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Design, Alteration, and Certification of Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems

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Designation: F2639 – 07´1

Standard Practice for

Design, Alteration, and Certification of Airplane Electrical
Wiring Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2639; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

´1 NOTE—Added 1.5 editorially in September 2012.

1. Scope Title Section

Wire Selection 5
1.1 Definition—This practice defines acceptable practices General 5.1
and processes for the design, alteration, and certification of Aircraft Wire Materials 5.2
electric systems and installations in general aviation aircraft. Table of Acceptable Wires 5.3
Severe Wind and Moisture Problems (SWAMP) 5.4
This practice does not change or create any additional regula- Grounding and Bonding 5.5
tory requirements nor does it authorize changes in or permit Electrical Wire Chart 5.6
deviations from existing regulatory requirements. Wire and Cable Identification 6
General 6.1
1.2 Applicability—The guidance provided in this practice is Wire and Cable Identification 6.2
directed to air carriers, air operators, design approval holders, Types of Markings 6.3
Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) holders, maintenance Sleeve and Cable Marker Selection 6.4
Placement of Identification Markings 6.5
providers, repair stations, and anyone performing field ap- Wiring Installation 7
proval modifications or repairs. General 7.1
1.3 Protections and Cautions—This practice provides guid- Wire Harness Installation 7.2
Power Feeders 7.3
ance for developing actions and cautionary statements to be Service Loops 7.4
added to maintenance instructions for the protection of wire Drip Loops 7.5
and wire configurations. Maintenance personnel will use these Soldering 7.6
Strain Relief 7.7
enhanced procedures to minimize contamination and acciden- Grounding and Bonding 7.8
tal damage to electrical wiring interconnection system (EWIS) Splicing 7.9
while working on aircraft. Fuel Tank Wiring 7.10
Corrosion Preventative Compounds (CPC) 7.11
1.4 “Protect and Clean As You Go” Philosophy—This (MIL-C-81309)
philosophy is applied to aircraft wiring through inclusion in Electrical Load Considerations 8
operators’ maintenance and training programs. This philosophy General 8.1
Methods for Determining the Current-Carrying 8.2
stresses the importance of protective measures when working Capacity of Wires
on or around wire bundles and connectors. It stresses how Acceptable Means of Monitoring and 8.3
Controlling the Electrical Load
important it is to protect EWIS during structural repairs, STC Electrical System Components 9
installations, or other alterations by making sure that metal General 9.1
shavings, debris, and contamination resulting from such work Alternators 9.2
Generators 9.3
are removed. Ground Power Units 9.4
1.5 This practice includes the following sections: Auxiliary Power Units 9.5
Batteries 9.6
Circuit Protection Devices 9.7
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F39 on Normal and Conduit 9.8
Utility Category Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems and is the direct responsibility Connectors 9.9
of Subcommittee F39.01 on Design, Alteration, and Certification of Electrical Inverters and Power Converters 9.10
Systems. Junctions 9.11
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2007. Published October 2007. DOI: 10.1520/ Junction Boxes 9.12
Electronic Assemblies 9.13

Copyright (C) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbour Drive, P.O. Box C-700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

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F2639 – 07´1
Relays 9.14 2.3 ANSI Standards:3
Studs 9.15 ANSI/EIA-5200000 Generic Specification for Special-Use
Switches 9.16
Terminals and Terminal Blocks 9.17
Electromechanical Switches of Certified Quality
Waveguides 9.18 ANSI EIA/TIA-568-B Commercial Building Telecommuni-
Electrical System Component Installation 10 cations Cabling Standard
General 10.1
Alternators 10.2
ANSI J-STD-004 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes
Generators 10.3 2.4 FAA Standards:4
Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) 10.4 Advisory Circular 20-53A Protection of Aircraft Fuel Sys-
Batteries 10.5
Circuit Protection Devices 10.6 tems Against Fuel Vapor Ignition Due To Lightning
Conduit 10.7 AC 20-136 Protection of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Sys-
Connectors 10.8 tems Against the Indirect Effects of Lightning
Inverters and Power Converters 10.9
Junctions 10.10 AC 21-160E RTCA Document DO-160E
Junction Boxes, Panels, Shields, and 10.11 AC 23.1309-1C Equipment, Systems, and Installations in
Microswitch Housings Part 23 Airplanes
PC Board Assemblies 10.12
Relays 10.13 AC 25-16 Electrical Fault and Fire Prevention and Protec-
Studs 10.14 tion
Switches 10.15 AC 25.869-1 Electrical System Fire and Smoke Protection
Terminals and Terminal Blocks 10.16
Waveguides 10.17 AC 25.981-1B Fuel Tank Ignition Source Prevention
EMI/RFI 11 Guidelines
General 11.1 AC 25.1353-1 Electrical Equipment and Installations
Grounding and Bonding 11.2
HIRF 11.3 AC 25.1357-1 Circuit Protective Device Accessibility
Lightning 11.4 DOT/FAA/CT 86/8 Determination of Electrical Properties
Alterations 12 of Bonding and Fastening Techniques
General 12.1
Wire Substitutions 12.2 DOT/FAA/CT-83/3 Users Manual for FAA Advisory Circu-
Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Components 12.3 lar 20-53a
Electrical Load Considerations 12.4 DOT/FAA/CT-89-22 Aircraft Lightning Protection Hand-
Batteries 12.5
Circuit Breakers 12.6 book
Junction Boxes 12.7 Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23 Airworthiness
Relays 12.8
Switches 12.9
Standards: Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter
Wire Marking 12.10 Category Airplanes
Wire Bundle Routing 12.11 Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 25 Airworthiness
Wire Bundle Combing 12.12
Interference Tests 12.13
Standards: Transport Category Airplanes
System Safety Assessments 12.14 Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 27 Airworthiness
Certification Processes 13 Standards: Normal Category Rotorcraft
General 13.1
Certification 13.2
Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 29 Airworthiness
Alterations and Maintenance 13.3 Standards: Transport Category Rotorcraft
Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 31 Airworthiness
1.6 Values—The values given in inch-pound units are to be
Standards: Manned Free Balloons
regarded as the standard. The values in parentheses are for
Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 33 Airworthiness
information only. See Appendix X2 for SI-based prefixes and
Standards: Aircraft Engines
powers of 10.
Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 34 Fuel Venting
NOTE 1—Where SI units are required, refer to Annex 5 of ICAO. and Exhaust Emission Requirements for Turbine Engine
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the Powered Airplanes
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 35 Airworthiness
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Standards: Propellers
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 36 Noise Stan-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. dards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness Certification
2.5 SAE Standards:5
2. Referenced Documents AMS-S-8802 Sealing Compound, Temperature-Resistant,
2.1 Unless approved by the administrator, the latest revision Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities, High Adhesion
of the listed documents shall be used for reference. (Replaces MIL-S-8802)
2.2 ASTM Standards:2
F2490 Guide for Aircraft Electrical Load and Power Source
Capacity Analysis 3
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http://
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM www.access.gpo.gov.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
the ASTM website. Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, http://www.sae.org.

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Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1
ARP 1199 Selection, Application, and Inspection of Electric A-A-52082 Tape, Lacing and Tying, TFE Fluorocarbon
Overcurrent Protective Devices (tetra fluorocarbon) (replaces MIL-T-43435)
ARP 1308 Preferred Electrical Connectors for Aerospace A-A-52083 Tape, Lacing and Tying, Glass (replaces MIL-
Vehicles and Associated Equipment T-43435)
ARP 1870 Aerospace Systems Electrical Bonding and A-A-52084 Tape, Lacing and Tying, Aramid (replaces MIL-
Grounding for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety T-43435)
ARP 1928 Torque Recommendations for Attaching Electri- A-A-59163 Insulation Tape, Electrical, Self Adhering, Un-
cal Wiring Devices to Terminal Boards or Blocks, Studs, supported Silicone Rubber
Posts, Etc AN735 Clamp
ARP 4761 Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the AN960JD10L Conductive Washer
Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and MIL-C-22520 Wire Termination Crimp Tools
Equipment MIL-C-26482 Connectors, Electrical, (Circular, Miniature,
ARP 5369 Guidelines for Wire Identification Marking Us- Quick Disconnect, Environment Resisting), Receptacles
ing the Hot Stamp Process and Plugs, General Specification for
ARP 5414 Aircraft Lightning Zoning MIL-C-39029 Contacts, Electrical Connector, General
ARP 5583 Guide to Certification of Aircraft in a High Specification for
Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Environment MIL-PRF-81309 Corrosion Preventative Compounds, Wa-
AS 4372 Performance Requirements for Wire, Electric, ter Displacing, Ultra-Thin Film
Insulated Copper or Copper Alloy MIL-DTL-22520 Crimping Tools, Wire Termination, Gen-
AS 4373 Test Methods for Insulated Electric Wire eral Specification for (replaces MIL-C-22520/2)
AS 4461 Assembly and Soldering Criteria for High Quality/ MIL-DTL-27500 Cable, Power, Electrical and Cable Spe-
High Reliability cial Purpose, Electrical Shielded and Unshielded, General
AS 6136 Conduit, Electrical, Flexible, Shielded, Aluminum Specification for
Alloy for Aircraft Installations. (Replaces MIL-C-6136) MIL-DTL-5015 Connectors, Electrical, Circular Threaded,
AS 7351 Clamp, Loop Type Bonding-FSC 5340 (replaces AN Type, General Specification for
AN735) MIL-DTL-83723 Connectors, Electrical, (Circular, Envi-
AS 7431 Bracket, Support Clamp-FSC 5340 (replaces ronment Resisting), Receptacles and Plugs, General
AN743) Specification for
AS 7928 Terminals, Lug: Splices, Conductor: Crimp Style, MIL-F-14256F Flux, Soldering, Liquid, Paste Flux, Solder
Copper, General Specification for (Replaces MIL-T-7928) Paste and Solder-Paste Flux (for Electronic/Electrical
AS 22759 Wire, Electrical, Fluoropolymer-Insulated, Cop- use), General Specification for
per or Copper Alloy. (Replaces MIL-W-22759) MIL-M-81531 Marking of Electrical Insulating Materials
AS 23190 Straps, Clamps, Plastic and Metal, and Mounting MIL-PRF-39016 Relays Electromagnetic, Established Reli-
Hardware, Plastic for Cable Harness Tying and Support ability, General Specification for
Clamp, Loop, Metal, Cushioned, Adjustable, Wire Sup-
MIL-PRF-5757 Relays, Hermetically Sealed
port, Type V, Class 1-FSC (replaces MIL-S-23190)
MIL-PRF-6106 Relays, Electromagnetic, General Specifi-
AS 25064 Conduit, Flexible, Radio Frequency Shielding
cation for
[use in place of MIL-C-7931?]
MIL-PRF-83536 Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Re-
AS 25281 Clamp, Loop, Plastic, Wire Support-FSC 5340
liability, 25 Amperes and Below, General Specification for
(replaces MS25281)
AS 25435 Terminal-Lug, Crimp Style, Straight Type, for MIL-S-8516 Sealing Compound, Polysulfide Rubber, Elec-
Aluminum Aircraft Wire, Class 1 (Replaces MS254350) tric Connectors and Electric Systems, Chemically Cured
AS 25436 Terminal-Lug, Crimp Style, 90° Upright Type, MIL-STD-704 Aircraft, Electrical Power Characteristics
for Aluminum Aircraft Wire, Class 1 (Replaces MS25436) MIL-T-8191 Test and Checkout Equipment, Guided Missile
AS 25438 Terminal-Lug, Crimp Style Right Angle Type, for Weapons Systems, General Specification for [should this
Aluminum Aircraft Wire, Class 1 (Replaces MS25438) be SAE AMS-T-81914 replaces MIL-T-81914?]
AS 33671 Strap, Tie Down, Electrical Components, Adjust- MIL-W-25038 Wire, Electrical, High-Temperature, Fire Re-
able, Self Clinching, Plastic, Type I, Class 1 (Replaces sistant, and Flight Critical
MS3367) MIL-W-81044 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene,
AS 50881A Wiring Aerospace Vehicle (Replaces MIL-W- Crosslinked Alkine-Imide, or Polyarylene Insulated, Cop-
5088) per or Copper Alloy
AS 70991 Terminal, Lug and Splice, Crimp Style Alumi- MIL-W-81381 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide In-
num, for Aluminum Aircraft Wire. (Replaces MIL-T- sulated
7099E) MS21919 Cable Clamps
2.6 Military Standards:4 MS25440 Flat Washer
A-A-52080 Nylon Lacing Tape (replaces MIL-T-43435) MS3057 Cable Clamp Adapters
A-A-52081 Polyester Lacing Tape (replaces MIL-T-43435) MS3109 Boots, Heat-Shrinkable, Strain-Relief, Right Angle

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F2639 – 07´1
MS3115 Connectors, Receptacle, Electrical, Dummy Stow- EIA 471 Symbol & Label for Electrostatic Sensitive De-
age, Bayonet Coupling, for MIL-C-26482 Connectors, vices7
Series 1 and 2 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) WC
MS3117 Boots, Heat-Shrinkable, Strain-Relief, Right Angle 27500 Standards for Aerospace and Industrial Electric
MS3142 Connector, Receptacle, Electrical, Box Mounting, Cable (replaces MIL-DTL-27500H)8
Solder Contact Hermetic, AN Type ICAO Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be used in Air and
MS3143 Connector, Receptacle, Electrical, Solder Mount- Ground Operations9
ing, Solder Contact Hermetic, AN Type
MS3158 Backshells Shrinkable Boot, for Electric Connec- 3. Terminology
tor 3.1 Definitions:
MS3180 Cover, Protective, Electrical Connector Plug, 3.1.1 abrasion resistance, n—ability of a material to resist
Bayonet Coupling for MIL-C-26482 Connectors intrinsic property deterioration as a result of physical abrasion.
MS3181 Cover, Protective, Electrical Connector Recep- 3.1.2 adhesive, n—compound that adheres or bonds two
tacle, Bayonet Coupling for MIL-C-26482 Connectors items together.
MS3416 Backshells, Straight, for Electrical Connectors Discussion—Adhesives may come from either natu-
MS3440 Connectors, Receptacle, Electric Series 2, Narrow ral or synthetic sources.
Flange Mount, Bayonet Coupling, Solder Pin Contact 3.1.3 Airworthiness Directive (AD), n—regulation issued by
Class H the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that applies to
MS3443 Connectors, Receptacle, Electric, Series 2, Solder aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances when an
Flange Mount, Bayonet Coupling, Solder Pin Contact unsafe condition exists and that condition is likely to exist or
Class H develop in other products of the same type design.
MS3450 Connectors, Receptacle, Electrical, Wall Mount- 3.1.4 ampere (A), n—basic unit of current flow; 1 A is the
ing, Rear Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type amount of current that flows when a difference of potential of
MS3451 Connectors Receptacle, Electrical, Cable Connect- 1 V is applied to a circuit with a resistance of one; 1 coulomb/s.
ing, Rear Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type 3.1.5 antenna, n—device designed to radiate or intercept
MS3452 Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Box Mounting, electromagnetic waves.
Rear Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type 3.1.6 appliance, n—any instrument, mechanism, equip-
MS3456 Connectors, Plug, Electrical, Rear Release, Crimp ment, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or accessory, including
Contact, AN Type communications equipment, that is used or intended to be used
MS3459 Connector, Plug, Electrical, Self-Locking, Cou- in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight; is installed in or
pling Nut, Rear Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type attached to the aircraft; and is not part of an airframe, engine,
MS3470 Connectors, Receptacle, Electric, Series 2, Single or propeller.
Hole Mount, Bayonet Coupling, Solder Pin Contact, Class 3.1.7 arc fault circuit breaker (AFCB), n—contains circuitry
H to cause circuit breaker to open when arcing faults are detected.
MS3471 Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Series 2, Crimp 3.1.8 arc resistance (noncarbon tracking), n—measure of
Type, Cable Connecting, Bayonet Coupling, Classes A, L, the ability of a material to resist physical penetration by an
S, and W electrical arc.
MS3472 Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Series 2, Crimp 3.1.9 avionics, n—science and technology of electronics as
Type, Wide Flange Mounting, Bayonet Coupling, Classes applied to aviation.
A, L, S, and W 3.1.10 bond, n—adhesion of one surface to another with or
MS3475 Connector, Plug Electric, RFI Shielded, Series 2, without the use of an adhesive as a bonding agent.
Crimp Type, Bayonet Coupling, Classes L, S, and W 3.1.11 bonding, v—general term applied to the process of
MS3476 Connector, Plug Electric, Series 2, Crimp Type, electrically connecting two or more conductive objects.
Bayonet Coupling, Classes A, L, S, and W Discussion—In aircraft, the purpose of bonding
MS25437 Terminal-Lug (except as applied to individual connections in the wiring and
MS35489 Grommet grounding systems) is to provide conductive paths for electric
currents. This is accomplished by providing suitable low-
MS90387 Tool, Hand, Adjustable for Plastic and Metal Tie
impedance connections joining conductive aircraft components
Down Straps
and the aircraft structure. Another purpose of bonding is to
QQ-S-571 Solder, Electronic (96 to 485 Deg C)
ensure the safe passage of current caused by lightning or static
2.7 Other Standards:
electricity through the aircraft structure.
RTCA DO-160 Environmental Conditions and Test Proce-
dures for Airborne Equipment6
Available from Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), 2500 Wilson Blvd.,
Arlington, VA 22201, http://www.eia.org
6 8
.Available from RTCA, Inc., 1828 L St., NW, Suite 805, Washington, DC Available from National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 1300
20036. N. 17th St., Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209, http://www.nema.org.
Available from ICAO, Document Sales Unit, 999 University St., Montreal,
Quebec H3C 5H7, Canada.

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Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1
3.1.12 bundle, n—wire bundle consists of a quantity of 3.1.30 discontinuity, n—interruption in the normal physical
wires fastened or secured together and all traveling in the same structure or configuration of a part such as a crack, lap, seam,
direction. inclusion, or porosity.
3.1.13 bus or bus bar, n—solid copper strips to carry 3.1.31 drip loop, n—bundle installation method used to
current between primary and secondary circuits; also used as prevent water or other fluid contaminants from running down
jumpers. the wiring into a connector.
3.1.14 cable (electrical), n—assembly of one or more con- 3.1.32 electrical wiring interconnection system (EWIS),
ductors within an enveloping protective sheath so constructed n—any wire, wiring device, or combination of these, including
as to permit use of conductors separately or in a group. termination devices, installed in any area of the airplane for the
3.1.15 calibration, n—set of operations, performed in ac- purpose of transmitting electrical energy between two or more
cordance with a definite document procedure, that compares intended termination points.
the measurements performed by an instrument or standard, for 3.1.33 electricity, n—one of the fundamental quantities in
the purpose of detecting and reporting, or eliminating by nature consisting of elementary particles, electrons, and pro-
adjustment, errors in the instrument tested. tons that are manifested as a force of attraction or repulsion and
3.1.16 certification, n—implies that a certificate is in exis- also in work that can be performed when electrons are caused
tence that certifies or states a qualification. to move; a material agency that, when in motion, exhibits
3.1.17 circuit, n—closed path or mesh of closed paths magnetic, chemical, and thermal effects and when at rest is
usually including a source of electromotive force (EMF). accompanied by an interplay of forces between associated
localities in which it is present.
3.1.18 circuit breaker, n—protective device for opening a
3.1.34 electromagnet, n—temporary magnet that is magne-
circuit automatically when excessive current is flowing through
tized by sending current through a coil of wire wound around
an iron core.
3.1.19 conductor, n—wire or other material suitable for
3.1.35 electromagnetic/radio frequency interference (EMI/
conducting electricity.
RFI), n—frequency spectrum of electromagnetic radiation
3.1.20 conduit, n—rigid metallic or nonmetallic casing or a extending from subsonic frequency to X-rays.
flexible metallic casing covered with a woven braid or syn- Discussion—This term shall not be used in place of
thetic rubber used to encase electrical cables.
the term radio frequency interference (RFI). (See radio fre-
3.1.21 contact, n—electrical connectors in a switch, sole- quency interference.) Shielding materials for the entire EMI
noid, or relay that controls the flow of current. spectrum are not readily available.
3.1.22 corrosion resistance, n—ability of a material to resist 3.1.36 electron, n—negative charge that revolves around the
intrinsic property deterioration as a result of environment. nucleus of an atom; a unit of a negative electrical charge.
3.1.23 crack, n—partial separation of material caused by 3.1.37 electronics, n—general term that describes the
vibration, overloading, internal stresses, nicks, defective as- branch of electrical science and technology that treats the
semblies, fatigue, or rapid changes in temperature. behavior and effects of electron emission and transmission.
3.1.24 creepage, n—conduction of electrical current along a 3.1.38 expandable sleeving, n—open-weave braided sleev-
surface between two points at different potentials. ing used to protect wire and cables from abrasion and other Discussion—The current’s ability to pass between hazards (commonly called “Expando”).
two points increases with higher voltage and when deposits of 3.1.39 fill, n—threads in a fabric that run crosswise of the
moisture or other conductive materials exist on the surfaces. woven material.
3.1.25 curing temperature, n—temperature at which a resin 3.1.40 flame resistance, n—ability of a material to resist
or an assembly is subjected to cure the resin. intrinsic property deterioration because of immersion in flame.
3.1.26 cut-through strength, n—measure of the effort re- 3.1.41 fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), n—melt-
quired to sever a material. extrudable fluorocarbon resin, very similar in appearance and
3.1.27 data, n—information that supports or describes, or performance to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), but with a
both, the original aircraft design, alteration, or repair including maximum temperature rating of 200°C.
the following: (1) drawings, sketches, and/or photographs; (2) 3.1.42 flux, n—materials used to prevent, dissolve, or facili-
engineering analysis; (3) engineering orders; and (4) operating tate removal of oxides and other undesirable surface sub-
limitations. stances.
3.1.28 derating, n—technique whereby a part is stressed in Discussion—Also, the name for magnetic fields.
actual usage at values well below the manufacturer’s rating for 3.1.43 fuse, n—protective device containing a special wire
the part. that melts when current exceeds the rated value for a definite Discussion—By decreasing mechanical, thermal, period.
and electrical stresses, the probability of degradation or cata- 3.1.44 generator, n—device for converting mechanical en-
strophic failure is lessened. ergy into electrical energy.
3.1.29 dielectric strength, n—maximum electric field that a 3.1.45 grommet, n—insulating washer that protects the sides
material can withstand without failure of its electrical insula- of holes through which wires shall pass or a metal or plastic
tion properties. drain attached to fabric on aircraft.

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F2639 – 07´1
3.1.46 grounding, v—term usually applied to a particular 3.1.68 silicone rubber, n—high-temperature (200°C) plastic
form of bonding that is the process of electrically connecting insulation that has a substantial silicone content.
conductive objects to either conductive structure or some other 3.1.69 smoke emission, n—gases or particulate emitted from
conductive return path for the purpose of safely completing a material as a result of combustion.
either a normal or fault circuit. 3.1.70 soldering, v—group of welding processes that pro-
3.1.47 harness, n—group of cables or wires securely tied as duces coalescence of materials by heating them to the soldering
a unit. temperature and using a filler metal having a liquidus not
3.1.48 heat distortion temperature, n—temperature at which exceeding 450°C (840°F) and below the solidus of the base
a material begins to alter its intrinsic properties. metals and the filler metal is distributed between the closely
3.1.49 impact strength, n—ability of a material to resist fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary action.
intrinsic property deterioration as a result of physical impact. 3.1.71 solenoid, n—tubular coil for the production of a
3.1.50 insulator, n—material that will not conduct current magnetic field; electromagnet with a core that is able to move
to an appreciable degree. in and out.
3.1.51 integrated circuit, n—small, complete circuit built up 3.1.72 special properties unique to the aircraft, n—any
by vacuum deposition and other techniques, usually on a characteristic of an aircraft not incorporated in other designs.
silicon chip, and mounted in a suitable package. 3.1.73 swarf, n—term used to describe the metal particles
3.1.52 inverter, n—device for converting direct current generated from drilling and machining operations.
(DC) to alternating current (AC). Discussion—Swarf particles may collect on and
3.1.53 magnetic field, n—space around a source of magnetic between wires within a wire bundle.
flux in which the effects of magnetism can be determined. 3.1.74 switch, n—device for opening or closing an electrical
3.1.54 mechanical strength, n—ability of a material to resist circuit.
intrinsic property deterioration as a result of physical forces. 3.1.75 tape, n—tape or a “narrow fabric” is loosely defined
3.1.55 multiconductor cable, n—consists of two or more as a material that ranges in width from 1⁄4 to 12 in. (0.6 to 30
cables or wires, all of which are encased in an outer covering cm).
composed of synthetic rubber, fabric, or other material. 3.1.76 thermocouple, n—device to convert heat energy into
3.1.56 open circuit, n—incomplete or broken electrical electrical energy.
circuit. 3.1.77 transformer, n—device for raising or lowering AC
3.1.57 plastic, n—organic substance of large molecular voltage.
weight that is solid in its finished state and, at some stage 3.1.78 transmitter, n—electronic system designed to pro-
during its manufacture or its processing into a finished article, duce modulated radio frequency (RF) carrier waves to be
can be shaped by flow. radiated by an antenna; also, an electric device used to collect
3.1.58 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape (insulation), quantitative information at one point and send it to a remote
n—wrapped around a conductor and layered into a virtually indicator electrically.
homogeneous mass. 3.1.79 velocity of propagation (VOP), n—or velocity factor Discussion—It is used both as a primary insulation is a parameter that characterizes the speed at which an
against the conductor and as an outer layer or jacket over a electrical or radio signal passes through a medium and ex-
shield. Maximum temperature rating is 260°C. pressed as a percentage, it is the ratio of a signal’s transmission
3.1.59 polyvinylidine fluoride (PVF2), n—fluorocarbon speed compared to the speed of light.
plastic that, when used in aircraft wire, is invariably radiation 3.1.80 volt, n—unit of potential, potential difference, or
cross-linked and used as the outer layer. electrical pressure.
3.1.60 radar (radio detecting and ranging), n—radio equip- 3.1.81 waveguide, n—hollow, typically rectangular, metal-
ment that uses reflected pulse signals to locate and determine lic tube designed to carry electromagnetic energy at extremely
the distance to any reflecting object within its range. high frequencies.
3.1.61 rectifier, n—device for converting AC to DC. 3.1.82 wire, n—single, electrically conductive path.
3.1.62 relay, n—electrically operated remote control switch. 3.2 Definition Specific to This Standard:
3.1.63 resin, n—vast profusion of natural and increasingly 3.2.1 electrical system, n—as used in this practice, those
synthetic materials used as adhesives, fillers, binders, and parts of the aircraft that generate, distribute, and use electrical
insulation. energy, including their support and attachments.
3.1.64 resistance, n—opposition a device or material offers 3.3 Acronyms:
to the flow or current. 3.3.1 AC—alternating current
3.1.65 resistance to fluids, n—ability of a material to resist 3.3.2 AFM—airplane flight manual
intrinsic property deterioration as a result of fluids. 3.3.3 CDO—Certified Design Organization
3.1.66 resistance to notch propagation, n—ability of a 3.3.4 CFR—Code of Federal Regulations
material to resist propagation of breeches. 3.3.5 COMP—composite
3.1.67 severe wind and moisture problem (SWAMP) areas, 3.3.6 COTS—commercial off the shelf
n—areas such as wheel wells, wing folds, and near wing flaps 3.3.7 DC—direct current
and areas directly exposed to extended weather conditions are 3.3.8 EMI—electromagnetic interference
considered SWAMP areas on aircraft. 3.3.9 ESD—electrostatic discharge

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3.3.10 EWIS—electrical wiring interconnection system subjected to excessive vibration, repeated bending, or frequent
3.3.11 F—Fahrenheit disconnection from screw termination.
3.3.12 FEP—fluorinated ethylene propylene Voltage Drop in Wires—The voltage drop in the
3.3.13 ID—identification main power wires from the generation source or the battery to
3.3.14 NiCad—nickel cadmium the bus shall not exceed 2 % of the regulated voltage when the
3.3.15 NiMH—nickel metal hydride generator is carrying rated current or the battery is being
3.3.16 OD—outside diameter discharged at the 5-min rate. The tabulation shown in Table 1
3.3.17 ODA—optional designation authorization defines the maximum acceptable voltage drop in the load
3.3.18 OEM—original equipment manufacturer circuits between the bus and the utilization equipment ground.
3.3.19 PI—polyimide Resistance—The resistance of the current return
3.3.20 RCCB—remote-controlled circuit breaker path through the aircraft structure is generally considered
3.3.21 RFI—radio frequency interference negligible. However, this is based on the assumption that
3.3.22 SOF—safety of flight adequate bonding to the structure or a special electric current
3.3.23 SSPC—solid-state power controller return path has been provided that is capable of carrying the
3.3.24 SWAMP—severe wind and moisture problems required electric current with a negligible voltage drop. To
3.3.25 TFE—tetrafluoroethylene determine circuit resistance, check the voltage drop across the
circuit. If the voltage drop does not exceed the limit established
4. Significance and Use by the aircraft or product manufacturer, the resistance value for
the circuit may be considered satisfactory. When checking a
4.1 Design—The design procedures defined in this practice
circuit, the input voltage shall be maintained at a constant
are intended to provide acceptable guidance in the original
value. Tables 2 and 3 show formulas that may be used to
design of electrical systems.
determine electrical resistance in wires and some typical
4.2 Alteration—The alteration procedures defined in this
practice are intended to provide acceptable guidance for Resistance Calculation Methods—Figs. 1 and 2
modification of general aviation aircraft. Design of any modi-
provide a convenient means of calculating maximum wire
fication shall follow the practices and processes defined in the
length for the given circuit current. Values in Tables 2 and 3 are
design sections of this practice.
for tin-plated copper conductor wires. Because the resistance
4.3 Certification—Certification guidance provided in this
of tin-plated wire is slightly higher than that of nickel or silver
practice is intended to provide generally accepted procedures
plated wire, maximum run lengths determined from these
and processes for certification of original and modified elec-
charts will be slightly less than the allowable limits for nickel
trical systems and equipment. Requirements for certification
or silver-plated copper wire and are therefore safe to use. Figs.
shall be coordinated with the applicable National Aeronautics
1 and 2 can be used to derive slightly longer maximum run
Association/Civil Aeronautics Administration (NAA/CAA)
lengths for silver or nickel-plated wires by multiplying the
regulatory agency.
maximum run length by the ratio of resistance of tin-plated
wire divided by the resistance of silver or nickel-plated wire.
5. Wire Selection As an alternative method or a means of checking
5.1 General: results from Fig. 1, continuous flow resistance for a given wire
5.1.1 Wires shall be sized to carry continuous current in size can be read from Table 4 and multiplied by the wire run
excess of the circuit-protective device rating, including its time length and the circuit current. For intermittent flow, use Fig. 2.
current characteristics, and to avoid excessive voltage drop. When the estimated or measured conductor tempera-
Refer to 8.2 for wire-rating methods. ture (T2) exceeds 20°C, such as in areas having elevated
5.1.2 Electrical Wire Rating: ambient temperatures or in fully loaded power-feed wires, the Wires shall be sized so that they: have sufficient maximum allowable run length (L2), must be shortened from
mechanical strength to allow for service conditions, do not L1 (the 20°C value) using the following formula for copper
exceed allowable voltage drop levels, are protected by system conductor wire:
circuit protection devices, and meet circuit current carrying
requirements. L2 5 (1)
~234.5°C!~T2! Mechanical Strength of Wires—If it is desirable to
use wire sizes smaller than #20, particular attention shall be (1) For aluminum conductor wire, the formula is:
given to the mechanical strength and installation handling of
these wires, for example, vibration, flexing, and termination. TABLE 1 Tabulation Chart (Allowable Voltage Drop Between Bus
Consideration shall be given to the use of high-strength alloy and Utilization Equipment Ground)
conductors in small gage wires to increase mechanical Nominal Allowable Voltage
strength. As a general practice, wires smaller than size #20 Intermittent
System Drop Continuous
shall be provided with additional clamps and be grouped with Voltage Operation
at least three other wires. They shall also have additional 14 0.5 1
support at terminations, such as connector grommets, strain 28 1 2
115 4 8
relief clamps, shrinkable sleeving, or telescoping bushings. 200 7 14
They shall not be used in applications in which they will be

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TABLE 2 Examples of Determining Required Tin-Plated Copper temperatures because of either high ambient temperature,
Wire Size and Checking Voltage Drop Using Fig. 1 high-current loading, or a combination of the two, selection
Check Calculated shall be made on the basis of satisfactory performance under
Run Circuit Wire Size
Voltage Voltage Drop (VD) =
Lengths, Current, from
the most severe operating conditions.
ft amps Chart
(Length) (Current) Maximum Operating Temperature—The current
1 107 20 No. 6 VD = (0.000 44 V/ft) that causes a temperature steady state condition equal to the
(107)(20) = 0.942 rated temperature of the wire shall not be exceeded. Rated
0.5 90 20 No. 4 VD = (0.000 28 V/ft)
(90)(20) = 0.504
temperature of the wire may be based upon the ability of either
4 88 20 No. 12 VD = (0.002 02 V/ft) the conductor or the insulation to withstand continuous opera-
(88)(20) = 3.60 tion without degradation.
7 100 20 No. 14 VD = (0.003 06 V/ft)
(100)(20) = 6.12 Single Wire in Free Air—Determining a wiring
system’s current-carrying capacity begins with determining the
maximum current that a given-sized wire can carry without
TABLE 3 Examples of Determining Maximum Tin-Plated Copper exceeding the allowable temperature difference (wire rating
Wire Length and Checking Voltage Drop Using Fig. 1 minus ambient °C). The curves are based upon a single copper
Maximum Check Calculated wire in free air. (See Figs. 3 and 4.)
Maximum Circuit
Wire Run Voltage Drop (VD) = 5.1.3 Aircraft service imposes severe environmental condi-
Size Length, (Resistance/ft)
Drop amps
ft (Length) (Current)
tion on electrical wire. To ensure satisfactory service, schedule
wire inspections annually for abrasions, defective insulation,
1 No. 10 20 39 VD = (0.001 26 V/ft)
(39)(20)= 0.98 condition of terminations, and potential corrosion. Grounding
0.5 — 19.5 VD = (0.001 26 V/ft) connections for power, distribution equipment, and electro-
(19.5)(20) = 0.366
magnetic shielding shall be given particular attention to ensure
4 — 156 VD = (0.001 26 V/ft)
(156)(20) = 3.93 that electrical bonding resistance will not be significantly
7 — 273 VD = (0.001 26 V/ft) increased by the loosening of connections or by corrosion
(273)(20) = 6.88
during service.
5.1.4 Insulation of wires shall be appropriately chosen in
accordance with the environmental characteristics of wire
~258.1°C!~L1! routing areas. Routing of wires with dissimilar insulation,
L2 5 (2)
~238.1°C!~T2! within the same bundle, is not recommended, particularly when
(2) These formulas use the reciprocal of each material’s relative motion and abrasion between wires having dissimilar
resistive temperature coefficient to take into account increased insulation can occur. Soft insulating tubing cannot be consid-
conductor resistance resulting from operation at elevated ered as mechanical protection against external abrasion of wire
temperatures. since, at best, it provides only a delaying action. Conduit or To determine T2 for wires carrying a high percentage ducting shall be used when mechanical protection is needed.
of their current-carrying capability at elevated temperatures, Refer to 9.8 and 10.7 for conduit selection and installation.
laboratory testing using a load bank and a high-temperature 5.1.5 Insulation Materials—Insulating materials shall be
chamber is recommended. Such tests shall be run at anticipated selected for the best combination of characteristics in the
worst-case ambient temperature and maximum current-loading following categories:
combinations. Abrasion resistance, Approximate T2 can be estimated using the follow- Arc resistance (non-carbon tracking),
ing formula: Corrosion resistance, Cut-through strength,
T2 5 T1 1 ~TR – T1! =~I2/Imax! (3) Dielectric strength,
where: Flame resistance,
T1 = ambient temperature, Heat distortion temperature,
T2 = estimated conductor temperature, Impact strength,
TR = conductor temperature rating, Mechanical strength,
I2 = circuit current (A = amps), and Resistance to fluids,
Imax = maximum allowable current (A = amps) at TR. Resistance to notch propagation,
(1) This formula is quite conservative and will typically Smoke emission, and
yield somewhat higher estimated temperatures than are likely Special properties unique to the aircraft.
to be encountered under actual operating conditions.
NOTE 2—See 5.2.10 for additional insulation properties. Effects of Heat Aging on Wire Insulation—Since
electrical wire may be installed in areas where inspection is 5.1.6 For a more complete selection of insulated wires, refer
infrequent over extended periods of time, it is necessary to give to SAE AS 4372 and SAE AS 4373.
special consideration to heat-aging characteristics in the selec- 5.1.7 Wires are typically categorized as being suitable for
tion of wire. Resistance to heat is of primary importance in the either “open wiring” or “protected wiring” application.
selection of wire for aircraft use, as it is the basic factor in wire 5.2 Aircraft Wire Materials:
rating. Where wire may be required to operate at higher 5.2.1 Open Airframe Interconnecting Wire:

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FIG. 1 Conductor Chart, Continuous Flow Aircraft Wire Materials—Only wire that meets the providing enough insulation to resist damage from handling
performance and environmental standards for airborne use and service exposure. (See Table 5.) Electrical wiring is often
shall be installed in aircraft. installed in aircraft without special enclosing means. This Open Airframe Interconnecting Wire— practice is known as open wiring and offers the advantages of
Interconnecting wire is used in point-to-point open harnesses, ease of maintenance and reduced weight.
normally in the interior or pressurized fuselage, with each wire 5.2.2 Protected Wiring:

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FIG. 2 Conductor Chart, Intermittent Flow Protected Wire—Airborne wire that is used within 5.2.3 Coaxial Cables—Table 7 lists coaxial cables accept-
equipment boxes, or has additional protection, such as an able for use in aircraft. Use in aircraft of cables not listed in
exterior jacket, conduit, tray, or other covering is known as Table 7 requires demonstration of their acceptability for the
protected wire. (See Table 6.) application.

