Paediatrica Indonesiana

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Paediatrica Indonesiana

p-ISSN 0030-9311; e-ISSN 2338-476X; Vol.59, No.5(2019). p. 276-83; doi:

Original Article

Growth and developmental delay risk factors among

under-five children in an inner-city slum area
Hartono Gunardi, Resyana P. Nugraheni, Annisa R. Yulman, Soedjatmiko,
Rini Sekartini, Bernie E. Medise, Angga Wirahmadi, Elizabeth Melina

Abstract rowth and development from conception
Background Growth and developmental delays are com- to adolescence is characteristic of
mon among children under the age of five years (under-five the childhood phase.1 Growth can be
children), especially in slum areas. Early detection and
intervention may give better prognoses. monitored through increments of weight,
Objective To detect growth and developmental delays and height, and head circumference, while development is
related risk factors among under-five children living in an marked by increases in individual abilities, such as gross
inner-city slum area of the Indonesian capital. and fine motor skills, hearing, vision, communication,
Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted from
October to November 2018 in Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru social-emotion, independence, intelligence, and
District, an inner-city slum area in Central Jakarta. Subjects moral.2 Rapid growth and development occur in the
were healthy children aged 3-60 months. Socioeconomic first five years of life, therefore, close monitoring and
profile was obtained through questionnaires, anthropo- early detection of delays during this critical period is
metric data through measurements, and developmental
status through the Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan crucial.1,3
(KPSP) instrument. Development was considered to be Close monitoring of children’s development can
delayed for KPSP scores <9. Data were analyzed using be done using questionnaires. A practical and widely-
Chi-square test. used questionnaire in Indonesia is the Kuesioner Pra
Results Of 211 subjects, prevalence of underweight,
stunting, and wasting were 35.1%, 28.0%, and 20.9%, Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP). This KPSP is the
respectively, meanwhile low maternal education, and low Indonesian version of the Prescreening Developmental
family income were 57.9% and 75%. The prevalence of Questionnaire (PDQ), modified by the Republic of
developmental delay was 10%, while suspected develop- Indonesia Ministry of Health in 1996 and revised
mental delay was 26.1%. The prevalence increased from
age 21 months and peaked at 36 months. Associated risk in 2005.1 With sensitivity of 60% and specificity
factors were low maternal education, low family income, of 92%,3 KPSP is recommended for use in primary
underweight weight-for-age, stunted height-for-age, and healthcare services as an early detection method for
microcephalic head circumference-for-age.
Conclusion Low education and low income were significant
risk factors for growth and developmental delay. [Paediatr
Indones. 2019;59:276-83; doi:
pi59.5.2019.276-83 ]. From Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/
Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Corresponding author: Hartono Gunardi, Department of Child Health,

Keywords: development; growth; slum area
Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital,
Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro no. 71, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia. Telp. +62-21-
3160622; Fax. +62-21-3907743; Email:

Submitted June 20, 2019. Accepted October 11, 2019.

