I - Systems Development Life Cycle (Planning)
I - Systems Development Life Cycle (Planning)
I - Systems Development Life Cycle (Planning)
Chapter Objectives
Explain the concept of a business case and how a business case affects an IT project
Describe the strategic planning process and why it is important to the IT team
Explain the purpose of a mission statement
Describe the SDLC, and explain how it serves as a framework for systems development and business modeling
Describe risks and risk management features
List the reasons for information systems projects and the factors that affect such projects
Explain the initial review of systems requests and the role of the systems review committee
Define operational feasibility, technical feasibility, economic feasibility, and schedule feasibility
Describe the steps in a preliminary investigation and the end product of an investigation
An inquiry to determine whether there is sufficient evidences for a system to be proposed
• Company Selection – an existing company
• Problem Assessment – do the problems post great loss and missed opportunities for the company?
• SWOT Analysis – would the proposed solution benefit the entire company? Its users? Internal? External? Will
this give rise to the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses of the company?
• Problem Assessment – do the problems post great loss and missed opportunities for the company? What are the
critical business issues?
• Main Reasons for Systems Proposals/Projects
Systems request
Improved services
Support for new products and services
Better performance
More information
Reduced cost
Stronger controls (encryption, biometrics)
• SWOT Analysis – would the proposed solution benefit the entire
company? Its users? Internal? External? Will this give rise to the strengths
and eliminate the weaknesses of the company? Success factors? Case for
• Factors that affect Systems Proposal/ Projects
Internal factors (strategic plans, higher management, client
satisfaction, existing systems and processes)
External factors (customers, competition, regulatory agencies,
technology, environment, suppliers)
• Determine the feasibility of building a case for the selected company based on several preliminary investigations
• Look into the future: how could the company survive or continue its operations without the proposed system?
• New industries, products, and services emerging from amazing advances in information technology, customers
who expect world-class IT support, a surge in Internet-based commerce, and a global business environment that is
dynamic and incredibly challenging
• Upon close examination and investigation, a business case should be developed
• The business case should be comprehensive, yet easy to understand
• it should describe the project clearly, provide the justification to proceed, and estimate the project’s financial
FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS - The process of confirming that a strategy, plan or design is possible and makes sense.
This can be used to validate assumptions, constraints, decisions,
approaches and business cases.
Describes how easy or difficult it is to do something
Taking into consideration relevant factors for the
implementation of the project proposal
Types of feasibility
Schedule (time)
Operational (business)
Technical (technology)
Economic (monetary)
The probability of a project to be completed within its scheduled
time limits
If a project has a high probability to be completed on-time, then
its schedule feasibility is appraised as high
May include the following methods or measurements:
Project Estimation
Gantt and PERT Chart
CPM (Critical Path Method)
Change Management
Gantt Chart
Gain an understanding of whether the proposed system will likely solve the business problems, or take
advantage of the opportunities or not
Assess the following areas:
Project Size – number of users
IPO – inputs, processes, outputs
Management support
Environment assessment – are the users going to change
refers to technical resources needed to develop, purchase, install, or operate the system
Includes evaluating the ability of computer hardware and software to handle workloads adequately.
List all the specifications of all hardware and software currently in use by the company and the
proposed ones as well
Method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system
Procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and
compare them with costs
Compute for the total costs incurred affected by the current system (hardware, software, utilities,
overhead, operating costs, …) and compare with the costs incurred affected by the proposed system
Indicate proper sources of monetary values
Calculate for the Payback Period (pp) and the Return on Investment (roi)
Year 1 = $0; Year 2 = $20,000; Year 3 = $30,000; Year 4 = $50,000; Year 5 = $100,000
In this case, we must subtract the expected cash inflows from the $100,000 initial expenditure for the first four years before
completing the payback interval, because cash flows are delayed to such a large extent.
Thus, the averaging method reveals a payback of 2.5 years, while the subtraction method shows a payback of 4.0 years.