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TABLE 4 Current-Carrying Capacity and Resistance of Copper Wire
Continuous Duty Current (amps)—Wires in Bundles,
Groups, Harnesses, or ConduitsA Max. Resistance Nominal
V/1000 ft at 20°C Conductor Area
Size Wire Conductor Temperature Rating
Tin-Plated ConductorB circ.mils
105°C 150°C 200°C
24 2.5 4 5 28.40 475
22 3 5 6 16.20 755
20 4 7 9 9.88 1 216
18 6 9 12 6.23 1 900
16 7 11 14 4.81 2 426
14 10 14 18 3.06 3 831
12 13 19 25 2.02 5 874
10 17 26 32 1.26 9 354
8 38 57 71 0.70 16 983
6 50 76 97 0.44 26 818
4 68 103 133 0.28 42 615
2 95 141 179 0.18 66 500
1 113 166 210 0.15 81 700
0 128 192 243 0.12 104 500
00 147 222 285 0.09 133 000
000 172 262 335 0.07 166 500
0000 204 310 395 0.06 210 900
Rating is for 70°C ambient, 33 or more wires in the bundle for sizes 24 through 10, and 9 wires for size 8 and larger, with no more than 20 % of harness current-carrying
capacity being used at an operating altitude of 60 000 ft (18 288 m). For rating of wires under other conditions or configurations, see 8.2.
For resistance of silver- or nickel-plated conductors, see wire specifications. Low Temperature Coaxial and Triaxial Cables— coaxial cable, which is exposed to frequent or constant flexure,
Coaxial and Triaxial cables with low temperature dielectrics should always have a stranded center conductor.
and jackets such as Polyethylene (–40ºC to +80ºC) shall not be 5.2.9 Wire Construction versus Application—The most im-
used. The minimum high temperature tolerance of a cable portant consideration in the selection of aircraft wire is
material shall be +150ºC. Use of low temperature cables near properly matching the wire’s construction to the application
a heat source, or in a high heat area, such as behind an environment. Wire construction that is suitable for the most
instrument panel, can cause the dielectric to soften and permit severe environmental condition to be encountered shall be
the center conductor to migrate. This will result in a change of selected. AS 50881A, Appendix A, Table A-I lists wires con-
impedance and will cause high signal reflections. The resultant sidered to have sufficient abrasion and cut-through resistance to
cable heating can damage connected equipment. The center be suitable for open-harness construction lists wires for pro-
conductor may also migrate sufficiently to short circuit the tected applications. These wires are not recommended for
cable shielding. An acceptable cable, commonly specified in aircraft interconnection wiring unless the subject harness is
aerospace applications, is RG142. This –55ºC to +200ºC rated covered throughout its length by a protective jacket. The wire
cable has a PTFE dielectric and an FEP jacket. temperature rating is typically a measure of the insulation’s
5.2.4 Plating—Bare copper develops a surface oxide coat- ability to withstand the combination of ambient temperature
ing at a rate dependent on temperature. This oxide film is a and current related conductor temperature rise. AS 50881A,
poor conductor of electricity and inhibits determination of Appendix A, Table A2 lists wires for protected applications.
wire. Therefore, all aircraft wiring has a coating of tin, silver, 5.2.10 Insulation—There are many insulation materials and
or nickel, which has far slower oxidation rates. combinations used on aircraft electrical wire. Characteristics
5.2.5 Tin-coated copper is a very common plating material. shall be chosen based on environment; such as abrasion
Its ability to be successfully soldered without highly active resistance, arc resistance, corrosion resistance, cut-through
fluxes diminishes rapidly with time after manufacture. It can be strength, dielectric strength, flame resistance, mechanical
used up to the limiting temperature of 150°C. strength, smoke emission, fluid resistance, and heat distortion.
5.2.6 Silver-Coated Wire is used where temperatures do not Table 8 ranks various wire insulation system properties in a
exceed 200°C (392°F). number of categories and may be used as a guide when
5.2.7 Nickel-Coated Wire retains its properties beyond selecting wiring insulation for a particular application.
260°C, but most aircraft wire using such coated strands have 5.2.11 An explanation of many of the acronyms used is
insulation systems that cannot exceed that temperature on given in 3.3.
long-term exposure. Soldered terminations of nickel-plated 5.2.12 Aluminum Wire:
conductor require the use of different solder sleeves or flux Voltage drop calculations for aluminum wires can
than those used with tin- or silver-plated conductor. be accomplished by multiplying the resistance for a given wire
5.2.8 Conductor Stranding—Due flight vibration and flex- size (defined in Table 9) by the wire run length and circuit
ing, stranded round conductor wire shall be used to minimize current.
fatigue breakage on smaller gauge wire. Some coaxial cables For aluminum wire from Table 4 and Table 9, note
such as RG142 use a solid center conductor although, it is a that the conductor resistance of aluminum wire and that of
copper clad steel, which has a much higher tensile strength copper wire (two numbers higher) are similar. Accordingly, the
than a tin or solid copper and therefore is acceptable for use. A electric wire current in Table 4 can be used when it is desired

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FIG. 3 Single Copper Wire in Free Air

to substitute aluminum wire and the proper size can be selected disconnection. Use of aluminum wire is also discouraged for
by reducing the copper wire size by two numbers and referring runs of less than 3 ft (0.9 m) (Refer to AS 50881A). Termina-
to Table 4. The use of aluminum wire size smaller than No. 8 tion hardware shall be of the type specifically designed for use
is not recommended. with aluminum conductor wiring. Aluminum Conductor Wire—When aluminum con- 5.2.13 Shielded Wire:
ductor wire is used, sizes shall be selected on the basis of Shielded Wire—With the increase in number of
current ratings shown in Table 9. The use of sizes smaller than highly sensitive electronic devices found on modern aircraft, it
#8 gauge is discouraged (Refer to AS 50881A). Aluminum has become very important to ensure proper shielding for many
wire shall not be attached to engine-mounted accessories or electric circuits. Shielding is the process of applying a metallic
used in areas having corrosive fumes, severe vibration, me- covering to wiring and equipment to eliminate interference
chanical stresses, or where there is a need for frequent caused by stray electromagnetic energy. Shielded wire or cable

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FIG. 4 Single Copper Wire in Free Air

is typically connected to the aircraft’s ground at both ends of primary conductor with an outer conductor. Refer to NEMA
the wire or at connectors in the cable. Electromagnetic inter- WC 27500, Standards for Aerospace and Industrial Electric
ference (EMI) is caused when electromagnetic fields (radio Cable. (Replaces MIL-DTL-27500H.) Refer to 11.3 for shield-
waves) induce high-frequency (HF) voltages in a wire or ing considerations related to HIRF.
component. The induced voltage can cause system inaccura- Termination of Shielded Wire—For termination of
cies or even failure, therefore, putting the aircraft and passen- shielded wire, refer to NEMA WC 27500 (replaces MIL-DTL-
gers at risk. Shielding helps to eliminate EMI by protecting the 27500).

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TABLE 5 Open Wiring
Voltage Rated Wire
Document Rating Temperature, Insulation Type Conductor Type
(Maximum) °C
MIL-W-22759/1A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated TFE and TFE coated glass Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/2A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated TFE and TFE coated glass Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/3A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated TFE–glass–TFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/4A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated TFE–glass–FEP Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/5A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/6A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/7A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/8A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/9A 1000 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/10A 1000 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/13A 600 135 Fluoropolymer-insulated FEP PVF2 Tin-coated copper,
MIL-W-22759/16A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded ETFE Tin-coated copper,
MIL-W-22759/17A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded ETFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/20A 1000 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/21A 1000 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/34A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/35A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/41A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/42A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/43A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-25038/3/2/ 600 260 See specification sheet * See specification sheetB
MIL-W-81044/6 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-81044/7 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81044/9 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-81044/10 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81044/12 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759 has been replaced by SAE AS 22759.
Inorganic fibers—glass—TFE.

TABLE 6 Protected Wiring

Voltage Rated Wire
Document Rating Temperature, Insulation Type Conductor Type
(Maximum) °C
MIL-W-22759/11A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/12A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/14A 600 135 Fluoropolymer-insulated FEP-PVF2 Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/15A 600 135 Fluoropolymer-insulated FEP-PVF2 Silver-plated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/18A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded ETFE Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/19A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded ETFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/22A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/23A 600 260 Fluoropolymer-insulated extruded TFE Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/32A 600 150 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/33A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-22759/44A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/45A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-22759/46A 600 200 Fluoropolymer-insulated cross-linked modified ETFE Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81044/13 600 150 Cross-linked polyalkene – PVF2 Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81381/17 600 200 Fluorocarbon polyamide Silver-coated copper
MIL-W-81381/18 600 200 Fluorocarbon polyamide Nickel-coated copper
MIL-W-81381/19 600 200 Fluorocarbon polyamide Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81381/20 600 200 Fluorocarbon polyamide Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
MIL-W-81381/21 600 150 Fluorocarbon polyamide Tin-coated copper
MIL-W-22759 has been replaced by SAE AS 22759.

TABLE 7 Coaxial Cable Selection

Rated Cable Outer
Impedance Jacket Type/
Document Part Number Temperature Diameter,
(V) Dielectric type
(°C) Nominal (in.)
MIL-C-17/060 M17/060-RG142 50 200 0.195 FEP/PTFE
MIL-C-17/93 M17/93-RG178 50 200 0.071 FEP/PTFE
MIL-C-17/94 M17/94-RG179 75 200 0.100 FEP/PTFE
MIL-C-17/113 M17/113-RG316 50 200 0.098 FEP/PTFE
MIL-C-17/127 M17/127-RG393 50 200 0.390 FEP/PTFE
MIL-C-17/128 M17/128-RG400 50 200 0.195 FEP/PTFE

5.2.14 Special Purpose Wire and Thermocouples: (1) 100 ohm Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling is Data Cables: commonly used in commercial buildings for network cabling.

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TABLE 8 Comparable Properties of Wire Insulation Systems TABLE 10 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cabling Standards
Most Desirable → Least TIA/EIA
Relative Ranking Category Capability Notes
1 2 3 4
1 Unrecognized Transmissions
POTS telephone communications,
up to 4Mbit/s
ISDN and doorbell wiring
2 Unrecognized Transmissions
Commonly used on 4Mbit/s token
Abrasion resistance PI ETFE COMP PTFE
up to 4Mbit/s
ring networks
Cut-through resistance PI COMP ETFE PTFE
3 TIA/EIA-568-B Transmissions
Data networks with frequencies
Chemical resistance PTFE ETFE COMP PI
up to 16 MHzup to 16 MHz. Popular for
Flammability PTFE COMP PI ETFE
10Mbit/s ethernet networks.
Smoke generation PI COMP PTFE ETFE
4 Unrecognized Transmissions Frequently used on 16Mbit/s
up to 20 MHz. token ring networks
Creep (at temperature) PI COMP PTFE ETFE
5 Unrecognized Transmissions Frequently used on 100Mbit/s
Arc propagation resistance PTFE ETFE COMP PI
up to 100 ethernet networks. May be
Mbit/s unsuitable for 100 BASE-T gigabit
TABLE 9 Current-Carrying Capacity and Resistance of 5e TIA/EIA-568-B Transmissions Frequently used for both 100
up to 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s ethernet
Aluminum Wire
Mbit/s networks
NOTE—Observe design practices described in 8.2 for aluminum con- 6 TIA/EIA-568-B Transmissions Has more than double the
up to 250 MHz performance of category 5 and 5e
7 ISO/IEC 11801 Transmissions Specification for 4 individually
Continuous duty current (amps) Class F up to 600 MHz shielded pairs inside an overall
Wires in bundles, groups, harnesses, Maximum shield
Wire or conduits (see Table 4, footnote A) Resistance
Size V/1000 ft
Wire Conductor Temperature Rating
at 20°C
105°C 150°C length without performance degradation. Poor installation
8 30 45 1.093 techniques, such as untwisting the pairs beyond 1⁄2 in. when
6 40 61 0.641 terminating the cable to a connector, will also degrade system
4 54 82 0.427
2 76 113 0.268 performance. Installation design shall avoid any sharp bends or
1 90 133 0.214 kinks. See Section 7 for wiring installation requirements.
0 102 153 0.169 RF Cables:
00 117 178 0.133
000 138 209 0.109 (1) RF cables are a specific type of coaxial cable, often
0000 163 248 0.085 used for low-power video and RF signal connections.
(2) RF connectors are typically used with coaxial cables
and are designed to maintain the shielding that the coaxial
This category of cables is commonly referred to as Ethernet design offers. RF connectors are an electrical connector de-
cables or “Cat” 5, “Cat” 5e or “Cat” 6. See EIA/TIA-568-B for signed to work at radio frequencies from a few megahertz up
requirements and electrical properties of these cables. to the gigahertz range. Better models also minimize the change
(2) Cat 5 and Cat 5e cables are used for applications up to in transmission line impedance at the connection.
100 MHz. Cat 6 cables are used for applications up to 250 Thermocouples:
MHz. The maximum length of a Cat 5, 5e or 6 cable assembly (1) Thermocouples are a widely used type of temperature
from the source to a jack, called the “permanent link” is 295 ft sensor. They are interchangeable, have standard connectors,
(90 m). The maximum length of the “patch” cable which runs and can measure a wide range of temperatures. The main
from the jack to the connected device is 33 ft (10 m). limitation is accuracy; system errors of less than 1°C can be
(a) RJ-45 electrical connectors are nearly always used for difficult to achieve. Thermocouples are usually selected to
connecting category 5 cable. Generally solid core cable is used ensure that the measuring equipment does not limit the range of
for connecting between the wall socket and the socket in the temperatures that can be measured. Note that thermocouples
patch panel whilst stranded cable is used for the patch leads with low sensitivity (B, R, and S) have a correspondingly lower
between hub/switch and patch panel socket and between wall resolution. Thermocouple Types B, R, and S are all noble metal
port and computer. However, it is possible to put plugs onto thermocouples and exhibit similar characteristics. They are the
solid core cable and some installations save on the cost of patch most stable of all thermocouples, but because of their low
panels or wall ports or both by putting plugs directly onto the sensitivity, they are usually only used for high-temperature
fixed Cat 5 wiring and plugging them straight into the measurement (>300°C). A thermopile is a group of thermo-
computers or hub/switches or both. couples connected in series. When any conductor (such as a
(3) Category 5e cable is commonly installed in commercial metal) is subjected to a thermal gradient, it will generate a
networking systems. Table 10 is a breakdown of the different small voltage. Thermocouples make use of this effect.
category cables that are or have been used. (2) Thermocouples produce an output voltage that depends
(4) ARINC 646 and ARINC 664 provide guidelines for on the temperature difference between the junctions of two
aerospace applications of ethernet cables. The conductors shall dissimilar metal wires. It is important to appreciate that
be stranded (not solid), shielded and covered with an aerospace thermocouples measure the temperature difference between
grade material such as FEP. Typically a cable length of 380 Ft two points, not absolute temperature. In most applications, one
(100M) cannot be used due to cable attenuation. The supplier of the junctions—the “cold junction”—is maintained at a
specification shall be checked for maximum permitted cable known (reference) temperature, while the other end is attached

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to a probe. For example, in Fig. 3, the cold junction will be at (2) A slotted waveguide is generally used for radar and
copper tracks on the circuit board. Another temperature sensor other similar applications. The waveguide structure has the
will measure the temperature at this point, so that the tempera- capability of confining and supporting the energy of an
ture at the probe tip can be calculated. The relationship electromagnetic wave to a specific relatively narrow and
between the temperature difference and the output voltage of a controllable path.
thermocouple is nonlinear and is given by a polynomial (3) A closed waveguide is an electromagnetic waveguide:
equation (which is fifth to ninth order depending on thermo- (a) That is tubular, usually with a circular or rectangular
couple type). To achieve accurate measurements, some type of cross section,
linearization shall be carried out, either by a microprocessor or (b) That has electrically conducting walls, that may be
by analog means. hollow or filled with a dielectric material,
(3) A variety of thermocouples are available, suitable for (c) That can support a large number of discrete propagat-
different measuring applications. ing modes, though only a few may be practical,
(a) Type K Ni-Cr alloy/Ni-Al alloy—This is the “general (d) In which each discrete mode defines the propagation
purpose” thermocouple. It is low cost and, owing to its constant for that mode,
popularity, it is available in a wide variety of probes. They are (e) In which the field at any point is describable in terms
available in the −200 to +1200°C range. The Ni-Al alloy of the supported modes,
consists of 95 % nickel, 3 % manganese, 2 % aluminum, and (f) In which there is no radiation field, and
1 % silicon. This magnetic alloy is used for thermocouples and (g) In which discontinuities and bends cause mode
thermocouple extension wire. conversion but not radiation.
(b) Type E (Ni-Cr alloy/Constantan (Cu-Ni alloy))—Type 5.3 Table of Acceptable Wires:
E has a high output that makes it well suited to low- 5.3.1 Using the Aircraft Wire Tables:
temperature use. Another property is that it is nonmagnetic. Aircraft Wire Table—Tables 5 and 6 list wires used
(c) Type J (iron/Constantan)—The limited range (−40 to for the transmission of signal and power currents in aircraft.
+750°C) makes Type J less popular than Type K. The main They do not include special purpose wires such as thermo-
application is with older equipment that cannot accept “mod- couple, engine vibration monitor wire, fiber optics, data bus,
ern” thermocouples. J types cannot be used above 760°C as an and other such wire designs. Fire-resistant wire is included
abrupt magnetic transformation causes permanent decalibra- because it is experiencing a wider application in aircraft
tion. circuits beyond that of the fire detection systems.
(d) Type N (Nicrosil (Ni-Cr-Si alloy) / Nisil (Ni-Si All wires in Tables 5-7 have been determined to
alloy))—High stability and resistance to high-temperature oxi- meet the flammability requirements of Title 14 of the Code of
dation makes Type N suitable for high-temperature measure- Federal Regulation (14 CFR) Part 23, 23.1359 and Part 25
ments without the cost of platinum (B, R, S) types. Designed to Section 25.869(a)(4), including the applicable portion of Ap-
be an “improved” type K. pendix F of Part 25.
(e) Type B (platinum-rhodium/Pt-Rh)—Suited for high- The absence of any wire from Tables 5-7 is not to be
temperature measurements up to 1800°C. Unusually, Type B construed as being unacceptable for use in aircraft. However,
thermocouples give the same output at 0 and 42°C. This makes the listed wires have all been reviewed for such use and have
them useless below 50°C. been found suitable or have a successful history of such usage.
(f) Type R (platinum/rhodium)—Suited for high- Explanations of the various insulation materials
temperature measurements up to 1600°C. Low sensitivity and mentioned in Table 8 by acronyms can be found in 3.3.
high cost makes them unsuitable for general-purpose use. 5.4 Severe Wind and Moisture Problems (SWAMP):
(g) Type S (platinum/rhodium)—Suited for high- 5.4.1 Areas designated as SWAMP areas differ from aircraft
temperature measurements up to 1600°C. Low sensitivity and to aircraft but generally are considered to be areas such as
high cost makes them unsuitable for general-purpose use. wheel wells, near wing flaps, wing folds, pylons, and other
Because of its high stability, Type S is used as the standard of exterior areas that may have a harsh environment. Wires for
calibration for the melting point of gold (1064.43°C). these applications often have design features incorporated into
(h) Type T (copper/constantan)—Suited for measure- their construction that may make the wire unique.
ments in the −200 to 0°C range. The positive conductor is 5.4.2 SWAMP—Areas such as wheel wells, wing fold and
made of copper, and the negative conductor is made of pylons, flap areas, and those areas exposed to extended weather
constantan. shall dictate selection and will require special consideration. Waveguides: Insulation or jacketing will vary according to the environment.
(1) A waveguide is a physical structure that guides the Suitable wire types selected from SAE AS 22759 (replaces
propagation of electromagnetic waves. Waveguides can be MIL-W-22759) shall be used in these applications. (See Tables
constructed to carry waves over a wide portion of the electro- 5 and 6.) Suitable wire types selected from SAE AS 22759
magnetic spectrum, but are especially useful in the microwave (replaces MIL-W-22759) are preferred for areas that require
and optical frequency ranges. Depending on the frequency, repeated bending and flexing of the wire. Consideration shall
they can be constructed from either conductive or dielectric be made to areas that require frequent component removal or
materials. Waveguides are used for transferring both power and repair.
communication signals. 5.5 Grounding and Bonding:

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5.5.1 One of the more important factors in the design and the left scale of the wire chart in Fig. 1 for continuous flow and
maintenance of aircraft electrical systems is proper bonding Fig. 2 for intermittent flow.
and grounding. Inadequate bonding or grounding can lead to 5.6.5 Example No. 2—Using Fig. 1, find the wire size
unreliable operation of systems, for example, EMI, electro- required to meet the allowable voltage drop in Table 1 for a
static discharge damage to sensitive electronics, personnel wire-carrying current at an elevated conductor temperature
shock hazard, or damage from lightning strike. See 7.8 for using the following information:
grounding and bonding installation details. (1) The wire run is 15.5 ft (5 m) long, including the ground
5.6 Electrical Wire Chart: wire.
5.6.1 Instructions for Use of Electrical Wire Chart: (2) Circuit current (I2) is 20 A, continuous. Correct Size—To select the correct size of electrical (3) The voltage source is 28 V.
wire, two major requirements shall be met:
(4) The wire type used has a 200°C conductor rating and it
(1) The wire size shall be sufficient to prevent an excessive
is intended to use this thermal rating to minimize the wire gage.
voltage drop while carrying the required current over the
Assume that the method described in was used and the
required distance. (See Table 1 for allowable voltage drops.)
minimum wire size to carry the required current is #14.
(2) The size shall be sufficient to prevent overheating of the
(5) Ambient temperature is 50°C under hottest operating
wire carrying the required current. (See 8.2 for allowable
current-carrying calculation methods.)
5.6.2 Two Requirements—To meet the two requirements Procedures in Example No. 2:
(see 5.6.1) in selecting the correct wire size using Fig. 1 or Fig. Step 1—Assuming that the recommended load bank testing
2, the following must be known: described in is unable to be conducted, then the
(1) The wire length in feet, estimated calculation methods outlined in may be used
(2) The number of amperes of current to be carried, to determine the estimated maximum current (Imax). The #14
(3) The allowable voltage drop permitted, gage wire mentioned in 5.6.5 can carry the required current at
(4) The required continuous or intermittent current, 50°C ambient (allowing for altitude and bundle derating).
(5) The estimated or measured conductor temperature, (1) Use Figs. 3 and 4 to calculate the Imax a #14 gage wire
(6) Is the wire to be installed in conduit or bundle or both, can carry where: T2 = estimated conductor temperature,
and T1 = 50°C ambient temperature, and TR = 200°C maximum
(7) Is the wire to be installed as a single wire in free air? conductor rated temperature.
5.6.3 Example No. 1—Find the wire size in Fig. 1 using the (2) Find the temperature differences (TR – T1) = (200 –
following known information: 50°C) = 150°C.
(1) The wire run is 50 ft (15 m) long, including the ground (3) Follow the 150°C corresponding horizontal line to
wire, intersect with #14 wire size, drop vertically, and read 47 A at
(2) Current load is 20 A, bottom of chart (current amperes).
(3) The voltage source is 28 V from bus to equipment, (4) Use Fig. 5. Left side of chart reads 0.91 for 20 000 ft
(4) The circuit has continuous operation, and (6096 m), multiple 0.91 3 47 A = 42.77 A.
(5) Estimated conductor temperature is 20°C or less. (5) Use Fig. 5. Find the derating factor for eight wires in The scale on the left of the chart represents maxi- a bundle at 60 %. First find the number of wires in the bundle
mum wire length in feet to prevent an excessive voltage drop (eight) at bottom of graph and intersect with the 60 % curve
for a specified voltage source system (for example, 14, 28, 115, meet. Read derating factor (left side of graph) which is 0.6.
and 200 V). This voltage is identified at the top of scale and the Multiply 0.6 3 42.77 A = 26 A. Imax = 26 A (this is the
corresponding voltage drop limit for continuous operation at maximum current the #14 gage wire could carry at 50°C
the bottom. The scale (slant lines) on top of the chart represents ambient L1 = 15.5-ft (5-m) maximum run length for size #14
amperes. The scale at the bottom of the chart represents wire wire carrying 20 A from Fig. 1.
gage. Step 2—From and, determine the T2 and the
Step 1—From the left scale find the wire length, 50 ft (15 resultant maximum wire length when the increased resistance
m) under the 28-V source column. of the higher temperature conductor is taken into account.
Step 2—Follow the corresponding horizontal line to the T2 5 T1 1 ~TR – T1! =~I2 / Imax!
right until it intersects the slanted line for the 20-A load.
Step 3—At this point, drop vertically to the bottom of the T2 5 50°C 1 ~200°C – 50°C! =~20A/26A! 5 50°C 1 ~150°C! ~0.877!
chart. The value falls between Nos. 8 and 10. Select the next T2 5 182°C
larger size wire to the right, in this case, No. 8. This is the
smallest size wire that can be used without exceeding the L2 5 ~254.5°C! ~L1! / ~234.5°C! 1 ~T2!
voltage drop limit expressed at the bottom of the left scale. This L2 5 ~254.5°C! ~15.5 ft! / ~234.5°C! 1 ~182°C!
example is plotted on the wire chart, Use Fig. 1 for continuous
L2 5 9.5 ft
flow and Fig. 2 for intermittent flow.
5.6.4 Procedures in 5.6.3 can be used to find the wire size (1) The size #14 wire selected using the methods outlined
for any continuous or intermittent operation (maximum 2 min). in 5.6.5 is too small to meet the voltage drop limits from Fig.
Voltage (for example, 14, 28, 115, and 200 V) as indicated on 1 for a 15.5-ft (5-m) long wire run.

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FIG. 5 Bundle Derating Curves

Step 3—Select the next larger wire (size #12) and repeat the T2 5 50°C 1 ~200°C – 50°C! =~20A/37A! 5 50°C 1 ~150°C! ~–540!
calculations as follows: L1 = 24-ft (7-m) maximum run length T2 5 131°C
for 12-gage wire carrying 20 A from Fig. 1. Imax = 37 A (this is
the maximum current the size #12 wire can carry at 50°C
L2 5 ~254.5°C! ~L1! / ~234.5°C! 1 ~T2!
ambient. Use calculation methods outlined in 8.2, Figs. 3 and
4. L2 5 ~254.5°C! ~24 ft! / ~234.5°C! 1 ~131°C! 5 6108 / 366

T2 5 T1 1 ~TR – T1! =~I2 / Imax! L2 5 ~254.5°C! ~24 ft! / 366

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L2 5 16.7 ft Physical separation between the subject wiring and
(1) The resultant maximum wire length, after adjusting potential electromagnetic sources (including other wires);
downward for the added resistance associated with running the and/or
wire at a higher temperature, is 15.4 ft (4.7 m), which will meet The type of grounding/bonding methods used.
the original 15.5-ft (5-m) wire run length requirement without 6.1.5 Audio and data signals are often the most susceptible
exceeding the voltage drop limit expressed in Fig. 1. to EMI. Other typical waveforms that are more susceptible to
6. Wire and Cable Identification EMI have the following characteristics:
6.1 General—The proper identification of electrical wires Low voltage,
and cables with their circuits and voltages is necessary to Low current, and/or
provide safety of operation, safety to maintenance personnel, Slow rise times.
and ease of maintenance. 6.1.6 SAE AS 50881 Wiring, Aerospace Vehicle, requires
6.1.1 Each wire and cable shall be marked with a unique sensitive wiring to be routed to avoid electromagnetic interfer-
identifier. ence. SAE AS 50881 Appendix B allows for, but does not
6.1.2 The method of identification shall not impair the mandate, the identification of EMI sensitive wires and cables
characteristics of the wiring. (Warning—Do not use metallic
with a category code added to the significant wire number. In
bands in place of insulating sleeves. Exercise care when
the past, EMI-sensitive wires and cables added during modi-
marking coaxial or data bus cable, as deforming the cable may
fication of aircraft have been isolated in accordance with the
change its electrical characteristics.)
specification, however they have not been identified as EMI
6.1.3 A current method for identifying the wires and cables
connected to EMI-sensitive systems consists of a suffix to the sensitive and therefore their integrity may be compromised
wire number that identifies the susceptibility to EMI and during subsequent aircraft modification. Where wires and
indicates that specific handling instructions are detailed in the cables are susceptible to EMI and are identified as critical to
aircraft wiring manual. This suffix shall remain at the end of the the safety of flight (SOF) of the aircraft, they shall be identified
significant wire number regardless of the requirement for any with red sleeves. (This is in addition to the EMI suffix on the
other suffix. Fig. 6 provides an example of a wire identification wire identification code). The red sleeves (heat shrink is
number with the EMI identifier included. appropriate) shall be a minimum of 2 in. (5 cm) in length and
6.1.4 The identification of EMI-sensitive wiring is depen- positioned at intervals no greater than 15 in. (38 cm) along the
dent on the following: entire length of the wire or loom, using application methods Level of shielding or protection applied to the wire detailed in this manual. Marking of the sleeving to further
(for example, twisted pair, shielded wire, and so forth); highlight the EMI sensitivity is optional, but shall be consistent Electromagnetic susceptibility of the coupled victim with existing aircraft labeling practices and clearly documented
equipment; in wiring publications. (See Fig. 6.)

FIG. 6 Example of Wire Identification Coding

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6.1.7 The sleeving procedure detailed above is also appro- Indirect Marking—Identification tape, tags, sleeves,
priate for non-SOF systems that are sensitive to EMI and where and heat-shrinkable sleeve.
interference may affect the airworthiness of the aircraft. (1) Identification Tape—Identification tape can be used in
6.2 Wire and Cable Identification: place of sleeving in most cases (for example, polyvinylfluo-
6.2.1 Wire Identification—The wire identification marks ride).
shall consist of any combination of letters, numbers, and colors (2) Identification Sleeves—Flexible sleeving, either clear or
that identify the wire and relates the wire to a wiring diagram. opaque, is satisfactory for general use. When color-coded or
Ensure all wires and cables are identified properly. All mark- striped component wire is used as part of a cable, the
ings shall be legible in size, type, and color. Wires and cables identification sleeve shall specify which color is associated
for which the identification is reassigned after installation may with each wire identification code. Identification sleeves are
be reidentified by an appropriate approved method of marking normally used for identifying the following types of wire or
at each termination point and at each junction. It is not cable:
necessary to reidentify these wires and cables throughout their (a) Unjacketed Shielded Wire.
length. When replacing wire or cable, as part of a repair or (b) Thermocouple Wire—Thermocouple wire identifica-
alteration the original wire-marking identification shall be tion is normally accomplished by means of identification
retained. sleeves. As the thermocouple wire is usually of the duplex type
6.2.2 Identification and Information Related to the Wire and (two insulated wires within the same casing), each wire at the
Wiring Diagrams—The wire identification marking shall con- termination point bears the full name of the conductor. Ther-
sist of similar information to relate the wire to a wiring mocouple conductors are nickel-aluminum alloy, nickel-
diagram. Each wire, cable, and bundle assembly shall be chrome alloy, iron, constantan, and copper constantan.
identified with the identification code and such other informa- (c) Coaxial Cable—Coaxial cable shall not be hot
tion as specified on the engineering drawing. stamped directly. When marking coaxial cable, care shall be
6.2.3 Identification of Wire Bundles and Harnesses—The taken not to deform the cable as this may change the electrical
identification of wire bundles and harnesses may be accom- characteristics of the cable. When cables cannot be printed
plished by the use of a marked sleeve tied in place or by the use directly, they shall be identified by printing the identification
of pressure sensitive tape as indicated in Fig. 7. code (and individual wire color, where applicable) on a
6.3 Types of Markings: nonmetallic material placed externally to the outer covering at
6.3.1 Direct Marking (preferred method) is accomplished the terminating end and at each junction or pressure bulkhead.
by printing the wire or cable’s outer covering. If this is not Cables not enclosed in conduit or a common jacket shall be
practical, successful requirement qualification shall produce identified with printed sleeves at each end and at intervals not
markings that meet the marking characteristics specified in longer than 3 ft (0.9 m). Individual wires within a cable shall
AS 50881A (replaces MIL-W-5088) without causing insula- be identified within 3 in. (8 cm) from their termination.
tion degradation. Appropriate processes shall be used when
(d) High-Temperature Wire—High-temperature wire with
marking wire to avoid insulation damage during the marking
insulation is difficult to mark (such as fluorinated ethylene
propylene (FEP) coating and fiberglass).
6.3.2 Indirect Marking is accomplished by placing printed
(3) Operating Conditions—For sleeving exposed to high
identification tape, tags, sleeves, or heat-shrinkable sleeves on
temperatures (over 400°F (204.4ºC)), materials such as silicone
the wire or cables outer covering.
fiberglass shall be used.
(4) Installation of Printed Sleeves—Polyolefin sleeving
shall be used in areas in which resistance to solvent and
synthetic hydraulic fluids is necessary. Sleeves may be secured
in place with cable ties or by heat shrinking. The identification
sleeving for various sizes of wire is shown in Table 11.
6.3.3 Whatever method of marking is used, the marking
shall be legible and the color shall contrast with the wire
insulation or sleeve. The major types of wire marking ma-
chines used today are hot stamp, ink jet, laser and dot matrix.
Whichever method is used, the machine manufacturing instruc-
tions must be followed as improper machine operation may
damage the wire insulation.
6.3.4 Dot Matrix Marking: The dot matrix marking is imprinted onto the wire or
cable in a very similar manner to that of a dot matrix computer
printer. The wire shall go through a cleaning process to make
sure it is clean and dry for the ink to adhere. Wires marked with
dot matrix equipment require a cure consisting of an UV curing
process, which is normally applied by the marking equipment.
FIG. 7 Identification of Wire Bundles and Harnesses This cure should normally be complete 16 to 24 hours after

