Adenoviruses: S Jane Flint
Adenoviruses: S Jane Flint
Adenoviruses: S Jane Flint
S Jane Flint, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA Article Contents
. Introduction
Adenoviruses are nonenveloped viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes that are . Classification
generally associated with relatively mild, self-limiting diseases in humans. They rely on . Structure
cellular systems for expression of viral genetic information during reproduction in . Replication
permissive cells and can transform normal cells in culture; some are tumorigenic in rodents. . Epidemiology
. Clinical Features
Figure 1 Structure of adenovirus particles. (a) Surface view of the Ad2 virion obtained by cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. The fibres
project some 33 nm, but only the portions proximal to the virion surface are seen, because these structures are bent. This view, which is orientated
along an icosahedral axis of 3-fold rotational symmetry, has a nominal resolution of 30 Å. From Stewart PL et al. (1991) Cell 67: 145–154, with
permission. (b) Schematic section through the virion, illustrating the locations of the virion proteins and DNA genome. The organization of the capsid
proteins shown is based on biochemical and structural studies. However, protein VIII has not been localized, even though it is known to be internal, and is
shown associated with hexons because it is believed to stabilize the capsid. In the core, the viral DNA is shown associated with protein VII (dashed lines), the
major DNA-binding protein of the virion. There have been reports of organization of the DNA into spherical domains, but in the absence of more detailed
structural information, no specific structure is shown for the core. Adapted from Flint SJ et al. (2000) Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis
and Control, ASM Press, Washington, DC, with permission.
respectively), and the presence of group-specific antigens in and biochemical properties. More recent phylogenetic
the hexon, the major structural protein of the virion; analyses of specific coding or control sequences of
however, mammalian and avian adenoviruses can also be mastadenoviral genomes have confirmed this classification
distinguished by the sizes, sequences and organization of scheme (Bailey and Mautner, 1994).
their genomes. Those of the former are significantly smaller
than those of the latter, 35 937 bp for Ad2 and 43 804 bp for
Chicken embryo lethal orphan (CELO) virus, respectively.
Moreover, the CELO virus genome lacks certain coding Structure
sequences found in all mastadenoviral DNAs examined
and includes long sequences at either end with no Electron microscopy of negatively stained adenovirus
counterparts in the genomes of Mastadenovirus. particles established that the capsid is built from 252
More than 120 adenovirus serotypes have been distin- structural units, 12 pentons located at the axes of 5-fold
guished largely by immunological tests. Individual ser- rotational symmetry (vertices) of the icosahedral virion
otypes can be distinguished by genomic differences, now and 240 hexons that form the remainder of the protein shell
often detected by DNA sequencing. Such molecular (Figure 1). These structural units are formed from three viral
approaches also permit the identification of variants of proteins (II, III and IV), but virions contain nine additional
individual serotypes, often called genome types. Most proteins that have been ascribed specific structural or
attention has been paid to human adenoviruses and their functional roles (Table 2). The current model of these
classification into subgroups (subgenera). Currently, the complex and large particles (some 150 106 Da in the case
Adenoviridae includes 49 human serotypes (Ad1–Ad49). of Ad2) (Figure 1b) is based on biochemical studies and
These viruses have been classified into subgroups using cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction of
biological properties, structural or biochemical features, subgroup C human adenoviruses.
and the relatedness of their genomes (Table 1). There is Most Mastadenovirus species carry a single fibre, with a
remarkably good agreement among these disparate fixed, serotype-specific length (Table 1), projecting from the
criteria. The six human adenovirus subgroups, A–F, were penton at each vertex of the virion (Figure 1); however, some
defined by the degrees of genome relatedness, but all carry both long and short fibres (one at each vertex)
members of each subgroup also share biological, structural (subgroup F in Table 1), while two fibres project from each
penton base of all but one avian adenoviruses. Adenoviral
A 12, 18, 31 28–31 48–69 High Little or none (type IV) Diarrhoea; most frequently
(8–20) isolated from stool specimens
B 3, 7, 11, 14, 16, 9–11 89–94 Moderate Complete agglutination of Upper and lower respiratory
21, 34, 35 (9–20) monkey erythrocyctes infections, e.g. bronchitis,
(type I) pneumonia (especially Ad7);
acute respiratory disease;
pharyngoconjunctival fever
C 1, 2, 5, 6 23–31 99-100 None Partial agglutination of rat Upper and lower respiratory
(10–16) erythrocytes (type III) infections in young children;
D 8–10, 13, 15, 17, 12–13 95–99 Nonec Complete agglutination of Epidemic keratoconjunctivis
19, 20, 22–30, 32, (4–17) rat erythrocytes (type II) (Ad8, 19 and 37); conjunctivitis
33, 36–39, 42–49
E 4 17 NA None Type III Acute respiratory disease;
(4–23) pharyngoconjunctival fever
F 40, 41 33 62–69 None Type III Gastroenteritis
22 (15–22)
NA, not applicable.
