Personality Change Associated With Chronic Diseases: Pooled Analysis of Four Prospective Cohort Studies

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Psychological Medicine (2014), 44, 2629–2640.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 OR I G I N A L A R T I C L E


Personality change associated with chronic diseases:

pooled analysis of four prospective cohort studies

M. Jokela1,2*, C. Hakulinen1, A. Singh-Manoux3,4 and M. Kivimäki3

Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, London, UK
Inserm U1018, Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, Villejuif, France

Background. Common chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer, are associated with increased psychological
distress, functional limitations and shortened life expectancy, but whether these diseases alter aspects of personality
remains unclear.

Method. To examine whether the onset of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, arthritis and
respiratory disease is associated with subsequent changes in personality traits of the five-factor model, we pooled
data from the Health and Retirement Study, the Midlife in the United States Survey, and the graduate and sibling
samples of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study for an individual-participant meta-analysis (total n = 17 493; mean age at
baseline 55.8 years).

Results. After adjustment for age, we observed consistent decreases in extraversion [−0.25 T-scores per one disease;
95% confidence interval (CI) −0.40 to −0.10], emotional stability (−0.40, 95% CI −0.61 to −0.19), conscientiousness
(−0.44, 95% CI −0.57 to −0.30) and openness to experience (−0.25, 95% CI −0.37 to −0.13) but not in agreeableness
(−0.05, 95% CI −0.19 to 0.08) after the onset of chronic diseases. The onset of each additional chronic disease accelerated
the average age-related personality change by 2.5 years in decreasing extraversion, 5.5 years in decreasing conscientious-
ness, and 1.6 years in decreasing openness to experience, and attenuated the increasing levels of emotional stability by
1.9 years. Co-morbid conditions were associated with larger changes than single diseases, suggesting a dose–response
association between morbidity and personality change.

Conclusions. These results support the hypothesis that chronic diseases influence personality development in adult-

Received 2 October 2013; Revised 5 January 2014; Accepted 21 January 2014; First published online 19 February 2014

Key words: Chronic disease, longitudinal studies, meta-analyses, morbidity, personality development.

Introduction styles that may modify these reactions (Davydov et al.

2010; Evers et al. 2011). However, the broader implica-
Chronic diseases account for a substantial proportion
tions of chronic diseases to personality development
of disability and premature mortality in the developed
have not been studied in detail. These personality
countries as well as globally (Wang et al. 2012).
changes are not well captured by narrow concepts of
Adaptation to these illnesses constitutes an important
psychological distress. Personality change related to
psychosocial transition in the human life course, as
chronic diseases is also relevant for psychiatry and
chronic conditions are likely to affect the daily activi-
clinical psychology, as enduring personality change
ties of most individuals at some point in their lives
due to the physiological effects of a medical condition
(Katz & Yelin, 1995; Affleck et al. 2001; Crimmins,
is one of the diagnostic categories of personality disor-
2004). There is an extensive research on the negative
ders. We investigated whether common chronic dis-
emotional reactions associated with chronic diseases
eases affect the long-term development of personality
(Stanton et al. 2007; de Ridder et al. 2008) as well as
traits assessed with the more comprehensive five-
on sociodemographic factors and psychological coping
factor model of personality.

Adaptation to chronic diseases

* Address for correspondence: Dr M. Jokela, Institute of Behavioural
Sciences, Siltavuorenpenger 1A, PO Box 9, 00014 University of
The onset of a chronic disease involves several
Helsinki, Finland. health-related physiological, psychological and social
(Email: changes (Penley et al. 2002; Sharpe & Curran, 2006).
2630 M. Jokela et al.

