Design of Concrete Oors For Vibration: September 2019

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Design of concrete floors for vibration

Method · September 2019


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S Lakshmi Prabha
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre


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Design of concrete floors for vibration
Abstract: - It is generally perceived that vibration is not an issue for reinforced concrete floor systems. Because of the
inherent mass and stiffness of such systems, this perception is generally true. However, there can be situations where
the effects of vibration are one of the main design issues that need to be addressed. In building floors, excessive
vibrations are generally not a safety concern for building floor systems but a cause of annoyance and discomfort.
Excessive vibrations typically occur in: (a) light weight floors; (b) floor systems with low stiffness where the floor
dominant natural frequency is close to the excitation frequency; and (c) floors with low damping. While the floor mass
and stiffness are normally constant during the life of the structure and can be estimated with a high degree of accuracy,
damping is more difficult to predict because it is mostly associated with non-structural components such as partitions,
false floors, suspended ceilings and ducts as well as furniture such as filing cabinets and bookshelf’s. This paper
provides a summary of factors affecting floor vibrations, checking with the perceptive values suggested in standards
and discusses available damping systems and isolation methods which can be used to reduce vibration levels in floor
1.Introduction Table1 Recommended damping factors for various
The parameters governing the vibration response of a occupancies
floor system are its mass; modulus of elasticity;
damping; extent of cracking if any; and post-tensioning.
The floor should be designed to resist the anticipated
dynamic loads due to rhythmic activity which should be
considered as an additional imposed load case.
1.1 Mass - The mass to be used in analysis is that of the As per ATC 1999 a damping ratio of 0.02 is recommended
floor system and its superimposed load. It is expressed as for floors with few non-structural components (like
(W/g), where “W” is the weight of the objects attached to electronic offices), while a ratio of 0.05 can be used where
the floor that faithfully follow its displacement and “g” is full height partitions are present below floors.
the gravitational acceleration taken as 32.2 ft/sec (9.81 1.4 Extent of Cracking - Cracking reduces floor stiffness
m/sec2). Applied forces without mass that do not affect and, consequently, lowers its natural frequency. For
structure’s stiffness are not included in the vibration conventionally reinforced concrete it is important to allow
response of a floor. for cracking. Otherwise, the results are likely to be on the
1.2 Modulus of Elasticity - The elastic modulus for unconservative side.
vibration analysis is larger than the static values, in 2.Perception of vibration
particular when high strength concrete is used. In most cases the perceptibility is related to the response
Recommended values are 25% higher than the static acceleration of the floor system for different natural
modulus. frequencies of the floor. The common consensus among
1.3 Damping – damping is a measure of how quickly the the investigators is that humans are most sensitive to
vibration will subside and eventually stop. Damping has an vibration for frequencies between 4 to 8 Hz. Larger
inherently high variability that is difficult to determine acceleration values can be tolerated at higher or lower
before a floor system is placed in service. The frequencies.
recommended values from reference [Allen, D.E., and
Murray, T. M., 1993] vary from 2- 3% for bare concrete
floors to 5-8% with full height partitions. Damping factors
suggested in the same reference are listed below,
Vibration dose value (VDV) approach
This alternate method may prove especially beneficial in
buildings where the vibration is caused by discrete and
infrequent events, rather than continuous activity.
Self weight approach as per SCI-P354 for composite
A simplified method has been developed for simple
building layouts comprising regular grids of steel beams
supporting a concrete floor slabs.
The natural frequency may be obtained from,