Values for the length of the fibre projecting beyond the penton base estimated from electron micrography of purified virions or pentons. For subgroup F (Ad40), the total lengths of the two
fibres including the portion within the penton base were measured. The values listed were calculated by subtracting the length of the latter portion (~4 nm) from the reported values.
The values shown were obtained by liquid hybridization between pairs of the viral DNA genomes listed in column 2. Those in parentheses are from hybridization between the DNAs of a
serotype within the subgroup and one belonging to a different subgroup.
With the exception of Ad9, which induces oestrogen-dependent mammary tumours in female rats of a certain strain.
fibres are responsible for the initial attachment of particles crystal structure, the Ad5 fibre knob resembles a three-
to host cells, and fibre length may be an important bladed propeller, one blade contributed by each monomer.
determinant of attachment and internalization mechan- The location of the structural features necessary for CAR
isms. All fibres examined exhibit a conserved organization: binding suggests that the fibre carries three binding sites for
a capsid-distal, globular knob is separated from a ‘tail’ the viral receptor.
domain by a long, thin shaft formed from the central The penton base anchors the fibre to the particle, must
domains of the three protein IV monomers (Table 2). In bind stably to the five surrounding hexons (Figure 1) and is
each monomer, this central segment contains multiple required for internalization of virions. In side view, it
copies of a pseudorepeat of 15 amino acids, defined by the appears as a hollow bucket with a central hole into which
presence of conserved amino acids at specific positions, the tail of the fibre is inserted. On its outer surface, each of
which form a triple spiral structure in the trimer. The highly the protein III subunits (Table 2) possesses a groove that
conserved tail domain and the knob are responsible for could accommodate a b-barrel motif of the hexon subunits
binding of the fibre to the penton base and to the cellular (see below). During adenovirus entry, the penton base
receptor for attachment, respectively. Most human ser- binds to specific integrins on the host cell surface, an
otypes bind to the same cellular protein, the coxsackievirus interaction that requires the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp, which
B–adenovirus receptor (CAR). In the high-resolution is conserved within an otherwise variable region of protein
L1 L2 L2 L4 L5
289R 55kDa gp19k10.4k14.5k
A 243R 19kDa IX 52/55k IIIa III pVII V pµ pVI II Protease 100k 33k pVIII 11.6k 14.7k IV
Ori Ori
E2 E4
Figure 2 Organization of the human adenovirus 2 (Ad2) genome. The linear double-stranded DNA genome is represented by the pair of solid horizontal
lines in the centre of the figure. The terminal protein (TP) that is covalently linked to the 5’ end of each strand and the adjacent sequence required for
initiation of viral DNA synthesis (Ori) are indicated. The origins are included within an inverted terminal repeat sequence of 202 bp present at the ends
of the genome, designated A and A’. The locations of the eight RNA polymerase II transcription units are represented by barbed arrows drawn in the
direction of transcription, with the immediate early, early and late transcription (ML) units shown in pink, blue and red, respectively. Viral proteins encoded
within each transcription unit are listed above or below the genome, using the unsystematic nomenclature adopted in the field (see Tables 2 and 3). Several
virion proteins are synthesized as precursors that are proteolytically processed by the viral protease only following virion assembly. Such proteins are
indicated by the prefix p. The five families, L1 to L5, of ML proteins, which are defined by the locations of the 3’ ends of the mRNAs that specify them (see
Figure 5), are indicated. The coding sequences for proteins that perform related functions are often organized together in the viral genome. Thus, all viral
replication proteins, including the DNA polymerase (Po1), the protein primer and precursor to the TP (pTP) and the single-stranded DNA-binding
protein (DBP), are encoded in the E2 transcription unit, while coding sequence for the core proteins or their precursors, pVII, V and pm, lie within the L2
segment of the ML transcription unit. The positions of the virus-associated (VA) RNA genes transcribed by RNA polymerase III are indicated by the solid red
III in many human serotypes. These Arg-Gly-Asp peripentonal hexons. It is also likely to contact the inner
sequences are located in five projections, one per subunit, nucleoprotein core.
