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Academy v


National Research Council



The Rctcliochemistry
Of cobalt
L. F. CURTISS, Chuinnan ROBLEY D. EVANS, Wce Chuinnaq
NationalBureau of Standamls MasaachuaettsInetitute
of Technology

J. A. DeJUREN, Secretury
Weatlngbouae ElectricCorporation


Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory Massachusetts Iuatitute
of Technology


Texas Agricultumland Mechanical Northwestern Uxdversity
UnIveral@ of Mlcbigan
of Technology J. J. NICKSON
Memorial Hospit@; New York
NationalBureau of Standards ROBERT L. PLATZMAN
Laboratoirede Cb.b.uie
Nuclear Development Corporationof D. M. VAN PATTER
America BartolResearch Foundation



Atomic Energy Commission U. S. Air Force


NationalSclenoeFoundation OffIceof Naval Research



Unlveral@ of Michtgan Mound Laboratory


FloridaStateUnlveralty Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory
Los Alamos Scientiflo
Laboratory Hanford Laboratories


Unlversi@ ofWasMr@.On Argonne NationalLaboratory
Brookbaven NationalLaboratory Universityof California(Llvermore)
Universityof California(Berkeley) McGill University



Naval Uiologfcal Defenee Laboratory Universityof Michigan
NationalBureau of standards
The Radiochemistry of cobalt


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge, Tennessee


Subcommittee on Radiochemistry
National Academy of Sciences —National Research Council

h USA. Price$1.00,Avdeble fromUieOfficeofTenlmlcal
ofCommerce,Waebiugton25,D. C.

The Subcongnlttee on Radlochemlstry Is one of a number of

subcommittees working under the Committee on Nuclear Science
within the National Academy of Sciences - National Research
council . Its members represent government, industrial, and
university laboratories in the areas of nuclear chemistry end
analytical chemistry,

The Subcommittee has concerned Itself with tho,se areas of

nuclear science which Involve the chemist, such as the collec-
tion and dlstrlbutlon of radlochemlcal procedures, the estab-
lishment of.specifications for radlochemically pure reagents,
availability of cyclotron time for service irradiations, the
place of radlochemistry in the undergraduate college program,
etc .

This series of monographs has grown out of the need for

up-to-date compilations of radlochemlcal information and pro-
cedures, The Subcommittee has endeavored to present a aerles
which will be of mmclmum use to the working scientist and
which contains the latest available information. Each mono-
graph collects in one volume the pertinent information required
for radlochemlcal work with an individual element or a group of
closely related elements.

An expert Im the radiochemlstry of the particular element

has written the monograph, followlng a standard format developed
by the Subcommittee. The Atomic Energy Commission has sponsored
the printing of the series.

The Subcommittee Is confident these publications wI1l be

useful not only to the radlochemlst but also to the research
worker in other fields such as physics, biochemistry or medicine
who wishes to use radiochemical techniques to solve a specific

W. Wayne Meinke, Chairman

Subcommittee on Rad,iochemlstry


This volume which deals with the radlochemlstry or cobalt

is one of a series of monographs,on radiochemlstry of the elements.
Tflere Is Included a review of the nuclear and chemical “features of
particular interest to the radlochemlst, a discussion of problems
of dissolution of a ssmple and countlnK technlaues, and finally, a
collection of radiochem~cal procedures–for the-element as found” In
the literature.

The series of monographs wII1 cover all elements for which

radlochemlcal procedures are pertinent. Plans Include revlslon
of the monograph pkrlodlcally as new techniques end procedures
warrant . The reader Is therefore encouraged to call to the
attention of the author eny publlahed or unpublished material on
the radlochemlstry of cobalt which might be Included In a revised
version of the monograph.


I. General Rwiewa of the Inorgenlc and An~lcal

Chemhtryo fcobalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

II. The Radioactive Nuclide6 of Cobalt . . . . . . . . . . . 2

III.. The Chemistry of Cobalt .@ Its Application to

the Radiochen&?try of the Cobalt %iionuclides . . . . .

A. The General.Cheml.~tryof Cobalt . . . . . . . . . .

1. Metallic Cobalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. The Simple Cobalt Compuunds . . . . , . . . 7
3. The Complex CcmpoundB of Cobalt . . . . . . . . 7
4. The Organcmetalllc CompoundB of Cobalt . . . . . EL

B. The Analytical Chemietry of Cobalt . . . . . . . . . I-1

1. Se~atione by Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . 14
2. Sepamtions by Electrdeposltion . . . . . . . . 18
3. Separatlona by Solvent Extraction . . . . . . . 19
a. Ion Association System . . . . . . . . . . . 20
b, Chelate C4X0poundSyetema . . . . . . . . . . 22
4. Separatlone by Chromatography . . . . . . . . . 25
With Inorganic A@orbentm . . . . . . . . . 25
:: With Organic Abaorbenta (Other
than restiandp per).... . . . . . . . 26
c. With Ion Exchange Reel.ne. . . . . . . . . . ‘2’7
d. With Chelating Ion Exchange Realne . . . . . 29
e. With Paper and Similar Materials . . . . . . 29

Iv. Dissolution of Samples Contaidng Radioactive Cobalt . . 32

v. Safety Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3$

VI. Counting Tecbnlquea for the =oactive Cobalt

Isotopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

VII . Collection of I&tailed %dlochemlcal Procedures for

the Cobelt RadtonuclldeE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

ReferenceE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

The Radiochemistry of cobalt


Oak Ridge National Laboratory*
Oak Ridge, Tpmessee


1. Ii.J. Wlllisme, ‘Analytical Chemidry of ,Cobalt,

” Talanta ~,
88-104 (1958) .

2. B. S. Evans, “The Eete@natlon of Cobalt. A New Method of Volu-

metric Determhation and a New l.kthodfor Ite Determination In
Steel,” Analyst ~, 363 ‘(1937).

3. W. E. Harris and T. R. Sweet, “Determlnatlonof Cobalt in Cobalt-

Nlckel Solutions,” ~. Chem. 26, 1648 (195k).

4. H. H. Willard and D. Hall, “The Se~ation and Detenslnation of

Cobalt,“ J. Am. tic. ~, 2219-31, 2237-53 (1922).

5. G. Chariot and D. Bezier, Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (Trans-

lated by “R.C. Murray), p. 406 -41S!, J. Wiley and Sons, N. Y. (1957).

6. Centre D!Information Du Cobalt, hbalt Monogrq h, Brussels, Belgium

(i*). ,,

7. Mellor, J. W., A ComQrehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical

chemistry, vol. XIV, pp. 419-559, @nsman, Green ma ‘Jo.Ltd.,
Iandon, 1935.

8. Gu@ins H.andbuchder Anorgahischen Chemle, System No. 58, Kobalt,”

%h Ed,, Part A. Verlag Chemie G.m.b.H., Berlin, 1932.

9. Sidgwick, N. V., The Chemical Elements and Their Compound.e,vol.

11, pp..1375-1425, oxford PresH, London (19X),

10. Hillebrmd, W. F., Lundell, G. E. F., Brieht, H. A., =d Hof~,

J. I., Applied ~,rqanic ARZl@iB, 2nd M., PP. 417-424, J. Wiley
and Sons,’New York (1953).

11. Scott’s St&ndard Methods of Cheticd Amlj=&., Vol. 1, N. H. Funmn,

cd., Fifth edition (Vsn Nostrand, Vew York, “1939)PP, ~5-330.

*Operated by Union Carbide Nuclea Company for the U. S. Atomic Enerw


~. ReIw, H., Treatise o.nAnalytical Chemistq , VOI. II,”p. 2w-306,
~gevier~ Ameterdem, 1956.

13. Klelnberg, J., tigerainger, W. J., Jr., and Griswold, E., kor~lc
Chemistry, Heath, I?aslmn,lg60.


The rwiioactive nuclldes of cobalt which are of interest to the radio-

chendst are given h Table I. This table has been coqpiled from hforma-
tion appearing in reports by Strominger, et d., ‘1) and by Hughes and Schwartz.

Table I. Tue Radioactive Nuclides of Cobalt

Radio- EnerW of Hadlation,

nucllde Hali’-Idfe @v Produced By

C054 0.18 sec >7.4 Fe-p-n

~55 ‘ 18.2 hrS Fe-d-n, Ni-7-p2n

P+: 1.5
7: 0.477,0.935,1.41 Fe-p-y

co56 72 daY 7: 0.845,1.26,1.I’h Fe-d-2n, Fe-u-rip

2.01,2.55,3.25 co-p-p%, Ni-d-ci

qo day P+:0.26 Fe-d-n: Fe-p-y

7: o.u9,0.131

9.2 b

co 58 72 dELY P+:0.47 Mu-&n, Fe-d-n

7: 0.81 Fe 58-p-n, Fe-p-n,
1.62 Fe-wnp, Fe-p-7,
O.~1 (wimB+) Cu-p-pn, Iii-n-p
~omnl Co-n-y, Co-d-p
10.1 lulll B-: 1.%
~: 0“.059 Ni-n-p
60 p-: 0.306 Co-d-p,”Co-n-y
co 5.3 Y
7: 1.33,1.17 Ni-d-% Cu-n-a
gg-. P-: 1.42,1,00 CO-U-2P, c -t-p
cu-7-2p, Cu-y-a

13.9 Jluln p7: 1.3 Ni&-n-p

1.6 EIJI 7 Ni&-n-p, Ni&-d-a

-5 min Ni~-n-p

The decay 6chemes for the ptincipal radionuclldes of cobalt are

shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. ~C13y Schaies of the Cobalt Radionuclldea

co% (=d]



0.845 w< *

o IL, .< w Fe56

,5.,) ->>.161

J i

w U ~i60

co (14 m)

2.304 J.
I.172 J


Ftadioch&#my is probably be6t desctibed as being an analysis tech-

nique used p~ly either (1) to a6slst in obtiinlng a pure rsdionuclide

in some form so that an absolute measurement of its radioactivity,rdia-

tion energies, and half-life can be We, or (2) to determine the anmunt

of radioactivity of a particular radioelement in a radionuclide mixture,

or (3) to complete a radioactimtlon smalysis being used to determine the

concentratlcm of a specific stable element in a particular sample material.

In order to be an aid In accomplishing .@ one of the abwe Iuterests,

?alLochemistry usually considers the Isolation of the desired radionuclide

by either carrier or camier-fn?e ee~=tlon methds.

Genemlly, wmrler methods are used most frequently in radlochemlstry.

They tivolve the addltlon of a small aumunt of Inactive stable element to

a solution of the irradiated matefial to serve as a carrier of the radio-

nuclide of that element through the separation method. In canier-free

separations, i.e., those radiochemical techniques used mostly for absolute

rsdloactlvlty meas~ nts, it is requtid that the rsdioelement be i~olated

in a manner capable of glvlng either no smouut or a minimal amount of

stable element in the final form to be used in the radlmctivity measure-

mentsi :,

In moat instances, analytical radiochemiwtry is dependent upm more

conventional ideae in analytical chemietry Involtig separations by such

methais as preclpitition, Bolvent extraction, chromatography,volatiliz*

tlon, and/or electroanalysisand the subsequent presentatlon”of the iso-

lated rsdloelement In a form suitible.for a me=urement of the radioelement’s

rsxlioactivlty.One maJor difference exiets between .—

carrier rsdiocheudetry

and more convedbnal techulques in that it ie not always necessmy to

recover coqpletdy the added amountof -carrier element, since a ra&Lo-

chemical smalyais is designed to ~eure that the atoms of a radioactive

element achieve an isotopic state with the atoms of the:inactive element,

and any lees of the radioactive species Is proportional to the “loss” of

carrier during the reparation process.

Calorimetric,polarographic”and similar analysis techniques are seldom

used in radiochemistry,because they do not separate the desired radio-

nuclide from contaminants (either radioactive or stable) in the mixture

being analyzed. However, some of the .developmentsused in these analysis

techniques may be usefu> In rsdiochemiatry.

Thus, the information th;t follows generally describes the behavior

of cobalt and ita compounds and how this behavior c= be ueed in devising

rsdiochemical analyses for the cobalt radionuclides. More detailed

information can be obtained either ffom”the references given In thi6

section or from the references given in Section I of this monograph.

A. The General Chemistry of Cobalt

The chemical properties of cobalt are intermediate ta thofleof iron

and nickel. It forma compounds that chiefly exhibit a valence of +2 or

+3. It also shows a valence of +1 in a few complex nitrosyls wd carbonyls

and a valence of +4 in some fluoride complexes.

In the simple cobalt compounds, the divalent forms are more etable.

Cobaltous ion, CO+2, is basic and is not esaily hydrolyzed in an aqueous

solution. A few simple cobaltic, CO+3, salts, such as C02(S04)11-18H20

and COF are known. Most simple Co cOll!PUndS“We unstable because
is a strong oxldizlng agent and it cannot exiBt in aqueous media.

The trivalent state of cobalt forms many complex ionB, most of which zre

stable in aqueous media. In particular, such coordination complexe8 of

as the cobaltinit~teB, the cobalticyanldes,and the cobal.tmmines
are most stable. On the other hand, cobaltous ions, Cd , in the com-
plexed state are very unstable and can be readily oxidized to the Co

form by ordinary oxidante.

In its electrochemicalproperties,(3) cobalt is more active than nickel

and is more noble than c~um. Although this rebtionship exiBts in many

irreversible system, the relative degree of activity or nobility will

vary. Latlmer(4) reports that the rwersible potentials for certain of

the cobaltou-cobalt and cobal&ic-cobaltouscouples are as followe:
~o++ +2e-=Co EO . -0.277 v

CO(OH)2 = 2 e- = Co + 2 OH EO = -0.73 V

CO(NH3)6 + 2 e- =CO+6N113(aq.) EO = +0.42 V

CoC03+2e-=Co CO- EO = -0.64v

cow-l i+
+e-=Co ‘ EO = +1.842 V

CO(OH)3 + e- = CO(OH)2 + OH- EO = +0.17 V

ti(~3)fj- +e- = Co(NH3)~* EO = +O.1OV

CO(CN)6--- +e- = CO(CN)6 EO = -o;83v

The irrmersible ~tentids of cobalt in various solutions have

recently been measured by Akimov and Clark.(5) The cathodic deposition

pdentials of cobalt from various H2S04 acid concentrationshave been

(6) and in H2SOL and in NaOH by Newberry.(7)
measured by Glasstone Verdleck,
et ~l.,(8)
have detemined the deposition ptentiala of cobalt from chlo-
ride and bromide solutions. Schwabe(g) and El Wekkad and Hickl~

report on the anodic behavior of cobalt.

1. Metalllc Cmbalt

Cobalt Im more frequently obtained as a crude metal from the ❑elting . .

of Buch ores aa mmltlte, CoAa2, linnaeite, Co S4, and oobaltite, CaABS,

which usually occur together either tith nickel and silver”brea of similar

composition or with minerals containing iron, nickel and copper. Follotig

a series of roasting processes in which a ~eries of selected”fluxes are

Used to remove t~.sllverand other metdJlc araenideE, another roasting

o~ration u~ing ~cdium chloride converts cobalt, nickel, co~r and the

retining silver to their respective”cblorides. The”titure is extracted

with water h ae~te the soluble cbloridea. The ?neteJJ_ic

copper is

removed from the aqueous soiution by reduction and the hydroxides of cobalt

and nickel are then precipitated. The nickel is rembved from the mixture

by fofing the volatile carbonyl, NI(CO)3 in a sepratory process involv-

~ a redu@ion of the nickel and reacting itwlth carbon monoxide. The

resulting cobaltoue oxide, CaO, may be reduced to the metal tith carbon

O. with almuinuu\ll)

Metallic cobalt is eilvery white tith a faint tinge of pink. It hsa

a density of 8.9 and It melt6 at l&°C and has a boiling point of 29Ci1°C.

The atomic weight of cobalt is 58.94.

Finely div~ded cobalt is pyrophoric. Cobalt In a more massive fom

is not attacked by air or water at temperatures below 300°C; abwe 300°C,

It is retiily oxidlze~ in air. It combines with the hhlogens b form

halidea, but it does not combine directly with nitrogen; yet, it will form

nitrides by decompming _nia at elevated temperatures. At temperat~s

above 22?°C, it will react with carbon monoxide to form the carbide, C02C.

It will combine with most of the other metalloids.when heated or when it

Is in the molten ❑tate. It will form Intermetallic compounds with other

metals, such as aluminum, chromium, nmlybdenum, tin, vtium, tungsten,

zinc, nickel, snd iron,

Dilute sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric acld~ easily dissolve cobalt

metal, but itis paeBivated by such strong oxidizing agents as the dichro-

Mtes. Ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide attack it ve?.yslowly.

2. The Simple Cobalt Compounds

Cob~t reacts less readily than Iron with dilute acids. Its salts

are either pink or blue in color, The pink color will change to blue either

on heating, or on dehydration, or in the preeence of concentrated acids.

The rmst probable explanation for this color change is that divalent cobalt
1s PM as a cation, but blue as an anion.

Cobalt compounds e%blbit varied degreee of solubillty in water and

in other solubilizing agents. Table II lists the mare comfmn cobalt com-
potis and re~rts on their volubility in water and other agents,

3. uncleof Cobalt
The Complex Ccmqpo

As reported in Gmelins~ Handbook,(14) ~+3

forms one of the,largest

goups of complex Coqlpalndsbown. The rest numetius of these complexes

are those of aumonia and the amines indicating that the most ~rtant

donor atom ie nitrogen. Carbon, oxygen, sulfur and the halogens exe &o

Table II. ~ ub b Uncle

Volubility in
Comlmund Formula b ill
SQI”U “t?fin Water Other ReQ ent6

Metal co very b601uble soluble In acidg

‘Acetate (OUS) CO(C=H302)=.4&0 very soluble soluble in acids,


Acetite (ic) hydrolizes readily soluble in glacitil

acetic acid

Benzoate (OUS) co(cT&CIZ)Z.@@ very Boluble

Bromate (OUS) CO(BrOa)2.6H20 soluble soluble in ~OH

Bromide (ou6) CoBr2.6E20 soluble soluble in acids,

ether, alcohol

Carbonate (ou5) CoCo= insoluble soluble in acids

Chlorate (ous) co(c10J=”6&o very soluble soluble in alcohol

PerChlorate (ous) CO(C104)2“61&o soluble soluble in alcohol,


Chloride (OUS) COC~ .6&o very soluble eoluble in alcohol

Chromate (ous) CoCr04 insoluble soluble in acids,


Cyanide (ou5) Co(CN)=.2&0 Insoluble soluble in KCN, HC1,


Ferricyanide (OUS) Co9[Fe(CN)e]z insoluble ., soluble in ~OH

Ferrocyenide (OUS) CozFe(CN)em7H=0 insoluble soluble in KCN

Flwl’ide(Oua) : “ COF2.*O soluble sohble in ~

Fluoride(It) Co2Fo-7&0 insoluble

Ey&oxide (cd CO(OH)= slightlyBoluble soluble in aciti,

~um ealti

-fide (id CO(OE)S sli@ly, aotible soluble in nd~

Ioda& ..(w) UJ(I05)2 “. .. slightly soluble soluble in HCl, ~

I&de” (ous) C012 VW aolubla solUb16 in alcohol,


Hitiati (OUE) “ co(m!Ja”@o V= soluble soluble in alcahol,


Oxalate (oUs) COC204 “” ineolubla ~~ eolnble in acide, llH@

.n Oii*””
(oUs) coo ineoluble soluble in aci~

Oxide (ou8, ic} “ cog~” In201uble solubls,in E#04 only

-,. ,.
tide iic) co20g insoluble soluble in acids

Or&o&oB&k (Oua) COS(P04)2 ineolubie soluble h E#Q,


FhcqbJde C02P insoluble soluble in m%

: ..
(.OUE). COS04.&o so~ble

Wate ( ic) C02(~4)9-Jl&0 soluble .nokb~ in H#04

aouble in acida,
Wkride, di- cos~ insoluble soluble in 13NOa,aqm
.. . . .. ....,
=ez a.””

