Subject-Verb Agreement: Singular Rule
Subject-Verb Agreement: Singular Rule
Subject-Verb Agreement: Singular Rule
A basic principle of English is that a verb must agree in number with
its subject. Although this basic principle is very simple, it is often
violated because writers have trouble either identifying the subject or
the determining its number.
Singular rule
He is happy.
The boy is happy.
David is happy.
Plural Rule
The student who wrote the novels is the subject. The phrase who
wrote the novels is just describing which student likes the book
cover- don’t let the modifiers confuse you. Taking the sentence to its
basics you can see that The student likes the book cover.
The students who wrote the novels like the book cover.
The students who wrote the novels is the subject and so the plural
verb form like is used. Taking the sentence to its basics you can see
that The students like the book cover.
The best part of the play is the subject. You can see that the basic
sentence is The best part was written by Tom.
The best parts of the play is the subject. The phrase of the play is
simply giving additional information. Taking the sentence to its basics
you can see The best parts were written by Tom.
The farmer is the subject of the sentence. The phrase just like the
auctioneer is merely an aside. Compare the sentence with The
farmer and the auctioneer were surprised at the outcome. The
phrase and the auctioneer is not an aside and so now the subject is
plural and the verb must also be plural.
Inverted Subjects
Notice that the basic sentence is really Three little girls were
looking through the fence. The subject has been inverted for
stylistic effect.
The words there and here are never subjects. In these constructions,
the subject follows the verb and, as always, the verb must agree in
number with the subject.
Subject’s Number
Indefinite Pronouns
Fractional Constructions
Collective Phrases
Subject-Verb Agreement
Try the quizzes below to test your understanding.
Subject-Verb Agreement 1
The sentences in the following problems have an asterisk in place of
either is, are, has or have. Replace the asterisk in each sentence
with the correct word.
Subject-Verb Agreement 2
The secretary, like the manager, ... to take her holidays in July.
❍ True
❍ False
❍ True
❍ False
❍ True
❍ False
❍ True
❍ False
The following sentence requires a singular verb, such as "was".
❍ True
❍ False
Subject-Verb Agreement 1
The designers who developed the project are coming to the meeting.
(The basic sentence is “The designers are coming to the meeting”).
John and Sue are people who have the right skills.
(The phrase “John and Sue” forms a plural subject.
Chris is the only one of those employees who has filled in the form.
(Constructions with the phrase “the only one” are singular).
The secretary, like the manager, ... to take her holidays in July.
❍ True ✗
❍ False ✔
✔ Yes. “The secretary” is the subject; therefore, the sentence does
not have a plural subject.
✗No. The subject is “the secretary”.
❍ True ✔
❍ False ✗
❍ True ✔
❍ False ✗
✔ Correct. The phrase “each of the children” means “each one of the
children” and so a singular verb, not a plural one, is required.
✗ No. The phrase “each of the children” means “each one of the
The following sentence must be completed with a plural verb "are".
❍ True ✗
❍ False ✔
✔ Yes. The subject is singular; there is one collection.
✗ No. There is only one collection.
❍ True ✗
❍ False ✔
✔ Yes. The sentence contains an inverted subject “three huge
✗No. Be careful. The sentence contains an inverted subject.