Human Behavior and Crisis Management

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Human Behavior And Crisis Management

Definition of Terms

Automatic Cues or Fixed Action Responses - these are responses that

are usually found or used among animals when you instruct them to do

something. For example, in an animal show, animal trainers use a

whistle to elicit a specific response from an animal.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing
pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the

line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or

as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something

with an uncertain outcome.

Apathy - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Avoidant Personality Disorder - experience long-standing feelings of

inadequacy and are extremely sensitive to what others think about

them. These feelings of inadequacy leads to the person to be socially

inhibited and feel socially inept. Because of these feelings of
inadequacy and inhibition, the person with avoidant personality
disorder will seek to avoid work, school and any activities that
involve socializing or interacting with others.

Borderline Personality Disorder - (BPD) is a pervasive pattern of

instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions.

People with borderline personality disorder are also usually very

impulsive, oftentimes demonstrating self-injurious behaviors (risky
sexual behaviors, cutting, suicide attempts).

Compulsion - A sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to

do some action.

Conditions and Factors that surrounds and influences an individual 

that can cause certain behavior patterns.
1. Environment
2. Society                                                      
3. Heredity
4. Learning

Counter-Surveillance - any method either physical or technical

employed by the offender(s) to detect Law Enforcement involvement
or the use of surveillance.

Courier - the person(s) delivering the concessions(s), which, purports

to be, that being demanded by the offenders.

Criminal Behavior - is intentional behavior that violates a criminal

code; intentional in that it did not occurs accidentally or
under duress.

Criminal Psychiatry - a branch of psychiatry that deals with the

evaluations, prevention and cure of criminal behavior.

Criminal Psychology - a branch of psychology that deals with the study

of behavior and mental processes of the criminal.

Criminal Siege - is a result of a perpetration of crime that went

wrong and the criminals were trapped or cornered by law enforcers. In
many cases, hostage taking is violent and unplanned.

Criminal Sociology - a branch of sociology that studies about the

criminal and to its relation to the social structure of organization
of society as well the process on how the criminal learn the behavior,
both criminal and non-criminal.

Crisis - Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm

people or property, seriously interrupt operations, damage reputation
and/or negatively impact the bottom line.

Crisis Intervention - focuses on studying an individual’s life in

order to defuse the destructive effects of the unusual stress being
experienced, and then assisting the individual in crisis to go back
to his or her normal condition before the crisis.

Crisis Management - is the expert handling of a situation to reduce or

eliminate danger or destruction.

Crisis Negotiation - the use of communication techniques and strategies

to influence a person to change his/her behavior in accordance with
goals within legal, ethical and moral constraints.

      Crisis Negotiation Team - Composition

      1. Primary Negotiator - actually communicates with the subject.
      2. Secondary Negotiator - (Backup) assists the primary negotiator
         by offering advice, monitoring the negotiations, keeping
         notes, and ensuring that the Primary Negotiator sees and
         hears everything in the proper perspective.
      3. Intelligence Liaison/Recorder - interviews individuals
         associated with the suspect to compile a criminal history
         and a history of mental illness, as well as to gather other
         relevant information. He is also in charge of the recordings
         of all conversations.
      4. Negotiation Team Leader - the most senior member of the team
         act as a leader. His primary responsibility is to act as a
         buffer between command personnel and the Negotiation Team.
         He/She advises the Incident/On-Scene Commander on the best
         negotiating strategies and co-ordinates the process with the
         SWAT and the forward command resources.
      5. Board Negotiator - he/she maintains a visual display of all
         information relevant to the negotiations, i.e. deadlines,
         demands and details of persons known to be in the stronghold.

Deadlock - means no deal and no agreement—in other words, failure of

the negotiation.

Debriefing - shall be conducted after each positive police action to

evaluate and study operational lapses. Proper assessment of the
situation is an important key to a successful operation during
hostage-taking scenarios. Debriefing also assists in determining and
establishing best practice.

Delusion - is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior

evidence to the contrary.

Dependent Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

need for the person to be taken care of and a fear of being abandoned
or separated from important individuals in his or her life. This
leads the person to engage in dependent and submissive behaviors
that are designed to elicit care-giving behaviors in others. The
dependent behavior may be see as being “clingy” or “clinging on”
to others, because the person fears they can’t live their lives
without the help of others.

Depressive and Suicidal - is an individual who has no contact with

reality. He/She is characterized by the following:
a. Irritable depressed mood
b. Diminished interests
c. Weight loss and fatigue
d. Insomnia or hypersomnia
e. Psychomotor agitation or retardation
f. Feeling of worthlessness and guilt
g. Lack of concentration
h. Thoughts of death.