Some chronic diseases, such as stroke and many (Obonsawin et al. 2007). Like stroke, these conditions
cancers, present special challenges for those who directly affect brain functioning, and they can also be
survive these diseases, as the risk of recurrence is expected to pose major challenges of adjustment and
often high (Go et al. 2013). Other diseases, such as recovery. The majority of these studies have assessed
arthritis, respiratory diseases and heart disease, often personality change by comparing current and retro-
cause considerable disability and functional limita- spective assessment of personality characteristics eval-
tions, and increase mortality risk in the long term uated by family members (Robins Wahlin & Byrne,
(McCathie et al. 2002; Strong et al. 2005; Evers et al. 2010). Considerable decreases (between 1 and 3 s.D.s)
2011). Medication and other treatments alleviate symp- in levels of conscientiousness (e.g. forgetfulness, diffi-
toms of most common chronic diseases to some culties in persisting with tasks at hand), emotional
extent, but a substantial proportion of individuals stability (e.g. symptoms of depression) and agreeable-
with chronic diseases do not follow their prescribed ness (e.g. interpersonal conflicts) in individuals with
treatments (Osterberg & Blaschke, 2005), which weak- brain-related diseases or injuries have been reported
ens the effectiveness of available medical care. (Robins Wahlin & Byrne, 2010). However, it is difficult
Despite the substantial distress and functional to evaluate to what extent such changes represent the
limitations associated with chronic diseases (Prince outcome of brain pathology or patterns of personality
et al. 2007; Stanton et al. 2007; de Ridder et al. 2008), change related to chronic diseases in general.
many people are able to adjust to physical illnesses Besides the above studies on stroke and neurodegen-
over time, so not all mental health problems caused erative diseases, we were unable to find any longitudi-
by chronic illnesses are permanent (Wu, 2001; nal studies comparing people’s personality before
Powdthavee, 2009). Indeed, many studies have and after the onset of common chronic diseases, such
shown that people tend to regain their earlier levels as diabetes and heart disease. Thus, research on the
of well-being after negative life events (Clark et al. implications of common chronic diseases for long-term
2008; Powdthavee, 2009; Davydov et al. 2010), personality development appears to be scarce. In par-
although this is not always the case (Headey, 2010). ticular, there is a lack of prospective longitudinal
Moreover, surviving and learning to live with a data with standardized personality measures.
chronic disease may prompt personal growth in
some individuals (Sheikh, 2004), suggesting that
The present study
negative and positive experiences may coexist in adap-
tation to chronic diseases (Barskova & Oesterreich, We carried out an individual-participant meta-analysis
2009; Bostock et al. 2009). It is therefore difficult to with more than 17 000 participants from four cohort
extrapolate the long-term psychological impact of studies to examine whether the onset of a chronic
chronic diseases from the short-term distress reactions disease – heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, respir-
to disease onset. atory disease, arthritis and hypertension – among indi-
Most of the earlier studies have investigated adap- viduals initially free of the disease is associated with
tation with measures of psychological distress, quality subsequent changes in personality traits, measured
of life, physical pain, limitations in daily activities, or using the five-factor model (extraversion, emotional
disease progression, but not with complete personality stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and open-
inventories. In clinical practice, changes in personality ness to experience). More specifically, we ask whether
are often reported especially in stroke survivors chronic conditions accelerate or reverse the average
(Remer-Osborn, 1998). In one retrospective study, age-related personality trajectories, or whether person-
individuals recovering from stroke (n = 35) were rated ality remains largely unchanged despite the appear-
by their carers to be more bored, frustrated, dissa- ance of physical morbidities. Prospective longitudinal
tisfied, unhappy, irritable, worried and unreasonable data with repeated measurements of personality from
after compared with before stroke (Stone et al. 2004). four cohorts provided a methodologically robust set-
Another retrospective study based on informant-rated ting to examine these associations.
personality before and after stroke (n = 70) found Based on previous studies of chronic diseases and
increased levels of depression and communication quality of life (Stanton et al. 2007; de Ridder et al.
difficulties but no change in indifferent, inappropriate 2008) we hypothesized that the onset of a disease
or manic behaviour (Nelson et al. 1993). would be associated with a decrease in emotional stab-
Disease-related changes in personality have also ility due to psychological distress, disability, and lim-
been studied in neurodegenerative diseases, such as itations to daily activities caused by the disease. We
Alzheimer’s disease (Robins Wahlin & Byrne, 2010), also hypothesized a decrease in extraversion, because
Parkinson’s disease (Mendelsohn et al. 1995), dementia several chronic diseases cause fatigue and loss of en-
(Gao et al. 2000) and in cases of brain injury ergy (de Ridder et al. 2008) that potentially decrease
Chronic diseases and personality change 2631