276 • Paediatr Indones, Vol. 59, No. 5, September 2019

Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum
developmental problems in children.1 Developmental anthropometric measurements, and KPSP examinations
delays are common, especially in children living in conducted by doctors from the Department of Child
slum areas, with prevalences of 12-16% in America Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School.
and 13-18% in Indonesia. However, most cases of Interviews of mothers or caregivers were done using
developmental delay remain underdiagnosed and a questionnaire that consisted of parental and child
untreated, despite the established premise that identities, primary caregiver, total number of children
children with developmental delays have better in family, maternal education level, maternal working
prognoses if the problem can be detected and treated status, and family income. Total number of children in
earlier.3 Developmental screening of children aged the family was classified as either 1-2 or more than 2.
6-12 months using the KPSP in Bandung, West Maternal education level was classified as either low
Java, Indonesia, showed prevalences of suspected (below junior high school) or high (senior high school
developmental delay and actual delay of 13.6% and and above). Family income was classified based on
0.4%, respectively. Early intervention for children the DKI Jakarta province regional monthly minimum
with suspected developmental delay significantly wage in 2018 as either low (below Rp 3,600,000) or
reduced the number of cases.4 Despite the known high (Rp 3,600,000 and above).
benefits, only 2-3% of all children receive public early Weight, height, and head circumference
intervention services by the age of 3 years.5 Therefore, measurements were done to obtain anthropometric
identifying risk factors for developmental delay in data of all subjects. Body weight was measured using
children may provide better understanding and more a calibrated scale (Seca®), with accuracy to 1 gram,
effective approaches for early detection as well as early while subject was wearing minimal clothing. Body
intervention in certain populations. length was measured in a recumbent position using
The aim of this study was to detect growth and a length board (Seca®), with accuracy to 1 mm for
developmental delays and their related risk factors children <2 years old, and body height was measured
among under-five children living in an inner-city slum in a standing position using a height board (Seca®),
area in the Indonesian capital. with accuracy to 1 mm, for children ≥2 years old. The
measurement for recumbent length was done while the
child was lying on his back with head against the fixed
Methods headboard, compressing the hair, eyes looking straight
up, legs straight, and soles of the feet flat against the
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Tanah footboard. The measurement of standing height was
Tinggi, Johar Baru District, an inner-city slum area done while the child was standing on the baseboard
in Central Jakarta. This area was a densely populated with feet slightly apart, backs of the head, shoulder,
slum area of low socioeconomic level. Children aged buttocks, calves, and heels touching the vertical
3-60 months living in this area were included in this board, and a horizontal line from ear canal to the
study, and selected by stratified random sampling. Data lower border of the eye socket running parallel to the
collection was conducted in 3 days: 19 October 2018, baseboard.7 The measurement of head circumference
26 October 2018, and 9 November 2018. Patients with was done using a measuring tape (Seca®) around the
Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or hydrocephalus were broadest part of the forehead above the eyebrows,
excluded from the study. Using the sample size formula ears, and the most prominent part of the back of
for cross-sectional studies,6 the expected proportion the head, with an accuracy of 1 mm.8 The results
of developmental delay in Indonesia was 13%. Hence, were plotted on the 2005 World Health Organization
the minimum required sample size calculated for this (WHO) growth curve to determine nutritional
study was 174 subjects. status using weight-for-length (WFL), weight-for-
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee age (WFA), and length/height-for-age (LFA/HFA),
of the Universitas Indonesia Medical School. All the then interpreted based on WHO growth indicators.9
participants’ parents or caregivers provided written The WFA was categorized as normal weight (-2SD
informed consent prior to this study. ≤ z-score <+1SD), underweight (-3SD ≤ z-score
Subjects’ data were obtained through interviews, <-2SD), severely underweight (z-score <-3SD), or

Paediatr Indones, Vol. 59, No. 5, September 2019 • 277

Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum
having a risk of overweight (z-score ≥+1SD). The 30 (range 3-59) months with a nearly proportional
LFA/HFA was categorized as normal height (-2SD ≤ ratio of males and females. Subjects’ characteristics
z-score <+3SD), stunted (-3SD ≤ z-score <-2SD), are presented in Table 1.
or severely stunted (z-score <-3SD). The WFL The KPSP results were normal in 135 children
was categorized as good nutritional status (-2SD ≤ (64%), inconclusive in 55 children (26.1%), and
z-score <+2SD), wasted (-3SD ≤ z-score <-2SD), suspected developmental delay referral in 21 children
severely wasted (z-score <-3SD), or overweight (10%). Growth disturbance was reflected by the
(z-score ≥+2SD). Head circumference-for-age prevalence of underweight (WFA <-2SD), stunting
(HCA) was plotted on a Nellhaus curve,10 then (LFA/HFA <-2SD), and wasting (WFL <-2 SD),
interpreted as normocephalic (-2SD ≤ HC <+2SD), which were 35.1%, 28.0%, and 20.9%, respectively. The
microcephalic (HC <-2SD), or macrocephalic (HC prevalence of microcephaly in this study was 17.1%.
>2SD). Children with any anthropometric problems Of 21 subjects with suspected developmental delay,
(underweight, stunted, wasted, or microcephalic) were 42.9% were underweight and severely underweight,
categorized as having a growth disturbance. 38.1% were stunted and severely stunted, 23.8%
Developmental screening was conducted using
the KPSP. This questionnaire was used as a preliminary
screening tool for children aged 3 months to 6 years, Table 1. Subjects’ characteristics based on KPSP results
and consists of 10 questions about ability based on
Characteristics, n(%) Normal KPSP Abnormal KPSP
the child’s age group. The questions were answered (n=135) (n=76)
by parents or caregivers with a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ If the total Gender
number of yeses was 6 or below, developmental delay Male 64 (47.4) 40 (52.6)
was suspected and the child was referred for further Female 71 (52.6) 36 (47.4)
comprehensive evaluation. If the total number of Total number of children
in family
yeses was 7-8, the result was inconclusive and re- 1–2 98 (72.6) 52 (68.4)
examination was done within 1-2 weeks. If the total >2 37 (27.4) 24 (31.6)
number of yeses was 9-10, the child was considered Maternal education
to have normal development, but routine KPSP High 85 (63.0) 32 (42.1)
examination in the next age grouping should be Low 50 (37.0) 44 (57.9)

