Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report
Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report
Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report Pre-Feasibility Report
Prepared by
List of Figures
Chapter - 1
Executive summary
M/s. Vidarbha Enviro Solutions took active interest and approached State
Pollution Control Board to set up another CBMWT Facility in Eastern part of
Maharashtra to cater the need of Hospital Waste for Common Bio Medical Waste
Treatment and disposal facility, (CBMWTDF) at Teshil- Phandari, District- Gondia,
Some Statistics:
come in contact with needle stick injuries get converted into Hepatitis B &
10% come in contact of Hepatitis C
Due to re‐usage of needles, syringes and other disposables nearly
70 people succumbed to death and 240 people got affected in February /
March’ 2009 in Sambarkhata District of Gujarat due to Hepatitis B.
2.4 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region.
During Construction phase of the proposed CBWTF, the laborers and workers
will be hired from nearby villages, thus providing them with a source of income in
their local area. Total number of persons required in operational phase is about 29.
3 Assistant Operators
4 Office Staff
5 Drivers
8 Security Personnel
Chapter - 3
Project Description
Segregation of wastes, i.e., placing the right kind of waste into specified color
coded bags, is the key to the success of biomedical waste management. It has been
roughly estimated that about 0.5 to 1 kg/bed/day of solid waste is generated from
health care institutions of which 10 to 15% is biomedical waste. Therefore,
segregation of waste at source is so important that it would not only separate and
reduce the incinerable and autoclave wastes but also reduce the cost of operation
by separating and reducing wastes other than biomedical wastes. In one word,
segregation is integral in terms of further waste handling and management.
emergency & the vehicles will be retrofitted with a global positioning roaming
Stringent standards for disposal of the correct type of waste, as per colour of
bags shall be ensured by properly trained persons.
1. A Disinfecting Unit
2. A Destruction Unit
3. A Disposal facility
A Disinfecting unit is one that will effectively kill all the microorganisms. Autoclaving,
Microwaving, Hydroclaving and Chemical disinfection processes are the most
prevalent technologies used for disinfection of pathogens from the biomedical
wastes. Autoclave used for the purpose of biomedical waste management is
expected to be dedicated for the purpose and is expected to operate under
standards specified by MoEF&CC. Medical Wastes shall not be considered treated
unless the time, temperature and pressure indicated in the standards are reached
(for e.g. 121° C, 15 psi for 60 minutes for normal autoclave or 45 minutes for a
vacuum type autoclave).
A Destruction unit is one that will completely destroy the wastes into safe end
products. High temperature incinerators are used to achieve this. Incineration
is a process by which combustible materials are burned, producing combustion
gases and non-combustible residue and ash. The combustible gases are vented
into the air after treatment through Air Pollution Control Devices (APCD). Ash
and other non-combustible residue remaining after the destruction /
incineration process are disposed of securely into a landfill.
Waste Disposal is primarily performed by deep burial of wastes into secure landfills.
Waste disposal is an option which remains to exist irrespective of the treatment
options. In cases of disinfection waste material, post-disinfection needs to be land
filled and in case of incineration the non-combustible residue and ash needs to be
disposed of into a secure landfill and thus landfill remains to be an integral part of an
integrated biomedical waste management facility. Ash residue from high
temperature incineration and other material residues from the process shall be
collected into containers / bags and shall be stored at temporary ash storage shed
and shall be disposed into the secured landfill periodically after sufficient
accumulation. As mentioned earlier, for incineration of 2.25-3 metric tonnes of
to the facility and during the final disposal and treatment of the waste at the facility,
we shall ensure that none of the waste handlers i.e. drivers, helpers, operators and
all personnel involved do not come in direct contact with the waste. The waste
handlers shall be provided with heavy duty gloves, face masks, caps, aprons etc.
and all other must accessories required during the collection and disposal of the
waste. The use of protective gears will be made mandatory for all the personnel
handling waste.
Bio-Medical Waste, thus received at the site in colour coded bags will
be stored separately in a covered area at respective locations for final treatment.
The facility will be designed in such a manner that the waste which will be
transported from the various health care centers will brought to the PRE
TREATED WASTE ROOM, which will be located near to the incinerator and the
Sterilization Unit. The waste received will be unloaded and shall be weighed
through an electronic weighing machine to quantify the amount of waste. After
the sale is completed the incinerable waste will transported to the incinerators and
to through in house trolleys and wheel barrows i.e. incinerable waste near the
incinerator and sterilisable waste near the sterilizer (autoclave). This procedure
will minimize in‐house transportation and handling. After, the waste is segregated
at site the incinerable waste will be incinerated, the sterilisable waste shall be
The plastic waste thus sterilized shall then be mutilated/ shredded /
macerated and stored in the POST TREATED WASTE ROOM which at periodical
intervals will be sold to authorized municipal rag picking agencies.
