An Introduction To Wavelet Transforms - A Tutorial Approach PDF
An Introduction To Wavelet Transforms - A Tutorial Approach PDF
An Introduction To Wavelet Transforms - A Tutorial Approach PDF
Non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition monitoring aspects of the wavelet transform have led to growing interest in
techniques are among the most rapidly developing the technique by engineers involved in non-destructive testing
engineering disciplines. In the past decade methods have (NDT). NDT applications are varied, ranging from de-noising(12)
been sought to enable real-time or on-line analysis of to the measurement of dispersion curves for multimode Lamb
degradation in structures(1-3). Methods developed in the waves(13 and 14). These rely on the ability of the wavelet transform to
1980s based on modal analysis(4) have resurfaced, partly decompose a signal into spatially distributed frequency components
due to new developments in signal processing. Many of the that can then be selectively filtered according to the requirements
on-line NDT techniques currently under research utilise of the application.
wavelet transforms(5-9) to decompose spatial signals into the Lamb wave propagation in plates is generally found to be a
time/frequency domain. The aim of this paper therefore, is to depth-related phenomenon, the depth affecting the dispersion
provide a friendly tutorial to the two most commonly used properties of the waves. Neithammer and Jacobs(13) have
forms of the wavelet transform. It is hoped that this article demonstrated that the use of wavelets for crack detection in plates
will provide interested readers with sufficient knowledge of produces superior results to the more commonly used short-time-
the subject to allow productive usage of the various software Fourier-transform (STFT). A similar technique has been applied to
packages offering wavelet technologies. Being aware of the analysis of dynamic strain data(15), where the decomposition of
the building knowledge provided both by literature and the signals taken from beams allowed identification of phase velocities
internet, a list of useful references and world-wide-web links and hence improved accuracy in the determination of crack lengths
has been provided at the end of the paper. and location. Wavelets are particularly good in the analysis of
noisy data through decomposition of the frequency components
1. Introduction contained within a signal. Many applications exist where the
wavelet transform has been used to remove unwanted noise from
The wavelet transform is a relatively new tool to be taken up by a signal allowing for improved damage identification. Sasi et al(16)
the engineering community. Particular strengths lie in its noise applied the wavelet transform to analysis of eddy-current data
and data reduction abilities, which have been exploited in a taken from stainless steel cladding tubes. In this instance a discrete
number of practical applications(10 and 11). These, and many other version of the wavelet transform was used to improve the signal-
to-noise ratio.
Mr Christopher Leavey, BEng(Hons), MPhil, GMIMarEST, MInstP is a Common applications of the discrete versions of the wavelet
research student in the Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering transform are in data reduction and feature extraction. Due to the
at the University of Plymouth and a member of the Marine and Industrial physical significance of the wavelet transform in the analysis of
Dynamic Analysis Research Group. His main research interests lie in smart oscillating signals, feature extraction and data reduction can often
structures particularly autonomous condition/health monitoring and life be considered as being the same thing. A wavelet packet approach
prediction of carbon fibre reinforced plastics. was adopted by Yang(17) to improve classification of damage in
Professor M Neil James, BSc(Eng), PhD, Hon DTech is currently Professor structures. This work found that wavelet packets were particularly
of Mechanical Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Technology at the good at identifying characteristics relating to damage. For a number
University of Plymouth. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the of damage scenarios, wavelets provided very high detection rates.
Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining. Wavelets are simply mathematical functions exhibiting some
Dr John Summerscales, IEng, FIMMM, FInstNDT, FIAQP is Reader in kind of oscillatory behaviour. Unlike sinusoidal functions, where
Composites Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Marine the oscillation dominates the entire signal, wavelets show only
Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He is a member of the Advanced localised oscillation. Wavelet analysis involves breaking a signal
Composites Manufacturing Centre with research interests in composites into different frequency components by comparing the signal to a
manufacturing, process control, total quality management, non-destructive number of differently sized wavelet functions. Wavelets are closely
testing, microscopical analysis, natural fibre reinforcements, smart allied to Fourier analysis, but have the advantage of being able
materials and intelligent structures. Contact address: ACMC/DMME,
University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK. Tel/Fax: +44 1752 23
to overcome some of their commonly associated constraints. To
2650; e-mail: [email protected] understand how this is achieved, a review of the issues follows.
Signal processing is the term given to the process of
Professor Robert Sutton, BEng(Tech), MEng, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, extracting, analysing and modifying information contained
FIEE is Professor of Control Systems Engineering in the Department of within signals. Signal processing, or digital signal processing
Mechanical and Marine Engineering at the University of Plymouth and a
member of the Marine and Industrial Dynamic Analysis Research Group.
(DSP), is an extremely important engineering technology
His main research interests lie in the application of advanced control spanning many disciplines including image processing, condition
engineering and artificial intelligence techniques to control problems. monitoring, instrumentation and control, telecommunications and
Ongoing research is concerned with the use of fuzzy logic, neurofuzzy biomedicine(18). Signals generally carry time-varying information
algorithms, artificial neural networks and adaptive search algorithms in such as acceleration, force, temperature and strain. Simple analysis
the design of novel control systems for industrial and marine plant. of such data has enabled engineers and scientists to determine
Contact address: Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering, derived properties relating to the physical process/system under
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA. E-mail: consideration (for example derivation of Young’s modulus from
[email protected] stress/satran data).