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TABLE 11 Recommended Size of Identification Sleeving The traditional method imprints hot ink marks onto the wire.
Wire Size Sleeving Size Exercise caution when using this method as it has been shown
Nominal ID to damage insulation when incorrectly applied. Typeset char-
(in.)A acters, similar to that used in printing presses but shaped to the
#24 12 0.085 contour of the wire, are heated to the desired temperature. Wire
#22 11 0.095 is pulled through a channel directly underneath the characters.
#20 10 0.106
#18 9 0.118 Always use type face with the proper curve radius to match the
#16 8 0.113 radius of the wire being marked. The heat of the type set
#14 7 0.148 characters transfers the ink from the marking foil onto the wire.
#12 6 0.166
#10 4 0.208 To minimize the effect of hot stamping on wiring insulation
#8 #8 2 0.263 personnel shall refer to SAE ARP 5369 and MIL-M-81531 for
#6 #6 0 0.330
#4 #4 3⁄8 in. 0.375
#2 #2 1⁄2 in. 0.500 Proper marking is obtained only by the correct
#1 #1 1⁄2 in. 0.500 combination of temperature, pressure, and dwell time.
#0 #0 5⁄8 in. 0.625
#00 #00 5⁄8 in. 0.625 Before producing hot stamp wire, it shall be assured
#000 #000 3⁄4 in. 0.750 that the marking machine is properly adjusted to provide the
#0000 #0000 3⁄4 in. 0.750 best wire marking with the least wire insulation deterioration.
1 in. = 2.54 cm. The marking shall never create an indent greater than 10 % of
the insulation wall. Stamping dies may cause fracture of the
marking. Dot matrix makes a legible mark without damaging insulation wall and penetration to the conductor of these
the insulation. Multiconductor cable can also be marked. materials. Later in service, when various fluids have wet these
6.3.5 Ink Jet Marking: openings, serious arcing and surface tracking may have dam- This is a “nonimpact” marking method wherein ink aged wire bundles. (Warning—The traditional hot stamp
droplets are electrically charged and then directed onto the method is not recommended for use on wire with outside
moving wire to form the characters. Two basic ink types are diameters of less than 0.035. (Reference SAE ARP 5369.))
available: thermal cure and UV cure. NOTE 5—Some hot stamp machines do not have a mechanical stop and Thermal cure inks shall generally be heated in an the wire will take the full force of the stamping machine. On these
oven for a length of time after marking to obtain their machines, the stamping process is extremely important. The total pressure
durability. UV cure inks are cured in line much like dot matrix. of the machine is divided among the number of characters being marked Ink jet marks the wire on the fly and makes a so it varies with each set up.
reasonably durable and legible mark without damaging the Spark Test—This test shall be used when using a hot
insulation. Multiconductor cable can also be marked. stamp method. This will test the wire insulation for fractures. It
NOTE 3—When using dot matrix or ink jet, care should be taken on the can be used during the hot stamp process or as a secondary
cleaning process as the durability of the mark is dependent on the ink’s operation. To ensure a good test, the manufacturer’s instruc-
adherence to the wire insulation. The marks shall pass the durability tions must be followed.
requirements of AS 50881A (replaces MIL-W-5088).
NOTE 6—Some wire insulations that have a high notch effect (exhibit a
6.3.6 Laser Marking: large reduction in tear strength after a small notch is placed in the Lasers mark wire by changing the color of the material), that is, polyimide shall not be hot stamped even with a spark
titanium dioxide (TiO2) from white to gray. This is done by test.
theTiO2 absorbing energy from the laser and heating to a high
6.4 Sleeve and Cable Marker Selection:
temperature. This heat is very localized and is for a very short
6.4.1 Terminal Marking Sleeve and Tags—Typical cable
period of time. Lasers have frequencies varying from UV,
markers are flat, nonheat-shrinkable tags. Heat-shrinkable
visible, and infrared (IR). Titanium dioxide absorbs these
marking sleeves are available for marking wires and cables and
frequencies at different rates, making some lasers faster than
shall be inserted over the proper wire or cable and heat shrunk
others. The insulation must have sufficient TiO2 in the formu-
using the proper manufacturer recommended heating tool. (See
lation to create a mark before the polymer (plastics) holding the
Figs. 8 and 9.)
TiO2 becomes hot enough to char.
6.4.2 Sleeves and Cable Markers Selection—Sleeves and
NOTE 4—If operated improperly, the laser can burn the insulation cable markers shall be selected by cable size and operating
resulting in a defective part. The manufacturer’s instructions must be conditions. (See Tables 12-15.)
followed. 6.4.3 Markers are printed using a typewriter with a modified Lasers leave a mark from 0.0002 to 0.0015 in. roller. Blank markers on a bandolier are fed into the typewriter
(0.0005 to 0.0038 cm) deep in the insulation depending on the where they are marked in any desired combination of charac-
type and frequency of laser used. The marks are extremely ters. The typed markers, still on bandoliers, are heated in an
durable and solvent resistant. Lasers can mark on the fly and infrared heating tool that processes the markers for perma-
mark multi-conductor cable. nency. The typed and heat-treated markers remain on the
6.3.7 Hot Stamp Marking: bandolier until ready for installation. Hot stamp process uses a heated typeface to transfer 6.4.4 Markers are normally installed using the following
pigment from a ribbon or foil to the surface of wires or cables. procedure:

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6.5 Placement of Identification Markings—Placement of
Identification Markings Wire identification codes shall be
printed to read horizontally (from left to right) or vertically
(from top to bottom). Identification sleeves shall be added as
required during installation and so located that ties, clamps or
supporting devices need not be removed to identify a cable or
6.5.1 Direct Marking identification markings shall be placed
at each end of the wire or cable at 3 in. (8 cm) maximum
intervals (measured from the end of one mark to the start of the
next) on the first and last 30 in. (76 cm) of each wire or cable,
and a maximum of 15 in. (38 cm) intervals in the center. (See
Fig. 14(b).) Wires 6 to 10 in. (16 to 25 cm) in length shall be
identified approximately in the center. Wires less than 6 in. (16
cm) long need not be identified. Multiple Wires in Sleeve—Individual wires extend-
ing more than 6 in. (16 cm) from a cable shall be identified as
an individual wire. (See Fig. 14(a).)
6.5.2 Indirect-marked wire or cable shall be identified with
printed sleeves at each end and at intervals not longer than 6 ft
(2 m). The individual wires extending more than 6 in. (16 cm)
from a cable shall be identified as an individual wire. (See Fig.
FIG. 8 Standard Sleeves (135ºC) 15.)
6.5.3 Coaxial Cables shall be identified within 3 in. (8 cm)
of both equipment ends.
6.5.4 Temporary Marking: Temporary Wire and Cable-Marking Procedure—A
temporary wire-marking procedure is given in this section but
shall be used only with caution and plans for future perma-
nence. (See Fig. 16.) With a pen or a typewriter, write wire number on
good quality white split insulation sleeve. Computer-generated
printed identification sleeves may also be used. Trim excess white insulation sleeve leaving just
enough for one wraparound wire to be marked with number
fully visible. Position marked white insulation sleeve on wire so
that shielding, ties, clamps, or supporting devices need not be
removed to read the number. Obtain clear plastic sleeve that is long enough to
FIG. 9 Installation of Heat-Shrinkable Insulation Sleeves
extend 1⁄4 in. (0.6 cm) past white insulation sleeve marker
edges and wide enough to overlap itself when wrapped around
white insulation and wire. Select the smallest tie-down strap that will accom- Slit clear sleeve lengthwise and place around marker
modate the outside diameter of the cable. (See Table 16.) and wire. Cut the marking plate from the bandolier. (See Fig. Secure each end of clear sleeve with lacing tape spot
10.) tie to prevent loosening of sleeve. Thread the tie-down straps through holes in marking Marker Sleeve Installation after Printing—The fol-
plate and around cable. Thread tip of tie-down strap through lowing general procedures apply:
slot in head. (See Fig. 11.) Pull tip until strap is snug around (1) Hold marker, printed side up, and press end of wire on
cable. lip of sleeve to open sleeve. (See Fig. 17.) Select the applicable installation tool and move the (2) If wire has been stripped, use a scrap piece of
tension setting to the correct position. (See Fig. 12.) unstripped wire to open the end of the marker. Slide tip of strap into opening in the installation tool (3) Push sleeve onto wire with a gentle twisting motion.
nose piece. (See Fig. 12.) (4) Shrink marker sleeve using heat gun with shrink tubing Keeping tool against head of tiedown strap, ensure attachment. (See Fig. 18.)
gripper engages tie-down strap and squeeze trigger of instal-
lation tool until strap installation is completed as shown in Fig. 7. Wiring Installation
13. 7.1 General:

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TABLE 12 Selection Table for Standard Sleeves
Wire or Cable Installed Installed As-Supplied
Diameter Range Markable
Sleeve Wall Inside
(in.) LengthA
Length Thickness Diameter
Min Max (nom) (in.) (max in.) (min in.)

0.050 0.080 18 1.5 0.026 0.093

0.075 0.110 18 1.5 0.026 0.125
0.100 0.150 18 1.5 0.028 0.187
0.135 0.215 18 1.5 0.028 0.250
0.200 0.300 18 1.5 0.028 0.375
0.135 0.300 18 1.5 0.028 0.375
0.260 0.450 18 1.5 0.028 0.475
Based on twelve characters per inch. 1 in. = 2.54 cm.

TABLE 13 Selection Table for Thin-Wall Sleeves

Wire or Cable Installed Installed As-Supplied
Diameter Range Markable
Sleeve Wall Inside
(in.) LengthA
Length Thickness Diameter
Min Max (nom) (in.) (max in.) (min in.)

0.035 0.080 22 1.75 0.020 0.093

0.075 0.110 22 1.75 0.020 0.125
0.100 0.150 21 1.75 0.021 0.187
0.135 0.225 21 1.75 0.021 0.250
Based on twelve characters per inch. 1 in. = 2.54 cm.

TABLE 14 Selection Table for High-Temperature Sleeves

Wire or Cable Installed Installed As-Supplied
Diameter Range Markable
Sleeve Wall Inside
(in.) LengthA
Length Thickness Diameter
Min Max (nom) (in.) (max in.) (min in.)

0.035 0.080 18 1.5 0.019 0.093

0.075 0.110 18 1.5 0.016 0.125
0.100 0.150 18 1.5 0.018 0.187
0.135 0.215 18 1.5 0.018 0.250
0.200 0.300 18 1.5 0.018 0.375
0.260 0.450 18 1.5 0.018 0.475
Based on twelve characters per inch. 1 in. = 2.54 cm.

TABLE 15 Selection Table for Cable Markers

Cable Diameter Number of Number Marker
Range Type of Cable Marker Attachment of Lines Thickness
(in.)A Holes of Type (nom) (in.)A
0.25-0.50 Standard, 135°C 4 2 0.025
0.25-0.50 High Temperature, 200°C 4 2 0.020
0.25-0.50 Nuclear, 135°C 4 2 0.025
0.50-up Standard, 135°C 4 3 0.025
0.50-up Standard, 135°C 6 3 0.025
0.50-up High Temperature, 200°C 4 3 0.020
0.50-up High Temperature, 200 °C 6 3 0.020
0.50-up Nuclear, 135°C 4 3 0.025
0.50-up Nuclear, 135°C 6 3 0.025
1 in. = 2.54 cm.

7.1.1 The desirable and undesirable features in aircraft 7.1.5 Wires in a Harness—When wires are bundled into
wiring installations are listed in this section and indicate harnesses, the current derived for a single wire shall be reduced
conditions that may or may not exist. as shown in Fig. 5. The amount of current derating is a function
7.1.2 Ensure that wires and cables are positioned in such a of the number of wires in the bundle and the percentage of the
manner that they are not likely to be used as handholds or as total wire bundle capacity that is being used.
support for personal belongings and equipment. 7.1.6 Harness at Altitude—Since heat loss from the bundle
7.1.3 Ensure that wires and cables are routed, insofar as is reduced with increased altitude, the amount of current shall
practicable, so that they are not exposed to damage by be derated. Fig. 19 gives a curve whereby the altitude-derating
personnel moving within the aircraft. factor may be obtained.
7.1.4 Ensure that wires and cables are located so as not to be 7.1.7 Wire Size—Wires shall have sufficient mechanical
susceptible to damage by the storage or shifting of cargo. strength to allow for service conditions. Do not exceed

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TABLE 16 Plastic Tie-Down Straps (MS3367, Type I, Class 1)
NOTE—See 7.2.2 for strap selection and installation.
Cable Diameter Tie-down Installation
(in.)A Length Tension
Strap Strap Identification Tool
(in.) Setting
Min Max MS3367- MS90387-

1 16 1 3⁄ 4 -1-0 Standard (STD), Black, UV Resistant 6.30 -1 6 to 8
1⁄16 1 3⁄ 4 -1-9 Standard (STD), Natural 6.30 -1 6 to 8
1⁄16 4 -2-0 Standard (STD), Black, UV Resistant 13.35 -1 6 to 8
1⁄16 4 -2-9 Standard (STD), Natural 13.35 -1 6 to 8
3⁄16 3 1⁄ 2 -3-0 Heavy (HVY), Black, UV Resistant 12.00 -2 5 to 8
3⁄16 3 1⁄ 2 -3-9 Heavy (HVY), Natural 12.00 -2 5 to 8
3⁄16 5 ⁄8 -4-0 Miniature (MIN), Black, UV Resistant 2.72 -1 1 to 3
3⁄16 5 ⁄8 -4-9 Miniature (MIN), Natural 2.72 -1 1 to 3
3⁄16 1 1⁄ 4 -5-0 Intermediate (INT), Black, UV Resistant 4.68 -1 3 to 5
3⁄16 1 1⁄ 4 -5-9 Intermediate (INT), Natural 4.68 -1 3 to 5
3⁄16 8 -6-0 Heavy (HVY), Black, UV Resistant 26.25 -2 5 to 8
3⁄16 8 -6-9 Heavy (HVY), Natural 26.25 -2 5 to 8
1⁄16 3 -7-0 Standard (STD), Black, UV Resistant 10.20 -1 6 to 8
1⁄16 3 -7-9 Standard (STD), Natural 10.20 -1 6 to 8
1 in. = 2.54 cm.

FIG. 11 Tie-Down Strap Installation

FIG. 10 Cable Markers

allowable voltage drop levels. (See Table 1.) Ensure that the
wires are protected by system circuit protection devices and
that they meet circuit current carrying requirements. If it is FIG. 12 Tie-Down Strap Installation Tool
desirable to use wire sizes smaller than #20, particular attention
shall be given to the mechanical strength and installation with additional clamps, grouped with at least three other wires,
handling of these wires, for example, vibration, flexing, and and have additional support at terminations, such as connector
termination. When used in interconnecting airframe applica- grommets, strain-relief clamps, shrinkable sleeving, or tele-
tion, #24 gauge wire shall be made of high-strength alloy. scoping bushings. They shall not be used in applications in
7.1.8 Installation Precautions for Small Wires—As a gen- which they will be subjected to excessive vibration, repeated
eral practice, wires smaller than size #20 must be provided bending, or frequent disconnection from screw terminations.

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insulation. (Refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC 25-16 for
additional guidance on electrical fault and fire prevention and
protection and AC 25.869-1 for guidance on electrical system
fire and smoke protection.)
7.1.15 Movable Controls Wiring Precautions—Clamping of
wires routed near movable flight controls shall be attached with
FIG. 13 Completed Installation rigid hardware and spaced so that failure of a single attachment
point can not result in interference with controls. The minimum
7.1.9 Dead Ending of Wire—Individual wires shall be separation between wiring and movable controls shall be at
dead-ended using heat-shrinkable end caps or mechanical- least 1⁄2 in. (1 cm) when the bundle is displaced by light hand
staked wire end caps. Heat-shrinkable end caps shall be pressure in the direction of the controls.
installed per Fig. 20. 7.1.16 Flammable Fluids and Gases—An arcing fault be-
7.1.10 Group and Bundle Ties—A wire bundle consists of a tween an electrical wire and a metallic flammable fluid line
quantity of wires fastened or secured together and all traveling may puncture the line and result in a fire. Every effort shall be
in the same direction. Wire bundles may consist of two or more made to avoid this hazard by physical separation of the wire
groups of wires. It is often advantageous to have a number of from lines and equipment containing oxygen, oil, fuel, hydrau-
wire groups individually tied within the wire bundle for ease of lic fluid, or alcohol. Wiring shall be routed above these lines
identification at a later date. (See Fig. 21.) and equipment with a minimum separation of 6 in. (15 cm) or
7.1.11 Installation Considerations—When a wire has been more whenever possible. When such an arrangement is not
damaged, a determination shall be made to repair or replace the practicable, conduits or mechanical barriers may be installed to
damaged wiring. Refer to 7.9 for acceptable criteria for prevent an arcing fault or wiring may be routed so that it does
splicing and installing electrical wire. not run parallel to the fluid lines. A minimum of 2 in. (5 cm)
7.1.12 Moisture Protection, Wheel Wells, and Landing Gear shall be maintained between wiring and such lines and equip-
Areas: ment, except when the wiring is positively clamped to maintain Wires located on landing gear and in the wheel well at least 1⁄2-in. (1-cm) separation, or when it shall be connected
area can be exposed to many hazardous conditions if not directly to the fluid-carrying equipment. Install clamps as
suitably protected. Where wire bundles pass flex points, there shown in Fig. 22. These clamps shall not be used as a means of
shall not be any strain on attachments or excessive slack when supporting the wire bundle. Additional clamps shall be in-
parts are fully extended or retracted. stalled to support the wire bundle and the clamps fastened to Wires shall be routed so that fluids drain away from
the same structure used to support the fluid line(s) to prevent
the connectors. When this is not practicable, connectors shall
relative motion. Butterfly clamping per Fig. 23 is permissible,
be potted or sealed connectors shall be installed. Wiring that
but shall not be used when plumbing contains flammable fluids
must be routed in wheel wells or other external areas shall be
or oxygen.
given extra protection in the form of harness jacketing and
connector strain relief. Conduits or flexible sleeving used to 7.1.17 Insulation Tape—Insulation tape shall be of a type
protect wiring shall be equipped with drain holes to prevent suitable for the application or as specified for that particular
entrapment of moisture. use. Insulation tape shall be used primarily as filler under
7.1.13 Protection Against Personnel and Cargo—Wiring clamps and as secondary support. Nonadhesive tape may be
shall be installed so the structure affords protection against its used to wrap around wiring for additional protection, such as in
use as a handhold and damage from cargo. Where the structure wheel wells. All tape shall have the ends tied or otherwise
does not afford adequate protection, conduit shall be used or a suitably secured to prevent unwinding. Tape used for protec-
suitable mechanical guard shall be provided. tion shall be applied so that overlapping layers shed liquids.
7.1.14 Heat Precautions—Wiring shall be routed away Drainage holes shall be provided at all trap points and at each
from high-temperature equipment and lines to prevent deterio- low point between clamps. Plastic tapes that absorb moisture or
ration of insulation. Wires shall be rated (see 5.1 and 5.2) so have volatile plasticizers that produce chemical reactions with
that the conductor temperature remains within the wire speci- other wiring shall not be used. (Reference AS 50881A.)
fication maximum when the ambient temperature and heat rise 7.2 Wire Harness Installation:
related to current-carrying capacity are taken into account. The 7.2.1 General:
residual heating effects caused by exposure to sunlight when
aircraft are parked for extended periods shall also be taken into Mechanical Standoffs shall be used to maintain
account. Wires such as in fire detection, fire extinguishing, fuel clearance between wires and structure. Using tape or tubing is
shutoff, and fly-by-wire flight control systems that must oper- not acceptable as an alternative to standoffs for maintaining
ate during and after a fire shall be selected from types that are clearance.
qualified to provide circuit integrity after exposure to fire for a Phenolic Blocks, Plastic Liners, or Rubber Grom-
specified period. Wire insulation deteriorates rapidly when mets shall be installed in holes, bulkheads, floors, or structural
subjected to high temperatures. Do not use wire with soft members where it is impossible to install off-angle clamps to
polyethylene insulation in areas subject to high temperatures. maintain wiring separation. In such cases, additional protection
Use only wires or cables with heat-resistant shielding or in the form of plastic or insulating tape may be used.

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FIG. 14 Spacing of Printed Identification Marks (Direct Marking) Insulating Tubing shall be kept at a minimum and Ensure cable supports do not restrict the wires or
used to protect wire and cable from abrasion, chafing, exposure cables in such a manner as to interfere with operation of
to fluid, and other conditions that could affect the cable equipment shock mounts.
insulation. Do not use tape or cord for primary support. When
(1) Insulating tubing shall be secured by tying, with tie tie straps are used for primary support they shall be attached to
straps, or with clamps. However, the use of insulating tubing a tie strap anchor or similarly secured to structure. Wires and
for support of wires and cable in lieu of standoffs is prohibited. cables in junction boxes, panels, and bundles shall be properly
(2) Ensure drain holes are present in the lowest portion of
supported and laced to provide proper grouping and routing.
tubing placed over the wiring. Ensure that wires and cables are not tied or fastened Wires and cables shall be adequately supported to
together in conduit or insulating tubing. prevent excessive movement in areas of high vibration.

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FIG. 15 Spacing of Printed Identification Marks (Indirect Marking) Ensure that wires and cables are routed so that the forth. (If rerouting of wires or cables is not practical, protective
possibility of damage from battery electrolytes or other corro- jacketing may be installed.) This type of installation shall be
sive fluids is minimized. held to a minimum. Ensure that wires and cables are adequately pro- Where practical, route electrical wires and cables
tected in wheel wells and other areas in which they may be above fluid lines and provide 6 in. (15 cm) of separation from
exposed to damage from impact of rocks, ice, mud, and so any flammable liquid, fuel or oxygen line, fuel tank wall, or

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and cables dressed downward to a connector, terminal block,
panel, or junction box. Wires and cables installed in bilges and other
locations in which fluids may be trapped shall be routed as far
from the lowest point as possible or otherwise provided with a
moisture-proof covering. Separate wires from high-temperature equipment,
such as resistors, exhaust stacks, heating ducts, and so forth, to
prevent insulation breakdown. Insulate wires that must run
through hot areas with a high-temperature insulation material
such as fiberglass or PTFE. Avoid high-temperature areas when
using cables having soft plastic insulation such as polyethyl-
ene, because these materials are subject to deterioration and
deformation at elevated temperatures. Many coaxial cables
FIG. 16 Temporary Wire Identification Marker
have this type of insulation. The minimum radius of bends in wire groups or
bundles shall not be less than ten times the outside diameter of
the largest wire or cable, except that at the terminal strips
where wires break out at terminations or reverse direction in a
bundle. Where the wire is suitably supported, the radius may be
three times the diameter of the wire or cable. Where it is not
practical to install wiring or cables within the radius require-
ments, the bend shall be enclosed in insulating tubing. The
radius for thermocouple wire shall be done in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendation and shall be sufficient to
avoid excess losses or damage to the cable.
FIG. 17 Inserting Wire into Marker Minimum Wire Bend Radii—The minimum radii
for bends in wire groups or bundles must not be less than ten
times the outside diameter of their largest wire. They may be
bent at six times their outside diameters at breakouts or six
times the diameter where they must reverse direction in a
bundle provided that they are suitably supported. Ensure that radio frequency (RF) cables, for ex-
ample, coaxial and triaxial are bent at a radius of no less than
six times the outside diameter of the cable. All wiring needs to be protected from damage.
However, coaxial and triaxial cables are particularly vulnerable
to certain types of damage. Coaxial damage can occur when
clamped too tightly or when they are bent sharply (normally at
or near connectors). Damage can also be incurred during
unrelated maintenance actions around the coaxial cable. Co-
axial can be severely damaged on the inside without any
evidence of damage on the outside.
(1) Precautions:
FIG. 18 Shrinking Marker on Wire (a) Never kink coaxial cable.
(b) Never bend coaxial cable sharply.
low-voltage wiring that enters a fuel tank. Where 6-in. (15-cm) (c) Never loop coaxial cable tighter than the allowable
spacing cannot practically be provided, a minimum of 2 in. (5 bend radius.
cm) shall be maintained between wiring and such lines, related Care shall be taken to avoid sharp bends in wires
equipment, fuel tank walls, and low-voltage wiring that enters that have been marked with the hot-stamping process.
a fuel tank. Such wiring shall be closely clamped and rigidly Slack—Wiring shall be installed with sufficient
supported and tied at intervals such that contact between such slack so that bundles and individual wires are not under
lines, related equipment, fuel tank walls, or other wires, would tension. Wires connected to movable or shock-mounted equip-
not occur, assuming a broken wire and a missing wire tie or ment shall have sufficient length to allow full travel without
clamp. (Refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC 25.981-1B for tension on the bundle. Wiring at terminal lugs or connectors
additional guidance on fuel tank ignition source prevention.) shall have sufficient slack to allow two reterminations without Ensure that a trap or drip loop is provided to replacement of wires. When providing slack for retermination
prevent fluids or condensed moisture from running into wires ensure compliance with other wire installation criteria such as

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FIG. 19 Altitude Derating Curve

separation and bend radii. This slack shall be in addition to the (1) Permit replacement of terminals,
drip loop and the allowance for movable equipment. Normally, (2) Prevent mechanical strain on wires, and
wire groups or bundles shall not exceed 1⁄2-in. (1-cm) deflec- (3) Permit shifting of equipment for maintenance purposes.
tion between support points as shown in Fig. 24. This mea-
surement may be exceeded provided there is no possibility of (4) Permit ease of maintenance.
the wire group or bundle touching a surface that may cause (5) Prevent mechanical strain on the wires, cables, junc-
abrasion. Sufficient slack shall be provided at each end to: tions, and supports.

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Color Code Overall Length “A” Dim Minimum Open “B” Dim
White 0.750 0.656
Red 1.000 0.810
Grey 1.125 0.915

FIG. 20 Heat Shrinkable End Caps Ensure that unused wires are individually dead-

ended, tied into a bundle, and secured to a permanent structure.
Each wire shall have strands cut even with the insulation and
a pre-insulated closed end connector or a 1-in. (2.5-cm) piece
of insulating tubing placed over the wire with its end folded
back and tied.
FIG. 21 Group and Bundle Ties Maintenance and Operations—Wire bundles shall
be routed in accessible areas that are protected from damage
from personnel, cargo, and maintenance activity. They shall not
be routed in areas in which they are likely to be used as
handholds or as support for personal equipment or in which
they could become damaged during removal of aircraft equip-
ment. Wiring shall be clamped so that contact with equipment
and structure is avoided. Where this cannot be accomplished,
extra protection, in the form of grommets, chafe strips, and so
forth, shall be provided. Protective grommets shall be used,
wherever wires cannot be clamped, in a way that ensures at
least a 3⁄8-in. (9.5-cm) clearance from structure at penetrations.
Wire shall not have a preload against the corners or edges of
chafing strips or grommets. Wiring shall be routed away from
high-temperature equipment and lines to prevent deterioration
of insulation. Protective flexible conduits shall be made of a
FIG. 22 Separation of Wires from Plumbing Lines material and design that eliminates the potential of chafing
between their internal wiring and the conduit internal walls.
(6) Permit free movement of shock- and vibration-mounted Wiring that must be routed across hinged panels shall be routed
equipment. and clamped so that the bundle will twist, rather than bend, Allow shifting of equipment, as necessary, to when the panel is moved.
perform alignment, servicing, tuning, removal of dust covers, Bundle Breakout Point:
and changing of internal components while installed in aircraft. (1) Bundle breakout point shall be adequately supported Ensure that wires and cables that are attached to with appropriate plastic ties and anchors or string tie.
assemblies where relative movement occurs (such as at hinges
(2) Service loop shall maintain a minimum bend radius of
and rotating pieces, particularly doors, control sticks, control
three times the harness diameter.
wheels, columns, and flight control surfaces), are installed or
protected in such a manner as to prevent deterioration of the (3) The breakout point shall be located directly behind,
wires and cables caused by the relative movement of the beside, below, or above the component so that the service loop
assembled parts. harness does not bind other components. Ensure that wires and electrical cables are sepa- (4) Plastic ties shall not be used between the service loop
rated from mechanical control cables. In no instance shall wire breakout and the electrical connector when they are likely to
be able to come closer than 1⁄2 in. (1 cm) to such controls when chafe against adjacent wire.
light hand pressure is applied to wires or controls. In cases in Stripping Insulation—Attachment of wire to con-
which clearance is less than this, adequate support shall be nectors or terminals requires the removal of insulation to
provided to prevent chafing. expose the conductors. This practice is commonly known as

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FIG. 23 Butterfly Clamping Method

FIG. 24 Slack Between Supports

stripping. Stripping may be accomplished in many ways; Lacing and Ties—Ties, lacing, and straps shall be
however, the following basic principles shall be practiced. used to secure wire groups or bundles to provide ease of
(1) Make sure all cutting tools used for stripping are sharp. maintenance, inspection, and installation. Braided lacing tape,
(2) When using special wire stripping tools, adjust the tool per military standards A-A-52080, A-A-52081, A-A-52082,
to avoid nicking, cutting, or otherwise damaging the strands. A-A-52083, and A-A-52084, is suitable for lacing and tying
(3) Damage to wires shall not exceed the limits specified in wires. In areas where the temperature may go above 185°
Table 17. (85°C) and shall not exceed 500°F (260°C), high temperature
(4) When performing the stripping operation, remove no insulation tape per military standard A-A-59474 shall be used
more insulation than is necessary. to tie all wire groups and cable bundles. In areas where the
7.2.2 Lacing and Wire Ties: temperature may exceed 185° (85°C) and dimensional stability

TABLE 17 Allowable Nicked or Broken Strands

Maximum Allowable Nicked and Broken Strands
Number of Strands Total Allowable Nicked
Wire Size Conductor Material
per Conductor and Broken Strands
24-14 Copper 19 2 nicked, none broken
12-10 or 37 4 nicked, none broken
8-4 copper alloy 133 6 nicked, 6 broken
2-1 665-817 6 nicked, 6 broken
0-00 1045-1330 6 nicked, 6 broken
000 1665- 6 nicked, 6 broken
0000 2109- 6 nicked, 6 broken

8-000 Aluminum All numbers of strands None, none

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of the tape is required, high temperature insulation tape per
military standard MIL-I-19166 shall be used (jet turbine engine
areas where temperatures may exceed 700°F (370°C)).
(Warning—A-A-59770 Insulation tape (replaces MIL-I-
15126), including the glass fiber type, is flammable and should
not be used in high temperature environments.) In lieu of ties and straps, single-cord lacing spaced 6
in. (15 cm) apart may be used within panels and junction
boxes. (Single-cord lacing spaced 6 in. apart is not acceptable
outside of junction boxes and other enclosures.) Single-cord
lacing method, shown in Fig. 25, and tying tape, meeting
military specifications A-A-52080, A-A-52081, A-A-52082,
A-A-52083, and A-A-52084, may be used for wire groups of
bundles 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter or less. The recommended
knot for starting the single-cord lacing method is a clove hitch
secured by a double-looped overhand knot as shown in Fig. 25,
Step a. Use the double-cord lacing method on wire bundles 1
in. (2.5 cm) in diameter or larger as shown in Fig. 26. When
using the double-cord lacing method, use a bowline on a bight
as the starting knot. Tying—Use wire group or bundle ties where the
supports for the wire are more than 12 in. (30 cm) apart. A tie
consists of a clove hitch, around the wire group or bundle,
secured by a square knot as shown in Fig. 27. Plastic Ties—Straps meeting SAE AS 33671 (re-
places MS3367) may be used in areas in which the temperature
does not exceed 250°F (120°C). Straps conforming to SAE
AS 23190 (replaces MIL-S-23190) can be supplied with either
a metal or plastic locking device as suitable for aircraft use. FIG. 26 Double-Cord Lacing
(1) Plastic tie-down straps shall not be used in the
following situations:
(a) Where the total temperature (ambient plus rise)
exceeds 185°F (85°C). (c) Where failure would permit the strap to fall into
(b) Where failure of the strap would permit movement of moving mechanical parts.
the wiring against parts which could damage the insulation or (d) In high vibration areas.
allow wiring to foul mechanical linkages. (e) Outside the fuselage.

FIG. 25 Single-Cord Lacing

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FIG. 27 Making Ties

(f) In areas of SWAMP such as wheel wells, near wing 7.2.3 Clamping:
flaps, or wing folds. General—Wires and wire bundles shall be sup-
(g) Where exposure to ultraviolet light might exist, unless ported by using clamps meeting Specification MS21919 or
the straps are resistant to such exposure. plastic cable straps in accessible areas if correctly applied
(h) To tie wire groups or harnesses within bundles. within the restrictions of Clamps and other primary
(i) On coaxial cables or wire bundles containing coaxial support devices shall be constructed of materials that are
cables which do not have solid dielectrics. compatible with their installation and environment in terms of
(2) Select the smallest strap that will accommodate the temperature, fluid resistance, exposure to UV light, and wire
outside diameter of the cable. (See Table 16.) Black, UV bundle mechanical loads. They shall be spaced at intervals not
resistant straps shall be used where straps are subjected to exceeding 24 in. (61 cm). Clamps on wire bundles shall be
direct sunlight. For installation tool MS90387, tension settings selected so that they have a snug fit without pinching wires as
specified in Table 16 are for typical wire bundle applications. shown in Figs. 28-30. (Warning—The use of clamps on
Settings higher or lower than those specified may be necessary coaxial RF cables may cause problems if clamp fit is such that
for specific applications. Tie-down straps may be used on wire RF cable’s original cross section is distorted.)
bundles containing solid dielectric coaxial cables provided that Wires and Cables shall be supported by suitable
the tension setting on the installation tool is not greater than clamps, grommets, or other devices at intervals of not more
that required to prevent axial slippage. (Warning—The use of than 24 in. (61 cm), except when contained in troughs, ducts,
plastic tie-down straps on coaxial RF cables may cause
problems if tensioned such that the RF cable’s original cross-
section is distorted.)
(3) Plastic Tie Installation—Using the tool listed in Table
16, perform the following steps to install plastic ties:
(a) From Table 16, select a strap size and the appropriate
tool for the wire bundle diameter being used. (Refer to
for restrictions on strap usage).
(b) Slip strap tip around the bundle with the boss side up.
(c) Thread the tip through the eye, then hand pull the strap
tight against the bundle.
(d) Adjust the tool to the value specified in Table 16. If
standard changes in the tension adjustment knob do not align
the index line with the required tension locator value, the knob
may be pulled out and rotated until alignment occurs.
(e) Pass the free end of the cable tie through the slot in the
end of the tool. Then push the tool snuggly against the boss.
(f) While holding the strap firmly against the side of the
tool and the tool face squarely against the boss, pump the
handle several times without fully activating the tool’s cutting
knife. Once the strap has been stretched to its maximum,
squeeze the handle slowly and firmly until the strap is cut.
(Warning—The strap must be cut flush with the boss surface
in order to minimize cuts and scratches from protruding strap
(g) Inspect the strap end to ensure a flush cut with the
boss surface. Trim or replace the strap as required to ensure the
strap end is flush with the boss surface.
(h) Dispose of all broken straps and the strap ends that
were cut. FIG. 28 Installing Cable Clamp to Structure

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FIG. 29 Safe Angle for Cable Clamps

FIG. 30 Typical Mounting Hardware for MS21919 Cable Clamps

or conduits. The supporting devices shall be of a suitable size Clamps on Wire Bundles shall not allow the bundle
and type with the wires and cables held securely in place to move through the clamp when a slight axial pull is applied.
without damage to the insulation. Clamps on RF cables shall fit without crushing and shall be Clamp-Retaining Screws shall be properly secured snug enough to prevent the cable from moving freely through
so that the movement of wires and cables is restricted to the the clamp but may allow the cable to slide through the clamp
span between the points of support and not on soldered or when a light axial pull is applied. The cable or wire bundle may
mechanical connections at terminal posts or connectors. be wrapped with one or more turns of F-4 Tape per Military

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Specification AA-59163 (formerly MIL I-46852C) Type II, a 45º angle to facilitate installation, provided it is cemented in
Triangular and Type I, Rectangular Self-Fusing Silicone Rub- place and the slot is located at the top of the cutout.
ber Tape when required to achieve this fit. Clamps shall be 7.2.4 Insulation of Electrical Equipment—In some cases,
installed with their attachment hardware positioned above electrical equipment is connected into a heavy current circuit.
them, wherever practicable, so that they are unlikely to rotate Such equipment is normally insulated from the mounting
as the result of wire bundle weight or wire bundle chafing. (See structure since grounding the frame of the equipment may
Fig. 29.) result in a serious ground fault in the event of equipment Clamps lined with nonmetallic material shall be internal failure. If the end connection is used for shock hazard,
used to support the wire bundle along the run. Tying may be the ground wire shall be large enough to carry the highest
used between clamps (see but shall not be considered possible current (ground wire resistance shall not exceed
as a substitute for adequate clamping. Adhesive tapes are 0.2 V).
subject to age deterioration and, therefore, are not acceptable as 7.2.5 Installation Clearance Provisions:
a clamping means. All electrical equipment shall be installed so that Do not use moisture-absorbent material as “fill” for inspection and maintenance may be performed and that the
clamps. installation does not interfere with other systems, such as The back of the clamp, whenever practical, shall rest engine or flight controls.
against a structural member. Use hardware, as shown in Fig. Wire and Cables shall be properly supported and
30, to mount cable clamps to structure. Mount cable clamps bound so that there is no interference with other wires, cables,
directly to “Z” members of structure. Use clamp support and equipment.
bracket SAE AS 7431 (replaces AN7430) with two mounting Wire and Cables shall be routed in such a manner
screws if structural member is angled as shown in Fig. 28. that chafing will not occur against the airframe or other Clamps shall be installed in such a manner that the components.
electrical wires do not come in contact with other parts of the Bonding Jumpers shall be installed in such a manner
aircraft when subjected to vibration. Where additional clear- as not to interfere in any way with the operation of movable
ance is required between the cable and the aircraft structure or components of the aircraft.
equipment, a cable clamp standoff as shown in Fig. 28 shall be
7.3 Power Feeders:
used. Sufficient slack shall be left between the last clamp 7.3.1 The power feeder wires shall be routed so that they
and the electrical equipment to prevent strain at the terminal can be easily inspected or replaced. They shall be given special
and minimize adverse effects on shock-mounted equipment. protection to prevent potential chafing against other wiring,
aircraft structure, or components. Use SAE AS 7351 clamps without cushions for
clamping to a tubular structure. The clamps shall fit tightly but 7.4 Service Loops:
shall not deform when locked in place. (SAE AS 7351 replaces 7.4.1 General—The primary function of a service loop
AN735.) Attach wire bundle in MS21919 cable clamp to the harness is to provide ease of maintenance. The components,
AS 7351 clamp with hardware as shown in Fig. 22, Fig. 23 and mounted in the instrument panel and on the lower console and
Fig. 30. (Warning—MS21919 cable clamps are cushioned other equipment that must be moved to access electrical
with insulating material to prevent abrasion of wires. AS 7351 connectors, are connected to aircraft wiring through service
metal clamps without cushions shall not be used to hold wires.) loops. Chafing in service loop harnesses is controlled using the SAE AS 25281 (replaces MS25281) plastic cable following techniques.
clamps may be used to support wire bundles up to 2 in. (50 7.4.2 Support—Only string ties or plastic cable straps in
mm) in diameter in open wiring, or inside junction boxes and accordance with shall be used on service loop har-
on the back of instrument panels. AS 25281 clamps, spaced at nesses. A90° or “Y” type spot tie shall be installed at the
intervals not to exceed 24 in. (60 cm), may be used for wire harness breakout point on the harness bundle. Ties shall be
support provided every fourth clamp is a rubber cushion type installed on service loop harnesses at 4 to 6-in. (10 to 15-cm)
(MS21919W). When installing plastic cable clamps, use a intervals.
large diameter metal washer under the screw head or nut 7.4.3 Antichafing Material—When service loops are likely
securing the clamp. to be in contact with each other, expandable sleeving or The use of plastic cable clamps on other than equivalent chafe protection jacket material shall be installed
horizontal runs shall be avoided unless the installation is such over service loop harnesses to prevent harness-to-harness
that slack cannot accumulate between clamping points. Plastic chafing. The sleeve shall be held in place with string ties at 6
clamps shall not be used to support rigid portions of harnesses. to 8-in. (15 to 20-cm) intervals. Harness identification labels
Plastic cable straps shall not be used as primary supporting shall be installed, with string tie, within 3 in. (8 cm) of the
devices. The primary support of wiring shall not be attached to service loop harness installation.
adjacent wiring. 7.4.4 Primary Support for service loop harnesses shall be a When a wire bundle is clamped into position, if cushion clamp and a connector at the harness termination.
there is less than 3⁄8-in. (9.5-cm) clearance between the 7.4.5 Service Loop Routing—The service loop harness shall
bulkhead cutout and the wire bundle, a suitable grommet shall be routed directly from the breakout point to the component.
be installed as indicated in Fig. 31. The grommet may be cut at The harness shall not contact moving mechanical components

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FIG. 31 Clamping at a Bulkhead Hole

or linkage and shall not be wrapped or tangled with other trap or drip loop shall be provided in the wiring to prevent fluid
service loop harnesses. or condensate from running into the above devices (see Fig.
7.4.6 Service Loop Harness Termination—Strain relief shall 32). Wires or groups of wires shall enter a junction box or piece
be provided at the service loop harness termination and is of equipment in an upward direction where practicable. Where
normally provided by the connector manufacturer’s backshell, wires shall be routed downwards to a junction box or unit of
heat-shrinkable boot, or tubing. electric equipment, the entry shall be sealed or adequate slack
7.5 Drip Loops: shall be provided to form a trap or drip loop to prevent liquid
7.5.1 A drip loop is an area in which wire is dressed from running down the wires in the box or electric unit.
downward to a connector, terminal block, panel, or junction 7.5.2 Ensure drain holes are present in drip loops (see Fig.
box. In addition to the service termination and strain relief, a 32) using sleeving or conduit.

