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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0 approved
Prepared by <author>
<date created>
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of contents ii
Revision History ii
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Document convention
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
1.4 Product Scope
1.5 References
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Functions
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
2.4 Operating Environment
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
2.6 User Documentation
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces
3.2 Hardware Interfaces
3.3 Software Interfaces
3.4 Communications Interfaces
4. System Features
4.1 System Feature 1
4.2 System Feature 2
5. Other non-functional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
5.2 Safety Requirements
5.3 Security Requirements
5.4 Software Quality Attributes
5.5 Business Rules
6. Other Requirements
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Analysis Models
Appendix C: To Be determined List
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page iii

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Systems Requirements Specifications document (henceforth referred

to as SRS) is to provide the guidelines necessary to design and implement software that
fulfills all the requirements given. In the case of the Hamro Ramro TV
software (henceforth simply referred to as HRts), this document will contain enough
information so that even if the current team fails to complete the software due to any
unprecedented events, a future team can use this document and only this document to
create variant of the software that meets the similar requirements.

The main focus of the document is to achieve all the end requirements by the final
software making it design independent. Clients and Stakeholders have every right to use
this document as a representation of their requirements for the software. Fulfilling all the
requirements of the SRS will be in essence fulfilling the contract with the client.

1.2 Document Conventions:

The outline of this document will follow the table of contents found on the second page of
this document.

The outline is split into 6 sections.

Section 1 – Explanation of the purpose of the document and what it will contain.

Section 2 - Overview of the project.

Section 3 - External interface requirements for the system.

Section 4 - Detailed explanation of the System features.

Section 5 - Other non-functional requirements.

Section 6 - Glossary and miscellaneous requirements.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Every section included in this document is written with the intention that various users will
be briefing different sections. The first two sections use general language with easy terms
enabling ever layman to understand the software, while the next four sections use core
technical language. So reading of the document is categorized. The requirements of the
software will be explained as per their stage of importance. Requirements are explained
priority based i.e. highly meaningful requirements will be explained with priority and
normal requirements will be described later. The majority of the models showcased in this
document will contain data-flow diagram in following pages.

1.4 Product Scope

The project being developed for developer team goes by the name of “Hamro Ramro TV
The requirements specified on this S.R.S. document coincide with the Hamro Ramro TV ’s
need for broadcasting system which will enable customers and the employees to use and
manage the system according to their role easily via a Secure Application Platform that
provides at the very least the following features (check the program schedule, pay for the
subscription by the general user and control / record data and manipulate the program by
the employees of Hamro Ramro Tv ).

The proposed system will incorporate strong features such as payment option, whereby
customer can choose the number of channels they want, and make the payment
accordingly. They can also register to the system and can also view the schedule of the
program that will be broadcasted with their timings.

In other hand, file hosting and file management, user data, better group collaboration
tools, and online testing capabilities. Accounting officer can record the subscription
payment and send payment reminders to the customer, whose subscription has either
ended or is about to end.

Also, the channel operating officer can amend the program, check for test frequency,
control viewing request and share to social media. And most importantly allow members to
make online payments. And finally, manager can check the total subscribers, monthly
collection and the data of frequency report of particular area when needed.

The document will address our project scope by delivering well documented
specifications, along with highly detailed models. Furthermore, it will contain
comprehensive explanations of the functionality and constraints of each of the following

1.5 References

IEEE std. 830-1984

IEEE guide to requirements specification

IEEE std.830-1984- Example “SRS: The AUTOTELLER Automatic Teller System”.

Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The product “Hamro Ramro TV software” is a brand new software built from the scratch. It
is neither the sub product nor the update to any previous versions.
The product is developed for easy accessibility of many different and new feature that is
given by Hamro Ramro TV including programs to the viewers. It is designed for proper
management of the different processes which include online payment, channel
subscription renewal, user registration and more. It also enables user to subscribe to new
channels or programs.

2.2 Product Functions

The product provides different functions which are listed below:

 Integrated with online payment service like E-Sewa or credit cards.

 Can be accessed anytime from any part of the world
 Access to many channels across globe.
 Registration to new users with verification.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

a. Individual viewers
b. Cable Distributer

a. Individual viewers
 Check the Program Schedule
 Able to Register
 Subscribe to Selected Program/Channel.

b. Cable Distributer

i. Accounting Officer
 They have the ability to record subscription payments and remind viewers
for payments.

ii. The Channel Operating Officer

 They are able to add/remove/update programs.
 They provide test frequency to cable/individual;
 Allow members to make Payment over the internet
 Must be able to Share to Social Media

iii. The Manager

 They are capable of enlisting the total subscribers and payment reports.
2.4 Operating Environment
System Requirements – Hardware:
· CPU: at least Dual Core 2.2 MHz
· Space: Minimum of 110GB
· Ram: Minimum of 1 GB

System Requirements – Software:

· Web Service: XAMPP server
· Brower: Google chrome, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Apple’s Safari or Mozilla’s
Firefox etc.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

 The time allocated for this system will be about 6 months.
 All the front-end development is covered by HTML 5.0, CSS and JavaScript
 The backend development is done using Python.
 Database for the system is maintained using MySQL

2.6 User Documentation

The system will provide an online user manual in HTML that describes the functionality
and options to both the users on the website
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies
Assumptions -
· Users have an active Internet Connection or has access to one to view the Website.
· Users run an operating system which supports Internet Browsing.
· Our website is prepared considering all the Internet Ethnic or Cultural Rules and are fully
supported by the Telecom companies.
Dependencies -
· We are dependent on our hosting service to provide 24/7 on-line facilities.
· Website interface must be friendly and easy to use.
· The search mechanism, online payment, subscription method should be simple and fast.