3.1 Steps involved in vibration analysis

1. Calculation of floor’s peak acceleration response.
2. Calculated response acceleration is compared
Fig 1. Vibration perception scale for heal drop as per with the minimum acceptable value given by
Canadian steel code (CAN3-S16.1-M89) equation by [Allen, D.E., and Murray, T.M., 1993].
3. Calculated response acceleration for the
first natural frequency is compared/checked
against ATC chart (Threshold limit of vibration)
Finite element modelling may be used to obtain the
natural frequency, modal mass and mode shapes.
3.1.1 Determination of vibration characteristics of a floor
Determining vibration characteristics requires finding (i)
the natural frequency of a floor system and (ii) the
associated peak acceleration. Several methods are
available, including commercial programs, to determine
the natural frequency of a floor.
The parameters to use with Table 2 for the computation
of the first natural frequency of rectangular slab panels
Fig.2 Threshold of human sensitivity to vertical vibration
as applied technology council (ATC, 1999)
3.Design criteria for vibration
Response factor approach
Current standards quantify the magnitude of floor
vibrations in terms of the acceleration of the floor. The
acceptability of a floor is accessed by diving the predicted Where,
acceleration by a baseline value to obtain a response f = first natural frequency [Hz];
factor, and checking that the calculated response factor is a = span length in X-direction;
less than the appropriate multiplying factor given in the E = dynamic modulus of elasticity [1.25 static E in psi;
relevant codes and other specialist guidance. This method MPa];
assumes vibration over a 16-hour day or 8-hour night. h = slab thickness [in; mm];
Baseline acceleration is dependent on the direction of the ν = Poisson’s ratio [0.2];
g = gravitational acceleration [32.2 ft/sec 2; 9810 K = a constant, given in [Table 3];
mm/sec2]; and β = modal damping ratio [Table 2];
q = weight per unit surface area of the slab. W = weight of area of floor panel affected by the point
Alternatively, the following relationship can be used to load (heel drop); and fn = minimum frequency.
calculate the first natural frequency [Szilard, Table 2 First natural frequency constant ɸ for
1974]. First natural frequency “f” is given by rectangular slab panels of uniform thickness

For column-supported structures, a two-way action resists

the applied transverse loads, and the first
mode of vibration can be that of a one-way strip.

Where, √ D/m is given by,

Natural frequency for various reinforced concrete floors

systems have been developed using fundamental
principles of dynamics.
Natural frequency for various concrete floor system as per
“Design guide for vibration of reinforced concrete floor
systems” by Fanella and Mota in 2014.
3.1.2 Peak acceleration and acceptability of vibration
Peak acceleration is obtained from the first natural
frequency of a floor. [ATC, 1999; AISC/CISC 1997]
recommends the following relationship:
Table 3 Constant K for minimum acceptable frequency