.,: . (lwla mntdnled on follodng pqge.)

Ihble II (CM&mad)
&lubill@ in
~ &lllb ilttY in Wa* Other R-b

SuMid6, seaqpi”(it) inaolub~ decomposesin acids

Tartrata (cm) IsM&.ly soluble soluble in dilute


~ocyanate (ou6) soluble

!nlIlgStati ( Oua) Insoluble


hImnium Cobelt ,.
ortho@lo@ste (oUs) m&@04*ko insoluble soluble acids

SliMate (Cnls) (~)d%.CaE04.6ko Sohlbla aalubla acids, alc@ol

Potassiummbalt Carponati
Scid (oUs) &cmp&ea

PotEulsiumcobaltinitrite slightly aolubla aolubla mineral acids

-“slum col?@t
malonate (oua) K#o(c&04)2

sulfate (Oue) K#04.COW .6J&o Soluble

P&.esaium cyanombal$ate(III) K-#O(m)e soluble

Fwthsaium -co-*+=(11) &co(ROs . soluble tioluble aluminum

and ether
i%-aium sodium
fitrowbaltite( III) ‘ &Iwo(mJe,.l&o O.gi’ insoluble aluminum

%dlum ~trocobaltati(III) Ifa@NO& S~~ soluble soluble dilute acid,

impmtant donor atom. T& Coordinaticmnumber of CO+3 is six,ad mmt

@ the t@va&nt cobalt c--s are stable; b, Contmt, co= hae a

coordinatim ntier of either 4 or 6,end the IM Ccqplexes & rqatively

unatdbla touudc ddation . The amine complexm can be eeaily ox.idlzed

h air,@ the Cobaltocyanides are oxidized rkpid& h alr or.in.w@ar.

- ~~~ cWP~~S m kJI- 811dexist h tied shades Or ..

md and blue. The .equocagplex, [Co(H#)6]@ is phk,, but when a halide

. .
IS introduced Inta ,theeyetem, a blue-colo- co!qplexanion, (Cdfh)-2 la

produced. .Umally,the blue color le tire intense.and it “can completely

mask the color of a larger Concentmtionof the pink cmplex. !lhis@“kncm-

enon”appemsntly mxiultsfrcm the fsct thht &bdtoua h@deE are nomdly

. . pink ~ dilute aqueoiaaaolutiona, but when tiatid or h concen~ted solu-

,tionwill turn bhie . !IbbleIII .llstaecsneof the cobalt”_eiee

s- their aolubllity b water and *ma solvents.

4. The Or~ tallsc Cmplmde of Cobalt

Cobalt, like irm and nickel, dbea not appearto producetrue organo-

me~lic “.~s In that such reactione proceed largely with Iiydrockrbon

eirolution, m3tal de~sltion, abnorml co@li~ and other unusual reac-

tha.(15) l(hartu~ and Fielda(ti) In their lnvesti@ion on the effects

of Unwic hallda m &l-Grigneml Fbagenta - 01-ganlcWI*S mm

thht thee”eeffects require transitory intermediate organocobalt compomdE

~ the typs RCOX. Btie and P@@) have reac-d a- and p+mphthyl-

mgneaium halides with co%al- bslldes b prcsiuceccmplex condensates

RN3 C~ ~= a~o be= pmspred by methyl-,

d ‘h ‘~’ “clo%cd.3”
e~l-; n:POPY1- J and I-mmpym,alm Iodide and phenylmagmmium brmide
mactione qpon cobe+ltoueklides. Bimcyclopentadlenylwbait and

blslndenylco&d.t c~s have aleo been ~d.(19) !l!lmeCanpounda .“

are redlly oxldlzid to mnovalent catione and their salts &-e ueuBIJY

colored,wutir-nohible compuuda.

“B. ‘l?he
Analytical HBt Iy of Cobait

Ae paltad out elsewhme of a known mount

of hactlve cobalt tier In alwbyandmn it

Table III.

~ In& 0, In other solv ente

cock .- sohible

Eexmminembalt(II) [Co(l’ms)dcla eoluble til.ubleRE&


Aqyopen=necobelt( III) [co(RE.) eH201clg eotible sli@tLy eoluble HC:

ufide (room)

~-=- [C4mg).cllckl slightly soluble Cmc . H@~

1- ,mbalt(III) chloride

Wxmminecobel.t(III) co(mig),gcl.e sohible

Chlm4de (I.uteo)

Hexmminecobelt( III) “’ [Co(tis)e](Re@a”2%0


*Cobelt eLeo.fbnue @.ynuclsrm coqplexea. “ID tie6e comoundE 2, 3 or k cobalt atom ere linked

by”03, @ or N&. ..
possible to obtain the cobalt carrier In a weighable form b the final

etage of the ae~atlon procedure used. Two tblngs are achieved If this

18 done. The radionuclide is concentmted into a small mass for the rtio-

actitity measuremsnts, and the carrier ie obtained as a weighable compound

which can be used to deterndne any loee of the “cmxlern during the analysis.

The choice of acc~table gravlmetric fonne for a cobalt determination

is extensive and somewhat controversial. ~val(w) ti hie thermogrwimetric

investigations states that there e at least 30 gravlmetric methods availa-

ble for the detemi.nation of cobalt. In his evaluation of these methcde,

he indicates that the most euitable compounds for determining cobalt

are cobalt ammmlum phoephate, CONH4P04.H20; yo%slum cobalti-
(23) (24)
nltrate, =#Q~ .W20; silver hexacyanocobaltate, Ag3Co(cN)G ;
cobalt tetrathiocyanatomercumte, ~u(m9)4 ; cobalt snthranilate,

.(30,31) co~~t 5-bromoanttilate, Co(NH2;C6H~r.C02)2; (32)

cobalt 3-@no-2-napthoate, Cb(CloH#H2C02)2; (31) cobalt-~nitroso-~ naphthy-

(33) cobalt oxine, Co(C9H#N)2; (34,35)
cobalt oxide,
=’ co(c10~0N2)3;
‘2°3, obtained by the ignition of the phenylthiohydantoicacid ccmplex;(36)

or cobaltic Oxide, C0304, obtained by the ignition of yellow mercuzy oxide

ccm@x\37) Anand and ~C~~* ) ralxrt that cobalt tellurite, CoTeO

is aleo a good gravhetric form for determining cobalt. Williams(39) records

that the precipitation of cobalt ae the metal by the reduction of C0304

with @drogen is a reccmmnded gravimetric fomn. However, certain lMta-

tions exist in that the ~duced metal Is very pyrophoric and sometimes

c’ontatieappreciable quantities of unreduced oxide.

Very often when one of these gmvimetrlc forms ie employed, it ie

preceded by aue of swerd other methods of chemical separation euch as

solvent extraction, ion exchange, precipitation, or electrolysle. The

Information that followe generally reporte on current ideas used in iso-

lating and determining cobalt. A cmabinatlon of seveti ieolation m?thode

~be used. However, it ehould not be inferred that it IS alwaye neces-

sary ta radlochemically sepmate the desired cobalt isotope”in a precipi-

table form for the redloactititymeasurements. Wretties it would be

sufficimt to accept and use, for example, an aliquot of the eluate from

an ion-exchange eepaxation column or one of the phases obtained in Bolvent

extrsxtion, or a portion of a paper chromatogmm In the radioactivity


Wwme(sg)also provides an excellent s~ of the adv=ceB made

in the analytical cheudetry of cobalt, The ~thors of thla monograph feel

that much of this information is pertinent to the 6eparation techniques

that follon and they have attempted to emphasize much of the Wormtion

@ven in this ,yarticularreview.

1. Saparations by Precipitation

The separation of cobalt from other elements can be effected with

hydrogen suMide, emmnlum suM’ide, basic acetate, succinate, barium car-

bonate, zinc oxide, potassium hydroxide and bromine, ether-hydrochloric

acid, and cupferron. COS can be coprecipitatednith SnS2 and carried

down when low-aolublllty sulfides are precipitated in dilute or concentra-

ted mineral acids. Special care must alsobe takento prevent Its

Wth zinc sulfide; huwever, the addition of a ermlJ amount

of acrolein and gelatin tb the solution before its treatment with hydrogen
sulfide will reduce the copreclpitationeffects.

Brltton(U) has shown that if there”Is a sufficient difference between

the values of pH at which two metal hydroxides are precipitated with ammonium

hydroxide, the metals may oftenbe separated bymatikining the pH of the

solution at such a value so that the weaker one will be precipitated first.

Buffer 6olutionsJ usually weak acids or one of their salts, and heating

are used to effect the hydrolysis, Such metals as chromium, zinc, uranium,

alundnum, tin, iron (as Fe+3 ), zirconium and titanium precipitate at liner

pH value6 than cobalt, which precipitates at a pH of 6.8. Magaesium, silver,

mang=ese, mercury, and some of the rare earths precipitate,at pH values

greater than 7.0.

Cobalt cannot easily be separated from such elements as iron, aluminum,

copper and nickel by aumonlum hydroxide. Iundell end Knowles(43) =Pfi

that even though small smouuts of cobalt are involved and double preclpi-

tatione made, the wnount of cobalt retained by the hydroxide precipitate

of Iron and aluminum is appreciable. Iron may be effectively removed

from cobalt (and nickel) as ferric phosphate if the precipitation is made

from an acetic acid solution. Titanium, zirconium and hafnium can be

separated from cobalt as phosphates by treating an acetic acid solution

of the ions (PH 3.5) with .armotiumphosphate. Cobalt .~be s~-ted

from iron, aluminum, tltanlum, and zirconiumby precipitating them with an

queoussuependon ofzincoxide~~) Chromium, vanadium, aud tungsten

can also be removed by a zinc oxide precipitation after the solution has
been oxidized with nitric acid. Chromium and such elemente as aluminum,

arsenic, molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium can be sepsrated from cobalt

by precipitations with sodium peroxide in the presence of bromhe or some

other oxidizing &gent. Chromium can also be separated from cobalt by
precipitatingCoS in the presence of emmonium tartrate. Iron, nickel

and zinc .suJfldealEo precipitate. Cobalt does not form .scupferrate d

can be se-ted from such elements as iron, titanium, vanadium, zirconium,

tin, antimony, and bismuth by forming the cupferratee of these elements.(m)

The cobalt cau be recovered eitherby filtration or by solvent eti=ction.

Burgess} 51) von Ihorrej”) and h&r and Fei@_(’3) report on the use of

Q-nitroao-p-naphthol (sometimes called l-nitroeo-2-naphthol)in glaclal

acetic acid to sepamte cobalt frum such elements 8s alu?rdnum,beryllium,

lead, cadmium, manganese, mercury, arsenic, antimony, zinc, calcium, mag-

nesium and umderate amounts of nickel. Phosphates, .arseutes, and aummtium

salts do not Interfere where= nitric acid mufltbe absent before the pre-

cipitation is made. Iron, copper, bismuth, silver, chromdum, zirconium,

titanium, vanadium, and tin also interfere. If a coneldemble amount of

nickel is present, the cobaltlnltroso-@-naPhtholpreclpi~te, [C10H#(NO)]3CO~

should be ignited, dissolved in hydrochloric acid end ~ reprecipitation

made. The interferences from large smounts of nickel can also be eliminated

by making an inltlal separation of nickel by adding an alcohoMc solution

of dimethyl-glyoxtito an acetic acid-sodium aceta& flolutionof the ions.(54) The

cobalt ion~ m soluble,and the nickel dlmethylglyoxhe precipitate can

be removed by filtetig the mixture. If cobalt is to be detenrdned In

the presence of large amounts of manganese by a precipitati~ with cz-titroso-

@-naphthol, much of the man@nese can be removed by precipitating it as

the dioxide by adding potassium chlorate to a boiling nitric acid solu-

tion. The manganese dioxide is se~rated fram the mixture by filtra-


The traditional method of determining cobalt in ferroue metals is

based upn its precipitation tith ci+nitroso-&naphthol,but E@shaw (56)

reprts that nitroso-R-salt is a much more reliable reagent. Nitrosonaphthol

has also been used in se~ting cobalt (ss both the stable and radioactive

species) from neutron-irradiatedsteel.(57) The nltrosonaphthol precipi-

tates, i.e., of the [C10H60(NO)]3 ‘~sJ msY be dried and weighed in that

fo~or they may be tgnited to the oxide, Co O or converted to the suMate,

3 4’
Cosok, befo~ weighing.

Cobalt may also be separated as the sulfide, COS, from a basic solu-

tion end can be converted to amnonium cobalt phosphate, NK4COPOL-H20, which

after washing can be i~ited to the pyrophosphate, Co P O for wei@ing!2’>22’ ‘i)

However, tmces of cobalt are often found in the filtrate. As an alterna-

tive, the sulfide, COS, can be directly ignited to the oxide, co30b.
According to Hillebrand and co-workers, the method most often employed

to separate cobalt ?rom interfering elementg is the’converse of the cobalti-

nitfite method for potassium, i.e., the potassium nitrite method. In this
(59) an excess of potassium nitrite in
method, first suggested by Fischer,

acetic acid is added to quantitativelyprecipitate the cobalt. Some recent

aPPlicatioQa of the use Of Potassium nitrite in separating cobalt include

those reported by Br~oksbank, et al., (60) Kdlmann, (61) and Smith, et al.(62)
(60) have used potassium cobaltinitritedried at llO°C
Brooksbank, et al.,

as the weighing form of cobalt separated from neutron-irrdiated aluminum-

baae alloys. Kallmann(6’J has used tertaric acid to complex interfering

elements (especiallynickel) in separating cobalt by the potassium nitrite

methcd. Smith, et al., report on the uee of potassium nitrite to

separate radioactive cobalt from radioactive corrosion products. With

regard to the use of this method, Broughton, et al.,(63) repxt that

explo6ive reactions can occur if the cobaltitittite solution is reheated

after standing for some the. Horowitz postulates that these explosions

resultfmm the fozmatica of nitralic acid ,salt.a.It should be noted here
that KeJJJMn suggeststhat tie colxiltinitrite
method 1.9good for s~at-

1~ cobalt fmm other m?tals, but the final ~av~ric determination of

cobalt should be m.de by s- other msthod.

Baker end McCutchen(65) report on the we of quatemaq amonium

~de - w precipitant for cobelt. Cobalt.can alao be precipitated

~ a hot solution with ~-benzoylphe@-~lemina (66) end converted

te m804 - ti Veighlng folmi Nickel will Intetiem h tblt3t3~ation.

~eo, copper is au titerference;h ovever, it can be reamed by a precipl~

tion at PE 4 in the preeence of the ~t; cobalt (end ulckel) require a

pH frm 5.5 to 6.5 for a precipitateto result. Bivalent cobalt can be

a~ted frcinfenwua &teriele by precipitating it with acridine(67)

_ a h@rOChhfiC acid EOhltiOIlCO?ltiitlillS

8XC&S ~~ thiocyuaate.

Cobalt can ba se~ted frcm tungetenby treating a neutm.1 or allghtly

alkaline solution titb tmt.sudc acid, ~um thiocyauate and an excem

of Pm-.(”)
~ emd Gentry( ‘) have recently evaluated the advan~e ad short-

C- of E* PIWP3ed for the audyals of cobalt. Ae a result,they

coneider the tekphenylaraomhm cobaltothiocymate m?thd the beat met.hd.

The preci~tition of cobalt aa the tel~te (3) by a meaaured mcesa of

Potamilm tdhrit.e end ita determination ~ViMti&ly es the cobalt

teuuriti, CoTeo vaa aleo caneidemd h be a favorable m?thd.

Cobalt can be s~ated from strong acid solutione by trea-ta ulth

Eodilm timte(7°) to form co(q) 6”co(N02)6. The scdlum nittita oxidizes

~(~) ~ @I~) to fo~ ~ti(m~)6. ‘r ‘= ‘m ‘a c~

ahakento remve the nitrite fo- throu@ titeractiou of excean acid vith

an excase ,of a saturated cold solution of Co(liH3)6C13ie ,@ded

the lkIH02,.

-Se b f- a Y811OY Ineoluble crystalline precipitate. Cobalt can

be detimined in t+ pmeence ct nickel, calcium, copper, othium, ainc,

~IMa, mercury, lead, cdndum and berhna by this msthod. The lone of

potamium ead -m are maJor Interkemncen.

Aeapm3Mminary atWy h au invuetigatim, concerned tith the decon-.

t.emination(71)of mdioactive laboratcny ue@e water by coprecipitation,

the behavior of very mall quantities of radioactive ions with different

voluminous precipitant~ was 8tudied. The radioactive ions of P04(III),

Co(II) and CS(I) were precipitated from solution by the uae of iron o~-

bydrate, aluminum oxyhyd=ate, copper ferrocyanide and iron ferrocya.nide

reagents. “In thie report, data ie given on the dependence of such factors

as pll,precipitant concentration, and equivalent ratio of the precipitant

cmunde formed in the ,caee of each precipitant used.

Rubeanic acid(72) will precipitate cobalt (ss well aa copp=, nickel,

zinc, and cadmium) from interfering ions found after the acid dissolution

of rock epecimem. Cobalt can be separa~d from nickel by forming a stable

(2h) After decomposing the K2Ni(CN.)4,eilver
cyanide complex in acid solutlon:

nitrate ie added to the solution and the resulting precipitate of Ag3Co(CN)6

can be dried at 136° and weighed.

Other precipitation methods studied for the separation of cobalt

include those baaed on the use of euch ree.gente8s mercuric chloride-

ammonium thiocyanate, clinitroresorcinolj(73)
anthrenilic acid,‘30)31)
5-bromosnthranilicacid, (32) 8-~drO~quinoline, phenylthiohydantic
acid,(36) diphenylthiohydantoin, mercuric iodise-smuoniumhydroxide,(75)

benzoquinaldinic acid,’76) isonitrosodimedone,’77) end benziminazolejya)

Each of these methods have their merits; however, in come inetancee, the

analyeie conditions influence the e-e with which a aeparatlon of cobalt

can be obtained.

2. Separations by Electrodeposition
*cCording to ~i11imj39)
_ inveetigatore consider the electro.-

deposition methods .eathe beet methods where large amounts of cobalt are

involved and high accuracy is deeired. There are many diveree methode and

each methcd considere variablee concerned with euch factors as the chemical

composition of the electrolyte,”the t- of electrolysis, current deneity,

temperature, type of electrode, rate of stirring and the pH of the eolution.

In almost all cobalt electrolytic methods and dependtig on the semple,

electrolysis may be preceded by an isolation of the cobalt from interfering

elemente either by precipitation,(’79) with euch agente as zinc oxide, c&

nitroeo->naphthol, or phosphate ions, or by anion-exchange regins.

Meet electrolytic separations for cobalt .scre
baaed upon the use of

ammonical solutlona as electrolytes. In order to prevent enodic deposits

of cobalt and the oxldatlon of the cobaltous-aasrdne

ions, small amounts
(81) (82)
of reducing agents such ea hydrezine sulfate and sodium bisulfite

are added to the solution during electrolysis. Ecc@y(83) reports on the

uae of such agents during an qnalyais at a high current density. Other

variations, concerned wfth the use of reducing agents, as well se c&ent

density and time reqtired for deposition, have been reported by Young end

Hall,‘W) KallnL#’) (84)

and Scott and Furman.