Projects where management has a choice in implementing them are called discretionary projects
Projects where no choice exists are called nondiscretionary projects
Identify and weed out systems requests that are not feasible
Even if the request is feasible, it might not be necessary
Feasibility analysis is an ongoing task that must be performed throughout the systems development process
3. Perform Fact-Finding
Analyze company’s processes and operations
Conduct Interviews
Determine the people to interview
Establish objectives for the interview
Develop interview questions
Prepare for the interview
Conduct the interview
Document the interview
Evaluate the interview
Review documentation
4. Evaluate Feasibility
Evaluate based on the evaluation analysis provided in the previous section
Chapter Summary
Systems planning is the first phase of the systems development life cycle
Effective information systems help an organization support its business process, carry out its mission, and serve its
Strategic planning allows a company to examine its purpose, vision, and values and develops a mission statement,
which leads to goals, objectives, day-to-day operations, and business results that affect company stakeholders
Systems projects are initiated to improve performance, provide more information, reduce costs, strengthen
controls, or provide better service
Analysts evaluate systems requests on the basis of their expected costs and benefits, both tangible and intangible
The steps in the preliminary investigation are to understand the problem or opportunity; define the project scope
and constraints; perform fact-finding; estimate the project’s benefits; estimate project development time and cost;
and present results and recommendations to management
The report must include an estimate of time, staffing requirements, costs, benefits, and expected results for the
next phase of the SDLC
Lecture 05
Chapter Objectives
List and describe system requirements, including outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls
Explain the importance of scalability in system design
Use fact-finding techniques, including interviews, documentation review, observation, questionnaires, sampling, and research
Define total cost of ownership (TCO) and explain the concept
Conduct a successful interview
Develop effective documentation methods to use during systems development
-This chapter describes requirements modeling techniques and team-based methods that systems analysts use to
visualize and document new systems
-The chapter then discusses system requirements and fact-finding techniques, which include interviewing,
documentation review, observation, surveys and questionnaires, sampling, and research
Requirements Modeling
Determine the system requirements
Five General Categories
1. Inputs
- Manufacturing employees must swipe their ID cards into online
data collection terminals that record labor costs and calculate production efficiency
The department head must enter overtime hours on a separate screen
2. Processes
- The student records system must calculate the GPA at the end of each semester
As the final step in year-end processing, the payroll system must update employee salaries, bonuses,
and benefits and produce tax data required by the IRS
3. Outputs
- The Web site must report online volume statistics every four hours, and hourly during peak periods
The inventory system must produce a daily report showing the part number, description, quantity on hand,
quantity allocated, quantity available, and unit cost of all sorted by part number
4. Performance
- The system must support 25 users online simultaneously
Response time must not exceed four seconds
5. Security/Control
- The system must provide log-on security at the operating system level and at the application level
An employee record must be added, changed, or deleted only by a member of the human resources department
Interpersonal skills
• Team-Oriented Methods and Techniques
Joint application development (JAD)
- JAD is a methodology that involves the client or end user in the design and development of an application
through a succession of collaborative workshops known as JAD sessions or in other words, a group
information gathering technique of systems development. JAD was developed by IBM in the late 1970s
originally as a process for designing computer-based systems. JAD centers more on people than on
technology. By following a structured method that utilizes group dynamics, electronic software, visual aids
and software modeling tools, JAD encourages a partnership between business clients, management and IS
personnel (4). The aim is to get all groups with a stake in the project to work together by getting the team
together in meeting rooms with U-shaped or round tables, white boards, overhead projectors and audio-
visual tools. This allows everyone in the room to talk and be heard. By hearing each other the team is able
to produce the appropriate systems requirements. Therefore JAD sessions require the right mix of people
actively participating in order to achieve the goals of the session. A typical JAD session can last between
four days and an entire week and is usually held away from the main office (3). A typical JAD team is has
five to eight roles depending on the project.
• Fact-Finding Overview
Helps managers and users understand the model and assures that overall business goals translate into
successful IT projects
2) Document Review
a data collection method for evaluation
includes a basic overview of document
when to use i
how to plan and conduct i
how it affects the system and the business processes
its advantages and disadvantages
3) Observation
Seeing the system in action gives you additional perspective and a better understanding of the system
Plan your observations in advance
Hawthorne Effect
4) Questionnaires and Surveys
Structured and Unstructure
When designing a questionnaire, the most important rule of all is to make sure that your questions collect
the right data in a form that you can use to further your fact-findin
Fill-in form
5) Research
Can include the Internet, IT magazines, and books to obtain background information, technical material,
and news about industry trends and developments
Site visit
6) Sampling
Systematic sample
Stratified sample
Random sample
Main objective of a sample is to ensure that it represents the overall population accurately
o Online keying
o Display
o Input / Output
2. Processing symbols
o Manual operations
o Computer processing
3. Storage symbols
o Magnetic disk
o Magnetic tape
o On-page connector
o Off-page connector
o Terminal
o Decision
• Document
Illustrates the flow of documents and information between areas of responsibility within an organization.
A document flowchart is particularly useful in analyzing the adequacy of control procedures.
• System
System flowcharts depict the relationship among the input, processing, and output of an AIS
• Program
A program flowchart describes the specific logic to perform a process shown on a systems flowchart
Lecture 06
Chapter Objectives
Describe data and process modeling concepts and tools, including data flow diagrams, a data dictionary, and process
Describe the symbols used in data flow diagrams and explain the rules for their use
Draw data flow diagrams in a sequence, from general to specific
Explain how to level and balance a set of data flow diagrams
Describe how a data dictionary is used and what it contains
Use process description tools, including structured English, decision tables, and decision trees
Describe the relationship between logical and physical models
The development of a logical model of the proposed system and document the system requirements
◦ Logical model shows what the system must do
◦ Physical model describes how the system will be constructed
1. External Entity
o An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of study. (Terminators,
Source, Sink)
o Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business process diagram.
o The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier.
