Mint Delhi 10.08.2020 PDF
Mint Delhi 10.08.2020 PDF
Mint Delhi 10.08.2020 PDF
mint primer
The repo rate cut For safe
cycles help PSBs landings
shore up capital It will take some time to pin-
point the cause of Saturday’s
crash landing at Kozhikode air-
BY VIVEK KAUL port by an Air India Express air-
craft. Its black boxes have been
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday decided to keep the
repo rate or the interest rate at which it lends to banks, at 4%. In his recovered and will aid an inves-
new book, former RBI deputy governor Viral Acharya explains why tigation that might look into
the government loves the cycle of repo rate cuts. Mint takes a look. such questions as whether its
pilot was misled on wind speed
Spillover effect under poor visibility. Planes
In June 2020, inflation, as measured by the consumer price index stood at 6.1%, must ideally land into the wind,
while the repo rate is at 4%. The fixed deposit (FD) interest rate is between and a miscalculation could
5%-6%, which means that people are losing money by investing in FDs. result in the kind of faulty
Inflation as measured by the consumer price index (in %) touchdown and runway over-
shoot that appears to have hap-
pened in this case. Given the
6 heavy rain, aquaplaning may
5.1 have played a role in the disas-
ter too. Various other theories
abound. Whatever caused the
3 crash, it’s a wake-up call for us
2 to review the safety of our short
tabletop runways. It’s not just
Jan 2018 Jun 2020 Kozhikode, several other air-
Source: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy ports have these as well.
Since fly-by-wire technolo-
What does Acharya What is the problem gies and air traffic control sys-
1 say in his book?
Viral Acharya writes in Quest for
2 with repo rate cuts?
The government is trying “to keep
tems are evidently still not up to
scratch, perhaps it’s time to
Restoring Financial Stability in the budgetary allocation for public either extend these runways or
India: “Rate cuts are preferred … sector banks’ capital needs low”. tighten the conditions under
whereas rate hikes are particularly Repo rate cuts help in doing that. which landings are given the
disliked.” Now, this is primarily When the repo rate is cut, the go-ahead. Mangalore airport
because the government is a major value of the government bonds has had a similar accident in the
owner of the public sector banks held by the state-owned banks
past but, sadly, our safety levels
(PSBs). These banks, in particular, goes up. This is because when
have been in a mess for the last 10 interest rates go down, bond prices don’t seem to have improved
years. As a result, they have go up and vice versa. When bond much since then. If flying pro-
accumulated a huge amount of bad prices go up, the PSBs end up tocols need revision, so be it.
loans, or loans that have not been making profits. This profit is Indian aviation deserves better.
repaid for 90 days or more. recognized almost immediately,
Due to loan defaults, the and helps shore up the capital base
government, as the owner of these of these state-led lenders. Also, the
banks, needs to constantly government does not have to dip
recapitalize them or keep
investing more money in them, to
into its budgetary revenues to
shore up the capital of public
keep them going. sector lenders. by Bibek Debroy
witter Inc. has held early talks the front-runner for any possible deal,
about a potential combination according to the people. Microsoft CEO
with TikTok, the Chinese-owned Satya Nadella spoke with President
video-sharing app that the Trump Donald Trump about the matter a week
administration has declared a national- ago. Twitter’s market capitalization is
security threat, Dow Jones reported, cit- Twitter would almost certainly need about $29 billion, smaller than Micro-
ing people familiar with the matter. help from other investors if it does soft’s at more than $1.6 trillion. Twitter
It’s unclear whether Twitter will pur- buy TikTok. would almost certainly need help from
sue a deal, which would involve Tik- other investors if it does buy TikTok,
Tok’s US operations, the people said. pany has reasoned it probably wouldn’t Dow Jones said, though it counts pri-
Because Twitter is much smaller, the face the same level of antitrust scrutiny vate-equity firm Silver Lake among its
San Francisco-based social media com- as Microsoft Corp. or other potential investors.
N E W m
Mint Lite
A daily wrap of news and views, opinions and talking points to start your day
NEW ZEALAND on Sunday marked 100 days since it stopped the spread of covid-19 with a strict lockdown, a rare bright
spot in a world that continues to be ravaged by the virus. For the past three months, the only new cases in the country of 5
million have been a handful of returning travellers. Brazil, which has not imposed many restrictions, crossed a grim mile-
stone: 100,000 deaths, five months after the first reported covid-19 case. The country of 210 million people has been report-
ing an average of more than 1,000 daily deaths since late May. For more national and world news, here’s Mint Lite.
ith inflation forc- martphone makers in GROUP’S OFFICE IN BENGALURU
ing the Reserve
Bank of India
GROWTH CONCERNS India’s second tabletop plane crash in a decade has drawn the
attention of authorities to these short runways. PTI
India are seeing rising
interest from global firms
ICICI Bank has taken possession of Mantri
Economic indicators such as factory output and purchasing managers’ index House, the corporate office of Mantri
(RBI) to hold off for partnerships to produce Developers that has a built-up area of
(PMI) for manufacturing show recovery is fragile and could be prolonged.
on further easing
of monetary policy, the pressure is
now on the Union government to
Manufacturing PMI Railway freight GST e-way bills
Crash puts spotlight phones and key components in
India, said two senior industry
30,268 sq. ft, on Bengaluru’s Vittal Mallya
Road, under the Sarfaesi Act following
non-payment of dues, it said in an ad. >P3
(in million tonnes) (in million)
support an economic recovery amid
the world’s fastest rise in coronavirus
48.3 on tabletop airports This comes amid border ten-
sions between India and China,
and the Modi administration’s HNI HOLDINGS IN NIFTY 500 RISE
The government is discussing 46 90
95.2 call for self-reliance in the pro- TO A 10-QUARTER HIGH IN Q1
measures to be implemented but is Rhik Kundu Landing aircraft on tabletop duction of mobile phones and
35 80
20 Holdings of high net-worth individuals (HNIs)
waiting for more signals about the [email protected] runways, which are located on electronic parts. The govern-
70 in 479 firms in the Nifty 500 index climbed to
direction the economy is taking, NEW DELHI top of a hill or a plateau with ment announced in June a pro- at least a 10-quarter high in April-June. By
according to five people who are 25 60 0 deep gorges running down duction-linked incentive (PLI)
March July March July March July value, HNI holdings in these firms was 1.69%,
aware of these discussions. ost civilian plane their sides, is a stiff ask in poor scheme for firms to promote or ₹2.20 trillion, in the quarter, up from 1.68%,
GROWTH PATTERN Year-on-year change (in %)
“Presentations are being readied crashes are followed weather conditions. electronics manufacturing. or ₹1.76 trillion, in the previous quarter. >P7
with suggestions and recommenda- IIP Core sector Exports by speculation over The slightest lapse in such “We are looking at a very big
March April May June March April May June March April May June
tions from ministries for the Prime NA
whether they were caused by conditions can lead to fatal opportunity, and we’re already
Minister to consider,” said a senior -18.3
-22 -15 -12.4 human error or a technical crashes, three senior pilots said. in talks with large global players ARAMCO IS STILL WORKING ON
member of Modi’s council of minis- -34.7 -37 -34.6 -36.5 defect. With Friday’s crash at “If visibility is poor and there for servicing not only the DEAL TO INVEST $15 BN IN RIL
ters, one of the five cited above. -55.5 Kozhikode airport, there’s an are tailwinds, landing on a tab- domestic markets but also
-60.3 Saudi Aramco said it’s still working on a deal
The Indian economy is struggling added complication: tabletop letop airport becomes a chal- export markets,” said Atul Lall, to buy a $15 billion stake in RIL’s oil-to-
IIP: Index of Industrial Production Source: IHS Markit India, MOSPI, Railways, GSTN
to recover since the government runways. lenge,” a pilot with national car- CEO of Dixon Technologies. chemicals business. “The work is still on. We
imposed a stringent lockdown in India’s second tabletop plane rier Air India Ltd said, seeking Dixon Technologies also will update our shareholders in due course
March. While the shutdown brought growth figures—to be released end of structure projects, more economic crash in a decade has drawn the anonymity. owns Padget Electronics— about the Reliance deal,” said Aramco chief
most industries to almost a standstill August. The focus will be on migrant reforms and a goods and services tax focus of authorities on these The human at the centre of among domestic manufactur- executive officer Amin Nasser. >P7
and depressed demand, it has failed workers and urban joblessness. Under (GST) rate cut if the other steps fail to short runways that can chal- Friday’s crash of the Boeing ers that have applied for the
to slow the spread of the coronavirus Atmanirbhar Bharat, more policy revive consumption. lenge the best of pilots when 737, was Deepak Vasant Sathe, ₹41,000 crore PLI that aims to
with the number of infections cross- reforms may be announced such as Business leaders said they are the weather’s bad. the flight captain and a former make India a global manufac- PHARMA SALES RECOVER AT
ing the 2.2 million mark. With the production-linked incentive schemes worried about movement restric- An Air India Express flight Air Force pilot described by turing hub for smartphones. MUTED PACE; GROW 0.2% IN JULY
gross domestic product (GDP) set to for more consumer goods sectors,” a tions imposed by local authorities, crashed after overshooting the aviation minister Hardeep Puri The country is currently the
Medicine sales in India were almost flat in July
contract by the most since Inde- government official said seeking ano- an issue that was also cited by RBI runway at Kozhikode airport in world’s second-largest smart- on a year-on-year basis as they were up 0.2%
pendence, the government is ready- nymity. last week as a reason for several high- Kerala on Friday night, killing TURN TO PAGE 6 phone market, with 152.5 mil- to ₹12,124 crore, with cardiac care and anti-
ing urgent steps to stimulate the Businesses are pinning hopes on frequency economic indicators lev- 18 people and injuring scores. A lion units shipped in 2019, diabetic drugs posting healthy growth, albeit at
economy. more demand-boosting measures elling off. very similar accident at the Boeing’s technical team
according to IDC. a slower pace compared to June, showed data
“The next stimulus will be timed from the government, including Mangalore tabletop airport in from market researcher AIOCD-AWACS. >P5
to examine debris >P6
after examining the June quarter GDP ramping up the execution of infra- TURN TO PAGE 7 2010 killed 158 people. TURN TO PAGE 7
Discretionary spending expectations
Employment expectations
Future expectations
(right-hand scale)
of 101 defence items may be relaxed offer price, valuation
50 140 Elizabeth Roche Prashant K. Nanda Jayshree P Upadhyay
ered. The parliamentary stand-
120 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
ing committee on labour, too,
100 NEW DELHI NEW DELHI has suggested that it be lowered MUMBAI
80 and made part of the social
60 ndia on Sunday said it will he government is consid- security code,” one of the two BB Power Products and
-10 40 halt the imports of 101 items ering easing the mini- government officials cited Systems India Ltd’s plan
-20 20 used by its armed forces mum eligibility condition above said, seeking anonymity. to buyback shares
-30 0 over four years to provide a for gratuity payments to Labour market experts said worth ₹917 crore through an
Jun 2018 Jul 2020 push to indigenous manu- employees from five years of the five-year threshold is out- open offer has attracted the
Source: CMIE
facturing of military hardware. continuous employment as dated and no longer serves the scrutiny of the markets regula-
The defence ministry will shorter tenures are increasingly interest of employees. Trade tor after complaints by a sec-
he demand collapse that pickup. The boost from new Defence Production and TURN TO PAGE 7 the table; it is likely to be low- TURN TO PAGE 7 There are, however, multi- TURN TO PAGE 7
the coronavirus pan- pent-up demand has already
demic brought on has happened,” said D.K. Joshi,
pulled down both business chief economist at Crisil Ltd.
and consumer sentiment. He added that it would take a
Cooped up in their homes and long time for demand to reach
unable to spend, it was pre-pandemic levels.
expected that Indians Note that the consumption Chinese brands hold Contribution Bharat to get ₹10 LED bulbs
wouldn’t be upbeat about any- growth that has been fuelling
to NPS slows
thing. It is not surprising that a the economy over the past few
survey of the Reserve Bank of years was largely led by discre-
India (RBI) found consumer tionary spending. If consum-
back spending on ads down in Q1
Utpal Bhaskar
[email protected]
Under UJALA, the world’s
largest domestic lighting pro-
sentiment at its historic low in ers stick to their pandemic NEW DELHI gramme by EESL, India earlier
July. But what is unusual is the purchase pattern of just essen- Saumya Tewari Anirudh Laskar reduced LED bulb prices to ₹70
optimism the future expecta- tials, demand is going to be [email protected] [email protected] illions of households from around ₹310 in 2014.
tions index showed. This index only a fraction of what it was NEW DELHI MUMBAI in India’s countryside EESL is now finalizing a new
rose to 105.8 in before the pan- will get energy-saving scheme called Gram UJALA,
B E H I N D demic.
the July round of hinese brands across gainst the backdrop of LED bulbs at a mere ₹10 each, a which will be registered under
the survey, from
m T H E N E W S Saugata Bhat- categories are holding widespread job losses seventh of the market price and the United Nations’ Clean
97.9 in the pre- tacharya, chief back on advertising and economic distress, the lowest in the world, thanks Development Mechanism
vious one, a sizeable jump. economist at Axis Bank Ltd, spending in India, especially on the number of private sector to an ambitious scheme by the In the first phase of the new (CDM), which will enable it to
But Indian businessmen believes that demand may not traditional media platforms firms contributing to the state-run Energy Efficiency scheme, 10 mn LED bulbs will claim carbon credits. EESL
and even policymakers need reach pre-pandemic levels such as television and print, National Pension System (NPS) Services Ltd (EESL). be offered.PRIYANKA PARASHAR/MINT expects the carbon credit reve-
to be very careful and take this until the fag end of FY22. media buyers said. grew at a slower pace in the The scheme, which does not nues to fetch ₹60 per LED bulb,
uptick with a huge dollop of Among discretionary The advertising go-slow The advertising go-slow comes June quarter than a year before, involve any government sup- project comes as a boost for with the balance ₹10 to be paid
salt. One has to only dig into spends, services such as travel comes after smartphone brand after Vivo pulled out of IPL 2020 even as withdrawals rose. port or subsidy, aims to provide India’s climate change strategy by the rural consumer.
the RBI survey to find that the and hospitality formed a sig- Vivo’s exit from Indian Premier as title sponsor. GETTY IMAGES According to HDFC Pension 600 million made-in-India under the proposed Gram “We realised that a rural con-
signs of demand uptick are nificant portion. These are the League (IPL) 2020 as the tour- Management Co., one of the LED bulbs in villages, a top UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Afford-
fragile. worst-affected sectors and are nament’s title sponsor owing to spent around ₹1,500 crore on largest fund managers of NPS EESL executive said. The able Lighting for All) scheme. TURN TO PAGE 11
The survey shows that con- expected to remain moribund. growing anti-China sentiment. advertising in 2019. by assets under management,
sumers don’t expect an Joshi at Crisil points out that According to media buyers, Dinesh Rathod, chief execu- the number of companies con- For short takes on the news Listen to Mint Evening
increase in their discretionary even in countries where the smartphone firms Vivo, Oppo, tive at media agency Madison tributing to NPS rose 8.24% to before you start your day, Market Wrap for Nasrin
spending for the next year. lockdowns have lifted entirely, Realme and Xiaomi have cut Media Omega, said Chinese 497,000 during the quarter, follow our daily podcast Mint Sultana’s detailed analysis of
Analysts have already begun people are reluctant to spend down on the number of ad spot brands were active spenders against a 11.86% growth seen a Lite Morning Shot with the day’s news from Dalal
Shalini Umachandran on Street and other markets on
discounting upticks where purchases on television and
demand is concerned. “I don’t TURN TO PAGE 7 print. These firms together TURN TO PAGE 7 TURN TO PAGE 5
02 MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 2020
A shramik special train from Patiala carries migrant workers back to Bihar during the covid-induced lockdown. By driving hordes of migrant workers to their native states, the lockdown may have put the spotlight on regional inequalities. BHARAT BHUSHAN/HT
Pramit Bhattacharya be responsible for accentuat- that its vast population Just five states account for almost half Countries with per capita GDP comparable
ing the divergence across requires, though it counts of India's GDP to Indian states
MUMBAI/NEW DELHI states in recent years. How- among the five largest state % share in India's GDP in 2018-19 Per capita GSDP in current $ (2018-19)
ever, even if one considers the economies because of its sheer
striking feature of period up to 2013-14 and uses size. India’s most populous
India’s growth the old GDP series, the story state accounts for 15% of the Jammu and
boom since the remains one of divergence country’s working-age popu- Kashmir*
1980s has been rather than convergence. lation, but accounts for just 9% Haryana
the concentration The regional skew poses a of salaried jobs and barely 7% Himachal Egypt
Pradesh Arunachal Sri Lanka
of economic activity in a hand- big challenge for the country. of factory jobs. Punjab Pradesh Laos
Delhi Uttarakhand Morocco
ful of states. Roughly half of However, it also presents an By driving hordes of Iraq
India’s gross domestic product opportunity. If this divergence migrant workers to their states Uttar Pradesh
Sikkim Ghana
(GDP) came from just five can be reversed and the natu- of origin, the pandemic-in- 8.8
states then, as it does now. ral “catch-up” process is duced lockdown may have put Gujarat
Rajasthan Assam Nagaland
Uzbekistan Nepal Myanmar
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, allowed to play out, that alone the spotlight on regional ine- 7.9 Bihar Liberia Myanmar Bangladesh
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and will provide a big thrust to qualities. However, the Manipur
Jharkhand Tanzania
Gujarat accounted for 47% of India’s next growth surge. regional skew has been a long- Morocco
Madhya Pradesh Myanmar Uzbekistan
the country’s output in That growth surge will also be running feature of India’s Tripura Mizoram Nigeria
2018-19. The same set of states more evenly balanced than the development journey. Chhattisgarh Cambodia Kenya
accounted for roughly the previous one. Economists have argued West Bengal
Odisha Cambodia
same share of India’s output Consider India’s growth that in the absence of state Vietnam
nearly four decades ago, in journey over the 1980-2014 interventions to facilitate Maharashtra
Less than 1
1980-81 (see chart 1). period. States such as Delhi, investments, capital tends to Telangana 1-3 Morocco
India’s big five state econo- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Hary- move towards already devel- 3-5
5-7 Less than $1,000
mies may be similar in size, but ana and Tamil Nadu were the oped regions. This partly Goa Andhra 7-9
Peru Laos $1,000-2,000
they are not all at the same main engines of growth, while explains why states such as Pradesh More than 9
Karnataka $2,000-3,000
stage of development once we Bihar, Odisha and Uttar Pra- Maharashtra, Gujarat, and
8.1 Philippines $3,000-4,000
consider their per capita desh lagged (see chart 3). Tamil Nadu have outper- *The map considers all states as they existed in
fiscal 2019, the latest year for which GSDP figures More than $5,000
incomes. Maharashtra is as If all Indian states had formed other states since the Egypt
Tamil Nadu are available, and hence does not consider the
affluent as Vietnam, while grown at the same rate since 1980s. Kerala 8.6 Union territories created out of the erstwhile GDP per capita of each state has been converted to
Uttar Pradesh is comparable to 1980 as the five fastest-grow- “Private corporate invest- state of Jammu and Kashmir in fiscal 2020. dollars using the average rupee-dollar rate during 2018-19.