Llngane and %ge(85) have shown that cobalt end tickel can be separated

electrolyticallyby utllizlng an aqueous pyridlne solutlon with hydragine

to depolarize the platinum anode. The nickel is remved at a controlled

pdentlel of -0.95 volt and a solution pS of from 5 to 7, after which the

cobalt la deposited at -1.20 volts without any interferences.

Torrance first repmrted that cobalt could be deposited upon an

Salyer and Sweet(87-89) have also shoitnthat

*de at m 5 = ‘i203’
hyd=ted cobaltic oxide couldbe de~slted on em anode. solutions contain-

ing abmwn ~unt of radioactive C#(5.3y) were used Inthls work and the

concentration of cobalt depositea upon the ancde determined by en Isotope

dilution technique.

The determination of small amounts of cobalt by internal electrolysis

has been reported by Schleicher.(93) Also, information on the use of a

rotating mercury electrmie in determining cobalt has been presented by

!cutundz,cand sto~kovic.@’)

3. sew atdona by Solvent Extraction

Solvent extraction methods used as sepexatlon methods for other

_sis techniques can oftenbe adapted foruee in rdiochemistqy and can

be quite useful in sep=ating the desired cobalt radlonuclide frmn a sample

by either a carrier-free or c~er radiochemical method. Morrison and

Freiaer(*) have recently reviewed the.app~catione of ion eaaociation and”

chelate complex systems to the determination of most of the elements.

9ome of these systems are app~cable for use as se~ti.on processes in the

radiotiemlstry of the cobalt radlonuclides.

a. Ion Aaaociation System
~iti&(93) and Bock and Hernuann(94) have aliovnthat cob@lt (Cow)

vill not axtract with ethyl ether .frauEF solutions of varying concentrw :
~& ~ *4 +4 +6
tiona. are.CQ@Ote~ extracted; As‘3 , sb+3, .ge ,md*

@iaUy eXtract; cobalt (aa wull m Niw, Cr+3, bin~, K+:, TI+h, Zr*,

, A8+1, U4, ,yi’? W*, cd=, end Oa4, do not extract.

% d ~(95) @we ahoum that cobalt (cow) can be se~ated

from tickel by extracting 10 ~ HC1 ad 0.85 f CaC$ eolutiona vith 2-octanol.

Bock, et al.,(96) have shown that lees ,tiau0.1$ Co< will bg extracted

by et?@ ether fkm a mstal brc@da eolutfon (0.1 ~ to 6 ~ HBr); whereaa,

sb+5, Fe+3, -u, &+3, b ‘3 , Tl+3, are.quantitativelyax-tmcted. Varying”

~ts of Oa+j, sn+2, Sri+! Sb+j, se*, and W+6 will extinct depenf@g
u- the HBr concentratl&. , XIie, ?h+2, cd~, #5, aud Ta~ do not.

elrbractappreciably. In another”etudy,(97) the ertractabillty of certein”

mtal “brmldee from aqueoue eolutione contahing HBr and/or BH@r with

mthyl Isobutyl ketone @ &hyl et~l Ios- ~ sqlveqti have been ❑tudied.
~e+3 a+3, b+2; ,@ HI*
can be s~t@ from Mu=j under theee conditions.
(I@ Ni, Cr, V, Al, Few, ‘1%’,w, Pb, Th, Oa, Be, Uandtha
noble metti ) do not ~,act inta ethyl et.perfmm 6.9 ~ m ❑olutiona.(%),

*+3, #, C&, AU+3, W m +2 extract quantitatively into etByl ether

under the eemm conditions,

WW-COntW eolvents cau be uaad in the solvent ~tr~,tion

~“ ~~ (= a blue CQ1=
) h HHkSCIUSolutions of varioue ,concantra-
tions. (u well aa Be, ml, co, Sc, Ca, In, ‘m‘3 , Fe+3, Sn4, and

tdo~) extrnct into ethyl ether(w) or .emylalcohol(m) and can be

aepra~d f- mm elemanti aa Al+3 , #, TJ*,,~+1,, ~+2, @, “~-,

*A, &+3, Aa+5,:&+3, Bi~, Q+3, Iii+2,@ Pd+2 . lhese,alementa only

p&tialJ.y extract or do not extract at all. Co4, Hiy, W@ Cu@ fOrh

watar-insoluble cyanate.cmplexea @ a RH4SCN eyetem ,that C= be dle.qolved

in aud exkmcted ulth.chlorofom.
(aa well aa Hi+2) precipitate at * ,interface“inextzucting

alkaline aq~oua eolutione that contti Cu, I@, Fe, RI,”- Ru .wlth

5% ~lgc~ (n~capric acid) in ethyl acetate.‘w) cu~ 18 queultitatiAly

extracted under theee conditions; Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Pd, and Ru interfere.

When butyric acid in benzene is used, only Cu, Mn, and Fe extract.

Methyldioctylsmine and tribenzylem.inehave tieenused to extract Zn

from cobalt (aid other metals of the first transition series) in dilute

HC1 ~olutions.(103) Only 0.4~ Co and ~~ Zn was extracted from a 2 M

HC1 solution by a solution containing g of methyl.dioctylde (MECul)

per 100 ml of trichlorobenzene. At a higher HC1 concentration (10 ~),

85.4% of the cobalt and 100~ of the zinc extracted. Soltitioneof FtOOA

in xylene and in chloroform also quantitatively extract zinc from cobalt

under the same conditions. These etudies a160 include an investigation

of the extraction of Cr+3 , ~+2, Fe+3, NI+2, and cll+lunder the same con-

ditions. Varied degrees of extraction and separation of these elements

from cobalt (and zinc), depending upn conditiorisend orgemic agents ueed,

were found.
Acid solutions and extractions with high molecular wei~t emlnes

have been used to separate iron from cobalt. “Onlynegli@ble ~unts of

Co (as well as Zu, Al, Na, M& Ca, Ni, CUJ Mn, and Cr+3) are extracted

under these conditions.

Jobalt (CO+2) anionic thiocyanate complexes, as well es those of

Fe+3, HO+5, end CU+2, have been shcwn to form salts with triphenylmetbyl-
(106, 10~)
arsonium chloride that are extractable into o-dichlombenzene.

A titure of 35$ emyl alcohol-65$ ether can be used to extract the thio-
cyanate complex of cobalt to separate cobalt from other elements.

Iron, nickel, copper, and zinc also form thiocyanates that are partially

extracted in this system. The extraction of Fe+3 can be prevented by

adding citric acid or reducing the Fe‘3 to Fe . Nickel, copper, and

zinc do mt interfere in the determination of cobalt as the nitroso-R salt

complex since cobalt can be extracted as a thiocyanate from a slightly

(109) iron,
acid solution tith polyethylene glycol and methylene chloride;

nickel> and zinc do not extract. The cobalt thiocyanate complex can also

be extracted with acetyhcetonef”o)

Potratz(’”) haa shown that at least 95$ of the cobalt tetraphenyl-

arsonium chloride fomned in an acid solution can be extracted into chloro-

form. The use of a 505$KSCN

vents their extraction. The

XI solution eliminates the copper intetierence. None of the other metde


The heterocyclic polyamine, 2,2!,2“-terpyridyl,formsa cobalt com-

plex which can readily be extracted into nitrobenzene.‘112) Cu, Fe, and

Ni interfere in this ❑ystem.

b. Chelate Compound systems

Acetylacetone in chloroform does not form an extractable chelate
with either Co orNi+2 in highly acid solutions; however, the Co‘3 chelate
can be easily extracted and this system can be used to separate
cobalt from nickel, Other metah, such es Fe, Mn, V , Zn, d Zr also

extract under these same conditions (PH 6-9).

Cobalt canbe extracted from aqueous solutions with 8-quinolinol (oxine) in

chlorofomn.(116>H7) ~~~~ agents such as cymide (l18,1ig) can retard

(m) that
the extraction of Fe, Cu, %, and Ni. It has also been shown

the u~e of sodium ethylenedtaminetetrsacetate,F~, se a masking agent

in oxine extraction inhibits the extraction of Co (and Al,,Fe‘3, Mn and

Ni) at pH 8 or above. men CdCiUIU ethylenetiaminetetraacetateis used,

it is possible to completely inhibit the extraction of Co (as well as Al

and Mn) at a pH of 6. In an earlier study, it was shown that a

solution containing l% 8-quinolinol in chloroform will extract up to 10

mg of Co from .queous solutions having a hydrogen ion concentration in

excess of pH 3.5. and Ni+4 titerfere in these extraction. Cobalt

wI1l not extract below a pH of 3.5; whereas, Fe, Cu andBi do.

In a thermodynamic study of some coordination complexes of metal

ions with diprotic nitrogen compounds, the fomation constants of

cobalt were determined. The acid dissociation constants of 2-hydroxymethyl-

naphth-[1,2)-hddazole and 2-hydroxymethylnaphth-[2,3]-imid=ole and the

stability constants.of the divalent element chelates of these compounds

have been studied. Tne acid dissociation conetsmts of 4-hydroxyben-

zothiazole and the formation constants of its chelates with Co(II), Mn(II),

CU(II), ZU(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), and Mg(II) have also been studied.@4)

The order of incres.e~ stability of the metal chelates CL> Pb, Iii,CO

> Zn > Cd > Mn > l&is similar ta the stability E!equenCe~nerally obtained

for divalent metals.

Cobalt can be sepsmted from nickel by extracting the nickel dimethyl-

glyoxinkeinto cblorofonn.(100)U5) If the extraction is made in an alkaline

solution, the extraction of cobalt can be ret~ed if the cobalt chelate

i,9formed a, c0(~3)6 +3 .(100) Cobalt (= well as h, Cu, Mn, Ti ~d ~)

wI1l not, but Hi and Fe will, form chloroform extractable ccmplexes with
dimethylglyoxime in the presence of pyridine. S~lar separations of

cobalt from nickel are poaaible if the Ni ccmplexea of cyclohexanedion-

edioxime(m) and furildioxlme -“extracted into either ciiioro-

fonu, o-dichlorobenzene,ethyl ether or ethyl acetate.

Ce+3 in en acid medium will form an exactable complex with a-nitroso-

&naphtiol. (ly’131) ~ e cobalt complex OT u-nitroso-13-naphthol

can be
extracted fran a pho~photic acid-sodium citrate solution with chlorofom.

The red 2-nitroso-l-naphtholcomplex of cobalt c=”be extracted tito either

benzene(133) or Isoamyl acetate.(134) cob~t S&o fo~ C~OI’OfOllU-

extractable complexes with isonltrosoacetophenone(C6H5COCH=NOH).

In this ;ystem, cobalt will &ract from an acid solution but nickel will


Cobalt (as well as Fe,”Cu, Ni, Cr, and other metalE) can be separated

from palladium by extracting the -nitroso-@aphthol palladium complex,

in tinepreseace of EM’A, into benzene or toluene.

Cobalt cupferrate can be extracted from a dilute acetic acid solution

with ethyl acetate or’ether.
Cobalt (and Cu, Pb, H& hid,U and Zn) will not react tith N-benzoyl-

phenylhydmxylemi.neh an acid aolutlon having a PH of 4;[139,139) ~ever,

+5 t6 +6
water Imoluble complexes of Sn, Ti, Zr, V , MO ,mdw are formed

under these condltiona and w-illertract.

The ability of Ni = to form a complex with 3-hydroxyl-1,3-di@e@-

trlasine in the pH range of 4.L7.O suggeste that a sepsxation from cobalt”

impossible. The Ni+2 comPlex ie soluble in benzene and in chloroform.

+6 +2
Cobalt (U uell as NiJ Bi, M, CU, Pd, M, Sn~, u , Fe , Hg, Th,

Pb, Zn, La, Ce , In, Sc and Eu) forms a complex with l-(2-pyTidylazo)-
2-naphtholthat is insoluble in water, However, it is soluble in

both amyl alcohol and carbon tetrachloride.

&mdell(l@) rePrtS that cobalt dithizonateB can be extracted from

solutions at PH 7 to 9 with CC14 or CHC13; nickel extracts OnlY from a

weakly basic solution. For example, irthe analysis of biological samples,

Co has been separated from Fe, Te, Cr, V and other metals that do not form
dithizonates by extracting a baeic solution (PH 8) with chloroform.

Tne organic solution of the dithizionate is quite stable to dilute mineral

L9coste, et”al., rwrt that cobalt reacts with scdium diethyl-
dithiocexbemate and can be extracted with chloroform from solutions hav~
+3 alao etimct tier these conditione-
a pE of 6-8. Ei and Fe

Cobslt xanthate can be etiracted from & ammoniacal solution tith

ether,(1wj147) NI ~Fe ~anthates .greo~tiractabletith chloroform

from a weakly acid to neutral solution.

2-mercaptobenzotbiazoleforms water-insoluble salts of Co (and Bi, Cd,

Cu, Au, Pb, Hg, RI, Tl, and Zn) that are exbractible into alcohol or.ether.(I.&3)
Cobalt forms a chloroform-extrac-ble cmuplex with thiosali.cylldeneethy- ;

lenediimlne Jug) This complex and the T1+l, Br, Cu, Ag, Hg, Pde complexes
are stable in HC1 or anmtonia. The El, In, T.e , Sn+2, Sb+3, Cd, ~, h +3 ~ ‘+29

PtA complexes are stable in HC1 but not In emmbnia. The Zn complex Is unstable
in both HC1 and .anmmnla. The Al, Fe , Fe+3, Mu and Ga complexes do not react

in either system.

The cobalt-phenylthioureacomplex till not efiract from dilute HC1 solu-

tions into either ethyl or amyl >cetat,e.(150)El, cr+6,Fe+T,AU+3,OS*,

pu+3, Rh+3,@ Ir +4 behave in a similar nanner. Pd+2 is quantitatively

extracted while Pt+4 and Cu are & partially extracted.

Co (as well as Ni, Cr, Zn, !s‘3, EnA and Hg) can be separated fromSb

and BI by forming the antipyrine (phenazone) complexes of Sb andBi and extrac-

ting them into chloroform\’5’)

4. SePar ations by Chromatography

.s. With Inorganic AbsorbentO

The Oeparation mechanlms of metal cations from aqueous eolutions upon in-
organic absorbents, such as alumina and claya, have been reviewed by Sacconi,

Zechmei.ter,(153)Smith,(19) and Pollard and McOmle.(155) With regardto the

separation of Co from other metal catlona by use of alumlne coluumm, Schwab,
(152, 157-160) and Tanaka and Shibato(162,
et al.,‘156)Sacconi,

have deOcribed this work. Sacconi(152) has alSO Bhown that the complex ions of

cobalt, the cobaltammineOJ can be separated on alumina. Cobaltoue-~ic acid

and cobaltous-dioxan complexeO and their aeparatlon from other metil cation com-
(163,16J+) ~rmet,a(165)
plexes have also been studied by the uOe of alumina cOhULUB.

reportm that cobaltous-dlthizonecomplexes can be abstibed fr~ C1314 upon

alumina and has proposed a method of separating tbeOe complexeO from other
~ch(166) +2
metil dithizone complexes. h9B BhO’WUthat Co and other ma-l

dithizonates absorbed on an alumina column could be eluted with acetone.

Tanaka, e.tal~’67~\~) a100 used a similar system to detect as little as

0.001 partO per million of Com Patiis(l@) has .Oeprated cobalt a-nitroOo-
p-naphtholates from those of Fe‘3 , Ni+2 and Cu by use of a chloroform SOIU.
tion on alumina. Berkhout aridJorgen also used thiB method to determine

cobalt In ca#c iron, steels and Ni-base alloys; King, et al. ‘lV)haveueedit

to &t&@ne trace cobalt in anhal feeds.

When metal ion solutions containing cobalt are cmnpleiad with ultrosoXt-

0alt(172) and then paOsedthrough analumlna chrorm,tigraphic

ion exchange

column, a separation of cobalt from copper, chromium, nickel and iron iB

effected. The elutfon of the cobalt complex maybe meamred calorimetrically.

This technique haB been applied to metil alloys without prior separation of

any of the components.

The use of Al(OH)3 as an absorbent has been investigated by Fricke and

Schmah .‘173) They bave been able b separate cobalt from Iron and copperby
this method. Flood has studied the glyclne complexes of Cu, Hi and Co

on A1203-inpre~ted paper and found that it was possible to separate cobalt

by v.arylngthe glyclne concentration. Zolota~ia(’75) and Vanyarkho and

Garaulna(176) have .aed Al(OH)3-impregnatedpaper to separate CO+2 from other

metal cationB.

Cobalt has been Beparated from copper by Inorganic chrcm=tographywing

claye, such as kaolinitej bentonite, and montmorillonite,as the abeorbent,
Wnen a column is developed with water, Cu 18 strongly absorbed on the column

while cobalt flows rapidly down the column as a pink band. Silica gel has also
been used as an abaorbent and Milone and Cetini carried out ext.eneive

studies on the Reparation Of CO+2 from the other transition element~ by uee of

this absorbent ~yatem. sen(179Jlm) ~ ueed aebestoa and C8S04 ae nAla for

the separation of Co from other elements. Silica gel impregnated with sodium
+2 (181)
silicate has also been used to separate Co from other elements.
Cobalt and copper dlethyldlthiocarbamatea can be separated from each

other on an activated silica column. After the chrmto~aphic separation, the

dithiocarbamateewere cowerted to the correa~ding complexes and determined


b. With Organic Abaorbent~ (Other than resins and paper)

Powdered 8-hydroxyquinolinehaa been ueed as an inert euppoti for aqueoue

+2 (183)
solutions in the separation of Co from other catione and anions.

Robirwon(1W~185) has &lBo ueed8-hydro~quinoline columns to st.dytbe separa-

tion of cobalt from other cations con~ined in aqueoue solutions of copper alloye

and alloy eteels. Co‘2 elutea as a red-yellow band under these condition and

some lnterferenceflfrom the varioue components that gave yellow-coloredbands

ZU+2, and U02+2) were observed.
(such aaWOL+2, Ag+2, Bi+3, ,M004+2,

Cobalt has been sephrated from mixtures containing Fe+3, CU+2, and lii+2by

ye of columns of 8-hydroxyquinoline,naphthaquinolineand cupferron m~d with

potato starch\’86) Dimethylglyoxime, &imethyl~lpdme-calcimn cexbonate, and

dimetbylglyuxime-m.gneaiumcarbonate columns have been ueed to Beparate nickel

andcohalt(187) In another study, Labruto and d’Alcontres(lM) h8Ve BhOwU

that complex cyanidea can be absorbed upon activated chm?coal. K~O(~02)6,

K4Fe(m)6, and K@3(m)4 are completely absorbed; whereaB, about 99$ of the

K3cu(m)4 and 97$ of the K#d(CN)4 are absorbed. The cobalt complex was eaBily

Bep8r8ted from theBe other cyanide Bpecies by an elutii method.

Since pectin and pectic acid‘1*) disperse or dissolve In water,

they undergo ion exchange in aqueoue .9Yetemeas polyelectrolfiesrather

than 8s Ion exchange material in the accepted sense. DIGeacmm and

Respoli,(190) ueing alcoholic solutione, have shown that pectin columm

could be ueed to separate cobalt loge from cupric iOTIE. Gels, contalni~

such salts as sodium arsenite, borax and sodium silicate, have been used

to ❑e~ate Co from mercury and lead.(191,192) Cobalt (and nickel) as

complex amlnes(193) can be identified and determined by the formation

of colored ring produclm on agar gel. Cobalt forma a yellow-brown ring

with nucleonlc acid while nickel forma a blue ring.

c. With Ion Exchange Resins

Kennedy and Davis(194) ~ve ~ho~ tit the anion exchm.ge resin,

Deacidite H, and ,pr~nic solvents (such a~ acetone and dlm.athylformamide)

can be used to separate mixtures of cobalt, lithiun, and copper (as chlo-