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F2639 – 07´1 Mechanical holding devices including tools and
fixtures to support wires and components during the soldering
process shall not damage or deform the wire or component
being soldered.
7.6.2 Soldering Materials: Solder composition of 60/40, 62/37, or 63/37 con-
forming to QQ-S-571 shall be used. Flux core solder shall be
Type R (rosin core) or Type RMA (rosin mildly activated) of
MIL-F-14256 or ANSI J-STD-004. (Warning—Type RA
(rosin activated) flux shall not be used on electronic or
electrical components or circuits as it can lead to corroded
connections.) Cleaning:
(1) Physical cleaning is necessary for a good solder joint.
Make sure the wire and components to be attached are clean
and free of corrosion before starting to solder. Flux will not
remove physical residue.
(2) Flux and flux residues shall be removed from the
soldered connection after cooling. Isopropyl or ethyl alcohol
may be used as a solvent for cleaning. Commercial flux
FIG. 32 Drainage Hole in Low Point of Tubing cleaning solvents suitable for electronic and electrical connec-
tions may be used if approved by manufacturer. Other solvents
may be sued as outlined in SAE AS 4461.
7.6 Soldering: Because of the changes occurring in allowable lead
use in solder (ROH regulations in E.C.), operators should be
NOTE 7—Specific soldering instructions from the manufacturer of aware of the elements in the materials used and shall be in
either the aircraft or individual component shall be followed. Recom- conformity with allowable lead levels.
mended solder, flux, soldering temperatures, and so forth of the manufac-
turer shall be used. The following information can be used when 7.6.3 Soldering:
manufacturer does not make recommendations. Insulation may be removed from wire by thermal
NOTE 8—ESD precautions shall be followed during all soldering strippers, mechanical strippers, or wire-cutting tools. Mechani-
operations. cal strippers shall use a fixed die method or calibrated
NOTE 9—SAE Aerospace Standard AS 4461 is an acceptable method of adjustable die method to prevent damage to the conductor
soldering criteria. It provides additional detailed specifications supple- material. Hand wire-cutting tools shall use a shear-type cutting
menting this section. action that does not leave burrs, excessive ridges, or sharp
NOTE 10—The primary applications of soldering in aircraft use are points. Care shall be exercised to completely avoid cut and
either: (a) Attaching ring lugs to wire conductors; or (b) Soldering disfigured wire strands.
components in and to circuit boards and electronic connections—in this
application, soldering instructions of the OEM supersede all contrary or After insulation removal, the insulation shall not
conflicting maintenance instructions. have gouges, ragged edges or loose or frayed strands. There
NOTE 11—Noninsulated crimp connections may also be soldered. The shall not be any nicks or broken strands of the conductor. The
crimp provides the physical joint while solder provides and ensures a good lay of the strands of the conductor shall be restored, if
electrical connection. disturbed, without using bare finger contact.
7.6.1 Soldering Equipment: NOTE 12—It is a good practice to wear lightweight cotton gloves when Soldering equipment shall not produce detrimental working with electrical and electronic components.
levels of electromagnetic, electrostatic, or electrical energy to There shall not be any bulging or disfiguration of the
the item(s) being soldered. wire strands. A transformer-type soldering gun shall not be used Stranded Wire shall be tinned before soldering the
where conductors are in circuits or onboard an aircraft. connection. Solder shall penetrate to the inner strands of the
Otherwise, unconnected wire may be attached to lugs using entire wire length area being tinned. Wicking of solder under
commercially available soldering guns. the insulation is acceptable: Soldering Irons shall heat the area being soldered (1) If the insulation is a type that can withstand soldering
rapidly and maintain adequate temperature during the entire temperatures and there is no enlargement of the wire,
soldering process. Soldering equipment shall be of capacity to (2) The finished connection does not require the wicked
make a solder connection in a maximum of 5 seconds. Typical portion of the wire to be bent, and
heat range will be 500 to 700°F (260 to 370°C). (3) The criteria for the extent of the wicking are not Soldering Iron Tips shall be sized for the solder prohibited by the manufacturer.
connection involved. Improper tip size can result in cold joints, (4) Solder shall not penetrate beyond the connection more
heat damage to components, and excessive soldering time. than one wire width.

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F2639 – 07´1 All items to be soldered shall be free of contamina- shrinkable boot, or a length of heat-shrinkable tubing shall be
tion. installed. The heat-shrinkable boots will provide preselected Solder Joint Heating: angles of wire harness termination when heat is applied.
(1) Heat shall be applied to the joint to be connected. Heat-shrinkable tubing shall be held at the desired angle until
Solder shall be applied to the heated connection area and the cool.
soldering tip. The solder shall flow evenly into the connection 7.8 Grounding and Bonding:
leaving smooth fillets and a shiny appearance. 7.8.1 General—This section provides an overview of the
(2) “Cold-soldered” joints may have a fuzzy appearance principles involved in the design and maintenance of electrical
and will not smoothly penetrate the joint. All such joints shall bonding and grounding. SAE ARP-1870 provides far more
be resoldered until a satisfactory joint is obtained. complete detailed information on grounding and bonding and
(3) It may be necessary to remove and discard improperly the application of related hardware.
soldered lugs and connections and redo the joint to obtain a 7.8.2 Grounding—Grounding is the process of electrically
satisfactory connection. connecting conductive objects to either a conductive structure Care shall be maintained to not disturb the connec- or some other conductive return path for the purpose of safely
tion until the solder has completely solidified. Any movement completing either a normal or fault circuit.
can cause an unacceptable connection, and shall be reworked Types of Grounding—If wires carrying return cur-
until a satisfactory connection is achieved. rents from different types of sources, such as signals of DC and Solvent Cleaning of the soldered connection to AC generators, are connected to the same ground point or have
remove all residual flux and other contaminants shall be made a common connection in the return paths, an interaction of the
as soon as possible but not to exceed 2 hours after the solder currents will occur. Mixing return currents from various
connection has been completed. sources shall be avoided because noise will be coupled from
7.6.4 Inspection Criteria for Soldered Connections: one source to another and can be a major problem for digital All solder joints shall be inspected using at least 2 to systems. To minimize the interaction between various return
43 magnification with adequate lighting. currents, different types of grounds shall be identified and used. The appearance of the completed soldered connec- As a minimum, the design shall use three ground types: (1) AC
tion shall be smooth, nonporous, and continuous with a bright returns, (2) DC returns, and (3) all others. For distributed
appearance. A dull gray appearance is cause for rework. power systems, the power return point for an alternative power The solder shall wet the surfaces of all soldered source would be separated. For example, in a two-AC genera-
components and form a fillet between the connected compo- tor (one on the right side and the other on the left side) system,
nents over the complete connection. if the right AC generator were supplying backup power to Solder coverage shall be sufficient to cover all equipment located in the left side (left equipment rack), the
components of the connection with discernible outlines of all backup AC ground return shall be labeled “AC Right.” The
components. Insufficient or excessive solder shall not be return currents for the left generator shall be connected to a
acceptable (that is, lack of a smooth fillet or gobs and drips of ground point labeled “AC Left.”
excess material). Current Return Paths—The design of the ground Insulation may touch the solder connection but shall return circuit shall be given as much attention as the other leads
not be embedded in or surrounded by the solder. Insulation of a circuit. A requirement for proper ground connections is
shall not be melted, charred, seared, or diminished in diameter. that they maintain impedance that is essentially constant. The solder connection shall be free of scratches, Ground return circuits shall have a current rating and voltage
sharp edges, solder points or peaks, pinholes, pits, voids drop adequate for satisfactory operation of the connected
globules, flux residue or contamination. There shall be no electrical and electronic equipment. EMI problems that can be
solder bridges between adjacent connections. Solder connec- caused by a system’s power wire can be reduced substantially
tions shall be checked for any fractures of the solder connec- by locating the associated ground return near the origin of the
tion due to movement of the joint before solder solidified (a power wiring (for example, circuit breaker panel) and routing
gray or dull surface on the solder is an indication of a poor the power wire and its ground return in a twisted pair. Special
quality connection). care shall be exercised to ensure replacement on ground return Any unacceptable solder connection shall be re- leads. The use of numbered insulated wire leads instead of bare
worked. Reheat and addition of flux and solder may be used to grounding jumpers may aid in this respect. In general, equip-
correct unacceptable connections. If solder shall be removed ment items shall have an external ground connection, even
before rework, solder removal may be done by vacuum devices when internally grounded. Direct connections to a magnesium
or solder wick material. Care shall be made to not overheat a (which may create a fire hazard) structure shall not be used for
connection during the solder removal process. ground return.
7.7 Strain Relief: Heavy-Current Grounds—Power ground connec-
7.7.1 The strain relief components may be installed to tions for generators, transformer rectifiers, batteries, external
control routing where close clearance exists between termina- power receptacles, and other heavy-current loads shall be
tion and other components or bulkheads. Strain relief compo- attached to individual grounding brackets that are attached to
nents provide support of the service loop harness at the aircraft structure with a proper metal-to-metal bonding attach-
termination point. Connector strain relief adapters, heat- ment. This attachment and the surrounding structure shall

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provide adequate conductivity to accommodate normal and (5) The effect of the interconnection of the circuits when
fault currents of the system without creating excessive voltage ungrounded shall be considered whenever a common ground
drop or damage to the structure. At least three fasteners, located connection is used. This is particularly important when using
in a triangular or rectangular pattern, shall be used to secure terminal junction grounding modules or other types of gang
such brackets to minimize susceptibility to loosening under grounds that have a single attachment point.
vibration. If the structure is fabricated of a material such as Grounds for Sensitive Circuits—Special consider-
carbon fiber composite (CFC), which has a higher resistivity ation shall be given to grounds for sensitive circuits. For
than aluminum or copper, it will be necessary to provide an example:
alternative ground path(s) for power return current. Special (1) Grounding of a signal circuit through a power current
attention shall be considered for composite aircraft. lead introduces power current return voltage drop into the Current Return Paths for Internally Grounded signal circuit.
Equipment—Power return or fault current ground connections (2) Running power wires too close will cause signal
within flammable vapor areas shall be avoided. If they must be interference.
made, make sure these connections will not arc, spark, or (3) Separately grounding two components of a transducer
overheat under all possible current flow or mechanical failure system may introduce ground plane voltage variations into the
conditions, including induced lightning currents. Criteria for system.
inspection and maintenance to ensure continued airworthiness (4) Single-point grounds for signal circuits, with such
throughout the expected life of the aircraft shall be established. grounds being at the signal source, are often a good way to
Power return fault currents are normally the highest currents minimize the effects of EMI, lightning, and other sources of
flowing in a structure. These can be the full generator current interference.
capacity. If full generator fault current flows through a local- 7.8.3 Bonding—The following bonding requirements shall
ized region of the carbon fiber structure, major heating and be considered:
failure can occur. CFC and other similar low-resistive materials Equipment Bonding—Low-impedance paths to air-
shall not be used in power return paths. Additional voltage craft structure are normally required for electronic equipment
drops in the return path can cause voltage regulation problems. to provide RF return circuits and most electrical equipment to
Likewise, repeated localized material heating by current surges facilitate reduction in EMI. The cases of components that
can cause material degradation. Both problems may occur produce electromagnetic energy shall be grounded to structure.
without warning and cause nonrepeatable failures or anoma- To ensure proper operation of electronic equipment, it is
lies. particularly important to conform the system’s installation Common Ground Connections—The use of com- specification when interconnections, bonding, and grounding
mon ground connections for more than one circuit or function are being accomplished.
shall be avoided except where it can be shown that related Metallic Surface Bonding—All conducting objects
malfunctions that could affect more than one circuit will not on the exterior of the airframe shall be electrically connected to
result in a hazardous condition. Even when the loss of multiple the airframe through mechanical joints, conductive hinges, or
systems does not, in itself, create a hazard, the effect of such bond straps capable of conducting static charges and lightning
failure can be quite distracting to the crew. strikes. Exceptions may be necessary for some objects such as
(1) Redundant systems are normally provided with the antenna elements whose function requires them to be electri-
objective of assuring continued safe operation in the event of cally isolated from the airframe. Such items shall be provided
failure of a single channel and shall therefore be grounded at with an alternative means to conduct static charges or lightning
well-separated points. To avoid construction or maintenance currents or both as appropriate.
errors that result in connecting such ground at a single point, Static Bonds—All isolated conducting parts inside
wires that ground one channel of a redundant system shall be and outside the aircraft, having an area greater than 3 in.2 (19
incapable of reaching the ground attachment of the other cm2) and a linear dimension over 3 in. (8 cm), that are
channel. subjected to appreciable electrostatic charging caused by pre-
(2) The use of loop-type grounding systems (several cipitation, fluid, or air in motion shall have a mechanically
ground leads connected in series with a ground to structure at secure electrical connection to the aircraft structure of suffi-
each end) shall be avoided on redundant systems because the cient conductivity to dissipate possible static charges. A
loss of either ground path will remain undetected leaving both resistance of less than 1 V when clean and dry will generally
systems with a potential single-point failure. ensure such dissipation on larger objects. Higher resistances
(3) Electrical Power Sources shall be grounded at separate are permissible in connecting smaller objects to airframe
locations on the aircraft structure. The loss of multiple sources structure.
of electrical power, as the result of corrosion of a ground Self-Tapping Screws shall not be used for bonding
connection or failure of the related fasteners, may result in the purposes. Only standard threaded screws or bolts of appropri-
loss of multiple systems and shall be avoided by making the ate size shall be used.
ground attachments at separate locations. Exposed conducting frames or parts of electrical or
(4) Bonds to thermally or vibration-isolated structure electronic equipment shall have a low-resistance bond of less
require special consideration to avoid single-ground return to than 2.5 mV to structure. If the equipment design includes a
primary structure. ground terminal or pin that is internally connected to such

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F2639 – 07´1
exposed parts, a ground wire connection to such terminal will dine, shall be applied to the surfaces within 24 hours of the
satisfy this requirement. Refer to manufacturer’s instructions. removal of the original finish. Refer to SAE ARP 1870 for Bonds shall be attached directly to the basic aircraft detailed instructions. Electric wiring shall not be grounded
structure rather than through other bonded parts. directly to magnesium parts. Bonds shall be installed to ensure that the structure Corrosion Protection—One of the more frequent
and equipment are electrically stable and free from the hazards causes of failures in electrical system bonding and grounding is
of lightning, static discharge, electrical shock, and so forth. To corrosion. Aircraft operating near saltwater are particularly
ensure proper operation and suppression of radio interference vulnerable to this failure mode. Because bonding and ground-
from hazards, electrical bonding of equipment shall conform to ing connections may involve a variety of materials and
the manufacturer’s specifications. finishes, it is important to protect completely against dissimilar The use of bonding testers is strongly recommended. metal corrosion. The areas around completed connections shall
Measurements shall be performed after the grounding and be post-finished in accordance with the original finish require-
bonding mechanical connections are complete to determine if ments or with some other suitable protective finish within 24 h
the measured resistance values meet the basic requirements. A of the cleaning process. In applications exposed to salt spray
high-quality test instrument is required to measure accurately environment, a suitable noncorrosive sealant, such as one
the very low-resistance values specified in this practice. An- conforming to AMS-S-8802, shall be used to seal dissimilar
other method of measurement is the millivolt drop test as metals for protection from exposure to the atmosphere.
shown in Fig. 33. Corrosion Prevention—Electrolytic action may Use appropriate washers when bonding aluminum or rapidly corrode a bonding connection if suitable precautions
copper to dissimilar metallic structures so that any corrosion are not taken. Aluminum alloy jumpers are recommended for
that may occur will be on the washer. most cases; however, copper jumpers shall be used to bond Bonding Jumper Installations—Bonding jumpers together parts made of stainless steel, cadmium-plated steel,
shall be made as short as practicable and installed in such a copper, brass, or bronze. Where contact between dissimilar
manner that the resistance of each connection does not exceed metals cannot be avoided, the choice of jumper and hardware
0.003 V. The jumper shall not interfere with the operation of shall be such that corrosion is minimized, and the part likely to
movable aircraft elements, such as surface controls, nor shall corrode would be the jumper or associated hardware. Tables
normal movement of these elements result in damage to the 18-20 and Figs. 34-36 show the proper hardware combinations
bonding jumper. (See for making a bond connection. At locations where finishes are Bonding Connections—To ensure a low-resistance removed, a protective finish shall be applied to the completed
connection, nonconducting finishes, such as paint and anodiz- connection to prevent subsequent corrosion.
ing films, shall be removed from the attachment surface to be Bonding Jumper Attachment—The use of solder to
contacted by the bonding terminal. On aluminum surfaces, a attach bonding jumpers shall be avoided. Tubular members
suitable conductive chemical surface treatment, such as alo- shall be bonded by means of clamps to which the jumper is

FIG. 33 Millivolt Drop Test

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TABLE 18 Stud Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Aluminum Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt Plain Nut Washer A Washer B Washer Lock Washer E Lock Washer F
and Lock Nut C and D
Aluminum Alloys Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated
Steel Steel Steel or Aluminum Steel Steel

Magnesium Alloys Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Magnesium Magnesium Alloy Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated
Steel Steel Alloy Steel or Aluminum Steel Steel

Steel, Cadmium Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated None None Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated

Plated Steel Steel Steel or Aluminum Steel Steel

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion-Resisting Cadmium-Plated None None Cadmium-Plated Corrosion-Resist Cadmium-Plated

Resisting Steel Steel Steel or Aluminum Steel Steel
Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper
Aluminum Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated
Alloys Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel or Aluminum

Magnesium AlloysA

Steel, Cadmium Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated None None Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated Cadmium-Plated

Plated Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion-Resisting Corrosion-Resisting None None Cadmium-Plated Corrosion-Resisting Corrosion-Resisting

Resisting Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel
Avoid connecting copper to magnesium.

attached. Proper choice of clamp material shall minimize the static charge, lightning, or fault current tests may be necessary
probability of corrosion. to establish or verify specific designs. All other fuel system Ground Return Connection—When bonding jump- components, such as fuel line (line-to-line) access doors, fuel
ers carry substantial ground return current, the current rating of line supports, structural parts, fuel outlets, or brackets shall
the jumper shall be determined to be adequate and that a have an electromechanical (bonding strap) secure connector
negligible voltage drop is produced. (See Figs. 34-36.) that ensures 100 mV or less resistance to the structure.
7.8.4 Fuel Systems—Small metallic objects within an air- Advisory Circular 20-53A and associate manual DOT/FAA/
craft fuel tank that are not part of the tank structure shall be CT-83/3 provide detailed information on necessary precau-
electrically bonded to the structure so as to dissipate static tions.
charges that may otherwise accumulate on these objects. A 7.8.5 Electric Shock Prevention Bonding—Electric shock to
practical bonding design would use a flexible braided jumper personnel shall be prevented by providing a low-resistance
wire or riveted bracket. In such situations, a DC resistance of path of 1⁄100 V or less between structure and metallic conduits
1 V or less shall indicate an adequate connection. Care shall be or equipment. The allowable ground resistance shall be such
taken in designing such connections to avoid creating continu- that the electric potential of the conduit or equipment housing
ous current paths that could allow lightning or power fault does not reach a dangerous value under probable fault condi-
currents to pass through connections not designed to tolerate tions. The current-carrying capacity of all elements of the
these higher amplitude currents without arcing. Simulated ground circuit shall be such that, under the fault condition, no

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TABLE 19 Plate Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Aluminum Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt Rivet Lock Washer Washer A Washer B
and Nut Plate
Aluminum Alloys Cadmium-Plated Steel Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or None

Magnesium Alloys Cadmium-Plated Steel Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or None or Magnesium Alloy

Steel, Cadmium Plated Cadmium-Plated Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or None

Steel, Corrosion Resisting Corrosion-Resisting Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or Cadmium-Plated Steel
or Cadmium-Plated Steel Aluminum
Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper
Aluminum Alloys Cadmium-Plated Steel Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel AluminumB Alloy

Magnesium AlloysA

Steel, Cadmium Plated Cadmium-Plated Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel None

Steel, Corrosion Resisting Corrosion-Resisting Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel None
Avoid connecting copper to magnesium.
Use washers having a conductive finished treated to prevent corrosion; suggest AN960JD10L.

sparking, fusion, or dangerous heating will occur. Metallic maintenance operations. To avoid corrosion problems and
supports usually provide adequate bonding if metal-to-metal ensure long-term integrity of the electrical connection, hard-
contact is maintained. ware used for this purpose shall be as defined in this practice
7.8.6 Static-Discharge Device—Means shall be provided to or at least be equivalent in material and surface. Installation of
bleed accumulated static charges from aircraft before ground fasteners used in bonded or grounded connections shall be
personnel coming in contact with an aircraft after landing. made in accordance with SAE ARP-1870. Threaded fasteners
Normally, there is adequate conductivity in the tires for this, shall be torqued to the level required by SAE ARP-1928.
but if not; a static ground shall be applied before personnel 7.9 Splicing:
come into contact with the aircraft. Fuel nozzle grounding 7.9.1 General—Splicing is permitted on wiring as long as it
receptacles shall be installed in accordance with the manufac- does not affect the reliability and the electromechanical char-
turer’s specifications. Grounding receptacles shall provide a acteristics of the wiring. Splicing of power wires, coaxial
means to eliminate the static induced voltage that might cables, multiplex bus, and large gauge wire shall have ap-
otherwise cause a spark between a fuel nozzle and fuel tank proved data.
access covers and inlets. In addition, static discharging wicks 7.9.2 Splicing of electrical wire shall be kept to a minimum
are installed on wings and tail surfaces to discharge static and avoided entirely in locations subject to extreme vibrations.
changes while in flight. During initial installation, splicing of individual wires in a
7.8.7 Cleaning—To ensure proper ground connection con- group or bundle shall have engineering approval and the
ductivity, all paint, primer, anodize coating, grease, and other splice(s) shall be physically located to allow periodic inspec-
foreign material shall be carefully removed from areas that tion.
conduct electricity. (See 7.9.3 Many types of aircraft splice connectors are available
7.8.8 Hardware Assembly—Details of bonding connections for use when splicing individual wires. Use of a self-insulated
shall be described in maintenance manuals and adhered to splice connector is preferred; however, a noninsulated splice
carefully when connections are removed or replaced during connector may be used provided the splice is covered with

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TABLE 20 Bolt and Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Aluminum Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt Lock Nut Washer A Washer B Washer C
and Nut Plate
Aluminum Alloys Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or None Cadmium-Plated Steel or
Aluminum Aluminum

Magnesium Alloys Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Magnesium Alloy None or Magnesium alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel or

Steel, Cadmium Plated Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or

Steel, Corrosion Resisting Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel or
or Cadmium-Plated Steel Aluminum
Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper
Aluminum Alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel AluminumB Alloy Cadmium-Plated Steel

Magnesium AlloyA

Steel, Cadmium Plated Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel None Cadmium-Plated Steel

Steel, Corrosion Resisting Corrosion-Resisting Steel Cadmium-Plated Steel Corrosion-Resisting Steel None Cadmium-Plated Steel
or Cadmium-Plated Steel
Avoid connecting copper to magnesium.
Use washers having a conductive finished treated to prevent corrosion; suggest AN960JD10L.

FIG. 34 Copper Jumper Connector to Tubular Structure

plastic sleeving that is secured at both ends. Environmentally

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FIG. 35 Bonding Conduit to Structure

FIG. 36 Aluminum Jumper Connection to Tubular Structure

TABLE 21 Three- and Four-Way Splices

sealed splices that conform to SAE AS 7928 (replaces MIL-T-
Gauges of Two Wires Use Splice Use Tool
7928) provide a reliable means of splicing in SWAMP areas. in One End of Splice Size (Color) for Cable Size
However, a noninsulated splice connector may be used, pro- 22-22
vided the splice is covered with dual-wall shrink sleeving of a 22-20
suitable material. 22-18
22-16 -2 (Blue) 16-14
7.9.4 There shall not be more than one splice in any one 22-14
wire segment between any two connectors or other disconnect 20-20
points except when attaching to the spare pigtail lead of a 20-18
potted connector, to splice multiple wires to a single wire, to 18-18
adjust wire size to fit connector contact crimp barrel size, and
to make an approved repair. (Reference AS 50881A.) 18-16
7.9.5 Splices in bundles shall be staggered so as to minimize 18-14 -3 (Yellow) 12
any increase in the size of the bundle, preventing the bundle 16-14
from fitting into its designated space, or cause congestion that
will adversely affect maintenance. (See Fig. 37.) Each end of 18-12
splice must be sized separately. If the splice selected for two 16-12 -3 (Yellow) 10
wires in one end will not accept the third wire in the other end 14-12
(using the correct splice size per Table 21) the doubling back
process as shown in Fig. 38 will be required. Where not
otherwise disallowed as an alternate to doubling back the wire

FIG. 37 Staggered Splices in Wire Bundle

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FIG. 38 Wire Splice

an approximately 3-in. (8-cm) wire of appropriate gage per 7.9.9 The conductor in barrel-type splices shall be inserted
Table 21 shall be stripped per and inserted in the end the full length of the terminal barrel, will protrude beyond the
of the splice with the single wire. The 3-in. (8-cm) wire shall barrel end a maximum of 0.05 in. (0.15 cm) and shall not
be dead ended per 7.1.9 and secured in the bundle. interfere with the installation of screws, nuts, or washers. The
NOTE 13—Where equal size wires are to be inserted in the same splice insulation shall be inserted through the enlarged portion of the
end and the insulation of both wires are to be covered by the insulation barrel insulation gripping terminals to provide the maximum
covering of the splice, one of the two wires shall be inserted per 7.9.9 with amount of insulation grip. Fig. 39 shows how properly crimped
the other being stripped to the splice covering. terminals should appear.
7.9.6 Splices shall not be used within 12 in. (30 cm) of a 7.9.10 For selection of a proper crimping tool, refer to
termination device, except for 7.9.7. 10.16.20.
7.9.7 Splices may be used within 12 in. (30 cm) of a 7.10 Fuel Tank Wiring:
termination device when attaching to the pigtail spare lead of
a potted termination device, to splice multiple wires to a single 7.10.1 The primary design consideration/standard practice
wire, or to adjust the wire sizes so that they are compatible with for compliance to 14 CFR 25.981 is to assure that no new
the contact crimp barrel sizes. electrical component or electrical wiring could cause an
7.9.8 Splices shall not be positioned under a cable clamp. unintended ignition source in the aircraft’s fuel system. This

FIG. 39 Proper Terminal Crimp

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F2639 – 07´1
may be accomplished using complex system safety analysis, or procedures are specified in the maintenance manual required
the following steps may be taken. by Title 14 CFR 23.1529. Identify all existing fuel system components and 7.10.6 Identification means shall also be provided so wires
wiring. are readily visible to maintenance, repair, or alteration person- Route all new wires at least 6 in. (15 cm) from any nel. The method of identification shall remain legible through-
fuel system component or wiring. out the airplane’s operational life. If new wiring cannot be separated from fuel system 7.11 Corrosion Preventative Compounds (CPC) (MIL-C-
components by 6 in. (15 cm), but can be separated by at least 81309):
1 in. (2.5 cm), provide a barrier between the fuel system 7.11.1 Intended Use:
component or wiring that meets the following criteria. The ultrathin film corrosion preventive compounds
(1) The barrier material may not be electrically conductive covered by the MIL-PRF-81309 specification are intended for
nor a static electricity source, use on any metal surface. They can be used both for initial
(2) Shall be chemically compatible with all fluids in the protection during shipment and storage and for in-service
area of installation–particularly fuel, treatment. They shall not be used around liquid oxygen fittings.
(3) Shall meet the appropriate fire rating for the area of The ability of these materials to prevent corrosion and to
installation, displace water and their ease of application when packaged as
(4) Shall provide a barrier to the fuel system in case of a Class 2 (pressurized spray cans) make them particularly suited
wire bundle fire. The barrier material shall have a melt for service use. These materials are intended for indoor
temperature of 285ºC or more. The typical operating tempera- protection and short-term protection outdoors where surfaces
ture range for the barrier material shall be –60 to 200ºC or can be recoated when required. These materials are not
more, and intended as a substitute for other corrosion preventatives
(5) Shall be easily removable for inspection of the wire specified for protection of surfaces for periods of more than
bundle. one month. If the new wiring is less than 1 in. (2.5 cm) from When applying these compounds, ensure any adja-
fuel system components and wiring, provide a barrier that cent wiring is protected from exposure to any chemicals that
meets the following requirements. would degrade wire insulation performance.
(1) The barrier material shall meet all of the criteria of MIL-PRF-81309 Type III, Avionics grade CPC, shall be used adjacent to wiring since some of these com-
(2) Shall provide physical (that is, chafe) protection to the pounds tend to migrate.
fuel system component or wiring,
(3) Shall provide EMI and RFI protection to the fuel 8. Electrical Load Considerations
system component or wiring. The level of EMI/RFI protection 8.1 General:
required varies based on the type of wiring being installed. 8.1.1 For detailed guidance for analyzing electrical loads
FAA approval, such as DER approval, of wiring routed less refer to Guide F2490.
than 1 in. (2.5 cm) from fuel system wiring shall be obtained. 8.2 Methods for Determining the Current-Carrying Capac-
7.10.2 The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) ity of Wires:
for fuel tank system electrical wiring shall be determined in 8.2.1 General:
accordance with the guidance provided by FAA Policy State- This section contains methods for determining the
ment ANM112-05-001 or other acceptable process. current-carrying capacity of electrical wire both as a single
7.10.3 Wiring designs used on airplanes vary significantly wire in free air and when bundled into a harness. It presents
between manufacturers and models; therefore, it is not possible derating factors for altitude correction and examples showing
to define a specific universal separation distance or the char- how to use the graphical and tabular data provided for this
acteristics of physical barriers between wire bundles to protect purpose. Wire current-carrying capacity derating for bundling
critical wiring from damage. Intrinsically safe wiring for fuel and altitude shall be addressed for all conditions expected in
tanks shall be protected from induced currents caused by service. Environments in different aircraft zones may result in
lightning or close proximity to other airplane wiring. In differing capacity of the same wire construction. In some
addition, damage to wire insulation can result in unwanted instances, the wire may be capable of carrying more current
electrical energy being transmitted into the fuel tank, if the than is recommended for the contacts of the related connector.
damaged wire can come into contact with the conductor of In this instance, it is the contact rating that dictates the
another wire that is not intrinsically safe. maximum current to be carried by a wire. Wires of larger gage
may need to be used to fit within the crimp range of connector
NOTE 14—Current induced by adjacent wire bundles need not be contacts that are adequately rated for the current being carried.
considered if a minimum separation of at least 1 in. (2.5 cm) is provided.
Fig. 5 gives a family of curves whereby the bundle derating
7.10.4 Inspection means shall be provided to allow for the factor may be obtained.
direct visual inspection of the wiring, physical barriers, and 8.2.2 Computing Current-Carrying Capacity:
other physical means of protection. Example 1—Assume a harness (open or braided),
7.10.5 Nondestructive inspection aids may be used where it consisting of 10 wires, Size #20, 200°C rated copper and 25
is impracticable to provide for direct visual inspection if it is wires, size #22, 200°C rated copper, will be installed in an area
shown that the inspection is effective and the inspection in which the ambient temperature is 60°C and the vehicle is

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F2639 – 07´1
capable of operating at a 60 000-ft (18 288-m) altitude. Circuit will be carrying full load. Find twelve (on the abscissa) since
analysis reveals that 7 of the 35 wires in the bundle (7/35 = there are twelve wires in the bundle and determine a derating
20 %) will be carrying power currents nearly at or up to factor of 0.43 (on the ordinate) from the 100 % curve.
capacity. Step 3—Rate the Size #12 free air ratings by multiplying 68
Step 1—Refer to the “single wire in free air” curves in Figs. and 61 A by 0.43 to get 29.2 and 26.2 A, respectively.
3 and 4. Determine the change of temperature of the wire to Step 4—Refer to the “altitude derating curve” of Fig. 19.
determine free air ratings. Since the wire will be in an ambient Look for sea level and 20 000 ft (6096 m) (on the abscissa)
of 60ºC and rated at 200°C, the change of to temperature is 200 since these are the conditions at which the load will be carried.
– 60°C = 140°C. Follow the 140°C temperature difference The wire shall be derated by a factor of 1.0 and 0.91,
horizontally until it intersects with wire size line on Figs. 3 and respectively.
4. The free air rating for Size #20 is 21.5 A, and the free air Step 5—Derate the Size #12 in a bundle ratings by
rating for Size #22 is 16.2 A. multiplying 29.2 A at sea level and 26.6 A at 20 000 ft (6096 m)
Step 2—Refer to the “bundle derating curves” in Fig. 5. by 1.0 and 0.91, respectively, to obtain 29.2 and 23.8 A. The
The 20 % curve is selected since circuit analysis indicate that total bundle capacity at sea level and 25°C ambient is 29.2 3
20 % or less of the wire in the harness would be carrying power 12 = 350.4 A. At 20 000 ft (6096 m) and 60°C ambient, the
currents and less than 20 % of the bundle capacity would be bundle capacity is 23.8 3 12 = 285.6 A. Each Size #12 wire
used. Find 35 (on the abscissa) since there are 35 wires in the can carry 29.2 A at sea level, 25°C ambient or 23.8 A at 20 000
bundle and determine a derating factor of 0.52 (on the ordinate) ft (6096 m), and 60°C ambient.
from the 20 % curve. Step 6—Determine the actual circuit current for each wire
Step 3—Derate the Size #22 free air rating by multiplying in the bundle and for the bundle. If the values calculated in
16.2 by 0.52 to get 8.4 A in harness rating. Derate the Size #20 Step 5 are exceeded, select the next larger size wire and repeat
free air rating by multiplying 21.5 by 0.52 to get 11.2 A in the calculations.
harness rating. 8.3 Acceptable Means of Monitoring and Controlling the
Step 4—Refer to the “altitude derating curve” of Fig. 19, Electrical Load:
look for 60 000 ft (18 288 m) (on the abscissa) since that is the 8.3.1 Output Rating—The generator or alternator output
altitude at which the vehicle will be operating. Note that the ratings and limits prescribed by the manufacturer shall be
wire shall be derated by a factor of 0.79 (found on the checked against the electrical loads that can be imposed on the
ordinate). Derate the Size #22 harness rating by multiplying 8.4 affected generator or alternator by installed equipment. When a
A by 0.79 to get 6.6 A. Derate the Size #20 harness rating by storage battery is part of the electrical power system, the
multiplying 11.2 A by 0.79 to get 8.8 A. battery may be continuously charged in flight.
Step 5—To find the total harness capacity, multiply the total 8.3.2 The use of placards is recommended to inform the
number of Size #22 wires by the derated capacity (25 3 6.6 = pilot or crew members or both of the combination(s) of loads
165.0 A) and add to that the number of Size #20 wires that may be connected to each power source. Warning lights or
multiplied by the derated capacity (10 3 8.8 = 88 A) and messages shall be installed that will be trigger if the battery bus
multiply the sum by the 20 % harness capacity factor. Thus, the voltage drops below 13 V on a 14-V system or 26 V on a 28-V
total harness capacity is (165.0 + 88.0) 3 0.20 = 50.6 A. It has system.
been determined that the total harness current shall not exceed 8.3.3 For installations in which the ammeter is in the battery
50.6 A, Size #22 wire shall not carry more than 6.6 A, and Size lead and the regulator system limits the maximum current that
#20 wire shall not carry more than 8.8 A. the generator or alternator can deliver, a voltmeter can be
Step 6—Determine the actual circuit current for each wire installed on the system bus.
in the bundle and for the whole bundle. If the values calculated 8.3.4 In installations in which the ammeter is in the genera-
in Step 5 are exceeded, select the next larger size wire tor or alternator lead and the regulator system does not limit the
and repeat the calculations. maximum current that the generator or alternator can deliver, Example 2—Assume a harness (open or braided), the ammeter can be redlined at 100 % of the generator or
consisting of twelve Size #12, 200°C rated copper wires, will alternator rating.
be operated in an ambient of 25°C at sea level and 60°C at a 8.3.5 Where the use of placards or monitoring devices is not
20 000-ft (6096-m) altitude. All twelve wires will be operated practical or desired and assurance is needed that the battery
at or near their maximum capacity. will be charged in flight, the total continuous connected
Step 1—Refer to the “single wire in free air” curve in Figs. electrical load shall be held to approximately 80 % of the total
3 and 4. Determine the temperature difference of the wire to generator output capacity. When more than one generator is
determine free air ratings. Since the wire will be in ambient of used in parallel, the total rated output is the combined output of
25 and 60°C and is rated at 200°C, the temperature differences the installed generators.
are 200 – 25°C = 175°C and 200 – 60°C = 140 °C, respectively. 8.3.6 When two or more generators and alternators are
Follow the 175 and 140°C temperature difference lines on Figs. operated in parallel and the total connected system load can
3 and 4 until each intersects wire size line, the free air ratings exceed the rated output of a single generator, a method shall be
of Size #12 are 68 and 61 A, respectively. provided for quickly coping with a sudden overload that can be
Step 2—Refer to the “bundling derating curves” in Fig. 5. caused by generator or engine failure. A quick load reduction
The 100 % curve is selected because we know all twelve wires system or procedure shall be identified whereby the total load