features of extraversion, such as positive mood, ac- in 1957 (Wollmering, 2007). In addition to the main
tivity, and approach-motivated behaviour. Further- sample of the 1957 high school graduates, the WLS
more, some studies have suggested that suffering has also collected data on a selected sibling of a sample
from physical illnesses increases irritability and inter- of the graduates. The data collection in adulthood has
personal conflicts, perhaps because of a lowered level been very similar although not entirely identical for the
of patience or concern for other people’s troubles siblings as for the graduates. Although the graduate
(Stanton et al. 2007). We therefore hypothesize that and sibling samples are collected in the same study,
such changes might decrease agreeableness. Decreases we treated them separately because the sibling sample
in conscientiousness and openness have been reported is more heterogeneous in terms of age compared with
in chronic diseases affecting the brain (Robins Wahlin the graduate sample.
& Byrne, 2010), but we did not have sufficient a priori
evidence to evaluate whether a similar change would Measures
be expected in relation to other chronic diseases.
In all studies, personality was assessed using one of
Finally, we hypothesized that the personality change
the standardized questionnaire instruments based on
associated with stroke would be more marked than
the five-factor model of personality (for details of the
those for other chronic diseases studied, that is, heart
measures, see the online Supplementary material).
disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, respiratory dis-
The instruments measure five higher-order personality
ease and arthritis, because stroke affects brain function-
traits that sum up individual variation in several more
ing. Besides this disease-specific hypothesis, we had no
specific personality dispositions. ‘Extraversion’ reflects
other hypotheses regarding differences between the
characteristics such as social assertiveness, sociability,
seven chronic diseases included in the present study.
and sensitivity to positive emotions. Individuals with
high ‘emotional stability’ (or low neuroticism) are not
Method easily distressed or sensitive to negative emotions;
they are resilient in stressful situations and seldom
The data for the individual-participant meta-analysis
experience feelings of anxiety, sadness or depression.
were selected by searching the collections of the Inter-
‘Agreeableness’ measures cooperativeness, altruism
university Consortium for Political and Social Research
and trust toward other people. ‘Conscientiousness’ is
expressed as self-control, orderliness and adherence
) to identify large-scale cohort studies with repeated
to social norms. ‘Openness to experience’ correlates
measurements of personality and chronic diseases.
with curiosity, broad-ranging interests and open-
We included all studies with repeated measurements
mindedness. For comparison, we examined corre-
of personality assessed using the five-factor model,
sponding changes in ‘self-rated health’ and ‘depressive
information on specific chronic health conditions,
symptoms’ (or negative mood) over the same follow-
and large sample size (n > 1000). The following
up period as the analysis of personality change. The
studies met these inclusion criteria: the Health and
seven common chronic conditions included in the
Retirement Study (HRS); the National Survey of
analysis were self-reported. The participants of each
Midlife in the United States (MIDUS); and the Wiscon-
study were asked to report whether they had been
sin Longitudinal Study (WLS) graduate and sibling
diagnosed of and/or treated for: heart disease, stroke,
respiratory disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and
Full details of the cohorts and measures are pro-
hypertension (for detailed questions, see the online
vided in the online Supplementary material. Briefly,
Supplementary material).
the HRS is a nationally representative longitudinal
study that started in 1992 and altogether includes
Statistical analysis
more than 30 000 individuals representing the US
population older than 50 years (Juster & Suzman, Personality change was assessed by predicting person-
1995). The MIDUS is based on a nationally representa- ality trait score at Time 2 by chronic disease onset be-
tive random-digit-dial sample (n = 7108) of non- tween Time 1 and Time 2 among individuals without
institutionalized, English-speaking adults, aged the disease of interest at Time 1, adjusting for person-
25–74 years in 1995–1996 [National Survey of Midlife ality trait score at Time 1, sex, age, race/ethnicity, the
Development in the United States (MIDUS), 1995– length of follow-up between Time 1 and Time 2 (in
1996, computer files; O. G. Brim, P. B. Baltes and months), and the number of other chronic diseases
L. L. Bumpass (2007); besides the disease of interest as the outcome variable
icpsrweb/ICPSR/series/00203. The WLS is a study of at Time 1. A corresponding analysis was carried out
10 317 participants who were born between 1937 and for depressive symptoms and self-rated general health
1940 and who graduated from Wisconsin high schools (instead of personality traits). In addition to examining
2632 M. Jokela et al.

