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The Many Types of Synesthesia

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The Many Types Of Synesthesia

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By Nicola Kirkpatrick

Updated February 09, 2020

Reviewer Aaron Horn

Source: flickr.com

What's it like to "taste" words or "see" music? If you know,

then you might just have the sensory condition known as
synesthesia. While there are many types of synesthesia, it
is generally described as a phenomenon in which a person
experiences a sensory stimulus, such as hearing a piece of
music, and another of their senses simultaneously
perceives the stimulus. For example, the music heard
could trigger the perception of an orange-colored haze.

Evidence of synesthesia has been documented for

centuries, but the condition has previously received little
attention from the scientific community and the public-at-
large. The American Synesthesia Association points out
that current "serious scientific attention" to synesthesia
and heightened public awareness of the condition may be
attributed to widespread internet use and new
developments in the use of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) for detecting brain activity. Both have
contributed to the recognition, study and detailing of
several types of synesthesia.

How Do the Synesthesia Types Differ?

Someone with synesthesia is known as a synesthete, and

there are over 80 combinations of ways in which a
synesthete's senses may be linked. For instance, some
synesthetes perceive words as a taste, while others may
associate different personality traits with each of the 26
letters of the alphabet. Furthermore, while synesthesia is
most commonly seen as a link between two senses, there
are types of synesthesia in which three or more of the
senses are involved. There has also been at least one case
in which a synesthete displayed a connection among all
five senses.

Another distinction among synesthetes is that their

synesthesia can be bracketed into two major groups.
Firstly, there is projective synesthesia in which the
synesthete hears, sees, feels, smells or tastes the second
sensation which is triggered by the initial stimulus. An
example of this is a synesthete smelling apples whenever
they hear a guitar playing a certain note. The smell of the
apples is as real for the synesthete as the sound they are

The second major category is associative synesthesia.

Synesthetes who fall in this group feel the connection
between a stimulus and a sense by which it is not normally
perceived. In the above example, while a synesthete with
associative synesthesia will not smell apples, they will feel
a strong association between guitar's music and the smell
of apples. There is, of course, some gray area between
these two types of synesthesia, as there are synesthetes
who describe their experiences in both a projected and
associative manner, with the forms occurring both
independently and in a mixed or concurrent fashion.

It must be explicitly pointed out that synesthesia is not a

reaction which happens selectively or can be typically be
"switched off - the synesthete cannot choose when to be
synesthetic. Neither is simply a "swapping" of senses or
the replacement of one sense with the next. Plus, in the
types of synesthesia involving projected colors, those
colors do not interfere with colors in the environment.
Rather, both are perceived as separate and distinct.

For example, someone who perceives individual numerals

as colors still sees the numerals in whatever color they are
shown. But, they also, ON EVERY OCCASION, will
experience either a very strong association of the numeral
to a particular color or they will very clearly see that color
projected in some region in space, such as the associated
color glowing around the numeral.

It must also be emphasized that while many of the

examples given in this article will include the five basic
senses, there are types of synesthesia in which the
secondary perception is in the form of inner feelings or
emotions. Some synesthetes, for example, perceive
numbers and letters with personality traits - such as the
numeral 5 being optimistic or the letter C being generous.
(We will explore these forms of synesthesia in greater
detail in the next section of this article.)

There are other distinctions which can be made among the

types of synesthesia. These include research findings
supporting the theory that synesthesia is more prevalent
among women than men, although there are other bodies
of research which indicate there is no distinction of
synesthesia prevalence between the sexes. For those who
maintain that females are more likely to be synesthetic,
they generally conclude that the degree of prevalence is
much less than previously thought.

Some studies have shown that synesthesia has a genetic

link and runs in families. In fact, over 40% of synesthetes
have a parent, sibling or offspring who is also a synesthete.
Hence, there are some families with multiple cases of
synesthesia. A distinction arises, however, where recent
research shows that apart from congenital synesthesia,
there are some types of synesthesia which can be either
chemically induced by psychoactive stimulants or
developed through experiences, whether learned or
following a traumatic experience. An example of the latter
is the link shown between post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and Grapheme-color Synesthesia.