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F2639 – 07´1
can be reduced by the pilot to a quantity within the rated When a storage battery is part of the electrical power
capacity of the remaining operable generator or generators. system, the battery may or may not be continuously charged in
8.3.7 When acceptable to the administrator, appropriate flight.
electric load limitations may be placed in the Airplane Flight Operation of storage batteries beyond their ambient
Manual (AFM) Limitations section. temperature or charging voltage limits can result in excessive
cell temperatures leading to electrolyte boiling, rapid deterio-
9. Electrical System Components
ration of the cells, and battery failure. The relationship between
9.1 General: maximum charging voltage and the number of cells in the
9.1.1 This section provides criteria for the selection of battery is also significant. This will determine (for a given
electrical system components. See Section 10 for installation ambient temperature and state of charge) the rate at which
details. energy is absorbed as heat within the battery. For lead-acid
9.1.2 All electrical system designs shall permit inspection batteries, the voltage per cell must not exceed 2.35 V. In the
access. Removal of components for inspection shall be mini- case of NiCad batteries, the charging voltage limit varies with
mized. design and construction. Values of 1.4 and 1.5 V per cell are
9.1.3 All electrical system designs shall address mainte- generally used. In all cases, follow the recommendations of the
nance activities. battery manufacturer.
9.2 Alternators: When charging rates are excessive, the electrolyte
9.2.1 Alternators are normally used to provide AC, or may boil to the extent that fumes containing droplets of the
rectified DC, electrical current. When supplying AC electrical electrolyte are emitted through the cell vents. These fumes
current, the frequency may be controlled or uncontrolled. from lead-acid batteries may become noxious to the crew
Uncontrolled frequency AC electrical current is suitable for members and passengers; therefore, thoroughly check the
connection to resistive loads only such as conversion to heat venting system. NiCad batteries will emit gas near the end of
for anti-ice/deice functions. Most other utilization equipment the charging process and during overcharge. The battery vent
requires controlled frequencies. system in the aircraft shall have sufficient air flow to prevent
9.3 Generators: this explosive mixture from accumulating. It is often advanta-
9.3.1 Electrical power is usually generated by engine-driven geous to install a jar in the battery vent discharge system
AC or DC machines. Extra care shall be exercised when using serviced with an agent to neutralize the corrosive effect of
voltages in excess of 50 V as a result of the increased potential battery vapors.
for electric shock. 9.6.2 Lead Acid:
9.4 Ground Power Units: Lead-acid batteries are usually charged by regulated
9.4.1 External electrical connections may be provided to
DC voltage sources. This allows maximum accumulation of
connect electrical power when the aircraft is static on the
charge in the early part of recharging.
ground to reduce wear on the engine(s) and engine-driven
generators. 9.6.3 Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion):
9.5 Auxiliary Power Units: Lithium ion batteries are a type of rechargeable
9.5.1 Some aircraft are fitted with on-board auxiliary power battery. They have one of the best energy-to-weight ratios, no
units. These units may or may not be capable of sharing memory effect, and a slow loss of charge when not in use. They
electrical loads with the engine-driven generators. can be dangerous if mistreated, however; and unless care is
9.6 Batteries: taken, may have a short lifespan compared to other battery
9.6.1 General: types. Aircraft batteries may be used for many functions, While Li-Ion batteries do not suffer from the
for example, ground power, emergency power, improving DC memory effect, they are not as durable as NiMH or NiCad
bus stability, and fault clearing. Most small private aircraft use designs. Li-Ion battery life cycle is dependent upon aging from
lead-acid batteries. Most commercial and military aircraft use time of manufacturing (shelf life) regardless if it was charged
NiCad batteries. However, other types are becoming available or not and not on the number of charge/discharge cycles.
such as lithium-ion, nickel-metal-hydride, gel cell, and sealed Li-Ion batteries have a low self-discharge rate of
lead-acid batteries. The battery best suited for a particular only approximately 5 % per month compared with over 30 %
application will depend on the relative importance of several per month and 20 % per month in NiMH and NiCad batteries,
characteristics, such as weight, cost, volume, service or shelf respectively.
life, discharge rate, maintenance, and charging rate. Any The cathode of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is
change of battery type may be considered a major alteration. usually made of cobalt, manganese, or a lithiated metal oxide Storage Batteries are usually identified by the ma- such as Li CoO2 or LiMn2O4. The anode is generally graphitic
terial used for the plates. All battery types possess different carbon. The electrolyte is made up of lithium salts in an organic
characteristics and, therefore, shall be maintained in accor- solvent. The electrolyte can be in liquid form or it can be a
dance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. solid-state electrolyte, in which case, the battery is described as
(Warning—It is extremely dangerous to store or service a lithium polymer battery. Charging a lithium-ion battery
lead-acid and NiCad batteries in the same area. Introduction of involves the migration of lithium ions from the cathode to the
acid electrolytes into alkaline electrolyte will destroy the Ni- carbon anode where they are deposited between carbon layers
Cad and vice-versa.) as lithium atoms. Discharging reverses the process.

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F2639 – 07´1 Three lithium chemistries are used for lithium-based the proper charging procedures for batteries under test and
primary cells. They are lithium-thionyl chloride, lithium- maintenance. These charging regimes for reconditioning and
manganese dioxide, and lithium-sulfur dioxide. The lithium- charging cycles are defined by the aircraft manufacturer and
sulfur dioxide batteries are being phased out because of serious shall be closely followed.)
safety concerns. Lithium-manganese dioxide cells are consid- Shop procedures shall follow the manufacturer’s
ered the safest of the three as they do not develop any gas or recommendations. Careful examination of sealed batteries and
pressure during use. Lithium manganese dioxide batteries have proper reconditioning of vented batteries will ensure the
an anode of metallic lithium and a cathode of manganese longest possible service life.
dioxide. The electrolyte layer varies with the manufacturer. 9.6.5 Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH):
Lithium thionyl chloride batteries have a metallic lithium foil
anode that gets a lithium chloride coating, or an alloy anode, NiMH batteries are a type of rechargeable battery
and a cathode of carbon. The electrolyte is lithium tetrachlo- similar to a NiCad battery. NiMH batteries tend to have a
raluminate dissolved in thionyl chloride. higher capacity than NiCads and suffer far less from voltage
depression. However, when compared with Li-Ion batteries, Li-Ion batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.6 V and
a typical charging voltage of 4.2 V per cell. The charging they have a lower energy density and a higher self-discharge
procedure is one of constant voltage with current limiting. This rate. NiMH batteries perform better with high-drain devices.
means charging with constant current until a voltage of 4.2 V Chemistry:
is reached by the cell and continuing with a constant voltage (1) NiMH batteries have an alkaline electrolyte.
applied until the current drops close to zero. (Typically, the (2) The “metal” in a NiMH battery is actually an interme-
charge is terminated at 7 % of the initial charge current.) Li-Ion tallic compound. Any of these compounds serves the same role,
batteries cannot be fast-charged and typically need at least 4 reversibly forming a mixture of metal hydride compounds.
hours to charge fully. 9.7 Circuit Protection Devices:
9.6.4 Nickel Cadmium (NiCad):
9.7.1 General: NiCad vented batteries have a 1.2-V nominal cell Philosophy of Aircraft Circuit Protection—For reli-
voltage. Occasional addition of distilled water is required to
replace water loss as a result of overcharging in normal service. able circuit protection, the design shall provide automatic
Cause of failure is usually shorting or weakening of a cell. protection that will limit a fault to single circuit and more
After replacing the bad cell with a good cell, the battery’s life importantly minimize the danger of smoke and fire not only to
can be extended for five or more years. Full discharge is not the component but also the conductors (or cables) leading to
harmful to this type of battery. and from the component. The primary consideration shall be
the protection of the conductors or cables. Furthermore, the NiCad sealed batteries are similar in most respects to
protection shall be capable isolating the fault from the power
NiCad vented batteries but do not normally require the addition
of water. Fully discharging the battery (to 0 V) may cause source so that nonfaulted circuits can be kept functioning in a
irreversible damage to one or more cells, leading to eventual normal manner. This is an essential safety of flight require-
battery failure as a result of low capacity. ment. These objectives may not always be achieved by a single
protective device, but by a combination of devices, wire size, Constant-current battery chargers are usually pro-
and routing. Circuit designers shall use every means available
vided for NiCad batteries because the NiCad cell voltage has a
to accomplish optimum protection. For example, correct sizing
negative temperature coefficient. With a constant voltage-
of wire and safe routing shall contribute to the overall circuit
charging source, a NiCad battery having a shorted cell might
overheat because of excessive overcharge and undergo a protection philosophy. Considerations for maintenance, inspec-
thermal runaway, destroying the battery and creating a possible tion, and continued airworthiness shall be an integral part of
safety hazard to the aircraft. the design philosophy.
(1) Definition—Thermal runaway can result in a chemical Circuit protection devices shall be sized to supply
fire or explosion of the NiCad battery under recharge by a open circuit capability. Proper selection should normally result
constant-voltage source or both and is due to cyclical, ever- in a protective device with the lowest standard rating that will
increasing temperature and charging current. One or more not open inadvertently. It shall interrupt the fault or overload
shorted cells or an existing high temperature and low charge current by disconnecting the faulted line from the power
can produce the cyclical sequence of events: distribution system before wire fusing, insulation damage, or
(a) Excessive current, other system damage occurs. Conventional circuit breakers
(b) Increased temperature, shall be of the push-pull type to facilitate periodic cycling the
(c) Decreased cell(s) resistance, breakers to remove contaminants from the contacts.
(d) Further increased current, and A circuit breaker shall be rated so that it will open
(e) Further increased temperature. before the current rating of the wire attached to it is exceeded
or before the cumulative rating of all loads connected to it are
(2) This will not become a self-sustaining thermal-
chemical action if the constant-voltage charging source is exceeded, whichever is lowest. All circuit breakers used shall
removed before the battery temperature is in excess of 160°F. be of the “trip-free, push-pull” variety. Pulsed-current battery chargers are sometimes pro- NOTE 15—Circuit breakers cannot always preclude smoke or fire from
vided for NiCad batteries. (Warning—It is important to use connected equipment.

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F2639 – 07´1 All electrical wires shall be provided with some its operation. These devices have a magnetic coil that sur-
means of protection. When entirely located within an enclo- rounds a moveable plunger, which is held in place by a spring.
sure, wires less than 12 in. (30 cm) long may be installed The circuit current flows through the magnetic coil and
without circuit protective devices. Electrical wire shall be produces a pull on the plunger and moves the plunger to open
protected with circuit breakers or fuses located as close as the contacts.
possible to the electrical power source bus. Normally, the 9.7.4 Remote-Controlled Circuit Breakers:
manufacturer of electrical equipment will specify the fuse or The remote control circuit breaker (RCCB) is a
breaker to be used when installing the respective equipment, or combination relay and circuit breaker that can be released or
SAE publication, ARP 1199, may be referred to for recom- set by applying a release or set coil current electronically
mended practices. Wires to electric starters may be installed controlled by a command from the indicator/control unit. With
without electrical circuit protection. Power feeder wires for the RCCB closed, an overload or fault current on any line or
starters and generators may be equipped with “ground fault” lines will cause the RCCB to trip and in turn will cause a
protection circuits. Care shall be exercised to ensure these controlled overload of the I/CU, causing it to trip.
wires are physically protected from chafing. 9.7.5 Resettable Circuit Breakers: Table 22 may be used as a guide for the selection of Resettable Circuit Protection Devices—All
circuit breaker and fuse rating to protect copper conductor resettable-type circuit breakers shall open the circuit irrespec-
wire. This table was prepared for the conditions specified. If tive of the position of the operating control when an overload
actual conditions deviate materially from those stated, ratings or circuit fault exists. Such circuit breakers are referred to as
above or below the values recommended may be justified. For “trip free.”
example, a wire run individually in the open air may possibly Automatic reset circuit breakers that automatically
be protected by the circuit breaker of the next higher rating to reset themselves periodically are not recommended as circuit
that shown on the chart. In general, the chart is conservative for protection devices for aircraft.
all ordinary aircraft electrical installations. 9.7.6 Solid-State Power Controllers: Circuit Breakers are designed as circuit protection Solid-state power controllers (SSPCs) combine cir-
for the wire (see and, not for protection of cuit breaker, load-monitoring, and relay functions. SSPCs may
black boxes or components. Use of a circuit breaker as a switch be used to control, monitor, and protect circuits.
is not recommended. Use of a circuit breaker as a switch will 9.7.7 Thermal Circuit Breakers:
decrease the life of the circuit breaker. Thermal circuit breakers depend on temperature rise
9.7.2 AFCB—Arc Fault Circuit Breakers:
in the sensing element for actuation. In normal operation, Arc fault circuit breakers are intended to provide
deflection of the thermal sensing element (for example, bi-
protection from the effects of arc faults by recognizing char-
metal) will cause the circuit to open when a predetermined
acteristics unique to arcing and by functioning to deenergize
calibration temperature is reached. To protect from unneces-
the circuit when an arc fault is detected.
sarily long thermal and mechanical stress during high-fault
9.7.3 Magnetic Circuit Breakers:
level currents, an electromagnet is sometimes added to cause When a circuit breaker has only a magnetic sensing
faster tripping of the thermal breaker.
element, it is a nondelay instantaneous trip type. With this type
9.7.8 Fuses:
of circuit breaker, no delay has been intentionally designed into Fuses serve two main purposes: to protect compo-
TABLE 22 DC Wire and Circuit Protector Chart
nents and equipment from damage caused by overcurrents and
to isolate subsystems from the main system once a fault has
Wire AN Gage Circuit Breaker Fuse
Copper Amp Amp occurred.
22 5 5
9.8 Conduit:
20 7.5 5 9.8.1 General—Conduit is manufactured in metallic and
18 10 10 nonmetallic materials and in both rigid and flexible forms.
16 15 10
14 20 15 Primarily, its purpose is for mechanical protection of cables or
12 30 20 wires. The conduit shall be designed for proper end fittings,
10 40 30 absence of abrasion at the end fittings, proper clamping,
8 50 50
6 80 70 distortion, adequate drain points that are free of obstructions
4 100 70 and freedom from abrasion or damage as a result of moving
2 125 100 objects such as aircraft control cables or shifting cargo.
1 150
0 150 9.8.2 Size of Conduit—Conduit size shall be selected for a
Basis of chart:
specific wire bundle application to allow for ease in mainte-
(1) Wire bundles in 135°F (57.2ºC) ambient and altitudes up to 30 000 ft (9144 nance and possible future circuit expansion by specifying the
m). conduit inner diameter (ID) larger than the maximum diameter
(2) Wire bundles of 15 or more wires, with wires carrying no more than 20 % of
the total current-carrying capacity of the bundle as given in Specification AS 50881
of the wire bundle. See for specific sizing criteria.
(ASG). 9.8.3 Conduit Fittings—Wire is vulnerable to abrasion at
(3) Protectors in 75 to 85°F (23.8 to 29.4ºC) ambient. conduit ends. Suitable fittings shall be affixed to conduit ends
(4) Copper wire Specification AS 50881.
(5) Circuit breakers to Specification MIL-C-5809 or equivalent. in such a manner that a smooth surface comes in contact with
(6) Fuses to Specification MIL-F-15160 or equivalent. the wire. When fittings are not used, the end of the conduit

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F2639 – 07´1
shall be flared to prevent wire insulation damage. The conduit of light in a vacuum (which is defined as 100 %). The VOP is
shall be supported by use of clamps along the conduit run. usually expressed as a percentage where the denominator is the
9.9 Connectors: speed of light. The VOP in a Coaxial cable is determined by the
9.9.1 General—Ensure reliability of connectors by verify- dielectric constant of the insulating material between the center
ing that the following conditions are met: conductor and the outer conductor (or shield). A solid PTFE Make sure unused plugs and receptacles are covered Teflony, (what is used as the dielectric material in RG142) has
to prevent inclusion of dust and moisture. Receptacles shall a dielectric constant of 2.06, which equates to a VOP of
have metal or composite dust caps attached by their normal 69.5 %. Thus, a signal traveling down a cable travels at 69.5 %,
mating method. Plugs may have a dust cap similar to above or as it compares to the speed in the vacuum of space. Aerospace
have a piece of polyolefin shrink sleeving shrunk over the coaxial cables have a VOP range of 69.5 to 84 %. If length
connector, starting from the backshell threads, with a tail measurements are made on cable using a Time Domain
sufficiently long enough to double back over the connector and Reflectomerter (TDR), it is important to know the VOP of the
be tied with polyester lacing tape behind the coupling nut. The cable under test to get an accurate measurement. When
cable identification label shall be visible behind the connector calculating Aircraft installation delay (AID) for some Radio
or a tag shall be attached identifying the associated circuit or Altimeters, it is important to know the VOP of the cable. Some
attaching equipment. The connector shall be attached to older Radio Altimeter installations were made using RG214
structure by its normal mounting means or by the use of cable which has a VOP 66 %. Replacing RG214 cables, with a
appropriate clamps. higher VOP cable of 83 %, the physical length of the new cable Ensure that moisture-absorbent material is not used must be increased to insure the installation meets the AID.
as “fill” for MS3057 clamps or adapters. See for Triaxial Cable or triax is coaxial cable with a second
approved fill material. layer of shielding and sheathing. The outer shield, which is Identical connectors in adjacent locations can lead to earthed, protects the inner shield from electromagnetic inter-
incorrect connections. When such installations are unavoid- ference from outside sources.
able, the attached wiring shall be clearly identified and shall be Twin-axial Cable or twinax is a balanced, twisted
routed and clamped so that it cannot be mismatched. pair within a cylindrical shield. It allows a nearly perfect Connectors in unpressurized areas shall be posi- differential signal that is both shielded and balanced to pass
tioned so that moisture will drain out of them when unmated. through.
Wires exiting connectors shall be routed so that moisture drains Biaxial Cable or biax is a figure-eight configuration
away from them. of two 50-V coaxial cables, used in some proprietary computer
9.9.2 Coaxial Cable: networks. Connections to the ends of coaxial cables are usually Coaxial Cable is called “coaxial” because it includes made with RF connectors. See Fig. 43 for typical coaxial cable
one physical conductor that carries the signal surrounded (after connectors.
a layer of insulation) by another concentric physical conductor, 9.10 Inverters and Power Converters:
both running along the same axis. 9.10.1 Static Electrical Inverters and Power Converters use Coaxial Cable consists of a round conducting wire, solid-state devices to convert the aircraft’s primary electrical
surrounded by an insulating spacer, surrounded by a cylindrical source voltage to a different voltage or frequency for the
conducting sheath, and usually surrounded by a final insulating operation of radio and electronic equipment. They contain no
layer. moving parts (with the exception of a cooling fan on some The cable is designed to carry a high-frequency or models) and are relatively maintenance free. Various types are
broadband signal. available for AC to DC or DC to AC conversion. Coaxial Cables may be rigid or flexible. Rigid types (Warning—Do not load inverters and converters beyond their
have a solid sheath, while flexible types have a braided sheath, rated capacity.)
both usually of thin copper wire. 9.11 Junctions: The inner insulator, also called the dielectric, has a 9.11.1 Use approved devices, such as solderless-type termi-
significant effect on the cable’s properties, such as its charac- nals, terminal blocks, connectors, disconnect splices, perma-
teristic impedance and its attenuation. The dielectric may be nent splices, and feed-through bushings for cable junctions.
solid or perforated with air spaces. Coaxial cables require an
9.11.2 Electrical junctions shall be protected from short
internal structure of an insulating (dielectric) material to
circuits resulting from movement of personnel, cargo, cases,
maintain the spacing between the center conductor and shield.
and other loose or stored materials.
All dielectrics have loss associated with them, which causes
most coaxial lines to have higher losses than open wire lines. 9.11.3 Exposed junctions and buses shall be protected with
Most cables have a solid dielectric, while others have a foam insulating materials. Junctions and buses located within en-
dielectric that contains as much air as possible to reduce the closed areas containing only electrical and electronic equip-
losses. Foam coax will have about 15 % less attenuation but ment are not considered as exposed.
can absorb moisture in humid environments, increasing the 9.12 Junction Boxes:
loss. 9.12.1 Junction boxes shall be fabricated from a fire- Velocity of Propagation (VOP) is the speed of an resistant, nonabsorbent material, such as aluminum or an
electronic signal traveling down a cable compared to the speed acceptable plastic material. Where fire-proofing is necessary, a

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F2639 – 07´1
stainless steel junction box is recommended. Rigid construc- shall be performed to ensure reliable operation. Contact the
tion will prevent “oil-canning” of the box sides that could manufacturer on applications different from the rated condi-
result in internal short circuits. In all cases, drain holes shall be tions.
provided in the lowest portion of the box. Cases of electrical Operating Conditions for Relays—Relays shall be
power equipment shall be insulated from metallic structure to compared to their specification rating to ensure that all contacts
avoid ground-fault-related fires. (See 7.2.4.) are made properly under all conditions of operation, including
9.12.2 The junction box internal arrangement shall permit vibration equivalent to that in the area of the aircraft in which
easy access to any installed items of equipment, terminals, and the relay is to be installed.
wires. Where marginal clearances are unavoidable, an insulat- 9.14.2 Continuous duty relays are used for most applica-
ing material shall be inserted between current carrying parts tions.
and any grounded surface. It is not good practice to mount 9.14.3 Intermittent duty relays have higher hold in forces to
equipment on the covers or doors of junction boxes, since prevent chattering during high current operation. These relays
inspection for internal clearance is impossible when the door or are sometimes referred to as contactors. They are used for
cover is in the closed position. applications that require high currents for short durations, such
9.12.3 Junction box layouts shall take into consideration the as engine starting.
necessity for adequate wiring space and possible future addi- 9.15 Studs:
tions. Electrical wire bundles shall be laced or clamped inside 9.15.1 Size of Studs—In designing the stud for a feed-
the box so that cables do not touch other components, prevent through connection, attention shall be given to the higher
ready access, or obscure markings or labels. Cables at entrance resistance of brass as compared to copper. A suggested method
openings shall be protected against chafing by using grommets of determining the size is to use a current density in the stud
or other suitable means. equivalent to that of the wire compensating for the difference
9.13 Electronic Assemblies: of resistance of the metals. Consideration shall also be given to
9.13.1 When incorporating electronic assemblies in a de- mechanical strength.
sign, consideration must be given to EMI/RFI and electrostatic 9.16 Switches:
discharge (ESD) effects. 9.16.1 General:
9.14 Relays: In all circuits, a switch specifically approved for
aircraft service shall be used. These switches are of rugged
9.14.1 General—A relay is an electrically controlled device construction and have sufficient contact capacity to break,
that opens and closes electrical contacts to effect the operation make, and carry continuously the connected load current.
of other devices in the same or in another electrical circuit. The Switches have electrical contacts and various types
relay converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
of switch actuators (that is, toggle plunger, push-button, knob,
through various means and through mechanical linkages,
or rocker).
actuates electrical conductors (contacts) that control electrical Contacts designed for high-level loads shall not be
circuits. Solid-state relays may also be used in electrical
subsequently used for low-level applications unless testing has
switching applications. When incorporating solid state relays
been performed to establish this capability.
in a design, consideration shall be given to EMI/RFI and ESD
effects. Switches are specifically selected based on the
design for the aircraft service current ratings for lamp loads, Use of Relays—Most relays are used as a switching inductive loads, and motor loads and shall be replaced with
device in which a weight reduction can be achieved or to identical make and model switches.
simplify electrical controls. It should be remembered that the Switch Rating—The nominal current rating of the
relay is an electrically operated switch and therefore subject to
conventional aircraft switch is usually stamped on the switch
dropout under low-system voltage conditions.
housing and represents the continuous current rating with the Types of Connections—Relays are manufactured contacts closed. Switches shall be derated from their nominal
with various connective means from mechanical to plug-in current rating for the following types of circuits:
devices. Installation procedures vary by the type of connection (1) Circuits containing incandescent lamps can draw an
and shall be followed to ensure proper operation of the relay. initial current that is 15 times greater than the continuous Contact ratings, as described on the relay case, current. Contact burning or welding may occur when the
describe the make, carry, and break capability for resistive switch is closed.
currents only. Consult the appropriate specification to deter- (2) Inductive Circuits have magnetic energy stored in
mine the derating factor to use for other types of current loads. solenoid or relay coils that is released when the control switch
(Refer to MIL-PRF-39016, MIL-PRF-5757, MIL-PRF-6106, is opened and may appear as an arc.
and MIL-PRF-83536.) (3) DC Motors will draw several times their rated current Operating a relay at less than nominal coil voltage during starting, and magnetic energy stored in their armature
may compromise its performance and shall never be done and field coils is released when the control switch is opened.
without written manufacturer approval. Switch Selection—Switches for aircraft use shall be Load Considerations—When relays are to be used selected with extreme caution. The contact ratings shall be
in applications in which current or voltage is substantially adequate for all load conditions and applicable voltages at both
lower than rated conditions, additional intermediate testing sea level and the operational altitude. Consideration shall be

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F2639 – 07´1
given to the variation in the electrical power characteristics TABLE 24 Selection of Contact Material
using MIL-STD-704 as a guide. NOTE 1—If sulfide, moisture, or any form of contamination is present, Derating Factors—Table 23 provides an approxi- a sealed switch should be used. The degree of sealing required (environ-
mate method for derating nominal ratings to obtain reasonable mental or hermetic) is dependent upon the environment in which the
switch efficiency and service life under reactive load condi- switch is intended to be operated.
tions. (Warning—Do not use AC derated switches in DC NOTE 2—If particle contamination in any form is likely to reach the
contacts, bifurcated contacts should be used.
circuits. AC switches will not carry the same amperage as a DC
NOTE 3—Low-voltage high-current loads are difficult to predict and
switch.) may result in a combined tendency of noncontact, sticking, and material Low-Energy Loads—Switches rated for use at 28 transfer.
VDC or more, and at 1.0 A or more, generally have silver NOTE 4—High-voltage high-current applications may require the use of
contacts. In general, silver contacts shall not be used to control silver nickel contacts.
devices that have a voltage less than 8 V or a continuous Supply Voltage
current less than 0.5 A unless the switch is specifically rated for (Volts)
30 Silver
use with low-energy loads. Table 24 provides general guide-
lines for selecting contact materials for low-energy loads but is Gold or Silver
not applicable to hermetically sealed switches. 8
Silver Typical logic load devices have a voltage of 0.5 to Gold or Bifurcated Gold
28 V and a continuous current of less than 0.5 A. A suitable 1
method of rating switches for use on logic load devices is Bifurcated
specified in ANSI/EIA 5200000. Gold Typical low-level load devices have a voltage of 0.001 0.01 0.5 1.0
less than 0.5 V and a continuous current of less than 0.5 A. A Current (Amperes)
suitable method of rating switches for use on low-level load
devices is specified in ANSI/EIA 5200000. Most aircraft switches operate between –55 and
85°C with designs available from –185 to 260°C or more. Operating Conditions for Switches—Switches
Higher temperatures require more exotic materials, which can shall be compared to their specification rating to ensure that all
increase costs and limit life. Note that o-ring seals and contacts are made properly under all conditions of operation,
elastomer boot seals tend to stiffen in extreme cold. This can including vibration equivalent to that in the area of the aircraft
increase operating forces and reduce release forces or stop the in which the switch is to be installed.
switch from releasing. 9.16.2 Proximity: The materials used for sealing (o-rings, potting These switches are usually solid-state devices that
materials, and so forth) shall be compatible with any aircraft detect the presence of a predetermined target without physical
fluids to which the switch may be exposed. contact and are usually rated 0.5 A or less. Although proximity switches do not have moving Load Considerations—When switches are to be
parts, the reliability of the internal electronic parts of the switch
used in applications in which current or voltage is substantially
may be reduced. Reliability and mean time between failure
lower than rated conditions, additional intermediate testing
(MTBF) calculations shall reflect the applicable environment.
shall be performed to ensure reliable operation. Contact the
Note that the mounting of both the proximity sensor and its
manufacturer on applications different from the rated condi-
target shall be rigid enough to withstand shock or vibration to
avoid creating false responses. Proximity switches are susceptible to an EMI/RFI
environment and shall be evaluated in the application. Twisting
TABLE 23 Switch-Derating Factors
lead wires, metal overbraids, lead wire routing, and the design
NOTE 1—To find the nominal rating of a switch required to operate a of the proximity switch can minimize susceptibility. Proximity
given device, multiply the continuous current rating of the device by the switches can also be a source of EMI. Ensure proximity
derating factor corresponding to the voltage and type of load. switches are selected to address all EMI aspects.
NOTE 2—To find the continuous rating that a switch of a given nominal
rating will handle efficiently, divide the switch nominal rating by the Proximity sensors are normally designed for envi-
derating factor corresponding to the voltage and type of load. ronments from –55 to 125°C. During temperature excursions,
the operating and release points may shift from 5 to 10 %.
Derating Reliability of the proximity sensor will typically be highest at
System Type of Load
Voltage room temperature. The reliability and MTBF estimates shall be
28 VDC Lamp 8 reduced for use under high temperatures or high thermal
28 VDC Inductive (relay-solenoid) 4 gradients.
28 VDC Resistive (Heater) 2
28 VDC Motor 3 Proximity switches for aircraft applications typi-
12 VDC Lamp 5 cally have a metal face and potting material surrounding any
12 VDC Inductive (relay-solenoid) 2 electronics and lead wire exits. The potting material shall be
12 VDC Resistive (Heater) 1
12 VDC Motor 2 compatible with the fluids the switch will be exposed to in the
environment. The plastic sensing face of some proximity

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F2639 – 07´1
switches may be subject to absorption of water that may cause 10.1.1 This section provides installation criteria for aircraft
the operating point to shift shall be protected. Proximity electrical system components.
sensors generally use a relatively low-energy electromagnetic 10.1.2 Adequate Length—Components shall extend out
field to sense the target. Adequate spacing is required to from their mounting position a distance that permits rotating
prevent interference between adjacent proximity sensors or and unlocking (or locking) the electrical connector. Usually a
other devices susceptible to EMI/RFI. Refer to manufacturer’s distance of 3 to 6 in. (8 to 15 cm), with all other components
instructions. installed, should be sufficient.
9.16.3 Pushbutton: 10.1.3 Reverse Polarity Protection—There shall be some Pushbutton switches may be push-on/push-off or means to ensure the electrical system is protected from
may maintain a depressed position after actuation. When using reversed polarity of ground support equipment. Connecting the
lighted switches, ensure the system status annunciation is aircraft electrical system to an external power source with
consistent. reverse polarity can result in equipment damage. Protection
9.16.4 Rotary: means may be physical (for example, polarized connector) or Rotary switches are typically used for applications electrical.
requiring simultaneous multiple circuit switching. These 10.1.4 All electrical system installations shall permit in-
switches often include multiple switching decks actuated by a spection access. Removal of components for inspection shall
single mechanism. be minimized.
9.16.5 Electromechanical (Toggle): 10.1.5 All electrical system installations shall include pro- Electromechanical switches (toggle switches) are visions for maintenance access. (Refer to FAA Advisory
most susceptible to shock and vibration in the plane that is Circular AC 25.1353-1 for additional guidance on electrical
parallel to contact motion. Under these conditions, the switch equipment installation.)
contacts may momentarily separate. ANSI/EIA 5200000 speci-
10.2 Alternators:
fies that contact separations greater than 10 µs and that closing
of open contacts in excess of 1 µs are failures. Repeated contact 10.2.1 Ensure alternator requirements do not exceed the
separations during high levels of vibration or shock may cause engine accessory pad limitations.
excessive electrical degradation of the contacts. These separa- 10.2.2 Ensure adequate cooling is provided to keep the
tions can also cause false signals to be registered by electronic alternator within its operating limitations.
data processors without proper buffering. 10.2.3 Ensure the alternator, its mounting, and cooling duct DC-operated electromechanical switches are usu- installation meet engine fireproof requirements if applicable.
ally not susceptible to EMI/RFI. 10.3 Generators:
(1) The arcing of electromechanical switch contacts gen- 10.3.1 Ensure generator requirements do not exceed the
erates short-duration EMI/RFI when controlling highly induc- engine accessory pad limitations.
tive electrical loads. Twisting lead wires, metal overbraids, and 10.3.2 Ensure adequate cooling is provided to keep the
lead wire routing can reduce or eliminate generation problems generator within its operating limitations.
when dealing with arcing loads. 10.3.3 Ensure the generator, its mounting, and cooling duct Electromechanical switches can withstand wide installation meet engine-fireproof requirements if applicable.
temperature ranges and rapid gradient shifts without damage.
10.4 Auxiliary Power Units (APUs): Electromechanical switches range in sealing from
partially sealed to hermetically sealed. Use a sealed switch 10.4.1 Ensure generator requirements do not exceed the
when the switch will be exposed to a dirty environment during APU accessory pad limitations.
storage, assembly, or operation. Use a higher level of sealing 10.4.2 Ensure adequate cooling is provided to keep the
when the switch will not have an arcing load to self-clean the APU-mounted generator within its operating limitations.
contacts. Low-energy loads tend to be more susceptible to 10.5 Batteries:
contamination. 10.5.1 General:
9.17 Terminals and Terminal Blocks: External Surface—Ensure the external surface of
9.17.1 Creepage Distance—Care shall be used in the selec- the battery is clean before installation in the aircraft.
tion of electrical components to ensure that electrical clearance Replacing Lead-Acid Batteries—When replacing
and creepage distance along surfaces between adjacent termi- lead-acid batteries with NiCad batteries, a battery temperature
nals, at different potentials, and between these terminals and or current-monitoring system shall be installed.
adjacent ground surfaces are adequate for the voltages in- Battery Venting—Battery fumes and gases may
volved. cause an explosive mixture or contaminated compartments and
9.18 Waveguides: shall be dispersed by adequate ventilation. Venting systems
9.18.1 Equipment suppliers will specify the requirements often use ram pressure to flush fresh air through the battery
for waveguides to ensure proper functioning of the associated case or enclosure to a safe overboard discharge point. The
system. Ensure waveguides comply with these specifications. venting system pressure differential shall always be positive
and remain between recommended minimum and maximum
10. Electrical System Component Installation values. Line runs shall not permit battery overflow fluids or
10.1 General: condensation to be trapped and prevent free airflow.