Nepal. The gap in per capita ing states (7.2%), India’s GDP ment is potentially highly
incomes between the richest per capita would have been mobile across states and is, Chart 3
and the poorest states has close to $1,900 by 2014, 1.4 therefore, likely to flow to Among major Indian states, Bihar, Odisha and UP have grown the least since 1980
grown over the times higher than states that have a skilled labour GSDP ( billion) % share in India's GDP Average annual growth in GSDP
past few decades. If laggard states the actual $1,347. force with a good ‘work cul- between 1980-81 and 2013-14
in 2013-14 in 1980-81 in 2013-14 in 1980-81
As these pages are to catch up, India would have ture’, good infrastructure...
have pointed out surpassed Viet- and good governance gener- Delhi 3,911 32 3.7 2.3 7.6
they will need
earlier, at the nam, which had a ally,” wrote former Planning Gujarat 7,656 88 7.3 6.4 7.1
bigger Maharashtra 15,101 188 14.4 13.7
beginning of the per capita income Commission chief Montek S. 6.9
millennium, the
investments in Haryana 3,889 39 3.7 2.9 6.8 The top 15 states by
of $1,887 at the Ahluwalia in a 2000 Economic
per capita physical & social time (see chart 4). and Political Weekly article on Tamil Nadu 8,542 103 8.2 7.5 6.6 GSDP (current prices)
have been considered
income of the five infrastructure A more broad- the wide variation in growth Rajasthan 5,176 62 4.9 4.5 6.6 here. Growth
richest states was based growth performance of states. What Karnataka 6,146 76 5.9 5.5 6.3 calculations are based
on constant price
Andhra Pradesh 8,548 96 8.2 7.0 6.1
145% higher than process would Alhuwalia wrote then remains figures (2004-05
West Bengal 7,066 119 6.7 8.7 5.8 series). Newly created
that of the bottom five states. also have generated jobs true even today. states—Telangana,
Kerala 3,963 60 3.8 4.4 5.7
That difference rose to 289% where they are needed the If laggard states are to catch 6,204 101
Madhya Pradesh 5.9 7.4 5.5 Jharkhand, and
in 2010-11 and further to 322% most. A majority of India’s fac- up with richer ones, they will 3,176 54 3 Uttarakhand—were
Punjab 3.9 5.3 merged with their
in 2018-19. India looks like a tory jobs are clustered in Tamil need bigger investments in Uttar Pradesh 9,856 188 9.4 13.8 5.1 parent states for
continent of diverse countries Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, both physical and social infra- Bihar 5,164 99 4.9 7.3 5.1
this chart.
once we map the per capita Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka, structure. Faster growth for Odisha 2,730 48 2.6 3.5 4.9
income of each state to the according to the Annual Sur- the poorer states would give a
closest comparable country vey of Industries (ASI) data for fillip to the country’s overall Chart 4 Chart 5
(see chart 2). 2017-18. The five states also growth rates even while bring- If poorer states had grown faster, The big five state economies account for roughly half of factory
Conventional economic account for a little less than ing down inequality. Such an India would have been far richer jobs and salaried jobs
theory suggests that poorer half of all salaried jobs in India, inclusive growth process GDP per capita in 2013-14 (current $) % share of factory jobs in India (2017-18) % share of salaried jobs in India (2018-19)
states should have grown the latest Periodic Labour would also help prevent 0-0.5
faster during India’s growth Force Survey (PLFS) data for India’s economic fault lines Pakistan 1,209 0.5-1
boom since the 1980s. Return 2018-19 shows (see charts 5a from turning into deep politi- 1.1-5
India (actual) 1,347 Uttar Pradesh 5.1-10
to investments tend to be and 5b). cal chasms. Gujarat 6.9 more than 10 Uttar Pradesh The share of each
9 state in total
higher in poorer regions. The concentration of eco- This is the concluding part of Zimbabwe 1,430 11.7 salaried jobs
Economists call this process nomic activity and jobs in a few a four-part data journalism created in India is
calculated based
“convergence” or the states has meant that the most series on India’s growth chal- South Sudan 1,779 on estimates of
worker population
“catch-up effect”. Even as populous states of the country lenge. The first part examined Laos 1,826 ratio, distribution
India managed to catch up to are job-deficit regions. Bihar, how three decades of rapid Gujarat of workers (casual
or regular salaried)
some extent with the rest of for instance, accounts for 7% of growth have transformed the Vietnam 1,887 7.2 and state
the world, poorer states within the working-age population in country , the second part had population
India (projected)* 1,906 Maharashtra
estimates. The
India have failed to play the country (aged 15-59 years, looked at India’s growth meas- Maharashtra state population
12.9 12.7 estimates for 2018
catch-up. according to the last census). urement challenge, and the Philippines 2,871 have been derived
The changes in the way However, it accounts for less third part had examined what Tamil Nadu Karnataka
Tamil Nadu using 2001 and 2011
Karnataka 16.2 10 census data.
gross state domestic product than 3% of salaried jobs and India can learn from Asia’s *Projected per capita income if all states had grown at the same rate as the 6.8 6.2
top five (7.2% per annum) over the 1980-2014 period. Only countries with
(GSDP) figures are being cal- barely 1% of factory jobs. growth miracles. per capita incomes similar to India have been shown in this chart.
Source: CMIE, ASI, World Bank, Bloomberg, PLFS (2018-19), census, Mint calculations
culated since the change in Even Uttar Pradesh does not [email protected]
First published in February 2007 to serve as an unbiased and clear-minded chronicler of the Indian Dream.
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Rajnath says PM to present outline
for self-reliant India on 15 August
Hinduja Leyland Finance ICICI Bank
takes possession
of Mantri’s
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will present a new
outline for a self-reliant India in his address to the nation from the
ramparts of the Red Fort on 15 August, Defence Minister Rajnath
Singh said on Sunday. Speaking at an event, Singh also referred
in talks to raise $100 mn corporate office
to the defence ministry’s decision to ban import of 101 military Madhurima Nandy
weapons and platforms and said “big and tough” decisions are [email protected]
being taken in sync with the prime minister’s vision for a self reli- The fundraise will see the financer divest anywhere between 15% and 20% stake BENGALURU
ant India. PTI
CICI Bank has taken posses-
Deborshi Chaki sion of the corporate office of
ONGC cuts debt, but planned [email protected] Mantri Developers in Benga-
luru’s Vittal Mallya Road, fol-
expenditure remains challenge MUMBAI
lowing non-payment of dues.
induja Leyland The bank has taken posses-
Finance Ltd (HLFL), Harley sion of Mantri House, spread
the captive financing cheapest bike
across 30,268 sq. ft of built-up
arm of commercial in India gets area under the Securitisation
vehicle maker Ashok massive price and Reconstruction of Finan-
Leyland, is in talks with potential cut cial Assets and Enforcement of
investors to raise up to $100 million Security Interest (SARFESI)
in primary equity, two people Act, it said in a newspaper
aware of the development said, advertisement on Saturday.
requesting anonymity. In a similar move last month,
HLFL has appointed EY as sell- private sector lender Yes Bank
side advisors for the transaction, Ltd took possession of Reliance
New Delhi: State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation which will see it divesting between Centre, the headquarter of Anil
(ONGC) has cut its debt by more than one-third but faces an 15% and 20% stake to an incoming Dhirubhai Ambani Group in
uphill challenge to meeting planned expenditure during investor, said the people cited Mumbai, under the SARFESI
current fiscal due to oil and gas prices falling below sub-op- above. Act, after the group failed to
timal levels, according to company officials and regulatory “The transaction is currently at repay dues of ₹2,892 crore.
filings. ONGC’s outstanding debt of ₹21,593 crore as on 31 an early stage and discussions are ICICI Bank had issued a
March, 2019, has come down to ₹13,949 crore as on 31 underway with several potential demand notice last November
March, 2020, as it used revenue from better operations to investors including large private The company extends loans for commercial vehicles, as well as three-wheelers, two-wheelers, tractors, and to the borrower Shore Dwell-
retire some of the borrowings, according to the company’s equity funds,” said one of the peo- construction equipment. BLOOMBERG ings Pvt. Ltd, formerly known
regulatory filings. PTI ple mentioned above. as Mantri Dwellings Pvt. Ltd, to
Incorporated in 2008, HLFL Leyland raised its stake to 67.2% as ₹200 crore for an undisclosed stake Mint reported on 4 August that repay ₹53.62 crore within 60
commenced operations in 2010 as on 25 March 2020 with plans to in the company and followed it up India’s non-bank lenders, who are days, according to the adver-
BSH Home Appliances to launch a non-banking financial company increase it further to around 70% in with another round in 2017 before currently staring at ₹1.51 trillion tisement on Saturday.
(NBFC). It was made a captive fin- the near future to keep majority exiting the investment in January debt repayments due in the next six It took possession of the
dishwashers specific for India ancier by Hinduja group flagship shareholding. this year for an undisclosed sum. months, are rushing to raise fresh property on 4 August as the
New Delhi: BSH Home Appliances, which sells Bosch and Sie- Ashok Leyland. HLFL eventually HLFL plans to come out with an The NBFC has over the past few equity and pursuing mergers with developer failed to repay the
mens brand of appliances, is set to launch an India-specific dish- diversified into financing non- initial public offering (IPO) in the years also explored IPO opportuni- bigger peers to avert defaults. amount, ICICI said.
washer model and start a marketing campaign amid a surge in Ashok Leyland vehicles while near to medium term. The Hinduja ties but is yet to finalize plans in this This is because the pandemic has A Mantri spokesperson said
demand for such products following the covid-19-induced lock- entering into the loan against prop- group is expected darkened the out- the project, against which
down. “We are launching our new range...that will be two inches erty segment (LAP) in fiscal 2015. to continue to hold THE ROAD AHEAD look for the sector ICICI Bank lent, has got suffi-
shorter, because...Users (women) are short here,” said Neeraj The company extends loans for majority stake even that has struggled cient cash flow to repay loan
Bahl, managing director and chief executive, BSH Home Appli- commercial vehicles, as well as after the IPO. HINDUJA Leyland HLFL plans to come THE Hinduja group is since the collapse of obligations.
ances India. SUNEERA TANDON three-wheelers, two-wheelers, Emails sent to Finance has
appointed EY as sell
out with an initial
public offering in
expected to continue
to hold majority
Infrastructure “Due to current recessionary
Read more on tractors and construction equip- HLFL remained side advisors for the the near to medium stake even after the Leasing and Finan- trend in real estate business,
ment. It has also been buying loan unanswered until transaction term IPO cial Services Ltd sales couldn’t happen as per
portfolios over the past two years to press time. A nearly two years projections given at the time of
IndusInd Bank invokes Eveready’s diversify its product profile, spokesperson for ago. loan sanctioned, hence bank
thereby augmenting net interest EY chose not to comment. regard. Significantly, the latest fun- The Reserve Bank of India’s tar- expressed their inability to
pledged shares, takes 7.82% stake margins. Existing shareholders have also draise comes at a time when the geted long term repo operations release funds from balance
New Delhi: Private sector IndusInd Bank on Saturday said it has As of December 2019, corporate infused capital at regular intervals commercial vehicle business of have eased the liquidity situation undrawn ₹70 crore limit and
acquired 7.82% stake in battery maker Eveready Industries by filings show that Hinduja group in HLFL. From June 2017 onwards, most manufacturers continues to for some NBFCs, especially the bet- classified account as NPA and
invoking pledged shares following loan default. The bank entities held 93.08% in HLFL with they have infused fresh capital of be under severe stress because of ter-rated ones, but those with infe- subsequently issued the pos-
invoked pledge on 56,83,320 shares forming 7.82% of paid-up Ashok Leyland the primary share- around ₹650 crore. In 2103, PE firm the coronavirus outbreak, which rior asset quality may find it tough session notice,” the spokesper-
equity share capital of Eveready Industries. PTI holder with a 61.83% stake. Ashok Everstone Capital, invested around has heavily impacted demand. to survive without rescue. son said.
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04 MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 2020
S&P BSE Sensex Nifty 50 Nifty 500 Nifty Next 50 Nifty 100 S&P BSE Mid-cap S&P BSE Small Cap
38,040.57 1.15 11,214.05 1.27 9,198.65 1.80 27,130.45 1.00 11,361.40 1.23 14,218.87 3.34 13,668.69 4.97
3.72 20.98 3.84 21.90 3.94 22.31 2.80 19.20 3.68 21.49 5.05 24.51 6.46 27.90
-7.54 3.68 -7.31 3.30 -8.02 3.88 -6.60 5.44 -7.25 3.56 -10.60 5.26 -7.89 9.51
Trump extends payroll tax
deferral, jobless benefits
US President Donald Trump announced four
executive actions, including continued expanded
justify demand for Mindspace Reit
unemployment benefits and a temporary payroll
tax deferral for some workers, as the coronavirus Harsha Jethmalani June quarter result was that despite a pause in decision making by occupi-
pandemic continues to hobble the US economy. [email protected] the lockdown, rental collections fromers. However, in the medium-term, Key 12 IBM
Trump also ordered continued eviction protec- office occupiers remained robust at high-quality properties would benefit occupiers
9 Cognizant
tion and student-loan relief. The moves could lackstone-backed Mind- 98.9%. In a post-earnings conference from supply shrinkage and increased
jeopardize negotiations with Democrats over an space Business Parks Reit’s call, the Embassy management said offshoring to India, it added. Around 42% of 4 NTT Data
additional relief package, with the two sides tril- Sensex, stock made its market there has been a great deal of conjec- Speaking about tenants, the man- Embassy's
Nifty week gross rentals
lions of dollars apart on key issues, including aid ahead: The
debut on Friday at a 10% ture around WFH, domestically and agement said domestic IT firms, the 3 ANSR
to state governments and the amount of supple- premium over its issue globally. However, in India, WFH has key occupiers, have performed well are contributed
mentary unemployment benefits. BLOOMBERG
key levels to
watch out price of ₹275. The issue itself was over- significant challenges relating to the
despite covid-19, as reflected by their
by its top 10
3 Cerner
for subscribed 13 times, with investors sal- physical and digital infrastructure. It is
large deal wins. This gives them confi- (in %) 3 PwC ivating at the prospect dence about future 2 Google
Rich valuations of a tax-free yield of HOLDING FIRM demand for office spa- India
Weiss, chief investment officer, American Cen- upin’s Q1 FY21 results however, improve in the future.
omething is better than noth- Lot of effort is going into improving with estimates. The sharp revenue
tury Investments. BLOOMBERG have been disappoint- Revenue ( crore) Ebitda margin (%) (Right-hand scale)
ing. But Mahindra and Mahin- the supply chain,” it said. drop hurt operating leverage leading
ing, with its revenue fall- 4,500 25
dra Ltd (M&M) has got more The management commentary is to a 68% drop in operating profit.
ing 9% year-on-year (y-o-y), 3,877.6 than something going for itself dur- cautious. M&M refrained from pro- Going ahead, the spread of cov-
Italy’s first mid-Aug bond even lower than toned-down 3,600
3,527.8 20 ing the covid-19 crisis. Analysts feel viding guidance for the id-19 and local curbs
analyst expectations, drag- that its tractors segment has robust farm equipment busi- M&M is forced to disrupting raw material
sale in 10 yrs shows crunch ging down its stock 6% on Fri- 2,700
19.6 15
demand prospects driven by better ness, notwithstanding prioritize supplies will be an issue
This year’s Ferragosto holiday, when most of Italy day. 1,800 13.8 10
outlook from the rural market. the positive rural senti- production of as they weigh on pro-
shuts down, will be interrupted by the first sale of Lupin’s US business’ reve- Unsurprisingly, the shares are on a ments and rebound in certain categories duction. With raw
bonds in the middle of the month since 2010, as nues fell 21% in Q1 as sales of 900 5 relentless rise, flirting with their tractor sales, up 27% in material supply con-
of vehicles due
the treasury seeks funds to fight the economic some of its seasonal products 52-week highs on the NSE. July. It also expects straints, M&M is forced
crunch. The unusual timing may also have been such as Tamiflu were muted. 0
Q1 Q1
On Friday, after the company higher demand for to covid-led to prioritize production
encouraged by a rally in Italian debt, taking The firm also lost sales of met- FY20 FY21 warned about supply chain con- tractors this year com- disruptions of certain categories of
Source: Emkay Global Financial Services, Mint Research
10-year yields to their lowest since February, formin, which was withdrawn straints in meeting the emerging pared to last year. vehicles, potentially
before the lockdown. That followed the ECB’s from the US market. SATISH KUMAR/MINT demand, the stock lost a mere 1.5%. “From the demand ceding ground to com-
€1.35 trillion support package and the EU’s €750 The fall of 1.7% y-o-y in distribution costs. ing margins of 17% for FY21. As per the management, even as it side, we expect the tractor industry petition in other categories. “Even
billion recovery fund. The market’s welcome for domestic revenues was However, while most of its Still, while sales are likely to ramped up tractor manufacturing to see growth; but due to supply one supplier going into lockdown
the measures is likely to help contain the differ- expected. Sales of acute prod- peers have shown expanding improve, a lot will depend on levels to 90%, it was unable to fully uncertainty we cannot give (the fore- disrupts production,” it added.
