Estimation & Excavation of Room by Long Wall & Short Wall Method

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Estimation & Excavation of Room by Long Wall & Short Wall


Sr. No. Description No. Length Breadth Height Thickness Quantity

(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft3)
Excavation Work
Long Wall
L1 2 68.5 3 2 822
L2 1 55.75 3 2 334.5
1 Short Wall
S1 2 6.25 3 2 75
S2 2 5.25 3 2 63
S3 1 14.5 3 2 87
Total Excavation 1381.5
PCC Work (1:4:8)
Long Wall
L1 2 68.5 3 0.5 206
L2 1 55.75 3 0.5 83.6
Short Wall
S1 2 6.25 3 0.5 19
S2 2 5.25 3 0.5 16
2 S3 1 14.5 3 0.5 22
Total Concrete 345.4
Concrete ratio(1:4:8)
Cement 26.57
Bags of Cement 21.25
Sand 106.27
Aggregate 212.54
Water 11.96
Brick Work Below DPC
Long Wall
L1-Step 1 2 67.375 1.875 0.5 126.33
L1-Step 2 2 67 1.5 0.5 100.5
L1-Step 3 2 66.625 1.125 0.5 75.0
L2-Step 1 1 54.625 1.875 0.5 51.21
L2-Step 2 1 54.25 1.5 0.5 40.69
L2-Step 3 1 53.875 1.125 0.5 30.30
Short Wall
S1-Step 1 2 7.375 1.875 0.5 13.83
S1-Step 2 2 7.75 1.5 0.5 11.63
S1-Step 3 2 8.125 1.125 0.5 9.14
S2-Step 1 2 6.375 1.875 0.5 11.95
3 S2-Step 2 2 6.75 1.5 0.5 10.13
S2-Step 3 2 7.125 1.125 0.5 8.02
S3-Step 1 1 15.625 1.875 0.5 14.65
S3-Step 2 1 16 1.5 0.5 12
S3-Step 3 1 16.375 1.125 0.5 9.21
Total Volume 524.53
Volume of Mortar 157.36
Volume of Brickwork 367.17
No. of Bricks 4956.82
Mortar Ratio (1:5)
Cement 26.23
Bags of Cement 20.98
Sand 131.13
Water 11.80
Total Excavated Volume 1381.5
4 Total Brick Volume 524.53
Total PCC Volume 345.4
Backfill(Compacted Soil Volume) 511.59
DPC Work
Long Wall
L1 2 66.25 0.75 0.125 12.42
L2 1 53.5 0.75 0.125 5.02
Short Wall
S1 2 8.5 0.75 0.125 1.59
S2 2 7.5 0.75 0.125 1.41
5 S3 1 16.75 0.75 0.125 1.57
Total Concrete 22.0
Concrete Ratio(1:2:4)
Cement 3.14
Bags of Cement 2.52
Sand 6.29
Aggregate 12.58
Water 1.41
Brick Work Above DPC
Long Wall
L1 2 66.25 0.75 12 1192.5
L2 1 53.5 0.75 12 481.5
Short Wall
S1 2 8.5 0.75 12 153
S2 2 7.5 0.75 12 135
S3 1 16.75 0.75 12 150.75
6 Total Volume 2112.75
Volume of Mortar 633.83
Volume of Brickwork 1478.93
No. of Bricks 19965.49
Mortar Ratio (1:5)
Cement 105.64
Bags of Cement 84.51
Sand 528.19
Water 47.54
Plaster (1:4)

Room 1 4 52.00 8.50 12 0.0147 311.9

Room 2 4 52.0 7.50 12 0.0147 275.2
Room 3 4 12.0 16.75 12 0.0147 141.8
7 Total Volume 728.88
Cement 145.78
Bags of Cement 116.62
Sand 583.11
Water 65.60
Slab (1:2:4)
Total Volume 66.25 18.25 0.5 604.53
Cement 86.36
8 Bags of Cement 69.09
Sand 172.72
Aggregate 345.45
Water 38.86

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