2. Process
o A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. Receives input data
and produces output that has a different content, form, or both
o Contain the business logic, also called business rules. Referred to as a black box
o The symbol contains two descriptive elements:
a. An identification number appears in the top part to show the process number
b. A descriptive title is placed in the center of the box. This should be a simple imperative sentence
with a specific verb, for example 'maintain customer records' or 'find driver'.
3. Data Flow
o A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination.
o A data flow is represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always
flows to or from a process and may be written or electronic.
o Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description
of its contents.
o Names of data flows are in NOUN format
4. Data Store
o A data store is a holding place for information within the system
o Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for
example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed
o Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number.
• Illegal data flows
An external entity cannot provide data to external entity without a process
Data cannot move directly from an external entity to a data store without being processed
Data cannot move directly from a data store to an external entity without being processed
Data cannot move directly from one data store to another without being processed
• Black Hole
• Miracle / Spontaneous Generation
• Grey Hole
• Same names for the data flows, data stores, processes, and entities
o use balancing (input and output data flows of the parent DFD are maintained on the child
Process Description
Documents the details of a functional primitive, and represents a specific set of processing steps and business
Process Description Tools
1. Modular Design – is based on combinations of three logical structures, sometimes called control structures,
which serve as building blocks for the process
2. Structured English – is a subset of standard English that shows the iteration structure and describes logical
processes clearly and accuratel
3. Decision Tables – logical structure that shows every combination of conditions and outcome
4. Decision Trees – graphical representation of the conditions, actions, and rules found in a decision table
Sequence of Models
- Many systems analysts create a physical model of the current system and then develop a logical model of the
current system before tackling a logical model of the new system
- Performing that extra step allows them to understand the current system better
Four-Model Approach
Develop a physical model of the current system, a logical model of the current system, a logical model of the new
system, and a physical model of the new system
The only disadvantage of the four-model approach is the added time and cost
- During data and process modeling, a systems analyst develops graphical models to show how the system
transforms data into useful information
- The end product of data and process modeling is a logical model that will support business operations and meet
user needs
- Data and process modeling involves three main tools: data flow diagrams, a data dictionary, and process
- Data flow diagrams (DFDs) graphically show the movement and transformation of data in the information
- DFDs use four symbols
- A set of DFDs is like a pyramid with the context diagram at the top
- The data dictionary is the central documentation tool for structured analysis
- Each functional primitive process is documented using structured English, decision tables, and decision trees
-Structured analysis tools can be used to develop a logical model during one systems analysis phase, and a
physical model during the systems design phase
Chapter Objectives
Describe the concept of Software as a Service
Define Web 2.0 and cloud computing
Explain software acquisition alternatives, including traditional and Web-based software development strategies
Describe software outsourcing options, including offshore outsourcing and the role of service providers
Explain advantages and disadvantages of in-house software development
Discuss cost-benefit analysis and financial analysis tools
Describe the system requirements document
Explain the transition from systems analysis to systems design
The main objective of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new information system. Let us
evaluate the different alternative solutions, preparation of the system requirements document, and presentation of
the system requirements document to the management.