ence between the borrowing costs of the bloc’s ucts in its home market were margins, Lupin’s Q1 earnings how soon the company can meet the demand last quarter. Con- cast),” M&M said after releasing The management expects the
nations. BLOOMBERG hit by covid-19 and fewer pre- before interest, taxes, depre- ramp up new launches. sequently, inventories have fallen to results for the June quarter, which supply chain and raw material sup-
scription sales. ciation and amortization Q2 could show a decent unusually low levels. “By the end of reflect covid-19’s adverse impact. plies to stabilize in one or two
Global sales were also a (Ebitda) was just 13.8%, which growth over Q1 as demand is months, or by the festive season. In
sore point with was hardly better picking up domestically, post general, with a higher exposure to
On shaky ground slower sales seen
Farm Operating profit margin (in %)
Nearly 35% of total European households claim
Q2 could show a than the fourth- the lifting of the covid-19 15.8
rural and semi-urban areas, M&M is
across geograph- decent growth quarter’s 13.7%. lockdown. support 14.5 14.8 well placed to benefit from normali-
they would struggle to meet unforeseen 14.0 14.1
expenses in case of a cash crunch. ies. over Q1 as Lupin has filed However, the stock may Steady profit 13.2 13.5 13.6 zation of demand in non-urban
% of households saying they couldn’t cope with unexpected expense
The only seg- demand is picking for about four tread water for now. It did get margins at M&M's areas. “M&M’s exposure (tractor+
ment that did
up domestically, abbreviated new a lift, rising about 15.2% in tractor biz helped 10.3 Auto) to the rural market is one of the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
well is its active drug applications 2020 as sentiment swung contain the highest among its peers,” Dolat Cap-
pharma ingredi- after the lifting in the US and its sharply in favour of pharma adverse impact of ital Market Pvt. Ltd analysts said.
Netherlands ent division with of the lockdown pipeline of drug stocks. negative operating Even so, normalization of supply
Germany leverage on its
France sales up 17% launches is quite Even so, it has undershot chain remains crucial for the revival
European Union
y-o-y because of large at 158. The the Nifty Pharma Index, of the automotive or utility vehicle
UK inventory stocking. firm is relaunching generic which is up a steep 41% in business, another large business seg-
Italy However, this was not metformin in the US in the 2020. Given the overhang of ment of M&M. Sales for the segment
Ireland enough to improve margins. next few months. A launch of growth in the US, this diver- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 dropped 36% last month. Produc-
Lithuania Lupin brought down costs in Albuterol is also on the cards. gence may continue for some Source: Company FY19 FY20 FY21 tion ramp-up can help the company
Cyprus Q1, particularly selling and The management is target- time. better defend its market share.
Source: Eurostat, Bruegel
a debt trap. Organizations that help individuals ata Consumer Products which trades at 47.5 times FY22 Q1FY21 segmental revenue ( crore) Year-on-year growth (in %) (Right-hand scale) ers in US/ UK/ Canada increase percentage point.
sort out their financial problems are warning of a Ltd’s shares have under- estimated earnings. Britannia’s 1,200 21 out-of-home consumption of “While the numbers are good
sharp increase in the number of families bur- gone a massive re-rating pre-tax earnings had increased 1,000 18 beverages,” according to Credit amid this uncertainty, the stock
dened by bills they can’t pay. Even in savings-rich since the restructuring of the by 81% for the June quarter, as a 800
15 Suisse. movement seems like an overre-
nations such as Germany and Austria, citizens are Tata group’s consumer busi- result of a spike in at-home food 600
12 The Indian beverages business action,” said an analyst com-
starting to worry. “In some provinces, we already nesses last year. This has contin- consumption as people stayed 9 grew 11% in the June quarter, menting on Tata Consumer’s
see significantly more enquiries from people ued and even accentuated after indoors. 6 benefiting from the strong dou- shares.
200 3
seeking advice compared to last year,” said Maria the company’s June quarter The jump in Tata Consumer’s ble-digit growth in May and All is not hunky dory. “India
0 0
Kemmetmueller, deputy director of the organiza- results. profits has been lower, but its India India International Unbranded June. The India foods segment tea volume growth of 4% was
tion of debt counselling agencies in Austria. “In The non-alcoholic beverages stock is now 30% higher than its beverages foods beverages business grew 19% and saw high double- somewhat disappointing, given
Source: Company
the autumn, we expect an increase in counselling and food company delivered a pre-covid highs, while Britannia digit growth each month of the the strength seen in some of the
everywhere of as much as 40%.” BLOOMBERG strong set of results, with pre-tax shares are up about 21%. In other SATISH KUMAR/MINT
quarter, despite operational other packaged foods busi-
earnings increasing by 42% year- words, Tata Consumer’s is now rate to accelerate as supply chain increases in tea will kick in,” ana- challenges. International bevera- nesses,” point out analysts from
For more reports and analysis on-year (y-o-y). But the stock’s the top consumer goods stock in disruptions are behind and lysts from Credit Suisse Securi- ges accounted for the remaining JM Financial Institutional Secu-
on the markets, follow our 15% jump in three trading days is the market this year. in-home consumption of food ties (India) Pvt. Ltd said in a branded revenues, and grew 15% rities Ltd.
Mark to Market podcast with clearly taking things a bit far. Some analysts believe that continues to grow because of the report. as consumers stocked up due to Investors need to watch how
Pallavi Pengonda and Aparna Tata Consumer shares now trade Tata Consumer’s good run is consumer caution about eating However, not all business seg- the covid-19 pandemic. margins shape up. In the near-
Iyer on at 47 times estimated FY22 earn- likely to continue. “We expect out. Several levers such as distri- ments are firing away. The inter- Overall, earnings before inter- term, strong tea prices in India
ings based on Bloomberg data. Tata Consumer’s India growth bution expansion and price national business may play spoil- est, tax, depreciation and amorti- pose a threat to margins as well.
Mark to Market writers do not have positions in the companies they have discussed here
NEW DELHI he new National Education Policy (NEP) higher education opportunities. For this to hap-
has demonstrated a clear will to move the pen, both the content of this examination, and
ovid-19 is changing the needle away from the old world of learn- its acceptance across universities will be critical.
way people communi- 21 ESIC ing. This has been highlighted with the triad of Institutional changes are the third layer that
cate in their daily lives, 2,195,567 43,993 Deaths
multidisciplinary higher education, multiple supports this proposed transformation. The
reducing physical Total cases into dedicated options at senior school and multiple chances of NTA is already in place. A full-fledged national
interaction as much as covid-19 success in school leaving examinations. The assessment centre, called PARAKH, is now
possible to contain the spread of
1,513,315 638,259 hospitals: 10 focus on foundational learning, the inclusion of charged with the new approach to assessment,
Recovered Active cases points
the virus. Now, the health minis-
the very young into formal learning and the including creating standards for the 60-odd
try’s initiative eSanjeevaniOPD, a emphasis on holistic learning are goals that are examination boards in the country. Combined
telemedicine service, is slowly GLOBAL baked into the policy. Even as institutional and with the school leaving exam suggested by the
gaining ground, with the portal structural reforms such as better teacher train- NEP, this can prove transformative and allow all
registering 158,000 online consul- 19,680,042 ing, separation of operations and governance, examination boards
tations over the past six months. Total cases and more, do their bit, the hidden key to change NEP brings in a to calibrate them-
Union minister for health and lies in assessment. well-defined selves in a way that
family welfare Harsh Vardhan, who
presided over a review meeting on 727,777 Pragmatically, the education train in India is
driven by exams and marks. All teaching is to the assessment has not been possible
before. With reliable
Deaths architecture
telemedicine services with states test, changes only in response to the key incen- and rigorous data, we
and Union territories on Sunday, 11,962,565 6,989,700 tive—marks in the test. The NEP gets that and that can prove may actually under-
said since last November, 23 states Recovered Active cases upends the rote learning cart by calling for transformative stand learning and
have launched the services cover- questions to now test for application of knowl- outcomes like never
Source: Union health ministry, states
ing 75% of the country’s popula- A health worker collects a swab sample in New Delhi on Sunday. AFP edge. This small shift is the lever needed for before.
tion, while others are in the process change. But it cannot do it alone. It is accompa- The National Assessment Survey (NAS) and
of rolling it out. The eSanjeevani States have set up dedicated hubs doctor services through eSanjeeva- tations, 67,000 were provided nied by both structural and institutional ele- the corresponding State Assessment Surveys
platform has enabled two types of in medical colleges and district hos- niOPD. Offered at no cost, this through eSanjeevani at AB HWCs, ments that will support the transformation. support this by evaluating schools, not students,
tele-consultations—doctor-to-doc- pitals to provide tele-consultation e-health service is rapidly gaining and 91,000 patient-to-doctor con- Another seemingly small but structural as part of PARAKH. It does so by anonymising
tor (eSanjeevani) and patient-to- to spokes such as sub health centres popularity as citizens in around 20 sultations through the eSanjeeva- change is the report card, which brings back the student results to test for system performance
doctor (eSanjeevani OPD). (SHCs) and primary health centres states are now consulting doctors niOPD mode. On an average, 5,000 best of the CCE (continuous and comprehen- and not individual students.This contrasts with
eSanjeevani is being imple- (PHCs), the ministry said. So far, without having to go to the hospital consultations are provided per day sive evaluation) with holistic assessment. This the plan to track individual students using
mented under the Ayushman Bha- 12,000 health professionals, physically,” said Harsh Vardhan. through both modes. The capacity supports more well-rounded activities during adaptive assessments for predictive value.This
rat Health and Wellness Centre including 2,800 doctors, have been Every day, around 250 doctors of these platforms has been school time since they are necessary for such is a red flag that raises the spectre of intrusive
(AB-HWCs) programme. It increased to 500,000 con- assessment. By reducing the importance of control, worse, an extension of the old tunnel
seeks to connect all WIDE COVERAGE sultations per day. The plat- summative marks in the report card, it helps vision, and should be pulled back to retain per-
150,000 health and well- form is hosting 40 OPDs, pivot the change while also keeping traditional- sonal agency. Individual information is for indi-
ness centres using the hub- AS many as 23 states THE telemedicine THE initiative seeks SO FAR, 12,000 including around 20 speci- ists happy. This approach has been proved to be viduals alone.
and-spoke model by have launched the
services, covering
initiative is being
implemented under
to connect all
150,000 health and
health professionals,
including doctors,
ality OPDs for gynaecology, successful in many progressive private schools Connecting the dots within the NEP, one
December 2022, he added. 75% of the country’s the Ayushman wellness centres by have been trained to psychiatry, dermatology, who have been doing this for a while. Indeed, finds a well-defined assessment architecture for
Under the model, a net- population Bharat programme December 2022 offer consultations ENT, pphthalmology, anti- many of the suggestions of the NEP are not as a National Assessment Strategy, almost as if
work will be established retroviral therapy for AIDS impractical as teachers fear. Most have been embedded in stealth mode. A strategy that can
comprising an anchor patients, and non-commu- practised and sustained in elite schools who drive fundamental change in a way that enables
establishment, or hub, which offers trained to offer consultations on and specialists are providing nicable diseases. sought and worked through different action at the level of state, school, teacher, and
a full array of services, and will be the national e-platform through eHealth services despite the lock- Meanwhile, India’s covid-19 approaches in their quest for quality education. scholar, without disrupting the deep, almost
complemented by secondary over 3,000 HWCs across 10 states. downs, he said. This service is avail- count was up to 2,195,567, with The focus on reducing pressure at the board existential faith in examinations, but works with
establishments, or spokes, which “Owing to the ongoing covid-19 able on Android apps. A patient 43,993 deaths on Sunday. The level, bringing choice of subjects, and system it constructively to improve learning. This
offer limited services, routing pandemic, the health ministry gets to see the doctor in around five country recorded the highest num- checks rather than individual scores are all an could well be the charge that shifts the needle.
patients needing more intensive launched the second tele-consulta- minutes after logging in, he said. ber of recoveries in a single day, dis- attempt to make assessments meaningful to stu- Meeta W. Sengupta is a fellow of the Salzburg
services to the hub for treatment. tion service, enabling patient-to- Out of the 158,000 tele-consul- charging 53,879 on Saturday. dent progress. The intent is to unlock better Global Seminar.
major change forced come in areas like SG&A (selling, We are basically living to fight investment than what is being dis-
by covid-19 on pharma- general and administrative another day. Other specialty prod- cussed. I think that the government rime Minister Narendra
ceutical companies was ucts like NaMuscla and biosimilars will be willing to consider further Modi on Sunday
in their interaction like Eternacept will not get amendments to make sure that it launched a ₹1 trillion agri-
with doctors, and impacted the same way and we are really works. culture infrastructure fund to
Lupin Ltd has now slashed its sales continuing with our plans. The US is your largest market. give a leg up to post-harvest
force to conduct its operations digi- In your earnings, APIs was the How does the US government’s management and marketing of
Automation Growth
tally, managing director Nilesh partner partner
only business to report a rise order affect your business? agricultural produce, in turn
Gupta said. Gupta also spoke about in sales. Are you This is obviously helping improve farm-gate pri-
other changes like greater demand getting more limited to essential ces.
for active pharmaceutical ingredi- expenses), in how we promote to enquiries for API We are optimizing by medicines and gov- The scheme will provide bet- PM Modi transferred ₹17,100
ents (API) as formulation manufac- doctors, and the kind of advisers we supplies as com- doing as many virtual ernment buying. ter warehousing and cold stor- crore to farmers under the
turers globally try to reduce have. We plan to adopt a more digi- panies plan to calls as possible with But it is a step in the age facilities for farmers, Modi PM-Kisan scheme. PTI
dependence on China, as well as the tal approach. Nobody has travelled reduce their wrong direction. said, adding, new jobs will be
US government order favouring in the last few months. We are now dependence on a smaller sales force. Once it goes in that created as food processing and years—₹10,000 crore in
domestic essential drug sup- looking at how much of that travel is China? We are basically living direction, what post-harvest facilities are set up 2020-21, and ₹30,000 crore in
plies. Edited excerpts from discretionary. How much can be One of the rea- to fight another day stops it from in rural areas. The scheme will the next three years.
an interview in Mint’s held off longer. The truth lies some- sons for outper- becoming a longer enable startups to scale up their The launch of the infrastruc-
Nilesh Gupta
Pivot or Perish series: where in between what was before formance of APIs MD, Lupin Ltd
list? operations and India to build a ture fund follows a collapse in
In your April-June and what is now. We have started it was we were able to Large global global presence in organic and wholesale prices of perishable
earnings, there was as a stream within Lupin to look at pass on input price generic players like fortified food, he said. produce amid India’s stringent
an improvement in embracing this new way of working. increases to customers. The move Lupin will capitalize on the oppor- The fund was launched with lockdown between April and
margins, even We also did it as an industry, along away from China also opened tunity. Lupin has manufacturing in ₹1,128 crore of new loans dis- June to control the spread of
though sales were with Indian Pharmaceutical Alli- opportunities for people from other the US and can set up plants any- bursed to more than 2,200 covid-19.
down. What was ance. We are looking to embrace geographies, including Lupin. I where in the world. cooperative societies. During Other than those growing
the reason? this opportunity for the long term, think it has been some time coming. This order is not an issue for indi- the event, the Prime Minister fruits and vegetables, dairy
The margins were so that we don’t need to have the Even covid notwithstanding, the vidual companies, but for India. also transferred ₹17,100 crore farmers too were affected due
a function of the sav- same cost base we had in the past. last two or three years has seen a India was a reliable partner even in to farmers under the PM-Kisan to a fall in milk procurement
ings that we were Does this pandemic delay your resurgence of API. This is a great the covid-19 pandemic, ensuring direct income assistance prices following the closure of
able to make in the plans for speciality generics and opportunity, especially with some supplies to the US on time. scheme. hotels and restau-
quarter and it’s biosimilars? government backing, to ramp up. I think the Indian government Under the The scheme will rants.
something that we In specialty, Solosec (an anti-in- Will Lupin invest in API plants has to step up advocacy to ensure we infrastructure provide better In his address
are going to work fective) was definitely impacted. We under the production-linked are recognized as a preferred sup- scheme—part of warehousing and following the
hard to sustain had to cut down our sales force to a incentive scheme? plier even in such an order. the federal gov- cold storage launch, the Prime
ernment’s Minister said the
facilities for
Atmanirbhar government is
Bharat package farmers, focused on small
PM Modi said
Boeing’s technical team to examine debris of crashed AI flight soon announced in
May—banks and
financial institu-
farmers and has
brought in a new
set of laws on agri-
tions will provide ₹1 trillion in culture marketing, which will
Rhik Kundu (AAIB) has already started “We extend our deepest be recovered. ratory in Delhi. loans to cooperative societies, help create a national market
[email protected] recovering transcripts from condolences to the families “We are also going to talk to The mortal remains of the farmer producer companies, for farm produce and give
NEW DELHI the black box of the ill-fated and friends of those who lost Boeing to examine the air- deceased, including the self-help groups, entrepre- farmers the choice of selling
flight to ascertain the cause of their lives in the Air India craft’s original equipment and pilots, were also handed over neurs, startups and infrastruc- their harvest at the farm-gate.
technical team from the accident. Express accident at Kozhik- check for defects. Only after to their families. ture providers. Measures like contract farming
Boeing Co. is likely to Boeing said it was in touch ode International Airport. conducting a thorough and An Air India Express flight The objective is to provide will protect farmers from price
soon examine the with Air India and has offered Our thoughts are also with the unbiased probe, can we tell from Dubai carrying 190 peo- medium to long-term debt volatility, Modi said.
debris of the 787-800 jetliner support. passengers and crew who what exactly happened,” ple overshot a wet runway financing for setting up of post- The Prime Minister also said
which crashed on Friday after “Boeing is prepared to pro- were injured, and we hope for Kumar told the news agency. while landing at the Kozhik- harvest infrastructure and that new facilities like Kisan
skidding off the tabletop run- vide a technical team to assist Boeing said its in talks with Air their swift recovery,” it said. Aurobindo Handa, director ode airport in Kerala on Fri- community assets for market- Rail flagged off earlier in
way while landing at the Koz- the US National Transporta- India, offering support. REUTERS Arun Kumar, India’s general of AAIB, did not day evening and crashed into ing of farm produce. According August will help farmers con-
hikode airport. tion Safety Board, in accord- director general of civil avia- respond to Mint’s queries. a ravine, The accident left at to the guidelines, all loans up to nect to distant markets, allow-
Meanwhile, the civil avia- ance with ICAO Annex 13 (DGCA) of India conducts its tion, on Sunday told news Earlier in the day, the black least 18 people dead including ₹2 crore will be disbursed with ing hassle-free transport of
tion ministry’s Aircraft Acci- guidelines, as the Directorate investigation,” the company agency ANI that transcripts box was brought from the the two pilots and scores a 3% interest subsidy. The loans farm produce between states
dent Investigation Bureau General of Civil Aviation said in a statement. from the black box will soon crash site to the DGCA’s labo- injured. will be disbursed over four like Bihar and Maharashtra.