A Close Look at The Most Common Types of Synesthesia

Research and understanding of synesthesia are currently

quite fluid, with new findings being regularly reported.
The scientific community has, however, established
somewhat consistent descriptions of the most common
ways in which the various types of synesthesia
manifested. Let us delve deeper into some of them.

Grapheme-Color Synesthesia

Source: flickr.com

Of all the types of synesthesia which have been identified

so far, Grapheme-color synesthesia is one of the most
prevalent and most studied. In it, the synesthete has a
natural association of written letters and numerals to
colors. There are some minor similarities among
grapheme-color synesthetes regarding which color is
perceived about a unique numeral or letter. It is highly
unlikely, however, that two persons with this form of
synesthesia have very many of the same associations.

The term "cross-wiring" is often used in explaining each of

the types of synesthesia about how the brain works.
Cross-wiring in the case of grapheme-color synesthesia is
thought to occur between the brain's color center and
number area, both of which are located in the same region
of the brain known as the fusiform gyrus. Some studies
have revealed that persons with grapheme-color
synesthesia have an increased amount of grey matter in
certain areas of their brains, including the fusiform gyrus.

Some persons find it is very advantageous to have

grapheme-color synesthesia as it has been proven to aid
memory and, by extension, learning. Several studies have
focused on this aspect of grapheme-color synesthesia,
regarding it as a useful mnemonic device for synesthetes.
Other studies have taken this one step further by
suggesting that the grapheme-color synesthesia was itself
developed in the early childhood stage of a synesthete's
life as a learning strategy.

Ordinal Linguistic Personification

In ordinal linguistic personification, the synesthete

perceives ordered sequences such as numbers, letters,
days, months, etc. as having inherently distinct personality
traits and gender. As with many other types of
synesthesia, the associations are roughly constant for the
synesthete but are not necessarily the same among
synesthetes who exhibit the condition. While ordinal
linguistic personification has been noted to co-occur with
other forms of synesthesia, it has been shown to co-occur
with greater frequency in synesthetes who display
grapheme-color synesthesia.

As an example of ordinal linguistic personification, the

synesthete might feel that the letter A is female, the letter
T is male, and the letter M has no gender. They may also
perceive the numeral 5 as sneaky and the numeral 9 as
fussy. There are occasions, too, in which the letters,
numbers, etc. have personal relationships with each other.
For example, B and R are friends, and neither one can
stand Y. There is also the tendency among synesthetes
with ordinal linguistic personification to attribute a trait to
an entire word based on the trait associated with the
word's initial letter.For instance, if N is a quiet,
introspective letter, then the word "NECK" is a quiet,
introspective word. It is also worth noting that a
synesthete may assign personality traits and gender to
objects, as well.


Source: rawpixel.com

This type of synesthesia is also known as sound-to-color

synesthesia and can simply be thought of as seeing
sounds. In chromesthesia, sounds heard by the synesthete
are associated or perceived as particular colors. The
synesthete hears the sound just as everyone else does. In
every instance in which the sound is heard, however, they
simultaneously and naturally experience a color which
remains more or less constant with that specific sound.
The perception of the color does not detract from the how
the synesthete hears the sound, and in most cases, it is
more likely to enhance their overall experience of it. Some
chromesthesia synesthetes take advantage of their
condition by using sounds (such as playing a piece of
music) as a way to help them to relax.

Similar to the pairs found in other types of synesthesia,

the pairings in chromesthesia are consistent for each
synesthete but are not automatically the same for another
synesthete with chromesthesia. What researchers have
discovered, however, is that synesthetes tend to associate
high pitched sounds with light, bright colors. Low pitched
sounds, on the other hand, are more likely to be matched
to darker colors. There is also some evidence to suggest
this phenomenon can be found (to a lesser extent) among

Subgroups among chromesthesia synesthetes include

those for whom the condition is triggered by all types of
sounds and those for whom musical notes only generate
their sound-to-color associations. Furthermore, some
chromesthesia synesthetes report that the colors are only
evoked by people's voices.A note-worthy group related to
chromesthesia synesthetes are persons for whom the
condition is color-to-sound, that is, it is colors which are
perceived as sounds. In instances where an individual is
identified as having both sound-to-color and color to
sound synesthesia, it often found that the pairings remain
the same in both directions.