rides) and nickel (as nitrate). The anion adsorption by the basic form of

the tertiary amine resin takes phce tbrougb complex formation with the

resin fundementil .g-oupsand botb the cationic and anionic epecieE are

adeorbed upon the resin in equivalent proportion. When the crosslinking

of Deacidite H ~.egreater than ~, a sharp reduction in the adsorption of

cobalt ckLLorideis”noted. Adsorption of these ~pecle6 IH aleo influenced

by the nature of the solvent; it 1s much ~eater from acetone than from

fiaue and others have studied the behavior of anions on strongly

basic exchangers of the polystyrene-divinylbenzenetype where the adsorption

and elution of the element IH defined in term of molar hydrochloric acid.

With respect to the Reparation of cobalt, the elution constante of CO+2, Ni+2,

Mn+2, CU+2, Fe+2, and Zn+2 were studied using a D6wex-1 colwnn and varioue HC1

concentration. Cobalt haa an adsorption ~ at intermediate hydrochloric

acid co”ncemtrationdand will elute from the column with hydrochloric acid concen-

tration of 4.~or less. Atteberry, et al.(200) used a strong baee anion ex-

changer and HCl of vw@ng concentiationn aB the eluant to completely aeperate

CO+2 frm Hn+2, Fe+2 P ~i+2, CU+2, ZU+2, Cd+2, &+l, and Bb+2.
Blasiue and

Newger(201) have ah&n that Co+2 could be adaorbed upon eiiiberPermutit ES or

Dowex-2 resin at 80°C”end eaally separated from Fe+3, MU+2, Al+3, and Hi+2.

After each of theme apeciea were removed with varfing concentrationsof HCl, the

CO+2 wae removed from the column with water. HickE, et al.(202)~ve .glEosh~
a Bhilsr behavior for Co on Dowex-2 resin and ita separation from mauy other

elements by e“lutim”swith varying concentrationsof HC1. Moore and Ihaue(’m)

used Dowex-1 and 9 M HC1 as the eluant ta separate CO+3 (and Fe+3) from such

elements as Al+3 and CU+3.

“(203) h.eveuaedelutions with~ng

Herber and Irvine concenhtions Of

HRr (no ~eater then 7 M) from a Dowex-1 column to separate radhzctive Co60 in

carrier-free and mcro e.nmuntefrom irradiated Cu, Zn,.Ga, and Xi. The e“lutions

were identical with those for HC1.

Heulron-irradietedbiological ash has been analyzed for radioactive cobalt

by an anion exchange resin system(2@)- andra~~ctive cobalt in envtionment91

materials has beeu separated from radioactive ruthenium, zirconium, niobium,

neptunium, cobalt, iron zinc , a~ontium, rare earths, chromium, and cesiwn by

use of 8$ cross-linkedDowex-2 (200-k03 mesh) resins columnB.(205) In-h

separation, varying concentration of HCl were used as the eluants. smew(@

used short anion exchauge resin (Dowex-2, 20Q-400 mesh) columns coupled in series

and saturated with chloride, citrate, and hydroxide ions to separate radioactive

elements present as impurities in a water cooled nuclear reactor. Molybdenum

and tungsten were quantltitively retained on the chloride form; other elements

pass through to the citrate resin, where iron, cobalt, zinc, and nickel are

adsorbed as complex ions. ManganeBe and chromium pass through and are finally

precipitated on the hydroxide form.

Anion exchange in nitrate solutioks is similar, in many rempects, to that

in chloride solutionB. NeLeon and &aus (207) ~~e ,gh_ -t the non~”deorbable

group in”nitiic acid includeB most of the elements which are non-atiorbable In

hydrochloric acid. However, the nitrate complexes of the divalent transition

elementm, i.e., Co(II), CU(II), and Zn(II)J .are”lessstible than the correspon-

ding chloride complexes.

Cobalt has been separated from solutione of soft magnetic alloyz,(20!3)

. (210,211) b ~~
stainles; steel(m) and other ferrous materiah y use of an anion

exchange resin. After the se~ation, the cobalt was determined by an ELTA

titration. Zeigler and Ritt.ner(212)report that the cobalt(II) cyanate complex

can be adsorbed by the ion exchanger, Dowex-1 (8% croaslinkege). Separation

of cobalt are poesible for cobalt-nickel ratioe of 1 to 50. The cobalt was

determined In the eluate by phot.ametry.

Amberllte IRA-400 resin andHCl as an eluant have been ueed to separate Co

(and Mo and As) ilromTcok---‘213) Dowex-50 columns andlMNaCland3~NaCl

eluanta have been used to separa”tethe ——

cla and trans isomers of dlnltrotetram-

mine cobalt (111).(214)

( 215) ~rm
Cobalt, but not nickel, is Btiongly adeorbed on AKEX-L regin.

greater than 9 M HC1 solutions, and it my be eluted from the resin with water.

Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Sn do not separate from cobalt under these conditions.

Metal catlom can be conveniently separatid into groups by elution

froi an 8$ croaslinked Eowex-50 (100-200mesh) resin column with ethylene-

diauunoniumperchlorate eolution.(216) CO+2 canbe eluted from the column

with a 0.1 ~ solution of tbe eluant.

Cobalt can be sepiratad from cadmium(217) byeluti~ the Cdd~fr~

the mixture adsorbed on an # crossllnked AG-5CM resin column with 0.5 ~

HC1 . Cobalt is re=ined on the resin.

d. With chelating Ion Exchange ReOins

To increaae the selectivity of ion exchange reeim towzmd closely rehted

cations, resins have been prepred which incorpa?ate chelating compounds Inta

the resin structure.‘218) The equilibrl~ adsorptlonof several divalent

cations over the pH range 1 to 10 has been measured for these resins and, for

compsriEOn, for two commerical cation exchangers. The chelating reeins showed

a capacity comparable to that of the commercial resins, and, in general,

superior selectivity for metal ions. For example, the 8-quinolinol resin was

very effective in separating cobalt from copper.

e. With Paper and Similar Materials

~o+2 ~~ been ~ewrated f~m otier inorganic iOnE by use of -Per cbat-

ographic techniques and such BolventB as inter(“219)

, buhnol-HC~\=O) e&er-

mineral acids,(=l) alcoholic KEN,(222) tetrahydrofuran-HCl,(223)butanol-

~1, (224,225) and nicotine.(226) Some of the reagenta that have been used to

detect cobalt in the preeence of other cations on a paper chromatogram include

H2sJ(227) organic chektlng compounds,(224,228) quercetln,(2=) phenylthiosemi.

carbazide(230) and benzidlne.(231) DaYli@t and ultraviolet light have been

used to observe these reactions.(=4,232) ~ coholic solutions of dimethylglyoxime

have also been used as a reagent in psper chronmtogcaphyb determine’cobaltoue

io~ .(233)

PoU-erd, et al.(’~) have Btudied the behavior of CO+2 and other

cations on paper chromatogramsby u~e of complex-formingmixtures (such

as acetylacetone, pyridine, and acetoacetlc ester), butanol-SHO butanol-

acetic acid, and water ae solvents. Lederer ‘235) and DeC~alho(2fi)

have studied the separation of many of the cations, including Cow, using

alcohol-HCl mixtures as solvents. Walker and Lederer‘237) have studied

cationic separations of cobalt with binary alcohols mixtures and HC1 as

(239) a~cOh&~03 (24o) ~wes
solvents. Ketone-HCl,(238) butanol-HBr,

and other organic liquids(239) have also been ueedas solvents in similar


Le&rer and Lederer(ml) report that a mixt~e of methyl n-propylketone-

acetone and HCl can be used as a solvent ‘w separate cobalt from iron, nickel,

and manganese on a paper chrmmtogram. Shibota and U~a(242) used a.etone-

HC1 as a solvent for the same separation. Similar studies have been made by

Afian,(243)firan and~~s (2U) and~emi.(245) In all iUS_knCeSJ

rubeanic acid was used as tie reagent for detecting the cobelt on the chroma-

topam .
Several ketonic solvent mixtures (such as acetane-water-HCl)have been

used for the separation of cobalt from nickel, iuanganeae,copper, iron,

titanium, vanadium and uranium.(246) co~lt (as well as Fe+3and Hi+2) has

‘247) from nickel,(248)

been separated from alumlnumi, from copper;(249) and
from iron, titanium, alumlntuo,vanadium and hlckel by ~per chromato-

graphy. Lacourt(251) also has reviewed the general applications of~per

chron!ato~aphy to the separation of cobalt from other metilB and its subse-

quent determinationby other anal~is techniques.

Paper chrog!atography
has also been used to seprate and identify radio-

active Co60 (5.27 y) in an Fe59 (45 d) solution.(252) C060 as a carrier-free

tracer Mas been seprated fram an Irradiated manganese target by use of

paper chromatography and .acetone-HClas the solvent.(2~3)

Eurstdl, et .s1.(2%) have used cellul~se chromat.agraphic


composed Of wood pulp, cottcm lintirs, or filter paper to sepralie and

determine cobalt, nickel and copper In steel. Methylpropylketone,and

methylpropylketone - e.cetone-water-HClmixtures were used as solvents. A

(255) t.oq~nti.
cellulose column has also been used by Ander60n and Led.erer

tatively separate Co (andNi, Cu audFe) from thallium. Butanol-1 N HC1

w3a used as the solvent.

Filter paper columns impregnated with 8-hydroqn@noline also have

been used ta separate cobalt frcanother metals. Dioxan, pyrldiue,

chloroform, acetone, methanol, pro~nol, and but.anolwere used afithe sol-

ventw in this work.

Cobalt (as well as copper and nickel) edne and ethylenedtiine Cm-

plexes(257) canbe separa~d from each other by paper chr~to~p~(258) by elu-

ting with solvents composed of ndxturea of ether, methanol, water and con-

centrated hydrochloric acid. A good separation of copper frnm cobalt and

nickel was achieved. The behavior of sti Co(III) ccmplexes wm also

studied using but+mol-HCl, butanol-emnnoniaj

butanol+cetic hcid, acetone,

HC1 and water as solvents for the paper chrometographicseparation. Cobalt

complex behavior on paper cbromotographiccolumns has alao been investigated

using IH2C1 SOIUtiOUS at varying concentration. (260).

Weih.ran(261)remrts on the use of paper Ctiwtwrapw to sepate

nickel from cobalt. A Eharp separation was obtalnedby using n-tributylphos-

phate in hydrochloric acid-methanol (in the ratio of 2:1) as the solvent.

Singhand Dey(262) have investigated the separation of Co(II) from

Cd(II), CU(II) and Ni(II) by use of paper strip chrmmtography and using

aqueous ethamol as the solvent. NO satlBfactary separation of NI(II) and

Cd(II) from Co(II) was possible due t,e’thespreading and overlapping of.


Frierson, et al, (263) wed a two solvent system composed of butyl

alcohol in concentmted HCl and 3-met@l-2-butanone in acetuna andHCl ta

ae~ate cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc Iormby paper chr~tography.

Berg and Strasser(2~) used cyclohex?ane

, methanol and diomn aa sol-

vents to sepxrate cobalt(III)J copper(II) and nickel(II) acetyl,acetone

chelates by paper cbromatogi-aphy.

Ma@ndar and Shgh(2m rewrt on the uee Of a electro-chromatqraphic

technique for the aqaratlon of cobalt, zinc, manganese, and nickel h the
pre~ence of,a number of electrolytes. Separation,sequences of Mn-Co-Ni, Ni-

Co-Mn, ZnXo-Mn, and MnXo-Zn were observed. In this work, a quarternary

separation uelng potassium cyanide Bolutlon at a PE of 6.o gave the sequence,

Wi-zn-co-lin . A slight spreading of the zinc band into that of the cobalt

occurred for these conditions.


Most materials containing radioactive cobalt iaotopea can be disBolved

In a manner sl.milarta that umed for non-active sample materials containing

cobalt. EMllebrand, et al. repOrt that cobalt minerals and ores, metals

and alloys, etc., can be broken up and/or ditaOolvedby a prellmimary attack

with hydrochloric acid, followedby the ad.dltionOf nitric acid. Any insolu-

ble residue resulting frti thh processing can be fused with potaBahm pyro-

mlfate and Bodium carbo~te. Scaneorei, such ae those containing silver, can

be beBt attacked by the uee of nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures. In erkreme

cases, fuHion with sodlur”peroxlde can be employed. Biological materials are

beBt dlasolved by wet-aahlng, i.e., tige0th3n with H$O4-HC1O4-HNO3 miXtieB

while being heated.(*67) Gor~uch(2@) .gI~oreport. on wet or dryotidatlon

techniques for determining cobalt and other trace element6 In organic and

biological materialB.

Any onk of these methoti of sample diaBolutlon can be adapted for uee in

the radlochem.iatryof the cobalt radionucli&e. However, it iB considered

mOBt practical to kdd the inactive Cobalt carrier (if an iBotopic camier

method iB being followed) to the mkcture before dlsaolutionbegi~. ThiB

Bhould aaslat In achievi~an exchange of the cobalt carrier with the deEired

cobalt radlonucllde.

., .’

NO matter what method 16 used ta decompcme a sample, adequate safety

precaution Bhould be followed. The toxicolo~ of mcmt elemental compounde

have been reported by Pleters and Crey@ton (269) and it should be consulted

for information on handling cobalt-containingmateriels safely’.

Safety practiceE in handling radiwctive mample materials are alwayd

important in radiochemiEtry. The discharge of radioectivityby explosion,

evolution, spilli~, etc., into a laboratory area can be hazardous and can

result in wlde6pread contamination. Thus, some source of Infomrsstionon safe-

handling prticticeBin processing radioactive sampleB Bhould be consulted before

a radiochemical analy8iB for the cobalt radldnuclides is undertaken. One atich

source is that which is given in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Master
Analytical Manual. Many other shilar sources of Information exist and

should be consulted.


The analysis of sample materials containing the”cobalt radionuclides

=Y be completed either by a direct (nondestructive)umaeu—emant of the

radioactivity of the pa@ticflar cobalt redionuclide in the radioactive

s-k or by obm~ the radionuclide in acme suitable fom fonowing

a radlochemical processing of the radioactive swnple”. The use of either

technique is dependent upon the cobalt xadionuclide being measured and

“the sample ~terial being analyzed. The radionucl.idelshalf-ldfe, the type

of radiations it emits se it decays, end the energy of its radiations,

as well as the redioactitity induced into the other elements in the asunple

matrix, must be considered in”selecting the method to be followed.

Table I of this monogzaph shows the nuclear chkracteristic~of each

of the hewn radioactive isotopes Of cobalt. The chief”radionuc~des of

cobalt usually encountered by the radioch”kmid are Ca* (10.5 m), Cofi

(72 d), mdCo6 (5.27 Y). These Isotmpes are produced as a result either””

of a nuclear particle reaction on the stable isotopeof cobalt ((%59) or “

on the stable isotopes of other elements. The ~oactitity of any of

these cobalt rkdionuclides can be analyzed end meaaumd by standard Oelger-

Mueller, gamma scintillation and propmtional counting technique.

The nondestructive analysis technique has been used most freqtintly

in determining the cobalt radionuclides in neutron-irradiatedmatetials

ueually being analyzed by a radioactivation analyaie method.(2’75,276)

For example, Ekhmken(m) has re~rted on the use of a nondestructive

gamma epectrom?t.rymsthod to detect smd dete-e the Com (5.27Y) -o-

59 content) in neutrau-irradiated
activity (aud subsequently the stable C!a
biological materials. Bate and Leddicotte have used a nondestructive

_ sPect===ter ~th~ emPIo@u the cwlement-subtaction technique

to detemnine cobalt (as Co@J 5.27 y) and nickel (ea Co58, 72 d) ti”euch

materials es .901113;
vegetitim, water, and =tda and alloye. Halmmn(279)

hea also measured the Co63 content (end hence the Co59 content) of stain-

lese steel by a.neutron radloactivationmethcd ifivolvingnondestructive

gemma spectrometry. In enother gansnaspedxmmeter methcd, Leddicotte and

have detemnined the cobalt content of Inconel by a nondestructive
me=mment of the CO radioactivity. In this same investigation, it

was also poa6ible to meeaure the Co m (72,d) radioactivity produced as the

result of thg n,p reaction u~n Ni59 with good precision and accuracy in

order to determine the neutron flux of the reactor facility used for the

irradiation. In similar neutron flux me~mrementa,the Co& end Co% induced

in neutron threshold detectors have also been measured by a nondestructive


Rrery@) has detemnined the cobalt content h alloye md animal

tlsaue by a nondestructive gawms-spectromet.er

measurement of the Coti

(10.5m) radionuclide. Westermark and Fineman(283) have also used a similar

technique to determine the Co59 content of stainleaa steel.

The tiiochemical separation methods reported in Section VII of this

monograph have mod frequently been concerned with the aeeay of &clioactive
co . Hovever, it should be noted that Kaiser and Meinke (284) have used

the Coti ~onuc~de following a rapid rediochemical se~tion to deter-

mine cobalt in animal tissues. ILkewise, hfulltis,et al.,(284) have meaeured

the radioactivity of Co 58 in order to detenuine atible nickel in a variety

of sample materials by a neutron radioactivationanalysts m?thod involving

radiochemical ae~tione eindlar to those deecfibed by Ieddicotte(%,287)

and reported as Procedures 17 and 18 in Section KU.


The detailed biochemical procedures presented in this section haye

wolved from each inve~tigator~s choice of ideae and tecbniquea shilar

to those expressed in Section III of this nnmograph. CartLzr.free and

carrier methods - considered @ in this presentation. Hovever, the

co tracer-i80tope dilution techniques, repxted by such investigators
(87-89) (287)
as Salyer and Sweet and Eriitavi, et ~., cohd be considered

by other investigators in their work ulth the cobalt redionuclides.

Only a few applications of carrier-f~e sepratlons for the cobalt

radionuclides have been noted in the literature.(252i253,2@,305) ~i=d

