are heterozy- methodology group) developed an initial list of critical questions for-
gote carriers of HbS (HbAS genotype; ie, they have sickle cell trait).8 matted according to the PICOS (P = Population; I = Intervention,
Care for persons with SCD often lacks continuity. Primary exposure; C = Comparator; O = Outcome; S = Setting) framework10
care and emergency care health professionals need up-to-date for literature searches, formal evidence appraisal, and vetting.
clinical guidance regarding care of persons with SCD. This report
summarizes the Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell Dis- Literature Search
ease: Expert Panel Report 2014 (available at Search strategies were designed to have high sensitivity and low
.gov/health-pro/guidelines/sickle-cell-disease-guidelines/) devel- specificity to ensure the broadest capture of relevant data. To be in-
Table 1. Typical Laboratory Findings in Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait
1034 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
clusive of the limited available literature in the field, searches in- April 1, 2014, included only RCTs that pertained specifically to indi-
cluded randomized clinical trials (RCTs), nonrandomized interven- viduals with SCD. The 8 additional studies identified were added to
tion studies, and observational studies. Case reports and small case the evidence tables. Throughout the process, the evidence tables
series were included only when outcomes involved harm or when as well as the full articles of all studies included in the evidence tables
rare complications were described. were available to the expert panel members.
Literature searches involved multiple databases (MEDLINE [in-
cluding in-process and other nonindexed citations], EMBASE, Evidence Framework
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Reg- The GRADE framework was used to assess and guide the reporting
ister of Controlled Trials, CINAHL, TOXLINE, and Scopus) and used of the quality of the evidence for specific critical questions. The
controlled (prespecified) vocabulary terms supplemented with key- AMSTAR12 (assessment of multiple systematic reviews) tool was used
words to define concept areas. The exact search terms can be found to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews. Recent
in the full online guideline document. Only studies published in Eng- well-conducted systematic reviews were identified that addressed
lish were included in the literature reviews. hydroxyurea therapy in children, adolescents, and adults.3,11,13 The
The work of the expert panel was performed in sequence to al- expert panel and methodology group appraised these reviews and
low the methodology group sufficient time to complete the litera- conducted additional searches to update the existing systematic re-
ture reviews and prepare the evidence tables. The dates of the ini- view through April 1, 2014, to find evidence for the benefits, harms,
tial comprehensive literature review are summarized in Table 2. After and barriers of using hydroxyurea and acute complications in chil-
the public comment period in August 2012, a final review of the lit- dren with SCD.14
erature was repeated for SCD-related RCTs and systematic reviews During the standard GRADE process, recommendations are re-
through April 1, 2014, to ensure that no more recent studies had been ported as either strong based on quality of evidence that is high or
published that might change the recommendations. Studies iden- weak based on all other evidence.9 However, the expert panel de-
tified in the final, limited literature review were used to supple- cided this was insufficient to represent the limited evidence avail-
ment the background materials when appropriate, and all RCTs were able for SCD and added a category of moderate strength for a rec-
included in the evidence tables. Nothing in the 8 trials identified in ommendation that is based on evidence from lower-quality RCTs and
the update from 2010 through April 1, 2014, required modification large well-conducted observational studies.
of the recommendations. The panel intends for moderate strength recommendations to
be used to populate protocols of care and provide guidance based
Evidence Synthesis on the best available evidence. Weak or moderate strength recom-
Literature searches using the criteria described above yielded 12 532 mendations are not intended to generate quality-of-care indica-
references. The expert panel also identified an additional 1231 po- tors or accountability measures or to affect insurance reimburse-
tentially relevant references. All abstracts were reviewed indepen- ment. Variations in care in the areas of weak or moderate strength
dently by 2 reviewers using an online reference management sys- recommendations may be acceptable, particularly in ways that re-
tem (DistillerSR) until the reviewers reached adequate agreement flect patient values and preferences. Conversely, strong recommen-
(κ ⱖ 0.90). A final subset of 1575 original studies was included in the dations represent areas in which there is high confidence in the evi-
evidence tables by the methodology group to summarize indi- dence supporting net benefit, and the recommendations are
vidual study findings and support the level of the quality of evi- expected to apply to most individuals with SCD.
dence (ie, confidence in the estimates of effect).