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F2639 – 07´1 Battery Sump Jars—A battery sump jar installation TABLE 25 Lead-Acid Battery Electrolyte Freezing
may be incorporated in the venting system to dispose of battery Freeze Point
State of Charge (SOC) for
Specific Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries at 70
electrolyte overflow. The sump jar shall be of adequate design Gravity
and the proper neutralizing agent used. The sump jar shall be C F SOC 12 volt 24 volt
located only on the discharge side of the battery venting 1.300 -70 -95 100% 12.9 25.8
system. (See Fig. 40.) 1.275 -62 -80 75% 12.7 25.4
1.250 -52 -62 50% 12.4 24.8 Battery Quick-Disconnect—If a quick-disconnect 1.225 -37 -35 25% 12.0 24.0
type of battery connector that prohibits crossing the battery 1.200 -26 -16
lead is not used, ensure that cross connection of the aircraft 1.175 -20 -4
1.150 -15 +5
wiring is prevented by other means. 1.125 -10 +13
10.5.2 Lead Acid: 1.100 -8 +19 Ensure lead-acid battery electrolyte temperatures
are maintained above those shown in Table 25.
10.5.3 Lithium-Ion(Li-Ion): Li-Ion batteries shall be charged early and often. of the electrolyte density, possible blockage of the cell vents,
However, if they are not used for a longer time, they shall be and eventual cell rupture.
brought to a charge level of around 40 %. 10.5.5 Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH): Li-Ion batteries shall be kept cool. However, they Charging—When fast charging, it is advisable to
shall not be subjected to freezing temperatures. Aging will take charge the NiMH batteries with intelligent chargers to prevent
its toll much faster at high temperatures. (Warning—Li-Ion overcharging with large currents, which could damage the
batteries can easily rupture, ignite, or explode when exposed to battery. Modern NiMH batteries contain catalysts to immedi-
high temperatures or direct sunlight. Short-circuiting a Li-Ion ately deal with gases developed as a result of overcharging
battery can also cause it to ignite or explode. Never open a without being harmed. This however only works with over-
Li-Ion battery’s casing. Li-Ion batteries contain safety devices charging currents of up to C/10 hours (nominal capacity
that, if damaged, can cause the battery to ignite or explode.) divided by 10 hours). As a result of this reaction, the batteries
10.5.4 Nickel Cadmium (NiCad): will heat up considerably, marking the end of the charging The state of charge of a NiCad battery cannot be process.
determined by measuring the specific gravity of the potassium Discharging—Care shall be taken during discharge
hydroxide electrolyte. The electrolyte specific gravity does not to ensure that a cell in a series battery does not become totally
change with the state of charge. The only accurate way to flat and then reverse charged. This reverse charge can cause
determine the state of charge of a NiCad battery is by a irreparable damage to the cell. Nickel metal hydride batteries
measured discharge with a NiCad battery charger and follow- have a high self-discharge rate of approximately 30 % per
ing the manufacturer’s instructions. After the battery has been month and more. This is higher than that of NiCad batteries,
fully charged and allowed to stand for at least 2 hours, the fluid which is around 20 % per month. The self-discharge rate is
level may be adjusted, if necessary, using distilled or demin- highest for full batteries and drops off somewhat for lower
eralized water. Because the fluid level varies with the state of charges. The rate is strongly affected by the temperature at
charge, water should never be added while the battery is which the batteries are stored. Recommended longtime storage
installed in the aircraft. Overfilling the battery will result in charge is around 40 %.
electrolyte spewage during charging. This will cause corrosive 10.6 Circuit Protection Devices:
effects on the cell links, self-discharge of the battery, dilution 10.6.1 General: All circuit protection devices shall be installed
within the manufacturers’ limitations to ensure proper func-
tioning. Note that trip curves for circuit protective devices can
vary substantially with temperature. When using alternate
suppliers, ensure that all installed circuit breakers provide
equivalent or superior protection. Ensure the time to trip of the
replacement circuit breaker is less than or equal to the unit
being replaced even though both units have equivalent current
ratings. (Refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC 25.1357-1 for
additional guidance on circuit protective device accessibility.)
10.6.2 Arc Fault Circuit Breakers (AFCBs): AFCB circuitry continuously monitors current flow
through and uses unique current sensing circuitry to discrimi-
nate between normal and unwanted arcing conditions. Once an
unwanted arcing condition is detected, the control circuitry in
the AFCB trips the internal contacts, thus deenergizing the
circuit and reducing the potential for a fire to occur. An AFCB
should not trip during normal arcing conditions, which can
FIG. 40 Battery Ventilating Systems occur when a switch is opened. Arc fault circuit breaker

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installations shall provide adequate wire-routing provisions for Plastic tubing, not terminated in ferrules, shall be secured in
all terminations including indication connections. Installations place by clamps or supporting devices. The diameter of the
shall consider proper viewing fields for any included visual conduit shall be determined by grouping wires or cables
indications. installed therein or both and measuring the maximum diameter
10.6.3 Magnetic Circuit Breakers: which shall not exceed 85 % of the internal diameter of the Magnetically actuated circuit breakers rely on the conduit.
magnetic field generated by the conductor to function and, Consideration shall be given to accessibility of
therefore, shall not be installed in proximity to large magnetic wiring in conduit for inspection, repair, or replacement.
fields. 10.7.2 Conduit Installation—Conduit problems can be
10.6.4 Remote-Controlled Circuit Breakers: avoided by following these guidelines: Remote circuit breakers require installation consid- Do not locate the conduit where passengers or
erations for both the primary connections and the remote maintenance personnel might use it as a handhold or footstep.
control device. Provide drain holes at the lowest point in a conduit
10.6.5 Resettable Circuit Breakers: run. Drilling burrs shall be carefully removed. Automatic resetting circuit breakers are not recom- Support the conduit to prevent chafing against the
mended for installation in aircraft. All circuit breakers shall be structure and avoid stressing its end fittings.
manually resettable. 10.7.3 Rigid Conduit:
10.6.6 Solid-State Power Controllers (SSPC): Minimum acceptable tube bend radii for rigid Solid-state power controller installations shall con- conduit are shown in Table 26. Tubing that has been formed
sider all aspects of these devices including monitoring, protec- and cut to final length shall be deburred to prevent wire
tion, and control. insulation damage. When installing tube sections with fittings When incorporating SSPCs in a design, consider- at both ends, care shall be taken to eliminate mechanical strain.
ation shall be given to EMI/RFI and ESD effects. 10.7.4 Flexible Conduit—Flexible aluminum conduit con-
10.6.7 Thermal Circuit Breakers: forming to Specification SAE AS 6136 (replaces MIL-C-6136) Thermal circuit breakers shall not be installed in is available in two types: Type I, bare flexible conduit, and
thermally elevated areas. Installation of these breakers in Type II, rubber-covered flexible conduit. Flexible brass conduit
groups shall consider the heat generated during normal opera- conforming to Specification SAE AS 25064 (replaces
tion. MS25064) is available and normally used instead of flexible
10.6.8 Fuses: aluminum where necessary to minimize radio interference. Fuses cannot be reset and shall be installed in Also available is plastic flexible tubing. (Reference SAE
easily accessible locations. AMS-T-81914 replaces MIL-T-81914.) Flexible conduit may Spares for fuses requiring renewal in flight shall be be used where it is impractical to use rigid conduit, such as
provided per 14CFR91.205c(6). areas that have motion between conduit ends or where complex
bends are necessary. The use of transparent adhesive tape is
10.6.9 Coaxial Cable:
recommended when cutting flexible tubing with a hacksaw to Extra care shall be exercised when installing co-
minimize fraying of the braid. The tape shall be centered over
axial cable. Some coaxial cable shall be of a specified length to
the cutting reference mark with the saw cutting through the
ensure proper system operation. When required coaxial cable
tape. After cutting the flexible conduit, the transparent tape
length results in cable lengths exceeding the wire routing path,
shall be removed, the frayed braid ends trimmed, burrs
ensure the excess cable length is properly supported. Ensure
removed from inside the conduit, and coupling nut and ferrule
loops in the coaxial cable do not exceed the proper bend radius
installed. Minimum acceptable bending radii for flexible con-
(see and or create victim or culprit EMI
duit are shown in Table 27.
issues (see Section 11). Electrically conductive conduit shall be electrically Extra care shall be taken when securing coaxial
bonded to basic structure.
cables with tie-straps. Coaxial cables are somewhat fragile and
it is possible to crush them when installing tie-straps. Crushing
a coax will alter the signal passing through it and could result
TABLE 26 Bend Radii for Rigid Conduit
in equipment failure. Once damaged, the coax shall be re-
Nominal Tube OD, in.A Minimum Bend Radii, in.A
placed. Tie straps may also be used on bundle assemblies
containing coaxial cable that has a solid dielectric; however, a 18 ⁄ 38⁄

3 16 ⁄
7 16
strapping pressure just enough to prevent axial slippage shall ⁄
14 9⁄16

be used (see ⁄

38 15⁄16

1⁄2 1 1 ⁄4
10.7 Conduit: 5⁄8 1 1 ⁄2
10.7.1 General: 3⁄4 1 3 ⁄4 Conduit shall be used to protect wiring at points 1 3
1 1 ⁄4 3 3 ⁄4
where abrasion might result or to carry it through areas in 1 1 ⁄2 5
which damage or deterioration might occur. Flexible plastic 1 3 ⁄4 7
conduit shall not be installed in lengths greater than necessary 2 8
(maximum of 6 in. (15 cm) on either side of the danger area). A
1 in. = 2.54 cm.

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TABLE 27 Minimum Bending Radii for Flexible Aluminum or 10.8.2 Selection—Connectors shall be selected to provide
Brass Conduit the maximum degree of safety and reliability considering
Minimum Bending Radius electrical and environmental requirements. Consider the size,
Nominal ID of Conduit, in.A
Inside, in.A
weight, tooling, logistic, maintenance support, and compatibil-

3 16 2 1⁄ 4

14 2 3⁄ 4
ity with standardization programs. For ease of assembly and
3⁄8 3 3⁄ 4 maintenance, connectors using crimped contacts are generally
1⁄2 3 3⁄ 4 chosen for all applications except those requiring a hermetic
5⁄8 4 1⁄ 4
3⁄4 5 3⁄ 4
seal. (Reference SAE ARP 1308.) A replacement connector of
1 53⁄4 the same basic type and design as the connector it replaces
1 1⁄ 4 8 shall be used. With a crimp-type connector for any electrical
1 1⁄ 2 8 1⁄ 4
1 3⁄ 4 9
connection, the proper insertion or extraction tool shall be used
2 9 3⁄ 4 to install or remove wires from such a connector. Refer to
2 1⁄ 2 10 manufacturer or aircraft instruction manual. After the connec-
1 in. = 2.54 cm. tor is disconnected, inspect it for loose soldered connections to
prevent unintentional grounding. Connectors that are suscep- Ensure conduit is relieved of strain and flexing of tible to corrosion difficulties may be treated with a chemically
ferrules. inert waterproof jelly. Ensure conduits will not trap fluids or condensed
10.8.3 Types of Connectors—Connectors shall be identified
moisture. Suitable drain holes shall be provided at the low
by an original identification number replaces a MIL Specifica-
tion (MS) or OEM specification. Fig. 41 provides some Ensure bonding clamps do not cause damage to the
examples of MS connector types. Several different types are
shown in Fig. 42. Different types of coaxial cable connectors Ensure ends of open conduits are flared or routed to
are shown in Fig. 43. See 10.6.9 for details on coaxial cable
avoid sharp edges that could chafe wires exiting from the
conduit. All conduits shall be clear of loose particles, chips, or
other scrap before insertion of wires or cables to minimize the Environmental Classes—Environmentally resistant
possibility of future defects in the system. connectors are used in applications in which they will probably Metallic conduit shall be bonded to the aircraft be subjected to fluids, vibration, thermal, mechanical shock,
structure at each terminating and break point. The conduit corrosive elements, and so forth. Firewall class connectors
bonding strap shall be located ahead of the piece of equipment incorporating these same features shall, in addition, be able to
that is connected to the cable wire inside the conduit. prevent the penetration of the fire through the aircraft firewall
10.7.5 Flexible: connector opening and continue to function without failure for Ensure weatherproof shields on flexible conduits of a specified period of time when exposed to fire. Hermetic
the nose and main landing gear and in wheel wells are installed connectors provide a pressure seal for maintaining pressurized
properly. areas. When EMI/RFI protection is required, special attention Thimbles and ferrules shall be swaged to flexible shall be given to the termination of individual and overall
conduit. shields. Backshell adapters designed for shield termination,
10.7.6 Rigid: connectors with conductive finishes, and EMI grounding fin- No sharp edges shall be left on the ends of rigid gers are available for this purpose.
conduit and conduit fittings. All sharp edges shall be removed. Rectangular Connectors—The rectangular connec-
10.8 Connectors: tors are typically used in applications in which a very large
10.8.1 General—There is a multitude of types of connec- number of circuits are accommodated in a single mated pair.
tors. Crimped contacts are generally used. Some of the more They are available with a great variety of contacts, which can
common are the round, the rectangular, and the module blocks. include a mix of standard, coaxial, and large power types.
Environmentally resistant connectors shall be used in applica- Coupling is accomplished by various means. Smaller types are
tions subject to fluids, vibration, thermal, mechanical shock, secured with screws that hold their flanges together. Larger
and/or corrosive elements. When high-intensity radio fre- ones have integral guide pins that ensure correct alignment or
quency (HIRF)/lightning protection is required, special atten- jackscrews that both align and lock the connectors. Rack and
tion shall be given to the terminations of individual or overall panel connectors use integral or rack-mounted pins for align-
shields. Some method shall be incorporated to ensure the ment and box mounting hardware for couplings.
electrical bonding of the connector and shields is maintained. Module Blocks—These junctions accept crimped
The number and complexity of wiring systems have resulted in contacts similar to those on connectors. Some use internal
an increased use of electrical connectors. The proper choice busing to provide a variety of circuit arrangements. They are
and application of connectors is a significant part of the aircraft useful when a number of wires are connected for power or
wiring system. Connectors shall be kept to a minimum, signal distribution. When used as grounding modules, they
selected, and installed to provide the maximum degree of save and reduce hardware installation on the aircraft. Standard-
safety and reliability to the aircraft. For the installation of any ized modules are available with wire end grommet seals for
particular connector assembly, the specification of the manu- environmental applications and are track mounted. Function
facturer or the appropriate governing agency shall be followed. module blocks are used to provide an easily wired package for

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FIG. 41 Connector Information Example

environmentally resistant mounting of small resistors, diodes, unlikely to have added wiring. Depending on the connector
filters, and suppression networks. In-line terminal junctions are installation, unused connector contact cavities may need to be
sometimes used in lieu of a connector when only a few wires properly sealed to avoid damage to the connector or have stub
are terminated and the ability to disconnect the wires is desired. wire installed. Unwired contacts shall be provided with a
The in-line terminal junction is environmentally resistant. The plastic grommet sealing plug. See Fig. 44.
terminal junction splice is small and may be tied to the surface 10.8.6 Installation:
of a wire bundle when approved by the OEM. Crimp Contacts:
10.8.4 Voltage and Current Rating—Selected connectors (1) Removable crimp-type contacts conforming to MIL-C-
shall be rated for continuous operation under the maximum 39029 are used with the connector types such as MIL-DTL-
combination of ambient temperature and circuit current load. 5015, MIL-C-26482, MIL-C-26500 and MIL-DTL-38999 Se-
Hermetic connectors and connectors used in circuit applica- ries I, II, III and IV, MIL-C- 81511, and MIL-DTL-83723.
tions involving high-inrush currents shall be derated. It is good Connectors manufactured in accordance with military specifi-
engineering practice to conduct preliminary testing in any cations are designated in one of two ways. In some specifica-
situation in which the connector is to operate with most or all tions such as MIL-DTL-5015, MIL-C-26482, MIL-C-26500,
of its contacts at maximum rated current load. When wiring is and MIL-DTL-38999 Series I and II, the connector is desig-
operating with a high conductor temperature near its rated nated by an “MS” number, such as MS3101. In specifications
temperature, connector contact sizes shall be suitably rated for MIL-DTL-38999 Series III and IV, MIL-C- 81511, MIL-DTL-
the circuit load. This may require an increase in wire size also. 83723, and later specifications, the connector is designated by
Voltage derating is required when connectors are used at high a D or M preceding the specification number followed by a
altitude in nonpressurized areas. Derating of the connectors slash and the connector number, such as D38999/21 or
shall be covered in the specifications. M83723/65.
10.8.5 Spare Contacts (Future Wiring)—To accommodate (2) The method of crimping wires to these contacts is
future wiring additions, spare contacts are normally provided. essentially the same throughout the entire group of connectors.
Locating the unwired contacts along the outer part of the Standard crimping tools conforming to MIL-DTL-22520 are
connector facilitates future access. A good practice is to used to crimp the contacts. Contacts manufactured after April
provide: two spares on connectors with 25 or less contacts, 4 1978 will be identified with BIN (basic identification on
spares on connectors with 26 to 100 contacts, and 6 spares on number) code color bands (see Fig. 45). Each digit of the BIN
connectors with more than 100 contacts. Spare contacts are not code will be designated on the contact by a color band in
normally provided on receptacles of components that are accordance with the following:

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FIG. 42 Different Types of Connectors

0 – Black 5 – Green Note—Do not disassemble any crimping tools. Do not

1 – Brown 6 – Blue tighten or loosen nuts or otherwise attempt to adjust. Required
2 – Red 7 – Violet
3 – Orange 8 – Grey
adjustments shall be made only by the manufacturer or by a
4 – Yellow 9 – White calibration laboratory.
(3) See Table 28 for contact to BIN code cross reference. (2) MIL-DTL-22520/1 Crimping Tool—The basic crimping Crimping Tools: tool, M22520/l-0l, accommodates contacts with wire barrel
(1) Crimping tools used for crimping removable contacts to Sizes 12 through 20 and has a provision for selecting the proper
wire conductors for use in electrical connectors, terminal depth of crimp depending on the contact/wire combination
junction systems, and other electrical or electronic compo- being used. The contact is crimped by the creation of four sets
nents, shall conform to MIL-DTL-22520 and one of its of double impressions caused by the closure of the four
associated specification sheets. These tools are capable of indenters. Appropriate turret or positioner heads are installed
crimping a range of contact wire barrel Sizes 12 to 28, to a depending on the application.
range of wire Sizes 12 to 32. All MIL-DTL-22520 hand- (3) MIL-DTL-22520/2 Crimping Tool—The basic crimping
operated tools are cycle controlled by means of a ratchet tool, M22520/2-01, accommodates contacts with wire barrel
mechanism that will not release until the crimping cycle has Sizes 20 through 28 and has a provision for selecting the proper
been completed. A brief description of each of these tools depth of crimp depending on the contact/wire combination
follows: being used. The contact is crimped by the creation of four sets

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FIG. 43 Coax Cable Connectors

of double impressions caused by the closure of the four specified for them. The tool, which is not operator adjustable,
indenters. Appropriate positioners are installed depending on creates a circular crimp around the contact. For specific tool
the application. application, see MIL-DTL-22520/4.
(4) MIL-DTL-22520/4 Crimping Tool—The basic tool, (5) MIL-DTL-22520/7 Crimping Tool—The basic crimping
MS22520/4-01, is used only with the M22520/4-02 single- tool, M22520/7-01, accommodates contacts with wire barrel
positioner head. This tool head combination is used to crimp Sizes 16 through 22 and has a provision for selecting the proper
outer pin and socket coaxial contacts to the shielded cables depth of crimp depending on the contact/wire combination

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FIG. 43 Coax Cable Connectors (continued)

FIG. 44 Stub Wire Installation

being used. It is similar to the M22520/2- 01 in that it is smaller device installed as long as it does not interfere with the gauging
than the M22520/1-01 and is therefore easier to handle. It is operation. If the presence of the positioning device makes
also similar in appearance and has the same method of gauging difficult, remove it before inspecting. The inspection
operation. procedure is as follows: Connector Pin BIN Codes—Table 28 lists common (1) Select the proper inspection gauge to be used from
connector pin and sockets and the part(s) they superseded by Table 30.
Bin code number. (2) Set the selector at the proper selector number as Connector Specifications—Table 29 lists super- specified in Table 30.
seded connector specifications. (3) Close the handles completely and hold.
10.8.7 Inspection of M22520/1-01, M22520/2-01, M22520/ (4) The GO gauge (green end) shall pass freely through the
4-01, and M22520/7-01 Basic Tools: indenter tips. Inspection gauging is preformed on the basic tool (5) The NO GO gauge (red end) shall not enter through the
only. However, the tools may be gauged with a positioning indenter tips.

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3.5-mm socket head screws with Allen wrench (see Fig. 46). If
the positioning head is the single-positioner type, omit Steps
(d) and (e).
(d) If the positioning head is the turret type, it has three
separate positioners that are color coded and marked with the
applicable contact size accommodated by each individual
positioner. The color code and contact size correspond to the
information contained on the data plate. Refer to the data plate
to select the proper positioner to be used for the contact being
(e) Rotate the turret until the correct positioner is lined up
with the index mark on the turret head and push the turret in
FIG. 45 Contact Marking until it snaps into the locked position (see Fig. 46).
(2) Refer again to the data plate for the correct selector
10.8.8 Types of Contact Positioning Devices: setting for the wire size being used. With the handles fully All crimping tools have positioning devices avail- open, remove spring clip lock wire from selector knob, lift and
able that are used for locating contacts in the proper relation to rotate the selector knob (or slide the thumb button) to the
the tool indenters. The following is a brief description of the correct setting and release (see Fig. 47) and reinstall spring clip
types of positioners used for the various types of tools: lock wire.
(1) M22520/1-01 Basic Tools: Note—When crimping contacts with an insulation sup-
(a) These tools use turret heads, single positioner heads, port cup, make sure the insulation extends into it 0.15 to 0.32
and universal heads. in. (0.4 to 0.8 mm) from bottom of cup. (The contact shown in
(b) Turret Heads—These heads have a turret that has three Fig. 48 has this feature.)
separate positioners that are color coded and marked with the (3) Determine the proper length of insulation to be re-
applicable contact size accommodated by each individual moved. Wire shall be visible in inspection hole; insulation must
positioner within the head. The color and contact size corre- be between 0.15 and 0.32 in. (0.4 to 0.8 mm) from end of
spond to the information on the foil label (data plate) attached contact. Strip the insulation from the conductor by using any of
to the side of the head. The proper positioner is selected for the the methods described in
contact type and size to be crimped by referring to the data (4) Insert the stripped wire into the wire barrel of the
plate. contact until the end of the wire can be seen through the
(c) Single-Position Heads—These heads have only one inspection hole. Insert the wire and contact through the
positioner and are not adjustable. They also have data plates indenters on the front side of tool (opposite from selector side)
which provide crimping information. until it bottoms and fully seats in the positioner.
(d) Universal Heads—These heads are used for locating (5) Hold the wire and contact in place and squeeze the tool
contacts that are not military standard or no positioning heads handles until they fully bottom and the ratchet releases,
are available. They are adjusted for each application while allowing the handles to return automatically to the open
attached to the tool as described in, but have no data position.
plate with crimping information. (6) Remove the crimped contact and inspect making sure
10.8.9 M22520/2-01and M22520/7-01 Basic Tools: the wire strands are visible through the inspection hole in the These tools use locating devices known as posi- contact wire barrel (see Fig. 48).
tioners. They are individual locators with a data plate attached M22520/1-01 Crimping Tools with Universal
to the top that specifies the contact part numbers(s) accommo- Heads:
dated, and correlates the wire sizes.
(1) The universal head may be used when a turret or single M22520/4-01 Basic Tool—This is a single-purpose
position head is not available. The procedure is as follows:
tool that only uses the M22520/4-02 single-positioner head that
is not operator adjustable (see (a) Rotate the lock nut counterclockwise to the released
10.8.10 Crimping Procedures: position and turn adjustment nut counterclockwise until head M22520/1-01 Crimping Tools with Turret Heads can be seated on tool.
and Single-Position Heads: (b) Place the head over the retaining ring on the back of
(1) The procedure for crimping contacts to wire conductors the tool (selector side) and seat against the tool body; secure
is as follows: the 3.5-mm socket head screws with an Allen wrench. With the
(a) Select the proper positioning head to be used for the tool handles fully open, remove spring clip lock wire from
contacts being crimped. selector knob, raise and rotate the selector knob (or slide the
(b) If the head to be used is a turret head, first depress the thumb button) until the arrow is in line with the wire size being
turret trigger to release the turret portion to the indexing or crimped, release selector knob, and reinstall spring clip lock
extended position as shown in Fig. 46. wire.
(c) Place the head over the retaining ring on the back of Note—The wire sizes are for reference only. They are
too1 (selector side) and seat against the tool body; secure the based on the use of SAE AS 22759 (replaces MIL-W-22759)

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TABLE 28 Electrical Contact BIN Code Listing

Current Superseded Pin or

Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
100 M39029/1-100 M39029/1-16-22 P
101 M39029/1-101 M39029/1-16-20 P
102 M39029/1-102 M39029/1-14-16 P
103 M39029/1-103 M39029/1-12-12 P
104 M39029/2-104 M39029/2-22-22 P
105 M39029/2-105 M39029/2-20-20 P
106 M39029/2-106 M39029/2-16-16 P
107 M39029/3-107 M39029/3-22-22 S
108 M39029/3-108 M39029/3-20-20 S
109 M39029/3-109 M39029/3-16-16 S
110 M39029/4-110 M39029/4-20-20 P
M83723-33B20 P
111 M39029/4-111 M39029/4-16-16 P
M83723-33B16 P
112 M39029/4-112 M39029/4-16-20 P
113 M39029/4-113 M39029/4-12-12 P
M83723-33B12 P
114 M39029/4-114 M39029/4-12-16 P
115 M39029/5-115 M39029/5-20-20 S
M83723-34B20 S
116 M39029/5-116 M39029/5-16-16 S
M83723-34B16 S
117 M39029/5-117 M39029/5-16-20 S
118 M39029/5-118 M39029/5-12-12 S
M83723-34B12 S
119 M39029/5-119 M39029/5-12-16 S
120 M39029/6-120 M39029/6-01 P
121 M39029/6-121 M39029/6-02 P
122 M39029/6-122 M39029/6-03 P
123 M39029/6-123 M39029/6-04 P
124 M39029/6-124 M39029/6-05 P
125 M39029/6-125 M39029/6-06 P
126 M39029/7-126 M39029/7-001 P
127 M39029/7-127 M39029/7-002 P
128 M39029/7-128 M39029/7-003 P
129 M39029/8-129 M39029/8-001 S
130 M39029/8-130 M39029/8-002 S
131 M39029/8-131 M39029/8-003 S
132 M39029/9-132 M39029/9-20-20-C1 P
133 39029/9-133 M39029/9-20-20-C2 P
134 M39029/9-134 M39029/9-20-20-C3 P
135 M39029/9-135 M39029/9-20-20-C4 P
136 M39029/9-136 M39029/9-20-20-C5 P
138 M39029/10-138 M39029/10-20-20-C1 S
139 M39029/10-139 M39029/10-20-20-C2 S
140 M39029/10-140 M39029/10-20-20-C3 S
141 M39029/10-141 M39029/10-20-20-C4 S
142 M39029/10-142 M39029/10-20-20-C5 S
144 39029/11-144 M39029/11-22-22 P
145 M39029/11-145 M39029/11-20-20 P
146 M39029/11-146 M39029/11-16-16 P
147 M39029/11-147 M39029/11-12-12 P
148 M39029/12-148 M39029/12-22-22 S
149 M39029/12-149 M39029/12-20-20 S
150 M39029/12-150 M39029/12-16-16 S
151 M39029/12-151 M39029/12-12-12 S
152 M39029/13-152 M39029/13-01 S
153 M39029/13-153 M39029/13-02 S
154 M39029/13-154 M39029/13-03 S
155 M39029/13-155 M39029/13-04 S
156 M39029/13-156 M39029/13-05 S
157 M39029/13-157 M39029/13-06 S
158 M39029/14-158 M39029/14-01 S
159 M39029/14-159 M39029/14-02 S
160 M39029/14-160 M39029/14-03 S
161 M39029/14-161 M39029/14-04 S
162 M39029/14-162 M39029/14-05 S
163 M39029/14-163 M39029/14-06 S
166 M39029/16-166 M39029/16-23-28 S
167 M39029/16-167 M39029/16-23-22 S
168 M39029/16-168 M39029/16-20-20 S
169 M39029/16-169 M39029/16-16-16 S
170 M39029/16-170 M39029/16-12-12 S

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Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1

TABLE 28 Continued
Current Superseded Pin or
Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
171 M39029/17-171 M39029/17-23-28 S
172 M39029/17-172 M39029/17-23-22 S
173 M39029/17-173 M39029/17-20-20 S
174 M39029/17-174 M39029/17-16-16 S
175 M39029/17-175 M39029/17-12-12 S
176 M39029/18-176 M39029/18-23-28 P
177 M39029/18-177 M39029/18-23-22 P
178 M39029/18-178 M39029/18-20-20 P
179 M39029/18-179 M39029/18-16-16 P
180 M39029/18-180 M39029/18-12-12 P
181 M39029/19-181 M39029/19-01 P
182 M39029/19-182 M39029/19-02 P
183 M39029/19-183 M39029/19-03 P
184 M39029/20-184 M39029/20-01 P
185 M39029/20-185 M39029/20-02 P
186 M39029/20-186 M39029/20-03 P
187 M39029/21-187 M39029/21-01 S
188 M39029/21-188 M39029/21-02 S
189 M39029/21-189 M39029/21-03 S
190 M39029/22-190 M39029/22-22-28 S
M39029/15-22-28 S
191 M39029/22-191 M39029/22-22-22 S
M39029/15-22-22 S
192 M39029/22-192 M39029/22-20-20 S
193 M39029/22-193 M39029/22-16-16 S
194 M39029/23-194 M39029/23-01 P
195 M39029/23-195 M39029/23-02 P
196 M39029/23-196 M39029/23-02 P
197 M39029/23-197 M39029/23-04 P
198 M39029/23-198 M39029/23-05 P
199 M39029/24-199 M39029/24-01 S
200 M39029/24-200 M39029/24-02 S
201 M39029/24-201 M39029/24-03 S
202 M39029/24-202 M39029/24-04 S
203 M39029/24-203 M39029/24-05 S
204 M39029/25-204 M39029/25-01 P
205 M39029/25-205 M39029/25-02 P
206 M39029/25-206 M39029/25-03 P
207 M39029/26-207 M39029/26-01 S
208 M39029/26-208 M39029/26-02 S
209 M39029/26-209 M39029/26-03 S
210 M39029/27-210 M39029/27-12A S
211 M39029/28-211 M39029/28-12A P
212 M39029/29-212 M39029/29-16-16 P
M83723-29T16 P
M53162-16-16 P
213 M39029/29-213 M39029/29-12-12 P
M83723-29T12 P
M53162-12-12 P
214 M39029/29-214 M39029/29-8-8 P
M83723-29T8 P
M53162-8-8 P
215 M39029/29-215 M39029/29-4-4 P
M83723-29T4 P
M53162-4-4 P
216 M39029/29-216 M39029/29-0-0 P
M83723-29T0 P
M53162-0-0 P
217 M39029/30-217 M39029/30-16S-16 S
M83723-30T16 S
M53163-16S-16 S
218 M39029/30-218 M39029/30-16-16 S
M83723-30T16 S
M53163-16-16 S
219 M39029/30-219 M39029/30-12-12 S
M83723-30T12 S
M53163-12-12 S
220 M39029/30-220 M39029/30-8-8 S
M83723-30T8 S
M53163-8-8 S
221 M39029/30-221 M39029/30-4-4 S
M83723-30T4 S
M53163-4-4 S

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Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1

TABLE 28 Continued
Current Superseded Pin or
Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
222 M39029/30-222 M39029/30-0-0 S
M83723-30T0 S
M53163-0-0 S
223 M39029/31-223 MS3192-20-20A P
224 M39029/31-224 MS3192-20-20C4 P
225 M39029/31-225 MS3192-20-20C1 P
226 M39029/31-226 MS3192-20-20C2 P
227 M39029/31-227 MS3192-20-20C3 P
228 M39029/31-228 MS3192-16-16A P
229 M39029/31-229 MS24254-16P P
230 M39029/31-230 MS3192-16-16C4 P
231 M39029/31-231 MS3192-16-16C1 P
232 M39029/31-232 MS3192-16-16C2 P
233 M39029/31-233 MS3192-16-16C3 P
234 M39029/31-234 MS3192-12-12A P
235 M39029/31-235 MS24254-12P P
236 M39029/31-236 MS3192-12-12C4 P
237 M39029/31-237 MS3192-12-12C1 P
238 M39029/31-238 MS3192-12-12C2 P
239 M39029/31-239 MS3192-12-12C3 P
240 M39029/31-240 MS3192-A20-20A P
241 M39029/31-241 MS24254-20P P
242 M39029/32-242 MS3193-20-20A S
243 M39029/32-243 MS3193-20-20C4 S
244 M39029/32-244 MS3193-20-20C1 S
245 M39029/32-245 MS3193-20-20C2 S
246 M39029/32-246 MS3193-20-20C3 S
247 M39029/32-247 MS3193-16-16A S
248 M39029/32-248 MS24255-16S S
249 M39029/32-249 MS3193-16-16C4 S
250 M39029/32-250 MS3193-16-16C1 S
251 M39029/32-251 MS3193-16-16C2 S
252 M39029/32-252 MS3193-16-16C3 S
253 M39029/32-253 MS3193-12-12A S
254 M39029/32-254 MS24255-12S S
255 M39029/32-255 MS3193-12-12C4 S
256 M39029/32-256 MS3193-12-12C1 S
257 M39029/32-257 MS3193-12-12C2 S
258 M39029/32-258 MS3193-12-12C3 S
259 M39029/32-259 MS3193-A20-20A S
260 M39029/32-260 MS24255-20S S
261 M39029/33-261 MS3343A23-28 S
262 M39029/33-262 MS3343B23-28 S
263 M39029/33-263 MS3343A23-22 S
264 M39029/33-264 MS3343B23-22 S
265 M39029/33-265 MS3343A20-20 S
266 M39029/33-266 MS3343B20-20 S
267 M39029/33-267 MS3343A16-16 S
268 M39029/33-268 MS3343B16-16 S
269 M39029/33-269 MS3343A12-12 S
270 M39029/33-270 MS3343B12-12 S
271 M39029/34-271 MS17803-20-20 P
272 M39029/34-272 MS17803-16-20 P
273 M39029/34-273 MS17803-16-16 P
274 M39029/35-274 MS17804-20-20 S
275 M39029/35-275 MS17804-16-20 S
276 M39029/35-276 MS17804-16-16 S
277 MS39029/36-277 MS17807-16-20 P
278 MS39029/36-278 MS17807-16-16 P
279 MS39029/36-279 MS17808-16-20 S
280 MS39029/37-280 MS17808-16-16 S
287 MS39029/44-287 MS90453-16-22 P
288 MS39029/44-288 MS90453-16-16 P
289 MS39029/44-289 MS90453-12-16 P
290 MS39029/44-290 MS90453-12-12 P
291 MS39029/44-291 MS90453-8-8 P
292 MS39029/44-292 MS90453-4-4 P
293 MS39029/44-293 MS90453-0-0 P
294 MS39029/45-294 MS90454-16-22 S
295 MS39029/45-295 MS90454-16-16 S
296 MS39029/45-296 MS90454-12-16 S
297 MS39029/45-297 MS90454-12-12 S
298 MS39029/45-298 MS90454-8-8 S

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Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1