ap = peak acceleration;
g = gravitational acceleration [32.2 ft/sec2; 9.81 m/sec2];
Po = constant force representing the walking force;
β = modal damping ratio, recommended in Table 1;
4.Methods of reducing excessive floor vibration
W = effective weight of the panel and the superimposed
Excessive vibration can occur in slab systems with low
dead load; and
stiffness or a low damping ratio. Increasing the stiffness of
fn = first natural frequency.
the slab is one method which can be used to reduce
excessive floor vibration. In some cases, this is, however
not possible because the additional mass of the structure,
therefore it will indirectly increase the overall mass of the
structure, therefore it will increase the stress of the
structural elements. A concrete structural system is
typically more economical when meeting a given vibration
criteria. In addition, concrete systems have greater
internal damping when compared with steel systems. Damping using visco-elastic materials: Visco-elastic
Damping is extremely beneficial for reducing a floor materials (VEM) offer the advantage of reducing
systems vibration response- it not only reduces the vibrations over a broader range of frequencies compared
vibration velocity but also the length of time the floor with TMDs. However, similar to TMDs, visco-elastic
system vibrates. Other methods are using passive (Tuned damping works optimally only for a specific mode of
mass dampers), active and semi-active dampers and vibration. Nevertheless, use of VEMs is a cheap method of
foundation vibration isolation. increasing the damping if incorporated during
4.1 Dampers construction.
4.1.1 Passive dampers 4.1.2 Active controlled dampers
Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) and viscoelastic materials The active device is compact and can be installed with
represent typical passive dampers. Floors with annoying relative speed and ease in the ceiling cavity available in
vibration characteristics became entirely satisfactory by most commercial buildings. An actively controlled mass
tuning the TMDs to a natural frequency of about 1.0 Hz provides a larger degree of control compared with a
less than that of the floor and using a damping ratio of passive device with an equivalent reactive mass. The
7.5% (Setareh 2006). active system is also less disruptive to the building
Generally, a modern TMD consists of a mass, spring, and function than most other repair measures.
dashpot and is typically tuned such that when large levels 4.1.3 Semi-active control dampers
of motion occur, the TMD counteracts the movements of The term semi-active describes a system that consists of a
the structural system. variable actuator that requires very little power to
operate. The power required for the semi-active dampers
(SADs) is that necessary to modulate the valve position
and is typically many orders of magnitude less than that
required to achieve a similar performance by fully active
dampers (FADs).
As a form of passive damper, visco-elastic materials can
be very effective because they can cover a wider range of
frequencies compared to TMDs. However, such materials
must be incorporated during construction and the floor
The terms M1, K1, C1, Y1 represent the mass, stiffness,
must be designed to account for the reduced composite
damping and displacement of the TMD, while M2, K2, C2,
action between the slab and beams. Semi-active tuned
Y2 represent the mass, stiffness, damping and
mass dampers can be more effective than TMDs but an
displacement of the floor and F2(t) represents the
actuator requires power to modulate the fluid flow
excitation force. As the two systems move relative to each
through the valves. Fully active dampers offer greater
other, the passive damper is stretched and compressed,
flexibility and can be more efficient than the passive and
reducing the vibrations of the structure by increasing its
semi active tuned mass dampers, but they require
effective damping. TMD systems are typically effective
significantly higher initial cost and ongoing maintenance
over a narrow frequency band and must be tuned to a
of their associated electronic and power systems.
particular natural frequency. They are not effective if the
4.2 Foundation vibration isolation methods
structure has several closely spaced natural frequencies
Foundation vibration isolation include inner balancing in
and sometimes they increase the vibration if they are off-
machines, isolation by location, stabilization of soils, use
tuned (Webster & Vaicaitis 1992). The natural frequency
of structural measures and seismic mountings.
fn of a TMD and floor can be obtained from Equation:
4.2.1 Inner balancing in machines
ωn = 2πfn =√(k/m) Counter Balancing
where k = stiffness and m = mass. The optimum damping
A pre-requisite for smooth running of machine is to
ratio (ζopt) of the vibration absorber (TMD) corresponds
minimize eccentricities. With substantial eccentricities,
the resulting centrifugal forces may cause harmful 4.2.2 Isolation by Location
vibrations in the machines and their By proper location of vibration causing machinery,
foundations. The aim of balancing is to minimize the effective isolation can be obtained. Following are
eccentricity of the centre of gravity of rotating parts. various method of isolation by location. Rotary Balancing Remote location
Unsatisfactory rotary balance may occur when axis of If the specific area is to be protected from vibration and if
rotation does not coincide with its main axis of vibration source is known, then consideration
inertia. This results in generation of unbalanced could be given to reducing vibration level in the area to be
centrifugal forces and deviation moments. protected, by positioning the two locations sufficiently Single-plane (Static) Balancing apart. This technique relies upon the natural decay or
Balancing achieved by means of counter-force is called attenuation of vibration amplitude with distance. The
static balancing. If the axial dimension of the rotating part amplitude of particular interest is that of surface Rayleigh
is considerably smaller than its diameter, a satisfactory wave which contains the major part of wave energy.
result can be achieved, even with high operating speed, Geologic formation
by static balancing alone. Static imbalance can be It is possible to select a site for sensitive structure or
corrected by removing mass at the angular position of the instruments by taking advantage of basic geological
heavy spot or by adding mass opposite to its position. formations. Foundations on sound, deep-seated bedrock Two-plane (Dynamic) Balancing will experience smaller vibration amplitudes than
Balancing achieved by means of counter-moment is foundations on weathered materials or soils subjected to
referred to as dynamic balancing. When axial dimension same excitation.
of a rotor is not small in comparison to its diameter, the Layout of machine and equipment
rotor could be considered to be made up of large number This involves consideration of relative locations of the
of discs side by side each having its own static imbalance. sources and receivers of the vibrations in the building as a
In this, imbalance can be corrected by adding masses in whole. Favourable location for the vibration sources,