The tables include descriptions of study populations, SCD geno- Consensus Statements
types, interventions, and outcomes. Methodological details are dis- In addition to new systematic searches, recommendations from ex-
cussed in each evidence table, including the search questions. The isting evidence-based clinical practice guidelines were incorpo-
search strategies, study selection process, and a list of excluded stud- rated or adapted for the SCD guideline if they had prespecified clini-
ies appear at cal questions, were developed after a comprehensive literature
/sickle-cell-disease-guidelines/. The final update from 2010 through search, had explicit and clear criteria for the inclusion of evidence, (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1035
1036 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
Table 3. Evidence-Based Recommendations for Health Maintenance in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Strength of Quality of
Evidence-Based Health Maintenance Recommendations for SCDa Recommendation Evidence
Prevention of invasive pneumococcal infection
Administer oral penicillin prophylaxis (125 mg for those aged <3 y and 250 mg for those aged ≥3 y) twice daily Strong Moderate
until age 5 y in all children with HbSS
Discontinue prophylactic penicillin in children with HbSS at age 5 y unless they have had a splenectomy or invasive Moderate Moderate
pneumococcal infection; ensure completion of pneumococcal vaccination series before discontinuation
Ensure that persons of all ages with SCD have been vaccinated against Streptococcus pneumoniae Strong Moderate
Children aged 6-18 y with functional or anatomic asplenia should receive 1 dose of PCV13 (conjugate 13-valent
Adults aged ≥19 y who have not received pneumococcal vaccine but have functional or anatomic asplenia and who
have not previously received PCV13 or PPSV23 (23-valent polysaccharide vaccine) should receive 1 dose of PCV13
first, followed by a dose of PPSV23 at least 8 wk later, with subsequent doses of PPSV23 to follow current PPSV23
recommendations for adults at high risk
A second PPSV23 dose is recommended 5 y after the first PPSV23 dose for persons aged 19-64 y with functional Consensus Adaptedb
or anatomic asplenia
In addition, those who received PPSV23 before age 65 y for any indication should receive another dose of the
vaccine at age 65 y or later if at least 5 y have elapsed since their previous PPSV23 dose
Adults aged ≥19 y with previous PPSV23 vaccination and functional or anatomic asplenia who received ≥1 doses of
PPSV23 should be given a PCV13 dose ≥1 y after the last PPSV23 dose was received
For those who require additional doses of PPSV23, the first such dose should be given no sooner than 8 wk after
PCV13 dose and at least 5 y after the most recent dose of PPSV23
Screening for hepatitis C: screen for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in persons at high risk for infection (eg, those Consensus Adaptedc
with multiple transfusions) and offer 1-time screening for HCV infection to all adults born between 1945 and 1965
Electrocardiogram screening: do not screen asymptomatic children or adults with SCD with electrocardiograms Weak Low
Screening for retinopathy
Refer to an ophthalmologist for a dilated eye examination to evaluate for retinopathy beginning at age 10 y Strong Low
For persons having a normal dilated retinal examination, rescreen at 1- to 2-y intervals Consensus Panel expertised
Screening for risk of stroke using neuroimaging
In children with sickle cell anemia (SCA), screen annually (beginning at age 2 y and continuing until at least Strong Moderate
age 16 y) with transcranial Doppler, according to the methods used in the STOP studies
In children with conditional (170-199 cm/s) or elevated (≥200 cm/s) transcranial Doppler results, refer to a Strong High
specialist with expertise in long-term transfusion therapy aimed at preventing stroke
In children with genotypes other than SCA (eg, HbSβ+-thalassemia or HbSC), do not perform screening with Strong Low
transcranial Doppler
In asymptomatic children with SCD, do not perform screening with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or Moderate Low
computed tomography (CT)
In asymptomatic adults with SCD, do not perform screening with neuroimaging (transcranial Doppler, MRI, or CT) Moderate Very low
Screening for pulmonary disease: do not screen asymptomatic children and adults with pulmonary function tests Moderate Low
Contraception, reproductive counseling, and opioid use during pregnancy Consensus Adaptede
Abbreviation: STOP, Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia. Consensus-adapted recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task
The order of the recommendations was chosen to reflect the frequency with Force (USPSTF). Box 1 contains criteria for consensus-adapted
which they will likely need to be implemented. For example, immunization recommendations.
recommendations apply to all individuals with SCD, whereas pulmonary Box 1 contains criteria for panel expertise consensus.
function assessment or contraceptive information may be needed for only a e
Consensus-adapted recommendations from the World Health Organization
portion of those with SCD. (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).21 Box 1
Consensus adapted from 2014 recommendations of Advisory Committee on contains criteria for consensus-adapted recommendations.
Immunization Practices (ACIP).20 Box 1 contains criteria for consensus-
adapted recommendations.
tem. Based on varying quality levels of evidence, strong recommen- based on the lack of evidence regarding their efficacy or effective-
dations are made related to screening for hypertension, retinopathy, ness in providing any improved outcomes or advantage in asymp-
and risk of stroke using transcranial Doppler in children aged 2 to 16 tomatic individuals.
years. The frequency of such screening is often based on expert opin- The US Preventive Services Task Force and the Advisory Com-
ion as it is for these recommendations. For example, dilated eye ex- mittee on Immunization Practices have developed evidence-
amination is recommended to be completed every 1 to 2 years when based recommendations for preventive services, screening, and im-
the previous evaluation was negative. Recommendations are made munizations appropriate for all children and adults. The expert panel
against neuroimaging screening in asymptomatic children, adoles- decided that it is important to highlight the use of these recommen-
cents, and adults to assess for risk of future stroke. Other fre- dations in the care of all persons with SCD because those living with
quently used screening procedures such as electrocardiography and chronic disease often fail to receive this type of routine preventive
pulmonary function tests also have recommendations against use care.23 Pregnancy in women with SCD may present additional health (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1037
risks, such as preterm delivery, stillbirth, maternal mortality, and se- dren, but the complication also may result from bone marrow em-
vere fetal anemia.24,25 Therefore, the ability of health profession- bolism, intrapulmonary aggregates of sickled cells, atelectasis, or
als to provide information on available contraception and reproduc- pulmonary edema. Acute chest syndrome can rapidly proceed to re-
tive issues is important in the care of persons with SCD. The expert spiratory failure or death and requires immediate hospitalization and
panel chose to summarize and include guidance for reproductive is- thorough evaluation. Treatments include antibiotics, oxygen supple-
sues as reviewed and summarized by the World Health Organiza- mentation, and exchange transfusion in those who experience se-
tion and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.17 vere respiratory distress. Risk of ACS can be reduced by the use of
incentive spirometry during hospital admissions for vasoocclusive
Managing Acute Complications crises34 or by preoperative transfusion.37 Acute chest syndrome oc-
New clinical approaches and treatments22,26,27 have increased rates curs with increased frequency in persons with asthma or prior ACS
of survival in persons with SCD. However, the average lifespan of per- events.