Timeline of crashes, mishaps involving Boeing 737-800 Plane crash at Kozhikode puts
Rhik Kundu
[email protected]
spotlight on tabletop airports On 30 July 2011, Caribbean people.
Airlines Flight 523, operating a Kenya Airways Flight 507,
NEW DELHI Boeing 737-800 overran the carrying 105 passengers and
runway at Cheddi Jagan Inter- nine crew members lost con- FROM PAGE 1 on a runway that’s 8,500-foot tems (EMAS) at seven tabletop
he Boeing 737-800, national Airport, Georgetown, tact and crashed into a swamp long. “At the Kozhikode tabletop runways—Kozhikode and Kan-
launched in 1994 and Guyana, but there were no during a flight to Nairobi, as one of India’s “most distin- airport, aircraft normally land at nur (Kerala), Mangalore (Karna-
considered a workhorse, fatalities. Kenya, from Abidjan, Côte guished, experienced com- 800 feet, but IX1344 landed taka), Pakyong (Sikkim), Shimla
has been one of the most popu- On 22 May 2010, Air India d’Ivoire, after making a sched- manders”. beyond 3,000 feet, resulting in and Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
lar aircraft in the sky, but it has Express Flight 812, a Boeing uled stop at Douala, Cameroon Airport infrastructure may the accident,” the DGCA official and Lengpui (Mizoram).
also been involved in several 737-800, overran the runway on 5 May 2007. No one sur- be another factor. said. “The incident is being EMAS, designed to stop
fatal accidents over its long while landing at vived. “Aqua planning (drainage of investigated. The causes of the planes from overshooting the
period of service, including Fri- Mangalore Inter- Despite the On 29 Septem- water) and rubber deposits at accident will be runway, have been
day’s mishap at the Kozhikode national Airport, accidents, a pilot ber 2006, Gol tabletop airports are huge out soon.” For pilots, installed at US tab-
airport. killing 158 pas- with Air India Transportes safety threats as these can lead The airport at landing aircraft letop airports, and
It is used by several airlines, sengers, includ- Express said that Aéreos Flight to poor braking and aircraft Kozhikode has on tabletop one senior airline
including Air India Express, Boeing 737-800 planes are pictured during assembly. It is used by ing six crew mem- 1907, a brand-new overshooting the runway,” said two runways, both runways is a official told Mint:
safety is not a
SpiceJet and Vistara in India, several airlines, including AI Express, SpiceJet, Vistara. BLOOMBERG bers. Only eight Boeing 737-800 another senior pilot, who, too, 2,700 metres in “The accident
concern with stiff ask in
and RyanAir, American Air- people survived. with 154 people on didn’t want to be named. length. They have could have been
lines and Singapore Airlines’ tional passenger flight from tional passenger flight from Ethiopian Air- the aircraft board, had a mid- Puri said on Saturday issues a safety feature poor weather avoided if EMAS
subsidiary SilkAir, among oth- Tehran to Kiev, was shot down Dubai to Rostov, operating a lines Flight 409, a air collision with like excessive rubber deposits, called Runway conditions system had been
ers, globally. shortly after take-off killing 176 Boeing 737-800 aircraft, Boeing 737-800 an Embraer Leg- water stagnation, and cracks at End Safety Area put in place by air-
On 5 February, a Boeing 737- passengers and crew members crashed during an aborted aircraft, crashed into the Medi- acy 600 in Brazil killing all. the airport that were routinely (RESA) of 240 ports which have
800 operated by Turkish on 14 January. landing attempt at the Russian terranean Sea after take-off However, safety is not a con- flagged by DGCA had been metres, as mandated by the runways in critical places like
no-frills carrier Pegasus Air- A Boeing 737-800 operated airport, resulting in the death of from Beirut Rafic Hariri Inter- cern with Boeing 737-800 addressed by airport operator International Civil Aviation on top of a hill. However, myo-
lines crashed after overshoot- by Air Nuigini on the Microne- all 62 on board. national Airport on 25 January planes, said a pilot with Air Airports Authority of India Organization, which limit the pic views of cost and high iner-
ing the runway in Istanbul, sia-Papua New Guinea route A Boeing 737-800 operated 2010, killing 98 people. India Express. “Crashes at Man- (AAI) before the crash. consequences when aeroplanes tia prevent action being taken
amid heavy rains and strong landed short of the runway at by Lion Air crashed in the sea On 25 February 2009, Turk- galore and Kozhikode hap- According to a senior official overrun the end of a runway. until forced.”
winds, killing three of the 183 Chuuk International Airport in while attempting to land at ish Airlines Flight 1951, from pened amid adverse weather at the Directorate General of Both are Instrument Landing Another pilot, who analysed
people on board. Weno killing one person on 28 Indonesia’s Denpasar airport in Istanbul, crashed in a field near conditions, high tailwind and Civil Aviation (DGCA), the avia- System (ILS) CAT 1-enabled. Friday’s wreckage pictures, said
The Boeing 737-800 used by September 2018. April 2013. However, all 101 the Polderbaan during a land- low visibility. Boeing 737-800 tion watchdog, the crash hap- Experts are calling for India photographs of the engine show
Ukraine International Airlines On 19 March 2016, Flydubai passengers and seven crew ing attempt at the Schiphol Air- is otherwise a safe plane,” he pened because the aircraft to pave runways with engi- the thrust lever position was ‘full-
Flight 752, a scheduled interna- Flight 981, a scheduled interna- members were evacuated. port in Amsterdam, killing nine said requesting anonymity. landed at the 3,000-foot point neered materials arresting sys- forward’.
mint cially in times of the lockdown, said Harsh Jain, co-founder of Govt proposes separate emission
Groww. According to data from Association of Mutual Funds in
Sonia to remain interim chief till
SHORT TAKES India, the number of folios rose by 1.79 million to 9,15,42,092 at the
end of June quarter from 8,97,46,051 at the end of March quarter.
In comparison, the 45-player industry had added 2.6 million folios
poll process implemented: Cong
norms for agricultural machinery
New Delhi: The government on
Sunday said it has issued draft
₹68,000 crore of loans released in March quarter. PTI notification for separate emis-
sion norms for agriculture
under discoms liquidity package machinery and construction
HT New Delhi: As much as EY ropes in senior Credit Suisse equipment vehicles. The notifi-
₹68,000 crore worth of loans cation also provides for chang-
under ₹90,000 liquidity pack-
executive Samir Ojha ing the nomenclature of emis-
age announced for stressed New Delhi: Professional services firm EY has roped in Samir Ojha sion norms from Bharat Stage to
power distribution utilities have of Credit Suisse to join as partner in its investment banking team, TREM Stage to avoid any confu-
been sanctioned, which is said two people aware of the development. Ojha has spent nine sion. PTI
expected to create buoyancy in years with the Swiss bank where he led the financial coverage for
the sector. The finance minister India operations. He is credited to have created mergers and acqui-
had announced the liquidity LINKEDIN sitions (M&A) franchise for the US tech giants, including Amazon,
infusion in May. Zurich-headquartered investment New Delhi: A day before Sonia Gandhi completes one year
bank. An emailed query sent to EY as the Congress chief, the party on Sunday said she will con-
plan pushback on India’s data curb
remained unanswered until the tinue in her role till the new party president is elected. Gan- New Delhi: India’s plan to regulate “non-personal” data has jolted
Mutual funds folio count surges by publishing of this article. Prior to dhi had returned as party president on 10 August last US tech giants Amazon, Facebook and Google, and a group repre-
Credit Suisse, where Ojha was the year.Top Congress leaders are of the view that the party senting them is preparing to pushback against the proposals,
1.8 million in Apr-Jun quarter director–investment banking, he needs a full-term president and there is a growing chorus, according to a letter seen by Reuters.The US-India Business Coun-
New Delhi: The mutual fund industry has added 1.8 million inves- worked as associate vice president particularly from the younger brass, demanding that former cil (USIBC), part of the US Chamber of Commerce, calls imposed
tor accounts in three months ended 30 June, taking the total tally at Kotak Investment Banking. ISHITA chief Rahul Gandhi returns to the top post. ANUJA data sharing “anathema” to promoting competition and says this
to 9.15 crore, amid volatile market conditions. A big chunk of this GUHA Read more on undermines investments made by companies to process and col-
growth in folio generation is driven by digital platforms—espe- Read more on lect such information, in a draft letter for India. REUTERS
in India build Aramco is still working on Ball in govt’s court
after RBI status quo
capacity to tap
global orders
deal to invest $15 bn in RIL on monetary policy
According to government FROM PAGE 1
estimates, global and Indian Discussions are still on to buy a stake in oil-to-chemicals business, says Aramco CEO
companies that have applied Another senior government
for the PLI scheme will pro- official said there is a plan to
duce goods worth ₹11.5 trillion Kalpana Pathak launch a programme that will
over five years and export about [email protected] offer jobs to the urban poor.
half of the production. MUMBAI The next one month will be
The scheme extends an crucial for the government to
incentive of 4% to 6% on incre- he Saudi Arabian Oil Co. firm up its plans now that the
mental sales of goods manufac- (Saudi Aramco), the Delhi’s own RBI has provided a window to
tured in India under the tar- world’s largest crude oil education
recast stressed assets without
geted segments. producer, said it’s still board to be having to classify them as non-
Smartphone makers have working on a deal to buy operational by performing, said a third gov-
already begun investing in a $15 billion stake in Reliance next year: ernment official, who also Economists say another round
expanding capacities and their Industries Ltd’s (RIL) oil-to-chemi-
spoke on condition of anonym- of stimulus following on the
manufacturing capabilities to cals business, Bloomberg reported. ity as the discussions are not earlier ₹20 trillion is needed.MINT
move beyond just assembling “We are still in discussions with final. “We will get a clearer pic-
phones, to a more “design-led” Reliance,” Aramco chief executive ture in the next one or two contain the spread of coronavi-
manufacturing approach that officer Amin Nasser said on a call months,” this official said. rus so that economic recovery
includes software and hard- with reporters on Sunday. “The A revival of demand has to be can take place, he said.
ware design, and product aes- work is still on. We will update our the focus of the government Economists are of the view
thetics. shareholders in due course about measures, said D.K. Aggarwal, that another round of stimulus
“We also have to extend our the Reliance deal.” president of PHD Chamber of following the ₹20 trillion pack-
service to the electronics man- Aramco reported a 50% drop in Commerce and Industry. “If age announced earlier is
ufacturing sector (EMS). And net income for the six months demand is not reviving in the needed. Austerity is not the
that’s the reason why we’re ended 30 June. next one month, a 20% cut in solution to the coronavirus cri-
investing in Sojo as well for RIL had announced plans to sell GST rates across slabs would be sis and India needs to offer
EMS,” said Shailendra Nath a 20% stake in its oil-to-chemicals a great booster to revive con- more relief measures to house-
Rai, co-founder of the Lava (O2C) business to Saudi Aramco as Aramco will update shareholders in due course about the Reliance deal, said CEO Amin Nasser. BLOOMBERG sumption sentiment in the holds and businesses, Mint
brand of smartphones. Lava part of its deleveraging exercise last economy,” said Aggarwal. He reported on 28 July, citing
and its unit, Sojo Manufactur- fiscal. This July, however, RIL’s In a press statement published quarter results,” Nasser said. petrochemicals, fuel retail and avia- also cautioned against local former RBI governor Raghu-
ing Services, have also applied chairman and managing director on Sunday, Saudi Aramco said its The covid-19 pandemic has tion fuel, and bulk wholesale mar- lockdowns that disrupt eco- ram Rajan.
for the PLI scheme. EMS Mukesh Ambani said due to net income plunged to $23.2 billion resulted in substantial reductions keting businesses together with its nomic recovery After a bounce-
includes the manufacturing of unforeseen circumstances in the in the first half of 2020, down by in consumer and business activity assets and liabilities. and consumption. The need now is back in June,
display panels, camera mod- energy market, the deal has not half from $46.9 billion over the and significantly reduced demand RIL has also laid out a 15-year The need now to ensure speedy high-frequency
ules, silicon wafers and other progressed as per the original time- same period in 2019. for crude oil, natural gas and petro- vision for itself to build a new is to ensure implementation macro indicators
parts. line. Aramco reported a 73.4% fall in leum products. It has thus delayed energy company whose focus will speedy imple- of the steps showed a deceler-
Lava plans to produce as “Nevertheless, we at Reli- be to recycle carbon diox- mentation of the
announced by the ation in activity in
many as 100 million smart- ance value our over two- STAKE SALE ide, create value from plas- steps announced July as the pan-
government and demic spread rap-
phones annually in the next few decade-long relationship tic, and build clean and by the govern-
years, while Dixon’s Lall said the with Saudi Aramco and are RIL had announced IN July, Mukesh ARAMCO, the THE Saudi Arabian affordable energy with ment and RBI, the Reserve Bank idly. India’s man-
company will be able to make committed to a long-term plans to sell a 20%
stake in its oil-to-
Ambani said the deal world’s largest crude
has not progressed producer, reported
company reported
a 73.4% decline
hydrogen, wind, solar, fuel including the ufacturing activity
almost 70-to-80 million smart- partnership. We will chemicals (O2C) as planned due to a 50% drop in net in net profit in the cells and battery. planned infra- in July contracted
phones per year soon. Both did approach the NCLT business to Aramco the pandemic income for H1 2020 second quarter Ambani, in his address structure projects with ₹100 at a faster pace than in June,
not give a specific time frame. (National Company Law on 15 July, said that RIL trillion investment, said Chan- signalling local lockdowns
To attract large mobile Tribunal) with our proposal aims to become net carbon drajit Banerjee, director gen- imposed across the country are
phone vendors to India, the to spin off our O2C business into a second-quarter net profit and said the oil major’s deal with RIL. zero by 2035. eral of the Confederation of impacting businesses.
country needs to ramp up its separate subsidiary to facilitate this it expected capital expenditure for The RIL board had this April While RIL will remain a user of Indian Industry. “This spend- Elizabeth Roche, Asit Ranjan
manufacturing capacity, Rai partnership opportunity. We 2020 to be at the lower end of a $25 approved a scheme of arrangement crude oil and natural gas, it is com- ing must be fast-tracked to Mishra, Gireesh Chandra
said, adding that Lava is already expect to complete this process by billion to $30 billion range. for transfer of O2C undertaking of mitted to embracing new technolo- achieve as much as possible in Prasad, Shreya Nandi, Prashant
investing in building Sojo’s early 2021,” Ambani said at the “Strong headwinds from the company to Reliance O2C Ltd. gies to convert its carbon dioxide the next two years,” said Baner- K. Nanda and Utpal Bhaskar
capacities to meet future company’s annual general meeting reduced demand and lower oil pri- The O2C undertaking of the emissions into useful products and jee. District-level spending on contributed to the story.
requirements. on 15 July. ces are reflected in our second- company comprises of refining, chemicals, he said. healthcare is now critical to [email protected]
Sebi probes ABB Power’s open offer Chinese brands hold Demand story is still dark as the
back spending on ads recent upticks are just fireflies
done based on that price
instead of March 2020.
offer price has considered the “The manager to the offer
low valuation at the time due has accepted valuation as on 24 FROM PAGE 1 estimates put out before the FROM PAGE 1 More Indians believe that “While agriculture’s share
to covid-19 and, finally, the March 2020, the date on which covid outbreak. On second spot their employment prospects in GDP (gross domestic prod-
precedence of having an inde- the global markets were at an even during the incursions in are home appliances firm Haier on eating out or travel. may improve in the next one uct) is not large, it has a wealth
pendent valuation in earlier all-time low, thus making the Ladakh in May and June but and technology brand Lenovo. Indeed, the British govern- year and, therefore, incomes, effect and the dependence is
instances as seen in the case of valuation less than it should they put a stop to advertising as Emails sent to these firms on ment said last month that it too. higher in terms of employ-
Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) be,” the minority investors said anti-China feelings grew. their advertising plans would bear 50% of the bill for This could be a direct out- ment,” said Joshi.