that extend some 20 Å from the top surface of the penton In addition to the DNA genome, the inner cavity
base. Each penton base can bind five integrin molecules, contains the basic core proteins, V, VII and m, two copies of
and can therefore presumably induce clustering of the terminal protein (TP; Figure 2), and the viral protease
integrins in the plasma membrane to trigger internalization (Table 2 and Figure 1b). Multimers (of unknown stoichio-
of virus particles by endocytosis. metry) of protein VII are tightly associated with the viral
The major structural features of the hexon monomer DNA, while protein V occupies a more external location in
(Table 2), determined by X-ray crystallography of the Ad2 the core. The high arginine content and strong double-
hexon (Athappilly et al., 1994), are two copies of an eight- stranded DNA binding activity of protein m suggest that it
stranded b-sheet motif termed a b barrel. This motif is plays an important role in condensing viral DNA for
found in the major capsid proteins of a number of other packaging into virions. Although protein VII is the major
DNA and RNA viruses. In the hexon trimer, the b barrels DNA packaging protein, very little is known about how it
form a pseudohexagonal base that is well suited to the close binds to and organizes the viral genome. Indeed, no details
packing of each hexon with its six identical neighbours. of the structure of the core are presently available, for the
This hollow base supports three towers projecting outward viral nucleoprotein is not stable once released from virions,
from the surface of the capsid (Figure 1a). Extensive and appears disordered in images of virions reconstructed
intertwining of loops from each monomer in the tower from cryoelectron micrographs.
make the hexon a very stable structure.
The other four proteins of the capsid (IIIa, VI, IX and
VIII; Table 2) are believed to stabilize this structure. Such a
function is clearly established for protein IX, for particles Replication
that lack this protein are more thermolabile than their
wild-type counterparts. On the outer surface of the capsid, Most studies of adenovirus replication have employed
protein IX molecules lie along the entire length of the human tumour cells in culture synchronously infected by
interfaces among the hexons in the centre of each of the 20 Ad2 or Ad5, with approximately 104 virions produced per
faces of the icosahedral particle, as mortar between hexon cell within 2 days. Such efficient virus reproduction is
bricks (Figure 1b). Protein IIIa contacts hexons at the 30 achieved by redirection of the cellular systems responsible
edges of the icosahedron, where it extends from the exterior for synthesis and translation of mRNAs. The viral genome
to the interior of the capsid shell, like a protein rivet that contains coding sequences for at least 40 proteins, but only
fastens the edges between the faces of the capsid. Protein eight transcription units for cellular RNA polymerase II
VI, like protein VIII, is entirely internal and located at the (Figure 2). All but one (IX) of the viral transcription units is
vertices of the particle, where it anchors the ring of polycistronic, encoding from several to nearly 20 proteins.
This organization minimizes the viral genetic information 80–85% of the adenovirus particles that initially bind to a
devoted to transcriptional control signals, but requires cell enter endosomes. Their escape from these organelles
alternative processing of primary transcripts to produce into the cytoplasm via disruption of the endosomal
mRNAs for translation into the individual viral proteins. membrane is mediated by the penton base, by a mechanism
During the infectious cycle, viral proteins are made in a that has not been elucidated.
strict temporal sequence. By convention, early genes are During entry, the virus particle is sequentially disas-
defined as those expressed before viral DNA synthesis sembled, or uncoated. Within endosomes, the pentons and
begins. The early phase is devoted to synthesis of viral proteins IIIa and VIII first dissociate. Once particles
proteins needed for efficient expression of viral genes and lacking these proteins enter the cytoplasm, protein VI is
viral DNA synthesis, or that optimize the environment for degraded by the virion protease, a cysteine protease whose
virus reproduction. By contrast, structural proteins are activity appears to be regulated by redox potential. The
made only once the genome has replicated, during the late remaining stabilizing protein, protein IX, then dissociates,
phase of infection. allowing release of the core nucleoprotein into the
cytoplasm for transport to the nucleus, the site of viral
gene expression, replication and assembly. Adenoviral
Attachment, entry and uncoating nucleoproteins traverse nuclear pore complexes, presum-
The binding of the virion fibres to the integral membrane ably via the cellular nuclear protein import pathway.