sons with SCD remains about 3 decades shorter than other individu- Acute stroke is a common and devastating complication of SCD,
als living in the United States,28,29 due in large part to acute and particularly among persons with SCA.38 In the absence of primary
chronic complications related to vascular occlusion. Vasoocclusive stroke prevention, approximately 10% of children with HbSS will
crisis, commonly referred to as acute pain crisis, is the most com- have overt stroke and an additional 20% to 35% will have silent ce-
mon such event and is usually accompanied by severe pain. Nearly rebral infarction, which can cause cognitive decline and predispose
all individuals with SCD will experience a vasoocclusive crisis dur- them to additional silent infarcts and overt strokes.39 Stroke in those
ing their lifetime. The first episode may occur as early as 6 months with SCD often has similar presenting signs and symptoms as in per-
of age, often presenting as dactylitis, and thereafter may occur with sons without SCD, including being preceded by transient ischemic
variable frequency, usually in the extremities, chest, and back.30-33 attacks. Regular transfusion therapy or, when transfusion therapy
The vasoocclusive crises are a particularly complex manage- is not possible or has had to be discontinued, hydroxyurea therapy
ment concern. Health care professionals must appreciate the se- may prevent recurrent strokes.40
vere nature of the pain and the urgent need for effective pain relief Additionally, transfusion therapy may prevent an initial stroke
therapies (Table 4). Patients presenting with a vasoocclusive crisis in children with abnormal transcranial Doppler velocity identified by
are at risk for other complications such as acute chest syndrome regular transcranial Doppler ultrasound screening (see the health
(ACS), requiring rapid triage, evaluation, and administration of an- maintenance and blood transfusion management sections of this
algesics. Patients with SCD experiencing acute pain crises may be summary report). Silent central nervous system infarcts can pre-
incorrectly identified as those with drug-seeking behavior or addic- sent with nonfocal signs such as developmental delays or poor or
tion. It is important that the preferences and needs of the indi- declining school performance in children, or changes in social, role,
vidual seeking care be heard, respected, and responded to with the or work functioning in adults. Throughout their lives, persons with
same attention as applied to any other individuals with serious physi- SCD should be considered for formal neurocognitive evaluation when
ological pain. Pain management should include parenteral opioids assessments reveal any of these concerns.
for severe pain administered in a timely manner, guided by an indi- Other less common complications include priapism, hepatobi-
vidualized prescribing and monitoring protocol written by the pa- liary complications, acute splenic sequestration, acute kidney in-
tient with his/her SCD health care clinician or team, or by an insti- jury, acute cholecystitis, and acute aplastic crisis due to parvovirus
tutional SCD-specific protocol when an individualized protocol is not B19 infection. Each of these complications requires immediate at-
available. In children and adults hospitalized for a vasoocclusive cri- tention, often similar to the care provided to individuals with the
sis, the use of incentive spirometry can limit the risk for ACS.34 same problems but without SCD. Several of these acute complica-
People with SCA have an increased risk of severe bacterial in- tions (eg, acute aplastic crisis) had no available evidence for man-
fection, resulting primarily from reduced or absent splenic function.35 agement, limiting the panel to consensus recommendations based
By 2 or 3 months of age, as their level of fetal hemoglobin declines, on expert opinion, which are not the focus of this report but can be
infants with SCA develop splenic impairment. The result is an ex- found in the full guideline document.
tremely high risk of septicemia and meningitis, primarily due to Strep-
tococcus pneumoniae. It is imperative to promptly identify and treat Managing Chronic Complications
suspected bacterial infections. One of the signs that the expert panel Chronic complications of SCD can involve most organs and organ sys-
strongly recommends as a reliable indicator of such diseases is fe- tems during the lifespan of affected individuals. In addition, certain
ver (ⱖ38.5°C) to which clinicians should respond more aggres- acute complications, such as stroke and priapism, often do not re-
sively than they might in people without SCD. solve completely but evolve into subacute or chronic phases that
Acute chest syndrome is another frequently occurring and se- require special approaches to management. A unified definition of
rious acute complication of SCD.36,37 Clinically, ACS can develop at each complication of SCD was published in 2010,41 which should con-
any time and typically presents as sudden onset of some combina- tinue to facilitate clinical communications, management, and fur-
tion of cough, shortness of breath, retractions, and rales accompa- ther research to better describe the etiology, natural history, and care
nied by a new pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiograph. Children usu- for these conditions.
