Title: Topic: Segment: Length: TV Anchor: Script Writers: Wilson M. Mabingnay Melc: Lesson Objective

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TITLE: Television-Based Instruction for Special Program in the Arts \

(Creative Writing)
TOPIC: Elements and Principles of Artistic Expression
LENGTH: 35 minutes
MELC: explains the commonality and distinguishing elements of artistic
expression in all the arts

 explain the commonality and distinguish the elements of artistic expression in all the arts.


Program ID


Anchor Good day everyone, welcome to “ART ATTACK”

This is Sir Whil, your teacher for Special Program for the
Arts – Creative Writing.
Before we proceed to our discussion for this episode, let me
give you first the description of the curriculum:

Special Program in the Arts (SPA) is a program which

PowerPoint Presentation covers different Arts Fields. The program is designed to
cultivate the learners’ skills in Music, Visual Arts, Theater
Arts, Media Arts, Creative Writing and Dance. It also aims
to transform them to be more creative, talented, self-
directed individuals, and envisions them to standout in
challenging careers in the arts in local and global market.

Anchor And for today’s segmet in Art Attack, we will focus on

creative writing and our learning objective for this are the
following …
 explains the commonality and distinguishing
elements of artistic expression in all the arts

After a short break, we will start our discussion. Please be

ready with your module, paper and ballpen.

Clip from Youtube about the Joy
of Writing while on quarantine

SPA (Special Program in the Arts)

Prog ID
What if you had the keys to the artistic kingdom? With
LESSON PROPER each of these essential for making art, that is exactly what
you have. Understanding and applying the building blocks
of art (or the elements and principles of art as they are often
called) is what takes an artist from beginner to master.

Anchor In order to understand, deftly critique, and practice your

chosen art form, you need to know the key concepts that it
is built upon. Familiarity with elements of art like color and
line and principles of art (proportion, rhythm, and contrast
among others) is what gives artists that fluency. With your
knowledge of these, you will always be able to find the joy
and excitement that can surround art…and for art lovers
there is nothing more appealing than that.

Think of the elements of art as the arrows in your quiver or
tools in a toolbox. You use them individually and in
combination for any art making endeavor. For the visual
arts, these are visual elements: color, form, line, shape,
Flash on screen images/word text space, texture, and value.
(Concept Map : Elements of Art)
Voice over COLOR
A three-pronged element of art: hue, value and intensity.
In a lot of ways it is the heart of an art object — the form
itself. It can enclose a volume and includes height, width
and depth. A cube, a sphere, a cylinder and a pyramid are
all different forms. Forms can also be formless —
abstracted and free-flowing.
Marks made on a surface are known as line. They start at a
point and move along, creating space as they go. Creating a
series of parallel lines to indicate form is a technique
known as hatching. Crosshatching indicates more than one
set of these lines laid overtop of each other at angles to
model and indicate tone.
The element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited
to height and width. Usually a shape is enclosed.
Space is the element of art through which both positive and
negative areas are defined or a sense of depth is achieved in
a work of art.
This aspect of art defines the way an art object or an
element in a composition feels or looks as if it would feel if

Flash on screen images/word text PRINCIPLES OF ART

(Concept Map : Principles of Art) If the elements of art are your tools, the principles of art are
how you put them to work. It is where the style of art
Voice over manipulates its substance. Rhythm, harmony, balance,
contrast, movement, proportion, and variety are the
principles of art.
This principle of art describes the movement in or of an
artwork. Rhythm is created by the variety and repetition of
elements in a work of art that come together to create a
visual tempo or beat.
This is achieved when the elements of an artwork come
together in a unified way. Certain element are repeated yet
still look and feel similar. Not monotony and not chaos,
harmony is that perfectly honed combination of both.
Artists combine elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or
stability to a work of art. Symmetry and asymmetry are
manifestations of balance.
Areas of contrast are where a viewer’s eye are usually first
drawn. Artists will combine elements to stress the
differences between those elements.
Movement is used to create the look and feeling of action
in an artwork. It guides the viewer’s eye throughout a
piece. A sense of movement can be varied lines, repetition
of elements, and gestural mark-making among many more.
This is the uniform repetition of an element of art or
combination of elements. Anything can be turned into a
pattern through repetition.
Within the realm of the elements and principles of art,
proportion is the relationship of elements in an artwork to
the whole and to one another.
The principle of art concerned with diversity or contrast is
that of variety. Variety is brought about by using different
colors, sizes and shapes in a work of art. It is the partner of
unity. Artists seek the balance between the two.

SUMMARY OF DAY’S LESSON Those are the different elements and principles of artistic
expression in all the arts.
Short Pause…
Elements of Art Principles of Art

Flash on screen
color shape rhythm contrast

form space harmony movement

line texture balance pattern

proportion variety

QUIZ/STUDENTS’ That’s it for our discussion on creative writing.

PARTICIPATION Now, to check if you learned something on this episode, let
us have a 10-item quiz.
Be ready with your paper and ballpen. Let’s begin!

Flash on screen QUIZ

Direction: Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer in the blank before each

_____1. Pick the best answer to describe SHAPE.

A. A principle of art that deals with height and width.
B. An element that refers to the area between, around
and/or within things.
C. Triangles, squares, cylinders, rectangles, ovals, and
D. An element that is concerned with height and width, and
that encloses space.

_____2. Which element of art is concerned with reflected

A. contrast B. color C. value D.pattern

_____3. Symmetry and asymmetry are manifestations of

A. space B. balance C. rhythm D.emphasis
_____4. Marks made on surface are known as _____.
A. movement B. line C. shape D. pattern
_____5. Texture is...
A. An element of art that is hard most of the time.
B. An element of art that is easy most of the time.
C. How something feels or how it looks like it would feel.
D. Not something that you see, but rather something that
you feel.

_____6. Pattern is a principle of art that is created...

A. When your mama gets dressed for work.
B. When lines are used over and over again.
C. When an art element (or elements) is repeated in a
planned or random way over and over again.
D. When lines and shapes are used in combination with
different colors.
_____7. What principle of art is used to create the look and
feeling of action in an
A. movement B. harmony C. balance D.pattern
_____8. It is the aspect of brightness and purity of a color.
A. intensity B. value C. hue D. color
_____9. This is the uniform repetition of an element of art
or combination of elements.
A. pattern B. color C. rhythm D. variety

_____10. Elements of Art is best described as

A. tools for any art making endeavor
B. how you put them to work.
C. It is where the style of art manipulates its substance.
D. Rhythm, harmony, balance, contrast, movement,
proportion, and variety

CLOSING BILLBOARD/ And that’s all for today’s episode on ART ATTACK. If
you have further questions about the subject, you may call,
text, send message via messenger to your subject teacher or
See you again on the next episode! Ciao!

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