protein CAR mediates the initial attachment of most Within the nucleus, the viral genome, which remains
human adenoviruses to susceptible cells. Detailed char- associated with protein VII, localizes to a limited number
acterization of fibre protein–CAR interactions has im- of specific sites, termed replication centres. These sites
plications for construction of peptide-based inhibitors of correspond to preexisting nuclear niches that are used by a
adenovirus infection (Kirby et al., 2000). The concentra- number of other viruses with DNA genomes.
tion and location of this receptor on cell surfaces is one
parameter that influences the tissue tropism of these viruses Early phase of infection
and their utility as recombinant vectors for therapy
(Shayakhmetov et al., 2000; Wickham, 2000). Initial The first biosynthetic reaction in the infectious cycle is
attachment via the fibre facilitates binding of penton bases synthesis of E1A pre-mRNA by RNA polymerase II under
to av-integrins, interactions that induce clustering of the direction of E1A control sequences that allow efficient
integrin-bound virions into coated pits and subsequent transcription in a variety of cell types. Alternative splicing
internalization by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Some produces mRNAs for two E1A proteins (Figure 3a).
13S Inactive
289R E2f + Rb Ad2 E2 early
CR1 CR2 CR3 E2f site Cdk2
Cyclin E
12S Thymidine kinase
E1A Active
CR1 CR2 E2f
Rb E1A
(a) (b)
Figure 3 Structure and function of human adenovirus 2 (Ad2) E1A proteins. (a) Organization of E1A proteins. Alternative splicing of E1A pre-mRNA, in
which introns are indicated by the caret symbols, in the infected cell nucleus produces the abundant 13S and 12S E1A mRNAs. Because splicing
does not change the translational reading frame, the 289R and 243R E1A proteins translated from these mRNAs differ only in the internal sequence
of 46 amino acids unique to the 289R protein. This unique sequence contains most of one of the three highly conserved regions (CR1 to 3) identified by
comparison of E1A sequences of human adenoviruses. The regions of the E1A proteins necessary for binding to the cellular proteins Rb and p300 are
indicated. (b) Model for countermanding Rb protein-mediated regulation of transcription by E1A proteins. The E2f proteins are sequence-specific
transcriptional activators first identified by virtue of their binding to the adenoviral E2 early promoter. As indicated, these are heterodimeric proteins,
comprising one member of the E2f family, which contains six known members, and a Dp protein, such as Dp1. In actively growing mammalian cells, E2f
proteins are bound to hypophosphorylated Rb protein for most of the cell cycle, but free from mid-G1 through S phase, when Rb becomes heavily
phosphorylated. The Rb-E2f complexes retain DNA-binding activity and bind to E2f recognition sites in specific promoters. However, the Rb protein
actively represses transcription, as indicated by the red bar (top right). The adenoviral E1A proteins made in infected (or transformed) cells bind to the Rb
protein by means of a CR2 sequence and, via CR1 sequences, actively dismantle Rb-E2f complexes. Thus, the E1A protein-Rb interaction releases E2f
that can then stimulate transcription (green arrow, bottom right). This mechanism would make E2f available for transcription from the viral E2
promoter and from those of cellular genes normally expressed in the late G1 and S phases of the cell cycle. Such genes include those whose products
ensure progression through the cell cycle (e.g. cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 2 and cyclins E and A), carry out replication of the cellular genome or produce
substrates for DNA synthesis, such as thymidine kinase and dihydrofolate reductase. Adenoviruses supply viral replication proteins, but depend on host cells
for the latter enzymes. The ability of E1A proteins to abrogate the negative regulatory function of the Rb protein is required for their transforming activity.
Adapted from Flint SJ et al. (2000) Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control, ASM Press, Washington, DC, with permission.
