Ten1perature, Least Action, and Lagrangian Mechanics: William G. Hoover
Ten1perature, Least Action, and Lagrangian Mechanics: William G. Hoover
Ten1perature, Least Action, and Lagrangian Mechanics: William G. Hoover
2) 291
's. Rev.
ELSEVIER Physics Letters A 204 (1995) 133-135
l) 759.
. to be Ten1perature, least action, and Lagrangian mechanics
843. William G. Hoover
Department ofApplied Science, Ulliuersity of California at Davis / Livermore alld Lawrence Licermore Nalional Laboratory,
LiueTlrJOre, CA 94551-7808, USA
Received 28 March 1995; revised manuscript received 2 June 1995; accepted for publication 2 June J995
Communicated by A.R. Bishop
Temperature is considered from two different mechanical standpoints. The more approach uses Hamilton's least
action principle. From it we derive thermostatting forces identical to those found using Gauss' Principle. This approach
applies to equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. The Lagrangian approach is different, and less useful, applying only at
istent Notice that the {illle deril'atil'<' of the Lagrange coefficients, {{I}' These same ideas apply to isobaric
multiplier, A, is <:xactly equal to the friction coeffi [12,13] or isoenergetic nonequilibrium algorithms.
cient ( found previously using the principle of leasl Because the least action principle applies to quantum
action. To make this identification explicit, we write systems too, there is potential for developing new
the present corresponding time-reversible Lagrangian methods for treating nonequilibrium quantum sys
equa~ion of motion in terms of both these multipliers, tems [14]. Our specific isokinetic example illustrates
( A and A, the fundamental limitation of Lagrangian mechanics
mq=[F(q) (mq]/(1 A), to equilibrium.
(1a) (= LJ·q/E2K o.
as in Acknowledgement
The equation of 1110tion has an interesting form. For
:., the
small fluctuations in the energy, as for instance occur
I~ the in a large equilibrium system, the Lagrange multi
I thank Brad Holian (Los Alamos), Dave Boer
is the cker, Carol Hoover and Oyeon Kum (Livermore),
plier A is small, and the motion reduces to the
and Harald Posch (Vienna) for many useful conver
Gaussian form (1) found above. On the other hand,
sations concerning the development of algorithms for
in a nonequilibrium steady-state system, the inte
nonequilibrium simulations. Support of the staff at
grated energy change (which is mainly heat extracted
the Habitat (Netherlands Antilles), where a part of
by the thermos tatting constraint forces), and the La
'[raint this work was completed, is gratefully acknowl
from grange multiplier A, grow without bound, so that the
edged, as is also support at the Lawrence Livermore
ami! equations have no long-time solution.
National Laboratory under United States Department
cause Thus the Lagrange-multiplier approach, unlike the
of Energy Contract W-7405-Eng-48.
" the principle of least action, is not applicable to
~ems. nonequilibrium systems. This finding confirms Feyn
ight man's emphasis of the fundamental nature of least
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