each chronic disease separately, we predicted person- command for meta-analysis; StataCorp LP, USA).
ality change by the number of chronic diseases Heterogeneity in the effect sizes was examined using
between Time 1 and Time 2 in the total sample, adjust- I2 estimates.
ing for the number of chronic diseases at baseline and
the other covariates listed above. This analysis enabled
us to evaluate the dose–response nature of the relation-
ship between chronic conditions and change in per- Descriptive statistics of the study samples are presented
sonality. Finally, we examined whether concurrent in Table 1. The HRS participants were older and ethni-
changes in self-rated health and depressive symptoms cally more heterogeneous than the other samples.
associated with the onset of diseases accounted for the Accordingly, the disease prevalence and onset were
changes in personality traits by predicting personality higher in the HRS than in the MIDUS in which diseases
change with a continuously coded number of diseases were more prevalent than in the WLS samples.
between Time 1 and Time 2 (adjusted for the other First, a meta-analysis on all participants irrespective
covariates listed above) and then added change scores of their chronic disease status was undertaken to assess
of self-rated health and depressive symptoms in the average age-related change in personality scores. These
models. results indicated that among participants aged 50 years
To facilitate interpretation of effect sizes, all outcome or older, extraversion decreased [B = –0.50 per 5-year
variables (i.e. personality traits, depressive symptoms increase in age, 95% confidence interval (CI) −0.84 to
and self-rated general health) were first transformed −0.16], emotional stability increased (B = 1.03, 95% CI
into T-scores (mean = 50, S.D. = 10) before analysis 0.76 to 1.31), agreeableness remained stable (B = –0.04,
using means and standard deviations at Time 1 as 95% CI −0.35 to 0.26), conscientiousness decreased
the metric to standardize scores at both Time 1 and (B = –0.40, 95% CI −0.70 to −0.11) and openness to ex-
Time 2. As an additional method of quantifying the perience decreased (B = –0.79, 95% CI −1.22 to −0.35).
effect sizes, we estimated the average personality The cohort-specific details of this meta-analysis are
change in the five traits by pooling the estimates of shown in online Supplementary Fig. S1.
study-specific personality change scores in a separate The total number of new chronic diseases between
meta-analysis. We then calculated the corresponding Time 1 and Time 2 taken together showed that higher
number of years in average age-related personality number of diseases was associated with decreasing
trajectories associated with the disease–personality extraversion, decreasing emotional stability, decreas-
change. For the descriptive analysis of average person- ing conscientiousness and decreasing openness to ex-
ality change scores, we included only participants aged perience over time (Fig. 1; cohort-specific associations
50 years or older in order to avoid potential non-linear reported in online Supplementary Figs S2–S6), while
changes at younger ages. To take into account differ- no significant association was observed for change
ences in follow-up times between studies, we assumed in agreeableness. The associations followed a dose–
a linear association between years of follow-up and response pattern, with each chronic condition strength-
personality change; this assumption was based on ening the association in a linear fashion. The estimates
data suggesting that non-linear patterns of personality for linear trends (i.e. personality change per one dis-
change are relevant only on much longer follow-up ease onset when the number of diseases was coded
periods over the life course than the 4 to 11 years in- as a continuous variable) are reported in the first row
cluded here (e.g. Roberts et al. 2006). In each study of Table 2.
we transformed the raw change scores by dividing Comparing the estimates for average personality
the scores by follow-up time (in years) and multiplying changes (online Supplementary Fig. S1; reported
this by 5 to have the personality change per 5 years of above) with estimates obtained from the association
age as the outcome variable in each study. This al- between disease onset and personality change
lowed us to compare the associations between chronic (Table 2) suggested that the onset of a new disease
diseases and personality change across the samples accelerated the average age-related personality change
relative to average personality change. by 2.5 years in extraversion [ = (−0.25/–0.50) × 5 = 2.5],
In all analyses we applied a two-stage approach: 5.5 years in conscientiousness, and 1.6 years in open-
models were first fitted separately within each cohort, ness to experience. Given that average age changes
and the results from the individual cohorts were then and disease associations were in the opposite direc-
pooled using random-effects meta-analysis. Standard tions for emotional stability, the onset of each disease
errors were calculated using the robust estimator ‘reversed’ the average development of emotional stab-
method to take into account the non-independence of ility by 1.9 years.
individuals from the same households. All analyses To examine whether the extent of personality change
were conducted using Stata version 12.1 (metan associated with chronic disease onset was dependent
Chronic diseases and personality change 2633

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the samples


Basic characteristics
Sex, % females (n) 58.6 (3013) 55.5 (2130) 54.9 (3027) 54.9 (1647)
Racial/ethnic minority, % (n) 18.5 (952) 7.1 (273) – –
Mean age at T1, years (S.D.) 66.0 (9.8) 47.2 (12.4) 54.1 (0.5) 52.7 (7.0)
Age range at T1, years 25–104 20–75 53–56 33–95
Mean follow-up time T1–T2, years (S.D.) 4.2 (0.4) 8.9 (0.5) 11.2 (0.3) 11.3 (0.6)
Outcome variables, mean (S.D.)a
Extraversion at T2 49.1 (10.5) 48.3 (10.3) 49.5 (9.8) 49.7 (9.2)
Emotional stability at T2 51.3 (10.2) 52.0 (9.4) 51.8 (9.3) 51.5 (9.1)
Agreeableness at T2 49.7 (10.6) 49.3 (10.2) 50.5 (9.7) 50.3 (9.3)
Conscientiousness at T2 49.3 (11.0) 50.8 (10.3) 48.9 (10.2) 49.1 (9.5)
Openness to experience at T2 48.7 (10.5) 47.9 (10.4) 49.2 (9.6) 49.4 (9.4)
Self-rated health at T2 48.9 (9.9) 49.3 (10.8) 43.8 (14.9) 42.8 (14.9)
Depressive symptoms at T2 50.0 (9.9) 49.4 (9.3) 48.8 (9.6) 49.2 (9.6)
Chronic diseases, % (n)
Heart disease at T1 21.4 (1100) 11.4 (439) 5.0 (273) 7.8 (229)
Heart disease at T2 28.5 (1465) 17.8 (682) 14.6 (773) 14.6 (408)
Hypertension at T1 55.5 (2854) 16.3 (622) 20.5 (1128) 24.9 (735)
Hypertension at T2 63.9 (3287) 30.3 (1162) 47.3 (2504) 46.8 (1307)
Cancer at T1 13.8 (711) 7.3 (279) 1.8 (101) 6.4 (188)
Cancer at T2 18.5 (950) 14.1 (541) 10.7 (565) 10.8 (302)
Diabetes at T1 18.2 (934) 3.9 (149) 3.4 (185) 3.9 (116)
Diabetes at T2 24.0 (1235) 10.1 (387) 11.8 (624) 11.5 (322)
Respiratory disease at T1 9.3 (479) 12.9 (490) 6.7 (372) 17.4 (510)
Respiratory disease at T2 12.4 (635) 12.7 (489) 12.7 (686) 12.8 (373)
Arthritis at T1 60.2 (3094) 19.6 (747) 23.0 (1266) 31.0 (914)
Arthritis at T2 68.2 (3505) 26.2 (1007) 45.1 (2389) 45.0 (1256)
Stroke at T1 4.3 (221) 0.4 (14) 0.6 (32) 0.9 (24)
Stroke at T2 6.8 (352) 1.0 (40) 2.8 (149) 3.5 (99)
Total number of participants, % (n) 100.0 (5140) 100.0 (3838) 100.0 (5515) 100.0 (3000)