Deviant Behavior - a behavior that deviates from the norms and

standards of the society. It is not criminal behavior but it has
the tendency to become abnormal behavior, it will become criminals
when it violates the provision of the criminal law.

Emphaty - is the ability to understand and share the feelings of

another. It is where the negotiator tries to perceive the emotional
state or condition of the subject and feedback a response that
demonstrates his/her understanding of the subject.

Hematophobia - an abnormal and persistent fear of blood.

Histrionic Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality.
Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center
of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they
are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they
have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them.

Hostage - an individual who has been held by the perpetrators against

his/her will.

Hostage-taker(s) - an individual or group of person who hold another

person(s) against his/her/their will as bargaining chips for purposes
of demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting any
police action, or pursuing personal interest or that of the general

Hostage Taking - is a situation that set of circumstances wherein a

suspected law violator is holding a person in captive by the use of
force or threat of violence.

Hot Debrief - short debriefing conducted by negotiating team prior to

turn over to another set of negotiating team.

Human Behavior - is refers to the manner, the way in which a human

react to his environment.

Illusion - is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain

normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though
illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.

Impulsion - a strong urge to do something.

Incident/On-Scene Commander - the senior officer in command of the


Inside Agent - a person who is in any advantageous position (e.g.

employed by the victim or victim’s organization) which allows them
to gather intelligence or carry out counter surveillance on behalf
of the offenders.

Intermediary - any person authorized by the Incident/On-Scene

Commander to communicate with the hostage-takers either upon the
request of the latter or to facilitate smooth communication between
the designated negotiators and the hostage-takers. All actions of the
intermediary are supervised by the negotiators.

Kidnapper(s) - an individual or group of persons who kidnapped or held

another person against his/her will as bargaining chips for purposes of
demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting any
police action, or pursuing personal interest.

Learned - an operant behavior which involves cognitive adaptation that

enhances the human being’s ability to cope with changes in the
environment and to manipulate the environment.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an
overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy
toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of
primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet.
Negotiation - to communicate on a matter of disagreement between two
parties, with a view to first listen to the other party’s perspective
and then attempt to arrive at a resolution agreed by consensus.

Negotiator - a trained PNP personnel or any person authorized by the

Incident/On-Scene Commander to negotiate for and in behalf of the

Neighborhood Check – the process of getting information from a person

who knew the victim particularly in the neighborhood with the purpose
of obtaining material information about the victim and probable suspect.

Obsession - an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes

on a person's mind.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder - (OCD) is an anxiety disorder

characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness,
apprehension, fear or worry (obsessions), repetitive behaviors aimed
at reducing the associated anxiety (compulsions), or a combination of
such obsessions and compulsions. Symptoms of the disorder include
excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding,
preoccupation with sexual, violent or religious thoughts,
relationship-related obsessions, aversion to particular numbers and
nervous rituals such as opening and closing a door a certain number of
times before entering or leaving a room.

Paranoid - is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive,

long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others.

Paranoid Personality Disorder - are generally characterized by having

a long-standing pattern of pervasive distrust and auspiciousness of
others.  A person with paranoid personality disorder will nearly
always believe that other people’s motives are suspect or even malevolent.
Individuals with this disorder assume that other people will exploit,
harm, or deceive them, even if no evidence exists to support this

Pay-off – the act of exchanging an agreed amount between the family and
the kidnappers at a designated time and place for the safe release of
the victim.

Personality Disorder - is not a mental disorder. Individuals with

personality disorders can function in the world to a high level, e.g.
look after themselves, business, finance, etc. However, they fail to
function normally in terms of their relationship with other people.
They have dramatic/aggressive clusters of behavior.