Spatial Sequence Synesthesia

Spatial sequence synesthesia is sometimes referred to as

visio-spatial synesthesia and is one of the most intriguing
types of synesthesia.In it, sequences such as numbers,
letters, months and dates are perceived as occupying
points in space. A synesthete who experiences this
phenomenon may see the spatial arrangement in their
"mind's eye" or in the actual space around them.

For example, there are synesthetes with spatial sequence

synesthesia who, when thinking of letters, might see A
farther away than B and perhaps B higher than C. The
arrangement can take different shapes - columns, spirals
or circles, for instance. As another example, spatial
sequence synesthetes might perceive the time on a clock
as located in the specific points in the space around them.
So, 12 o'clock has a set location, as does 1 o'clock, 2
o'clock, etc.They can turn toward each time's location, to
focus on it and to move toward it.

Interestingly, studies have linked the time-space nature of

spatial sequence synesthesia with improved memory, in
general, and superior ability to recall events, in particular.
Many sources like this type of synesthesia to an ability to
see into the past or to travel through time. There have
been studies which indicate a very heightened ability
among persons with spatial sequence synesthesia to recall
the events which have occurred in their own lives. This
condition, known as hyperthymesia, is itself linked to
autism and savantism.

Mirror-Touch Synesthesia

Source: pexels.com

This is one of the rare synesthesia types and one of those

with the greatest possibility of being an acquired (as
opposed to congenital) condition in a synesthete. In
mirror-touch synesthesia, the synesthete feels the same
sensations as someone else. The mirror-touch sensation
can be activated by real-life, in person situations or by
watching someone on a screen. Non-synesthetes who
enjoy watching particularly violent shows may be
horrified to know that a synesthete with mirror-touch
synesthesia feels all the pain associated with the maiming
taking place on the screen.

Here are a few other examples of mirror-touch

synesthesia: While watching a doctor places a cold
stethoscope on her child's back, a mother feels the
sensation on her own back. Or, while watching a friend rub
a sore spot on his shoulder, the synesthete feels that exact
rubbing sensation on her shoulder. Or, perhaps while
sitting beside someone on the bus who begins to grind her
teeth, the synesthete feels the same uncomfortable
sensation in her mouth.

Understandably, some studies of mirror-touch

synesthesia have linked it to synesthetes having a
heightened sense of empathy for the pain being suffered
by others. The condition has proven to be helpful to
synesthetes with certain professions, such as doctors and
massage therapists.

Auditory-Tactile Synesthesia

Auditory-tactile synesthesia (a.k.a. hearing-touch

synesthesia) is one of the rarest of all types of synesthesia.
It occurred when sounds heard by the synesthete
produces a tactile sensation on certain areas inside and
outside of the body. Indications are that cross-wiring of
the auditory and somatosensory cortices accounts for the
experience of auditory-tactile synesthesia.

There are a plethora of sensations which can be

experienced and which vary from one synesthete to the
next. A sound might feel like a tingling sensation to one
synesthete while to another that same sound is perceived
as the pressure we normally associate with something
pressing against our skin. Sounds have been reported as
feeling warm or cold; like you are being tickled; gently
brushed by a feather; or like electric shocks.

There are occasions when synesthetes describe the

perceived tactile sensation as pleasant but on other
occasions, sounds can produce sensations which are
distracting, uncomfortable or outright painful - there are
synesthetes who report sounds feeling like stings to their
skin. The primary stimulus which produces a particular
sensation differs among synesthetes with auditory-tactile
synesthesia. For some, it may be music which primarily
produces the sensations while for others, it may be the
sound of the human voice.