HRS, Health and Retirement Study; MIDUS, National Survey of Midlife in the United States; WLSG, Wisconsin
Longitudinal Study graduate sample; WLSS, Wisconsin Longitudinal Study sibling sample; T1, Time 1; S.D., standard
deviation; T2, Time 2.
Outcome variables are standardized as T-scores against baseline values, so T1 mean = 50 and S.D. = 10 for all outcome

on age, we refitted the models in Fig. 1 by treating the conscientiousness were observed after the onset of
number of chronic diseases between Time 1 and Time 2 most chronic diseases examined, while changes in
as a continuous variable, and including an interaction agreeableness and openness were observed only after
term between age and number of chronic diseases be- stroke and respiratory disease. The magnitude of per-
tween Time 1 and Time 2 (WLSG cohort was excluded sonality change was relatively modest, the difference
from this analysis because of the restricted age range). being 1–2 T-score units (equal of 0.1–0.2 s.D.s) between
There was no evidence for significant effect modifica- those with and without incident disease. The onset of
tion by age (all p values for pooled interaction >0.31; stroke and respiratory disease showed the largest per-
details not shown). In a stratified analysis, the pooled sonality change while cancer, diabetes and arthritis
associations were also substantially the same when were associated with the least personality change.
the models in each cohort were fitted separately for Cohort-specific results are reported in online
participants 455 years and >55 years of age (data Supplementary Figs S7–S13.
not shown), suggesting no age interactions. For comparison, we analysed disease-related
The disease-specific associations are shown in Fig. 2. changes in self-rated health and depressive symptoms.
Decreases in extraversion, emotional stability and As expected, self-rated general health decreased and
2634 M. Jokela et al.

Fig. 1. Associations between the number of onset chronic diseases and personality change between baseline and follow-up
phase in the pooled sample (random-effects meta-analysis), adjusted for sex, age, race/ethnicity, follow-up time and number
of chronic diseases at baseline (for cohort-specific details, see online Supplementary Figs S2–S6). CI, Confidence interval.

depressive symptoms increased after the onset of compared with changes in the four personality traits
chronic disease (online Supplementary Fig. S14). In described above.
the pooled analysis of the number of chronic diseases To examine whether the extent of personality change
as the exposure and those with no disease as the refer- was related to the extent of change in depressive symp-
ence group (B = 0.00), self-rated health decreased by toms and self-rated health, we fitted the number of
−3.0 (95% CI −3.8 to −2.2), −6.4 (95% CI −8.1 to chronic conditions as a continuous (Table 2) rather
−4.6), −10.0 (95% CI −13.2 to −6.7) and −13.7 (95% than as categorical (Fig. 1) measure, and then exam-
CI −18.4 to −8.9) T-score units per one, two, three ined whether the associations between chronic disease
and four or more chronic diseases, respectively. For onset and personality change attenuated after adjust-
depressive symptoms, the corresponding increases in ment for depressive symptoms and self-rated health.
symptoms associated with chronic disease onset were As shown in Table 2, adjusting for change in depress-
0.77 (95% CI 0.43–1.10) for one disease, 1.12 (95% CI ive symptoms affected little the associations, while
0.74–1.51) for two diseases, 2.08 (95% CI 1.59–2.57) adjusting for change in both depressive symptoms
for three diseases and 3.34 (95% CI 2.70–3.99) for and self-rated health attenuated the associations of
four or more diseases. Changes in self-rated health chronic conditions with personality change in neur-
were thus substantially larger than changes in person- oticism, conscientiousness and openness to experi-
ality traits or depressive symptoms, while changes in ence by approximately one-third, and those with
depressive symptoms were twice as large, on average, change in extraversion almost by two-thirds. Thus,
Chronic diseases and personality change 2635

deteriorating self-reported health after the onset of

−0.25 (−0.37 to −0.13)

