Amazon Pay Per Click Campaigns - How To Advertise Your Private Label Product On Amazon - Jungle Scout - Amazon Product Research Made Easy
Amazon Pay Per Click Campaigns - How To Advertise Your Private Label Product On Amazon - Jungle Scout - Amazon Product Research Made Easy
Amazon Pay Per Click Campaigns - How To Advertise Your Private Label Product On Amazon - Jungle Scout - Amazon Product Research Made Easy
Amazon Pay Per Click Campaigns: How To Advertise
Your Private Label Product on Amazon
Greg Mercer / January 17, 2016 /
Amazon PPC (,
Private Label Product Launch (
Selling on Amazon ( /
Amazon’s Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising platform is a great opportunity to sell more products
online. If properly created and managed, a PPC campaign on Amazon can help you sell more
inventory faster, while increasing your organic rankings as well. That’s a great deal, right?
On top of that, Amazon’s sponsored ads program is quite simplistic, especially considering that it is
developed by a $278 billion dollar tech rm (I don’t mean to bite the hand that feeds, sorry Bezos….)
The simplicity of Amazon’s advertising platform is a double-edged sword, but let’s try to make it
something that works for us. In this guide, I will outline all the PPC optimizations that I use to juice my
pro ts as much as possible for my private label products on FBA.
The #Amazon #PPC game is a winning proposition for FBA
sellers, simple and straightforward.
Starting from the beginning, let’s break down exactly what Amazon’s paid search is and what it looks
like. Amazon receives millions of searches every month, with a majority long-tail searches (three
words or more) of purchase-ready consumers.
People don’t go to Amazon to window shop and discover ideas. They know what they want, go to
Amazon ( , and type in their desired product. Amazon will
return the products that it deems most likely to satisfy the user’s desire. These are the “organic”
results. Then there are the “paid” search results, which you will see mixed in with the organic results,
as well as on the right column and below the organic results:
Creating the ad campaigns is very straightforward, but it is important to understand the strategy and
milestones before starting to advertise so we don’t make quick decisions that undermine our
Here is a brief outline of how we will run these PPC Campaigns:
Before we go further, let’s get familiar with Amazon’s key metrics. This is how they describe them:
Advertising Cost of Sales – The percent of attributed sales
spent on advertising. This is calculated by dividing total ad
spend by attributed sales. For example, if you spent $4 on
advertising resulting in attributed sales of $20, your ACoS
would be 20%.
I assume that you have already created an optimized listing. You want to ensure that you are
doing everything possible to convert a visitor into a sale, so you want to make sure that you have
the following: high resolution images, keyword-rich descriptive title, descriptive bullet points,
product description. You can see how I put together the listing for Jungle Stix here
We are only going to focus on sending traf c to your product page on Amazon, ie Amazon
Sponsored Products. We will not focus on Amazon Product Ads, which drives traf c to your own
website off of Amazon. You really don’t need a unique website outside of Amazon to start being
successful selling FBA, so let’s assume that you don’t have a site to drive traf c to.
There are not many campaign settings that you need to address, which makes the process super
Try to make your campaign names descriptive and with a naming convention that you can easily scale
as you create new campaigns and ad groups. These are the elds that you can edit for your campaign:
For the budget, I like to start with $50-$75 per day. This is a maximum limit, not the amount that you
will actually spend on the campaigns, and I nd that I rarely hit this max anyway. Better to get as much
exposure as possible in the beginning and then re ne it afterwards.
You will see in the screenshot above that Amazon is rolling out an automated bid-adjustment feature.
I do not have much experience with this, but would love to hear if you have any thoughts on it. I have
found though that Google and Facebook are able to get good conversions at ef cient prices, so let’s
hope Amazon takes a page from them!
I’m sure you can guess my answer to this: it depends! It depends on how much margin you have to
devote to advertising, how much you are willing to invest on a listing for the long-term, how the paid
traf c converts to sales on your ad, and much more. However, as long as you are acquiring customers
pro tably, it absolutely makes sense to continue your ad spend to in nity. Seriously, I would trade a
one dollar bill for a two dollar bill any day of the week! For this reason, I think it is more helpful to
think of your advertising spend on a per-unit basis as opposed to evaluating your spend on based on
an overall budget.