ally have a fever and upper- or middle-lobe involvement, whereas Most of the chronic complications have not been the subject of
adults are often afebrile and present with multilobe disease. There high-quality observational studies or RCTs, thus leaving few areas
are no distinctive laboratory features of ACS, although hemoglobin in which strong recommendations were possible (Table 5). The ex-
concentration often declines sharply.37 The most common etiol- pert panel’s evidence-based recommendations for managing chronic
ogy is infection (eg, viral, bacterial, or mycoplasma), especially in chil- complications are supplemented with information on chronic pain
1038 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
Table 4. Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Acute Complications of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Strength of Quality of
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Acute Complications of SCDa Recommendation Evidence
Vasoocclusive crisisb
Continue treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in adults and children with a Moderate Low
vasoocclusive crisis associated with mild to moderate pain in those who report relief with NSAIDs in the absence of
Rapidly initiate treatment with parenteral opioids in adults and children with a vasoocclusive crisis associated with Strong High
severe pain
Initiate around-the-clock opioid administration by patient-controlled analgesia or frequently scheduled doses vs Moderate Low
as requested administration in adults and children with a vasoocclusive crisis associated with severe pain
Use incentive spirometry during hospitalization for vasoocclusive crisis to reduce the risk of acute chest syndrome Strong Moderate
Do not administer a blood transfusion unless there are other indications for transfusion in children and adults with Moderate Low
a vasoocclusive crisisc
Use an individualized prescribing and monitoring protocol (written by the patient’s SCD clinician) or an SCD- Consensus Panel expertisee
specific protocol whenever possible to promote rapid, effective, and safe analgesic management and resolution of
the vasoocclusive crisis in children and adultsd
Acute chest syndrome
Treat persons with SCD who have ACS with an intravenous cephalosporin, an oral macrolide antibiotic, Strong Low
supplemental oxygen (to maintain oxygen saturation of >95%), and close monitoring for bronchospasm, acute
anemia, and hypoxemia
In persons with sickle cell anemia, give simple blood transfusion (10 mL/kg of red blood cells) to improve oxygen- Weak Low
carrying capacity to persons with symptomatic ACS whose hemoglobin concentration is >1.0 g/dL below baseline;
if baseline hemoglobin is ≥9 g/dL, simple blood transfusion may not be required
In persons with HbSC disease or HbSβ+-thalassemia, consult an SCD expert regarding decisions about transfusion Strong Low
Perform urgent exchange transfusion in consultation with hematology, critical care, or apheresis specialists, when Strong Low
there is rapid progression of ACS as manifested by oxygen saturation of <90% despite supplemental oxygen,
increasing respiratory distress, progressive pulmonary infiltrates, decline in hemoglobin concentration despite
simple transfusion, or all of these
Encourage use of incentive spirometry while awake Strong Moderate
Acute stroke
Consult an SCD expert and perform exchange transfusion in persons with SCD who develop acute stroke confirmed Consensus Panel expertisee
by neuroimaging
Initiate a program of monthly simple or exchange transfusions in children and adults who have had a stroke Moderate Low
Initiate hydroxyurea therapy when it is not possible to initiate a transfusion program in children and adults who Moderate Low
have had a stroke
Initiate interventions to include vigorous oral or intravenous hydration and oral or intravenous analgesia when an Strong Low
episode of priapism lasts ≥4 h
Consult with a urologist when an episode of priapism lasts ≥4 h Consensus Panel expertisee
Do not use transfusion therapy for immediate treatment of priapism associated with SCD Moderate Low
Consult with a hematologist for possible preoperative transfusion if surgical intervention is required Consensus Panel expertisee
Hepatobiliary complications
Treat asymptomatic gallstones with watchful waiting in children and adults with SCD; in those who develop Strong Moderate
symptoms specific to gallstones, treat with cholecystectomy (the laparoscopic approach is preferred if surgically
feasible and available)
Splenic sequestration
Provide immediate intravenous fluid resuscitation in persons with hypovolemia due to severe acute splenic Strong Low
Consult an SCD expert and begin transfusion in persons who have acute splenic sequestration and severe anemia to Strong Low
increase hemoglobin to a stable level, while avoiding overtransfusion
Consult an SCD expert to address the performance and timing of splenectomy in persons with recurrent acute Moderate Low
splenic sequestration or symptomatic hypersplenism
Acute renal failure
In a patient with an acute increase in serum creatinine level of ≥0.3 mg/dL, (1) monitor renal function daily, Consensus Panel expertisee
including serum creatinine level, fluid intake, and fluid output; (2) avoid potential nephrotoxic drugs and imaging
agents; and (3) evaluate the patient thoroughly for all potential etiologies in consultation with a nephrologist
as needed
Do not give blood transfusions to treat acute renal failure unless there are other indications for transfusion Consensus Panel expertisee
Use renal replacement therapy (eg, hemodialysis) when needed for acute renal failure Consensus Panel expertisee
The order of the recommendations was chosen to reflect the frequency with Management of Sickle Cell Disease” in the full guideline document at http:
which they will likely need to be implemented. For example, vasoocclusive //
crisis is more common than episodes of ACS or priapism. d
More information on the pain algorithm appears in the eFigure in the
The consensus-adapted pain recommendation appears in eSection 1 of the Supplement.
Supplement. e
Box 1 contains criteria for panel expertise consensus.
More information appears in the chapter entitled “Blood Transfusion in the (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1039
Table 5. Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Chronic Complications of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Strength of Quality of
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Managing Chronic Complicationsa Recommendation Evidence
Chronic pain recommendationsb Consensus Adaptedc
Avascular necrosis
Evaluate all children and adults with SCD and intermittent or chronic hip pain for avascular necrosis by history, physical Strong Low
examination, radiography, and magnetic resonance imaging, as needed
Treat avascular necrosis with analgesics and consult physical therapy and orthopedic departments for assessment and Strong High
Pulmonary hypertension
Refer persons who have symptoms or signs suggestive of pulmonary hypertension for echocardiography Strong Moderate
Renal complications
Refer persons with proteinuria (>300 mg/24 h) to a nephrologist for further evaluation Strong Low
For adults with microalbuminuria without other apparent cause, initiate angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor Moderate Moderate
For adults with proteinuria without other apparent cause, initiate ACE inhibitor therapy Moderate Low
Initiate ACE inhibitor therapy for renal complications when indicated even in the presence of normal blood pressure Moderate Low
Renal replacement therapy (eg, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplantation) should be used in persons with Strong Low
SCD if needed
Ophthalmologic complications
Refer children and adults with vitreoretinal complications of proliferative sickle retinopathy (PSR) refractory to medical Strong Low
treatment for evaluation and possible vitrectomy
Refer persons of all ages with PSR to an ophthalmologist for evaluation and possible laser photocoagulation therapy Strong Moderate
Leg ulcers
Treat leg ulcers in persons with SCD with initial standard therapy (eg, debridement, wet to dry dressings, topical agents) Moderate Low
Evaluate persons with chronic recalcitrant deep leg ulcers for osteomyelitis Moderate Low
Evaluate possible etiologies of leg ulcers to include venous insufficiency and perform wound culture if infection is Moderate Low
suspected or if the ulcers deteriorate
Treat with systemic or local antibiotics if leg ulcer site is suspicious for infection and wound culture is positive and Moderate Low
organisms are susceptible
Stuttering or recurrent priapism
Consult an SCD specialist and urologist for evaluation and therapy of recurrent or stuttering priapism, especially when Weak Low
episodes increase in severity or frequency
a b
The order of the recommendations was chosen to reflect the frequency with More information appears in eSection 1 and in the eFigure in the Supplement.