−0.24 (−0.37 to −0.12)
−0.16 (−0.29 to −0.04)
−0.16 (−0.29 to −0.03)

Values are regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals) indicating linear change in personality trait T-score per one chronic disease between baseline and follow-up. n = 16454
chronic diseases may account for some of the associ-
ation between the onset of chronic diseases and per-
sonality change, especially in extraversion.

The current individual-participant meta-analysis of
four large prospective cohort studies suggests consist-
ent changes in four of the five personality traits of
to −0.30)
to −0.27)
to −0.16)
to −0.14)
the five-factor model associated with the onset of
chronic diseases. The magnitude of these changes can
be illustrated by considering how chronic diseases
Table 2. Pooled associations between chronic diseases and personality change, adjusted for concurrent change in depressive symptoms and self-rated healtha

−0.44 (−0.57
−0.41 (−0.55
−0.30 (−0.44
−0.29 (−0.43

accelerate or decelerate the average rate of personality

development after middle age. In a model adjusted

for prevalent chronic diseases at baseline, the onset of


each additional chronic disease between baseline and

follow-up produced changes comparable with average
decline in extraversion by 2.5 years, decline in con-
scientiousness by 5.5 years, and openness to experience
−0.05 (−0.19 to 0.08)
−0.04 (−0.18 to 0.09)
0.03 (−0.11 to 0.16)
0.03 (−0.11 to 0.17)

by 1.6 years, while the increasing levels of emotional

stability with age were attenuated by 1.9 years.
The findings suggest that the increasing prevalence
E, Extraversion; S, emotional stability; A, agreeableness; C, conscientiousness; O, openness to experience.

of chronic diseases with age may help to explain

some of the age-related average patterns in personality

development, especially in old age. In particular,

previous studies have reported declining levels of
extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to
experience with age (Lucas & Donnellan, 2011;
(−0.61 to −0.19)
(−0.58 to −0.14)
(−0.54 to −0.02)
(−0.53 to 0.01)

Wortman et al. 2012). These developmental trends are

in line with the current findings on disease onset and
personality change. On the other hand, emotional stab-
ility and related traits have been shown to increase
(Wortman et al. 2012) or remain stable (Lucas &

Donnellan, 2011) in adulthood at least up to the age


due to missing data on depressive symptoms and self-rated health.

of 70 years, after which levels of negative affectivity

may increase again (Baird et al. 2010; Jokela et al.
2013a). Thus, the decreasing emotional stability asso-
ciated with chronic diseases observed in the present
(−0.40 to −0.10)
(−0.39 to −0.07)
(−0.26 to 0.05)
(−0.25 to 0.06)

study seems to attenuate the otherwise increasing

Personality trait

levels of emotional stability with age.

Plausible mechanisms

Several mechanisms may underlie the observed asso-


ciations between chronic diseases and changes in per-

sonality. First, the present findings of decreasing
emotional stability are in agreement with the extant re-
+ Depressive symptoms

search showing elevated psychological distress asso-

Total attenuation, %

ciated with chronic diseases (Sharpe & Curran, 2006;

+ Self-rated health

de Ridder et al. 2008). The decreasing levels of emotion-

Sex, age, race
Adjusted for

al stability observed in the present study may be partly

+ All above

caused by people’s difficulties in coping with the

emotional, behavioural and cognitive challenges that

are posed by the diagnosis of a pernicious condition.

2636 M. Jokela et al.

Fig. 2. Personality change associated with the onset of different chronic diseases in participants free of the chronic disease
of interest at baseline, adjusted for sex, age, race/ethnicity, follow-up time and the number of chronic diseases at baseline.
A separate meta-analysis was carried out for each chronic disease and personality trait, and the pooled estimates of
random-effects meta-analysis are plotted in the figure (for cohort-specific details, see online Supplementary Figs S7–S13).
Estimates within each personality trait are sorted in order of effect magnitude of the disease. CI, Confidence interval.