• The transfer of information systems development, operation, or maintenance to an outside firm that provides these
services, for a fee, on a temporary or long-term basis
• Outsourcing can refer to relatively minor programming tasks, renting software from a service provider,
outsourcing a basic business process (often called business process outsourcing, or BPO), or handling a
company's entire IT function
• The Growth of Outsourcing
Traditionally, firms outsourced IT tasks as a way of controlling costs and dealing with rapid technological
Outsourcing has become part of an overall IT strategy for many organizations
A firm that offers outsourcing solutions is called a service provider
Application service providers (ASP)
Internet business services (IBS)
• Also called managed hosting
• Outsourcing Fees
A fixed fee model uses a set fee based on a specified level of service and user support
A subscription model has a variable fee based on the number of users or workstations that have access to
the application
A usage model or transaction model charges a variable fee based on the volume of transactions or
operations performed by the application
• Outsourcing Issues and Concerns
Mission-critical IT systems should be out-sourced only if the result is a cost-attractive, reliable, business
solution that fits the company’s long-term business strategy
Outsourcing also can affect day-to-day company operations and can raise some concerns
A company must review carefully issues relating to insurance, potential liability, licensing and
information ownership, warranties, and disaster recovery
Mergers and acquisitions also can affect outsourcing clients
Outsourcing can be especially attractive to a company whose volume fluctuates widely, such as a defense
• Offshore Outsourcing
also known as global outsourcing
Practice of shifting IT development, support, and operations to other countries
Lecture 08
Chapter Objectives
Explain the concept of user interface design and human-computer interaction, including basic principles of user-centered
Explain how experienced interface designers perform their tasks
Describe rules for successful interface design
Discuss input and output technology issues
Design effective source documents and forms
Explain printed output guidelines
Describe output and input controls and security
Explain modular design and prototyping techniques
Systems Development Life Cycle (System Design)
The goal of systems design is to build a system that is effective, reliable, and maintainable
• User Considerations
Carefully consider any point where users receive output from, or provide input to, the system
Anticipate future needs of the users, the system, and the organization – hard-coded
Provide flexibility
Parameter, default
• Data Considerations
Data should be entered into the system where and when it occurs because delays cause data errors
Data should be verified when it is entered, to catch errors immediately
Automated methods of data entry should be used whenever possible
Audit trail
Every instance of entry and change to data should be logged
Data should be entered into a system only once
Data duplication should be avoided
• Design Trade-Offs
Most design trade-off decisions that you will face come down to the basic conflict of quality versus cost
Avoid decisions that achieve short-term savings but might mean higher costs later
Prototyping Methods
• System prototyping
• Design prototyping
• Throwaway prototyping
Prototyping Tools – systems analysts can use powerful tools to develop prototypes
CASE tools
Application generators
Report generators
Screen generators
Fourth-generation language (4GL)
Fourth-generation environment
Limitations of Prototypes
A prototype is a functioning system, but it is less efficient than a fully developed system
Systems developers can upgrade the prototype into the final information system by adding the necessary
Otherwise, the prototype is discarded
Graphical User Interface - uses visual objects and techniques that allow users to communicate effectively with
the system.
Usability – user satisfaction, support for business functions, and system effectiveness
Process-control systems – allow users to send commands to the system
User-centered systems – how users communicate with the information system, and how the system
supports the firm’s business operations
- Requires the understanding of human-computer interactions and user-centered design principles
Human-Computer Interaction describes the relationship between computers and people who use them to
perform their jobs
Electronic health records (EHRs)
command button
menu bars
dialog box
toggle button
list boxes
scroll bar
option button
radio button
Form Design
• totals zone
Unless source data automation is used, manual data entry is slower and more expensive than batch input
because it is performed at the time the transaction occurs and often done when computer demand is at its
• Input Volume
Display a sample format if a user must enter values in a field in a specific format - separator
Require an ending keystroke for every field
Do not require users to type leading zeroes for numeric fields
Do not require users to type trailing zeroes for numbers that include decimals
Design the screen form layout to match the layout of the source document
Allow users to add, change, delete, and view records
Provide a method to allow users to search for specific information
Provide a way to leave the data entry screen at any time without entering the current record
Provide users with an opportunity to confirm the accuracy of input data before entering it
Provide a means for users to move among fields on the form
Display default values so operators can press the ENTER key to accept the suggested value
Use a default value when a field value will be constant for successive records or throughout the data
entry session
Display a list of acceptable values for fields, and provide meaningful error messages
• Input Errors
Reducing the number of input errors improves data quality
A data validation check improves input quality by testing the data and rejecting any entry that fails to
meet specified conditions
* At least eight types of data validation checks
Field check
Sign check
Limit check
Range check
Size check
Completeness check
Validity check
Check digit verification
Close-loop verification
• Source Documents
Information should flow on a form from left to right and top to bottom to match the way users read
documents naturally
A major challenge of Web-based form design is that most people read and interact differently with on-
screen information compared to paper forms
Dr. Jakob Nielson believes that users scan a page, picking out individual words and sentences
As a result, Web designers must use scannable text to capture and hold a user’s attention
• Every piece of information should be traceable back to the input data
• Audit trail
• Data security
• Records retention policy
• Encrypted – encryption
Types of Output
Internet-based information delivery
Instant messaging
Wireless devices
Digital audio, images, and video
Automated facsimile systems
Computer Output to Microfilm
Computer Output to Digital Media
Printed and Screen Output
• Reports – detail reports, exception reports, summary reports
• User Involvement in Report Design – design in advance, mock-ups
• Report Design Principles
Printed reports must be attractive, professional, and easy to read
Report headers and footers
Page headers and footers
Column heading alignment
Column spacing
Field order
Grouping detail lines
• Report Design Issues
Good design standards produce reports that are uniform and consistent
When a system produces multiple reports, each report should share common design elements
After a report design is approved, you should document the design in a report analysis form
• Designing Character-Based Reports
Many systems still produce one or more character-based reports
When report designers create or modify a character-based report, they use a traditional tool that still
works well, called a printer spacing chart
• Printing Volume and Time
Length calculations
Time calculations
• Ppm (pages per minute)
• Line printers often use
greenbar paper