Pakstudies Creation of Bangladesh

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Pakstudies creation of Bangladesh

What was mukti bahini?(4)

Bengali guerrilla and regular armed resistance forces during the Bangladesh
Liberation War in 1971. It consisted of defecting Bengali regiments from the
Pakistani military, paramilitary and police; as well as thousands of Bengali
It received extensive support from Indian allied forces during the war. The
Mukti Bahini consisted of Bengali military and paramilitary personnel and
thousands of Bengali civilians in response to the Operation Searchlight on
March 25, 1971.
Describe the Opeartion Search Light? [4]
Operation Searchlight was a planned military operation carried out by
the Pakistan Army to curb the Bengali nationalist movement in the
erstwhile East Pakistan in March 1971. Ordered by the central government
in West Pakistan. The original plan envisioned taking control of the major cities
on March 26, and then eliminating all opposition, political or military, within
one month. It caused roughly 10 million refugees to flee to India as well as the
death of civilians.
Why did east Pakistan wanted to become independent from
west Pakistan?(7)
It saw no alternative.It was a long way from West Pakistan and was poorer.East
Pakistan was resentful of the fact that it was under-represented in the Pakistani
army and the Civil Service. Due to the distance from the West, it felt that it was
under political repression and with an undemocratic government.
Because it had a weaker industrial base than the West and suffered from floods,
it resented that it received little attention from the rest of Pakistan.
Most of the wealth of Pakistan was concentrated in the west not only of
individuals but also in terms of government expenditure. All the benefits went
to the west.The Six Points made by Mujib-ur-Rehman. The general election of
1970 saw the Awami League win a majority in East Pakistan.
Were political concerns more important than economic ones in the creation
of Bangladesh in 1971? Explain your answer.[14]
The Six Points made by Mujib-ur-Rehman and the Awami League was the
most important factor in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971.’ Do you
agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

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