TABLE 28 Continued
Current Superseded Pin or
Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
299 MS39029/45-299 MS90454-4-4 S
300 MS39029/45-300 MS90454-0-0 S
301 M39029/46-301 MS90460A23-28 S
302 M39029/46-302 MS90460B23-28 S
303 M39029/46-303 MS90460A23-22 S
304 M39029/46-304 MS90460B23-22 S
305 M39029/46-305 MS90460A20-20 S
306 M39029/46-306 MS90460B20-20 S
307 M39029/46-307 MS90460A16-16 S
308 M39029/46-308 MS90460B16-16 S
309 M39029/46-309 MS90460A12-12 S
310 M39029/46-310 MS90460B12-12 S
311 M39029/47-311 MS90461-A23-28 P
312 M39029/47-312 MS90461-B23-28 P
313 M39029/47-313 MS90461-A23-22 P
314 M39029/47-314 MS90461-B23-22 P
315 M39029/47-315 MS90461-A20-20 P
316 M39029/47-316 MS90461-B20-20 P
317 M39029/48-317 MS90559-11 P
318 M39029/48-318 MS90559-12 P
319 M39029/48-319 MS90559-14 P
320 M39029/48-320 MS90559-8 P
321 M39029/48-321 MS90559-9 P
322 M39029/48-322 MS90559-13 P
323 M39029/48-323 MS90559-5 P
324 M39029/48-324 MS90559-6 P
325 M39029/48-325 MS90559-3 P
326 M39029/48-326 MS90559-4 P
327 M39029/48-327 MS90559-1 P
328 M39029/48-328 MS90559-2 P
329 M39029/49-329 MS90560-7 S
330 M39029/49-330 MS90560-8 S
331 M39029/49-331 MS90560-5 S
332 M39029/49-332 MS90560-9 S
333 M39029/49-333 MS90560-3 S
334 M39029/49-334 MS90560-2 S
335 M39029/49-335 MS90560-1 S
336 M39029/47-336 MS90461-A16-16 P
337 M39029/47-337 MS90461-B16-16 P
338 M39029/47-338 MS90461-A12-12 P
339 M39029/47-339 MS90461-B12-12 P
340 M39029/50-340 N83733/13-12 P
341 M39029/51-341 N83733/14-12 S
342 M39029/54-342 MS27184-22P P
343 M39029/54-343 MS27184-20P P
344 M39029/55-344 MS27185-22S S
345 M39029/55-345 MS27185-20S S
348 M39029/56-348 MS27490-22D S
349 M39029/56-349 MS27490-22M S
350 M39029/56-350 MS27490-22 S
351 M39029/56-351 MS27490-20 S
352 M39029/56-352 MS27490-16 S
353 M39029/56-353 MS27490-12 S
354 M39029/57-354 MS27491-22D S
355 M39029/57-355 MS27491-22M S
356 M39029/57-356 MS27491-22 S
357 M39029/57-357 MS27491-20 S
358 M39029/57-358 MS27491-16 S
359 M39029/57-359 MS27491-12 S
360 M39029/58-360 MS27493-22D P
361 M39029/58-361 MS27493-22M S
362 M39029/58-362 MS27493-22 S
363 M39029/58-363 MS27493-20 S
364 M39029/58-364 MS27493-16 P
365 M39029/58-365 MS27493-12 P
366 M39029/59-366 MS27535 P
367 M39029/60-367 MS27536 P
368 M39029/63-368 MS24308/10-1 P
369 M39029/64-369 MS24308/11-1 P
384 M39029/69-384 M39029/69-1 P
385 M39029/69-385 M39029/69-2 P
386 M39029/69-386 M39029/69-3 P
387 M39029/70-387 M39029/70-1 P

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue Dec 11 09:21:45 EST 2012
Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1

TABLE 28 Continued
Current Superseded Pin or
Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
388 M39029/70-388 M39029/70-2 P
389 M39029/70-389 M39029/70-3 P
390 M39029/71-390 M39029/71-1 P
391 M39029/71-391 M39029/71-2 P
392 M39029/71-392 M39029/71-3 P
393 M39029/72-393 M39029/72-1 S
394 M39029/72-394 M39029/72-2 S
395 M39029/72-395 M39029/72-3 S
396 M39029/73-396 M39029/73-12A S
397 M39029/73-397 M39029/73-12B S
398 M39029/73-398 M39029/73-12C S
399 M39029/74-399 M39029/74-12A P
400 M39029/74-400 M39029/74-12B P
401 M39029/74-401 M39029/74-12C P
402 M39029/27-402 M39029/27-12B S
403 M39029/27-403 M39029/27-12C S
404 M39029/27-404 M39029/27-12D S
405 M39029/27-405 M39029/27-12E S
406 M39029/27-406 M39029/27-12F S
407 M39029/27-407 M39029/27-12G S
408 M39029/27-408 M39029/27-12H S
409 M39029/28-409 M39029/28-12B P
410 M39029/28-410 M39029/28-12C P
411 M39029/28-411 M39029/28-12D P
412 M39029/28-412 M39029/28-12E P
413 M39029/28-413 M39029/28-12F P
414 M39029/28-414 M39029/28-12G P
415 M39029/28-415 M39029/28-12H P
416 M39029/75-416 M39029/75-12A S
417 M39029/75-417 M39029/75-12B S
418 M39029/75-418 M39029/75-12C S
419 M39029/75-419 M39029/75-12D S
420 M39029/75-420 M39029/75-12E S
421 M39029/75-421 M39029/75-12F S
422 M39029/75-422 M39029/75-12G S
423 M39029/75-423 M39029/75-12H S
424 M39029/76-424 M39029/76-16A P
425 M39029/76-425 M39029/76-16B P
426 M39029/76-426 M39029/76-16C P
427 M39029/76-427 M39029/76-16D P
428 M39029/77-428 M39029/77-16A S
429 M39029/77-429 M39029/77-16B S
430 M39029/77-430 M39029/77-16C S
431 M39029/77-431 M39029/77-16D S
432 M39029/78-432 M39029/78-16A S
433 M39029/78-433 M39029/78-16B S
434 M39029/78-434 M39029/78-16C S
435 M39029/78-435 M39029/78-16D S
436 M39029/79-436 M39029/79-16A P
437 M39029/79-437 M39029/79-16B P
438 M39029/80-438 M39029/80-16A S
439 M39029/80-439 M39029/80-16B S
440 M39029/34-440 M39029/34-22-22 P
441 M39029/35-441 M39029/35-22-22 S
448 M39029/31-448 M39029/31-20-20 P
449 M39029/32-449 M39029/32-20-20 S
450 M39029/83-450 M39029/83-20-22 P
451 M39029/83-451 M39029/83-20-28 P
452 M39029/84-452 M39029/84-20-22 S
453 M39029/84-453 M39029/84-20-28 S
454 M39029/85-454 M39029/85-16-16-C1 P
455 M39029/85-455 M39029/85-16-16-C2 P
456 M39029/85-456 M39029/85-16-16-C3 P
457 M39029/85-457 M39029/85-16-16-C4 P
458 M39029/85-458 M39029/85-12-12-C1 P
459 M39029/85-459 M39029/85-12-12-C2 P
460 M39029/85-460 M39029/85-12-12-C3 P
461 M39029/85-461 M39029/85-12-12-C4 P
462 M39029/86-462 M39029/86-16-16-C1 S
463 M39029/86-463 M39029/86-16-16-C2 S
464 M39029/86-464 M39029/86-16-16-C3 S
465 M39029/86-465 M39029/86-16-16-C4 S
466 M39029/86-466 M39029/86-12-12-C1 S

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue Dec 11 09:21:45 EST 2012
Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2639 – 07´1

TABLE 28 Continued
Current Superseded Pin or
Bin Code
Part Number Part Number Socket
467 M39029/86-467 M39029/86-12-12-C2 S
468 M39029/86-468 M39029/86-12-12-C3 S
469 M39029/86-469 M39029/86-12-12-C4 S
470 M39029/87-470 M39029/87-22-22-C1 P
471 M39029/87-471 M39029/87-22-22-C2 P
472 M39029/87-472 M39029/87-22-22-C3 P
473 M39029/87-473 M39029/87-22-22-C4 P
474 M39029/87-474 M39029/87-20-20-C1 P
475 M39029/87-475 M39029/87-20-20-C2 P
476 M39029/87-476 M39029/87-20-20-C3 P
477 M39029/87-477 M39029/87-20-20-C4 P
478 M39029/87-478 M39029/87-16-16-C1 P
479 M39029/87-479 M39029/87-16-16-C2 P
480 M39029/87-480 M39029/87-16-16-C3 P
481 M39029/87-481 M39029/87-16-16-C4 P
482 M39029/88-482 M39029/88-22-22-C1 S
483 M39029/88-483 M39029/88-22-22-C2 S
484 M39029/88-484 M39029/88-22-22-C3 S
485 M39029/88-485 M39029/88-22-22-C4 S
486 M39029/88-486 M39029/88-20-20-C1 S
487 M39029/88-487 M39029/88-20-20-C2 S
488 M39029/88-488 M39029/88-20-20-C3 S
489 M39029/88-489 M39029/88-20-20-C4 S
490 M39029/88-490 M39029/88-16-16-C1 S
491 M39029/88-491 M39029/88-16-16-C2 S
492 M39029/88-492 M39029/88-16-16-C3 S
493 M39029/88-493 M39029/88-16-16-C4 S
494 M39029/89-494 M39029/89-22-22-C1 S
495 M39029/89-495 M39029/89-22-22-C2 S
496 M39029/89-496 M39029/89-22-22-C3 S
497 M39029/89-497 M39029/89-22-22-C4 S
498 M39029/89-498 M39029/89-20-20-C1 S
499 M39029/89-499 M39029/89-20-20-C2 S
500 M39029/89-500 M39029/89-20-20-C3 S
501 M39029/89-501 M39029/89-20-20-C4 S
502 M39029/89-502 M39029/89-16-16-C1 S
503 M39029/89-503 M39029/89-16-16-C2 S
504 M39029/89-504 M39029/89-16-16-C3 S
505 M39029/89-505 M39029/89-16-16-C4 S
506 M39029/89-506 S
507 M39029/89-507 M39029//-20-22D S
508 M39029/83-508 P
509 M39029/84-509 S
528 M39029/58-528 P
529 M39029/90-529 S

silver-plated wire crimped in MS3190 wire barrels. Settings (a) Select the proper positioner to be used for the contact
shall be established when using other contact/wire combina- being crimped.
tions. (b) Insert the positioner into the retaining ring on the back
(c) Turn adjustment screw on head clockwise until it of the tool (selector side). The positioner is spring-loaded and
stops. With the tool opening facing up, insert contact through must be pushed in and then rotated 90° clockwise until it locks
indenter opening into positioner until it bottoms. Begin turning into position. Insert the spring clip lock wire (if present)
adjustment screw out until indenters are cantered between through the retaining ring.
inspection hole and end of wire barrel. If contact has insulation (c) Refer to the data plate for the correct selector setting
support cup, center the indenters between inspection hole and for the wire size being used. With the handles fully open,
bottom of cup. remove spring clip lock wire from selector knob, lift and rotate
(d) Without turning the adjustment screw, tighten lock nut the selector knob to the correct setting and release and reinstall
against head. spring clip lock wire.
(e) Strip wire as specified in (d) Strip wire as described in
(f) Insert wire and contact, crimp and inspect as specified (e) Insert wire and contact, crimp, and inspect as specified
in in M22520/2-01 and M22520/7-01 Crimping Tools Crimping Tool Kits:
with Positioners: (1) There are several crimping tool kits available for
(1) The procedure for the crimping contacts with these maintenance use.
tools is as follows: Installing and Removing Crimp-Type Contacts:

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TABLE 29 Connector Specification Replacements
MIL-DTL-83723, Series I are replaced by MIL-C-26482 as shown below
MIL-DTL-83723 Specification Sheet Superseded By
1 and 2 MS3470
3 and 4 MS3472
5 and 6 MS3474
7 and 8 MS3471
9 and 10 MS3440
11 and 12 MS3443
13 and 14 MS3476
33 MIL-C-39029/4
34 MIL-C-39029/4
36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 No superseding document
42 and 43 MS3475
44 MS3181
45 MS3115
46 MS3180
48 and 49 No superseding document
MIL-DTL-83723, Series II are replaced by MIL-DTL-5015 as shown below
MIL-DTL-83723 Specification Sheet Superseded By
17 and 18 MS3451
19 and 20 MS3450
21 and 22 MS3452
23 and 24 MS3456
25 MS3142
26 MS3143
27 MS3109 or MS3117 and MS3158 or MS3416
29 MIL-C-39029/29
30 MIL-C-39029/30
35 No superseding document
50 No superseding document
52 and 53 MS3459

TABLE 30 Crimping Tool Inspection Gauges and (2) Select the correct insertion tool. Insert the crimped
Selector Settings end of the contact into the hollow end of the insertion tool, and
Crimping Tool Inspection Gauge Selector lay along handle (see Fig. 50).
Part Number Part Number Setting
(3) Guide the contact into the correctly numbered grom-
M22520/1-01 M22520/3-1 4
M22520/2-01 M22520/3-1 8 met hole in the rear face of the insert and feed the contact
M22520/4-01 M22520/3-2 Not applicable carefully into the hole.
M22520/7-01 M22520/3-3 8
(4) Push the tool straight in at right angles to the grommet
surface until the contact is fully seated.
(1) Insertion Tools for Front Release Crimp-Type Contacts: (5) Withdraw the tool, keeping it perpendicular to the
(a) Type tools for inserting contacts into front release grommet face.
connector inserts are shown in Fig. 49. There is a separate tool (6) Gently pull on wire to make sure contact is held in
for each contact size. Contact sizes are listed in Table 31. An place.
indicating band on the working end of the tool determines the (7) Fill all unused holes with unwired contacts and
correct depth of tool insertion. Use these tools to insert contacts sealing plugs of appropriate size.
in front release connectors with removable contacts. Note—After all contacts and sealing plugs have been
Note—Do not use tools that have burrs or sharp edges. inserted into MIL-C-81511 Series 1 and 2 connectors, tighten
Burrs or sharp edges can cut through grommet wire-sealing the rear nut by turning clockwise until the locking nut is tight.
webs and destroy the environmental sealing capabilities of a
Note—Do not attempt to reseat a contact once the
insertion tool has been removed. Remove contact and start
(2) Assembling Wired Contacts into Front Release Connec-
again with contact barrel properly located in tool. Failure to
follow this precaution will cause insertion tool to shear barrel
(a) Insert the crimped contact into the connector as
while inside grommet. Sharp edge of sheared material will cut
through grommet web and cause short circuit.
(1) Slide rear accessories back onto wire bundle.
Note—Before attempting any insertion of contacts into Alternative Front Release Contact Assembly Pro-
MIL-C-81511 Series 1 or 2 connectors, determine that the rear cedure:
nut assembly is in the unlocked position. A colored stripe will (1) If desired, the following procedure may be used to
appear when the rear nut assembly is rotated. counterclock- insert wired contacts into the connector:
wise. At this point, the connector is in position for both (a) Push the wired contact carefully into the correct
insertion and removal of contacts. grommet hole. Do not push all the way in.

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FIG. 46 Typical M22520 Positioner and Turret Head

FIG. 47 M22520 Crimping Tools

(b) Slide the insertion tool over the contact barrel. (See these tools to remove contacts from front release connectors
Fig. 50.) with removable contacts.
(c) Complete the procedure by following steps in Removing Contacts from Front Release Connec- through Observe caution tors:
and note in Extraction Tools for Front Release Crimp-Type NOTE 16—This procedure does not apply to rear release connectors.
Contacts: (1) Remove contacts from the connector as follows:
(1) Typical tools for extracting contacts from front release
(a) Select the correct extraction tool for the contact to be
connector inserts are shown in Fig. 49. The sizes for each
contact are listed in Table 31. This tool has a hollow cylindrical
probe that fits snugly over the pin or socket end of the contact (b) Slide rear accessories back on the wire bundle.
and releases the insert retention clip when pushed over the Note—On MIL-C-81511 Series 1 and 2 connectors,
contact. Two indicating bands determine correct depth; the loosen the rear nut assembly by turning it counterclockwise
band nearest the working end of the tool is for pin contacts, the when viewed from the wire end. Approximately 0.59 in. (1.5
other for socket contacts. The extraction tool has a thrust assist mm) of axial movement unlocks the contacts. The colored
collar (or slide) that is pushed forward to eject the contact from stripe will fully appear. The connector is now in position for
the insert retention clip by means of an internal plunger. Use removal of contacts.

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(6) Withdraw the tool from the contact, keeping the tool
perpendicular to the insert face.
(7) Remove the contact from the back of the connector.
Note—Ensure the extraction tool is always exactly
aligned with the contact to avoid damage to the contact or
insert. Insertion and Extraction Tools for Rear-Release
Crimp-Type Contacts:
(1) There is a separate tool for each contact size. The tools
may be plastic or metal, single- or double-ended tools (see Fig.
52), or metal tweezer-type tools. See Figs. 53 and 54 for
contact installation instructions. See Figs. 55 and 56 for contact
removal instructions.
NOTE 17—Connector rear accessory (cable clamp and so forth) shall be
removed before installation or removal of contacts.
NOTE 18—Insertion/extraction tools are color coded according to con-
tact size; the insertion tool being colored and the extraction tool white. For
unwired contacts, an additional tool may have to be used in conjunction
with the extraction tool to push the unwired contact from the front after the
locking tines have been released by the extraction tool in the rear. Redundancy—Wires that perform the same func-
tion in redundant systems shall be routed through separate
connectors. On systems critical to flight safety, system opera-
tion wiring shall be routed through separate connectors from
the wiring used for system failure warning. It is also good
practice to route a system’s indication wiring in separate
connectors from its failure warning circuits to the extent
practicable. These steps can reduce an aircraft’s susceptibility
FIG. 48 Assembling Wires to Crimp Type Contacts to incidents that might result from connector failures. Adjacent Locations—Mating of adjacent con-
(2) Series 1 and 2 (gauge release) contacts are removed nectors shall not be possible. To ensure this, adjacent connector
from the front of the connector as follows: pairs shall be different in shell size, coupling means, insert
(a) The pin contact removal tool has a hole to accept the arrangement, or keying arrangement. When such means are
pin contact. The socket removal tool has a pin tip to insert in impractical, wires shall be routed and clamped so that incor-
the socket. rectly mated pairs cannot reach each other. Reliance on
(b) Grasp the tool by the handle. Locate the contact to be markings or color stripes is not recommended as they are likely
removed by numbers on the insert face. (See Fig. 51.) to deteriorate with age.
(c) Mate the tool with the contact and, holding the tool at Sealing—Connectors shall be of a type that
right angles with the insert face, push axially against the tip of excludes moisture entry through the use of peripheral and
the contact until the contact appears at the grommet (rear) end interfacial seals that are compressed when the connector is
of the connector. The removal tools are designed to bottom mated. Moisture entry through the rear of the connector shall
against the insert face when the contact is completely released be avoided by correctly matching the wire’s outside diameter
and pushed out. with the connector’s rear grommet sealing range. It is recom-
(d) The wire and contact can now be removed from the mended that no more than one wire be terminated in any
connector. crimp-style contact. The use of heat-shrinkable tubing to build
(3) Working from the front or mating end of the connector, up the wire diameter or the application of potting to the wire
slip the hollow end of the extraction tool over the contact, with entry area as additional means of providing a rear compatibility
the tool parallel to the contact, and squarely perpendicular to with the rear grommet is recommended. These extra means
the insert face. (See Fig. 51.) have inherent penalties and shall be considered only when
Note—Some extraction tools have a spacer sleeve with other means cannot be used. Unwired spare contacts shall have
positions for either pin or socket contacts. Set to correct a correctly sized plastic plug installed. (See Tables 31 and 32.)
position before installing tool on contact. (See Fig. 49.) Drainage—Connectors shall be installed in a
(4) Push the tool toward the rear of the connector with a manner that ensures that moisture and fluids will drain out of
firm steady push until the tool comes to a positive stop and and not into the connector when unmated. Wiring shall be
bottoms in the insert hole. A slight rotation of the tool may aid routed so that moisture accumulated on the bundle will drain
the tool insertion. away from connectors. When connectors shall be mounted in a
(5) Push the thrust assist collar or slide forward as far as it vertical position, as through a shelf or floor, the connectors
will go. shall be potted or environmentally sealed. In this situation, it is

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FIG. 49 Insertion and Extraction Tools for Front Release Crimp-Type Contacts

TABLE 31 Contacts and Their Wire Size Range Slack—Sufficient wire length shall be provided
Contact Size Wire Size Range at connectors to ensure a proper drip loop and that there is no
20 24-20 strain on termination after a complete replacement of the
16 22-16 connector and its contacts.
12 14-12
8 10-8 Identification—Each connector shall have a ref-
4 6-4 erence identification that is legible throughout the expected life
0 2-0 of the aircraft.
10.8.11 Feed-Through Bulkhead Wire Protection—Feed-
through bushing protection shall be given to wire bundles that
better to have the receptacle faced downward so that it will be pass through bulkheads, frames, and other similar structures.
less susceptible to collecting moisture when unmated. Feed-through bushings of hard dielectric material are satisfac- Wire Support—A rear accessory backshell shall tory. The use of split plastic grommets (nylon) is recommended
be used on connectors that are not enclosed. Connectors having in lieu of rubber grommets in areas subject to fluids since they
very small size wiring that are subject to frequent maintenance eliminate the unsatisfactory features of rubber grommets and
activity or located in high-vibration areas shall be provided are resistant to fluids usually encountered in aircraft.
with a strain-relief-type backshell. The wire bundle shall be 10.8.12 Special Purpose Connector—Many special-
protected from mechanical damage with suitable cushion purpose connectors have been designed for use in aircraft
material where it is secured by the clamp. Connectors that are applications such as: subminiature connector, rectangular shell
potted or have molded rear adapters do not normally use a connector, connectors with short body shells, or connector of
separate strain relief accessory. Strain relief clamps shall not split-shell construction used in applications in which potting is
impart tension on wires between the clamp and contact. required. Make every attempt to identify the connector part

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FIG. 50 Assembling Wired Contacts into Connector

number from the maintenance manual or actual part and the short working life. Chilled compounds shall be thawed by
manufacturer’s instruction used for servicing. blowing compressed air over the outside of the container.
10.8.13 Potting Compounds—Many types of potting com- Normally the compound will be ready for use in 5 to 10 min.
pounds, both commercial and per military specifications, are (Warning—Do not use heat or blow compressed air into the
available and offer various characteristics for different appli- container when restoring the compound to the working tem-
cations. Carefully consider the characteristics desired to ensure perature.)
the use of the proper compound. Preparation and storage of 10.8.14 Potting Connectors—Connectors that have been
potting materials shall receive special attention. Careful in- potted primarily offer protection against concentration of
spection and handling during all stages of the connector moisture in the connectors. A secondary benefit of potting is
fabrication until the potting compound has fully cured is the reduced possibility of breakage between the contact and
recommended. Potting compounds selected shall not revert to wire as a result of vibration.
liquid or become gummy or sticky as a result of high humidity Connectors specifically designed for potting com-
or contact with chemical fluids. pounds shall be potted to provide environment resistance. An Potting compounds meeting Specification MIL-S- O-ring or sealed gasket shall be included to seal the interface
8516 are prepared in ready-to-use tube-type dispensers and in area of the mated connector. A plastic potting mold that
the unmixed state, consisting of the base compound and an remains on the connector after the potting compounds have
accelerator packed in paired containers. To obtain the proper cured shall also be considered. To facilitate circuit changes,
results, it is important that the manufacturer’s instructions be spare wires may be installed to all unused contacts before
closely followed. filling the connector with potting compound. Potting compounds normally cure at temperatures Connect wires to all contacts of the connector
of 70 to 76°F (21.1 to 24.4°C). If the mixed compound is not before the application of the potting compound. Wires that are
used at once, the working pot life (normally 90 min) can be not to be used shall be long enough to permit splicing at a later
prolonged by storing in a deep freeze at -20°F (-6.7°C) for a date. Unused wires shall be as shown in Fig. 57 and the cut
maximum of 36 hours. The time factor starts from the instant ends capped with heat-shrinkable caps or crimped insulated
the accelerator is added to the base compound and includes the end caps such as the MS25274 before securing to the wire
time expended during the mixing and application processes. bundle. Clean the areas to be potted with dry solvent and Mixed compounds that are not to be used imme- complete the potting operation within 2 hours after this
diately shall be cooled and thawed quickly to avoid wasting the cleaning. Allow the potting compound to cure for 24 hours at

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FIG. 51 Removing Crimp-Type Contacts from Front Release Connectors

FIG. 53 Tweezer-Type Installing Tools

FIG. 52 Insertion and Extraction Tool for Rear-Release Crimp
avoid dissimilar metals among the terminal hardware. During
inspection, pay particular attention to the condition of the
a room temperature of 70 to 75°F (21.1 to 23.8ºC) or carefully
placed in a drying oven at 100°F (37.7 ºC) for 3 to 4 hours. In insulator plate or spacer and the insulating boot that covers the
all cases, follow manufacturer’s instructions. completed terminal assembly.
10.8.15 Through Bolts—Through bolts are sometimes used 10.8.16 Unused Connectors and Unused Wires:
to make feeder connections through bulkheads, fuselage skin, General—Connectors may have one or more
or firewalls. Mounting plates for through bolts shall be a contact cavities that are not used. Depending on the connector
material that provides the necessary fire barrier, insulation, and installation, unused connector contact cavities may need to be
thermal properties for the application. Sufficient cross section properly sealed to avoid damage to the connector or have string
shall be provided to ensure adequate conductivity against wire installed. Unused wires can be secured by tying into a
overheating. Secure through bolts mechanically and indepen- bundle or secured to a permanent structure, individually cut
dently of the terminal mounting nuts, taking particular care to with strands even with insulation, or secured with preinsulated

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on or near, but not through, the engine fire seal are not
considered firewall connectors.
(2) Nonfirewall Connector Installations—In this type of
installation, all unused connector cavities shall also be filled
with spare contacts. It is not required, however, to crimp stub
wires on filling contacts. Fill unused contact cavities with spare
contacts and FEP sealing plugs or rods. (See Fig. 58.) Rods
shall be cut so that they extend 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 in. (0.3 to 0.6 cm)
beyond the surface of the grommet when bottomed against the
end of the spare contact. (See Table 32 for dimensions.) Pressurized Areas—Connectors installed in pres-
surized areas of the aircraft may be divided into two main
installation categories–sealed and unsealed.
(1) Sealed Connector Installations—Sealed connectors in-
FIG. 54 Single- or Double-Ended Contact Installing Tools stalled in pressurized areas shall have their unused contact
cavities filled with FEP sealing plugs or rods. (See Fig. 58.)
Installation of spare contacts is optional except for future
wiring addition requirements. (See 10.8.5.) No stub wires are
(2) Unsealed Connector Installations—It is not required to
fill unused contact cavities of unsealed connectors installed in
pressurized areas with FEP sealing plugs or rods. Installation of
spare contacts is optional except for future wiring addition
requirements. (See 10.8.5.)
10.8.17 Coaxial Cable: Extra care shall be exercised when installing
coaxial cable. Some coaxial cable shall be of a specified length
to ensure proper system operation. When required coaxial
cable length results in cable lengths exceeding the wire routing
FIG. 55 Single- or Double-Ended Contact Removal Tools
path, ensure the excess cable length is properly supported.
Ensure loops in the coaxial cable do not exceed the proper bend
closed end connector or 1-in. (2.5-cm) piece of insulating radius (see or create victim or culprit EMI issues (see
tubing folded and tied back. Section 11). Extra care shall be exercised when installing Quick Reference Chart—A quick reference chart coaxial cable. Some coaxial cable shall be of a specified length
of unused connector contact cavity requirements is given in to ensure proper system operation. [from—When
Table 33. These requirements apply to harness manufacturing required coaxial cable length results in cable lengths exceeding
or connector replacement only. the wire routing path, ensure the excess cable length is properly Unpressurized Area Connectors—Connectors supported. Ensure loops in the coaxial cable do not exceed the
may be installed in unpressurized areas of the aircraft. Unused proper bend radius (see 7.2) or create victim or culprit EMI
connector contact cavities installed in unpressurized areas shall issues (see Section 11).]
be properly sealed as follows: Extra care shall be taken when securing coaxial
(1) Firewall Connectors Installations—Firewall unused cables with tie-straps. Coaxial cables are somewhat fragile and
connector contact cavities shall be filled with spare contacts it is possible to crush them when installing tie-straps. Crushing
and stub wires. (See Fig. 44.) a coax will alter the signal passing through it and could result
(a) Construct stub wires using high-temperature wire in equipment failure. Once damaged the coax shall be replaced.
(260°C). Ensure that stub wires are of the same type of wires Tie straps may also be used on bundle assemblies containing
in the bundle. coaxial cable that has a solid dielectric; however, a strapping
(b) Crimp the proper contact for the connector and cavity pressure just enough to prevent axial slippage shall be used.
being used onto the wire. Install the crimped contact into the (See
unused cavity.
10.9 Inverters and Power Converters:
(c) Extend stub wires beyond the back of the connector
clamp from 1.5 to 6 in. (4 to 15 cm). Feather trim stub wires to 10.9.1 Static Electrical Power Converters—Location of
taper wire bundle. static converters shall be carefully chosen to ensure adequate
(d) Secure wire ends with high-temperature (greater than ventilation for cooling purposes. (Warning—Do not load
250°C) lacing cord. Nylon cable ties are not allowed for this converters beyond their rated capacity.)
installation. 10.10 Junctions:
Note—Both connectors mating through the engine fire 10.10.1 Ensure that only aircraft-manufacturer-approved
seal are considered firewall connectors. Connectors mounted devices, such as solderless-type terminals, terminal blocks,

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FIG. 56 Tweezer-Type Removal Tools

TABLE 32 Sealing Rod Dimensions Ensure that safety wiring is installed on all lid
Contact Size, Rod Length, in. fasteners on J-boxes, panels, shields, or microswitch housings
Diameter, in.A
AWG min max that are installed in areas not accessible for inspection in flight,
20 ⁄
1 16 58⁄ 34 ⁄ unless the fasteners incorporate self-locking devices.
16 ⁄
3 32 78⁄ 1 Ensure that box wiring is properly aligned.
12 18 ⁄ 7 ⁄8 1
A Ensure that there are no unplugged, unused holes
(except drainage holes) in boxes.
10.12 PC Board Assemblies:
connectors, disconnect splices, permanent splices, and feed-
10.12.1 General:
through bushings are used for cable junctions for the provisions
outlined below: PC Board Assemblies are commonly used to
10.10.2 Electrical Junctions shall be protected from short provide system logic, control, and monitoring. They shall be
circuits resulting from movement of personnel, cargo, cases, installed in enclosures protecting them from physical damage.
and other loose or stored materials. Protection shall be pro- These assembles shall be retained such that vibration and other
vided by covering the junction, installing them in junction environmental elements encountered in operation do not result
boxes or by locating them in such a manner that additional in intermittent, open, or shorted circuits.
protection is not required, and so forth. 10.12.2 EMI/RFI Considerations:
10.10.3 Exposed Junctions and buses shall be protected PC Board Assemblies can generate or be affected
with insulating materials. Junctions and buses located within by EMI (see Section 11) and shall be protected and isolated to
enclosed areas containing only electrical and electronic equip- ensure proper system operation.
ment are not considered as exposed. 10.12.3 ESD Considerations:
10.10.4 Electrical Junctions shall be mechanically and elec- Many components used in PC board assemblies
trically secure. They shall not be subject to mechanical strain or can be damaged by ESD. The damage may not manifest itself
used as a support for insulating materials, except for insulation immediately, but may result in system failure at a later time. PC
on terminals. board assemblies susceptible to ESD shall be labeled to ensure
10.11 Junction Boxes, Panels, Shields, and Microswitch proper handling. Enclosures containing ESD-sensitive assem-
Housings: blies shall be labeled in accordance with EIA 471.
10.11.1 Junction Boxes shall be securely mounted to the 10.13 Relays:
aircraft structure in such a manner that the contents are readily
10.13.1 General:
accessible for inspection. When possible, the open side should
face downward or at an angle so that loose metallic objects, Relay Installation and Maintenance—For instal-
such as washers or nuts, will tend to fall out of the junction box lation and maintenance, care should be taken to ensure proper
rather than wedge between terminals. placement of hardware, especially at electrical connections.
10.11.2 Ensure housing assemblies meet the following re- The use of properly calibrated torque wrenches and following
quirements: the manufacturer’s installation procedures is strongly recom- Ensure that one or more suitable holes, about mended. This is especially important with hermetically sealed
3⁄8-in. (9.5-cm) diameter, but not less than 1⁄8-in. (3-cm) relays, since the glass-to-metal seal (used for insulation of the
diameter, are provided at the lowest point of the box, except electrically “live” components) is especially vulnerable to
vaportight boxes, to allow for drainage with the aircraft on the catastrophic failure as a result of over torquing.
ground or in level flight. The proximity of certain magnetically permanent, Ensure that vaportight or explosion-proof boxes magnet-assisted, coil-operated relays may cause them to have
are externally labeled VAPORTIGHT or EXPLOSION an impact on each other. Any manufacturer’s recommendations
PROOF. or precautions shall be closely followed. Ensure that boxes are securely mounted. 10.13.2 Continuous Duty:

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FIG. 57 Spare Wires for Potting Connector

TABLE 33 Contact Cavity Sealing Quick ReferenceA In other words, the contact pressure on the wire lugs shall not
Connector Installation Types in any way be affected by the loosening of the stud in the
Sealing Means Unpressurized Area insulator.
Firewall Non-Firewall
10.14.4 Support of Wire at Studs—Unless some other posi-
Sealing Plugs or No Yes tive locking action is provided, the lug or wire shall be
PTFE Sealing Rods
Stub WiresB Yes No supported next to the stud to prevent loosening the connection
Spare Contacts Yes Yes with a side pull on the wire. Torque recommendations for
Sealing plugs may be included with the spare connector and may be used for attaching electrical wiring devices to terminal boards or blocks,
sealing unused contacts. Sealing rods are procured from stock by the foot. (See studs, posts, and so forth, are normally found in the manufac-
Table 31 for sealing rod dimensions.)
Stub wires must be of the same type as the other wires of the bundle.
turer’s maintenance instruction manual.
10.15 Switches:
10.15.1 General: Continuous-duty relays are used for circuits in Switch Installation—Hazardous errors in switch
which voltage drop is not a concern for creating unintended operation may be avoided by logical and consistent installa-
intermittent operation. These relays are commonly used for tion. “On-off” two-position switches shall be mounted so that
generator circuits and may include “economizer” features that the “on” position is reached by an upward or forward move-
reduce hold-in current after initial engagement. ment of the toggle. When the switch controls movable aircraft
10.13.3 Intermittent Duty: elements, such as landing gear or flaps, the toggle shall move Intermittent-duty relays use higher contact pres- in the same direction as the desired motion. Inadvertent
sure to keep the relay engaged during high-current, low- operation of switches can be prevented by mounting suitable
voltage operations such as during electrical engine starting. guards over the switches.
10.14 Studs: 10.15.2 Proximity:
10.14.1 Studs and Insulators—The following recommenda- Proximity Switches incorporate electronic features
tions concerning studs also apply to other feed-through con- to determine when to actuate. These switches can be sensitive
ductors. to both EMI and ESD and therefore care shall be used to ensure
10.14.2 Current-Carrying Stud Resistance—Because of proper system operation when installing these switches in areas
heat loss arising from wire-to-lug and lug-to-stud voltage drop, susceptible to ESD or EMI.
the resistance per unit length of a current-carrying stud shall 10.15.3 Pushbutton:
not be greater than that of the wire. Pushbutton Switches may incorporate illuminated
10.14.3 Support for Studs—The main stud support in the labels annunciating system function or status. Human factors
feed-through insulation shall be independent of the attachment for viewing angles shall be considered along with operational
of the lugs to the stud. Therefore, loosening of the insulation access.
support of the stud will not affect the electric contact efficiency. 10.15.4 Rotary:

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FIG. 58 Sealing Unused Contact Cavities—Unpressurized Areas

(Cutaway View) Rotary Switches are used when multiple circuits Insulation material compatibility,
require switching simultaneously. These switches may incor- Application environment, and
porate multiple decks that shall be wired individually. Care Solder/solderless.
shall be exercised when routing these wires to prevent cross- 10.16.9 Preinsulated Crimp-Type Ring-Tongue Terminals
circuit shorts. are preferred. The strength, size, and supporting means of studs
10.15.5 Toggle: and binding posts, as well as the wire size, shall be considered Toggle Switches shall incorporate labeling to in- when determining the number of terminals to be attached to
dicate function. Simple up and down positions are not suffi- any one post. In high-temperature applications, the terminal
cient to indicate system function. These switches may incor- temperature rating shall be greater than the ambient tempera-
porate a third position. Switch positions may be maintained or ture plus current related temperature rise. Use of nickel-plated
momentary. terminals and uninsulated terminals with high-temperature
10.16 Terminals and Terminal Blocks: insulating sleeves shall be considered. Terminal blocks shall be
10.16.1 General—Terminals are attached to the ends of provided with adequate electrical clearance or insulation strips
electrical wires to facilitate connection of the wires to terminal between mounting hardware and conductive parts.
strips or items of equipment. The tensile strength of the 10.16.10 Terminal Strips—Wires are usually joined at ter-
wire-to-terminal joint shall be at least equivalent to the tensile minal strips. A terminal strip fitted with barriers shall be used
strength of the wire itself, and its resistance negligible relative to prevent the terminals on adjacent studs from contacting each
to the normal resistance of the wire. Ensure that the following other. Studs shall be anchored against rotation. When more
installation requirements are met: than four terminals are to be connected together, a small metal
10.16.2 Insulating Tubing is placed over terminals (except bus shall be mounted across two or more adjacent studs. In all
pre-insulated types) to provide electrical protection and me- cases, the current shall be carried by the terminal contact
chanical support and is secured to prevent slippage of the surfaces and not by the stud itself. Defective studs shall be
tubing from the terminal. replaced with studs of the same size and material since terminal
10.16.3 Terminal module blocks are securely mounted and strip studs of the smaller sizes may shear because of overtight-
provided with adequate electrical clearances or insulation strips ening the nut. The replacement stud shall be securely mounted
between mounting hardware and conductive parts except when in the terminal strip and the terminal securing nut shall be tight.
the terminal block is used for grounding purposes. Terminal strips shall be mounted in such a manner that loose
10.16.4 The number of terminal connections to a terminal metallic objects cannot fall across the terminals or studs. It is
block stud does not exceed four unless specifically authorized. good practice to provide at least one spare stud for future
10.16.5 Shielding shall be dead-ended with suitable insu- circuit expansion or in case a stud is broken. Terminal strips
lated terminals. that provide connection of radio and electronic systems to the
10.16.6 All wires, terminal blocks, and individual studs aircraft electrical system shall be inspected for loose connec-
shall be clearly identified to correspond to aircraft wiring tions, metallic objects that may have fallen across the terminal
manuals. strip, dirt and grease accumulation, and so forth. These type
10.16.7 Terminations shall be made using terminals of the conditions can cause arcing that may result in a fire or system
proper size. failures.
10.16.8 Selection of Wire Terminals—The following shall 10.16.11 Terminal Lugs—Wire terminal lugs shall be used
be considered in the selection of wire terminals: to connect wiring to terminal block studs or equipment Current rating, terminal studs. No more than four terminal lugs or three Wire size (gage) and insulation diameter, terminal lugs and a bus bar shall be connected to any one stud. Conductor material compatibility, Total number of terminal lugs per stud includes a common bus Stud size, bar joining adjacent studs. Four terminal lugs plus a common