performed. In our study, KPSP results were categorized Maternal working status
Working 17 (12.6) 12 (15.8)
as normal (total score ≥9) or abnormal (score <9). Non-working 118 (87.4) 64 (84.2)
Data are presented in tables with frequency Family income
and percentage for each category. Differences in High 53 (39.3) 19 (25.0)
proportions of anthropometric results based on Low 82 (60.7) 57 (75.0)
socioeconomic profiles and KPSP results were Weight-for-age (WFA)
Severely underweight 5 (3.7) 11 (14.5)
analyzed using Chi-square test with SPSS version 20.0
Underweight 32 (23.7) 26 (34.2)
software. Results with P values <0.05 were considered Normal weight 91 (67.4) 35 (46.1)
to be statistically significant. Risk of overweight 7 (5.2) 4 (5.3)
Severely stunted 9 (6.7) 3 (3.9)
Results Stunted 22 (16.3) 25 (32.9)
Normal height 104 (77.0) 48 (63.2)
We examined 290 children during the study period Weight-for-length (WFL)
(October 2018 until November 2018), of whom Severely wasted 1 (0.7) 5 (6.6)
Wasted 23 (17.0) 15 (19.7)
5 children were excluded, 52 dropped out due Good nutritional status 106 (78.5) 52 (68.4)
to incomplete data, and 22 dropped out due to Overweight 5 (3.7) 4 (5.3)
uncooperativeness during examination (refused, slept, Head circumference for
or cried). Thus, 211 children aged 3-60 months were age (HCA)
Microcephalic 15 (11.1) 21 (27.6)
included in this study. The median age of subjects was Normocephalic 120 (88.9) 55 (72.4)

278 • Paediatr Indones, Vol. 59, No. 5, September 2019

Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum
were wasted and severely wasted, and 42.9% were Associations between developmental delay and
microcephalic. Associations between socioeconomic socioeconomic factors as well as anthropometric
factors and growth disturbances are shown in Table results are shown in Table 3. Significantly more
2. Significantly more children with mothers of low children with abnormal KPSP scores had mothers with
education were underweight (WFA) (P=0.009) and low education, low family income, underweight WFA
wasted (WFL) (P=0.004) than children with mothers status, stunted HFA status, and microcephalic HCA
of high education. In addition, significantly more status than children with normal KPSP scores.
children with low family income were underweight The age distribution of subjects with abnormal
(WFA) (P=0.027) than those with high family KPSP scores is presented in Figure 1. Most subjects
income. with developmental delay were in the 36-month age
group, while most subjects with inconclusive results
were in 42-month age group. All subjects with KPSP

Table 2. Associations between socioeconomic factors and growth disturbances

Variables WFA* LFA/HFA** WFL*** HCA****
Total number of children in family
OR (95% CI) 0.96 (0.51-1.80) 1.39 (0.73-2.65) 1.36 (0.67-2.77) 0.66 (0.2-1.54)
P value 0.900 0.319 0.394 0.331
Maternal education
OR (95% CI) 2.15 (1.21-3.81) 1.72 (0.94-3.15) 2.68 (1.35-5.33) 1.96 (0.95-4.05)
P value 0.009† 0.078 0.004† 0.068
Maternal working status
OR (95% CI) 1.15 (0.51-2.59) 1.43 (0.62-3.29) 0.99 (0.38-2.60) 1.68 (0.66-4.29)
P value 0.728 0.400 0.981 0.290
Family income
OR (95% CI) 2.02 (1.08-3.81) 1.76 (0.90-3.45) 1.73 (0.81-3.66) 1.43 (0.65–3.15)
P value 0.027† 0.097 0.151 0.378
* Categories used for analysis were underweight (underweight and severely underweight) and normal weight (normal and risk of
** Categories used for analysis were stunted (stunted and severely stunted) and normal height (normal).
*** Categories used for analysis were wasted (wasted and severely wasted) and good nutritional status (good and overweight).
**** Categories used for analysis were microcephalic and normocephalic.
†P< 0.05.

Table 3. Associations between developmental delay (abnormal KPSP scores) and socioeconomic factors as well as
anthropometric results
Variables OR (95%CI) P value
Gender 1.23 (0.70-2.16) 0.466
Total number of children in family 1.22 (0.66-2.26) 0.521
Maternal education 2.34 (1.32-4.15) 0.003†
Maternal working status 1.30 (0.59-2.89) 0.517
Family income 1.94 (1.04-3.62) 0.036†
WFA* 2.51 (1.40-4.52) 0.002†
LFA/HFA** 1.96 (1.06-3.62) 0.031†
WFL*** 1.65 (0.84-3.24) 0.143
HCA**** 3.06 (1.46-6.37) 0.002†
* Categories used for analysis were underweight (underweight and severely underweight) and normal weight (normal and risk of
** Categories used for analysis were stunted (stunted and severely stunted) and normal height (normal).
*** Categories used for analysis were wasted (wasted and severely wasted) and good nutritional status (good and overweight).
**** Categories used for analysis were microcephalic and normocephalic.
† P< 0.05.