      Characteristics of a Person with Personality Disorder

      1. No conscience – lacks guilt or remorse, inability to love,
         no empathy. A Bully.
      2. Selfish, no loyalty
      3. Manipulative/charmer – likes power/controlling others
      4. Sexually experimenting
      5. Seeks immediate gratification, thrill seeker
      6. Low anxiety, blames others – never their fault
      7. Frustration tolerance low – may turn to his/her for stimulation
      8. Low self esteem, poor achievement history
      9. Poor planner – lacks follow through
      10.Probable marital and employment problems
      11.Chaotic family relationship
      12.Excessive/exorbitant and
      13.Changing demands
      14.Suicide potential high
      15.Seeks attention/audience
      16.Wants to prove can do something
      17.May like attention and not want to end incident

Phases of a Crisis
1. Pre-Incident Phase - is the period of time prior to an incident
   occurring. This Phase consists of the following:
   a. Prediction - determination of what incident is going to occur
      and when it is going to occur, is the key to minimizing the
      effects of the incident.
   b. Prevention - the best way to minimize the damage done by an
      incident is to prevent it from occurring. Not all incidents are
      preventable like natural disasters. Some preventable incidents
      may be detected too late to prevent them.
   c. Preparation - 2 Forms of preparation
         1. Preparation of the response designed to prevent the incident
         2. Preparation for the incident.
2. Incident Occurrence - is the instance in time at which the incident
   occurs or starts to occur if it has not been prevented.
3. Post-Occurrence Phase - during this phase, the incident may get
   worse. This Phase consists of the following:
   a. Recognition
   b. Response
         1. Initial Response
         2. Consolidation
         3. Stand down
   c. Recovery
   d. Investigation
4. Post-Incident Phase - incident is likely to have a finite lifetime.
   Most incidents will conclude without intervention. However, without
   intervention the effects of the incident may be worse or the
   incident may last longer. This Phase Consist of the following:
   a. Restoration - once the incident is over, normality returns over
      a period of time which can take months or years for very severe
   b. Investigation - may be performed after the incident concludes
      to provide information and evidence for any hearing, inquiries
      and criminal prosecution.
   c. Post-Incident Discussion Activities - activities include
      immediate incident debriefs and other types of incident
      discussions occurring some time after the incident concludes.
      The aim of the debriefs is to identify areas for improvement.

Phobia - is an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or

situation that poses little real danger but provokes anxiety and

Proof of life - positive proof that the hostage is alive, obtained

from a reliable or verified source.

Psychotic – (Paranoid Schizophrenic) is a mental disorder which means

that individuals affected cannot function in the world adequately on
a day-to-day basis. They see the world as disorder and they are
desperately trying to make sense of it. They have odd/eccentric clusters
of behavior and fear/terror may be their underlying emotion.

      Characteristics of a Psychotic Individual

      1. Disorganized Thinking
         a. Delusions, false beliefs – often of persecution or
            grandeur despite evidence to the contrary.
         b. Thoughts spill out in no logical order, leaps from one
            idea to another.
      2. Disturbed Perception - Hallucinations, all 5 senses with no
         known cause.
      3. Inappropriate emotions/actions - Laughs at funerals, cries when
         others laugh, performs compulsive or senseless acts e.g.
         rocking, rubbing, twisting hair.
      4. Socially withdrawn, aloof, detached
      5. Disoriented/confused/paranoid
      6. Argumentative, suspicious of others, over reacts
      7. Acts peculiarly such as collecting rubbish and talking to
      8. Belief that his/here body/thoughts is controlled by
         external force.

Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship in which the people

concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate.

Schizoid Personality Disorder - is a personality disorder characterized

by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a
solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.

Schizophrenic - is an individual who has no contact with reality.

He/She is usually characterized by the following:
a. He/She is a psychotic;
b. He/She has a fundamental personality disorder;
c. He/She exhibits symptoms such as hallucinations, voices, obscene
   language, giggling, self absorbed smile and sudden breaks in flow
   of thinking.

Stockholm Syndrome - term that refers to a situation during hostage

taking where the victim develops rapport and becomes sympathetic with
his/her captor.

Stronghold - any location or structure, fixed or mobile, where the

hostage is being held.

Suicide Intervention - the use of communication techniques and

strategies to influence a person to change behavior and reconsider
his desire to commit suicide.

Tactical Interrogation - refers to the act of questioning or eliciting

information from a suspect to produce information of tactical or
operational value.

Time - is the most important element of hostage negotiation.

Victim -  the person/company/organization to whom the unwarranted

demand or threat is directed or intended, or is expected by the
offenders to respond.

Victim Communicator - the individual communicating directly with the

people making the threat(s), demand(s) or issuing instructions.

Victimology – the process of obtaining a detailed account of the

victim’s lifestyle and personality that can assist in determining the
nature of the disappearance, the risk level of the victim, and the
type of person who could have committed the crime. It also includes
complete information regarding the victim’s physical description,
normal behavioral patterns, family dynamics and known friends and

Human Behavior and Crises Management

Crisis Management - is the process by which an organization deals with a major event that
threatens to harm the organization or the general public.