Ltd last year. in their complaint, a copy of “Vivo pulled out of the title remained unanswered. those eating out during the come of the national lockdown But this, too, is under threat
“Sebi is conducting its routine which was reviewed by Mint. sponsorship of IPL and proba- “Most of these brands are on month of August, to alter con- being lifted in June. as the pandemic travels into
review as customary prior to They also claimed the deal has bly on-air spon- red alert and sumption patterns after The unlocking the hinterlands
granting clearance. ABB placed minority investors at a sorship, too. The Realme, Oppo, therefore decided months of lockdowns. of the economy The consumption already having a
remains in close dialogue with disadvantage as compared to trend may con- Vivo and Xiaomi, to lie low and wait In India, regional lock- meant that growth fuelling weak health net-
the regulator on the matter,” ABB Power debuted on the promoters, who got an exit at tinue and we will which together for the situation to downs continue. Metro cities e m p l o y m e n t the economy over work.
said ABB in an emailed response. exchanges in March through a the much higher valuations of see fewer Chinese spent ₹1,500 cr on evolve,” said San- and urban centres are witness- o p p o r t u n i t i e s the past few years While the rural
ABB Power, which was hived December 2018. brands on big deep Goyal, chair- ing intermittent lockdowns as that evaporated
demerger. MINT
ads in 2019, have was mostly led by sector may pro-
off from ABB India Ltd when The investors also argued properties like man, Mogae a stubborn infection curve is in cities due to vide a much-
the parent sold its power grid chi for acquiring 25% of the that interest should be added to Kaun Banega cut spending on Media, a Mumbai- challenging local govern- the pandemic discretionary needed boost to
business to Japan’s Hitachi Ltd, public shareholding of ABB the open offer price. They Crorepati com- print and TV ads based marketing ments. have come back spending demand, the driv-
debuted on exchanges in Power at ₹865.92 apiece. claim that the open offer was pared to previous and communica- “Rising cases are leading to slowly with the ing force of urban
March through a demerger. In The minority investors triggered in December 2018 years,” he added. tion agency. intermittent local lockdowns opening up of discretionary
this deal, the merchant banker claimed in their complaint to when the demerger was Smartphones are the hottest Firms with substantial Chi- and increased consumer risk small businesses, construction demand would be largely
had considered the date of list- Sebi that ABB was frequently announced. The company category with investments of nese investment, such as e-learn- aversion is resulting in a activity and even services in absent.
ing as 30 March and also con- traded at the time of the main announced the open offer 15 ₹2,500-2,700 crore annually. It ing platform Byju’s and online bumpy recovery path,” some cases. Abheek Barua, chief econo-
sidered the target company as transaction in 2018, and conse- months later in March 2020. has the largest share of roughly food ordering sites Swiggy and warned analysts at Nomura But companies need spend- mist at HDFC Bank Ltd, puts it
infrequently traded. quently, the resultant com- An ABB spokesperson said 4% of the overall Indian adver- Zomato, have been promoting Financial Advisory and Securi- ers. Analysts hope that the vil- in a pithy comment: “Things
The mandatory open offer pany must be treated as a fre- the ABB Power was valued by tising expenditure, which was themselves on digital platforms, ties (India) Private Ltd. lages generate spending faster may get worse for the econ-
was announced in June jointly quently traded company and two independent experts—EY expected to touch ₹75,952 which are cost-effective and So what were consumers than urban centres, given the omy as the pandemic is not
by parent ABB Group and Hita- its valuation should have been and Bansi S. Mehta. crore by 2020, according to have high return on investment. hopeful about? upbeat outlook on agriculture. under control.”
Central govt may cut HNI holdings in Nifty companies soar in Q1 Now, defence ministry
threshold for gratuity Nasrin Sultana
[email protected]
3.61% quarter-on-quarter.
“Equity markets sharply
61.79%, while HNI holdings fell
in 691 companies, according to
goes vocal for local
MUMBAI declined because of covid-re- primeinfobase data, part of
FROM PAGE 1 “There are two options—pro- lated sell offs, which resulted in Prime Database group. FROM PAGE 1 foreign technology partner
rata basis or proportional oldings of high net- valuations turning attractive in Companies that saw the under the strategic-partner-
Gratuity payments to staff change for a few sectors, or a worth individuals late March. As valuations highest increase in HNI hold- almost ₹1.3 trillion each will be ship model.
are equivalent to 15 days of sal- reduction in the five-year (HNIs) in 479 compa- became attractive post steep ings in percentage terms in the procured for the army and the The air force aims to place
ary for each year an employee threshold for all sectors. nies in the Nifty 500 index corrections, investors with last quarter were Euro Ceram- air force, while items worth orders for 123 light combat air-
has spent at an organization. Demand for the second option climbed to at least a 10-quarter strong risk appetite favoured ics, Reliance Naval Engineer- almost ₹1.4 trillion will be pur- craft MK 1A worth approxi-
The changing nature of jobs has more takers in the normal high in the April-June period. buying stocks in following ing Ltd, Sundaram Multi Pap chased by the navy, defence mately more than ₹85,000
makes this a discourse with Market data showed the months. Many investors made Ltd. HNI holdings in these minister Rajnath Singh said in crore from Hindustan Aero-
necessity, said Labour market experts and econ- ownership of HNIs in the com- re-allocations in their portfolio companies stand at 29-61% in a series of tweets on Sunday. nautics Ltd.
another govern- experts said the omists. The stand- panies under review for NSE by re-balancing equities,” said the June quarter. Even beaten The list includes “not just The army is expected to
ment official, who five-year ing committee has 500 index was 3.17% by per- an analyst, seeking anonymity. down stocks such as Reliance simple parts but also high-tech- place an order for 200 wheeled
also declined to threshold is suggested to lower centage shares in the June By value, HNI holdings in 479 In the three months ended Capital and Videocon Indus- nology weapon systems such as armoured fighting vehicles
be named. The
outdated and no it to 1-3 years from quarter compared to 3.09% in companies was 1.69% or ₹2.20 March, benchmark indices had tries Ltd saw an increase in HNI artillery guns, assault rifles, cor- worth more than ₹5,000 crore,
official said fixed- the current five the previous three months, trillion in April-June period. MINT crashed around 29% with a holdings of 23.91% and 20.28%, vettes, sonar systems, light the ministry said.
term employ- longer serves the years,” the second while it was 2.98% in the same more than 20% slump in a sin- respectively, by end-June. combat helicopters, transport “The embargo on imports is
ment will increase interest of staff official said. period last year. By value, HNI 1.84% by June-end from 1.78% gle day in the month while the “After the rally from March aircraft, radars and other items planned to be progressively
going forward, A labour minis- holdings in these companies in March. In absolute value markets gained nearly 19% in 20 lows, the Nifty at 21 times to fulfil the needs of our implemented between 2020 to
more so after the try spokesperson was 1.69% or ₹2.20 trillion in terms, HNI holding was ₹2.50 the April-June period. price to earnings (PE) is now defence services,” Singh said. 2024. Our aim is to apprise the
pandemic. The Industrial Rela- said he has no official informa- the June quarter from 1.68% or trillion in April-June, an On an overall basis, HNI trading at a premium to its The ministry said the navy defence industry of the antici-
tion Code has also favoured tion about the talks. The standing ₹1.76 trillion in the previous increase of 28.12% over the pre- holdings went up in 669 com- long-period average. However, will place orders for six subma- pated requirements of the
fixed-term employment, echo- committee on labour in its report quarter. vious quarter. HNI ownership panies listed on NSE in the last it is not looking as attractive as rines at an approximate cost of armed forces so that they are
ing a school of thought that job on social security code suggested For 1,594 firms among all by value percentage for all quarter. The average stock it did in March,” said analysts at ₹42,000 crore. This is to be better prepared to realize the
creation is more important the expansion of gratuity to all listed companies on the NSE, listed firms went up to 3.73% in price of these companies in the Motilal Oswal Financial Servi- produced by an Indian com- goal of indigenization,” Singh
than job protection. segments of the workforce. HNIs’ holdings increased to the quarter ending June from same period increased by ces Ltd. pany in collaboration with a said.
08 MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 2020
From left: G.V. Ravishankar, managing director, Sequoia Capital India; Harsha Kumar, partner, Lightspeed India; and Subrata Mitra, partner, Accel Partners.
Mihir Dalal many unicorns. Ergo, Indian internet Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners and Light- ment partners and entrepreneurs who ing—another distinct feature of this
[email protected] startups—and their backers—could avoid speed established themselves as the most SHORT pass on promising deals. These factors downturn—although it is concentrated in
BENGALURU widespread value destruction that looked powerful venture investors, in parallel to STORY that help bring them higher (and better) companies that have gained ground dur-
inevitable earlier this year. the dominance that the major American deal flow in normal times only exert more ing the pandemic.
hen covid-19 began With large amounts of global capital tech firms like Google, Facebook, Amazon influence during crises. Ed tech startups, Byju’s and Vedantu,
spreading rapidly in available, growth will be rewarded, espe- and Walmart have built in their respective WHAT “When deal volumes are lower, the top which raised capital last month, are
India in March, Sanjay cially at tech companies that are expand- sectors in India. funds end up capturing more deals already in talks to receive fresh funds from
Mehta deferred his ing their reach, said G.V. Ravishankar, The pandemic is allowing these funds VCs are again spending more because they can always outbid smaller investors. Gaming and content startups,
fund 100X.VC’s second managing director, Sequoia Capital India. to consolidate their power, especially with time hunting for deals. While funds,” Inventus’ Doshi said. “That hasn’t Dream11, MX Player, DailyHunt and Shar-
batch of startup investments. It was essen- “We’re not seeing (a significant fall in the freeze on Chinese capital that was overall deal volumes are much happened so far, but we’ll have to see.” echat are all in talks to raise capital at
tial to first figure out how the firm’s exist- startup valuations) right now, and if the US emerging as a rival network. lower than pre-covid levels, Another spoiler for independent funds higher valuations. Software and payments
ing portfolio would cope with the pan- continues in this way, where markets and In July, Sequoia announced a fresh sum cheque sizes and valuations have is that exits, already short in supply, are startups, too, are seeing strong investor
demic. particularly technology stocks are doing of $1.35 billion to invest in India and largely held firm being delayed. With late-stage invest- interest.
As lockdowns stretched far longer than so well, we don’t know if there’ll be any Southeast Asia. Its asset under manage- ments declining in most sectors, second- Still, on the whole, many more startups
what he had initially assumed, 100X.VC significant correction,” he added. ment in India jumped to about $5.5 bil- ary share sales, which have become the are struggling than are doing well. Most
reluctantly drew up a new deal-making Though venture funds seem to have lion—many times higher than most of its AND biggest source of exits, are expected to fall haven’t seen revenues recover to pre-
process. Mehta and his colleagues would taken the covid-19 crisis in their stride, it peers. Of this, nearly $3.5 billion has come too. The cutback by Chinese investors and covid levels. Distressed sales, consolida-
do up to eight Hangout calls with entre- is triggering some major changes within since 2015, more than the next four funds The pandemic is allowing US SoftBank will further depress the second- tion and startup closures are rising, even
preneurs instead of the one or two meet- the business. In sectors like digital adver- combined. funds like Sequoia Capital, Matrix ary market. if lesser than previously thought.
ings they would have done in the past. tising, e-commerce and software prod- In April, Lightspeed US raised $1.5 bil- Partners and Lightspeed to As a result, most VCs are expected to But the experience that investors and
They would conduct far more extensive ucts, the pandemic has had a deep, uneven lion to invest in mature startups in India consolidate their power, face delays in returning funds, and will entrepreneurs have accumulated from
background checks on founders including impact that has increased the dominance and other countries outside the US. Light- especially with the freeze on likely seek one or two-year extensions to navigating past cycles is helping. Coming
checking credit scores, and ask for tax of the biggest companies like Amazon, speed India is separately raising a new Chinese capital previous fund vehicles, which typically into the present downturn (before the
compliance proof. Facebook, Google and Microsoft. In ven- fund this year—its third such vehicle in run for eight or ten years. pandemic), many mid-stage and late-stage
In this way, Mehta’s team has finalised ture capital, too, something similar is five years. However, investors insisted that these internet companies, having seen previous
about 10 new deals, all with entrepreneurs afoot. At the same time, fund-raising for many BUT factors are unlikely to lead to a shakeout in cycles, had stocked up on capital. And
they have never met in person. local VCs has become problematic. Mint venture capital. “Generally, investors in most startups responded quickly to the
His experience will resonate with other CONCENTRATION OF POWER learns that several independent funds Though the global glut in capital is VC funds don’t take a 1 or 2-year view. pandemic by conserving cash.
keeping funding taps flowing for
venture capitalists (VCs). At the start of the
pandemic, investors had frozen new U ntil 2014, with the exception of Accel
Partners, Silicon Valley-based global
investments, pulling term sheets and investors like Sequoia Capital, Matrix
including Stellaris Venture, Chiratae Part-
ners, Blume Ventures, India Quotient and
Inventus Partners India will be forced to
now, a higher-than-expected
economic contraction could
They take a much longer term view that
spans a decade or more,” said Tarun
Davda, managing director, Matrix Part-
“As soon as the pandemic hit, investors
and entrepreneurs got together and
immediately drew up cost-cutting strate-
ordering founders to cut costs. The few Partners and Lightspeed weren’t firm delay fund-raising (including for opportu- force more startup closures and ners India. “Most investors believe that gies to lengthen their companies’ run-
VCs willing to invest were demanding cut- believers in India’s tech entrepreneurship nity funds) either this year or in 2021. distress sales there will be a further acceleration in digi- way,” said Harsha Kumar, partner, Light-
price deals, and there was unanimity that scene. They only invested part of their Attracting limited partners (LPs)— tal adoption across sectors leading to speed India. “Their quick reaction has
the next year or two would be a bleak funds in internet companies. Some like investment firms based in the US, Europe increased VC activity.” positioned many startups to see out the
period for internet startups and investors. Canaan Partners and Kleiner Perkins gave and Asia that invest in VCs—takes any- agers, cutting some who haven’t per- next year.”
But within months, the venture busi- up on the market entirely. where from one to three years. With travel formed and increasing allocations to those THE ART OF THE DEAL Those companies that have enough
ness has largely returned to normalcy, as
greed trumps fear.
Tech investing was dominated by Tiger
Global, a New York-based investment
Investor confidence has revived—one firm whose prolific, high-risk bets on
impossible, LPs are becoming more con-
servative, sticking to fund managers they
already know and delaying investing in
who have returned more capital, accord-
ing to Ash Lilani, managing partner,
Saama Capital.
S ince June, new startup formation has capital will simply wait out the downturn
slowed and there is intense competi- to avoid painful down rounds, said Sumir
tion for deals, which has sustained valua- Verma, founder, Merisis Advisors, an
of the very few V-shape recoveries seen companies like Flipkart, Myntra, Ola and new funds. “Because of the slowdown in What makes it worse for some inde- tions. Most of the investors mentioned investment bank. But there could be a
during the pandemic, and much faster others helped bring the Indian startup growth, the portfolio maturity gets shifted pendent funds is that LPs in India includ- above said that they will end up with a sim- flood of Series B-C deals at the end of the
than those at their port- scene to the attention of by at least six months, so you need to post- ing high net worth individuals (HNIs), ilar number of invest- year as travel starts
folio companies. VCs are large investors. pone your own fund raise by six months to family offices and corporate venture arms ments this year as in opening up, he said.
again spending more Indian internet startups, In mid-2014, India a year,” said Rutvik Doshi, managing have become even more wary than their 2019 (excluding the Since June, new startup More than the availa-
time hunting for deals— and their backers, could witnessed its first major director, Inventus Capital India. international peers because of the uncer- three months from formation has slowed bility of capital or down
for the most part over funding boom, which Raising capital from LPs “you never met tainty around the size of the economic March to May), even if rounds, what is worrying
Zoom and Hangouts. avoid widespread not only drew late-stage before is going to be almost impossible” contraction and the volatility in public the kind of investments and there is intense investors and entrepre-
While overall deal vol- value destruction that tech investors like Soft- for the foreseeable future, said Karthik markets. This affects only independent may change. competition for deals, neurs is the broader
umes are much lower Bank and DST Global, Reddy, partner, Blume Ventures. “Right funds as the Valley-based VCs don’t raise “In peacetime, every- economy. Though the
than pre-covid levels, looked inevitable earlier but also prompted the now, our focus is on getting the portfolio capital in India. one is optimistic, and which has sustained glut in capital globally is
cheque sizes and valua- global Valley funds to get in order and seeing that our winners play you end up investing in keeping funding taps
tions have largely held this year serious about tech out well this year. We would have proba- SHAKEOUT COMING? companies that you valuations flowing for now, a high-
firm, with those in a
tion soaring.
investing here. By then, a
small number of sectors like digital educa- handful of homegrown tech investors like
Blume Ventures and India Quotient had
bly started the process of raising the next
fund by the middle of 2021. But now, there
could be a delay,” he added.
T o be sure, while many independent
VCs are facing delays, they all expect
to raise their next funds at some point.
know may cap out at er-than-expected eco-
only $100 million in value. In war time, nomic contraction could force more
you’ll only invest if you think a company startup closures and distressed sales.