Mutations that impair production of the larger (289R) Viral DNA synthesis
E1A protein prevent efficient transcription of all other viral
genes. Thus, E1A expression defines an immediate early The adenoviral genome is replicated by continuous
phase of infection. The 289R E1A protein is the prototype synthesis of both new strands of the DNA from a protein
for viral transcriptional activators that stimulate RNA primer (Challberg et al., 1980) (Figure 4). A complex of the
polymerase II transcription, but do not bind specifically to viral DNA polymerase and preterminal protein (pTP)
DNA sequences in the template. It has therefore been binds specifically to the terminal origins of replication
studied extensively in simplified experimental systems, in (Figure 2) and the polymerase then catalyses covalent
which it stimulates transcription from an enormous variety linkage of deoxycytidine monophosphate (dCMP) to the
of viral, cellular and synthetic promoters. It can bind to pTP to provide the 3’-OH primer universally required for
several of the general initiation proteins required for template-directed DNA synthesis (Figure 4). The parental
specific transcription by RNA polymerase II and can strand initially displaced is replicated in the same way
operate by means of many cellular transcriptional reg- (Figure 4). The viral DNA-binding protein (DBP) (Table 3)
ulators that bind to specific promoter sequences. The 289R unwinds the double-stranded DNA template and acts as a
E1A protein may therefore function as a coactivator of processivity factor, allowing the DNA polymerase to move
broad specificity, facilitating interactions among cellular long distances along the template. Viral proteins carry out
transcriptional components and assembly of active RNA all the synthetic reactions needed for replication of the
polymerase II initiation complexes. adenoviral genome, but cellular transcriptional activators
Both E1A proteins also regulate transcription by (Figure 4), topoisomerases and enzymes that make the
binding to, and counteracting, the repression of transcrip- deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate substrates are also
tion of specific genes by the cellular retinoblastoma protein required. The rate of accumulation of viral replication
(Rb protein), the product of a tumour suppressor gene proteins and the availability of these cellular proteins are
(Figure 3b). This activity of E1A proteins is presumed to governed by the viral E1A proteins. Viral DNA synthesis
coordinate viral DNA synthesis with production of the begins 6–8 h after infection and continues exponentially as
necessary substrates. The E2f transcriptional activators to the products of one replication cycle serve as templates for
which Rb binds (Figure 3b) are required for efficient the next. The concentration of viral DNA molecules and
transcription of both the viral E2 transcription unit, which replication proteins at specific intranuclear sites must
encodes the viral replication proteins (Figure 2), and the facilitate efficient replication. Multiple factors may con-
cellular genes for enzymes that synthesize substrates for tribute to the cessation of viral DNA synthesis by about
DNA synthesis, upon which adenoviruses depend. Tran- 24 h after infection, including encapsidation of an increas-
scription of these cellular genes normally begins shortly ing fraction of newly synthesized DNA genomes as virion
before S phase, but in Ad2 infected cells would be induced proteins are made, exhaustion of the cellular substrate pool
in parallel with viral E2 transcription once E1A proteins and inhibition of synthesis of proteins needed for replica-
were available to remove Rb from Rb-E2f complexes tion late in the infectious cycle.
(Figure 3b).
Transcripts of the early E1B, E3 and E4 transcription Late phase of infection
units, like E2 pre-mRNAs, are processed by alternative
pathways to mRNAs specifying two or more proteins Viral DNA replication leads to synthesis of the structural
(Figure 2). These early proteins facilitate efficient viral proteins, most of which are encoded within the major late
replication in various ways (Table 3): some stimulate viral (ML) transcription unit (Figure 2). During the early phase
gene expression later in the infectious cycle; some block of infection, ML transcription ceases near the middle of the
E1A protein-induced apoptosis (programmed cell death); genome, rather than at the end of the transcription unit, the
and yet others protect the infected cell against immune pattern observed during the late phase. The mechanism
defences mounted by the host organism (Table 3). The early responsible for this unusual transcriptional change has not
phase of infection is also marked by production of a viral been established. The rate of ML transcription by RNA
countermeasure to a host defence that operates intracellu- polymerase II increases between 20- and 30-fold in the late
larly. The small virus-associated (VA) RNA I, one of two phase of infection. Such stimulation requires two infected
very abundant viral RNAs synthesized by cellular RNA cell-specific proteins that bind specifically to sequences
polymerase III (Figure 2), prevents inactivation of an within the first ML intron. One is a dimer of the viral IVa2
essential component of the translation initiation machin- gene product (Figure 2), while the other comprises the IVa2
ery (eIF2) by a general antiviral defence mechanism protein and at least one other, not yet identified protein.