of these procedures m those presented herein 8s Procedures 19 and 22.

However, it should be possible to use any of the Ide= ti techniques

from the solvent extraction or chrmnatography investigations cited in this

monograph to serve as a means of obtaining carrier-free cobalt radionuclides.

Mat of the carrier ”radiochemicalprocedures have been originated

either for use in the prepexation of radioactive cob~t tracers(204,289)

(see Procedures 1-10), the separation of Co@ from fission products(@’~5~289)

(see Procedures 11-13)., or in the use of radioactintion analyeis.(275’a6)

h particular, in mdloactivation analysis, —

carrier radiochemicalmethods
have been used in analyses concerned vlth the determination of microgram
and submicmgram amounts of cobalt in biological materials,

metals end cloys, (@,296,299-305) meteorites\ W6-~)rocksandmin-

erti, (307, 309, 310) and marine sediments.‘W7’311) Procedures 14t024

- tYPicSl Of the separation methcds uned in these hvestigations.

Similar procedures have been used by Hall, Tobiea,et al., (-)

Wnson~a3)Dale\ak) Koch, et al.,’35) Albert, et al.}W) Riezler,’31)

Talbot, et and Cornsnd and .1111s(304) in their use of radio-

activation -is-to det=ndne trace cobalt ti such sample matetials

and alloys. Procedures 15 and 16 described herein

se tissues end lml!tals
are uuique in that they use radioactive Co carriers. The reports by

Westennark aud l?tieman(w3) and by Kdserand Meinke(2U) should be con-

suited for additional information on this application.

In each of the radlochemical procedures that followj epecial informa-

tion regarding the procedure~e use, the type of nuclear bombardment, the

type of material analyzed, reparation time, etc., appeare ae part of each

procedm . Whenever poaatble, an evaluation of each procedm Is made with

regard to ltB uaefuJness In the decontamhation of other radioactive species

from the tiloactive cobalt isotopes.

FmmmJRE 1

Procedure Used In: Preparation of radioactive cobalt tracers

Method: Ion exchange

Element Sepe.mted: com (5.27Y)

Type ofldaterial Analyzed: Neuixon lrra~ted targeta and cobalt tar eta
for cyclotrongroductlon of radlolron(2@ 7

Type of Nuclear Bcmbardment~ Neu@on and deuteron

Procedure By: Helwf.g,etal(2@) (Adapted frmatudl sbyfiaua

and othera?7
195-199 )

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Quantitative

Time Of Se~nti&: Short

Degree of Purlflcat”ion: Excellent fram Fe59

Equipment Required: Ion exchange columne


1. TO a solution of the &rget mterial, add cobalt and/or iron carrier.

Evaporate b dryrieas. Diaaolve residue in 5 M HC1 and transfer the solution

to the resin column (lTote1).

2. Elute the cobalt from the realn column with a 20.ml volume of 5 MHC1.

Collect the effluent in a suitable container (Note “2):

3. Evaporate the cobalt effluent b a small volume and mount for counting

(Note 3).


1. D6wex-1, 200.400 mesh, resin packed in a pyrex glaaa colunn, having a

cross aectlon of 1.13 cn? and a bed 13 cm long. COlumn conditioned tith ~ ~~1.

PROCEDURE 1 (Continued)

2. Further elution of the column with a volume of 0.5 ~ECl removed Fe59.

3. The Coti gmm radioactivity -S deterkdned by counting liquid eampleB

in 1 dram vials with a sodium iodide cryatel counter.


Procedure U~ed In: Preparation of radioactive cobalt tracers

Method: Solvent extraction and precipitation

Type ofblaterial Bombarded: Nickel (as separated isotopes)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: a. 37” cyclotron (protons)

b. 60” cyclotron (protons and deuterons)

Procedure by: Lilly (Reported by Meinke(280))

Separation The: 10 minutes

Chemical Yield of Carrier: ‘ 90%

Decontamination: Factor of 5

Equipment Required: Standard


1. Dissolve El foil, weighing 3-5 reg., in a 10 ml beaker containing

0,5nm of hot 6~E405. Take to dryness on a preheated hot plate.

2. Add 34 drope of hot cone. EC1 and take to dryness. Regeat.

3. Add 2 mg Co ae the chloride eol’n and warm elightly. Transfer t.a

a 50 ml ee~atory funnel and dilute to 10 ~ tith E20.

4. Add 5 gms of eolia KS4scN and ehake until all of the cryetele are

dieeolved. Extract Co from this eol’n by shaking with an equal

volume of ethyl ether-e.mylalcohol (1:1).

5. Draw off the ~0 layer fFom thie extraction and discard it.

6. Add 10 ml of 6 ~EH40H to the organic layer in the eepratory funnel

to destroy the complex and reextract the Co.

i’. Draw off the anmmniacal layer into a small beaker, heat to boiling,

and ppt C& by adding KE4HS aol’n. ITepere thie ppt for counting ,

ae deeired.


Procedure Used In: preparation of radioactive cobalt tracers

Method: Precipitation

Type of Material Bombarded: Copper or Hickel

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: lE!-4m

cyclotron (neutrons, deuterons)

Procedure by: Lilly (Reported by Meinke(am))

Sepatlon T-: h hours

Chemical Yield of Carrier: - 9@

Decontamination: 102

Equipment Required: Standard


A. Cobalt from CU(10 gum) + neutmone - 184”

1. DiBsolve Cu tirget In 50-100 ml of hot 6 ~ECl containing 9 ml.

of 3@ E202. Boll off exceBa~02 andadd25-50 mgCoand5mg

Ni an the chloride sol’ne. Dilute the eample to -1 liter and

add NH40H until the sol!n Is neutral or very slightly acidic.

B. Cobalt fromRl (l-2 pa) + deuterons - lEW”

1. Dissolve NI target in the least po6Bible vohnne of cone. HR03 .

Convert nitrates to chlorlden by adding succeBaive portions of

cone. HC1 and taking to a low volume. Add 25-70 mg co and75mg

Cu as tie ciloride soltns. Dilute the mmple to - 500 ml and

add lTH40Huntil the sol’n is neutral or very slightly acidic.

In each of the abwe” cases, continue aa follows:

2. Add cone. “@.H903 ml’n., 1 md at a time, until all of the Cu 10

reduced (aB shown by the lack of any localized blue color when a

few drop’sof cone. NH40H are added)”. Add solid RH4SCI.dissolved

in a snail Aunt of ~0 until ppt’n ia complete.

(3) Coagulate the CuSCN ppt by heating and filter it through a

double thickness of 42 Whatman paper in a large glass funnel.

Discard the ppt.

(4) Pall the filtrate ta expel S02 end then add 3 ml of cone.

HC1 per 100 ml of volume,

(5) Add a freshly prepared hot soltn of alpha-nitroso-beta-

PROCEOUFW 3 (Continued)

naphthol, made by disfiolving10 gum of the salt in 100 ml.

of 5& acetic acid, ea long 8s a ppt is produced.

(6) Filter the ppt through retentive paper. W-h it well titb

warm 6 ~ HC1, and then with warm H20 until free from acid.

Ignite the ppt until all of the paper is burned off.

(7) Dlesolve the COO in HC1 md mid 100 mg Cu end 25 mg Ni as

the chlaride sol!ns. Adjust the acidity 8s in step (1)

and repeat steps (2) through (6) above.

(8) Convert this COO to CoC~ by treating it with anhydroue

C& at 650°c for ~ minutes.

(If desired, part of the COO in step (7) maybe dissolved in

HC1 and the cobalt fraction purified still further by adding Cm

and Ni hold-back carriers and repeating .theprocedure.)


lhe above procedure was desi~ed for preparing a sample for analysis

in tie calutron. In case a small spectrograph is ta be used, the amount

and final form of the Co may need changing.

PRccmwm 4

Procedure UBed In: Preparation of radioactive cobalt tracers

Method: .PreclpitatiOn

Type oftiterlal Bmubarded: Copper

me of Nucle- Bombardment: 60” cyclotron (37 Mev alphas, 9.5Mev

protine, 19 M?v deuterons)
1~” cyclotron (~ Mev alphas, 348 Mev
protane, 19kMev deuterone)

Procedure by: Batzel (Reported by Melnke(288)~

Se~tlon Time: 40 minutes

Chemical Yield of Carrier: 30.4@

Decontamination: - 10

Equipment Required: Standard

PRoCEmm 4 ( continued)


1. Dleoolve copper in Inininnnu

Zaount of c-oncentiated
ti.dryness” erwltilmtodewhwy EW03. Add5mgofco camier

and 1-2 mg of Iibe.

nei&nboring 61~tz tQ s’erveas holdback.

2. Renmve copper m m~lde frm a 1 ~ ECl solution. Haah the

precipitate with 1 ~ El sa-ted with H#.

3. Boil eqernati h remve H# and neu&alize vlth KCEl. Make 2-3 m

in acetic acid. Saturate about ~ cc of water with K202 and add

O.3 cc of acetic acid. Heat and add to the hot ~olutlon of cobalt.

4. Allow to settle.for ~ minutes in a eteambath. Cool,and centrifuge.

Wauh with a X ~2 solution acidifiedwith aceticacid.

5.’ Dissolve the ppt in concentzetedHCl; add 1 mg each of hold-

back ~iers and reprecipltite.

6. ~eigbt am the poteemitmcobaltlnltrlte.


Type of Material Mmbmaed: Uranium metal foil

Type of hCti~ Bombardment: M4° cydotmn (full”ener~ pm-titles;

blgh enerw fission)

Sepzratlon ‘JYme
: 2.5 hairs

Chmical Yield of Carrier: -5*

Decontmninatian: F’roQldtoloe

E@l~t Reqplred: S~&


(1) Urani~ target is dissolved in cone. HC1 (plus a zmalJ rent.

cone. HN~ ta clear up we sol%) o,r in cone. HNO= (❑hmld

be XON) . Use --l/k (or more) of target sol ‘n for ~quot.

Add 10-20- Co carrier cad make basic with ~.

PROCEOURE 5 (Continued).

(2) Centrifuge and waeh ppt twice with satld aqueous NH=. Com-

bine supernatent and waahings.

(3) Scavenge twice with Fe(OH)=, twice wltb BaC!03& SrCO= (add

sat‘d N~CO= and check pH to be sure solIn is basic enough,


(4) Make 0.7 - 0.8 ~ in HC1. Scavenge with CUS, CdS, Re2~

(for Tc) H@, PdS= (l-2 mg of carriers).

(5) Make b=ic Nith NH= =d ppt COS with H@. Wash t.arame all

w+. to --lt~
Dissolve in 1 cc cone. HN03. ,Llllute HNQ3

and scavenge with 1-2 mg AgCl twice.

(6) Make basic with KOH ta ppt Co(OH)= (upon heating goes to

CO(OH)3). Centr. and wash. Dissolve ppt in 3 cc 2-3 ~ Hat.

Add 2 mg Ni holdback and heat.


(7) Add 3-4 cc 6 ~ HAc sat!d with KN& hot (Caution! Beware of.

foaming over): Mgest 10 min hot. Chill in ice bath to retard

bubbles and centrifuge ~Co(N02)a,l 1/2 H20 (yellow).

(8) Wash, and ~ssolve in cone. HC1 (with heating - green eolln

is obtiined).

(9) Repeat steps (~) through (8). Then repeat (6) tid (7).

( 10) Wash twice with *O, EtOH, EtzO. Filter, dry at JIOO C for

5 min. Weigh as K3Co(N02)e-Hz0.


(1) In step (6), the Co(OH)z ppt becomes ~ey-bro~m on heating

In the water bath. This does not interfere with the procedure.

(2) For additional informatloq see Scott, “Standard Methods of

Chemical Analysis,” D. Van Noatrsmi Co., Inc., New York, El.

5 VO1. I, pp 3.425-14.

pmmmwm 6

Rocedure Used In: Preparation of radioactive cobalt tracere

Method: Preclpltatlon and molvent extraction

Type of Material Bombarded: Copper or Nickel

Type of Nuclear Bombar&mnt: a. 60” cyclotron (neutmn.e)

b. 184” cyclotron (dauterone)

Procedure By: Lilly (Reported by Meinke(2M))

Se~ation Time: 1 hour

Chemical Yield of Carrier: -9ti

Decontamination; 102

Equipnent Required: Standard


A. Cobalt from Iii(aeparated i.aotopes)+ p,d,n - 60”

1. Diaeolve Hi foil, weighing 3-5 reg., in a few drops of cone. EU05 and

boil off BlT05with successive portions of HC1. Add2mgCo, 2mgFeand5mg

Cu as the chloride sol’ne.

2. Dilute to 50ml with H@ anlheat to boiling. Ppt F&(OH)J by adding

RE40H in excess and coagulate the ppt well by heating. Filter the Ye(OH)3 ppt

through ??o.42 Wha-n @per in a glass funnel and wash with a mall sm.ountof

1$ NE4C1 sol’n. Make the filtrate slightly acidic with HC1. Add COUC. ~4~03

aol’n dropwiBe until all of the Cu is reduced (aa ahoun by the lack of any

localized blue color when a few drops of cone. RH~OH are added). Add solid

HH4SCN dissolved in a small amount of ~0 until ppt’n is complete.

3. Coagulate the CuSCN ppt by heating and filter it through a double

thickne~~ of No. 42 Whalman paper in a glare funnel. Discard the ppt. Boil.
the filtrate to a volume of 10 ml to expel S02 and tranEfer to a 50 ~ sewatov


B. Cobalt from Cu (5 0.100 mg) +d-lE!4”

1. Dissolve Cu target in cone. HC1 con-ining a few drops of cone EN03.

Boil off the excess ENOZ. Add 2 mg Co, 2 mg Fe, and.2 mg RI as the chloride


2. Dilute to 50 ml with H20 and heat to boiling. Ppt Fe(OH)3 by adding

NH40E in excem and c~hte the ppt well by heating. Filter the Fe(OH)3 ppt

PROCEDURE 6 (Continued)

through NO. 42 whatzmn paper in a glass funnel and wash with a mall amount

of l? NH4C1 sol[n. Make the filtrate slightly acidic wltb HC1. Add cone.

NH4ES03 solin dropwlse until all of the Cu IE reduced (8E Bhown by the lack of

any localized blue color when a few drops of cone. NH40H are added). Add solid

NH4SCH diBBolved in a mall amount Of E+ until ppt’n is complete.

3. Caagulate the CtiCN ppt by heating and filter it through a double

thickness of No. 42 Whatman paper in a glass funnel. Diecard the ppt. Boll

the”filtrate to a volwne of 10 ml to expel 602 and transfer to a 50 ~

❑eparatory funnel.

c. Cobalt fromCu (0.1-0.5 pa) +n- 184”

1. DiBBol~e CU target in 10 nilof”hot 6 ~BN03 in a small beaker and

boil off ~03 with successive portione of HC1. Add 2 mg CO and 2 mg Ni aa

the chloride aol’ne.

2. AddE20 andHCl so as to give a volume of 25-30 ml with 0.3 ~-O.5 ~

EC1 . Heat to boiling and paEs in H2S to ppt CUS. C~@te tha PPt by heati~

and filter it through a mall fine eintered glass filter. WaBh the ppt with a“

small amount of H20 and di~card it.

3. Boil the filtrate to a volume of - 10 ml and then tranefer it to a

50 ml.Eepsratory funnel.

In all three of the above cases continue as followe:

4. Add 5 W@ Of’BOlid RH4StTNand shake until all of the cryatd? are

diBsolved. Extract Co frum this sol’n by shaking with an equal volume Of

ethyl ether-amyl alcohol (1:1).

5. Draw off the H20 layer from this extraction and discard it.

6. Add10 ml of 6N_~40E to the organic layer in the separator

funnel to destroy the complex and reextract the Co.

7. Draw off this emnoniacal layer into another 50 ml 8epaxatory funnel

and make it slightly acidic with HC1. Add 2 ragWI aB the chloride aolln and

repeat the extraction as in step (4) above.

8. Draw off the ~0 layer and discard it. heat the organic layer with

~k~ as described in step (6) above.

PROCEDURE 6 (Continued)

9. Draw off the aranoniacallayer into .850 ml beaker”,boil to a volue

of 5 ml, and ppt C09 by adding NE4HB sol~n. Prepare this ppt for counting as



Procedure Used In: Re~ation of radioactive cobalt tracers

Method: Precipitation and solvent etiraction

Type of ~terialEembar&d: Arsenic

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: 190Mev deuterona

Procedure By: Eopkina (Reported by Meinke(p~))

Separation Time: 1 hour

Chemical Yield of Carrier: -70$

Decon~nation: . 1$.

Equipment Required: Standard


1. DisBolve Am in mdnimum HN03 + E#32, add 2 mg Se and Ge carrier, 5mg Co.

2. Make alkaline with NHhOH, paes in H# rapidly for 1 minute only.

Centrifuge _diately.

3. DiaBolve in minhmm cone. HCl, add 1 mg Cu, ppt CUS from hot 1 lTHC1.

4. Add okher carriere, evaporate ta small volume, make 6~HCI, extract

4 thes with equal volume ethyl ether.

5. Evaporate to near dryness, add ~0 to 2 ml volme, and an equal volume

of solid KSCN. Extract 4 times with 2 ml amyl alcohol.

6. Iktract outof amyl alcohol with hml lN_KOE.

7. Dissolve in HC1 and reppt hydrotide with KOH.

8. Dissolve in minimum acetic acid, dilute to k ml, saturate with Kcl,

and add ~02 until pptn of K5CO(H02)6 iO c~plete.

PROcmwm 8

Procedtie Used Iu: Reparation of ’radioactivecobalt tracers

Method: Electro&position

Type of”l!aterial.
Bombarded: Copper

Type of Hucleer 2Qmbardment: 60W cyclotron (19Mev deuterons)

18h” cyclotron (194 Mev deuterons)
Procedure by: Btewt .and80ftky (Reported by Meinke

SeyationTime: 4-6 hours

Chemical Yield of Carrier: go-lool

Decontamination: 1$

Equipment Required: Stiinle~s steel Etrip electrodeta,electrolyeia cell,

platinum dlscE, and Etirrere, 2 ampere d.c. rectifier


1. DiBsolve Cu foil in minimum dilute HN03. Ada 1 mg. CO, Hi, and

Mu c-iers”as nitratee, and 2 dropm cone. E2S04. Dilute to about 20 nii

with dlatilled water.

2. Electrodepoeit copper on e-inless steel strip cathode set into

beaker in which the foil waB digaolved, u~ing a rotiting Pt spiral anode at

2-3 volts, 1-2 amperes.

3. When solution Is water white, remove the electrodes, add 1 ml cone.

H#04 and evaporate to S03 ties to remove HN05,

4. Dilute.to 35-50 ml and saturate ultb H@ to precipitate residual Cu.

Filter. Boil filtrate to expel E.#, ada 2 mg Cu carrier as chloride and repeat.

5. Boil filtrate 5 mlnutee to exPel H#~ -ke Bdution sl@htly ann.uonical,

then aaa”l-2 ml l% dlmethylglyotie In ethanol to ppt NW. Filter. Waah ppt.

with hot water.

6. Acicufyfiltrate With HK03 and evaporate tonS03 fumen to aeetiOy

alcohol. Add p fe??dropB Of cone. HC1 and again take to S03 fumm to insure

removal of N03-. ~

7. Tranafer solution to a 30 ml tower electrolysis cell fitted with a

1“ Pt disc cathode, make strongly ammonical, and electrolyte at 1-2 amperes

for about ~ minutes, ualng a slowly rotating I?,anode. Cobalt deposits as

a smooth adherent plate on the cathode. MU02 deposits at the same time on

the anode.

PROCEDURE 8 (Cbntinued)

8. When Co ie completely deposited, replace the electrolfle with flB-

tilled water while the current is still on. Remove the anode quickly to

prevent sol~n of the M?132,pour off the water, and rinBe the cobalt plate with



(In step (5) if solution is too atronglyammonical atthi~ pint, NIDMG

will be Incompletely precipitated.)

(Instep (7) NHhOH Bhould be added periodically during the electrodeposition.

Current’should be kept lower than 2 ampere@ to give a smooth adherent plate.)


Procedure Used In: Preparation of rmiloactive cobalt.tracere

Method: Precipitation

Type of Material Bombarded: Copper foil

Type ofliuclear Bombardment: a. 60” cyclotron (deuterons)

b. l@L” cyclotron (deuterone)

Procedure By: Stewart-Softky (Reported by Meinke(288))

