Ucrete UD200: Heavy Duty Polyurethane-Concrete Floor Finish System
Ucrete UD200: Heavy Duty Polyurethane-Concrete Floor Finish System
Ucrete UD200: Heavy Duty Polyurethane-Concrete Floor Finish System
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Air Barriers
Ucrete® UD200
Heavy Duty Polyurethane-Concrete Floor Finish System
Part 1 and 2: 3 liter jugs filled to provide the
Ucrete UD200 is a four-component polyurethane-concrete system. This trowel applied floor system
proper ratio
is installed at a finish thickness of 1/4" to 1/2" (6–12 mm). The thickness is determined by the
Part 3: 59.1 lbs. (26.8 kg) bag
service and cleaning temperatures and the severity of traffic expected. The UD200 floors are
Part 4: 1.1 lbs. (.5 kg) pigment pack
extremely tough and have many physical properties that exceed those of typical concrete. It provides
YIELD a lightly textured protective floor finish suitable for applications in wet and dry process environments.
For coverage rates, refer to the Ucrete
Contractor Installation Guideline. FEATURES RESULTS
COLORS Thermal stability Resists steam or continuous hot-water cleaning
Ucrete UD200 base color: Red, Gray, Cream,
Blue, Green, Charcoal Fast curing, in temps as low as 50 °F / 10 °C Minimized down time
Part 1: 9 months when properly stored
Part 2: 1 year when properly stored
Part 3: 9 months when properly stored
Part 4: 2 years when properly stored
• Meat, Poultry and Seafood Plants
• Dairy Plants
• Beverage and Bottling Facilities
• Pharmaceutical Plants
• Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants
• Chemical Processing Plants
• Freezers and Coolers
• Interior or exterior applications
• Some color instability in direct
UV exposures.
Compressive strength, psi (MPa) 7792 / 7387 psi (53.7 / 50.9 MPa) ASTM C579, Load rate 2/1
Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 845 psi (5.82 x 109 Mpa) ASTM C307
Flexural strength, psi (MPa) 2030.53 psi (14 MPa) ASTM C580
Chemical Resistance
• Oleic Acids, 100% @ 140 °F (60 °C): Representative of the organic acids formed by oxidation
of vegetables and animal fats widely encountered in the food industry.
• Concentrated Citric Acid: As found in citrus fruits and representative of the wider range of fruit acids
which can rapidly degrade other resin floors.
• Methanol, 100%: Representative of alcohols and the wider range of solvents used in the pharmaceutical industry.
NOTE: Full chemical resistance is achieved after curing for 7 days. For chemical resistance to a specific compound, consult the Chemical Resistance
Guide. Some staining or discoloration may occur with some chemicals, depending upon the nature of the spillage and the standards of housekeeping
employed. Contact your local BASF representative for more information
Master Builders Solutions by BASF
The floor can be returned to full service after
12–24 hours at 70 °F (21 °C).
If using Ucrete Accelerator, reference table to
HOW TO APPLY 6. Apply at least a 100 square foot test in an understand accelerator requirements at various
Ucrete systems are installed by approved inconspicuous area that meets the owner's room temperatures and corresponding cure
contracting firms who have completed the expectations for appearance, slip resistance, times. Material should be conditioned at 70 °F
manufacturer's training workshops. Ucrete is and performance. (21 °C) for optimal cure results and workability.
a globally branded product line with industry
synergies around the world. APPLICATION TEMPERATURE 1 OZ 2 OZ
1. Open jugs of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4 liquid
The following is only a summary of the installation pigment pack. 70 °F 2hrs Not Recommended
techniques used by your Ucrete approved 2. Mix the 3 components using a mechanical 60 °F 4hrs 3hrs
contractors. Refer to the Ucrete Contractor mixer. The materials are supplied in
50 °F 5hrs 4hrs
Installation Guideline for more information. premeasured containers.
40 °F Not Recommended 6–7hrs
SURFACE PREPARATION If using the Ucrete Accelerator, reference curing
1. Floors must be structurally sound and properly table for recommended dosage (per kit). Varies
cured. Test floor for vapor drive in accordance by room temperature.
Regular cleaning and maintenance will prolong
with ASTM D 4263 or ASTM F 1869.
Ucrete Accelerator should be added to mixture the life of all polymer flooring systems, enhance
2. Repair concrete as necessary.
of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4. Proceed normally. their appearance and reduce any tendency
3. Use commercial degreaser to clean floors of oil,
3. Add the powdered Part 3 and continue to retain dirt. UD200 is readily cleaned with
grease and other bond-inhibiting materials.
mixing for another 2-4 minutes (temperature industry standard cleaning chemicals and
4. Remove curing and parting compounds and
dependent). Scrape sides at least once. Do not equipment. UD200 will withstand steam-
other surface hardeners and floor coatings
mix by hand. cleaning, high pressure hot-water wash-downs
in accordance with the manufacturer's
4. Immediately discharge the product and place along with a wide range of decontamination and
material on substrate to be coated. Mix degreasing materials.