Number Form Synesthesia

This, again, is one of the rare synesthesia types and, as

such, it has not received as much attention from research
as some of the other, more common types of synesthesia.
In number form synesthesia, the synesthete involuntarily
sees a mental map of any group of numbers they think
about. Research into number form synesthesia suggests
that the cross-wiring which occurs in the synesthete's
brain takes place between close-lying regions within the
parietal lobe which governs spatial and numerical

The arrangements in number form synesthesia differ from

the conventional number line we are all taught in
school,and they may be idiosyncratic (unique to the
individual synesthete), and unchanged throughout the
synesthete's lifetime. The synesthete may have a
particular form for months of the year and another for
dates. Also, the number of forms which are perceived are
not related to colors and do not necessarily possess any
form of symmetry. The number forms may be complex or
simple and may involve curved or straight lines or a
combination of both.

Research has suggested that synesthetes are better able

to process numerical information if it is presented in a
manner which matches their number form for that type of
information. This has some implications for how well a
synesthete can learn subjects, such as Mathematics,
taught conventionally.

Lexical-Gustatory (And Sound-Gustatory) Synesthesia

Source: pexels.com

This is yet another of the rare forms of synesthesia. A

person who has lexical-gustatory synesthesia senses
words (both spoken and written) as distinct tastes, smells
and textures in the mouth or senses the tastes in their
head. The phenomenon has been shown to include non-
lexical sounds, that sounds not related to words (such as
music or the sound of a jackhammer). Hence the
distinction is sometimes made of sound-gustatory

As is the case with some other types of synesthesia, there

is evidence to suggest that lexical-gustatory and sound-
gustatory synesthesia are developed in childhood rather
than being present from birth. Some synesthetes with
lexical-gustatory synesthesia tend to make linkages
between word and foods they were exposed to as
children. In one particular case, the synesthete who spoke
both English and French from childhood had taste
sensations for words in both languages. Although she also
spoke Spanish (but learned it later in her childhood years
than the other two languages), she had no experiences of
her synesthesia in that language.

The experience of the evoked sensations is often linked to

the sound of the word, but some researchers think it may
be connected to the meaning of the word, as well. Also,
not all words (whether visualized or heard) and sounds
induced the same intensity or complexity of taste in the
synesthete. Furthermore, they are some words and
sounds which produce no taste response at all.


This is one of the rarest of the rare types of synesthesia. In

fact, it has only recently begun to be the subject of
scientific research and has also only recently begun to
receive acceptance as a form of synesthesia. Apart from
being one of the rarest, misophonia is also one of the most
troubling examples of synesthesia. It is a condition in
which the synesthete experiences negative and aggressive
emotional reactions to sound. It has been described as a
hatred of sound with the most common triggers being
human-related sounds, such as breathing, chewing and lip-

Importantly, the sounds which trigger misophonia tend to

be everyday, unavoidable sounds. It should, therefore, be
easy for a non-synesthete (or a synesthete who does not
have this particular form of synesthesia) to understand
how misophonia can adversely impact the normal
functioning of the synesthete afflicted by it. Approaches
used to help synesthetes with misophonia include
cognitive behavioral therapy and the inclusion of
background noise to mask the annoying sounds.

As we have seen, it is not just the types of synesthesia

which are widely different, but also how the condition
affects the lives of synesthetes. It is true that synesthesia
forms are considered helpful (such as grapheme-color
synesthesia aiding memory). On the other hand, there may
be cases in which synesthesia proves to be problematic for
the person experiencing it (as with misophonia). In these
instances, it is advisable to seek professional help. While it
may not be possible to eliminate the condition, coping
strategies can be learned.

It is also wise to reach out to a mental health professional

if you suspect you may any of the synesthesia types
described above or have had similar experiences. It could
give you the chance to explore your unique situation fully.
Who knows - your case may be an as yet unidentified type
of synesthesia worthy of further investigation.

Previous Article

What Is Mirror Touch Synesthesia?

Next Article

Synesthesia: Music As A Color Or A Smell?

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