The incineration ash and other wastes shall be disposed of at the authorized
secured landfill sites designated by the Pollution Control Board on weekly /
fortnightly basis (depending upon the quantum of waste generated after
treatment) in our own vehicles. In the event of non availability of a secured
landfill site we shall dispose of the incineration ash in a specified area at the
facilities site.
21.225680 N ; 80.154540 E
21.225927 N ; 80.154638 E
21.225997 N ; 80.154520 E
The colour coding and the methods of treatment of both pre treated and post treated
wastes are given below in the table.
Table No. 3.2: Waste Category and its Disposal /Treatment Method
Disposal / Treatment
Sr. No. Waste Category
1 Incineration Ash Secured Landfills
Households are not covered under the law for generating bio‐medical waste;
nevertheless, the safe management of these wastes is of paramount importance,
as it is not the quantity but the quality of bio‐medical waste that matters. The
households therefore should segregate this waste at the source, store it separately
and pack these wastes and preferably dispose it separately to be taken for land
Total Population of Bandhara & Gondia
1 ~ 24 Lakh in 2011
district/per 2015 Census
Number of Beds
Controlling Authority
No. (Approximately)
Description Quantity
The proposed facility will be expanded up to Two Acres forty two decimals
land. The total cost of the project is Rs. 2.55 Crores. The following are the proposed
equipment to be installed in the plant.
A) Incineration
Dual combustion Chambered Incinerator, with MS outer shell and Internal lining
using high alumina and low silica refractory fire bricks and backed up by
insulation bricks to withstand 14000°C.
They shall be connected with fully automatic spark ignited pressure jet burners
assembly to be run using HSD/LDO with all necessary interlocks like the cut-off
Electrically operated slide gate with reverse forward moving arrangement fitted
on top of the feed hopper.
Method of feeding the waste to the primary chamber shall be mechanical and
electrically operated.
A multiple-cycle conveyor belt system to reduce the PM level of the gas coming
out of the secondary chamber.
The gases after being burnt at 1050°C shall be run into multi cyclone and a
venturi scrubber followed by a flooded scrubber with quenching arrangement. The
scrubber shall be an alkaline scrubber to neutralize the gases and ensure trapping
of any pollutants escaping into the environment also we will use Quencher, and
two Cyclonic Droplet Separators as pollution control devices. The purpose of
water quenching is to reduce the temperature of the gases which are at high
temperature and to clean the gases. And the purpose of dry pollution control
devices is to ensure that clean gases are let out into the environment. The scrubbed
water shall be collected into a sump, where the water is neutralized, and then sent
into a Biological Effluent Treatment Plan and after treatment of water from where
most effective and efficient method which is economical and also takes care of
operator‟s safety. It is also a clean process and does not produce any toxic or
contaminated residue.
C) Autoclave
The proposed autoclave is a high pressure high vacuum steam sterilizer. This
technique uses mechanical air removal with the help of vacuum pump and offers
several advantages over standard sterilization cycle such as:
Vacuum drying at the end of sterilization hold period ensures drying of the
material which has been sterilized.
Summarily, the High Pressure High Vacuum Steam Sterilization Cycle consists of
following phases, which are as follows:
b) Heat up
c) Sterilization holds
The primary purpose of autoclave is to sterilize/ disinfect the waste with steam.
D) Shredder
Shredder will be installed by the side of Autoclave for immediate shredding of
sterilized materials to complete the cycle of operation of disinfection and segregation for
reuse/recycle. The capacity of shredder will be 100 kg per hour with 7.5 HP motor.
Design basis
Chemical characteristics of Inlet and outlet of effluent is set based on the
standards. The effluent generated or treated from the premises will be following limits
Parameters Permissible Limits pH 6.5-9.0 Suspended solids 100 mg/l Oil and grease 10
mg/l BOD 30 mg/l COD 250 mg/l Bio-assay test 90% survival of fish after 96
hours in 100% effluent. Whereas treated effluent shall be recycled back to the
treatment process. Excess treated effluent shall be used for green belt development,
washing, water sprinkling and other non- portable domestic use only.
Technical Details
We, therefore propose to set up a Common Biomedical Waste Treatment
Facility in the State of Maharashtra for all the healthcare establishments on a
Develop, Build, and Own & Operate basis for a minimum period of 20 years.
The basic operation of the facility shall be as follows:
In the process of waste management the segregation of wastes is the most
important prerequisite. Segregation allows special attention to be given to the
relatively small quantities of infectious and hazardous wastes and thereby
reducing the risks as well as cost of handling and disposal. Segregation at the
point of generation itself is mandatory. All personnel generating and handling,
waste should be trained in handling different categories of waste. The segregation
and storage of sharps needs special attention because pathogens can survive for
long periods in articles such as needles due to presence of blood. Any cuts in the
skins of handlers provide a direct route for pathogens to enter the blood. In
institutions, which generate hazardous substances such as radioactive waste,
special training should be provided. Every individual in the institute should be aware
of the waste quantity generated and the type of waste generated.