VCs now say that the funding downturn entered the fray, joining older independ- Among independent funds, too, the Many of them have attractive portfolios can get to $1 billion. So you’re likely to take “If a company or a fund are performing,
that was expected even before the pan- ent funds like SAIF Partners, Nexus Ven- Valley-based ones like Saama Capital and and respectable track records. Still, the higher-risk and higher-conviction bets,” there will be ample capital available, even
demic may not be as severe as previously ture and Saama Capital. Nexus, which have better access to soft- disparity between independent funds and Blume’s Reddy said. if there’s a small delay,” said Ritesh Bang-
feared. This is thanks to a combination of From 2015, the Valley-based funds, ware startups and a stronger network of the Valley-based global funds is only wid- While early-stage investments are lani, partner, Stellaris Venture. “What is
factors: a rebound in public markets glo- which could raise capital at will to invest in LPs, are prospering more than the VCs ening during the pandemic. going strong, activity at the Series B-C far more worrying is the demand slow-
bally; a boom in US and Chinese technol- India on the back of the performance of based in India. Apart from not having to worry about stage has shrunk, partly as most Chinese down. If it lasts more than a year or if there
ogy stocks; an acceleration of digitisation their parent firms, came to dominate tech LPs in US and Europe will become fund raising, the global funds have far firms have stopped investing for now. Sur- is a huge second wave of covid-19, all bets
across sectors; and large capital reserves at investing at the early and mid stages. selective among their present fund man- larger teams, a wider network of invest- prisingly, late-stage investments are thriv- are off.”
interface and teacher’s video open simulta-
neously with one click.
Coding learner kits from MIT and others THE VALUE OF
have been around for over a decade. The
key to the WhiteHat Jr approach is its one- SOFTWARE
on-one teacher guidance instead of self- In August 2011, investor Marc Andreessen wrote
serve toolkits or books which are more 'Why Software is Eating the World', saying more
suited to adult learners. major industries are run on software and
This involves creating a supply of good delivered as online services. His words hold
coding teachers and scaling that with rigor- truer today than ever before.
ous processes for selection and training.
Currently, there are over 6,000 teachers
on the platform with 150 more being SOFTWARE FORTUNES
onboarded each day, according to Bajaj.
Six of the world's 10 richest made their pile from tech,
eight if you add software-dependent Elon Musk and
ROOM FOR ALL Mukesh Ambani's rise due to Jio.
Rapid growth in users and revenue has cre-
ated a virtuous cycle. “Like any two-way World's richest people
Net worth (in $ bn)
platform, you need liquidity at both the
demand and supply sides. More students Jeff Bezos
Amazon 189.5
make it more attractive for teachers; the Bill Gates
best teachers make it more attractive for Microsoft 112.7
students,” says Bajaj. Bernard Arnault & family
LVMH 106.4
Coding teachers can potentially earn 10
times what they would in their normal jobs. Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook 91.6
There’s growing demand for them as a
Mukesh Ambani
number of players have entered the field. Reliance 80.2
This includes other startups like Guru- Warren Buffett
gram-based Camp K12 as well as top- Berkshire Hathaway 76.9
funded edtech startups like Toppr and Steve Ballmer
Vedantu, which recently launched coding.
Larry Ellison
Bajaj says there’s room for all because Oracle 72.1
Mae Mae, 10, who was bullied in nursery school, learned to code with WhiteHat Jr, and built an app to report bullying directly to school authorities. the category is nascent. “I’m anticipating Elon Musk
that India will become the supply hub for Tesla, SpaceX 70.5
Getting an army
edtech player Byju’s. teaching coding to kids all over the world.” Larry Page
Google 66.2
Bajaj began with the thesis that “kids What’s more, all the teachers on White-
who are creators of technology will be har- Hat Jr are women, many of whom dropped Source: Forbes Real Time Billionaires List
bingers of a future generation.” He believes out of the workforce to raise children. “The
traditional schools will find it hard to thesis that we operated on is that warmth, PROFIT FROM DEVELOPERS
of coders ready
impart such skills even though India’s new compassion and internet safety should be
Businesses now have to build 'developer velocity'
National Education Policy mandates inclu- at the heart of the site because we have kids to improve performance through software
sion of coding in the school curriculum. as young as six years old. So we choose only development.
“Tech is constantly evolving, but for women and train them to become excellent
Business performance and developer velocity
schools to have a dynamic curriculum is coding teachers for kids,” says Bajaj.
Correlation with Developer Velocity Index
he best way to deal with a bully in Karan Bajaj quit his job as CEO of Dis- fast adoption of coding classes curriculum to Saran. 74 40 37 35 34
school is to report them to some- covery Channel to launch the first version lies in the ability to schedule
one in authority. But this is of WhiteHat Jr in April 2019. He had $1.3 and deliver them at scale with
accommodate ticBajaj himself had an eclec-
career after his MBA at
stressful, and often there’s no million in seed funding from Nexus Ven- automated systems to handle the constant IIM-Bangalore in 2002. He Artificial
Full Stack Site
Engineer Reliability
redressal even when you work ture Partners and Omidyar Network. Later connectivity and device-re-
up the courage to tell somebody about it. in the year, he raised a $10 million series A lated issues. “We do 20,000
evolution in worked as a manager for
Procter & Gamble before tak-
Mae Mae, who is 10 years old now, was round to build and scale up the product, live one-on-one classes a day the tech world ing a sabbatical to write a
Source: LinkedIn Emerging Jobs Report 2020
bullied right from nursery in Shillong. “It although it had paying customers from the and our algorithms are fine- novel. Then he switched
stopped only after the girl moved to outset, spending around $10 for each one- tuned to a 93% delivery rate when some- between management jobs, writing novels, CLASSES GO ONLINE
another school after Class 2,” she says. on-one session with a teacher. body books a class,” says Bajaj. “For exam- becoming a yoga instructor and launching Online coding classes are growing to meet the
This left a deep impression on her. So ple, we can predict that when people book TV channels, before taking the plunge with demand. Seven of the top 10 courses on Coursera in
2019 were related to coding.
last year, when she started learning to code, QUICK ACQUISITION free trial classes in India, 60% them will WhiteHat Jr. “I think I’m experimentative.”
the first project she took up was to build an Five months ago, WhiteHat Jr launched in show up. So we overbook the class to Writing the first novel was transforma- 2019's most popular online courses
(No. of reviews)
app to expose bullies in school. Now the the US where it caught on fast. “Currently ensure the teacher’s time is well-utilized.” tive because it was a dive into a creative
Programming for Everybody
anti-bullying app, which can be down- the company is at $150 million annual reve- From beginner to advanced levels, the process that begins with a blank page and (Getting Started with Python) 146,985
loaded from Google Playstore, helps report nue and 60% of that is from the US. We’re curriculum modules and payments are uncertain outcome. “This startup is partic- Machine Learning 143,914
harassment instantly to the school princi- doubling every month,” he says. structured for simplicity. You book a slot ularly aligned to me because my life Neural Networks and
DeepLearning 90,601
pal, teachers, parents and friends. Monetization and customer acquisition for a free trial to get a feel of what it’s like, changed after I wrote my first novel. I’m
It was her father, a civil servant in costs have been a challenge for edtech then sign up for a course of 144 classes at keen about this idea that kids should build What is Data Science? 37,885
Meghalaya, who introduced Mae Mae to an startups in India. Thus, WhiteHat Jr’s reve- whatever level suits you. Each class is a stuff creatively early in their lives,” says AI For Everyone 23,935
online coding school for children, White- nue run rate within a year of starting opera- one-hour slot at any time of the day that Bajaj, who is a father of two daughters still Introduction to TensorFlow 10,763
Hat Jr, launched last year by a Mumbai tions, with hardly any advertising, is the suits the student-teacher pair. too young to start WhiteHat Jr. Algorithms, Part I 7,377
startup. “I built the anti-bullying app last envy of others in this space. It puts into The product is designed with children in
Source: Coursera
December and published it a few months context last week’s $300 million acquisi- mind. Younger ones find it hard to manage Malavika Velayanikal is a consulting edi-
ago. Now I’m making a chatbot and my sis- tion of WhiteHat Jr by India’s top-funded multiple tabs and windows, so the coding tor with Mint. She tweets @vmalu. PARAS JAIN/MINT
nshul Bhagi moved to Sili- The passion project was formal- riculum, onboard and train teach-
India will become the supply con Valley from India ized as Camp K12 with a curricu- ers, and create personalized user
hub for teaching coding to when he was seven, with lum and coding teachers on a experiences in live classes.
his father who worked for Apple. B2B2C (business-to-business-to-
children all over the world. Coding was an integral part of his consumer) model. It scaled up to NEXT-GEN LEARNING
Karan Bajaj formative years, and was accentu- 50,000 students across Tier-1 cit- Bhagi calls it the school of the
FOUNDER, WHITEHAT JR ated when he went to study com- ies in India, says Bhagi. “We built future, because coding is only the
puter science at MIT in 2007. a gig economy of coding teachers start—the same methodology can
He worked as a developer for who were mostly college students be applied to any STEM subject.
Apple, Microsoft and Google dur- like me, wanting to give some- “K12 education is broken across
ing his undergraduate and post- thing back to the community.” the globe. I don’t think we teach
graduate years, while developing the right skills, and I don’t think
a passion for teaching. He built a LEARNING BY DOING we teach them in the right way.”
coding curriculum and travelled Bhagi kept at it on a part-time Language learning apps like
to schools and colleges in India, basis while getting his master’s Duolingo from the US and adapt-
It’s a platform where you China, Kenya and Brazil on teach- from MIT, working for McKinsey, ive tutoring like Squirrel AI of
go to learn, play, socialize, ing gigs. and going on to Harvard. A num- China have brought artificial
He co-developed MIT’s App ber of side projects around educa- intelligence to identify learning
compete, collaborate. Inventor, a free coding platform tion followed the Harvard MBA, gaps. But the likes of Camp K12 are
Anshul Bhagi for newbies learn to create apps. It but he kept coming back to Camp creating a model where an abun-
FOUNDER, CAMP K12 drew on visual programming con- K12. “Teaching kids and watching dance of potential human teachers
cepts developed for Scratch pro- them fall in love with coding has Coding education startups are building virtual classrooms that can be customized for both one-on-one in India can play a part in the tran-
gramming language, which been the most meaningful activity teaching and group experiences. GETTY IMAGES sition to 21st century learning.
allowed children to drag-and- for me over the past decade.” “It won’t be just a platform
drop code like Lego blocks to A couple of years back, as inter- the interactivity required for per- tor or keyboard. You have to drag- sellors to understand a child’s where you take a coding course.
build apps. This became Bhagi’s net bandwidth expanded and data sonalized guidance to children, and-drop. Zoom doesn’t have interest and recommend a learn- It’s a platform where you learn,
master’s thesis, but his interest rates fell, he took Camp K12 online with a mix of A/V streaming, cod- such features and isn’t built for ing path. “Some kids will do more play, socialize, compete, collabo-
went beyond academics. with a product for teacher-led ing editors, doc and screen shar- education. That’s where product visual gamified stuff; others will do rate, things you do in a real school,
In his third year at MIT, he came learning. In April this year, it ing. The pedagogy is also evolving vision allows for differentiated mathematical algorithmic stuff. and maybe some things you don’t
I teach online 45-50 hours a to India during the summer holi- raised $4 million in seed funding to emphasize learning by doing. pedagogy and becomes a source of We’re creating a new playbook.” do in a real school today,” says
week from home and earn as days and did a coding bootcamp from Matrix and SAIF Partners to “We’ve built a virtual classroom competitive advantage,” says The promise of personalized Bhagi. For him, it’s one of the big-
for Delhi Public School expand to global markets. which can be customized for both Bhagi, alluding to the rush among learning has been around since gest global problems to solve
much as I did at a 9-5 IT job. R.K.Puram. Word spread and he Zoom and other video confer- one-on-one teaching and group top-funded edtech companies to the advent of MOOCs (massive where India can take the lead.
Panzy Saran started getting invites from other encing tools have become familiar experiences,” he says. “It allows us launch coding classes for children. open online courses) such as
CODING TEACHER, WHITEHAT JR schools. From 2010, every winter in the post-covid scenario. But to teach on mobile as well as web. Personalization also offers huge Coursera, Udacity and edX. But Sumit Chakraberty is a consult-
and summer break was a trip to platforms like Camp K12 are tak- Coding on mobile is different scope for differentiated value low retention rates have belied the ing editor with Mint. Write to him
India for Bhagi, “while most of my ing that to another level to provide because you can’t have a text edi- propositions. Camp K12 has coun- hype. Instead, startups like Camp at [email protected]
10 MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 2020
Ease in payment through UPI and the proposed availability of credit through it could boost its adoption
Tinesh Bhasin
[email protected]
ome recent and upcom-
can secure your
ing developments on the ue to the lockdown, many people working in cities have
Unified Payments Inter- relocated temporarily to their home towns, leaving their
face (UPI) platform will transactions rented city homes empty. Many tenants have been unable
make it more conve- to pay the rent in the present scenario. Such tenants may or may
nient and interoperable across the Tinesh Bhasin not have been able to use the rented premises during the lock-
entire payment ecosystem and [email protected] WhatsApp a down. Rental rates have fallen due to lower demand.
step closer
could increase its adoption. to pay play
Landlords have been approached by such tenants for waiver
The National Payments Corp. of
India (NPCI) is in the process of
linking UPI to payment wallets,
N ear-field communica-
tion is a technology
through which digital pay-
or reduction of rentals during the lockdown period, and at times,
even for subsequent months. In some cases, landlords have
agreed to partially waive or reduce the rent, either for a few
executives of companies involved ments can be made. It works months, or on an ongoing basis. How does such waiver or rent
in payments solutions told Mint, like Bluetooth that allows two reduction impact the income tax liability of the landlord? What
on the condition of anonymity. “At devices to pair with each if the tenant defaults in payment of rent? What is more advanta-
present, NPCI is addressing con- other and exchange data. geous for the landlord—to waive the rent for a few months, or
cerns of stakeholders so that However, unlike Bluetooth, reduce the rent partially for a longer period?
everyone agrees on the modali- NFC works when the devices Under the income tax law, every house property is liable to tax
ties. UPI could be available on wal- are in close range. Also, it each year on an annual value, except for one residential house
lets within a few weeks,” said a doesn’t require devices to which is occupied by the owner himself. The annual value is a sum
person involved in the discus- pair. All these features make it for which the property may reasonably be expected to be let, or,
sions, on the condition of ano- more secure for payments. if the property is let out, and the actual rent receivable is higher,
nymity. Once this happens, indi- Many new cards and PoS then such higher actual rent. Further, if the property was vacant
viduals will be able to transfer terminals come with an NFC for a part of, or for the entire year, then the actual rent received
money from the wallet of one chip embedded in them. After or receivable would be the annual value, even if it is lower than the
company to another, send money the merchant enters the sum for which it may reasonably be expected to be let.
from their wallet to another per- amount on the PoS terminal, In places where municipal taxes are levied on the basis of an
son’s bank account and use their compared with the existing meth- But this technology could take UPI, for which banks need to the buyer takes the card close annual rateable value, or where the rent control law applies with
credit cards to send money to ods,” said Akash Gehani, a bit of time. “The majority of PoS agree. Borrowers who want to to the machine and the pay- standard rent, courts have taken a view that the standard rent or
another person’s bank account. co-founder, Instamojo, a pay- terminals don’t have NFC yet. avail low-ticket loans quickly ment is made. To ensure that the annual rateable value would be the annual value, for taxation
Apart from this, there are three ments gateway. Also, most of the affordable smart- would benefit from it. “Many fin- the card is the right one, some of self-occupied property or for comparison with actual rent.
more developments that will ben- Users opting for recurring pay- phones don’t support NFC. So this tech companies are already doing cards and PoS manufacturers However, where there is no rateable value nor does standard rent
efit you. One, autopay, which ments tend to be more loyal. “We would be a long-term plan,” said it. But UPI will give them a more require the card to be tapped apply, determining the annual value becomes highly subjective.
allows users to make recurring have seen this with credit cards Bipin Preet Singh, founder and reliable platform,” said Gopal. In normal times, the rent is fixed at
payments. Two, the integration of abroad. If users allow recurring CEO, MobiKwik. If a landlord the market rent and, therefore, a land-
UPI on WhatsApp, which could payments without the PIN, it NFC payment could help in WHAT TO KEEP IN MIND defers payment lord may face no difficulty in paying tax
means they trust the system. This financial inclusion as internet
significantly increase the user
base. Three, offline payments feature would make UPI sticky,” connectivity is still not available in
There’s one hindrance, however,
that can affect user experience. of some part of on the actual rent receivable. However,
where the rent is waived partially, the
using NFC, which will allow indi- said Murali Nair, president, bank- many rural areas or is patchy. It According to reports, NPCI could rentals, he or question is with which figure should
viduals to pay merchants over ing, Zeta India, a fintech company would also be another avenue to cap the transaction share to 50% she would still the actual rent be compared—the mar-
points of sale (PoS) terminals. that provides banking solutions. pay at merchant stores that have in the first year, 40% in the second have to pay tax ket rent prevalent before the pandemic
The best part is the ease. “With not signed up for UPI but have a and 33% from third year onwards. and the lockdown, or the reduced
PAYMENTS THROUGH UPI existing methods, stopping recur- PoS terminal or if the customer’s “It is done to ensure that no single on the machine to establish a rental prevalent post the commence-
Autopay: Recently, NPCI added ring payments could be tedious. network is erratic. company is dominant on the UPI physical contact. ment of the pandemic and lockdown? Logically, the comparison
the recurring payments feature to UPI allows users to cancel the platform. It is to avoid concentra- For mobile payments, the has to be done with the lower rentals prevalent post the pandemic
UPI. It allows companies to deduct recurring payment mandate or LOANS THROUGH UPI tion risk,” said Singh. A balance technology works in a similar and lockdown commencement, for a fair and proper comparison.
a fixed monthly pay- pause it, making it the There have been dis- could be maintained manner but requires an app Therefore, even the reduced rental or rents after partial waiver
ment from an indi- NPCI has added most feasible option,” cussions about using There have been if payments apps stop and the payer to authenticate would be more or less in line with the now prevalent market rent-
vidual’s bank the recurring said Mohit Gopal, UPI for credit, where discussions about “unreasonable” cash- the transaction with a pass- als. Since the comparison is of the annual rent, it does not make
account at regular payments feature senior vice-president lenders could assess using UPI for back offers, he added. word or fingerprint. For any difference whether a few months’ rent is waived or whether
intervals. to UPI which and strategy head, borrowers based on credit, where It’s not clear yet example, in India, Samsung there is a reduction in rent for a larger number of months.