which they will likely need to be implemented. For example, chronic pain will c
Box 1 contains criteria for consensus-adapted recommendations.
probably be more common than avascular necrosis or leg ulcers.
management in eSection 1 in the Supplement. The panel recom- and disability. Therapy is usually conservative, nonsurgical manage-
mends that primary care clinicians and other clinicians involve ap- ment until joint replacement is determined to be necessary.
propriate consultants and specialists in management decisions for Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is caused by restric-
chronic complications. tion in the lumen and stiffening of the walls of the pulmonary
Sickle cell pain often becomes chronic, resulting in poorer qual- arteries. It is defined as an elevation of the mean pulmonary arte-
ity of life.33,42 Early and aggressive treatment of acute sickle cell pain rial pressure (>25 mm Hg at rest) as determined by right heart
may reduce the development of chronic pain.43 Adults reported catheterization. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is an indepen-
chronic SCD pain on more than 50% of days surveyed,33 and chil- dent risk factor for mortality in individuals with SCD.47 The expert
dren reported SCD pain on nearly 10% of days surveyed.41 Chronic panel found insufficient evidence to recommend for or against
pain is often associated with other morbidities, including depres- screening for PAH in asymptomatic people with SCD. Conversely,
sion, anxiety, despair, insomnia, loneliness, helplessness, and de- individuals with SCD who have symptoms that may indicate the
pendence on pain medications.30,44,45 In the systematic review, little presence of PAH (eg, exercise intolerance, fatigue, peripheral
evidence was found related specifically to the chronic pain of per- edema, chest pain) should be evaluated for PAH initially by
sons with SCD. Therefore, the expert panel chose to adapt selected echocardiography, with confirmation of diagnosis by right heart
recommendations from the American Pain Society developed in col- catheterization.
laboration with the American Academy of Pain Medicine 18,30 An estimated 23 million individuals living in the United States have
(eSection 1 and eFigure in the Supplement). chronic kidney disease, including 4% to 18% of persons with SCD.48
Avascular necrosis, which is also known as aseptic necrosis, os- In 1 study,49 renal failure was observed in 4.2% of persons with SCA.
teonecrosis, or ischemic necrosis, is a syndrome of bone death due Inthosedevelopingrenalfailure,68%previouslyhadproteinuria,40%
to compromised blood supply. Avascular necrosis occurs in about 10% had nephrotic syndrome, and 33% had hypertension.49 Evaluation of
of persons with SCD, and the hip joint is the most common site.46 Avas- proteinuria and microalbuminuria may provide opportunities to treat
cular necrosis of the femoral head often causes chronic severe pain renal complications and delay renal failure.
1040 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
Chronic ophthalmological complications of SCD include prolif- sons with SCD, but other mechanisms of action and benefits exist.
erative sickle retinopathy (PSR) and vitreous hemorrhage. The pres- For example, hydroxyurea lowers the number of circulating leuko-
ence of PSR is associated with significant visual loss,50 and its peak cytes and reticulocytes and decreases their expression of adhesion
prevalence occurs earlier in HbSC disease (eg, age ranges of 15-24 molecules, thus reducing vascular occlusion.54 Hydroxyurea also in-
years in men and 20-39 years in women) than in HbSS.51 Evaluation creases red blood cell size (higher mean corpuscular volume) and
of PSR should include referral to an ophthalmologist for consider- improves cellular deformability, which increases blood flow and re-
ation of laser therapy. duces vasoocclusion. In addition, nitric oxide released directly from
Leg ulcers are another form of vascular complication seen in per- hydroxyurea metabolism may contribute to local vasodilation.55
sons with SCD and are treated with standard therapy as well as evalu- Hydroxyurea therapy substantially reduces the frequency of
ation for venous etiologies. Antibiotic therapy is reserved for ulcers painful episodes and ACS events and the need for erythrocyte trans-
with culture-proven bacterial infection. When ulcers are persis- fusions and hospitalizations.56 Long-term hydroxyurea administra-
tent, coexistence of osteomyelitis should be assessed. tion results in a reduction in mortality.57,58
Stuttering priapism, the occurrence of multiple self-limited epi- The primary basis for recommending hydroxyurea therapy in
sodes of unwanted, often painful erections lasting less than 4 hours, adults come from the Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell
combined with prolonged priapism, affects as many as 35% of males Anemia.56 This RCT enrolled only adults with SCA who had experi-
with SCD. Even though stuttering priapism is self-limited, recurrent enced more than 3 vasoocclusive crises during the previous year. The
episodes may lead to chronic or persistent priapism, adversely af- inclusion criteria were based on earlier clinical data showing an
fecting quality of life or resulting in impotence. Chronic hormonal association of more than 3 vasoocclusive crises and markedly lower
therapy may reduce or eliminate the episodes but without evi- survival rates. Two-year trial results and follow-up at 9 and 17
dence of improvement in functional outcomes. Therefore, treat- years57,58 demonstrated improved outcomes in those who contin-
ment decisions must be based on the balance of potential benefits ued hydroxyurea therapy (Table 6).