One metric that can help clarify how much you should spend to acquire an individual sale is the
Average Cost of Sale, aka ACoS. So you will want to calculate your ideal Average Cost of Sales should
be before you start our campaigns.
Amazon calls the cost per conversion as “Average Cost of Sale”. Here is the information you will
need to know in order to understand what number works for you:
Subtracting the COGS, FBA fees, and Miscellaneous from the Selling Price leaves $9 in pro t per unit
(27-4-11-3=9). So we can spend up to $9 to get a sale and still be pro table. To calculate our ACoS
threshold for our break-even point, simply divide the net income from the Selling price, ie
$9/$27=.33. This leaves us with a 33% ACoS threshold, meaning that we would be making money on
any keyword that has a Cost of Sale at 33% or less.
You can see your ACoS in the Keywords tab of the Advertising tab, and it looks like this:
Now that we know how much we can spend and still be pro table, let’s create some campaigns. It is
frighteningly simple to create an advertising campaign on Amazon, which is good because you can
launch before your morning coffee gets cold, however you want to make sure you follow certain steps
so that you don’t have money leaking out of your account. Every penny counts towards your bottom
I like to create two campaigns when I rst start my Amazon PPC campaigns: one is an “Automatic
Targeting” campaign where Amazon determines which search queries to show my ad; the other is a
“Manual Targeting” campaign where I choose the keywords to show my ads.
Manual campaigns allows you to upload a list of keywords that you nd on your own. Tools that I like
to use for identifying new keywords are Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs (, or ( You can usually nd plenty just using Google’s Keyword
Planner (which is free to use after you create your free AdWords account).
Here is a look at how I came up with the keywords related to Jungle Stix:
Now you let’s stand back and watch the beauty of the Amazon FBA business model at work. That
means: run your advertising campaigns for a week without making any adjustments.
Important Note: If you check your campaign results a few days after you start the campaigns, you
may not see any sales. Don’t fret it! Amazon’s advertising reports have a several day latency, which
Run AMZ PPC campaigns and gather data w/o pausing.
Great longtail keywords will appear!
Now that you have collected a good amount of data, it’s time to sift through it and see what’s working,
what’s not, and sharpen up your money-making machine. Like I mentioned, Amazon’s advertising
platform is very straightforward and simple. This means that the levers you can pull for optimization
are more limited than what Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Bing Ads offers.
Filter the keywords by ACoS: After a week or so, you should be able to identify which keywords
convert to sales, and at what ACoS. You will want to scan through the keywords and pause keywords
that have an ACoS that is higher than your threshold–for Jungle Stix that threshold is 33% ACoS. By
the same token, you will want to identify any keywords that are below your ACoS and you can think
7 about increasing the bid so that your ad will appear more frequently for that converting keyword.
Filter by Order Numbers: This metric is perhaps most important at a high level, so you know which
keywords are driving the most conversions. Of course, you will want to cross-reference this number
with how much it costs you to acquire the sale, but this is often the rst metric I look at.
Filter the Keywords by Spend: You will want to lter by Spend just to make sure that you know all of
the keywords that you are investing in. Make sure that these are converting keywords for you, and
that it is a pro table investment for your ad to appear for the given search query. Remember, an
optimized paid search campaign is all about ensuring that you have bring quali ed traf c to your
listing at an ef cient and pro table cost.
Bids: If a keyword is converting but at an ACoS that is above your targeted threshold, you don’t
necessarily need to pause the keyword. Instead, you can just adjust your bid accordingly. So if your
ACoS is
Broad Match: This is the only match type for match type will trigger your ad for any search query that
is remotely relevant. Broad match casts the widest net of searches, so your bid on “shoes” can also
show your ad for search queries like “sneakers”, “red shoes”, “coolest summer shoes”, etc. At the
moment this is the only match type that Amazon offers, so if you want to control your searches more
accurately, you will have to employ the Negative keywords.
When do you turn on paid campaigns?
I like to turn on PPC campaigns as soon as I have just a few reviews. Others may say to wait until you
have 10 or more, and though it may be true that your conversion rate is higher as you have more
reviews, I think it is more valuable to get a more active listing (remember that PPC campaigns often
boost your organic ranking), and you can start collecting data on converting keywords so that you can
also incorporate those into your listing if it makes sense.
