Worked Calculations Non Permanent Fasteners With Naration - PPSX
Worked Calculations Non Permanent Fasteners With Naration - PPSX
Worked Calculations Non Permanent Fasteners With Naration - PPSX
Lecturer: Dr OT Laseinde
Theory & worked calculations
Bolted connections, fasteners and other non-
permanent joints
Lecturer: Dr OT Laseinde
Designation of screw threads
1. Size designation. The size of the screw thread is designated by
the letter `M' followed by the diameter and pitch, the two being
separated by the sign ×. When there is no indication of the pitch, it
shall mean that a coarse pitch is implied.
2. Tolerance designation. This shall include
(a) A figure designating tolerance grade as indicated below:
‘7’ for fine grade, ‘8’ for normal (medium) grade, and ‘9’ for coarse
(b) A letter designating the tolerance position as indicated below :
‘H’ for unit thread, ‘d’ for bolt thread with allowance, and ‘h’ for
bolt thread without allowance.
For example, A bolt thread of 6 mm size of coarse pitch and with
allowance on the threads and normal (medium) tolerance grade is
designated as M6-8d.
Bolt and nuts reference table
Selected dimensions for a selection of British Standard
ISO Metric Precision Hexagon Bolts. BS 3692:1967
Table 1
Thread standards
Table 2: American Standard thread Table 3: American Standard thread
dimensions for UNC screw threads dimensions for UNF screw threads
Bolt and nuts
Table 4
Designation of screw threads
Table 5: Design dimensions of screw threads, bolts and nuts according
to IS : 4218 (Part III) 1976 (Reaffirmed 1996)
Stresses in fastenings
Table 6: Three (3) different types of Square thread
Stresses in fastenings
For detailed theory associated with stresses in fastening,
please refer to Screw fastening textbook excerpt by Khurmi
and Gupta uploaded on blackboard
MDSMIA2 unit 5 Reference textbooks
For further calculation examples, the other textbooks are
Categories of stresses in screwed fastenings
1. Internal stresses due to screwing up forces,
2. Stresses due to external forces, and
3. Stress due to combination of stresses at (1) and (2).
Stresses in fastenings
1. Internal stresses due to screwing up forces
given by σb =
where x = Difference in height between the extreme corners of the
nut or head; l = Length of the shank of the bolt, and
E = Young’s modulus for the material of the bolt.
Example 1
Determine the safe tensile load for a bolt of M 30, assuming a safe
tensile stress of 42 MPa.
Determine the safe tensile load for a bolt of M 30, assuming a safe
tensile stress of 42 MPa.
At is the tensile stress area of the bolt (m2); p, bolt proof strength in (N/m2).
Once the preload has been determined the torque required to tighten the bolt
can be estimated from
where T is wrench torque (N m); K, constant; Fi, preload (N); d, nominal bolt
diameter (m). The value of K depends on the bolt material and size.
Common types of screw fastenings
The diameter of the set screw (d) may be obtained from the
following expression:
d = 0.125 D + 8 mm
where D is the diameter of the shaft (in mm) on which the set screw
is pressed.
The tangential force (in newton's) at the surface of the shaft is given
F = 6.6 (d )2.3
From Table, the pitch for a coarse series M10 bolt is 1.5mm.
dp = 10 - 0.649519 X 1.5 = 9.026 mm
dr = 10 - 1.226869 X 1.5 = 8.160 mm
At = = 57.99 mm2
For a reusable connection, the recommended preload is
Fi = 0.75 At
From table 5, k = 0.2.
The torque required to tighten the bolt is given by T = kFid = 0.2 X
13.48 X 0.01 = 26.96 Nm
Example 4
set of six M8 bolts is used to provide a clamping force of 20 kN
between two components in a machine. If the joint is subjected to
an additional load of 18 kN after the initial preload of 8.5 kN per
bolt has been applied, determine the stress in the bolts. The
stiffness of the clamped components can be assumed to be three
times that of the bolt material. The proof stress of the low carbon
steel bolt material is 310MPa.
According to the question, Kc = 3Kb
Fb = Fi = Fi = FiFe
=9250 N
Fc = Fi = Fi= FiFe
=6250 N
Fc is greater than zero, the joint remains tight. The tensile stress
area for the M8 bolt can be determined from
stress of 310 MPA. The bolts are therefore safe. (Always conclude
by stating your final findings or inference)