and the risk of adverse effects including reduced sexual function.52 Only a limited population of adults with SCD was studied, fail-
ing to account for many individuals with significant SCD burden but
Hydroxyurea Therapy who experience less than 3 vasoocclusive crises during a 12-month
Long-term daily oral hydroxyurea treatment has been shown to re- period. Based on observation studies and extrapolation from the Mul-
duce or prevent many acute and chronic complications of SCD. A ri- ticenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Anemia56 and other RCTs,
bonucleotide reductase inhibitor, hydroxyurea has been in use since the panel recommends hydroxyurea therapy for adults with fewer
the 1970s to treat persons with myeloproliferative neoplasms. In the pain crises but whose SCA results in significant interference with daily
1980s, hydroxyurea was identified as a promising drug candidate activities or quality of life as well as individuals who have severe or
for SCD by increasing fetal hemoglobin levels. Hydroxyurea has since recurrent ACS or severe symptomatic anemia.
been shown to have rapid absorption and near-complete bioavail- For infants, children, and adolescents who have SCA, hydroxy-
ability and to be therapeutic with once-daily oral dosing.53 urea treatment results have closely and consistently mirrored those
Increasing the concentration of fetal hemoglobin is the pri- of adults. Hydroxyurea treatment of children beginning as early as
mary effect of hydroxyurea and provides the greatest benefit to per- 9 months of age yields improvements in laboratory parameters such (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1041
1042 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
The benefits of long-term transfusion are varied; the highest- ibilities. These reactions should be considered in the differential di-
quality evidence is from RCTs related to primary prevention of stroke agnosis of a patient with worsening anemia, jaundice, or pain after
in children (Table 7).26,66 The use of transfusions for an abnormal transfusion. Transfused erythrocytes, whether administered spo-
transcranial Doppler velocity (ⱖ200 cm/s) has resulted in a declin- radically or on a regularly scheduled basis, present a substantial iron
ing incidence of primary overt stroke in children with SCA.67 load to the recipient, given the lack of a physiological means to re-
Additional recommendations to provide transfusions for acute move excess iron. Repeated transfusion of erythrocytes causes iron
SCD complications are based on moderate- and low-quality evi- accumulation outside the normal pathways of iron regulation and
dence and expert panel consensus in instances in which there is an thus can lead to iron overload and organ dysfunction. Chelation
expectation of high potential risk of mortality when transfusions are therapy can be used to remove excess iron.
withheld (eg, ACS, acute stroke, severe anemia from transient Although red blood cell transfusion can help ameliorate many
aplastic crisis due to parvovirus B19, and splenic and hepatic seques- SCD complications, transfusion therapy is associated with a wide va-
tration). Persons with previous stroke and children with elevated riety of adverse reactions from mild to severe or even fatal.68 Many
transcranial Doppler velocities (ⱖ200 cm/s) are candidates for long- of the recognized hazards of transfusions are amplified in persons
term transfusion therapy (Table 8). with SCD.69,70 Decisions to administer blood transfusions in per-
Transfusions are associated with several possible complica- sons with SCD must be based on risk-benefit assessments and are
tions or risks, including hyperviscosity, alloimmunization, hemoly- often made in consultation with a hematologist, transfusion medi-
sis, and iron overload (eSection 2 in the Supplement). Transfusion cine specialist, or SCD expert. The expert panel chose to comment
of donor erythrocytes will raise the hematocrit of circulating blood, on a few such situations in which evidence has shown no benefit or
resulting in increased viscosity that could be problematic for per- no evidence of benefit has been published but transfusion has been
sons with SCD by triggering vasoocclusion. reported to be used. The panel makes explicit recommendations in
Following a transfusion, if the donor erythrocytes have a dif- Table 9 against the routine use of transfusions in uncomplicated va-
ferent antigenic profile from those of the recipient’s own erythro- soocclusive crises, priapism, asymptomatic anemia, acute kidney in-
cytes, an immunological response by the recipient against the for- jury in the absence of multisystem organ failure.
eign antigens can result in alloimmunization. Alloantibodies persist
for many years, although their titer may wane to low or undetect-
able levels. Alloimmunization usually limits the ability to identify com-
patible blood units for future transfusions, so efforts to avoid al-
loantibody development are warranted. Providing care to individuals with SCD can be challenging. This SCD
Delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions develop 7 to 28 days guideline is being made available to provide the latest evidence-
after red blood cell transfusions with minor blood group incompat- based recommendations to manage this condition and to help en- (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1043
Table 8. Sickle Cell Disease Complications and Evidence-Based Recommendations for Use of Transfusion
Transfusion Strength of Quality of
Complication Method Recommendation Evidence
Symptomatic severe acute chest syndrome (defined by an oxygen saturation Exchange Strong Low
<90% despite supplemental oxygen)
Acute splenic sequestration plus severe anemia Simple Strong Low
In children and adults who have had an acute stroke, initiate a program Simple or exchange Moderate Low
of monthly transfusions
Hepatic sequestration Exchange or simple Consensus Panel expertisea
Intrahepatic cholestasis Exchange or simple Consensus Panel expertisea
Multisystem organ failure Exchange or simple Consensus Panel expertisea
Aplastic crisis Simple Consensus Panel expertisea
Symptomatic anemia Simple Consensus Panel expertisea
Child with transcranial Doppler reading >200 cm/s Exchange or simple Strong High
Adults and children with previous clinically overt stroke Exchange or simple Moderate Low
Box 1 contains criteria for panel expertise consensus.
Indicates the time-averaged mean maximal cerebral blood flow velocity.
