1.1. What'S Normal?. Page 6.: Yes/No Questions Negatives Wh-Questions Short Answers

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GRAMMAR: Auxiliary verbs.

VOCABULARY: Verbs/Adjetives+Prepositions.

SPEAKING: How to…make generalizations


 Use auxiliary verbs do, be and have to form tenses and make questions, short answers and

 Use do as the auxiliary verb with the simple tenses, except if the main is be.

e.g. Does he smoke?

 Use be with continuous forms. e.g. I am not studying German. / Are you studying?

 Use have to make perfect verb forms.

e.g. I have finished my book / Have you finished? No, I haven´t

Yes/No Questions Negatives Wh- Questions Short answers

ASV AnSV QASV Use the auxiliary
verb from the
(Auxiliary + Subject + Verb ) (Subject + Auxiliary negative + Verb) (Question word + question
e.g. Do you do it regularly? e.g. I don’t have breakfast Auxiliary + Subject e.g. Do you live in
+ Verb ) London? No, I don’t
e.g. Where do you

Do/Does Present Don’t/Doesn’t Present

Did Past Didn’t Past

Have/Has Present perfect Haven’t/Hasn’t Present perfect

VOCABULARY : verbs/adjetives + prepositions

English Spanish
reading about leer sobre
use …for usar para
good for bueno para
spend…on gastar en
worry about preocupado por
keen on tener ganas/ estar entusiasmado o ansioso
talk about hablar sobre
interested in interesado en
belong to pertenecer
fluent in dominar
fall out caerse / (with) enfadarse con
look after cuidar, vigilar
look for buscar
look forward esperar (con ansia)

close friend amigo íntimo

acquaintance conocido
boss jefe
classmate compañero de clase
husband marido
wife esposa
colleague colega- compañero de profesión
stranger extraño- desconocido
stepmother madrastra
team-mate compañero de equipo
father-in-law suegro
old friend viejo amigo
friend of a friend amigo de un amigo
keep in touch mantener el contacto
lose touch perder el contacto
get on well llevarse bien
pal amigo
in touch conectados
on average de media, promedio
whereas mientras que
earn ganar (dinero)
heart disease enfermedad coronaria
illness enfermedad
leisure ocio, tiempo libre
surprisingly sorprendentemente
though aunque
above por encima
useless inútil, inservible
regarding con respecto a , en relación a
idiom modismo
facts hechos
equal igual
tend to tender a hacer algo
tendency tendencia
spot sitio, lugar / punto, mancha, grano, peca
soft spot sentimiento especial
flirt flirtear
smirting smoke+flirting
lounging relajarse
lounge salón, sala de estar
flicks cines
suck up hacer la pelota
ongoing en curso
chat conversación informal
wealth riqueza
cook cocina, cocinero
cooker cocina (aparato)
pass time pasar el tiempo (sin importancia)
spend time pasar el tiempo (enjoy)
triplets trillizos
rope túnica, bata / vestir (vb. To rope)
deadline fecha límite, hora de cierre, vencimiento
grown-up adulto
overcooked pasado, quemado
topic tema, asunto



Talk about averages The average man/woman…

On average…

Make generalizations In general,../ …in general….

Generally,…./ …..generally….
Usually,…./ …..usually…..
Talk about tendencies Women tend to talk a lot about…
Men tend not to do housework.
Men don´t tend to get married until they are 27.


[t] after “k” or ”tch” (overcooked)

“-ed” [d] After “sh” or “n” (wished, cleaned, washed)

[id] When the last sound is [t] or [d] (translated, landed, decided)

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