Therefore, before the commencement of the facility i.e. during the construction
of site, we shall impart training to the individuals / institutions generating Bio
Medical Waste. During the course of the training we shall impart training to the
respective representatives of all the health care establishments regarding the
importance of Bio Medical Waste Management. Emphasis will be given on
segregation, chemical disinfection, sharps management, universal precautions,
special situations, collection, storage, transportation & record keeping etc. required
for an effective and efficient disposal plan. Apart, from the above we shall design
coloured posters and other IEC material and shall distribute them to all the
healthcare establishments.
This is done as segregation is the key to an effective and an efficient bio medical
waste management system.
The site will have approximately 30 people employed to carry out the
activities proposed by us. The personnel will be fully trained as regards
management of Biomedical Waste. They shall be provided with personal
protective gears and uniforms during the hours of the facilities operations i.e.
from time of collection of waste to final treatment and disposal of waste. Further,
health records of each and every employee shall be maintained at the facility and
each one of them will be immunized against Hepatitis B, C and tetanus. Identity
cards will also be issued to each and every employee attached with the facility. Fully
trained security guards will be employed for a round the clock vigil at the site. The
security will note in the register the movement of all the vehicles meant for
collection by recording their timings on incoming and outgoing. The security will also
be entrusted with the responsibility of entering the name of the visitors at the
facilities site by issuing them with visitors pass. Every person / visitor entering
During the free hours when the machineries are not in use, we shall carry out
the routine maintenance jobs of the same to ensure an uninterrupted disposal of Bio
Medical Waste. On certain o c c a s i o n s when t h e s h u t d o w n will be
planned in advance towards major overhauling of the machineries, prior
intimation will be given to the authorities. However, even during the days of shut
down we shall dispose the Bio Medical Waste by making alternate arrangements
as per the rules.
Besides, the above following important provisions will be made at the CBWTF:
Chapter - 4
Site Analysis
4.1 Connectivity
Railway: Nearby Railway Station is Gongle Phandari (0.76 Km) SW from project site.
The total project area is 1.35 acres. The land breakup is given below
(33% of 1.35 acres). The main objective of the greenbelt is to provide a barrier
between the plant and the surrounding areas.
4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non- agriculture, forest, water
bodies (including area under CRZ)) shortest distances from the periphery of
the project to periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco
sensitive areas, water bodies (distance from the HFL of the river)
Particulars (Approx. Aerial Distance from project
Reserved / Protected Forest within 1. Bhasha forest (9 Km) S
10km radius 2. Nagzira wildlife sanctuary Boundary
(1.36 Km) N
More than 75 percent of the annual rainfall occurs during monsoon in the
period from June to October. Average annual rainfall is 1015 mm
The nearest Village is Phandari, 1.75 km South East direction from the project
site. There are primary schools, dispensaries place of worship in nearby area of
project site. Most of the villages are electrified. The demand of infrastructure
(Physical & Social) in nearby area of the proposed site and will be developed under
corporate social responsibilities programs.
Chapter - 5
Planning Infrastructure
The total project area is 1.35 acres; barren land will be converted to Secured
land fill facility (SFL) with treatment and stabilization facility at CBMWTF site.
Chapter - 6
Proposed Infrastructure
Plant Layout
The employees will make their own arrangements for their housing & allied
amenities in nearby area. There is no need for any additional facilities.
Green belt will be developed along plot boundary for width of 3 to 5 meters
using varieties of plant species suitable to local environment. Nearly 33% of total
area will be secured for Green Belt Development. Species type will be selected
based on soil characteristics, and other related aspects to mitigate pollution effects
due to noise, odor, dust etc. Major advantage of green belt is development of buffer
zone and visual barrier for surrounding locality. The species selected is such way
that it can counter the effects of various pollutants released as a part of fugitive
emission as well as point sources, such as from incinerator stack. The plant species
will be as per EIA, and MoEFCC/ CPCB guidelines. The green belt is proposed to
be developed within the project area at the following places viz. along the periphery
of project boundary, roads, and around the facility site.
Railway: Nearby Railway Station is Gongle Phandari (0.76 Km) SW from project
Water requirement of approx. (10 KLD) for the project will be met through bore wells
and Dug wells and also available from Gondia Muncipal Corporation. It is Suitable for
drinking purpose also.
Solid waste generated during the biomedical waste treatment process and
wastewater treatment process is mainly ash and sludge which will be generated
depending upon the hydraulic load. Sludge will be disposed off in secured landfill.
The disinfected plastic waste shall send for recycling to registered recycler.
Chapter -7
Rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) plan
There is zero displacement in the Project area. In the proposed project site
no human habitation exists. Therefore, there is no chance of any displacement of
persons from their land and hence Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy is not
required for this project.
Chapter - 8
8.2 Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability
of the project.
Chapter - 9
The project is economically and technically viable because this project shall help
the hospital waste generators in and around the eastern District (Bhandra and
Gondia) in reducing their waste transportation cost.
Annexure - I
Land Documents