two planes, details of which can be found out by principles particularly large machines, is at the basement or the
of mechanics. ground level, because the structural response increases Reciprocating Balancing with the height of vibration source above the ground. A
Here, unbalanced inertial forces can be resolved into two major consideration is the need to avoid magnification of
components, one in direction of piston motion amplitudes by resonance. The need to locate the vibration
and the other perpendicular to the piston motion. There sources where they will cause minimal structural response
are two methods of inner balancing in reciprocating must be considered in conjunction with the desire to have
machines. them remote from vibration sensitive areas.
1. It is possible to counter-balance completely a 4.2.3 Stabilization of Soils
component in the direction perpendicular to the piston If foundation rests on sandy soil, in order to decrease
motion and partly a component in the direction of piston vibrations, chemical or cement stabilization of soil under
motion. the foundation may be used. Such soil stabilization will
2. The dimensions of counter weights and their distances result in an increase in the rigidity of base and
form axis of rotation may be selected to counter-balance consequently, in an increase in the natural frequency of
completely the first harmonic of the component exciting the foundation. So, this method is very much effective
forces in the direction of piston motion. Then the when natural frequency of foundation on known
component in the perpendicular direction will increase. stabilized soil is higher than the operational frequency of
Usually, the first method is employed for the counter- the engine, which usually is the case. An increase in
balancing of the engines, because the stress in the engine rigidity will increase still further the difference between
itself is smaller than those occurring when the other frequency of natural vibrations and frequency of the
method is used. Another advantage of the first method is engine; consequently, amplitude of foundation vibration
that it requires smaller counterweights. will decrease.
When foundation resting on natural soil has natural
frequency smaller than the operational frequency of
engine, soil stabilization may cause an increase in the 4.2.5 Seismic Mountings
amplitude of vibrations. This may be undesirable if the soil Seismic mountings are in the form of auxiliary spring-
is stabilized to such a degree that frequency of natural mass-dashpot systems and act as vibration absorbers
vibration of foundation merely approaches the reducing transmissibility either to the foundation of the
operational frequency. But, if a soil is thoroughly stabilized machinery or to sensitive equipment.
and natural frequency of foundation becomes much The ratio of force transmitted to the foundation through
higher than the operational frequency of the engine, then absorbers to the vibratory force developed by foundation
such soil stabilization results in considerable decrease in is known as transmissibility ratio (Tr). When frequency
amplitude of vibrations. ratio (r) varies from 0 to 2, greater the amount of
The character of vibrations determines the limits of damping, lesser is Tr, which is always greater than unity.
stabilized zones of soil and their shapes. For example, for When frequency ratio (r) varies from 2 to infinity, greater
a foundation subjected mainly to rocking vibrations about the amount of damping, greater is Tr, which is always less
an axis passing through the centroid of the base contact than unity. Therefore, damping is favourable in the first
area, only a portion of the soil near the edges of range and unfavourable in the second range. In order to
foundation needs to be have low value of Tr, the operating range is generally kept
stabilized and it is not necessary to stabilize the soil under far away in the second range. Under these circumstances,
the entire foundation. zero damping is ideally suitable, as this will give extremely
4.2.4 Structural measures low value of Tr.
Structural measures are applied with the purpose of Since, the system has to pass through the resonance zone
changing natural frequencies of foundation in such a way (0.5 < r < 2.0) in reaching the operating point
as to achieve the largest possible difference between and zero damping will cause high Tr, though for a small
them and operational frequency of the engine. Isolation moment, therefore, some amount of damping has to be
can be achieved by increasing base area or mass of the introduced into the system at the cost of higher Tr at the
foundation, by attaching a slab to the foundation, and by operating point. Hence for effective
using auxiliary spring-mass system. isolation, natural frequency of isolated system should be
For under-tuned foundation whose natural frequency is as low as possible in relation to the forcing frequency. For
lower than the operating frequency, it is better to systems operating in first range at very low value of
decrease still more the natural frequency by increasing frequency ratio, higher damping will give lesser
the foundation mass without enlarging its area of contact. transmissibility, but it is always greater than unity.
If the operating frequency of the machine is less than the Therefore, it is not desirable. It is recommended that the
natural frequency of foundation, as in case of frequency ratio should be at least equal to two in all cases
reciprocating engine, structural measures are directed of vibration isolation.
towards increasing the natural frequencies of foundation. Absorber for machines can be in the form of a single coil
This can be achieved by increasing foundation contact spring, which fits into the adjusting slab. For reciprocating
area and its moment of inertia, as well as by increasing the engines of medium and high capacities, absorbers
rigidity of its base by means of piles. A slab resting on soil, containing several springs are used. Rubber absorbers
attached to foundation can be used to decrease the may also be employed for light engines and devices.
amplitude of rocking and horizontal vibrations. If a Depending upon the balance of the engine and its
vibrating foundation lies close to another foundation, it operational requirements, supporting and suspension
may be helpful to connect the two foundations so as to type springs may be used for vibration isolation of
increase the rigidity as a whole. The use of auxiliary spring foundations.
mass system attached to the main system to dampen its 4.2.6 Isolation by Barriers
vibrations may be limited due to unhealthy vibrations that Most of the vibratory energy affecting structures is carried
may be occurring in the auxiliary system itself. The use of by surface (Rayleigh) wave that propagates in the zone
structural measures requires long interruption in close to the ground surface. It is possible to reduce ground
operation of engines and considerable expense of funds vibrations significantly by placing a suitable wave barrier
and material. in the ground before the structure. Open trenches, in-
filled (concrete or bentonite) trenches, sheet pile walls,
concrete core walls or even row of piles can be effective References
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