Table 9. Sickle Cell Disease Complications and Evidence-Based Doppler. The quality of evidence for this recommendation is low,
Recommendations Against Use of Transfusion including observational studies, which do not demonstrate ben-
efit from transcranial Doppler screening. Additional observational
Strength of Quality of
Complication Recommendation Evidence studies reported a significantly lower incidence of stroke in chil-
Uncomplicated painful crisis Moderate Low dren with SCD genotypes other than SCA compared with those
Priapism Moderate Low with SCA. Therefore, the benefit of screening is assessed as low
Asymptomatic anemia Consensus Panel expertisea with a moderate to high potential risk from repeated screenings
Acute kidney injury in the absence Consensus Panel expertisea based on unwarranted use of health care resources and the small
of multisystem organ failure to modest potential risk of testing and treatment in children who
Recurrent splenic sequestration Weak Low have false-positive test results. In addition, no therapy has been
Box 1 contains criteria for panel expertise consensus. proposed for this group of children if they did have a positive
screening test.
Disparity in quality levels of evidence and strength of recom-
gage health care professionals in supporting their implementation mendations is not unique to this guideline. Even though the origi-
at the practice level. nal descriptions of GRADE reserve strong recommendations for
Some of the strong recommendations appearing in this only those areas with high-quality evidence, 8 this appears to
guideline are supported by low- or very low–quality evidence. ignore the realities of practice and research. In a recent publica-
Such disparities in strength of recommendations and quality lev- tion in response to publication of the Endocrine Society
els of evidence appear to contradict the evidence basis of the guidelines,71 some members of the GRADE working group have
guideline and use of the GRADE system. For example, our recom- identified instances in which strong recommendations are appro-
mendation to refer to an ophthalmologist for a dilated eye exami- priate with low- or even very low–quality evidence. Although this
nation to evaluate for retinopathy beginning at age 10 years is a panel made their decisions prior to publication of GRADE’s tax-
strong recommendation with low-quality evidence. Such referrals onomy, it is a valuable affirmation our work. For example, the
have become the standard of care and there is observational strong recommendation for referral for dilated eye examinations
study evidence of a significant risk of proliferative retinopathy based on low-quality evidence fits under the taxonomy category
that requires dilated eye examination to accurately identify and of best practice.71
stage the extent of retinopathy. The panel chose a second variation of the GRADE system by add-
The expert panel decided that the benefit of referral to an oph- ing a third strength of recommendation (moderate) to the usual
thalmologist was potentially substantial, and the risk associated with GRADE system of only strong and weak recommendations.8 GRADE
such referrals was low. Furthermore, it is unlikely that any RCTs will is a useful tool for guiding the grading of the quality of evidence and
ever be performed to assess referral for dilated eye examination (vs the strength of recommendations. Yet, it must be responsive to the
not doing dilated eye examinations). The panel acknowledges that needs of the user and to the topic being assessed by allowing flex-
studies might be completed that provide higher-quality evidence to ibility. The expert panel decided that limiting recommendations to
modify the frequency but decided this did not justify lowering the only 2 categories of strong and weak unnecessarily constrained the
strength of the recommendation. advice it could give to primary care clinicians. Other groups such as
A second example highlights an instance in which low-quality the American College of Cardiology have also found it advanta-
evidence is used to support a strong recommendation against use geous to modify the number of levels of evidence or levels of rec-
of screening. The panel made a strong recommendation stating, ommendations suggested by GRADE.
in children with genotypes other than SCA (eg, HbSβ + - The American Thoracic Society guidelines72 also address care
thalassemia or HbSC), do not perform screening with transcranial of individuals with SCD focusing on the diagnosis of pulmonary
1044 JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 (Reprinted)
hypertension. The American Thoracic Society guidelines recom- This review has a number of limitations. The literature search
mend “risk stratification guides clinical decision making in SCD,” was conducted in English only, although we are unaware of any ma-
which is mortality risk stratification for adults and morbidity risk jor clinical trials published in other languages that would have af-
stratification in children aged 8 years or older. Even though the fected the results. During the extensive review process, none of the
guidelines indicate that mortality risk stratification can be accu- external reviewers commented about missing evidence. GRADE was
rately assessed by Doppler echocardiography or N-terminal pro- used to guide the evidence review, but was modified. Whenever an
brain natriuretic peptide as a reasonable noninvasive alternative, existing system of evaluating evidence is modified, issues of valid-
these tests are not clearly recommended, leaving the clinician to ity arise. However, there is limited information about the validity of
determine whether this is a specific recommendation or only a any commonly used system of evaluating evidence, including
statement of opinion. The guidelines do state “The committee GRADE.
members routinely perform risk stratification on their patients The processes used by the panel were able to fulfill most of the
with SCD…” suggesting that this is an expert opinion–based rec- criteria that the IOM have recommended for creating high-quality
ommendation. For translation into practice, the American Tho- guidelines, but not all.19 Most significantly, the expert panel did not
racic Society guidelines state for risk stratification, “perform a include a patient or a patient representative.
baseline study … and intervals of every 1 to 3 years seem The literature review concluded in April 2014. We are aware of
reasonable.”72 No age of initiating screening is given. 2 recent publications that may affect SCD management. The first sug-
Justification for risk stratification is based on decision making gests that nonmyeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
regarding (1) the frequency of follow-up screening, (2) identifying transplantation may be of value in adults with sickle cell phenotype
persons who may benefit from treatment shown to improve out- with or without thalassemia.73 The second, the Silent Infarct Trans-
comes (eg, hydroxyurea), and (3) anticipating future health care fusion Trial,74 shows that children with SCA and silent stroke have
needs of that individual. No evidence is presented to show how cur- fewer strokes and new silent infarcts when treated with long-term
rent test results would predict timing of the next screening or that transfusion therapy.