Separation Time: 1 hour

Yield of Carrier: -“w

Decontamination: 106“

Equipment Required: Standard


1. Diaaolve copper in minimum dilute HCl + a few dropn of tiH.#2.

Boil off peroxide. Add 2 mg Fe and CO carriera 88 chloride.

2. Recipitate Fe(OH)3 with excess liH40H. Filter and wash with

NH40H .(dihte).

3: Acid$fy fiitrate to about 0.1 ~HCl, add a few drops of RH@s03

to reduce Cu‘2 to Cu+ (decolonized solution) and warm to near boiling. Add

MH@Cli cryetala until no further precipitation of CUSCN ~ke6 place. Let

PROCEDURE 9 (Continued)

settle for 15 mlnutem. Filter through No. h2,filter paper. Wash precipitate

with a 1* solution of NH4SCH.

4. Add Bufflcient cone. HCl to filtrate’to make about 1 H acid and heat

to near boili~. Add 5-10 ml of a fre~hly prepared solution of a-nitroao.

p-naphthol reagent. (10 ga-nitroso-p-naphthol in100m1 50$ acetic acid.)

Let stand 30 minutes ta inmre complete precipitation of cobalt.


Procedure lJ~edIn: Preparation of radioactive cobalt tracerB

Method: Solvent extraction and precipitation

Type ofllaterial I!ambardeti Copper foil

Type of Euclear Borberdment: a. 60n cyclotron (deutirone)

b. 1E!4”cyclotron (deuterona)
Rocedure By: 8tewart-SoftQ (Reported by Meh.ke

Separation Time: 1 hour

Chemical Yield of Carrier: ao-1oo’1

Decontiination: 19

Equipnent Required: Standard


1. DieBolve copper foil in 6~Hcl an~a few ~OPB Of 3@E@2.

Boll off the peroxide. Add 2 mg Fe, Zn, and Co carrier ae chlorideB.

2. Precipitate Fe(OH)3 mith exceBs NH40H, centrifuge and POW off

supernatant. DiBsolve precipitate in HC1 and repeat. Add 2nd aupernatant

to the original.

3. Make Bolution about 0.1 ~wlth HC1. Add a few tiopB of KE4HS03 to
reduce Cu toCu+l (Bhownby decokrizedo rp aleyellow solution). Warmto

near boiling. Add EH4SCN cryetalB until no further precipitation of CUSCN

takes place. Let Bettle for 15 mlnuteB. Filter through Whatman Ho. W? filter

Wper arectly into a separator funnel. WaBh precipitate with a 1$ Bolution

of NH4SCN containing a little NR~HS03.

PROCEDURE 10 (Continued)

k. Add 5 g HH@Cn to the solution in the se~atory funnel and extract

wlthal:lamYl alcohol-dlethylether solution. Add2ml cone,

HC1 and 1 g NH4SCR and repeat extraction until solvent lay= IS colorless (2-3

efiractlons ~e usually sufficient). Re-extract cobalt from the combined

solvent layers with 6 ~NH40H.

5. Make solution acid (PH 2-3) with HCl and add an additional 1 mg

of Zn as ZnC12. Saturate with IL# to precipitate ZUS, centrifuge and decBnt

supernatant Into another cone. Make slightly ammoniacal and warm to cmgu-

late CoS precipl=te.


It was found that Zn extracted ~tially from the saturated thlocyanate

aolutlop with the alcohol-ethermixture.

PROcEoum 11

Procedure Used In: Sepexation of’cobalt radioactivlty”frcmradioactive

corrosion products (mixed with fused salts of uranium)

Method: Precipititlon

Radlonucllde Se-ted: co@” (5.27.y)

Types of Mater5ala Eambarded: Inconel and fueed salts(62)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Neutron

Procedure By: Smith, R. R,, et al(62)

Sepmatlon The: Short

Chemical Yield of Carrier: “ 70%

Decontamination: Good from iron, chromium, and fiBBiOIlprOdUCtE

Equipment Required: Standard


1. Add 2 ml etindardlzed Co carrier (2.N mg/ml) ta fueed salt 6olution

(Note 1). ‘AU lqHkOHuntil Al(OH)3 precipitates. Centrifuge; transfer sup-er-

nate to new centrifuge tube.

PROCEOURE 11 (Continued)

2. Dl~aolve precipitate in a mlnim& quantity of COUC. HN03 . Reutxalize

with KE40H and add excem NH40H. Centrifuge; combine aupernate with inltlal


3. Dissolve Co(~4)H complex by adding sufficient glaclal acetic acid.

Then add excess 3MHAc. Dilute to 25 ml with water.

4. Add 6 ml of 3~HAc saturated with KN02 to the Bolutlon.. Digest 10

minutes In an Ice bath. Centrifuge; diEcard Bupernate. Wash the precipitate

twice with 30 ml of water. Discard ~shes.

5. Dissolve precipitate in seveml ml of cone. HC1. Boil off decompo~l.

tion productgm Add Cs and Ea carriers and dilute to 25 ml uitb water.

6. -eclpitate cobalt hydroxide with 10 ml of maturated KOH solution.

Wash precipitate with water. Centrifuge; dlecard wash liquid.

7. Di~eolve cobalt hydroxide precipitate in 3 ml of 6~HAc. AddZr

and Cr holdbmck carriers. Dilute and add 3

precipitates. n

8. Centrifuge. Wamh twice with titer and twice with absolute ethanol.

Weigh after drying. Mount, comptitecarrier yield, and count (Note 2).


1. Aluminum nitrate flolutionis used to dissolve the fused salt.

2. Gamma pulse analyels used to measure Co radioactivity.


Procedure UBed In: Separation of radioactive cobalt from tlssion products

Method: Ion exchange

Element.Separated: C060 (5.27 y)

Type of Material Analyzed: Natural matertils (watere, soils, vegetatlon)(205)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Neutron reaction products

Procedure By: Boni, A. L.(205)

Chemical Yield of Carrier: >95$

Time of Separation: Several hours

Degiee ok Purification: >104 from Fe59, Zn65, Cr51, CB137, Sr89, RUIM, Np239,
zr95, ~95, and r~e earth r~lonu~lide~m

Equipment Required: Stan&erd


1. Rre~e mmples in following nmnner:

a. Water - evaporate to dryness and dlasolve reeidue In 3 ~HCl -

O.l NHFndxture.

b. soils (muaa~ - leach with 3~HC1-- 0.1~lIFmlxture (Note 1).

c. Vegetation - fire in a muffle furnace and then dlesolve the ash

or leach it with 3 ~HCl --0.1 ~HFtiture (Note l).

2. To the dla601ved or leached awnple =terlal, aad,a known allquot of

RU4, Cr+3, Fe+3, CO+2, CS+lJ Ce+3 , ~+5, ~+2J Sr+2, Zr+4 , and Zni+”

solutions to it (Note 2). Then add 1 ml of a 0.2 gram per ml thiosce-de

solution to the mlxtie.” Digest and allow the precipitate to Eettle. Repeat

the tbioacetend.deaddition. Remove thloacetamltiprecipitate (Ru+4) eitherby

centrifugatlon or filtration (Note 3).

3. Evaporate the supernataut liquid (or filtrate) to drynesO and then

add 2 ml of cone. EINO and transfer the slurry to a 50-ml centrifuge tube. Add
25 d of fting Hti03 to the tibe; cool the solution under cold tip water. Digest

the mixture for 15 minutes. Centrifuge and &cant supernatant liquld to

new centrifuge tube (Note k).

4. Evaporate *he supernatint liquld to dryness and then add 5 ml of

distilled water to filaaolvethe residue. Heat, If necesmry. Add 5 ti of

o.2~H@04 - 0.6E.EF m@zce to the solution. DigeBt for 15 tinutea; then

centrifuge the mixture and pour the supernatant liquid dLrectly on to a

PROCEDURE 12 (Continued)

previously prepared Mwex-2 resin column (Rote 5) washed with 15 ml of a 0.1

H290b - 0.3 ~KF Eolution. Wash the precipltite (Note 6) with 5 ml of the

same acid solution, centrifuge the slurry, and add the Bupernatint directly

to the resin colwm. Allow the liquid ta pass through the resin column Into

a 100 d beaker.

5. Wash the resin byad.ding 401nl.of a 0.l~H#04 - 0.3~BF solution

in 5-n!l allquots to the column and combine the waBh effluent titb the smnple

effluent. Cautiously evaporate the combined effluents to dryneae (Note 7).

6. Dissolve the residue in a minimum of cone. HC1. Heat, if ueceHaary.

Quantitatively tiansfer the solution to another prepmed Dowe~-2 reein column

(Note 5) that has been waehedwith15nl of cone. HC1. Allow the solution

to pass through the reeln column, collecting the effluent in a 50-ml beaker.

Wash the resin by the addition of 40 ml of cone. HC1 In 5 ml aliqcota and

combine the effluent with that of the sample (Hote 8).

7. Continue the resin column elutionwltb 40 rd of 8.5 ~HCl - 0.5 ~EF

eolutlon. Collect this effluent (Iiote9).

8. Ehtethe Co60 from the reein by adding ~ ml of 5 ~HC1. Collect

this fraction In a 50-ml beaker (Note 10).

9. Evaporate the cobalt fraction to a smll volume. !lYran@fer

to a
& radloactlvl~ by a gamma scintillation
plastic m=nple vial and count the Co

counter (Note 11).


1. More than 99.C@ of the radionuclldes tie leached by thi~ process.

2. A total,of 20 w of CO are dddj all others range from 1-20 mgs each.

3. The radloactlvlty of this precipitate can be assayed.

4. The strontium nitrate preclpltite obtained her,ecan be further processed

and the radioactivity of Sr& measured.

5. Ion exchange column: 17 cm long x 0.9 cm I. D., with stopcock and

50-ml capacity.reBervLor. Resin: 8? crose-linked Dowex-2 in the chloride

form~ 2c0-400 mesh.

PROCEOURE 12 (Continued)

6. ~OlltiUS wash procesB, this precipitate may be processed for rare

earth radlonuclldes.

7. At thiB point, the reOin column is proceseed for Zr-19bradioactivity

(see Bonl(205)).

8. This fraction contalne CS137 and C~,l.

9. This fraction contiine Hp239.

59 aud Zn65. If required, it canbe
10. The resin column retiins Fe

further proce’ased(see Bonl(205)),

11. equlppedwlth a 1.75

In this instance, a scintillation well count-er,

inch diameter x 2 inch NaI(Tl) cryetal having a 5/8 Inch diameter x 1.5 inch

central well, was used.

PRCKmmE 13

Procedure Ueed In: Decontamlnatlon of Fission Rroduct Solut$one.

Method: Precipitation - solvent extraction - electrodeposltlon

Rati’onuclldeBe~ated: co~ (5.27 Y)

Type ofkiaterial Analyzed: FisBion Product Solutlons

Type of Nuclear Earibardment: Co59(nJ7)Co60

Procedure by: RurgueJ W. W. (Re@rted by Klelnberg(z@))

Chemical Yield of Carrier: 70-75$

Time of Separation: 2-5 hours

Degree of purification: Excellent from stable nickel and from fission

product radlonuclldes.

Equipment Required; a. Stinderd labomtory plus plating equipment “&s-

cribed under “Preparation and Stindardlzation
of Carrier” given below.

b. Plating cells: 5 mil Pt equare cathode (reweighed),

uounted on bra8s plate and held In position by 7/~
IO glass cylinder, with gasket between platinum and
glass cylinder; rotitlng Pt anode; d-c source; resis.
tance in series with current ~ource and cell. (One
platlng cell each per sample .and.

Reageuts: Standard, except for

a. Amyl alcohol - ethyl ether mixture: equal ~ts by

volume, and

PROCEDURE 13 (Continued)

b. Cobalt carrier as prepared and standardized in the



A. Preparation and Stan& dization of Carrier

Dissolve 49.3 EM Of CQ(m3)2 ‘ 6H@ in EL#, addlml EJN03,and dilute to

1 liter with H20.

Pipet 5.0 ml of the above carrier solutlon.into a ~-md Erlenmeyer flask

and add ~ ml of H20 ana 3 ml of cone. H@O~. Carefully boil down to copioue

S03 fumes to remove X03- ion. Cool, dilute to 8 to 10 ml and allow the solution

to come to room temperature. Cautiously neutralize with cone. HH40H, then

add 1 ml in excess and allow to cool to room temperature. Transfer the

solution quantitatively to plating cell and dilute to 15 ml. Add about 2 gm

of solid (NH4)#04J introduce rotating anode, and stir until the (RH4)@04

has dianolved. Plate out Co vith continual stirring. The current is initially

kept at 0.10 amp at about 3 volts. During the fir~t 1/2 hour of plating the

current 1s gradually increased to 0.20 amp, which current is maintained for

the rem+$nder.of the pl.atlngprocess. (The optimum plating time is at least

3 houre.) The cell is dismantleil,the plate removed andwaahed several times

with distilled H20 and once with ethanol. It iB then air-dried and weighed.

Four standardizations;with results ~eeing within about O.* are

usually made.

B. Radiochwdcal Proced~e

1. To the sample in a 40-ml centrifuge tube, add sufficient H#3 to bring

the volume to 20 rii. Add 3 ml of standara Co carrier and ~ ml of fiicmier.

Precipitate Co and~i hydroxides by the addition of 10~KOH (Note l). Centri-

fuge and waeh the hydroxi&a with 15 ml of H20, discarding the supernate and


2. DiBBolve the precipitate by warming with 3 ml of 6 ~HC#302. Dilute

to 25 ml with E20 and cool ta room temperature.

3. Recipitate K+o(IT02)6 by addition of reagent made by saturating 61rd

of 3 ~HC$j32 ~th ~2. Allow about 3 tin for complete precipltitlon. Centri-

PROCEOUF@13 (Continued)

fuge, dlacard the supemate, wash the precipi~te once with 30 ml of H@, and

discard the washings.

4. Dissolve the K5Co(N02)6by the awtion~f Beve=l filliliterB of cone.

HC1 . Boil off the decom~sition products. Add 1 ml of”lTicarrier end dilute

to 25ti.

5. Precipitate Co andlTi hydroxides with 10 ~KOH as before (Step 1).

Diaeolve the hydroxide a8 in Step 2.

6. Repeat Step 3.

7. DisBolve ~e~o(N02)6i n40r5~o fconc.HCl,boiling~

almoat to drydess. Add 2 drop~ of Pd and 4 drops of Cu carriers. Dilute IX

20 ml and make about O.1~ in HC1. Heat to boiling and P=BB in Hz for 5

minutiB. Filter onto No. kO Whatman filter paper, catching the filt=te in

a 125-ml Hrlenmeyer flask and diEc=diUg the sulfide 8cavenging precipitate.

8. Boil outH,# from the filtr~te. Add 2 @ope Pd and 4 drops of Cu

carriers and dilute to 20 ml. Make O.1~ in HC1, heat to boiling and pass

inH,# for 5min. Again remove stiidee by filtration (Step 7).

9. BOil out H+ from filtrate. Thie will require concentration almost

+x3 dryness (Note 2). Dilute to 25 ml and tranafer quantitatively to 40-ml

centrifuge tube. m 4 &ops of Fe carrier and precipitate Fe(OH)3by

addition of cone. NH40E, adding about 0.5 ml of MH40H in excesB. Centrifuge

and discard Fe(OH)3 scavenge, retiining the 13upe~te.

10. Acidify the supernate with HC1. Add 4 drops of Fe carrier and remove

Fe(OH)3 again by the addition of cone. NH40H (0.5 ml excess). Centrifuge and

discard the precipitate.

11. Repeat Step 10.

1.2. Acidify the 6upernate from 10 with cone. HC1, adding 1 ml in exce~a.

Transfer to la-ml aeparatory funnel. Add 15 ginof RH4SCR and shake until all

the solid has dissolved. Extract the Co4Cli complex into PO ml of amyl alcohol-

ethyl ether mixture. Wash the organic layer twice tith 10 ml of RH4SCH solution.

Discard waahinga.

PROCEOURX 13 (Continued)

13”. Back-extract the Co into 20 ml of H@ to which 4 to 6 ml of cone.

KH40H has been a~ded. Discard the organic layer and transfer the aqueous layer

to a 40-ml centrifuge tube.

14. Recipitate COS from solution by pagsing in H@ for 1 min. Centri-

fuge and discard the supernate.

15. Transfer the CCS precipitate with 5 to 10 ml of H.# to a 125-mJ

Erlenmepr flaBk. Ada 10 ml of Cone. HTio3. Boil nearly to dryness (1 to 2 ml).

Add 3 ml of cone. li#04 and heat ta S03 fumes. Cool and add 5 to 10 ml of

H20 (slowly). Cool again. Neutralize with COUC. NH40H and add 1 ml in excess.

Add 2 gm of (RH4)@34, transfer to plating cell and electroplateCo on a

weighed Pt foil. (For a circular foilabout7/8n diameter begin platingat3

or 4 volts and 0.10 amp. After the first 1/2 hour increae current to 0.20

w. Plate for 2-1/2 to 3 hours,) titer plating, waah with fistilled water

and then with ethanol. Dry at room temperature, weigh, and count. The counting

procedure iB dependent on the iBotope involved.


1. The purpose of the initial precipitation by meane of KOH is to remove

the Co from the etrongly acid Bolutlon. For as complete a precipitation of

K3CO(R02)6 ag possible, mineral acids and oxidizing agentO muet be absent.

2. The H20 is removed by boiling to prevent precipitation of Co as Cm

when the Fe(OH)3 scavenging step is Male.


Procedure Used In: Radloactlvation analysis

Method: Ion exchange with cmlers

Element Beparatad: Coa (5.27 Y)

Type of Material Analyzed: Stainless steel, its corrosion products, and

other elements, present~2M~~ities
as in a V8t,er.
cooled nuclear reactor.

Type of Nuclear Bnnbardment: CJ9(nJy)Co 60

Procedure By: sm~(-)

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Quantitative

Degee of Purification: Excellent

Equipment Required: Heutron eource and standard laboratory equipnent

information given by Sameahl In the section of hls report

entitled ?EXperlmentalm ia considered to be rather concl~e and informative

for uae ae the de&iled Procedure for this radlochamical separation method.

It reads as follows:


The experiments were performed with irradiated (Note 1) metallic

cbromimn, molybdenum and tungsten and aalte of the cations, lia+l,

~n+2, Fe+2, CO+2,Ni+2, cn+l,Zn-, and Sr-. The samples were Intivi.

dually brought into solution with hot 1:1 EC1 containing a few drops

of E202 and taken to dryness on a water bath. Subsequently, the resi-

dues vere dissolved Ln water and diluted to a euitable strength of

gamm activity. Carriers were added in amOunts Of about 5 w Of

appropriate cation per 100 ml of solution. No carriers were added to

the solutions of tungBten and molybdenum. Then 20 ml prtiorm Of a

single gamma emitter solution were added to four ion exchange

columns consisting of Dowex-2 (200-4CJJmesh) resin in the citrate,

chloride and hydroxide formq and Dowex-50 (2~-k~ mesh) in the

hydrogen form. Each column COUSiBted of 10 d of water Bedlmented

resin contained in a 2.5 cm diameter glass filter crucible (Rote 2).

The active Holutions were sucked through at a rate of about 4 mllll-

llters per minute and the columns washed with two 5-ml potiions of

PROCEDURE 14 (Continued)

water and drained by ~uction. Finally,the crucibles were placed

directly at a definite geametry on the top of a gamna aclntillatlon

detectir and the radioactivity BBB8@ with a Bhgle channel ptiBe


The activity df the Dowex-50 resin was measured and used as

a stsndard for the eBttition of the percent absorption on the other

resins. The eluate waa.controlled for pcmaible gamma activity.


1. Irradiated In the Bwedlah R-1 reactor. bnple~ of Irradiated steel

audD#l were also proceasedby thlB method.

2. S~IS repor-t(2ti)
should be consulted for a description of the

ion exchange column and other information.


Procedure Used In: Radloactivation Analysis