Crisis - is any event that is expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting
an individual, group, community or society.

Risk Management - involves assessing potential threats and finding the best ways to avoid
those threats.

Crisis Management - dealing with threats after they have occurred.Crises Management is
occasionally referred as incident management.

Crisis Negotiation - is a technique for law enforcement to communicate with people who
are threatening violence including barricaded subject, hostage taker, stalkers, threats,
workplace violence or person threatening suicide.

Forensic Psychology - forensic discipline that evaluates behavioral patterns and how they
relate to crime.

Hostage Negotiation - a negotiation conducted between law enforcement agencies,

diplomatic or other governmental representatives for the release of a person held hostage
against their will by criminal, terrorist or other elements.

Crises Management Plan - crises management methods of a business or organization.

3 Elements of Crises Management
  1. threat to the organization or public
  2. element of surprise
  3. short decision time

Types of Crises
  1. Natural Disaster
  2. Technological Crises
  3. Confrontation
  4. Malevolence
  5. Organizational Misdeeds
  6. Work place violence
  7. Rumors
  8. Terrorist attacks/Man made disasters

Natural Disaster - considered acts of god - such as environmental phenomena as

earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, storms, tsunamis and droughts that
threaten life, property and the environment itself.

Technological Crises - are caused by human application of science and technology.

Confrontation Crises - occur when discontented individuals and/or groups, fight business,
government and various interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and

Common Type of Confrontation Crises

  1. Boycott
  2. Picketing
  3. Sit-ins
  4. blockade
  5. Occupation of buildings
  6. Resisting/Disobeying police
  7. Ultimatums to those in authority

Crises of malevolence - opponents or miscreants individuals use criminal means or other

extreme tactics for the purpose of expressing hostility or anger toward a company or country
with aim of destabilizing or destroying it. ex. product tampering, kidnapping, terrorism,

Crises of Organizational Deeds - occurs when management takes actions it knows will
harm stakeholders without adequate precaution.

3 Types of Organizational Misdeeds

  1. Crises of skewed management values
  2. Crises of Deception
  3. Crises of Management Misconduct
Human Behavior - refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are
influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis,
persuasion, coercion and genetics.

Factors Affecting Human Behavior

  1. Genetics
  2. Attitude
  3. Social Norms
  4. Perceive behavioral control
  5. Core faith
  6. Survival instinct

Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Criminal Behavior

1. Anxiety Disorders
2. Delirium
3. Delusional Disorder
4. Dementia
5. Impulse Control Disorder
6. Intoxication or withdrawal from medication or drugs
7. Malingering
8. Mood disorders such as major depression, anxiety disorders and
    bipolar disorders
9. Personality disorders, especially anti social personality disorder
10.Pervasive developmental disorder (autism)
11.Psychotic disorder
13.Schizo-afflective disorder
14.Schizophreniform disorder
15.Substance dependence and abuse
16.Traumatic brain injury

Mental Illness/Mental Disorder - a health conditions that changes a persons thinking,

feelings or behavior and that causes the person distress and difficulty in functioning.

Schizophrenia - a long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation
between thought, emotion and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions
and feelings,withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion
and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Autism - a mental condition present from early childhood characterized by great difficulty
in communicating and forming relationship with other people and in using language and
abstract concepts.

Hypnosis - the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently losses the
power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestions or directions.
Stalking - is a term used to refer to unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or
group to another person.

Human Behavior and Crisis Management Definition of

2 Basic Instinct/Impulse

1. Eros – life instinct – preservation of life

2. Thanatos – Death instinct

3 Possible Causes Of Crime And Delinquency

1. Conscience so over bearing – strong

2. Weak Conscience
3. Desire for immediate gratification of needs

3 Components Of The Human Personality

1. ID
2. Ego
3. Super Ego

3 Dimension Of Personality Related To Criminal Behavior –

    Eysencks Theory

1. Psychotism
2. Extroversion
3. Neurotism

46 Chromosomes – normal person.

Female – XX on 23rd chromosomes

Male - XY on 23rd chromosomes

Anal – Anus is the source of gratification.

Basic concept Of The Crisis Theory

1. Equilibrium
2. Time
3. Change

Behavior -

1. Overt – directly seen

2. Covert – motives, emotions

Catatonic – wax – motor disorder, will stay in one position for a long period without
moving, harmless.

Change – the result of crisis on individual.