(Table 3). Thus, VA RNA I is necessary for efficient Thus, synthesis of the IVa2 protein in the infected cell is
synthesis of viral late proteins (Thimmappaya et al., 1982). essential for efficient ML transcription. However, this
viral, sequence-specific transcriptional activator is itself the
product of a late gene (Figure 2). Temporal regulation of
IVa2 transcription appears to be effected by titration of a
pTP Ser C OH A’
3’ 5’
3’OH GpTpApGpT 5’
1 Pol
+ Nf1, Oct-1
A A’
5’ A’
5’ 5’
A A’ A A’
5’ 5’
5’ 5’
Mutiple rounds
of replication
4 A
A’ A pTP- A’
Nf1, Oct-1
Figure 4 Replication of adenoviral DNA. Assembly of a complex of the viral DNA polymerase (Po1) and pTP at the viral origins (step 1) at each end of the
genome, is facilitated by the cellular, sequence-specific transcriptional activators Nf1 and Oct-1, which bind to the origins and to the viral replication
proteins. Pol then catalyses covalent linkage of dCMP to a specific serine residue in pTP to provide the 3’-OH primer needed by all known DNA polymerases
(box, top left). This enzyme synthesizes viral DNA from this primer in the 5’!3’ direction (step 2), in a reaction that requires the viral DNA-binding protein
(DBP) (Table 3), which coats the displaced strand and unwinds the double-stranded template, and a cellular topoisomerase to relieve supercoiling of the
DNA ahead of the replication fork and torsional stress. As the genome carries an identical origin at each end, each parental strand can be replicated by this
continuous mechanism, with displacement of its complement. Such displaced strands carry the complementary, terminal sequences of the inverted
terminal repetition, designated A and A’. Their reannealing forms a short duplex stem identical to the terminus of the parental genome (step 3). Thus,
origins are reformed, allowing protein priming and continuous synthesis of the parental strands initially displaced (steps 4 and 5). From Flint SJ et al. (2000)
Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control, ASM Press, Washington, DC, with permission.
cellular transcriptional repressor that binds to the IVa2 As viral late mRNAs accumulate, synthesis of cellular
promoter with exponential viral DNA synthesis. proteins is gradually but inexorably inhibited (Beltz and
Induction of the late pattern of transcription leads to Flint, 1979). Two posttranscriptional mechanisms con-
dramatic alterations in the processing of ML pre-mRNAs, tribute to such selective expression of viral genetic
some of the best understood of several examples of information. A complex of the E1B-55 kDa and E4
temporal regulation of viral RNA processing. Utilization ORF6 proteins (Table 3) induces selective export of viral
of both the five poly(A)-addition sites and of certain splice late mRNAs from the nucleus, by a mechanism that is not
sites in ML pre-mRNAs is altered following entry into the well understood. Viral late mRNAs are also preferentially
late phase of infection (Figure 5). All mRNAs processed translated. Hypophosphorylation of the cap-binding
from ML pre-mRNAs carry a common, 5’-terminal component of the translation initiation protein eIF4F
sequence formed by splicing of three small exons, the induced by a viral late protein, or proteins, inhibits the
tripartite leader sequence (TPL). As each ML transcript most common mechanism of initiation, scanning of
contains but a single copy of these exons, only one mRNA ribosomes from the 5’ cap of the mRNA to the initiation
can be made, with the sequences for all the others discarded codon. Translation of most cellular mRNAs is therefore
during processing. The presence of the TPL must therefore inhibited, but the TPL allows an alternative mechanism of
confer advantage(s) that outweigh the apparent ineffi- initiation, and thus the translation of ML mRNAs. The
ciency of this baroque mechanism of ML mRNA synthesis. viral L4 100-kDa protein, an RNA-binding protein, is
I1 I2 I3
Pre-mRNA 5’ C L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 3’
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Alternative splicing
C L1 An C L1 L2 L3 An
Two possible 3’ 4 possible 3’
splice sites splice sites
C L1 An 52/55kDa C L3 An pIV
C L1 An IIIa C An Hexon
L1mRNAs C An Protease
C An
L3 mRNAs
L1 L2 L3
C Primary transcript
3’ splice sites
C 52/55kDa mRNA
Figure 5 Alternative processing of major late (ML) pre-mRNA. The Ad2 genome is represented by the solid horizontal lines at the top of the figure, 0-100
map units, with the site of initiation of ML transcription by RNA polymerase II indicated by the jointed arrow drawn in the direction of transcription.
During the late phase of infection (a), ML transcription proceeds from this initiation site to close to the right-hand end of the genome. The large
(nearly 30 kb) primary transcript shown below the genome, with the 5’ cap designated (C), is processed into over 15 mRNAs by polyadenylation at one of
five possible sites, L1 to L5 (vertical arrows), used at approximately equal frequency. The polyadenylation sites define the L1 to L5 families of 3’ coterminal
mRNAs. The tripartite leader sequence present at the 5’ ends of all ML mRNAs is formed by splicing of three small exons, l1 to l3, and is then ligated to
alternative 3’ splice sites, as illustrated for the L1 and L3 mRNAs. During the early phase of infection (b), ML transcription terminates at multiple sites with a
large region around the middle of the transcription unit, so that no sequences beyond map unit 70 are transcribed. Even though these ML transcripts
contain the L1, L2 and L3 polyadenylation sites, the L1 site is preferentially utilized. As indicated, the splicing of L1 pre-mRNAs is also temporally regulated.