Method: Solvent ext~ctlon and precipltitlon “’

Element Separated: Co6@ (10.5m)

Type ofMeterial Analyzed: Reactor Steel(283)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: C~9(n,y)Co 6om

Procedure By: Westermark and Flneman

Chemical Yield of C-ier: 60-9@ (as a rati-ctive carrier)

Se~tlon T~e:. 30 minutes

Decon*inatlon:. Good; some interference from Mn56 (2.6 h)

Equipment Required: Neutron source and standard laboratory equipment


1. .Dlssolvethe Irradiated steel turnings (Eotea 1 and 2) In 10-15 d

of bolllng 7 ~HCl and 1 ml of radioactive CO+3 carrier Bolutlon (Mote 3).

After~e sample has been put Into Oolution, cool the solution ta room tampera-

ture and trane.ferIt ta a separatory funnel (Note 4).

PROC!EDURI15 (Continued)

2. To the separator funnel, add 1 ml of cone. HC1 and 7.5 ml of ethyl

ether. Shake the mltiure and allow the two phases to aeprate. Discard the

organic phase (Rote 5)’and collect the aqueoue phaee In another funnel and

then add another volume of ether and shake the mixture.

3. Allow the phasee b separate and trarmfer the aqueous phase to a 200 ml

beaker. Boil the solution to remove any ether contilned from the aqueous aolu-

tion and then add hot 40 ml Of nltroflonaphtholmolutlon (Note 6).

4. Cool the mixture and then filter through a porcelain filter crucible.

F?aehthe precipitate with water and mount for a measurement on a g@mm scintilla-

tion electrometer (Note 7).

5. Determine the amount of stable cobalt in ‘thetest sample by @mparlng

the amount of Co6ti (10.5m) radioactivity (Note 7) measured in it with that

found in a comparator, or etankd, cobalt sample (Notes 8 and 9). The amount

of C060 (5.27y) observed becomea ameaaure of the chdcal recovery of the

e=ertient (NOtee 3 and 7).


1. TheBe irradiations were made in tineB20 - moderated reactor, RI,

belonging to AB Almmenergi, Sweden. Neutron flux equal to about 6 x l~n/cm2/aec.

Limit of measurement about 5ppm of cobalt.

2. Sample weights of 0.1 - 0.2 g were irradiated.

3. Reparedby dissolving 1 g of irradiated cobalt in cone. EC1 and diluting

to 1CM3d with waler. Inactive cobalt content equal to 10 mge per milliliter;

radioactive Co& content equal to 0.1 mdcrocuriee per milliliter. This carrier

solution is ueed to determine the chemical yield of the experiment.

4. Use a very small amount of watir to effect the transfer; solution should

be 6-8M inHC1.

5. The ether erlmactlon removes atible and radioactive iron from the


6. Preparedly dissolving 1 grm of nitroso-naphthol in 40 ml of glUcial

acetic acid and diluting to 80 ml with water. The solution should be freshly

PROCEDURE 15 (Continual)

prepared as required. If the solution IB cloudy, it should be filtered.

7. In thla instance, a 2-= thick NeJ cryatil and a pulse height analyzer

was used for the radioactivity measurement.

8. The atanderd iB a filter paper on which about 0.05 d of a solution

of Co in dilute HN05 (1 g Co/liter) has been evaporated with an infrared lamp.

The test mmple and the Btandard m.mple were irradiated not more than 10 mn

a~t in tie reactor.

9. The 0.059 Mev gamma photopeak is used to measure the CCI

6m (10.5m)

radioactivity. The 1.17 and 1.33 Mev gamma photopeake are used to maasure

the Co60 (5.27Y) radi-ctivity.


Procedure Used In: Radloactivetion Analy8is

Method; Solvent extraction and precipitation

Element Seprated: (10.5 m)

Type of Material Analyzed: Tissue and Vi&rein

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: C059(U,7)CO*

“bocedure by Kai~er and Meinke(284)

Chemdcal Yiela of Carrier: 40$ (as”a radioactive carrier)

Se~ation Time: 15 minutes

“Decontamination: Good

Equipment Required: neutron source and Btaudard laboratory eqtipment


A: Irradiation of $amplea

1. Samples weighing 0.275-0.300 g were allowea to atc dry at room

temperature for 24 hours and then placed in envelopes prepared frcm 4-roil

thick polyethylene film. The envelopes were closed by heat sealing.

2. The sealed .mmples were then irradiated In the “rabbit” of the

pneunatlc tube ByBtem of the Fomilhclear Reactor of the University of

PROCEDURE 16 (Continued)

Michigan (Note 1) along with suitable’monitoringfoile (Note 2) for a period

of ~ minutes at full reactor power.

B. Radiochendcal Separation

1. During the irradiation, a nickel crucible was prepared containing

10 mg of Co+3 carrier solution plum a knosm amount of Co 60 (5.27 y) tracer

(Note 3). Three sodium hydroxide pellets were added to the solution and the

mixture heated to near dryness. After cooling the solution, 10 grame of Ea2Q2

v“ereadded to the crucible and melted.

2. At the end of the irradiation, the Irradiated sample was i’xaneferred

from the polyethylene envelope ta the crucible andwaB fuee~ in the melt

mixture for 1 mluute (Hote 4). After cooling the ti,rture,(Note 5) the melt

WEE dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water (Rote 6) and then 15-20 ml of

glacial acetic acid were added E1OW1Y to the solution (Note 7).

3. !l!hi~
mixture at a pH of 5-6 was transferred to a 150-ml eeperatory

funnel contilning 25 ml of 8-hydroxyquinolinesolution (3$ solution in chloro-

form) and shaken for 1 minute. The layers were allowed to eeparate and the

aqueoue layer discarded.

4. The cobalt was then extractid from the organic layer by adding 10 d

of 9 gEcl to the sep.ratory funnel and shaking for 1 tinute,.

5- After the layer~ separated, the orgaulc layer was discarded and cobalt

precipitated from the EC1 solution by the addition of Na.-#2. This precipitate

!& collected on a filter chimney (Note 8), washed wi’cbwater, and mounted for

measurement on a gamma spectrometer.

c. Radimctlvity Measurements

1. The amount of Co6h(lTote 8) was determined from thearehunder the ‘

0.059 Mev photopeak.

2. The emount of Co60 retained (Nob 3) ou the precipitate was determined

by measuring the 1.17 and 1.33 Mev photapeake. ThIa measurement WEE used ta

determine the chemical yield of the e~rlment.

3. Uelng the date obtained from tbe measurement of the gold foils (Hote 2),

data for the activation cross eection for the reaction C#9(n,7)Co6~ and the

PROCEDURE 16 (Continued)

half-life of Coti and the absolute measurement of the Co radioactivity,

the amount of atible co-it was determined.

1. Thermal neutron flux equal b about 10 n/cm2/aec when the reactor

la operating at full power of 1 megawatt. The lower practical limit of detec-

tion for cobalt for these condition tis 5 x 10-8 gram.

2. Gold foils, weighing between O.~ and 1.0 mg were wrapped in plastic

envelopeB and Ocotch taped ta the inside cap Of the ‘rabbit.” Following the

irradiation the folla were diBBolved In k ml of aqua regia and diluted to 10 ml

with distilled water. An aliquot of tbl~ Bolution was placed on a filter paper
end mounted for measurement of the 0,411 Mev gamma ray of Au 9 on the spectro-

meter. Compaxieon with other measurements -de wltb calibrated gold foils

permitted nonmlization of all imadiations to a neutron flux of 1 x 1012.

3. Added to determine chemical yield of experiment.

4. CAWION: A cover muBt be used on the crucible Bince tie reaction may’

be quite violent.

5. The outs$de of the crucible was cooled by dipping It into a beaker of

cold water. By manipulating the crucible during tile cooling process, the melt

waO tie tO BOlitify iUtO a thiU reatily tiBBOIVed C08tiUg.

6. 50-70 ml of liquld nitrogen were added to cool the solution to room


7. The solution waa again cooled with liquid nitrogen.

8. 10-15 ml of O.l~HCl w8B added to prevent foaming.

PmXDmw 17

Procedure Used In: Radloactivation anal~ls (Note 1)

Hethod: Precipitation

Element Separated: Cobalt

Type of Material Analyzed: Biological materials, metalB and
~l@rs,(60J296) etc.

Type of Nuclear Bcnnbardment: Co59(n,7)Co60 (C060: 5.27 y)

Procedure by: Leddicotte, G. W. (Reported by Leddlcotte(297’298))

Chemical Yield of Carrier: 60-7@

Time of Separation: 3 houre

Degree of Purification: Greater than 105 from all other radioactive elements

Equipment Required: Neutron source and standard laboratory equipment


A. Irradiation of Sample Material

1. Irradiate known amounts of test (Note 2) and comparator (Note 3)

❑ample in a neutron flux of at least 5 x’lO1l n/sec/cm2 for 1 week or longer

(Note 4). Use small quartz tubes, polyethylene bottles, or aluminum foil to

contain’the “samplesduring the irradiation.

B. Preparation of Irradiated SampleB for Analysis

1. The Ccqar ator Sample

a. After the Irradlatloti,quantltitively transfer the com~ator

sample (Note 3) to a 25 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve it in 10 ml of 12M.ECl

and dilute to volume with water. Pipet 0;5 ml aliquot of this Bolut”ioninto a

50 ml ghss centrifuge tube. By means of a volumetric plpet, add to the Bame

tube 1 ml of fltandardcobalt carrier of known concentration (Note 5). Mix well

and continue with Step b in Part 2, below.

2. The Teat Sample

a. After the irradiation, transfer the sample to a 50-ml

centrifuge tube. Pipet 1.0 ml of standardized cGbalt carrier into the

Bame tube and diBBOIVe the sample in a minimum amount Of 12~HC1. Aid 10 W.

each of the following holdback carrler6: cu, Fe, Ni, Zr, SrJ and?ia.

PROCEOtRE 17 (Continued)

b. Ad~uat the Bolution to 1 M HC1 and saturate the Bolution

with Es. Heat gently to coagulate the.Cu@, centrlfu.ge,and tranafer

the supernate to another 50 ml glass centrifuge tube. Dimcard the pre-

cipitate. The supernate ig boiled with 3 ml of 16 gHN05 and 3 ml of

bromine water ta oxidize the Fe- to Fe-. Cool the eolution and add

6YNH40H until there is no further precipitation of Fe(OH)3. Centrifuge

and transfer the aupernate to another 50 ml glans centrifuge tube. Dis-

card the precipitate.

c. Saturate the Supernate with H.# and precipitate COS2

and NLS. Heat gently to coagulate the precipitate and centrifuge. Dis-

card the supernate and wash the precipitate twice with 10 ml portions of

hot water. Dissolve the precipitate in 1 ml of 16 ~13N03 and dilute to

15 d with E20. Boil to remove exceflsH@.

d. Make the Bolution basic with 1 ~KOH to precipitate

CO(OH)2, centrifuge and Uscard the supernate. Wash the precipitate with

dilute KOE solution (1 part df 1 ~KOH to 10 prts water). DisBol+e the

CO(OH)2 in 3 ml of 3 ~ acetic acid; add Ni holdback carrier aud dilute to

10 ml with water. Heat to near boiling and add slowly 5 grams of Bolid

KM02 until K3CO(N02)6’H20 beglne to form. “Digestfor 15 minutes in a hot

water bath to co~lete the precipitation of K5CO(N02)6. After precipitit~on

is complete, cml and then centrifuge the nukrture. Discard the supernate and

waeh the precipitate several tties with 10 d portlonB of nitrite waeh

(5~~02 acidified tith acetic acid), Discard each wash solution.

e. Slurry the precipitate in 10ml of nitrite wash and

filter with suction through a tared filter paper (Whatman No. 50) that

ie held in a Hirsch funnel. Wash with 5 ml pmtions of water, alcohol

and ether. Dry at llO°C for 5 minuteB. Weigh as K5CO(N02)64H20, and

prepsre for measurement (Note 6).

c. MeaBUTemen~ of the Radioactivity of C060 and Calculation of

Inactive Cobalt Content of the Original Sample

1. The anal~is of Co 18 cunpleted by measuring the Co60 by

counting on a gamma scintillation spectrometer. Cobalt-60 has a half-

PROCEDURE 17 (Continued)

life of 5~years.and ~ecays emitting gamma radiation of 1.17 and 1.33

Mev. The eumpeak of Co60 is 2,5Mev and can be ueed if necessary.

2. Following the radioactivity measurements, the Observed

radioactivity IS corrected for loss of “carrier” during the experiment

and sample weights of both the teat and comparator Bample. A comp.arfgon

of the~e corrected radloactivitiegbecomes a meamre of the fitiblecobalt

content of the teat .mmnple:.

per cent of stable cobalt in test sample

. C060 intest sample

x 100
cobu in comparator flmnple


1. This procedure has also been used to prepare radioactive Co58

tracer, produced by the nucle= reaction Ni58(n,p)Co58. C058 “decays with

a half-life of 72 days and emits 0.47 Mev poBitronB.

2. At leaet 0.10 gram portion of solid samplea should be ueed,

3. Use Co-Al alloy (0.15~ cobalt) for cobalt comparator; approxi.

mately ~ mg portions of the alloy should be ueed.

h. The Graphite Reactor waa u~ed for this irradiation. The sensi-

tivity of the mefiod is such that 5 x 10-a grama of cobalt can be deter-

mined. The sensitivity can be improved by uae of higher neutron fluxes.

5. AS CO(N03)2.6~0, si=ndardized tO 10 mga of cobalt per milliliter

of solution.

6. By comparing the final weight of the K3Co(N02)6-~0 precipitate

obtained here with the theoretical yield expected for the amount of cobalt

carrier added, it la possible to determine the chemical yield of the

experiment. The chemical yield correction is then ueed to determine the

amount of cobalt-60 recovered during the reparation process.


Procedure Used In: Radloactivation Analyeis

Method: Ion Exchange

Element Separated: C060 (5.27 y) and/or Co58 (72 d)

Types of Material Analyzed: Metals and alloye(~6)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Co59(n,y)Co60

Ni58(nJp)Co58 (See Note 1)

Procedure By: Leddicotte (Reported by Leddlcotte(‘8)) (See fiaus (195-199 ))

Chemical Yield Carrier: 60-70$ (BOm8tk0 ueedaa a carrier-free reparation


TLne of Separation: 2 hours

Degree of Purification: >1~ from all other apecieB except C$8

Equipzent Required: Neutron eource and standard labontory equipment


A. Irradiation of Sample Material

1. Irradiate known amounts of test (Note 2) and comparator (Note 3)

sample in a neutron flux of at least 5 .x 1011 n/aec/cm2 for 1 week or longer

(Note h). Use smell quartz tubes, polyethylene bottles, or aluminum foil to

contain the samples d~ing the irradiation.

B. Preparation of Irradiation Samplea for AnalyBis

1. The Comparator Sample

a. After the irradiation, quantitatively tranBfer the comparator

sample (Note 3) to a 25 ml volumetric flask. Diesolve it in 10 ml of 12 M

HCl and dilute to volwne with water. Pipet 0.5 ml aliquot of thi6 Bolution

into a 50 ml glaBa centrifuge tube. By meane of a volumetric pipet, add to

the ❑ ame tube 1 ml of standard cobalt carrier of known concentration (Notes 5

and 6). Mix well, then evaporate to near dryness; add sufficient acid to make

the solution 10~in HCl (Note 7). Mh well and continue with Step ~ in

Part 2 below.

2. The TeBt Sample

a. After the Imadiation, quantitatively tranBfer the ~ample ta a

50-ml centrifuge tube and byme?na of a volumetric pipet, pipet l.O ml of

PROCEOURE 18 (Continued)

standardized cobalt carrier (Notes 5 and 6) into the same tube and dissolve

the sample in a minimum amount of I-2~HC1. Mix well, then evaporate to near

dryness. Add sufficient acid to mke the solution 10~ln HCl (Rote 7).

b. Transfer the solution to a anion exchange.resin column (Note 8).

c. Elute the column wltb at least 2~ml of 10~HCl (Note 7).

Collect the effluent and diBcard It.

a. Elute.the Co@ (orC~8) from the colwzn with at leaet 25 ml of

4-5~Ecl. Collect the effluent In a ,mdtable container (Note 9).

e. Evapomte the cobalt effluent to a s-11 volume and mount for

counting (Note 10).

c. Measurement of the Radloactlvlty of Co and Calculation of
Inactive Cobalt Content of the Original Sample

1. The analyeia of Co ie completed bymeaauring the Co60 by counting on

a game scintillation .9pectrometer.Cobalt-60 haO a half-life of 5.3 yearB and

decays emitting gamna energies of 1.17 and 1.33 Mev. The Bmn peak bf Co60 iB

2.5 Mev and can be used if necessary.

2. Following the radl-ctivity measurements, the observed radioactivity

iB corrected fOr 10SS Of “C8TTierH during the experiment (Note 11) and eample

weights of both the test and comparator sample. A comparimn of these corrected

,radioactivitiesbecomes a measure of the stible cobalt’content of the test

sample (Rote 12).

Per cent of stable cobalt in test sample

. Co60 in te~t sample

x 100
C060 in comparator sample


1. l’hiBprocedure has also been used to prepare radl-ctive C@ tracer,

produced by the,nuclear reaction Hi~(n,p)Cc@. C058 decaye with a half-life

of 72 days and emits 0.47 Hev positrons and 0.81 Mev and 1.62 (- l%) Hev gamma

radiation in its decay. The pcmitron decay is accompanied by annihilation

ganrnaradiations of 0.51 Mev. This procedure has also been used to determine

~ace nickel in sample materialg. In that work, the obsemed Co58 radi-ctivity

is a measure of the stable nickel content of the sample.

PROCEDURE 18 (Continued)

2. At least 0.10 gram portion of solid mmples should be Wed.

3. Use- 25 gme of Co-Al alloy (0.15- cobalt) for cobalt comparator for

determination of s&ble cobalt.

4. The graphite reactor was used for this Irradiation. The eenaitlvlty

of the method is mch that 5 x 10-8 @rams of cobalt can be determined. The

aenaitlvity can be improved by use of higher neutron fluxes.

5. h CO(N03)2-@20, wtandardizeclt.o
10mg8 Of cobalt per milliliter of


6. If this procedure is used in a c=rier-free separation, omit the

addition of cobalt carrier.

7. 12 M
_ HC1 can aleo be used here.

8. Dowex-1, 1~ crosslinkage, 50-100 mesh, resin packed in a Pyrex glass

column, 0.5” in diameter x 12” long. column conditioned with 10 ~ or 12 MHc1.

9. Further elution of the coluum witha volume 0.5~HCl will remove Fe59

radlaactivity, if present.

10. Quantitative recovery of cobalt carrier assumed here. If deBlred,

Bolution may be proceBsed in the manner described in steps Q through ~ of