If the amount is up
allows deduction PayU India, a pay- their payments his-
lenders could give how NPCI will imple- has tied up with banks to offer Interestingly, the premises cannot be regarded as having been
to ₹2,000 for each ments gateway. tory to give small- ment it and whether NFC payments. The user has vacant during the lockdown period, because technically, it was
transaction, the user of fixed monthly WhatsApp con- ticket loans, accord- small-ticket loans it could lead to apps to register on Samsung’s pay- still occupied by the tenant who was in possession of the prem-
doesn’t even need to payments nect: Companies in ing to executives of to borrowers restricting the num- ments app and then add a fin- ises, though he may not have been able to use them.
enter the PIN (per- the payments space payments company, ber of transactions gerprint and PIN to it. Next, If the landlord merely defers the payment of some part of the
sonal identification expect UPI adoption who did not want to for each user. the user adds the credit or rentals to the subsequent year, the landlord would still be liable
number), as per the Reserve Bank to increase manifold once it is be named. According to Nair, NPCI could ask payments app debit card details in Samsung to pay tax during the current year on the rental income for the
of India (RBI) regulations. “It’s available on WhatsApp. “It can loans on UPI seem like the next with a higher market share to go Pay app. A person can add up entire year, as such rent is receivable by the landlord.
possible to set up a recurring pay- help onboard the next 100 million logical step. “If banks have to slow on onboarding new custom- to 10 cards. What if the tenant fails to pay the rent altogether? Would the
ment of a higher amount. But that users faster,” said Gehani. make money, credit is the only ers, said experts. If this happens, To make payments, the landlord still have to pay tax on unpaid rent, which is never real-
would require the user to enter Most of the popular UPI apps way. There is a cost to maintaining users may need to look at signing user needs to launch the app, ized? The law provides that rent receivable shall not include rent
the PIN for authorization,” said N. are specifically developed for pay- the UPI infrastructure and ensur- up with alternative apps. select the card for payment which cannot be recovered. However, certain conditions are pre-
Sathish, deputy chief product offi- ments or banking use. “No app in ing its security,” he said. Additional features on the UPI and authenticate it. Once the scribed for such rent to be excluded from taxable income. These
cer at FSS, a payments technology the country can compete with The other way for institutions platform could boost its adoption, payer takes the phone close to are that the tenancy should be bona fide, the defaulting tenant
and transaction processing com- WhatsApp on engagement. If to make money in payments is and many new customers could the card machine, the pay- has vacated or steps have been taken to make him vacate the
pany. making a payment is made as sim- through the merchant discount become first-time users of digital ment is made. The technology property, the defaulting tenant should not be in occupation of
Recurring payments can come ple as sending a message, it would rate (MDR), which is the commis- payments. But the industry also uses security options such as any other premises of the landlord, and the landlord should have
handy for various things, apart be more intuitive. It can help UPI sion levied on each transaction. needs to ensure that such users encryption and tokenization, taken all reasonable steps to initiate legal proceedings for recov-
from your utility bills. Consumers reach a significant scale and However, banks are not allowed to don’t fall prey to cyber frauds. A which makes it more secure ery of the rent or should satisfy the tax officer that such legal pro-
are increasingly using subscrip- higher penetration,” said Gehani. charge any fees or commission for one-stop solution may also boost than swipe transactions. ceedings would be useless.
tion-based products and services The increase in adoption means payments over UPI or RuPay net- digital adoption in the long term. Given the seriousness of the current pandemic and the severe
such as streaming platforms. Even more merchants would accept works. “Credit is the only way to financial impact of the lockdown, the government should con-
e-commerce companies offer dis- digital payments. make money if you are in the pay- sider softening the impact of these tax provisions. This could be
counts on products if customers Offline payment: NPCI has ments space. MDR charges only For more stories about how to manage your done by doing away with the requirement of initiation of legal
subscribe to them. been working on adding near- cover the cost of transactions. money life, listen to the podcast Why Not Mint proceedings for the current year. Another step which would help
“There are other options availa- field communication (NFC) capa- That’s why we offer loans on Mob- Money with Mint’s Personal Finance team on tenants renegotiate rents would be by amending the law to tax
ble for recurring payments. But bilities to its payments that would iKwik,” said Singh. Invest smartly to make every only the actual rent receivable for the year, and not requiring
those come with a cost. UPI auto- allow offline transactions on UPI According to Gopal, this feature penny count. comparison with market rents, at least for the current year.
pay is far simpler and cheaper at merchant stores. requires lien or escrow facility on Gautam Nayak is a chartered accountant
Check how your NPS Capital losses can be set off against capital gains
investments are faring Parizad Sirwalla
erty will not be available.
Further, for getting yourself
here are very few retirement products that help you accumulate a retirement I have taken a loan for con- added as a co-owner to the
nest egg and one such product is the National Pension System (NPS). It is a struction of a house in joint property now, you should seek
market-linked, defined-contribution product that needs you to invest regularly capacity with my father. legal opinion on the appropri-
in the funds of your choice. The returns are based on the performance of the But I am not a co-owner. ate documentation, stamp
fund that you choose. There are eight pension fund managers to choose from Can I get myself added as duty implications and any
and one of the ways to do that is by tracking the returns. Here is a breakdown of the co-owner now—as I other implications.
the performance of different funds—equity fund, government bond fund and have already taken the loan On your second query, the
corporate bond fund—of the private sector NPS. —to be eligible for tax set-off of losses on the sale of
deductions? Also, suppose shares will depend on the
Returns (in %) Tier-1 account a person purchases a stock, nature of the capital asset
but at the time of liquidat- (Indian or foreign stock) and
1 year 3 years 5 years Equity fund Government bond fund Corporate debt fund ing the stock, the investor also the nature of capital losses
makes a loss. Is this loss (short-term or long-term)
Birla Sun Life Pension Scheme 5.52 4.57 - 12.04 9.62 - 12.89 9.79 - amount tax deductible? incurred from the sale of the
HDFC Pension Fund 2.88 3.79 6.87 12.76 10.20 10.99 12.65 9.33 10.24 —Avtar stock. Capital losses are
Fund Manager
On your first query, a should be apportioned in the deductible only against capital
ICICI Prudential Pension Fund 0.80 2.68 5.50 11.64 9.86 10.80 11.19 9.01 10.12 ASK MINT
deduction for interest and m ratio of the respective funding gains during the year, as per
principal repayment towards a TA X AT I O N done by your father and you the rules prescribed. Also, any
Kotak Pension Fund 2.97 3.15 6.18 12.05 9.78 11.00 9.81 8.01 9.54
housing loan is available under towards the property or loan, unadjusted capital losses can
LIC Pension Fund -1.27 1.01 4.25 12.01 10.92 11.90 12.47 8.92 9.95 Section 24 and Section 80C, ship and legal ownership of within the specified limits. It be carried forward up to eight
respectively. For the purpose the property may be consid- may also be noted that both succeeding financial years for
SBI Pension Fund 0.13 2.75 5.79 12.35 10.03 10.98 12.23 9.13 10.07
of these deductions, you are ered by tax authorities for the deductions, can be claimed set off only against future capi-
UTI Retirement Solutions* 0.16 2.59 5.82 12.30 9.57 10.49 12.15 8.74 9.81 required to be the owner of the determining the ownership of only after the construction is tal gains.
property and the income from the property. Accordingly, in completed and possession of Read the full answer on
AUM: assets under management; NAV: net asset such property should be case where you are not the the property is received.
value; For the Equity Fund the benchmark is Nifty 50 Total Return CCIL All Sovereign Bond-TRI CCIL Bond Broad-TRI
NIFTY 50 Total Return Index, Government Bond chargeable to tax in your legal co-owner of the property, In case you are opting for Parizad Sirwalla is partner
Fund the benchmark is CCIL All Sovereign Bond - 1.90 4.56 6.74 11.46 9.51 10.35 12.07 9.41 10.05 hands under the head “income the claim of the said tax deduc- the new taxation regime, and head, global mobility servi-
TRI, Corporate Debt Fund the benchmark is CCIL
Bond Broad - TRI; Returns as on 4 August 2020;
Benchmark index from house property”. tions may be contentious. deductions under Sections ces, tax, KPMG in India. Que-
Assets as on 30 June 2020; *Assets as on 31 May
2020; 1-year returns are absolute returns. PARAS JAIN/MINT Source: Value Research
While there is no express Once you acquire the legal 80C and 24 for interest on loan ries and views at mint-
clarity, both financial owner- co-ownership, the deductions taken for self-occupied prop- [email protected]
Shreya Nandi
[email protected]
around ₹13.6 trillion. Of this, financing world, it has been proved that with able to run many trains. The DFC is
for ₹10 trillion has been frozen. This also improved efficiency of operations and designed for 100 km per hour and there
includes work on the dedicated freight maintenance, the cost of operations of will be a lot of network capacity available
corridor and the bullet train project. these private trains will be much less. to introduce more freight trains.
ndian Railways has been facing a The second type of finance is We have decided that we will be
challenging year because of the coro- through extra budgetary resour- going for private freight operators
navirus outbreak. With passenger ces, borrowing from those Indian
revenues hit by the limited train ser- Railway Finance Corp. projects
vices in the first quarter of the fiscal, where the rate of return is more
also for these corridors. The point
that I want to make is that we can
go for bidding only when these
the national transporter is pinning hopes than 12%. corridors are commissioned and
on an increase in freight revenue and The third type of projects trains start operating.
lower expenditure to match last year’s involve those of national impor- The bidding process will start
operating ratio. tance, such as the ones in Jammu closer to commissioning of the
Plans are being finalized for private and Kashmir, and improving con- railway lines. Right now we are
firms to run freight trains on dedicated nectivity with the northeastern working out the details and the
freight corridors, Railway Board chair- part of the country. These pro- project report. We have deputed
man Vinod Yadav said in an interview. jects don’t have a rate of return a consultant. The details and con-
Also, for the first time, 150 modern pas- and are being implemented as tours are still being worked on.
senger trains will be launched by private they will improve the condition of
companies in the next three years. The people staying in such areas.
private sector will also take part in the
redevelopment and transformation of zation. Railways has taken two ini-
railway stations into commercial hubs. tiatives.
‘We have increased the speed of Can
The fourth type is asset moneti- our freight trains from 23 km/hr
‘ ‘
pre-bid conference this hand and very uncharacteristically owned up to how it has success-
week. We are open to In this fiscal, we may be able to fully lowered borrowing costs for businesses. Similarly, politically
making changes in RFQ incorrect, yet economically pragmatic need to be taken by the
based on the feedback earn ₹15,000-₹20,000 cr from Union government. It has the social capital, especially with Prime
received from companies. the passenger segment, based Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity ratings, as reported in India
When do we get to see Today last week, at record highs, to absorb the political criticism
private trains on the on the coronavirus situation. that will accrue from the Opposition (it is the dharma of the Oppo-
dedicated freight corri- sition to oppose).
dor (DFC)? How will you implement tilizer and cement has grown, foodgrain What the Modi government has going in its favour is what the
this and how many routes are you loading has doubled and additional com- late Arun Jaitley put as the ability of the National Democratic Alli-
looking at? modities are coming to us. ance to be simultaneously “pro-poor and pro-business”. It has,
We are trying to complete the dedi- In this fiscal, we may earn therefore, not shied away from backing business or providing a
cated freight corridor project by ₹15,000-₹20,000 crore from the passen- helpful nudge to potential foreign investors.
December 2021. There have been ger segment, depending on the coronavi- At crunch time, it is clear that the industries hurting most are
some problems (in the progress rus situation. Whatever we are going to those who are part of the contact economy. The enforcement of
of this project) because of cov- lose in the passenger segment, we are social distancing and subsequent lockdowns have devastated hos-
id-19, but we are trying to making an effort to make it up in the pitality and aviation in particular. Without help, they risk going
sort it out. As of now, the freight segment. We will try to reach as under. Not only will it worsen the economic situation and create
work has picked up close as possible and also bring down bad press, but also debts owed by them can push the financial sec-
well. Having said this, expenditure by cutting fuel cost, coach tor to the edge.
we are working out maintenance cost, redeployment of staff The problem is how the Union government does help. Not only
the business devel- without reducing staff or allowances. A does it have to be calibrated but it also has to be selective, given the
opment plans. reduction in cost will increase earnings, paucity of resources. Almost every rupee to be borrowed by the
When this but there is no way for us to reduce staff government will have to be accounted for, not so much to manage
DFC is com- or cut back on any allowances. the politics, but to ensure the economy recovers in earnest. The
pleted, there We hope to maintain an operating spate of recent foreign investments in the digital economy suggests
will be a lot of ratio similar to that of last year (2019-20) that the tide may be turning. Over to North Block then.
c a p a c i t y , at 98.36% by increasing freight revenue Anil Padmanabhan is managing editor of Mint and writes every
where we will be and reducing expenses. week on the intersection of politics and economics.
Comments are welcome at [email protected]
In the first phase of the new many multinationals looking to India, for the same quantum,
scheme, 10 million LED bulbs move production lines out of the investment is pegged at To get your MINT copy, give a missed call on 7039035039 or visit
or write to us at [email protected]
will be offered. Of the total China following the pandemic. $10-40.
12 MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 2020
speak about science and other subjects science education, multiple exit options
both in their home language and at the undergraduate level, creation of
English” carries very little conviction. large multidisciplinary institutions, and
The Indian state spends pitiful amounts allowing foreign universities to set up
on education and it is unclear how the local campuses. The problem isn’t with
devaluation of Indian languages as a the form of the university system—and
result of national and global forces can it is entirely unhelpful to hold up Ivy
be addressed by devoting resources to League colleges of the US as models to
bolster the performance of politics. emulate—but, rather, the content.
SANJAY SRIVASTAVA Would the most educationally deprived The MPhil programme, for example,
is a British Academy global professor at benefit from being able to express has been fundamental to training future
University College London, and a mathematical formulae in an Indian researchers in a system primed towards
sociologist at Institute of Economic language? Or instead, would it be better rote learning rather than independent
Growth, Delhi. to devote scarce resources to better thinking. In many western countries,
Consumer confidence
train teachers, provide infrastructure this degree is no longer offered. But it is
for schools and resources to students? necessitated in India by the weak edu-
he new National Education Policy Given the country’s socioeconomic dis- cational experience that precedes it.
(NEP 2020) is the third overhaul parities, it is not difficult to imagine Its demise will be a blow to an already
of India’s education system in the whose children are most likely to be the debilitated university system and fur-
s an ear to the ground, our Con- and spending as either better than it was a year torical and structural issues that afflict immediate need is to attend to the If the NEP were as systematic a docu-
sumer Confidence Survey was ago, or worse (or the same). Likewise, the FEI the Indian education ecosystem. basics of teaching methods, inflationary ment as to change the fundamentals of
Let us leave aside the largely per- grading, school infrastructure and out- India’s social structure, it would be
found by a recent study to have reflects how optimistic or pessimist they feel formative dimensions of NEP 2020, dated curricula. There is little value in remarkable indeed. It might even have
got better after mid-2016, when on those five counts a year ahead. Both indices such as its putative inspiration from evaluating continuous failure. been an object of admiration if it had
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have the same formula. If positive and negative “ancient Indian knowledge”. For, this Barring a handful of professional discovered an easy way of ushering in
adopted its flexible inflation- votes were to turn out exactly equal, the index might lead us to the tricky question of institutions, our higher education sys- social and economic change. Unfortu-
targeting regime. Overall, the survey’s data would be at a neutral 100. If the percentage of why such knowledge has not rid us of tem neither produces employable grad- nately, this is a chimera. Our most likely
some of the worst forms of social dis- uates nor capable researchers. This is future is the continuing decline of an
has not been very reliable as a lead indicator of up-thumbs exceeds that of down-thumbs by crimination in the world. Neither is it the outcome of a lack of proper training educational system that requires trans-
the economy’s direction since it was launched 10 percentage points, it would read a cheery worthwhile focusing on the formulaic of both teachers and students, the formations in content and not form.
by RBI a decade ago, but its consumer outlook 110. And if anxiety exceeds confidence by the laundry list of supposed characteristics neglect of regional universities, and As for the view that the State should
on economic conditions and prices was found same gap, the reading would dip to a gloomy for success in the modern world. Per- an exaggerated deference towards get out of running schools, we need look
to forecast retail inflation rather well. This 90. An average of the CSI and FEI could offer formance is politics. Let us, instead, stay teachers that inhibits the development no further than at the “effectiveness” of
with the substantive issues. of a critical attitude. private healthcare during covid. The
suggested that RBI had acquired either an us a composite index of consumer confidence, The language conundrum is one. The structural problems faced by lack of an efficient public health system
alert system or actual handle on inflationary but it is the former that most analysts go by. There is great merit in valuing Indian the university system are extremely has cost us dearly. As writings on state
expectations. Either way, now that covid-19 Expectations often go awry, after all, while the languages, including Sanskrit. How- unlikely to be solved by the establish- schools in Himachal Pradesh and Kerala
has blurred the path ahead, a fog light offered current report holds validity as a ground signal ever, the recommendation that stu- ment of a centralized administrative have shown, the State can do enormous
by the perceptions of people should serve as a for analysis. This year’s crash of the CSI has dents be instructed in a manner such body, the noble but utopian goal of public good if it puts its mind to it. An
that “by the end of grade 9 they can erasing distinctions between arts and educated State is the key.
useful input for policy calls on price stability. been steeper than the tumbles it took before
Accordingly, some of RBI’s evident wariness 2014, a revival year, though it has largely been
of inflation can be pinned on the survey’s slipping since 2015; after a spike in 2019, it was
latest findings. What these imply for govern- on a downslide again. And then, in March,
ment policy, though, may be even more rele- covid struck. The pandemic seems to have
vant. While the survey’s current situation pushed people deeper into despondency over
index (CSI) fell to its gloomiest ever level of earnings, employment and the economy, with New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Vol.4 No.190 Rs. 3.00
R3.00 32 PAGES
53.8 in July, down from 63.7 in May, its future worsening income and job worries having led Q&A:HUL’s Rajaram on the
changing Indian market >8
ENTERTAINMENT: ‘Peepli Live’ recovers
its production cost ahead of release >8
expectations index (FEI) rose to 105.4, a break the drop of nearly 10 points from May to July. EXCLUSIVE PARTNER
EXPENSE ACCOUNT: Of investments
and advanced flights >21
WSJ: China’s trade surplus surges to
its highest level in a year and a half >27
into optimism zone, from a dismal 97.9 two Brighter job expectations next year have
SENSEX 18,219.99 æ 67.51
DOLLAR `46.40 Æ `0.27
EURO `60.79 æ `0.23
India, US close to
GOLD `18,125 æ `60 OIL $78.66 æ $2.10
The function of education
months earlier. Hopes of a vaccine and the nudged July’s FEI back above 100, but finer is to teach one to think
stock surges social security pact
[email protected] B Y S AHIL M AKKAR & SECURITY NET
T o get almost 200
countries to agree on
climate change is tricky.