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Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum

Figure 1. Age distribution of subjects with abnormal KPSP result

results requiring referral had global developmental another Indonesian study conducted in children aged
delay (GDD), which was delay in 2 or more domains 2 to 4.9 years reported that maternal education to
of development. Sixteen children were delayed in middle school and below was significantly associated
gross motor skills, 19 children in fine motor skills, with nutritional status of a child. The study finds
14 children in language skills, and 15 children in that maternal education to middle school and
personal-social skills. One mother (primary caregiver) below were associated with weight-for-age Z score
of a child with GDD suffered hearing loss and a speech <-2 (underweight) and height-for-age Z score <-2
disorder. (stunted).14 We noted that maternal education to
senior high school was significantly associated with
children’s improved nutritional status. Mothers
Discussion with higher education are better placed to receive
information about childhood nutrition and are
Growth disturbances among under-five children more responsive in facing acute conditions, such as
living in inner-city slum areas are reflected in the fever and diarrhea,13 such that weight loss may be
prevalences of underweight (WFA <-2SD) and prevented. Therefore, one of the strategies for solving
wasted (WFL <-2SD), which were higher in our nutritional problems in children is strengthening the
study than in the national data from the Indonesian education sector, especially for girls, by completing
Basic Health Research Report 2018 (underweight: their senior high school education, as recommended
35.1% vs. 10.2%, respectively; wasted: 20.9% vs. by the national, 12-year, compulsory education
17.7%, respectively).11 However, the prevalence of program.15
stunted (LFA/HFA <-2SD) in our study population A study reported that in children aged 1-3 years
was lower compared to the national data (28.0% vs. old in Sidoarjo, East of Java, weight-for-age was a
30.8%, respectively), yet higher than the local DKI significantly related variable to family income, but not
Jakarta province prevalence, which was 17.7%.11 to maternal working status.16 Sufficient family income
Growth problems in under-five children living in provides the means to better meeting the nutritional
urban slum areas can be caused by inappropriate requirements of children.
feeding practices, diseases occurring due to poor There was no significant difference in
sanitation, inappropriate parenting, and lack of access socioeconomic factors between stunting and normal
and coordination of public health services.12 height in our study. This finding might have been due
In our study, low maternal educational level to the limited sample size. In addition, several factors
was associated with weight-for-length (wasted). This associated with height-for-age were not studied, such
finding was in agreement with a study by Makoka,13 as history of intrauterine growth restriction, premature
which showed that children’s nutritional status birth, poor sanitation, infectious disease, as well as
increased with maternal education. In addition, energy and protein intake.17,18 These factors may play