Ideally, you would be able to collect data until you have hit a point of statistical signi cance, which
some consider to be at least a few hundred conversions. We may not have that luxury of time or
money, so that’s why I think that 7 days of running an automatic campaign is enough to deterine what
is really working and what’s not.
There is no “right number” of keywords to include, however I like to include 100 or more in my
manual campaigns and then the Automatic targeting campaign. Amazon search is often about
the long-tail keywords that may be 4 words or more, and it is hard to identify those keywords if you
start with too small of a sample set. You can always trim down your keyword list after a week of
running Automatic campaigns, and then you will see your ACoS improve and your ROI increase nicely.
Other tips?
If you haven’t started your campaign yet, why not learn on Bezos’ dime: there are always free Amazon
discounts and coupons oating around the internet, track one down and apply it to your account!
Good luck with your PPC campaigns, I’d love to hear other hacks and tactics that have worked for
you! Please share them in the comments!
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Carl Jackson · Roto tech at Carlise foodservice products
Good morning Mr. Greg i am new to this Amazon sellars group. Im studying
all of your material as much and as fast as I can... but I would really like to
be able to hook up with a good mentor there someone whos like making
around $30,000 a month...someone that i can build a relationship
name is Carl [email protected] thank you for your time
and efforts in this matter.
Like · Reply · Jun 19, 2016 4:39am
Gabe Webber · Miami, Florida
Greg what match type do you prefer to use when 1) initially launching a
PPC campaign 2) optmizing an ongoing PPC campaign?
I am given the option of Broad, Phrase & Match. I clearly understand the
difference between the three but wanted your feedback from experience.
Like · Reply · 1 · Jul 25, 2016 12:05pm
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R E P LY ( H T T P S : / / W W W . J U N G L E S C O U T . C O M / B L O G / A M A Z O N - P P C - B E S T - P R A C T I C E S / ?
R E P LY T O C O M = 7 5 5 # R E S P O N D )
Hey thanks Greg and gang. Thought you were hiring a proofreader. jk.
John Tighe
0 2 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 6 AT 6 : 4 4 P M ( H T T P S : // W W W. J U N G L E S C O U T.C O M / B LO G /A M A ZO N - P P C- B E S T-
P R AC T I C E S / # C O M M E N T- 7 5 6 )
R E P LY ( H T T P S : / / W W W . J U N G L E S C O U T . C O M / B L O G / A M A Z O N - P P C - B E S T - P R A C T I C E S / ?
shares R E P LY T O C O M = 7 5 6 # R E S P O N D )
John Tighe
FBA Research
0 2 . 2 1 . 2 0 1 6 AT 4 : 5 1 P M ( H T T P S : // W W W. J U N G L E S C O U T.C O M / B LO G /A M A ZO N - P P C- B E S T-
P R AC T I C E S / # C O M M E N T- 7 5 7 )
R E P LY ( H T T P S : / / W W W . J U N G L E S C O U T . C O M / B L O G / A M A Z O N - P P C - B E S T - P R A C T I C E S / ?
R E P LY T O C O M = 7 5 7 # R E S P O N D )
Am a newbie to Amazon. Been running it for a week now no sales as yet or reviews. Do you
think I should start a PPC campaign now?? What’s your advise. I have strong keywords in the
keyword section and search terms but as it is a new product I make myself I guess it harder to
drive traf c too. Can you offer some tips?
Rob (
0 2 . 2 4 . 2 0 1 6 AT 7 : 2 9 A M ( H T T P S : // W W W. J U N G L E S C O U T.C O M / B LO G /A M A ZO N - P P C- B E S T-
P R AC T I C E S / # C O M M E N T- 7 5 8 )
R E P LY ( H T T P S : / / W W W . J U N G L E S C O U T . C O M / B L O G / A M A Z O N - P P C - B E S T - P R A C T I C E S / ?
R E P LY T O C O M = 7 5 8 # R E S P O N D )
I would run some PPC on Amazon even if you haven;t got any reviews yet. If you run a small
auto campaign, you can let Amazon provide you with some keywords to target, and
potentially some sales.
Then you can expand your Amazon PPC campaign into exact and phrase match
campaigns/adgroups to get a better ROI.
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