························· S URABHI A GARWAL On Monday, United
MUMBAI ························· THE NEWS Nations secretary general
D riven by higher sales at its NEW DELHI The long-pending Indo-US totalization
Centre’s Atmanirbhar package may deserve data also points to a clear trend of tightening
Ban Ki-moon said the
UK subsidiary Jaguar
Land Rover (JLR), India’s larg- I ndia and the US are close to
clinching a long-pending
agreement, which seeks to link the social
security systems of both countries, is
climate change summit
at Cancun later this year
Sebi verdict
social security system to that of India.
credit for this mood uplift, but sustaining it thrift. This is consistent with CSI signals of a
higher. In the absence of the totali- a broad consensus on
The profit compared with a zation agreement, which is THE IMPLICATION the subject. But when the
loss of `328.78 crore in the likely to be inked during Presi- The agreement will benefit Indian top cheerleader for the
same period a year earlier. dent Barack Obama’s visit later workers, mainly IT professionals, and
US nationals employed in India. People
negotiations admits this,
Revenue rose to `27,055.57 this year, expatriate workers it’s cause for concern.
crore from `16,472.97 crore. from each country forfeit their towards social security, but were That’s because the last
Tata Motors’ earnings were contributions if they do not deprived of refunds and other time the world met on
boosted by improved margins meet the criteria. benefits. climate change, the costs
at JLR, the luxury car maker it “Earlier there was a dead- outweighed the benefits.
will be hard without a renewed fiscal push. rapid descent into a spiral of scroungy times
acquired in 2008 from Ford lock on the agreement. The US Preliminary estimates put
Motor Co., and higher sales of was not very receptive about it. been pursuing the matter, the emission footprint of
by 30 Sep
new luxury models such as the But now both the countries have held meetings in the past the Copenhagen summit
Jaguar XJ. JLR accounts for have agreed to share data by one month to clear the decks at around 46,000 tonnes
two-thirds of net sales at Tata September giving details of In- before Obama’s visit. of carbon dioxide, not
Motors. dian and US workers in the re- To take the talks further, a to mention the millions
“We would have sold (a) spective countries and their delegation from the US is visit- spent. When you take
Corona clamps meant that July’s survey had and weak demand. Arresting it would take
engines,” said Carl-Peter For-
ster, group managing director
regulator to rule on the few other products. MCX-SX
claimed it had complied with
not want to be named.
The ministry of overseas af-
this, officials from both coun- skewed balance sheet.
The Cancun meet is
and chief executive officer at exchange’s application the ownership norms and recast fairs, ministry of commerce TURN TO PAGE 3® likely to incur similar
Tata Motors. after the latter seeks its equity through a high court and the department of infor- expenses, and, if Ban and
JLR, which has a long-term approved scheme. mation technology (IT) along ALSO SEE others are to be believed,
contract with Ford for engines, legal intervention The court also directed the with the US-India Information deliver similar results.
despatched 57,153 units in the exchange to pass a board reso- and Communication Technol- > India protests Bill to raise visa fees >P4 Will it be worth the show?
quarter, 58% higher than in the B Y K HUSHBOO N ARAYAN, lution in 10 days stating that the ogy working group, who have >OurView: A new visa for techies >P30
corresponding period last year. A NIRUDH L ASKAR & promoters of the exchange,
to be done by phone, like the one in May, so it direct fiscal action against a widespread loss of of true education.
A favourable exchange rate N . S UNDARESHA S UBRAMANIAN Multi Commodity Exchange of
against the dollar, euro and ························· India Ltd and Financial Tech-
pound also helped margins. MUMBAI nologies (India) Ltd, will not
The earnings handily beat
analysts’ predictions of a profit
of `1,200 crore, and sent the
stock to `957.30 at close of trad-
ing on Tuesday, a 4.17%, jump
T he Bombay high court on
Tuesday directed capital
market regulator Securi-
ties and Exchange Board of In-
dia (Sebi) to take the final deci-
raise holdings beyond what is
permitted. Going by the current
norms, the promoters cannot
hold more than 5% each.
Meanwhile, Sebi will gather
over the day before. sion on the MCX Stock Ex- information from the stake-
cannot claim to represent all of India. Yet, it is a economic confidence. Money handed out via
The benchmark Sensex fell change Ltd (MCX-SX) applica- holders in the exchange, includ-
0.37% to 18,219.99 points. The tion to launch new products on ing 18 banks, on whether they
stock earlier hit `967.30, the its exchange platform by 30 have entered into any buy-back
highest in more than two dec- September. arrangement with MCX-SX.
ades, according to Thomson The court’s order follows a 16 The order was passed in the
Reuters data. July writ petition filed by the ex- backdrop of Sebi’s claim that
Tata Motors’ India opera- change, seeking legal interven- MCX-SX, while reducing the pro-
tions reported sales of tion over the regulator’s delay
`10,416.26 crore, 62% higher in deciding on its application to TURN TO PAGE 2®
credible signal of popular sentiment. Broadly, cash transfers and tax relief could work as a
than a year ago. Profit was low-
er at `395.72 crore from
`513.76 crore in the year-ago
period, when it had been
boosted by stake sales in other
group firms.
Indian scientist offers
proof for P=NP riddle
the CSI captures the views of 5,400 randomly boost. But inflation mustn’t flare up in the
> MARK TO MARKET: JLR drives Tata
Motors performance >P18
picked households in 13 cities (5,342 this time), process. Price sensitivities needs to be kept
Labs in California, has pro- tempts these past two years
posed a possible proof for the trying other combinations of
famed P=NP problem in math- ideas before I began this
ematics—a feat that could net work.”
him $1 million (`4.6 crore) for The paper still needs to be
solving one of the seven Clay published in a major refereed
Mathematics Institute Millen- journal and then be “generally
nium Problems. accepted” by the mathematical
Deolalikar has released his community within two years of
with respondents asked to rate the economy, track of, too. Maybe RBI’s confidence survey
100-page proof online, and in a
6 August email to his “fellow TURN TO PAGE 2®
Mint is also available for R5.50 with Hindustan Times under a combo offer
jobs scenario, inflation and their own income should be done every month from now on.
lmost every atheist has said this at take that India’s modern intellectuals com- and what truly matters to us. That, in my our ancestors that modern atheists approve God, like Charles Darwin. And there were
least once, “But I believe in a force.” mitted after Independence. view, is what God is. An of? From a literary point of many scientists who said there was no God
Some of them have since down- They were deluded by an impractical insight from history into view, it is pointless to con- but were deeply influenced by the magic
graded truth as far less exciting—that life modern political idea—secularism. Imagine human nature. Self-declared vert a figure like Sita into realism of divine fables. It is not a coinci-
and the universe have no point, no meaning. someone trying to sell a subscription to an The sound of prayers an unremarkable fictitious dence that the Big Bang theory can be sum-
Some atheists feel, even when they have not orphanage; that is what secularism is from a and even the physical rationalists modern person. marized by one the most famous opening
ingested any substance, that living things are cultural point of view. The dismissal of actions of rituals are from a In this light, believers lines of a story ever: “In the beginning was
“interconnected”. Others say something in Hindu discontent in the name of modernity very ancient time, when
ought to ask are our true conservation- the word…”
Various Nasa missions have helped map the solar system ESO/L. BENASSI
N asa has revealed the strange shape of our solar system: a deflated croissant. The
new findings came after researchers used data from a variety of Nasa missions
to plot out the shape of the magnetic bubble surround all of the planets in our sys-
tem. Traditionally, depictions of that bubble have shown it as something like a
VIVEK DEHEJIA comet, with a rounded leading edge and a long trail behind it.But in fact it appears
is a Mint columnist to be a much strange shape, like a croissant that has been badly baked or an ear. The
magnetic bubble that wraps around all the planets of our solar system is made as
material flows out of the Sun in the solar wind. Outside of it is the point known as
the interstellar medium, which fills up the gap between our solar system and the
other planetary systems that are our neighbours, throughout the universe.
The Independent
uring the high water phase of glo-
balization, it was becoming fashion-
able to write off the continuing rele-
vance of the nation-state, and, by
B ryan Johnson, 42, is the founder and chief executive of Kernel, a company
which is trying to downsize the expensive, cumbersome brain scanning
machines currently used for neuroscience... Based in Los Angeles, Kernel originally
extension, the ability of national explored the option of developing invasive implants such as those already used to
governments to shape economic, combat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but decided the external monitoring
social and other outcomes within their borders. market was a better niche. Johnson, a software entrepreneur who sold his first busi-
What the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 ness to eBay in 2013, has put $54m of his own money into the company, and it raised
and the global financial crisis of 2007-09 failed to another $53m in June this year. His company has already carried out demonstra-
do over the span of almost two decades, the cov- tions including “Shazam for the brain”, in which the technology figures out what
id-19 global pandemic has managed to achieve in song is playing simply by analysing a participant’s brain activity.
a matter of months: the reinvigoration of both the The Telegraph
nation-state and national governments.
To put it simply, borders are important again,
and national governments once again play a deci- Beware of fake video clips of the blast in Beirut
sive role in shaping the daily lives of their citizens,
as opposed to merely laying out the broad con-
tours of economic and social policy within which
private agents could freely interact.
D octored videos of Tuesday’s devastating explosion in Beirut are already circu-
lating on every major social media platform. In videos originally shot by both
CNN and eyewitnesses in the Lebanese capital, footage of a rising smoke plume at
Harvard economics professor and former US Beirut Port was inverted and made to look like a “negative.” In addition, a missile-
treasury secretary Lawrence Summers, one of the like object was superimposed on the video. Some of the manipulated footage was
key intellectual architects of the “Washington taken from the Facebook page of Beirut-based, CNN Arabic social media producer
consensus” that built our globalised world, has Mehsen Mekhtfe. He had captured the explosion while walking near the port—
argued recently in the Financial Times (Covid-19 something that he does frequently during that time of day. “Many people reached
Looks Like a Hinge in History, 14 May 2020) that out to me to tell me that it’s fake,” Mekhtfe told CNN, referring to the fake missile
the three most cataclysmic events to shape the video. “But it’s my video and I have the original and it doesn’t show that...”
present century have been the 2001 terrorist CNN
attacks, the 2007-09 global financial crisis, and
the covid-19 pandemic. risk-taking ways within a half-dozen years or less. and personal interactions.
Taking a somewhat broader view, looking back Optimists believe that the same will hold true of Meanwhile, massive fiscal stimulus across Keep those quantum computers in deep freeze
at the past 100 years, and taking a leaf from Sum- the current crisis, but I have serious doubts. As I advanced economies has once again given gov-
mers himself, I would amend the list as follows:
the assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis
Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist in 1914 that trig-
have written earlier in this space, protracted lock-
downs and restrictions on normal economic
activity across the world are likely to have pro-
ernments an outsized role in economic activity,
while a doubling down on unconventional mone-
tary policies has reversed halting steps to return
I magine the US is under attack... But the nation’s best defence is not an aircraft
carrier or a missile system. It’s a box of incredibly cold atoms. “Use the quantum
computer,” yells a general. The atoms inside the computer can solve complex prob-
gered World War I, the stock market crash of 1929 found “hysteresis” effects: that is, long-lasting or to monetary policy normalcy following the global lems and, almost instantly, spit out an instruction. One firm already getting to grips
that triggered the Great Depression of the 1930s, perhaps permanent effects emanating from a sin- financial crisis. In the bargain, normal democratic with a scenario like this is ColdQuanta. It recently signed a contract with US defence
and the current covid-19 global public safety gle shock to the system that itself dissipates over functioning has been suspended just about every- research agency Darpa to build a quantum computer that can rapidly work out how
emergency. It is noteworthy that the first was a time. Lockdowns, while being eased, have been in where, with governments, in effect, ruling by best to reposition radar equipment in the event of a defence system partially failing.
political event that triggered a major war, and the place in most countries around the world for four decree and relying on enabling legislation that The project relies on being able to gather together enough atoms as qubits—the
second was an economic event that triggered a months or more. They are likely to have a signifi- grants them virtually unlimited powers once a building blocks of a quantum computer... To do this, the atoms have to be extremely
worldwide economic crisis, while our current cri- cant and potentially long-lasting impact on eco- state of emergency is declared. This is the very cold, making such computers the coldest in the world.
sis is a global emergency triggered by the prolifer- nomic and social outcomes. This is a longer span antithesis of the globalized, liberal, democratic BBC
ation of a deadly virus. of time than how long it took for normal life to world that many of us, perhaps naively, believed
It is remarkable that the 2001 terrorist attacks resume after either 2001 or 2007-09. Back then, we were living in or at least moving toward a mere
and the 2007-09 global financial crisis did not, in people’s daily routines sprang back rather quickly six months ago. The shameful insensitivity of lock-ups in the UK
the end, succeed in unravelling the move toward for many—or, in quite a few cases, never stopped. Governments, once circumstances hand them
an ever more globalized world, but rather merely
stalled the movement a little bit for a few months
and a few years, respectively. For instance, after a
Two clear trends have emerged: a disappear-
ance of the borderless globalized world, and a
sweeping away of classical liberal or libertarian
the opportunity to expand their powers, very
rarely, if ever, cede those powers voluntarily—and
this proclivity to grab power and hang on to it cuts
C hildren with Down’s syndrome and autism were among those left for hours
in [English] court cells while they waited for legal representation or transport,
a custody watchdog has revealed in a damning report. The treatment of some young
lockdown for a few days after 9/11, flights into the fantasies of a permanently reduced role for gov- across putative distinctions of ideology and across people, including those with disabilities, was labelled unacceptable and a “matter
US resumed. (I recall being in New York City ernments in economic and private activity. party lines. After the assassination of Francis of embarrassment” for the criminal justice system by the Lay Observers (LO)... In
about a week later, seeing the still smouldering Rather, hard lockdowns have made national bor- Ferdinand in 1914, it took the world the better its annual report, the watchdog said young people and those with health problems
ruins of the twin towers.) Meanwhile, after the ders more relevant than they’ve been at any time part of a century to recreate the globalized, liberal were falling through the gaps. As well as raising concerns about “filthy cells” and
global financial crisis, the twin bazookas of since the end of World War II—indeed, even bor- world order that two world wars and a depression “complicated” transport arrangements made between police, courts and prisons,
unconventional monetary policies and large- ders between sub-national jurisdictions within in between them managed to subvert. Hopefully, the report warned of poor record-keeping of medical needs and a lack of sanitary
scale fiscal stimulus managed to get the global federal states have assumed renewed impor- it will not take another century, but it is going items for female detainees in some cell blocks.
economy back on track, and bankers and fund tance—and governments everywhere have to be quite a few years before we return to that The Guardian
managers were back to their freewheeling and invoked emergency powers to curtail economic world again.
ndia imports around 70% of its raw materi- ity lapses. There were also reports of this causing adverse side effects or worsening “Not of standard quality”, without informing and calls for intervention from authorities
als, like active pharmaceutical ingredients number rising to 11 in four months. the spread of diseases. the drug controller of the like the drug controller and even law
and key excipients, for the manufacture of Estimates for 2019-20 reveal that during India has just 20-30 test state or the pharmaceutical enforcement agencies. If the ministry of
essential drugs from China, the fraying of ties this period, India had four drugs and 27 laboratories that can tell We need a company whose name the commerce and industry wants to enhance
with which has transformed the course of the batches that were recalled. In fact, for many good or relatively poor- drug’s packaging bears. It is the image of Indian pharmaceuticals, then
country’s pharmaceutical business. Even as of these drugs, the shelf-life was only three quality products apart regulatory important for the DCGI to solving this problem is imperative.
we promise to “Make in India”, we will have months. The government must tighten its from counterfeits. We clearly state whether the As of now, many well-reputed drug firms
to take tough decisions as far as our drug noose on quality and ensure that patient need a lot more, not least
mechanism that drug tested falls under the unfairly find themselves at the receiving end