280 • Paediatr Indones, Vol. 59, No. 5, September 2019

Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum
important roles in linear growth in children under-five of stimulation for childhood development.23
living in urban slum areas. There were 76 children with abnormal KPSP
There was also no significant difference in results in our study, 55 children with (inconclusive
socioeconomic factors between normocephalic and and 21 children with suspected developmental
microcephalic children under-five. Our finding delay. Children with inconclusive should undergo
was in agreement with a study conducted in re-examination within 1 week, while children with
Kenyan children. Abubakar et al. 19 found that suspected developmental delay should be referred
wealth index and maternal education had no for further examination. Delays were distributed in
significant associations with head circumference. four aspects of development, yet the highest number
A relatively larger contribution of genetic factors of children were delayed in fine motor skills. In
might explain this finding. Head circumference is contrast, Fadlyana et al.24 in Bandung, West Java,
less susceptible to socioeconomic factors compared showed that most delays occurred in vocalization
to other anthropometric measurements. However, and language comprehension. Twenty-one children
our results differed from that of Bouthoorn et al.20 with confirmed developmental delay had global
who found that children born to highly-educated developmental delay. However, the mother of one
mothers had significantly larger head circumference such child had a hearing loss and speech disorder. As
compared to children born to mothers with low and the primary caregiver, her child’s delay may have been
mid-low educational levels. This finding may have caused by lack of stimulation. Based on age groups,
been due to differing methods of interpretation of the incidence of developmental delay increased from
microcephaly as well as differing classifications of 21 months of age and peaked at 36 months. This
maternal education levels. result suggests that early detection and intervention
The prevalence of developmental delay in for development should be started before 21 months
Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta of age, or within first the 1000 days of life to achieve
was 10%. Previous studies using the same instrument optimum results.25
(KPSP) in children under-five showed similar numbers Malnutrition and inadequate stimulation are the
of 10% in Malang, East Java, and 8% in Bantul, main risk factors for disturbances in cognitive, motor,
Yogyakarta.3,21 social behavior, school behavior, and psychomotor
Five variables had statistically significant development. Nutrition and stimulation play
associations with developmental delay: low maternal important roles in brain development in the first
education, low family income, underweight weight- five years of life.26,27 In our study, 21 children with
for-age, stunted height-for-age, and microcephalic confirmed developmental delay had nutritional
head circumference-for-age. Similarly, a previous problems reflected by anthropometric results,
study in Bantul, Yogyakarta found that low maternal 42.9% underweight and severely underweight,
education, low socioeconomic status, and maternal 38.1% stunted, 23.8% wasted and severely wasted,
working outside the home were risk factors for and 42.9% microcephalic. A cross-sectional study
developmental delay in children under-five.21 Demirci involving children under-five in Nigeria found that
et al.22 concluded that developmental delay was related weight-for-age had significant associations with the
to advanced maternal age, low maternal education, hearing and language domain (P=0.036) and the
low socioeconomic status, and consanguinity. interactive social domain (P=0.001). Underweight
Maternal working status, total number of children were three times as likely to have delays in
children in the family, and nutritional status hearing and language skills and five times as likely to
according to weight-for-height were not significantly have delays in interactive social skills.26 A systematic
related to developmental delay in our subjects. review and meta-analysis by Sudfeld et al.28 concluded
These findings might have been caused by another that linear growth as reflected by height-for-age was
important unevaluated factor, stimulation in all area associated with cognitive and motor development in
of child development. Non-working mothers with low children in developing countries. Nutritional status
education may not provide enough stimulation to their was a predictor in hearing, language, and social
children due to lack of knowledge about the importance interaction abilities. Malnutrition results in delayed

Paediatr Indones, Vol. 59, No. 5, September 2019 • 281

Hartono Gunardi et al.: Growth and developmental delay risk factors among under-five children in an inner-city slum
auditory system maturation, which affects both the children with developmental delay or malnutrition were
central and peripheral auditory systems. Children referred to the Tanah Tinggi Primary Health Center
with malnutrition have difficulty understanding for further evaluation. Growth and development in
information, causing them to be apathetic and children should be monitored closely and routinely
indolent in exploring their surroundings, and resulting so the intervention can be done as soon as possible,
in delayed social interaction skills. Such conditions especially in the first 1000 days of life.
may impact children’s academic achievement as well
as work-related skills in the future.26
In our study, 42.9% of children with Conflict of Interest
developmental delay had microcephaly, 50% children
with developmental delay had chronic malnutrition None declared.
as reflected by wasting and stunting. In microcephalic
children, 0.1% may be asymptomatic, while 15-20%
manifest developmental delay.29 Microcephaly can Acknowledgements
be caused by genetic disorders as part of a syndrome,
teratogens, infection, metabolic disorders, as well We would like to thank the Tanah Tinggi Primary Health Center,
as prenatal, perinatal, or post-natal problems. 30 Johar Baru Primary Health Center staff and head of staff, who gave
Microcephaly was associated with lower developmental permission and support for this study. We would also thank the
quotient (DQ) and higher morbidities (epilepsy, 25 pediatric specialist residents and 7 growth and development
hearing disorders, and visual impairments).28 community pediatric subspecialist residents for their efforts in
Our study had several limitations. The this study and in community development. We would also like to
KPSP was evaluated in an open space near the express our deepest gratitude to the head of the Specialist Study
anthropometric measurement location with a Program, head of the Subspecialist Study Program, head of the
little bit noisy and distractful environment, which Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine Universitas
may cause inconvenience to the children. This Indonesia-Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, and the Dean of
situation resulted in a high number of dropouts Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, all of whom supported
due to uncooperativeness during the examination. this study.
We suggest that further community study on child
development be done in a comfortable and quiet
room in order to provide a conducive environment Funding acknowledgement
for examination. In addition, we did not evaluate
other important factors contributing to development This work was supported by the Department of Child Health
such as parental stimulation, home environment, Universitas Indonesia Medical School, Pediatric Specialist
and comorbidities. Further study should include Residents’ Community Development Fund [grant number: 383/L/
evaluation of such factors. PPDS IKA/VIII/2018].
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