mortality risk stratification can improve the ability to anticipate future Our systematic review revealed that evidence is lacking in
health care needs or exactly what is entailed in anticipating future many areas important to care for individuals with SCD. There are
needs. only 7 recommendations in which the quality of evidence is high
Conversely, our guideline reports that there is insufficient evi- and the strength of the recommendation is strong (Table 10).
dence to make a recommendation supporting regular screening with Most of the recommendations for pain management (both acute
Doppler echocardiography and the value of the use of N-terminal and long-term) were consensus adapted from general pain guide-
pro-brain natriuretic peptide for risk stratification was not as- lines, which may not adequately address the severe, episodic, and
sessed. No evidence was identified from the published literature of difficult to quantify pain associated with SCD. Little evidence
any morbidity or mortality benefit of identifying or treating PAH in exists to guide contraception and maternity care in persons with
asymptomatic individuals. This expert panel agrees that increasing SCD. Several potential acute and chronic complications also have
the use of proven SCD therapies (eg, hydroxyurea) should be con- very limited evidence on which to base recommendations (eg,
sidered for most persons with SCD but could find no evidence that monitoring and addressing renal function and blood pressure in
echocardiographic screening for PAH would increase the use of hy- children and adults with SCD, ocular complications and manage-
droxyurea or that hydroxyurea therapy provides benefit in manage- ment of fever in young children with SCD). Research is needed to
ment of PAH. Without evidence to demonstrate the value of the ini- address many of the identified gaps in the care of persons with
tial echocardiographic screening in asymptomatic individuals, the SCD in screening for and prevention of complications, as well as
expert panel did not consider such issues as anticipating future health treatment and reduction of high morbidity and mortality. Table 10
care needs or time to next screening. presents the strongest recommendations supported by high- (Reprinted) JAMA September 10, 2014 Volume 312, Number 10 1045
quality evidence that the panel could make, highlighting the with SCD, demonstrating the extensive knowledge gaps in
paucity of evidence available. SCD and care of affected individuals. The expert panel realizes
that this summary report and the guidelines leave many
uncertainties for health professionals caring for individuals
with SCD and highlight the importance of collaboration between
primary care health professionals and SCD experts. However, we
The process of developing guidelines for the management hope that this summary report and the SCD guideline begins to
of children, adolescents, and adults with SCD has been challeng- facilitate improved and more accessible care for all affected indi-
ing because high-quality evidence is limited in virtually every viduals, and that the discrepancies in the existing data will
area related to SCD management. The systematic review of trigger new research programs and processes to facilitate future
the literature identified a very small number of RCTs in individuals guidelines.
ARTICLE INFORMATION evidence review process and to manage all serving on a data and safety monitoring board for
Author Affiliations: Olmsted Medical Center, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. At the Pfizer. No other disclosures were reported.
Rochester, Minnesota (Yawn); University of Texas initial expert panel meeting, expert panel members Funding/Support: The National Heart, Lung, and
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (Buchanan); were asked by the panel co-chairs to disclose Blood Institute (NHLBI) sponsored the development
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Afenyi- interests and relationships that could potentially of this guideline to assist health care professionals in
Annan); Thomas Jefferson University, Cardeza influence their participation or pose a potential the management of common issues of sickle cell
Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Ballas); conflict of interest. Dr Afenyi-Annan reported disease. The NHLBI established the expert panel and
University of Colorado, Denver (Hassell); University receiving individual and institutional payment invited the panel members. All members served as
of Virginia, Charlottesville (James); Foundation for related to consultant work from the Transfusion volunteers and received no compensation from the
Sickle Cell Disease Research, University of Miami, Safety Summit, Novartis Pharmaceuticals NHLBI or any other entity for their participation.
Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida (Jordan); Corporation, and Hall, Booth, Smith & Slover, PC
(legal expert witness); and educational support Role of the Sponsor/Funder: The NHLBI had a role in
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, the design and conduct of the study; collection,
Maryland (Lanzkron); University of Florida, from Duke University Comprehensive Sickle Cell
Center (mentored research training supplement). management, analysis, and interpretation of the data;
Gainesville (Lottenberg); Brigham and Women’s preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript;
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Dr Ballas reported receiving individual payment
related to work on a speaker’s bureau for Novartis; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Massachusetts (Savage); Duke University, Schools
of Nursing and Medicine, Durham, North Carolina and individual payment for serving on advisory Disclaimer:Thecontentissolelytheresponsibilityofthe
(Tanabe); Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical boards for HemaQuest and Sangart. Dr Hassell authors and does not necessarily represent the official
Center, Cincinatti, Ohio (Ware); Mayo Clinic College reported receivng individual payment for serving views of the NHLBI, the National Institutes of Health, or
of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota (Murad); on advisory boards for Pfizer, ApoPharma, the US Department of Health and Human Services.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Foundation for Women and Girls with Blood Correction: This article was corrected on October
Bethesda, Maryland (Goldsmith, Ortiz, Fulwood, Disorders, and PFO Research Foundation; receiving 6, 2014, to fix an incorrect complication description
John-Sowah); American Institutes for Research, consultant fees from AGA Medical Corp; receiving in Table 9. This article was also corrected on
Silver Spring, Maryland (Horton). Dr Goldsmith is individual and institutional grant support from January 21, 2015, to replace the last sentence
now with the Rare Diseases Program, Office of New Terumo, GlycoMimetics, and Emmaus; and serving before the Discussion section.
Drugs, US Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, on the board of directors for Mount Evans Home
Maryland. Dr Ortiz is now a private senior Health & Hospice. Dr James reported receiving REFERENCES
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