Figure 10. Example of DWT using Daubechies db7 basis Figure 11. Daubechies db7 wavelet function
Note that in equation [9] above that y(w) is the frequency where j and k are integers, s0 is a fixed dilation step and t0 is a
domain representation of the wavelet basis. Equation [8] leads to translation factor; t in this instance gives the time steps over which
one of the most important conditions of the CWT wavelet basis; the wavelet is defined. It is clear from Equation [12] that t0 is a
that of admissibility: function of the dilation parameter s0. Typically s0 is selected as
2 (dyadic) and t0 as 1; in this way both scale and translation are
y (w ) dyadic.
Ú w dw < • Using dyadic sampling of scale and time means that only
special types of bases can be used to reconstruct the signal. To this
It is clear from Equations [8] and [9] that in order to recover end Daubechies(25) presents an equivalent admissibility condition
a signal from its wavelet coefficients Cy must be convergent for the discrete version of the wavelet transform vis:
Equation [13] defines a frame with bounds A and B. These Using equations [18] and [19] the reconstruction of the signal
can be calculated from s0 and t0 and describe the accuracy of can be written:
the reconstruction. Equation [13] produces a trade-off between 1 1
( ) ( )
accuracy of the reconstruction and the constraints on the basis f (t ) = Â cMf 2 - M t - k + Â Â dif 2 - i t - k ..[20]
function: as A and B come closer the reconstruction becomes s0 i =1 s0 2
more accurate and further constrains the selection of the basis. For Equation [20] is the discrete wavelet series decomposition and
the discrete case (A = B) the wavelet coefficients behave like an enables practical implementation of the reconstruction formula.
orthonormal basis. In this case, for reconstruction to take place the Equations [18] to [20] are the essence of decomposition and
wavelet bases must also be orthonormal. reconstruction and result in a transform that is more efficient than
The practical implementation of the DWT makes use of the the FFT.
subband components (section 2). Decomposition is achieved A brief overview of the mathematics required for the DWT has
through filtering of the signal using high pass and low pass filters. been given. For readers wishing to study this area further, reference
This filtering technique is known as multiresolution analysis (MRA) can be made to the following(25, 27, 33, 35 and 36 ) which provide detailed
because the signal is broken down into discrete frequency bands of studies and proofs.
varying resolution (recall the time/frequency resolution issue from
section 2). The DWT introduces the scaling function providing the
low pass filter part of the filter bank. The scaling function f(t), is Nomenclature
not quite as strictly defined as the wavelet function as it does not Notation
need to satisfy admissibility nor need it be oscillatory. However, it ci Discrete wavelet coefficients for ith level
must satisfy the condition of orthonormality. Hence, for the scaling decomposition.
function and the wavelet function the following applies: di Discrete scaling coefficients of ith level decomposition.
D Sampling period.
Ï1 for j = l and k = m
f j ,k (t ), f l ,m (t ) = Ú f j ,k (t ), f * l ,m (t )dt = Ì ..[14] Fc Centre frequency.
Ó0 for j π l and k π m f(t) Continuous valued time function representing a signal.
f(∑) Scaling function.
Ï1 for j = l and k = m j Level (index) for scale in discrete form.
y j ,k (t ), y l ,m (t ) = Ú y j ,k (t ), y * l ,m (t )dt = Ì ..[15]
Ó0 for j π l and k π m k Index for time in discrete form.
The wavelet and scaling function are sampled and translated in L2 Vector space of all square integrable functions.
a dyadic manner as shown in Equation [12]. For implementation ¬n Space of real-valued n dimensional vectors.
these can now be expressed as: s Scale.
y(∑) Wavelet function – both continuous and discrete forms.
f j ,k (t ) =
( )
◊ f 2 - j t - k .......................[16] t
Actual time – continuous.
Constant for time-shifting of wavelet functions.
W(∑) Wavelet coefficients.
1 w Frequency.
y j ,k (t ) = ( )
◊ y 2 - j t - k ......................[17] x Dummy function variable.
s0 j
Let us define the wavelet coefficients produced through low Operations
and high-pass filtering as cn and dn, where n represents the level
∑, ∑ Inner product
of decomposition. The signal is passed through the scaling and
∑ Used to represent an arbitrary functional variable.
wavelet filters giving the first set of decomposition coefficients c1
* Convolution
and d1, these are low and high frequency respectively. The second
n Modulus or absolute value of n.
iteration filters c1 into c2 and d2, the third c2 into c3 and d3 etc. until
the appropriate level of decomposition is achieved ie to level n. Norm or length of a vector.
Using equations [16] and [17] and taking the inner product the Œ Contained in.
wavelet coefficients are defined as:
cj = Â f j ,k , f j -1,n c j -1 ......................[18]
s0 2 n
For further details contact: Cindy Bailey, BINDT, 1 Spencer Parade, Northampton, UK NN1 5AA
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