Only the 52/55-kDa mRNA is made during the early phase, but the 3’ splice site for the protein IIIa mRNA is also recognized during the late phase. Changes
in the activities of specific, cellular polyadenylation or splicing proteins induced by viral proteins appear to effect these alterations in ML pre-mRNA
processing. Adapted from Flint SJ et al. (2000) Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Control, ASM Press, Washington, DC, with
required for efficient initiation of translation of all viral late Assembly, maturation and release of virus
mRNAs. It remains to be determined how the actions of particles
this protein, the TPL and VA RNA I are integrated to
ensure efficient synthesis of viral proteins in a translation- Viral structural proteins enter the nucleus where hexons
ally compromised environment. and pentons assemble from their monomeric component
(Table 2) in reactions driven by the high concentrations of
the proteins. Formation of hexons trimers requires the L4
Table 3 – continued
Transcription unit Protein a or RNA Functions and properties
E4 ORF6 Like the ORF3 protein, increases nuclear stability of major late
pre-mRNAs and is required for qualitatively and quantitatively
normal viral DNA synthesis; can promote exon exclusion during
pre-mRNA splicing; in complex with the E1B 55-kDa protein,
promotes selective export of viral late mRNAs from the nucleus
during the late phase of infection; contains a nuclear export signal
and can shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm; binds to
the cellular p53 protein and stimulates its degradation
ORF6/7 Can stimulate cooperative binding of cellular E2f transcriptional
activators to a pair of inverted binding sites in the early E2
ML L1 52/55 kDa Required for assembly of virions, encapsidation of the DNA
VA RNA I VA RNA I RNA of 166 bp synthesized by RNA polymerase III that
accumulates to ~108 copies per cell; binds to the cellular
double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR); prevents
activation of PKR and hence phosphorylation and inactivation of
eIF2, which is essential for initiation of translation
ML, major late; VA, virus-associated.
Viral early proteins are listed by the unsystematic names in common use. These names are derived from the protein’s properties or functions
(E2, E3), apparent molecular mass based on electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels (E1B, E3, L1) or the position of coding sequences
within the transcription unit (E4).
Refer to Figure 5 for explanation of L1 early products.
Protein II
Hexon trimer
L3 protease
Protein IIIa
Penton VI
Virion VIII
Figure 6 Assembly of adenovirus particles. Virion proteins (Table 2) are synthesized in large quantities in the cytoplasm of infected cells and imported into
the nucleus. The major structural units of the virion, hexons and pentons, then assemble from their monomeric components. Pentons are formed by self-
assembly, but hexons can be assembled only with the assistance of the viral L4 100-kDa protein, which binds to hexon monomers. Two possible pathways
for capsid assembly are depicted. In the sequential assembly pathway (A), hexons, pentons and capsid-stabilizing proteins self-assemble into empty
capsids, which contain the L1 52/55-kDa proteins. These L1 proteins may form a scaffold for capsid assembly, and are required for encapsidation of the
genome. In this mechanism, newly-synthesized viral DNA is inserted into preformed empty capsids upon recognition of a packaging sequence that lies at
the left end of the genome. Core proteins enter the capsid with viral DNA to form noninfectious, immature particles (young virions). Cleavage of the
precursors to the six virion proteins listed at the right by the L3 protease, produces infectious virions. The failure of an Ad5 mutant with a deletion within the
packaging sequence to direct assembly of any capsid-like structures indicates that assembly of the capsid and encapsidation of the genome may be
concerted reactions (pathway B). The incomplete particles shown in pathway A would then represent ‘dead-end’ products that cannot complete assembly,
or artefacts of the methods of extraction of particles from infected cells. Adapted from Flint SJ et al. (2000) Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology,
Pathogenesis and Control, ASM Press, Washington, DC, with permission.