External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces:

The user interface of the system is designed with increased emphasis on the user Human-
Machine interface. The interface is compartmentalized keeping competency as our first
priority to ensure that the user can easily navigate within the system interface.

Each compartment has a distinctive focus with a minimalist approach. The user is able to
alter the interface as suited.
It will contain various features like, online payment, package selection for channels, help,
contact us, program schedule, Tutorial to register to the system etc.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Display Monitor: It is recommended that a high-resolution monitor be used for best
results. It is also compatible for smartphones and tablets.

Input devices: All hardware interfaces will be provided by the Operating system. The
system will require a keyboard and a mouse or just the touch screen.

Network: Fast internet is required to buffer the video. System functions perfectly on 4G
network as well as on 3G network.

3.3 Software Interfaces

The software has a seamless integration with the hardware system. It can be used in PC
for windows OS, Linux OS or IOS.

Once the user logs on to the system, the interface will seamlessly manage the local
input/output/operating system, devices as needed.

The software is integrated for every general device accessible. Windows users can use it
in every version while android version should be 6.0 or above.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

Web Browser: The system requires the use of chrome or Firefox, Safari or opera as the
native web browser. It is recommended that current system performs optimally with the
suggested browsers.

These web browsers support our system integration, so they should be installed via our
website. Also, ad Blocker software should be disabled.

Communication Standards: SSH client, FTP client; VPN client are used for connection
between two computing endpoints.

Data Transfer Rates: Recommended 1.5 MBPS Download speed (for any download
activities) and upload speed of minimum of 128 Kbps.

Security: Users must have antivirus software installed so they can scan the incoming files
from other users of the system, any commercially available Antivirus is can be used
scanning files. Windows users can use defender as well.

System Features
Description and Priority
Instant Notification is the feature of television broadcasting system which allows the
system administrator to send push notifications to the users in case of issues regarding
broadcasting of the respective channels.

The administrator is available 24/7 to sort out the problems faced by any of the system
user, user will be able to message and receive answers from the administrator almost

These features are of High Priority and user will be able to benefit from this feature
because it will give them the feeling of a real time.

4.1 Instant Notification

4.1.1 Description and Priority:
Virtual-space system is the complaining the issues which is faced during the system
running time. This feature is of medium priority as email can still be used as a means for
this type of complaining issues.
4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

User action: log in to system

Response: The user is logged in and all available features in the system are shown in the
User action: Click on the message software tool
Response: New pop up window shows up with list of contacts. Online users are marked
green and offline users are marled red
User action: Double dick on the name of an online user
Response: where real lime conversion can be initiated between parties
User action: write the message in the below box and click on sent.
Response: user can easily sent a message to the other parties.
4.1.3 Functional Requirements
REQ-1- Users are limited to Windows XP, Vista or Mac.
REQ-2- Users are limited to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari internet browsers
REQ-3 - Users must have pop-up windows enabled on their systems
REQ-4 - Users must enable java scripts on their systems to be able to install lnstant-Edu
messaging software.
REQ-5 - Users must have antivirus software installed so they can scan the incoming files
from other users of the system.
4.2 Virtual- space 2
4.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences:
User action: Log in to Virtual-space.
Response: The user is logged in and available features in the system are shown in the
User action: Click on the complaining Hosting software tool-Virtual-Space.
Response: Window displays complaining icon user can write the complaining issues.
User action: A user clicks the button.
Response: Produce a window for the user to browse their machine to select a
complaining. Once complaining is selected, browse window would close and the path lo
the selected complaining would show in the text box.
User action: A user clicks the Upload button.
Response: Should upload the selected complaining and produce a window letting the
user know if the upload was successful and sent it to the parties of system developer.
4.2.3 Functional Requirements:
Virtual-Space Req 1: FTP management software on the server setup with quota space,
user authentication and appropriate user rights.
Virtual-Space Req 2: users need window XP, or Mac OS.
Virtual-Space Req 3: users need internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or browser.
Virtual-Space Req 4: user must enable pop-up windows

Other Non-functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
This system should be able to handle the following task:
1. The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less. System response
time must be less than 2 second.
2. Number of user must be able to register and subscribe to selected program at a same
3. Individual viewer can assess the function through web or mobile application.

5.2 Safety Requirements

1. System must be able to send notification to customer , distributor if any channel
connection are lost ( for example fiber breakage, natural disaster)
2. System must be maintain all records backup.
5.3 Security Requirements
1. Data like personal details of user’s login id & password. Must remain confidential. To
keep those data safe, there is need of highly secured algorithm.
2. Electronic payment system must be highly secured and confidential
3. Any modification for channel operating shall be approved by Manager.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

1. Individual viewer with non-technical knowledge can use system for checking program
schedule, Subscribe and many more.
2. Channel Operating Officer just need basic computer knowledge to use system.
3. System should be available 24hour. If there any error occur on system it must be solved
within an hour.
4. System must be flexible if any changes are needed, it should easy to update.
5. It should run on any device any platform or in any operating system whether it is
windows, Mac or android.
6. Other Requirements
The system must be completed within the timeframe allotted for development.
Appropriate funding must be required to make required upgrades to existing systems, buy
additional hardwire and software, and acquire skilled personnel to develop project.

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