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F2639 – 07´1
bus bar thus are not permitted on one stud. Terminal lugs shall 10.16.17 Wire Terminals and Binding Posts—All wire ter-
be selected with a stud hole diameter that matches the diameter minals in or on electrical equipment, except case ground, shall
of the stud. However, when the terminal lugs attached to a stud be firmly held together with two nuts or suitable locking
vary in diameter, the greatest diameter shall be placed on the provisions or secured in a positive manner to equipment in
bottom and the smallest diameter on top. Tightening terminal such a way that no insulation material is involved in maintain-
connections shall not deform the terminal lugs or the studs. ing physical pressure between the various current-carrying
Terminal lugs shall be so positioned that bending of the members of an electrical connection. Terminal studs or binding
terminal lug is not required to remove the fastening screw or posts shall be of a size that is entirely adequate for the current
nut and movement of the terminal lugs will tend to tighten the requirements of the equipment and have sufficient mechanical
connection. strength to withstand the torque required to attach the cable to
10.16.12 Copper Terminal Lugs—Solderless, crimp-style, the equipment. All terminals on equipment shall have appro-
copper wire, terminal lugs shall be used and conform to SAE priate barriers and covers installed.
AS 7928 (replaces MIL-T-7928). Spacers or washers shall not 10.16.18 Crimp on Terminal Lugs and Splices (Preinsulated
be used between the tongues of terminal lugs. Crimp Type)—The crimp on terminal lugs and splices shall be
10.16.13 Aluminum Terminal Lugs—The aluminum termi- installed using a high-quality, ratchet-type, crimping tool. The
nal lugs conforming to SAE AS 70991 (replaces MIL-T-7099), use of a proper calibrated tool is recommended. Aircraft-
AS 25435 (replaces MS25435), AS 25436 (replaces quality crimp tools are manufactured to standards. Such tools
MS25436), MS25437, and AS 25438 (replaces MS25438) are provided with positioners for the wire size and are adjusted
shall be crimped to aluminum wire only. The tongue of the for each wire size. It is essential that the crimp depth be
aluminum terminal lugs or the total number of tongues of appropriate for each wire size. If the crimp is too deep or not
aluminum terminal lugs when stacked shall be sandwiched deep enough, it may break or cut individual strands or it may
between two MS25440 flat washers when terminated on not be tight enough to retain the wire in the terminal or
terminal studs. Spacers or washers shall not be used between connector. Crimps that are not tight enough are also susceptible
the tongues of terminal lugs. Special attention shall be given to to high resistance as a result of corrosion buildup between the
aluminum wire and cable installations to guard against condi- crimped terminal and the wire. Specification MIL-C-22520/2C
tions that would result in excessive voltage drop and high covers in detail the general requirement for crimp tools,
resistance at junctions that may ultimately lead to failure of the inspection gages, and tool kits.
junction. Examples of such conditions are improper installation 10.16.19 Hand, portable, and stationary power tools are
of terminals and washers, improper torsion (“torquing” of available for crimping terminal lugs. These tools crimp the
nuts), and inadequate terminal contact areas. barrel to the conductor and simultaneously from the insulation
10.16.14 Class 2 Terminal Lugs—The Class 2 terminal lugs support to the wire insulation.
conforming to MIL-T-7928 may be used for installation 10.16.20 Crimp Tools shall be carefully selected:
provided that in such installations Class 1 terminal lugs are Ensure that the full cycle ratchet mechanism is
adequate for replacement without rework of installation or
tamperproof so that it cannot be disengaged before or during
terminal lugs. Class 2 terminal lugs shall be the insulated type,
the crimp cycle.
unless the conductor temperature exceeds 105°C. In that case,
uninsulated terminal lugs shall be used. Parts lists shall indicate The tool calibration and adjustments are made
the appropriate Class 1 terminal lugs to be used for service only by the manufacturer or an approved calibration laboratory.
replacement of any Class 2 terminal lugs installed. Ensure suitable gages of the go/no go type are
10.16.15 Attachment of Terminals to Studs—Connectors available and used before any crimping operation and when-
and terminals in aircraft require special attention to ensure a ever possible during operation to ensure crimp dimensions.
safe and satisfactory installation. Every possibility of short 10.16.21 Lock Washers for Terminals for Equipment—
circuits as a result of misinstallation, poor maintenance, and Where locknuts are used to ensure binding and locking of
service life shall be addressed in the design. Electrical equip- electrical terminals, they shall be of the all metal type. In
ment malfunction has frequently been traced to poor terminal addition, a spring-lock washer of suitable thickness may be
connections at terminal boards. Loose, dirty, or corroded installed under the nut to ensure good contact pressure. A plain
contact surfaces can produce localized heating that may ignite washer shall be used between the spring washer and the
nearby combustible materials or overheat adjacent wire insu- terminal to prevent galling. A plain nut with a spring-lock
lation. (See 10.16.18.) washer and a plain washer may be used to provide binding and
10.16.16 Feed-Through Insulator and Stud: contact pressure. Design—Feed-through insulator design shall be 10.17 Waveguides:
such as to prevent a loose insulator from failing to provide 10.17.1 Proper installation of waveguides is critical to
circuit isolation. It shall not be able to move from between the proper functioning of the associated system. Ensure the wave-
stud and the structure, thus allowing the two to come into guide is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
contact. The assembly shall be so designed that it is impossible limitations. Ensure the waveguide fits without binding or
to misassemble the parts inadvertently so that faults will result. deforming. Ensure there is sufficient space around the wave-
Also, it is desirable to provide means to prevent the feed- guide prevent direct contact with other installed equipment in
through stud from turning while tightening the connection. all flight regimes and environments.

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11. EMI/RFI (3) The increased susceptibility of electrical and electronic
11.1 General: systems to HIRF as a result of increased data bus or processor
operating speeds or both, higher density integrated circuits and
11.1.1 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)—Wiring of sen- cards, and greater sensitivities of electronic equipment;
sitive circuits that may be affected by EMI shall be routed away
(4) Expanded frequency usage, especially above 1 GHz;
from other wiring interference or provided with sufficient
(5) Increased severity of the HIRF environment as a result
shielding to avoid system malfunctions under operating con-
of an increase in the number and power of RF transmitters; and
ditions. EMI between susceptible wiring and wiring that is a
source of EMI increases in proportion to the length of parallel (6) The adverse effects experienced by some aircraft when
runs and decreases with greater separation. EMI shall be exposed to HIRF conditions.
limited to negligible levels in wiring related to critical systems, The following elements shall be included in a HIRF
that is, the function of the critical system shall not be affected certification program:
by the EMI generated by the adjacent wire. Use of shielding (1) Identify systems through a safety assessment,
with 85 % coverage or greater is recommended. Coaxial, (2) Establish the applicable external HIRF environment,
triaxial, twin-axial, or quad-axial cables shall be used, wher- (3) Establish the test environment for installed systems,
ever appropriate, with their shields connected to ground at a (4) Apply the appropriate method of HIRF compliance
single point or multiple points, depending upon the purpose of verification, and
the shielding. It is always critical that the shielding be (5) Verify compliance with HIRF certification require-
grounded separate from all other types of grounds (that is, ments. (Refer to SAE ARP 5583 for additional detail on the
power and/or signal). The airframe-grounded structure may process for HIRF certification.)
also be used as an EMI shield and all wiring shall be routed as Only those systems identified as performing or
close to the ground plane as possible. This reduces the “loop contributing to functions whose failure condition classification
area” of the wiring, thereby reducing the coupling of energy is catastrophic, hazardous, or major failure conditions are
into the wiring. EMI considerations shall address high- subject to HIRF regulations. Failure condition classifications
intensity radiated fields (HIRF). Refer to RTCA DO-160 are defined in FAA Advisory Circular 23.1309-1C.
Sections 16-22 for details on how to test for EMI issues. (Refer 11.3.2 Shields:
to FAA Advisory Circular AC 21-160E for additional guidance Do not intermix shield and electrical power
on the use of RTCA DO-160.) grounds or signal grounds or both on the same ground
11.2 Grounding and Bonding—Static power converters of- termination. If shield, signal, and/or power grounds are inter-
ten emit unacceptable levels of EMI that may disrupt commu- mixed on the same termination, it is possible that the integrity
nication equipment and navigation instruments. Properly of the electrical bond could be lost when electrical current
shielded connectors, terminal blocks, and wires may be re- flows thru the ground termination, then the resulting shield
quired with all shields well grounded to the airframe. termination is inadequate (requirement is 2.5 mV or less). In
11.3 HIRF: addition, the energy that is coupled onto the shield has a direct
11.3.1 General: path into the unit’s power supply or circuit reference or both
when they items are terminated in the same location. It is The electromagnetic HIRF environment results
critical to the protection of the unit from EMI/EMC not to
from the transmission of electromagnetic energy from radar,
intermix signal and power grounds together on the same
radio, television, and other ground-based, shipborne, or air-
ground termination.
borne RF transmitters. The HIRF environment has the capa-
bility of adversely affecting the operation of aircraft electrical The best method of EMI/EMC protection is to use
and electronic systems. Although HIRF does not pose a a 360° overbraid terminated into an EMI back shell. However,
significant threat to earlier generations of aircraft, in the late this is not always possible, nor is it always needed (especially
1970s, designs for civil aircraft began to incorporate flight- for lower criticality equipment). If single-shielded wires are
critical electronic controls, electronic displays, and electronic used with pigtails as the means to terminate the shield, it is
engine controls. These systems are more susceptible to the critical that the use of daisy-chaining of shields is limited. Do
adverse effects of operating in a HIRF environment. not daisy-chain shields in the wiring definition, if possible and
if not possible, no more than two shields shall be tied together Sensitive wiring is defined as wiring that is con-
and then terminated. Daisy-chaining shield terminations cre-
nected to equipment that is especially susceptible to EMI and
ates RF antennas, defeating the purpose of shielding against
is therefore more likely to create disruption of the equipment to
which it is connected. See Section 6 for proper marking of In general, shields shall be terminated to an EMI/
EMI-sensitive wiring.
HIRF connector backshell using a HIRF braid. When this is not Concern for protection of electrical and electronic possible, there may be other means to terminate the shields, so
aircraft systems is important because of: long as the shield termination length is not more than 4 in. (10
(1) A greater dependence on electrical and electronic cm). Using braid instead of wire for shield termination pro-
systems performing functions required for the continued safe vides essential ground path for RF protection (braided mesh
flight and landing of aircraft; versus parallel wire strands) and adequate lightning protection
(2) The reduced electromagnetic shielding of some com- (current capacity). It also allows for physical examination of
posite materials used in aircraft designs; shield integrity.

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11.3.3 Grounds: 11.4 Lightning: Equipment case grounds and power grounds shall 11.4.1 Lightning Protection Bonding—Electrical bonding is
not be intermixed. The exception is if equipment power and frequently required for lightning protection of aircraft and
case grounds are tied together internal to the equipment. systems, especially to facilitate safe conduction of lightning
Regardless of internal equipment ground configuration, shields currents through the airframe. Most of this bonding is achieved
shall never be terminated to the equipment power ground. through normal airframe riveted or bolted joints, but some
11.3.4 External Wiring: externally mounted parts, such as control surfaces, engine Always review the aircraft lightning zoning when nacelles, and antennas, may require additional bonding provi-
defining wiring external to the fuselage. See SAE ARP 5414 sions. Generally, the adequacy of lightning current bonds
for the definition of aircraft lightning zoning. If wiring/ depends on materials, cross sections, physical configurations,
equipment is installed in a “Zone 1” or “Zone 2,” always use tightness, and surface finishes. Care shall be taken to minimize
shielded wires with one shield end terminated at a local ground structural resistance so as to control structural voltage rises to
within 4 in. (10 cm) of equipment/components using HIRF levels compatible with system protection design. This may
braid. The other end of the shield shall be terminated to a require that metal surfaces be added to composite structures or
fuselage bulkhead EMI/HIRF connector backshell. that tinned copper overbraid, conduits, or cable trays be Equipment requiring electrical power that is exter- provided for interconnecting wire harnesses within composite
nal to the fuselage shall have ground points on or in the airframes. Also, care shall be taken to prevent hazardous
fuselage. Use ground points external to the fuselage for shield lightning currents from entering the airframe via flight control
terminations only. cables, pushrods, or other conducting objects that extend to It is more difficult to couple energy into a wire airframe extremities. This may require that these conductors be
bundle external to the fuselage that contains both power and electrically bonded to the airframe or that electrical insulators
ground for the equipment installed; therefore, routing the be used to interrupt lightning currents. For additional informa-
power and return for a given device together is recommended. tion on lightning protection measures, refer to DOT/FAA/CT-
It is also easier to shield a wire in this configuration. 89-22. Report DOT/FAA/ CT 86/8, April 1987, may provide Shield wiring (as required) for electronic devices, additional information for composite materials.
actuators, valves, and so forth routed external to the fuselage 11.4.2 Control Surface Lightning Protection Bonding—
from the electrical device to the appropriate fuselage interface Control surface bonding is intended to prevent the burning/
connector. welding of hinges on a surface that receives a lightning strike
(1) The shield will be required to be terminated at the thus causing possible loss of control. Therefore, bonding
equipment on one end and on the EME/HIRF backshell for the jumpers shall be used across each hinge. The installation
fuselage interface connector. location and current-carrying capacity of these jumpers shall be
(2) For systems that contain wiring that is external/internal/ carefully chosen to provide a low-impedance shunt for light-
external to the fuselage, shielding is required for wires external ning current across the hinge to the structure. When jumpers
to the fuselage only, as long as there are already seven or more may be subjected to arcing, substantially larger wire sizes of
shields in each of the main cabin wire bundles. 40 000 circular mils or a larger cross section may be required
11.3.5 Electronic Devices: to provide protection against multiple strikes. Sharp bends and Two shields minimum are required for each elec- loops in such jumpers can create susceptibility to breakage
tronic device installed in the aircraft, regardless of electronic when subjected to the inductive forces created by lightning
device installation location. current and shall be avoided. Terminate one of the shields directly to the elec- 11.4.3 Control Cable Lightning Protection Bonding—To
tronic device enclosure. Terminate the other end of the shield prevent damage to the control system or injury to flight
to an electrically bonded EMI/HIRF connector backshell. personnel as a result of lightning strike, cables and levers Ensure electronic device enclosure is electrically coming from each control surface may be protected by one or
bonded to the aircraft structure. more bonding jumpers located as close to the control surface as For determining which wires to shield in the PCB possible. Metal pulleys are considered a satisfactory ground for
wire bundle, one consideration is that shield length must be control cables. Lightning protection may also be accomplished
140 in. (3.3 m) or greater for it to be effective for RF and by electrical isolation as long as the dielectric is sufficient.
indirect lightning effects protection. 11.4.4 Lightning Protection for Antennas and Air Data This shielding practice will improve the survivabil- Probes—Antenna and air data probes that are mounted on
ity of the shielded electronic device for both aircraft operation exterior surfaces within lightning strike zones shall be provided
and system test conditions for lightning effects. with a means to transfer lightning currents safely to the
11.3.6 Engine Wiring: airframe and prevent hazardous surges from being conducted Shields are required for all wiring that is installed into the airframe via antenna cables or wire harnesses. Usually,
on the engine. the antenna mounting bolts provide adequate lightning current Shields are to be terminated at both ends. paths. Surge protectors built into antennas or installed in Terminate the engine wiring shields at one end on coaxial antenna cables or probe wire harnesses may also be
the EMI/HIRF backshell for the firewall connector and termi- sufficient to fulfill these requirements. It is important that it
nate at the other end on a local engine ground. connects to something exposed to the outside of the aircraft

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F2639 – 07´1
(for example, antenna coax cables, power lines for lights, and 12.4.1 Before any aircraft electrical load is increased, the
so forth) be connected to a bulkhead before connection to the new total electrical load (previous maximum load plus added
receiver of other electrical/electronic equipment. Candidate load) shall be checked to determine if the design levels are
designs shall be verified by simulated lightning tests in being exceeded. Where necessary, wires, wire bundles, and
accordance with RTCA DO-160, Section 23. (Refer to FAA circuit-protective devices having the correct ratings shall be
Advisory Circular AC 20-136 for additional guidance on the added or replaced. Refer to Guide F2490 for acceptable
protection of electrical and electronic systems against the practices and processes for development of electrical load
indirect effects of lightning.) analyses.
12.5 Batteries:
12. Alterations 12.5.1 When replacing lead-acid batteries with NiCad bat-
12.1 General: teries, neutralize the battery box or compartment and thor-
oughly flush with water and dry. A flight manual supplement
NOTE 19—Direct replacement of components with original part number shall also be provided for the NiCad battery installation. Acid
components is considered a repair. Replacement of a component with an residue can be detrimental to the proper functioning of a NiCad
equivalent part is considered an alteration.
battery, as alkaline will be to a lead-acid battery.
12.1.1 Structural repairs, installation of STCs, modifica-
NOTE 21—Replacement of lead-acid batteries with NiCad batteries will
tions, or field-approved repair and alteration activity inherently require the installation of some means to monitor the battery temperature.
introduces tooling and residual debris that is harmful to aircraft
wiring. They often require displacement or removal of wiring 12.5.2 When replacing NiCad batteries with lead acid bat-
to provide access to the work area. Even minor displacement of teries, the battery temperature-monitoring system may be
wiring, especially while clamped, can damage its insulation removed. However removing the battery temperature-
and result in degraded performance, leading to subsequent monitoring system may require changes to the flight manual.
arcing or circuit failure. Some OEMs have installed provisions for battery type conver-
12.1.2 When substituting original equipment manufacturer sion. When available, follow the OEM instructions for battery
(OEM)-installed equipment, follow this three-step process to substitutions.
ensure approved parts are installed: 12.5.3 When installing batteries in an aircraft, exercise care Contact the OEM to see if alternate parts have been to prevent inadvertent shorting of the battery terminals. Serious
approved; damage to the aircraft structure (frame, skin and other subsys- Use the tables in this practice to identify acceptable tems, avionics, wire, fuel, and so forth) can be sustained by the
alternates; and resultant high discharge of electrical energy. This condition Install parts not previously approved for the appli- may normally be avoided by insulating the terminal posts
cation. This will require some certification process. See Section during the installation process. Remove the grounding lead first
13. for battery removal, then the positive lead. Connect the
12.2 Wire Substitutions: grounding lead of the battery last to minimize the risk of
shorting the “hot terminal” of the battery during installation.
NOTE 20—Direct replacement of wire with original part number com- 12.5.4 Battery Hold-Down Devices—Ensure that the battery
ponents is considered a repair. Replacement of wire with an equivalent
hold-down devices are secure but not so tight as to exert
part is considered an alteration.
excessive pressure that may cause the battery to buckle causing
12.2.1 Sections of wire in which splices occur at less than internal shorting of the battery.
10-ft (3-m) intervals, unless specifically authorized, because of 12.5.5 Quick-Disconnect-Type Battery—If a quick-
parallel connections, locations, or inaccessibility shall be disconnect type of battery connector that prohibits crossing the
replaced. battery lead is not used, ensure that the aircraft wiring is
12.2.2 Wire Substitution—In the repair and modification of connected to the proper battery terminal. Reverse polarity in an
existing aircraft, when a replacement wire is required, the electrical system can seriously damage a battery and other
maintenance manual for that aircraft shall first be reviewed to electrical components. Ensure that the battery cable connec-
determine if the OEM has approved any substitution. If not, tions are tight to prevent arcing or a high-resistance connec-
then the OEM shall be contacted for an acceptable replace- tion.
ment. If acceptable replacement is not available from the OEM, 12.6 Circuit Breakers:
then use Tables 5 and 6. 12.6.1 When replacing original equipment circuit breakers
12.2.3 Replacement wire performance capabilities shall be with units of an equivalent rating from a different supplier,
equal to or superior to the wire being replaced. Existing ensure the trip curves are compatible. The replacement breaker
installed wire that needs replacement shall be identified as to its time to trip shall be equal to, or less than, the unit being
performance capabilities to avoid the inadvertent use of a replaced.
lower-performance unsuitable replacement. 12.7 Junction Boxes:
12.3 Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Components: 12.7.1 Replacement junction boxes shall be fabricated using
12.3.1 When installing COTS components, ensure the in- the same material as the original or from a fire-resistant,
stalled equipment complies with the aircraft-type certification nonabsorbent material, such as aluminum, or an acceptable
requirements. composite material.
12.4 Electrical Load Considerations: 12.8 Relays:

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12.8.1 When replacing relays in AC applications, it is
essential to maintain proper phase sequencing. For any appli-
cation involving plug-in relays, proper engagement of their
retaining mechanism is vital.
12.9 Switches:
12.9.1 When substituting switches for OEM installed equip-
ment refer to 10.15 and 12.1 to ensure an approved and
appropriate part is installed.
12.10 Wire Marking:
12.10.1 When adding wiring, ensure the added wiring is
marked per the guidance in Section 6.
12.11 Wire Bundle Routing:
12.11.1 When adding wires to existing bundles, ensure the
added wiring does not degrade system safety. Added wiring
between bundles may result in compromise of required redun-
dant systems. Critical wire bundles, such as fly-by-wire and
FADEC, shall not have wiring added unless the added wire is
integral to that system.
12.11.2 Ensure all wire ties and anchors, which were
removed to facilitate additional wire installation, are replaced
and properly installed. Refer to Section 7 for proper wiring
installation practices.
12.11.3 Do not loop excess wire. Wires shall be trimmed to
fit. If additional wire length is installed to permit retermina-
tions, ensure the wire is properly secured and wire bend radii
comply with the requirements in 7.2.1.
12.12 Wire Bundle Combing: (1 in. = 2.54 cm)
12.12.1 Comb the wire groups and bundles so that the wires FIG. 59 Comb for Straightening Wires in Bundles
will lie parallel to each other and minimize the possibility of
insulation abrasion. A combing tool, similar to that shown in red sleeves (heat shrink is appropriate) shall be a minimum of
Fig. 59, may be made from any suitable insulating material 2-in. (5-cm) length and positioned at intervals no greater than
taking care to ensure all edges are rounded to protect the wire 15 in. (38 cm) along the entire length of the wire or loom using
insulation. application methods detailed in this manual. Marking of the
12.13 Interference Tests: sleeving to highlight further the EMI sensitivity is optional, but
12.13.1 When altering aircraft wiring, additional EMI may shall be consistent with existing aircraft labeling practices and
be introduced. Tests may be required to ensure EMI is clearly documented in wiring publications (see Fig. 6).
maintained within acceptable limits. See Section 11 for proper 12.14 System Safety Assessments:
EMI considerations. 12.14.1 A system safety assessment shall be accomplished
12.13.2 Audio and data signals are often the most suscep- for all wiring alterations. System safety assessment informa-
tible to EMI. Other typical waveforms that are more suscep- tion may or may not be available from the OEM, but the
tible to EMI have the following characteristics: modification assessment shall be accomplished to ensure the Low voltage, alteration does not degrade system safety. (Refer to SAE Low current, and/or ARP 4761 for additional detail on the safety assessment Slow rise times. process.)
12.13.3 SAE AS 50881 Wiring, Aerospace Vehicle, requires
sensitive wiring to be routed to avoid electromagnetic interfer- 13. Certification Processes
ence. SAE AS 50881 Appendix B allows for, but does not 13.1 General:
mandate, the identification of EMI-sensitive wires and cables 13.1.1 Federal regulations define the requirements for cer-
with a category code added to the significant wire number. In tifying and maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition.
the past, EMI-sensitive wires and cables added during modi- The following sections are intended to provide some general
fication of aircraft have been isolated in accordance with the information relative to certification and maintenance require-
specification; however, they have not been identified as EMI ments and procedures and sources of additional information.
sensitive, and therefore, their integrity may be compromised 13.1.2 Certification is the process of designing and substan-
during subsequent aircraft modification. tiating an aircraft to meet the regulations applicable to that
12.13.4 Where wires and cables are susceptible to EMI and aircraft. For aircraft designed and certified in the United States,
are identified as critical to the safety of flight (SOF) of the these regulations are all defined in the Code of Federal
aircraft, they shall be identified with red sleeves. (This is in Regulations, Chapter I–Federal Aviation Administration, De-
addition to the EMI suffix on the wire identification code.) The partment of Transportation. Certification generally consists of

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F2639 – 07´1
analyses and tests to substantiate that an aircraft or product The certification regulations applicable to the vari-
meets the regulations applicable to it. Certification will nor- ous categories of aircraft, engines, and propellers are listed in
mally be accomplished under either the Standard Process or a the following. These regulations define the minimum perfor-
Delegated Organization. Under the Standard Process, the mance requirements that a product shall meet to be certified.
applicant works directly with the FAA and generally makes use (1) Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23, Airwor-
of Designated Engineering Representatives (DER). Under a thiness standards: normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter
delegated process, the applicant is the Delegated Organization category airplanes.
and the work will be done in accordance with the procedures (2) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 25, Airwor-
agreed to by the FAA and included in the organization manual. thiness standards: transport category airplanes.
13.1.3 All of the Regulations and Orders mentioned in this (3) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 27, Airwor-
practice plus others that may be applicable to a particular thiness standards: normal category rotorcraft.
situation can found on the FAA Website at www.faa.gov. (4) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 29, Airwor-
13.2 Certification: thiness standards: transport category rotorcraft.
13.2.1 The regulations defining the process for certification (5) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 31, Airwor-
are found in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part thiness standards: manned free balloons.
21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts. These (6) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 33, Airwor-
regulations define the requirements related to the certification, thiness standards: aircraft engines.
production, licensing, and maintenance of the aircraft. Some of (7) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 34, Fuel
the requirements of this section that may be of particular venting and exhaust emission requirements for turbine engine
concern to maintenance operations are as follows: powered airplanes.
(1) Subpart A, Section 21.3, Reporting of failures, mal- (8) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 35, Airwor-
functions, and defects. thiness standards: propellers.
(2) Subpart D, Changes to Type Certificates. (9) Title14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 36, Noise
standards: aircraft type and airworthiness certification.
(3) Subpart E, Supplemental Type Certificates.
13.2.3 Certification Tests:
(4) Subpart H, Airworthiness Certificates. Certification tests are normally conducted to sub-
(5) Subpart K, Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and stantiate that product performance characteristics meet the
Appliances. minimum requirements of the regulations and that there are no
(6) Subpart L, Export Airworthiness Approval. unsafe characteristics. Before conducting any such tests, the
(7) Subpart M, Designated Alteration Station Authorization applicant shall produce a test plan and have that test plan
Procedures. approved by the FAA. In addition, the applicant shall provide
(8) Subpart N, Approval of Engines, Propellers, Materials, verification that the test article conforms to the type design of
Parts, and Appliances: Import. the product. The FAA may then either witness or perform the In addition to these regulations, there are FAA test themselves or delegate it to an appropriately qualified
Orders that define acceptable practices to be used in the Designated Engineering Representative (DER). In a delegated
Certification and Repair/Alteration process. Following are organization, this will be accomplished according to the agreed
some of those Orders: to procedures in the organization manual.
13.2.4 Type Certificates:
(1) Type Certification, A Type Certificate for a product may be issued by
(2) DAS, DOA, and SFAR 36 Authorization Procedures, the FAA when the FAA is satisfied that the product meets all of
(3) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Approvals, “One the applicable regulations. The Type Certificate allows the
Aircraft Only”, applicant to obtain an Airworthiness Certificate and to manu-
(4) Designee Management Handbook, facture that product. In addition to the Type Certificate, a Type
(5) Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Guid- Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) will be prepared that defines
ance Handbook, specific performance and operational characteristics of the
(6) Aircraft Certification Service FAA Flight Test Respon- product. Any changes to the data defined in the TCDS may
sibilities, Procedures, and Training, require retesting and recertification to verify that the minimum
performance requirements are still met or that there are no
(7) Conformity Inspection Notification Process,
unsafe characteristics introduced by the changes. Changes
(8) How to Establish the Certification Basis for Changed accomplished by the TC holder will normally result in modi-
Aeronautical Products, fications to the TCDS. Changes by someone other than the TC
(9) Submitting Instructions for Continued Airworthiness holder will be accomplished under the rules for Supplemental
for Type Certificates, Amended Type Certificates and Supple- Type Certificates (STC).
mental Type Certificates, and 13.3 Alterations and Maintenance:
(10) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Responsi- 13.3.1 Regulations and Orders Relating to the Alteration
bilities. and Maintenance of Aircraft:
13.2.2 Certification Regulations Applicable to the Different Once the aircraft is certified and produced, it is
Products: required that it be maintained in a manner that assures the

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aircraft continues to comply with applicable design and certi- Authorization (ODA) to be implemented between 2006 and
fication requirements and allows the aircraft to continue to 2009. In 2010, the FAA plans to have the Certified Design
operate in a safe manner. The following regulations are Organization (CDO) requirements available.
applicable in the maintenance of the aircraft to the standards 13.3.6 Delegation Option Authorization (DOA) Procedures:
used in the design and certification and to maintain safe The DOA regulatory basis is defined in 14 CFR 21,
products in the field: Subpart J and, by regulation, is currently limited to type,
(a) 14.CFR 21.289, Major repairs, alterations, and rebuild- production, and airworthiness certification of small aircraft,
ing (Form 337). engines, and propellers and to issuing airworthiness approval
(b) 14 CFR 39, Airworthiness directives. tags for engines, propellers, and part of products covered under
(c) 14 CFR 43, Maintenance, preventive maintenance, this rule. Because of the direction that the FAA is going with
rebuilding, and alteration. the delegated process, they are now allowing exemptions to the
(1) Following are FAA Orders and Advisory Circulars that rule that allow large aircraft to use the DOA procedures in
may be consulted for guidance on repair and modification preparation for the change to the ODA process. FAA Order
activities: 8100.9 provides the detail requirements for meeting the DOA
(a) FAA Approvals of Modifications/Alterations. regulations.
(b) DER Data Approvals Related to Repair and Alteration 13.3.7 Designated Alteration Station (DAS) Authorization
of Foreign Registered Aircraft. Procedures:
(c) Airworthiness Inspector’s Handbook, Volume 2. The DAS regulatory basis is defined in 14 CFR 21,
(d) AC 43.13 Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Subpart M and is limited to issuing supplemental type certifi-
Practices—Aircraft Inspection and Repair cates and experimental certificates and amending standard
13.3.2 Field Approvals: airworthiness certificates. It is applicable to domestic repair The Field Approval Process is defined in FAA stations, air carriers, commercial operators of large aircraft, and
Order 8300.10, Airworthiness Inspector’s Handbook, and Vol- manufacturers of aircraft. FAA Order 8100.9 provides detail
ume 2. Acceptable data for Field Approvals may be in the form requirements for meeting the DAS requirements.
of manufacturer’s manuals, previously approved FAA Form 13.3.8 Organization Designation Authorization (ODA):
337s, and the OEM structural repair manuals, although the ODA is the next step in the evolution to increased
latter are not FAA approved. Field approvals shall not install autonomy by the manufacturers and repair facilities. FAA
equipment or modify an aircraft or product in a manner that Regulation 14 CFR Part 183 established the ODA program and
would require certification to be accomplished to show com- it will replace the DOA, DAS, ODAR, and SFAR 36 delegation
pliance with any of the regulations applicable to that product. programs. It is similar in nature to the DOA process but with
13.3.3 Approvals: additional responsibilities transferred to the applicants. An Major repairs and alterations may be accomplished ODA may have multiple functions under it such as Type
and approved in accordance with the provisions of 14 CFR 43, Certification, Production Certification, TSO Approval, Supple-
Appendixes A and B. A record of the change will be made as mental Type Certification, Major Repair and Alteration, Parts
required by 14 CFR 43.9. Manufacturer Approval, and General Aviation Operations
13.3.4 Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs): Functions. STC requirements are defined under Subpart E of 13.3.9 Certified Design Organization (CDO):
14 CFR 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts. The CDO is the final step in the currently defined
STCs are issued when a major change in type design is
transition. The CDO requirements are still in the concept and
incorporated but the change is not sufficient to require a new
planning stages and are not available but provide the most
type certificate under 14 CFR 21.19. STCs are frequently used
autonomy to the applicants. It will also require much more
for installing additional equipment or replacing equipment that
structured procedures and processes.
was originally installed by the OEM. They normally require
support from the FAA Aircraft Certification Office unless 13.3.10 Delegated Personnel:
accomplished by a Designated Alteration Station (DAS). An Designated Engineering Representative (DER):
STC will normally require analyses or testing to verify that the (1) Section 183.29 defines the types of DER appointments
change will comply with all of the regulations applicable to the and what approvals they are allowed to make. They include
product. Structure, Powerplant, Systems and Equipment, Radio, Engine,
13.3.5 Design and Maintenance Organizations: Propeller, Acoustical, Flight Analyst, and Flight Test Pilot. For the FAA to accomplish the oversight of all These designees work closely with the FAA Aircraft Certifi-
certification and repair activities, they have created delegated cation Office (ACO) to assist in the certification of aircraft and
organizations that may perform these activities under specific aircraft products. Significant changes to an aircraft shall be
guidelines. These organizations provide the same level of reviewed by an FAA ACO engineer or a DER to determine
certification and repair oversight as the FAA. Currently, the what substantiation may be required. An appropriately del-
FAA regulations governing these organizations are defined in egated DER may be able to find compliance and submit the
14 CFR Part 21 Subparts J and M and FAA Order 8100.9. The appropriate paperwork to support FAA approval of the change.
FAA plan is to move toward more delegated organizations, and Delegated Option Authorization Airworthiness
the next step in the process is the Organization Designation Representative (DOA AR):

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(1) A DOA AR serves a similar role to the DER but within parts that conform to the approved design requirements and are
a delegated organization. Their authorization is limited to in a condition for safe operation;
activities within the organization for which they work. (2) Export certificates of airworthiness and airworthi- Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR): ness approval tags in accordance with Subpart L of Part 21 of
(1) The responsibilities and functions of the DAR are this chapter;
prescribed by 14 CFR 183.33. The DAR may perform exami- (3) Experimental certificates for aircraft for which the
nation, inspection, and testing services necessary to issue, and manufacturer holds the type certificate and which have under-
to determine the continuing effectiveness of, certificates, as gone changes to the type design requiring a flight test; and
authorized by the Director of Flight Standards Service in the (4) Special flight permits to export aircraft.
area of maintenance or as authorized by the Director of Aircraft (b) Conduct any inspections that may be necessary to
Certification Service in the areas of manufacturing and engi- determine that:
neering. (1) Prototype products and related parts conform to Designated Manufacturing Inspection Represen- design specifications, and
tative (DMIR): (2) Production products and related parts conform to the
(1) The responsibilities and functions of the DMIR are approved type design and are in condition for safe operation.
prescribed 14 CFR 183.31. (c) Perform functions authorized by this section for the
(2) A designated manufacturing inspection representative manufacturer, or the manufacturer’s supplier, at any location
(DMIR) may, within limits prescribed by, and under the authorized by the FAA.
general supervision of, the Administrator, do the following:
(a) Issue: 14. Keywords
(1) Original airworthiness certificates for aircraft and 14.1 aircraft; airplane electrical wiring systems; alteration;
airworthiness approvals for engines, propellers, and product aviation; certification; design


(Nonmandatory Information)


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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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FIG. X1.1 Common Electronic/Electrical Symbols (continued)

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X2.1 Atto (a) = quintillionth of = 10-18 times X2.8 Deci (d) = tenth of = 10-1 times

X2.2 Femto (f) = quadrillionth of = 10-15 times X2.9 Unity = 100 = 1

X2.10 Deka (da) = ten times = 10 times
X2.3 Pico (p), or µµ = trillionth of = 10-12 times
X2.11 Hecto (h) = hundred times = 102 times
X2.4 Nano (n), or m µ = billionth of = 10-9 times
X2.12 Kilo (k) = thousand times = 103 times
X2.5 Micro (µ) = millionth of = 10 times
X2.13 Mega (M) = million times = 106 times
X2.6 Milli (m) = thousandth of = 10-3 times X2.14 Giga (G), or kM = billion times = 109 times
X2.7 Centi (c) = hundredth of = 10-2 times X2.15 Tera (T) = trillion times = 1012 times

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