5. Mechanical surface profiling is the method
subsequent batches immediately.
of surface penetration for both new and
5. Spread mix evenly and close with a clean steel
existing floors. Mechanically profile the floor
trowel. Install to a thickness of 1/4" to 1/2"
to a minimum CSP 4-5 as described by the
(6-12mm) depending on requirements.
International Concrete Repair Institute.
Technical Data Guide
Ucrete® UD200
FOR BEST PERFORMANCE HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL patent rights. In particular, BASF disclaims all
• The owner and architect should discuss joint Read the Health, Safety and Environmental, CONDITIONS AND WARRANTIES, WHETHER
details with the flooring contractor before the understand and follow all Safety Data Sheets EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE IMPLIED
job starts. and product label information for this product WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
• Substrates must be structurally sound, clean, prior to use. The SDS can be obtained by PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. BASF SHALL
dry, and free of any foreign matter that could visiting www.master-builders-solutions.basf. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL,
inhibit adhesion. us, e-mailing your request to basfbscst@basf. INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES
• Do not apply at temperatures below 40 °F (5 com or calling 1(800)433-9517. Use only as (INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS) OF ANY KIND.
°C) or above 86 °F (30 °C) or if the relative directed. For medical emergencies only, call BASF reserves the right to make any changes
humidity is above 85%. ChemTrec® 1(800)424-9300. according to technological progress or further
• Do not apply directly to unreinforced sand developments. It is the customer's responsibility
cement screeds, asphalt or bitumen substrates, LIMITED WARRANTY NOTICE and obligation to carefully inspect and test any
glazed tile or nonporous brick and tile, Every reasonable effort is made to apply BASF incoming goods. Performance of the product(s)
magnesite, copper, aluminum, existing coatings, exacting standards both in the manufacture described herein should be verified by testing
epoxies, or polyesters. For optimal performance, of our products and in the information which and carried out only by qualified experts. It is the
apply directly to concrete. Consult with your we issue concerning these products and their sole responsibility of the customer to carry our
Ucrete representative for advice. use. We warrant our products to be of good and arrange for any such testing. Reference to
• UD200's variations in thickness will affect quality and will replace or, at our election, refund trade names used by other companies is neither
the system's thermal and impact resistance. the purchase price of any products proved a recommendation, nor an endorsement of any
Thicker systems will provide the highest level defective. Satisfactory results depend not only product and does not imply that similar products
of thermal shock and impact resistance: upon quality products, but also upon many could not be used.
*1/4" UD200 floor is suitable for freezer factors beyond our control. Therefore, except
temperatures down to -13 °F (-25 °C). for such replacement or refund, BASF MAKES
*3/8" UD200 floor is fully resistant to high NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS
temperature spillage and discharge up to OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF
248 °F (120 °C) and is fully steam cleanable. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
Suitable for freezers down to -40 °F (-40 °C). OR MERCHANTABILITY, RESPECTING ITS
*1/2" UD200 floor is fully resistant to high PRODUCTS, and BASF shall have no other
temperature spillage and discharge up to liability with respect thereto. Any claim regarding
266 °F (130 °C) and occasional spillage up to product defect must be received in writing within
302 °F (150 °C) and is fully steam cleanable. one (1) year from the date of shipment. No claim
Suitable for freezer temperatures down to will be considered without such written notice
-40 °F (-40 °C). or after the specified time interval. User shall
• BASF representatives and flooring specialists determine the suitability of the products for the
are available to assist you in the selection of the intended use and assume all risks and liability
proper flooring system. Call 1-800-243-6739 in connection therewith. Any authorized change
for in-house and field technical assistance. in the printed recommendations concerning the
• Make certain the most current versions of use of our products must bear the signature of
the product data sheets and MSDS are being the BASF Technical Manager.
used; call Customer Service (1-800-433-
This information and all further technical advice
9517) to verify the most current versions.
are based on BASF's present knowledge
• Proper application is the responsibility of
and experience. However, BASF assumes no
the user. Field visits by BASF personel
liability for providing such information and
are for the purpose of making technical
advice including the extent to which such
recommendations only and not supervising or
information and advice may relate to existing
providing quality control on the jobsite.
third party intellectual property rights, especially
BASF Corporation 889 Valley Park Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379 Customer Service 1(800) 433.9517
Construction Systems www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us Technical Service 1(800) 243.6739