Coprolalia – obtaining of sexual pleasure by using or hearing certain dirty words

Criminal Psychology – Human conduct against criminal laws.

Crisis – A state provoked when a process faces obstacle, hazard to important life goals that
is for a time insurmountable through the utilization of customary method of problem

Delusion – erroneos belief

1. Delusion of persecution
2. Delusion of grandeur – you feel as a powerful person

Dyspareunia – painful intercourse

Ego – In charge with reality.

Electra Complex – For female, female child develop hatred to the mother but sexual
attraction to the father.

Equilibrium – state of balance or adjustment between opposite or divergent influences.

Exhibitionism – exposure of genitals in pjublic.

Extroversion – sensation seeking, anventurous, dominant, assertive.

Faotreurism – rubbing genitals to other person.

Fetishism/Fatalism – sex objects are not human.

Frigidity – inability to have sexual arousal and enjoy coitus.

Genetic Basis Of Criminology – bad seed theory.

Genital – With other person.

Gonorrhea – infection of genitals acquired through sexual contacts.

                          1.  Inflammation
                          2.  Discharge of white, yellow or yellowish green fluid  
                               from the urethra
                          3.Burning sensation when urinating

Treatment – injection of penicillin

Halucination – perceive something without realistic basis.

Hebephrenic – harmless, excessive withdrawal from human contact, characterized by

silliness and child like mannerism.

Herpes – infection of the genetals acquired after 2-20 days of sexual contact with the carrier.


1. Sores, ruptures, and blisters

2. It is recurrent

Treatment – no sure cure yet

Histrionic – characterized bhy over reactivity. OA

Homosexuality – sexual attraction and relationship with the person of the same sex.

ID – Based on pleasure principle. Animal instinct.

Incest – sex with close relative

Insanity – Symptoms

1. Halucination
2. Delusion

Klismaphilia – erotic activity involving the anal region

Masochism – he is the one being hurt.

Mental disorder – is insanity. Is known as severe psychosis, also called schizophrenia.

Narcisism – love of one's self

Narcisistic Personality – inflated ego, “mataas ang pagtingin sa sarili”

Necrophilia – sex with a corpse

Neurotism – low self esteem, mood swings, excessive anxiety.

Oedipus Complex – For male, male child develop hatred to the father but sexual attraction
to the mother.

Oral – Mouth is source of gratification. From birth up to 3 years.

Paranoid – characterized by extreme suspiciousness, most dangerous.

Paranoid Personality – characterized by suspiciousness but absence of delusion and

halucination. Neurotic.

Paraphilias – abnormal ways of sexual gratification.

Personality Disorder – not insane

1. Psychopath/Sociopath/Anti-social personality
2. Narcisistic Personality
3. Paranoid Personality
4. Histrionic
5. Schizoid Personality

Phallic – Source of pleasure is the sex organ. About 5 years old.

Phedophilia – having sex with children, usually below 13 years old.

Psychology – Study of behavior.

Psychopath – no sense of shame, no morality, do not learn from their experience.

Psychosexual development

1. Oral
2. Anal
3. Phallic
4. Genital
Psychotism – aggressive, egocentric, impulsive.

Sadism – a person who achieve sexual satisfaction by seeing the partner suffer.

Sado-Masochism – both sadism and masochism

Schizoid Personality – extreme social withdrawal.

Sexual Disorders -

1. Sexual Dysfunctions
2. Paraphilias
3. Gender identity Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction – sexual disorder. Arousal disorder.

1. Failure to achieve orgasm

2. Premature orgasm

Sigmund Freud – psycho analytic theory.

Super Ego – In charge with morality – conscience.

Syphilis – STD disease acquired 3-4 weeks after sexual contact with an infected person.

Symptom – Sore or chancre in the penis or scrotum for male, cervix or vaginal

walls for woman, can be diagnosed by blood test.

Treatment – antibiotics

Time – involves the period of disorganization, period of upset, and the period of adaptation.

Transvestism – cross-dressing, sexual gratification by wearing the clothes of the opposite


Types Of Psychosis

1. Disorganized or hebephrenic
2. Catatonic
3. Paranoid
4. Undifferentiated

Undeffirentiated – simple schizophrenia, do not care about their hygiene anymore, harmless,
taong grasa.

Venereal Diseases – sexually transmitted diseases

1. Gonorrhea
2. Syphilis
3. Herpes
4. Aids

Voyeurism – peeping tom

XYY – appearance of extra chromosomes, violent people. Aggressive, usually tall.

Zoophilia/Bestiality – having sex with animal

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