in which the virus is spread by contact with contaminated for this activity (Whyte et al., 1988) (Figure 3b). The E1A
water, such as in contaminated ponds and inadequately protein-induced release of E2f transcriptional activators
chlorinated swimming pools, or with contaminated from association with Rb (or related) protein is believed to
instruments (or hands) in medical and ophthamological be primarily responsible for the mitogenic activity of these
facilities, respectively. The former disease is associated viral proteins, and the uncontrolled proliferation of E1A-
with both respiratory tract illness and conjunctivitis. In transformed cells. Unscheduled DNA synthesis induced in
contrast, EKC is characterized by conjunctivitis, followed this way activates control mechanisms that inhibit cell
by corneal infiltration, which may impair vision for several cycle progression or activate apoptosis via the product of
months. the cellular p53 gene, which is the most frequently mutated
Several adenoviruses can cause diarrhoea (Table 1). The gene in human tumours. When potentially genotoxic
subgroup F viruses are important causes, second only to damage is detected, the normally low concentration of
rotaviruses, of acute gastroenteritis in young children p53 increases substantially and, by stimulation of tran-
throughout the world. Infected children usually exhibit scription of specific genes, p53 induces arrest of the cell
clinically moderate disease with diarrhoea, vomiting and cycle in G1 or apoptosis. The E1A proteins induce
dehydration, but the diarrhoea may last for 1–2 weeks and accumulation of the p53 protein by at least two mechan-
fatal infections by Ad40 or Ad41 have been recorded. isms, and apoptosis. However, both proteins encoded
Much less commonly, adenovirus infection leads to within the viral E1B transcription unit can block this
severe complications, such as encephalomeningitis, intus- response. Thus, the E1B proteins are necessary for
susception (the prolapse of one section of the intestine into complete transformation because they prevent cells
the neighbouring portion; predominantly with Ad13 and synthesizing E1A proteins from committing suicide.
Ad5) in infants, and fatal neonatal infections with systemic This model accounts for the activities exhibited by the
symptoms and pneumonia. viral E1A and E1B transcription units in transformation
assays, and is based on a large body of biochemical,
molecular and genetic data. Nevertheless, other mechan-
isms may contribute to adenovirus transformation: E1A
Viral Oncogenesis sequences encoded within the second exon (Figure 3a) are
required for immortalization of primary cells in culture,
Human adenovirus 12 (Ad12) and Human adenovirus 18 and E1A proteins can bind to other cellular proteins that
(Ad18) were the first human viruses shown to be oncogenic negatively regulate cell cycle progression.
(Trentin et al., 1962). There is no evidence that any
adenovirus contributes to tumour development in humans,
but the molecular mechanisms by which viral proteins alter Differential oncogenicity of human
the function of host cell tumour suppressor proteins are adenoviruses for rodents
similar to those of human papillomaviruses causally
associated with cervical cancer in women. The striking Adenoviruses that are highly oncogenic or nononcogenic
differences in the oncogenicity of subgroup A and C in rodents (Table 1) do not differ markedly in the
adenoviruses (Table 1) has allowed investigation of frequencies with which they transform cultured rodent
mechanisms that determine cell growth and proliferation cells, nor can cells transformed by them be distinguished by
in vivo. Furthermore, most human adenoviruses transform their in vitro properties. However, rat cells transformed by
rodent cells in culture. the subgroup A Ad12 induce tumours in newborn, and
sometimes adult, syngeneic rats, whereas those trans-
Mechanisms of transformation formed by the subgroup C Ad2 or Ad5 do not, and are
tumorigenic only in experimentally immunosuppressed
The products of the adenoviral E1A and E1B transcription rats or immunodeficient nude mice. Such observations
units transform rodent cells. For example, these viral DNA indicate that the host’s immune response mediated by
sequences can induce full transformation when introduced cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) eliminates subgroup C adeno-
into cells in the absence of additional viral genetic virus-transformed cells much more effectively than those
information. In such DNA-mediated transformation transformed by subgroup A members. Indeed, Ad5 and
assays, E1A DNA is necessary, and in some cases, Ad12 transformants derived from the same parental rat
sufficient. Complete transformation generally requires cells are susceptible and resistant, respectively, to lysis by
the adenoviral E1B transcription unit; however, E1B appropriate CTLs in vitro. This difference is determined by
sequences alone exhibit no transformation activity what- the viral E1A proteins. Ad12 E1A proteins may confer
soever. resistance to killing by CTLs by reducing cell surface
Our current understanding of the mechanism of E1A concentrations of major histocompatibility complex
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tion of cellular proteins that bind to E1A regions required processed viral antigens (peptides) on the exterior of the
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