Low emotional stability has been associated with less levels of extraversion because extraversion entails posi-
adaptive and less successful coping mechanisms, in- tive mood, sensitivity to rewarding experiences, and
cluding avoidance and rumination (Penley et al. 2002; active engagement with the external world. The pres-
Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010). ent results also suggest that decreasing extraversion
Chronic diseases often induce symptoms of fatigue levels may be particularly linked to the worsening gen-
and lethargy, and decrease the person’s available eral health induced by chronic diseases. Adjusting for
energy for physical, emotional and social activities change in depressive symptoms and self-rated health
(de Ridder et al. 2008). This may reflect, at least in explained more than 60% of the association of chronic
part, the infectious and inflammatory processes that disease with change in extraversion, while the corre-
cause various non-specific psychosomatic symptoms, sponding proportion was 36% or less for the other
such as depressed mood (Raison & Miller, 2013), sleep- personality traits.
ing problems (Kivimäki et al. 2014) and fatigue (Cho Of the five personality dimensions studied, con-
et al. 2013). In terms of personality change, these scientiousness is the trait most strongly associated
physiological changes may be expressed as lower with health behaviours and health outcomes (Bogg &
Chronic diseases and personality change 2637

Roberts, 2004; Martin et al. 2007), including premature Associations of specific chronic conditions
mortality (Jokela et al. 2013b), obesity (Jokela et al.
2013e) and adult-onset diabetes (Jokela et al. 2013c). With respect to specific diseases, the largest personality
The current results suggest that conscientiousness changes were observed for stroke, involving decreas-
may also be the trait that is most influenced by dete- ing levels in all five higher-level personality traits.
riorating health, as the disease-related change was This provides support for the anecdotal evidence of
the largest for conscientiousness. It seems plausible major personality changes often reported in stroke
that one of the emotional and cognitive costs of chronic survivors by family members and friends (Stone et al.
diseases is a decrease in the ability to organize daily ac- 2004). Decreasing agreeableness associated with
tivities and fulfill responsibilities in relation to work, stroke – a change not observed in relation to the other
family and personal life, which may become expressed chronic diseases examined in our analysis – might
as decreasing levels of conscientiousness. The decrease reflect increasing levels of irritability, aggressiveness,
in openness to experience might also reflect the cogni- and a lack of motivation or energy to reconcile inter-
tive costs of chronic morbidity, such as difficulties in personal conflicts. Similar findings have been reported
the ability to concentrate, willingness to try out new in relation to degenerative brain diseases, such as de-
things, and a preference for sticking to existing rou- mentia and Alzheimer’s disease, but with much larger
tines and habits. Except for the brain-related effects effect sizes of between 10 and 30 T-scores decreases
of stroke, the associations with openness to experience in conscientiousness, emotional stability and inter-
appear to represent the cumulative effect of morbidity personal warmth (Robins Wahlin & Byrne, 2010).
rather than an impact of any specific disease, as the Although one would expect more marked personality
change in openness was observed mainly with the change in degenerative brain diseases than in stroke,
cumulative number of diseases. it should also be noted that most of the previous
As noted in the Introduction, personality change studies have relied on retrospective reports by infor-
due to physiological consequences of a medical con- mants, which may confound the assessment of true
dition is one of the diagnostic categories of personality personality change with perceived personality change
disorders: code F07.0 in the International Classifica- (Franzén-Dahlin et al. 2006).
tion of Diseases, 10th revision, clinical modification The second largest change in personality was
(ICD-10-CM); code 3.17.11 in Diagnostic and Statistical observed in relation to respiratory diseases. Chronic
Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). obstructive pulmonary disease is a particularly dis-
The diagnosis mainly considers diseases that directly af- abling condition, greatly limiting a person’s physical
fect the brain (i.e. clear evidence for physiological me- activities (McCathie et al. 2002). The personality
diation) rather than common chronic diseases that changes associated with respiratory disease and, to a
may involve both psychosocial adjustment and distal lesser extent, with hypertension, heart problems and
physiological effects (e.g. metabolic and inflammatory arthritis indicate that chronic illnesses do not have to
responses, e.g. Jokela et al. 2013d). In DSM-5, the five affect the brain directly in order to induce systematic
main types of such personality change include the labile, personality change. In fact, our findings suggest that
disinhibited, aggressive, apathetic and paranoid types. the degree of personality change may not be directly
Conceptually, labile type would correspond to low related to the degree of physical discomfort or func-
emotional stability, disinhibited to low conscientious- tional impairment caused by the disease. For example,
ness, and apathetic to low extraversion. These changes the overall personality change was somewhat larger
were observed for most of the diseases in the present for hypertension than for arthritis even though hyper-
study, suggesting some commonalities. Aggressive tension may be symptom-free while arthritis is charac-
and paranoid types, in turn, would correspond to low terized by considerable physical pain (Evers et al.
agreeableness, but this change was observed only for 2011). On the other hand, hypertension is one of the
stroke and respiratory diseases. Specific personality strongest predictors of stroke and may be associated
disorders have been associated with more detailed with microvascular changes in the brain (Go et al.
five-factor trait profiles (Saulsman & Page, 2004). The 2013).
current studies did not include data to separate the Interestingly, cancer was not associated with long-
contributions of physiological and non-physiological term change in any of the five personality traits.
pathways in personality change, and the five-factor This is surprising, because cancer is clearly a disease
traits only partly cover the maladaptive aspects of per- with considerable psychological impact (Reich,
sonality variation (Saulsman & Page, 2004). Additional 2008), and adjustment to cancer is often thought to in-
studies addressing these methodological limitations troduce major changes in cancer survivors’ cognitive–
are needed to assess the clinical relevance of personality emotional styles, social behaviour and general outlook
changes in response to common chronic diseases. on life (Hulbert-Williams et al. 2012). With the focus on
2638 M. Jokela et al.