Section B-2 of Rocedure 17 of this Monogaph.

11. Not required If cobalt carrier Is not used.

12. Doe. not apply if Co60 or C$8 is being prepared.


Procedure Used In: RadioSctivatlon Analysis

Method: Precipitation

Element Separated: C060 (5.27y)

Type ofl!.aterialAnalyzed: Sodium potassiwn alloye(299)

Type oflhclear E!ombardment: C#9(n,T)Co 60

Procedure by Smales, A. A.(299)

Chemlc,alYield: Quantitative

Separation Time: Several houre

PROCEDURE 19 (Continued)

Decontamination: Complete from other radioactive species

Equipment Required: Neutron Source and Standard Laboratory Equipment


1. Di.seolveirradiated alloy in methyl alcohol (lTote1) and then

acidify the solution”with hydrochloric acid.

2. To the solution, add 20 mga of cobalt carrier and 5 mge of Fe+3.

Boil the Eolution gently on a hotplate for ten minutes.

3. After cooling, dilute the solution ta 250 ml tith water; then add

a slight excess of a mepeneion of zinc oxide in water. Digest for ten

mlnutee; filter though a 15-cm Whabnsn Xo. al filter paper. Discard the


4. Boil the filtrate and add dropwiBe 7’.5ml of a solution containing

1 @n of a-nitrogo @aphthol in 15 ml of glacial acetic acid. Boil for two

minutia; filter through an 11-cm whahan Ho. 31 filter paper. Discard the

filtrate. Wash the precipihte thoroughly with hot water; dry and ignite

the filter paper and contents in a silica crucible, at 8000C.

5. After cooling, dissolve the ignltedresidua in 5 ml of hydrochloric

acid (specific gravity 1.18), by warming gently on a hot-plate. Transfer

the solution to a 50 ml centrifuge tube, add 1 ml of a solution containing

1 mg of ferric iron and a slight excess of emmonlu hydroxide (specific

gravity 0.59).” Boil gently; filter through a 9-cm Whatman No. 40 filter

paper inta a 150 ml beaker. Wash the precipitate with 5 mlof hot water.

Discard the precipitate.

6. To the filtrate, addKOH solution (4 _ KOH in 10 mlH20) and

boil gently until all the ammonia 18 driven off. !Craneferthe solution

and precipitate to a centrifuge tube with water. Centrifuge and decant the


7. Dlasolve the precipitate in 5 ml of 3~hydrocbloric ;cI.5(Note 2).

Then add5 ml of glacial acetic acid and dilute to 25 ml.with water. Pre-

cipitate K#o(IT02)6 “oyadding solid KN03 until precipitation Is complete.

DigeBt for five mlnutea; then centrifuge; discard the supernatint liquid.

PROCEDURE 19 (Continued)

Wash the precipitate with water and ethyl alcohol, centrifuging after each

waah. Discard the ~she~.

8. !t!rausfer
the precipitate to a wed counting tray and evaponte to

dryness under an infra-red lamp. Weigh the sample as potaealum cobaltlnltrlte

and determine the chemical yield.

9. Count the sample and standard under a normal end-wlndb Geiger-Mueller

counter, Correct for Belf-absorption,background, and chemical yield.

10. Check the radlochemical purity by abeorptlon measurement.


1. Irradiateameterlal diesolutlon was made in a dry box under a nitrogen

atiaphere .

2. Heat mhure gently until a solution is obtained.


Frocedure Ueed In: Radioactivation AnalyeiB

Method: Precipitation
Element Separated: Co (5.27 Y)

T~e of Material Analyzed: Nickel cathodes(303)

Type oflhclaar Bombarknt: C&9(n,y)Co 60

Procedure By: DebieBae, et al

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Not Indicated

Separation Time: Not indicated

Decontmnlnation: Excellent

Equipment Required: Neutron source and stindard laboratory equipment


1. Followiug an Irradiation In the Chatlllion reactor for 180 hours,

the Bamplea”were dissolved In hydrochloric acid and inactive cobalt and the

co60 precipitated with a-n~tro~o f3-naphthol.

2. The precipitate was collected and washed and the 0.308 Mev beta

PROCEDURE 20 (Continued)

ftcmldo mea~ured by meane of a Ge”iger-Muellercounter.


Cobalt concentrationsof the order of 0.”28$cobalt IU the nickel cathode=

were determined by tie analyeitamethod.

Procedure Used In: Radioactivatlon.Analyeie

Method: precipi~tion (chiefly)

Element Separated: coa (5.27Y)

Type ofllaterlal Analyzed: Sodium metal(~)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Co59(n,y)Co60

Procedure By; Grand, et al( ‘4) usin radiochemlcal separation procedures

reported by Meitie(2887 and ~einberg(289): (See Procedures
3-11 and 13)

CheinicalYield of Carrier: Aa indicated in adapted procedures(2e8,28g)

Separatlou Time: Several hOurE

Decontamination: Excellent from Na24 (15 h), Mu54 (WO d), Ta182 (112 d), and
Cr51”(27 d)

EquLpment Required: “Neutroneource and atindard laboratory equipment


1. Samplea and cobalt monitarm Irradiated in Materials Testi~ Reactor.

2. The radiochemical procedure involved complete solution of the mmple,

addition of Inactive carriers and treatment with BT-HH03-H#04 mlrhre and

‘2°2 “ Following this treatment, gross separation of the elements were made
by adaptations of procedures reported by Meinke (281) aridKLeinberg(282).

3. A known weight (about 50 mg) of the separated material was mounted

in a reproducible manner on a plamtic holder uBing a trace of collodion as a

binder. The Bamplea were counted on 6tindard p-counting equipment. ‘“

4. Limits of measurement for thla analyels: 0.002 ppm.


Procedure Used In: Hadioactivation analysis

Method: Ion exchange

Element Separated: co@ (5.27 Y)

Type of Material Analyzed: 18/8 steel(3U)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Co59(n,y)Co@

Procedure By: Monnier, et al(~5) (Note 1)

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Carrier-free

Degree of Purification: Excellent from s-ble chromium, manganese, nickel,

silicon, carbon, molybdenwn, aridiron. Only radio-
active contaminant obtained in separation waa
C058 (72 d) produced by the reaction Hfi8(n,P)Co58.
Interference ea~ily resolvedly gamma apectrome~.

Eqti~ent Required: Neutron source and standard laboratory equipment


A. Irradiation of Samples

1. Irradiate test samples (Note 2) in a neution source for a predetetined

time (Rote 3).

2. After the Irradiation, dissolve the sample in 15 ml of HC1 and dilute

with water to a 100-ml volume to obtain a 9 ~ HC1 solution.

3. Take a 1 ml aliquot of this ?olution and~with 10 ml of 9 ~HC1.

lhansfer this solution ta an ion excha~e resin column (Note 4).

4. Elute the column tith a 11-KL volmne of 9~HCl (Iiote5).

5. Continue the elution tith an additional 20-ml of the 9 ~HCl solution

(Note 5).

6. Change the molarity of the eluting reagent to 4 ~~1 and continue

elution until 32-ml of the k ~HCl has passed through the column (Note 5).

7. Change the molarlty of the eluting reagent to 0.5 ~HCl and continue

elution until a 10-ml volm” has passed through the column.

8. Evaporate thiflsolution to dryness In thepreeence of lml of 5$

NeCl solution. Then meaeure its radioactivity.

9. “Measure the Co60 (and Co~) ganm@ radioactivity by means of a 5 cmx

5 cm NaI cryqtal and a pulse height analyzer.

10. Obtain the Co 60 dlslnte~ation rate in the test sample by comparlug

the gamma radiations at 1.17 and 1.33 Mev with those observed In a calibrated

PROCEDURI 22 (Continued)

Co@ Btandard (Note 6) measured under the same counting conditions.

11. Calculate the exeunt of stable cobalt in the teat sample by the

absolute method of calculations (Note 7).


1. See Leddicotte(‘8) for additional Information on ee~ration of Co 60

(and Cd*) byan Ion exchange technique.

“2. At least 0.40 gram of 18/8 steel was irradiated.

3. The pile at the University of Geneva (Switzerland)was used for these

irradiations. Length of irradiation about 45 dayE.

4. 8$ croaa-linkedDowex-1 ion exchange resin was used. Dimensions of

column: 12 cm high x 6 cm in tiameter. Colum.nwaa condltionedwlth 9~HC1.

5. This volume was collected in a suitable contilner and ite radloact:vlty

measured on a y-spectrometer. Showed presence of radioactive con-nanta from

activation of Cr, Fe, etc.

6. In this instance, a Co eolution obtained from the Isotope Division,

Atomic Rnergy Research Establishment (AEICE),Harvell, England.

7. In this method, the following equation was used:

(6.o2 x 1023)(f)(Uac)(Q)(S)(D)

w= weight of element, Pam

A= co60 radioactivity, dlelntegratlonsper second

M= atamic weight of stable cobalt

f= the neutron flux, neutrons/cm2/sec

u ac = the activation cross-aectlon of the reaction, Co59(n,Y)Co60,

barns or lo-2~ CIU2per t~get a~

Q. abundance of C059

s= a factor for the production of Co60 during the irradiation time, t.

the relationship, l-e- ‘t, where A = 0.693~lf-
:;l;; ;~oe”’ed ~

D= 8 factor for the decay of Coti equal to e- ‘tl; tl = length of

time from eactor discharge to counting ttie and A = 0.693/half-
life of COZ‘.

PRocmm 23

Procedure Used In: Radioactlvatlon analysia

Method: fiecipitation

Element Separated: C060 (5.27 Y)

Type of Material Analyzed: Iron meteorites

Type of Euclear ~mbardment: 60

(306) adapted from a procedure by Young
Procedure By: Goldberg et al,
and Hall(~)

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Quantitative

Degee of Purification: Excellent

Equipment Requtied: Neutron source and Btan@d laborato~ equipment


1. Place the samples in a Ouitable container for irradiation (Note 1).

2. After the Irradiation, dlaeolve approxtitely 0.3 g of the meteorite

in a mlnlmum amount of aqua regia.

3. Add 10 ml 6 ~HCl, then dilute volume three-fold.

4. Heat and pasa in H2S until precipititlon Is complete.

?. Filter anfiwaBh precipltite with H@ wash solution. DiBCUd pre-

cipitate (Note 2).

6. Boll the aolutlon to eltinate H#.

7. Add sodium phoBphate reagent to the aolutlon (Note 3).

8. Add COnc. NHhOH to eolution until a pHof5.5 Is reached (Hote 4).

9. Add glacial acetic acid until a pH of 3.5 is reached (Note 5).

10. Read~uet pH to 3.5 with concentrated ammonium hydroxide.

11. Bring solution to boil, allow to”settle, then filter through a

fritted Buchner.

12. Wash with acetic aeld wash solution at least five times (Note 6).

13. Make filtrate acidic wlthHCl (Note 7).

14. Add freBhly prepared a-nitroso-p-naphtholreagent (Note 8).

15. l)lge6tat low heat, cool, and filter.

16. WaBh precipitate Beveral them wltb hot 5$ HC1, then several times

with hot water.

17. Dry the precipitate In plattnum cmclble and Ignite in muffle oven

at 800% (lTote9).

PROCEDURE 23 (Continued)

18. Dissolve the residue in 1:1 E#4 and tra~fer to a weighed porcehin


19. Evaprate carefully, then ignite at 5500C in a muffle oven.

20. Cool and weigh residue ae cobalt sulfate.

21. Mount for counting on suitible radiation counter (Note 10).


1. Authorfldo not indicate .eizeof sample irradiated, place of irradiation,

and length of irradiation.

2. Acid-sulfide insoluble salts removed in thiB step.

3. Reagent: 34.05 g of tri-Botium phosphate hep~drate in one liter

of water. 10 ml of”reagent precipitates 0.05 g Of iTOU. The BOIUth is

usually cream-colored after addition of the reagent, although it may be a clear

yellow solution if the acid concentration is high.

4. Solution wI1l be blue-~ey.

5. Solution will be grey-white.

6. Reagent: 251a cone. acetic acid in 1000 ml of water.

7. 3 d of 6EHC1 for every 100m1 of solution.

8. Reagent: 10 gram of u-nitroao-~-naphthol(Eastman Kodak) in

100 ml of 1:1 acetic acid. Approximately,O.5 g of a-nitroBo-~-naphthol

are required for”every 0.01 g of cobalt. The”cobalt precipitate ie brick-

red. If copper is present, the precipitate is brown.

9. The ignition Ohould not take place at a temperature greater than

900°C or lese than 750°C.

10. No specific information given on radioactivity measurement method

or method of reeolving dati. Concentration of cobalt as SDA1 as 0.53$

were determined by this method.

pmmrmE 24
Procedure Used In: Radioactivation Analyeis

Method: Precipitation

Element Seprated: C060 (5.27 y)

Type of Material Analyzed: Meteorite~,(3°7!3a) rocke and minerals,(307,309,310)

marine sedlments(~>3+1)

Type of Nuclear Bombardment: Co59(nJy)Co60

Procedure By: SnAee, etal(307)

Chemical Yield of Camier: Quantitative

Time of BepmtLon: Several hours

Degee of Purification: Excellent

Equipment Required: Neutron source and standard laboratory equipment


A. Irradiation of Sample Materials

1. Irradiate known weights of teat (lTote1) and standard (Note 2) samples

in a neutron flux (Note 3) for at least one (1) week.

B. Ra~iochemical Separation

1. After irradiation, transfer the samples b 150-rnlbeakers and add

standardized nickel, copper, and cobalt carriers (Note 4) and 5 d of ECl

(6P. W. 1.18). Heat gectly on a hot plate until the sollti have dissolved

(Note 5).

2. Allow the solution to cool and then dilute it to 80 ml with water; add

100 mg of Fe+3, as ferric ammonlug sulphate solution, 10 ml of a 10 percent .901u-

tion of sodium nitrate, 5 ml of 40 percent w/v solution of anunoniumcitrate and

ammonium hydroxide in alight excess. Precipitate the nickel by adding slowly

10 ml of a 1 percent w/v aolutlon of dlrnethylglyoxime

in methanol, and collect

the precipitate on aWhabman No. 541 filter-paper (Rote 6).

3. To the filtrate add dilute nitric acid until the solution 18 Just

acid, and then heat to 80° C and add 10 ml of a freshly prepared l? solution

of thionalde in methanol. Place the beaker on a hot-plate, stirring until

coagulation of the precipitate is complete, and then collect it on a Uhabnan

Ho. xl filter-paper (Note 7).

PROCEDURE 24 (Continued)

4. To the flltrata from the copper thionalde precipitation add 20 ml

ofm3 (Hp. gr. 1.42) .sndevapomte ta dryness. Then add 10 ml of H#04

(BP. gr. 1.84) and evapomte to fumes of sulph~ic acid. ~d additioml

quantities of HK03 and treat atingly to destioy coqletely all of the

organic matter. After cmling the solution, dilute it to 250 ml with water,

add a suspension of zinc oxide In water until precipitation occurB and then

a slight excess, and set aside for 10 minutes before collecting the precipltita

on a 15-cm Wha-n No. %1 filter-paper. DiBcard the precipitate.

5. Heat the filtrate, and add dropwise 5 ml of a 10 percent solution Of

l-nitroBo-2-naphtholin glacial acetic acid, and boil for 2 mlnutea. Collect

the precipi~te on an 11-cm w’hatumnNo. 31 filter-paper, and wash it thorou@ly

wltbhot water. Discard the filtrate.

6. Transfer the precipi~te to a silica crucible. Ignite the crucible

and itm contents in a muffle furnace at 800° C. COO1 and tien dissolve the

oxide residue in 5 ml of Hc1 (sp. gr. 1.18), warming if necess~. Make a

“scavenging” precipitation by adding a few milligxame of ferric iron, precipita-

ting it with anmonlw hydroxide. Collect the precipltite on awhabnan No. al

filter-paper. Discard the precipitate.

7. To’the filtrate add 10ml of a 4@w/v solution ofKOH and carefully

boil the solution until all the ammonia is expelled. Centrifuge the mixture;

dlacard the supernatant liquid.

8. Dissolve the precipitate in ~ ml of 3 ~HCl solution, tranafer it

to a 150-ml beaker, and add 15 ml of water, 5 ml of glacial acetic acid,

and 5 ml of 60$ w/v solution of potassium nitrite. Digest the 6olution

for 5 minutee, then centrifuge. DLecard the aupernatint liquid.

9. Wash the,precipitate,.vith
water and et@mol. Then, by slurryZng

it with k small amount of ethanol, transfer it to a weighed aluminum counting

tray. Dry the tray and its contents under an iufra-red lamp. Determine the

chemical yield by weighing as potassium cobaltinitilte.

PROCEDURE 24 (Continued)

c. C060
mdiacttvity Meaeur=nt and Determination
of Stable Cobalt

1. Count all samples and standards on suitable radiometrlc equipmant,

-ke any corrections necessary for back~ound, self-absorption,and chemical

yield. Calculate the s-ble cobalt content of the test samples by comparing

the Coti radioactivity found in both the test and standard samples (Note 8).

2. Check the radlochemical purity of the eemples either by decay, by

beta-absorption curves, or by gamma-ray Opectrometry.


1. Samples of VarIea weights were sealed in short leugthe of polyethylene

tubi~ .

2. Portions of a mild steel sample containing 0.016 percent cobalt were

used as standard samples. These were ah.O sexed itIBhort len@hs of poly-

ethylene tubing. After the Irradiation, dlesolve the standards lnHC1-HN03.

To the Bolutlon add 10.0 mg of cobalt In solution and treat as for the te~t

mmplea .

3. The ‘Belf-servew and thermal column positions of the Harwell Pile

were u8ed for these irradiations.

4. Carriers used contiined 10.Omg of nickel in the form of nickel

nitrate solution, 20.0 IDSof copper as copper sulphate solution and 10.0

mg of cobalt as cobalt nitrate solution.

5. This treatment 16 adequate for the dissolution of the marine Bedl-

mentO. Meteorite and rock mmples were dissolved In the following manner:

‘To these Bamples add 5 ml of IIS03(sp. g. 1.42) and 10 ~ of ~lo4 (8P. ~.

l.~0) and evaporate to fumes of perchloric acid. Allow to cod, and then

add 5 ml more of the BN03 and 10-20 drops of 4@ W/W hydrofluric acid.

Evapomte to fumes of perchloric acid; cml, and then add 5 ml of .aqparegia

and agsln evaporate Jm fumes of perchlwic acid. If necessary, repeat this

PFiocEoum 24 (Continual)

treatment BhOUM any Ineoluble residue remain at this 8*e. Then, proceed

with Step 2 of Pbt B of the.Procedure.“

6. T’MS precipitate maybe processed for nickel (See Smaies, et al(w)

7, This precipitate =ybe processed for copper (See Smeles, et ~l(3w)’ .

8. At leaBt 10”8 gram of cobalt can be determined by this method.

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