long-term personality change, the present study in- dispositions besides basic personality dimensions
cluded only long-term cancer survivors. While the associated with disease onset require further investi-
short-term psychological impact of cancer is likely to gation.
be particularly severe (Reich, 2008), it is possible that
cancer survivors adapt to their life circumstances
over time. Cancer is also the only disease included
in the present analysis that is not necessarily a pro-
gressive condition but from which a full recovery is Data from over 17 000 individuals suggest that the
possible. It is possible that the adverse psychological onset of chronic diseases is associated with changes
impact of cancer is counterbalanced by the relief of in four of the five major dimensions of personality
overcoming the disease, and that there are no long- assessed by the five-factor model. For extraversion,
term changes in basic personality dispositions among conscientiousness and openness to experience, the
individuals who have completely or partially recov- age-related average decline in these personality traits
ered from cancer. in the population is accelerated by approximately 1.5
to 5.5 years of age for each disease, while the
age-related increase in emotional stability was set
Strengths and limitations
back by about 2 years. This individual-participant
The notable strengths of the present study include meta-analysis provides strong evidence to suggest
prospective data from four cohort studies, and the that common chronic diseases modify personality de-
use of standardized personality measures. The lack of velopment throughout the adult life span.
multiple repeated measurements of personality pre-
cluded a more detailed analysis of temporal trajec-
tories, that is, how different aspects of personality are
affected immediately after the first symptoms of a
chronic disease, and how these changes attenuate or The authors wish to gratefully thank the original col-
exacerbate over time. However, it is worth noting lectors of the data, and the ESDS (Economic and Social
that comparisons of cohort-specific associations did Data Service; and the Inter-
not suggest that the extent of personality change was university Consortium for Political and Social Research
associated with the length of follow-up (online ( for making the data
Supplementary Figs S2–S13). Another methodological available. The research uses data from the Wisconsin
limitation was the reliance on self-reported data on Longitudinal Study (WLS) of the University of
chronic diseases, which underestimates the true pre- Wisconsin-Madison. Since 1991, the WLS has been
valence of diseases. Third, because observational supported principally by the National Institute on
study designs cannot establish causal associations Aging (AG-9775 and AG-21 079), with additional sup-
with certainty, some of the associations might have port from the Vilas Estate Trust, the National Science
been confounded by unobserved variables related to Foundation, the Spencer Foundation and the Graduate
the ageing process or disease onset. This appears un- School of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A pub-
likely, as (1) not all personality traits changed in the lic use file of data from the WLS is available from
same average direction associated with ageing (i.e. the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, University of
emotional stability decreased with the onset of diseases Wisconsin-Madison, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madi-
whereas the average age-related change was increasing son, Wisconsin 53 706 (and
emotional stability), and (2) the unobserved confoun- wlsresearch/data/). The interpretations, opinions and
der would need to explain why different chronic inferences based on the data are solely the responsi-
diseases are associated with different degrees of per- bility of the authors.
sonality change. This research was supported by the Academy of
It is possible that the assessment of mean changes in Finland (grant no. 124322, 124271 and 132944); the
personality associated with disease onset conceals im- Medical Research Council (MRC K013351); the US
portant individual differences in the nature and magni- National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01HL036310;
tude of changes in personality. It has been suggested R01AG034454); and the Finnish Work Environment
that some individuals might be able to use their ad- Fund. C.H. was financially supported by the
verse experiences with a disease to facilitate personal Research Foundation of the University of Helsinki
growth and greater appreciation of positive aspects and the Finnish Cultural Foundation; A.S.-M. was sup-
of their lives (Barskova & Oesterreich, 2009; Bostock ported by the National Institute on Aging, NIH
et al. 2009). Thus, individual variation and potential (R01AG013196; R01AG034454). M.K. is an Economic
beneficial personality changes in other psychological and Social Research Council Professor.
Chronic diseases and personality change 2639

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