Chapter 2 Soil-Water-Plant
Chapter 2 Soil-Water-Plant
Chapter 2 Soil-Water-Plant
Chapter – Two
Soil-Water-Plant Relationships
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Soil –water relationship ; Kinds of soil water
2.3 Basic concepts of soil water dynamics
2.4 Infiltration
2.5 Flow of water in soil
2.6 Water extraction by plants
2.7 Hydraulic conductivity
2.1 Introduction
Soils are the storehouse of water, nutrients and air which are necessary for plant
growth. Therefore, plants grow on soils that provide them water and nutrients.
The plants need water, the soil stores the water needed by the plants, and the
atmosphere provides the energy needed by the plant to withdraw water from the
Considering many ways by which water may be removed from the soil, it must be
considered as efficient storage medium. Irrigation water and rainwater after
infiltration into the soil get stored in different classes of soil pores (fine-, medium
and large pores). The water stored in the soil pores constitutes the soil water.
Fortunately, water can be held by the soil for long periods of time and still
available for plants use. Plants absorb water mainly through their roots and use
only 1.0 to 1.5% of the volume of water absorbed for building their vegetative
structures and performing various physiological and biochemical activities. The
rest of water is lost through transpiration of plants. Knowledge of the process of
water transport in soil, into plants and from soil and plants to the atmosphere are
the basics of irrigation practice. Often important question in irrigation practices is
the “when to irrigate and how much to irrigate” questions which answers depend
on soil-water-plant-atmosphere relationships. Both excess and deficit of soil
water affects the plant growth and results in yield reduction. An insight into these
relationships requires the study of physical characteristics of soils relevant to the
rate of entry of water into the soil, moisture retention, storage, and transport,
Water film
Air space
Soil particles
The physical properties of the soil, including its ability to store water, are highly
related to the fraction or percentage of the total soil volume that is occupied by
solid and the fraction or percentage that is pore space. For plant growth
Density, porosity and soil water terms are defined with reference to Fig. 2.4.
Vt Vs Vw Va (2.1)
Mt M s M w M a (2.2)
Most often bulk and particle densities are used to characterize densities of soil.
They are described as follows:
Bulk density ( b )
Mass per unit volume of soil comprising the solid and gaseous phase in
exclusion of the liquid phase is called bulk density. That means it describes the
soil as it is in the natural state including pore spaces. In other words, bulk density
is the weight of oven dry soil per unit total volume. It is sometimes referred to as
apparent specific gravity. The difference between the two terms is that the bulk
density is given in gm/cm3 while apparent specific gravity is expressed as
dimensionless quantity. Bulk density is normally expressed on a dry weight basis,
which vale ranging from 1.0 – 1.8 gm/cm3 for mineral soils. Its values indicate
whether a soil layer is too compacted to allow root penetration or if it is effective
for adequate aeration of the root zone.
To determine bulk density soil core method is widely used. In this method soil
sample is taken from the filed using core sampler of known volume and oven
dried at 105 0C to obtain a constant weight. The mass of the soil is then obtained
by weighing the dried soil. The bulk density is then calculated from the weight of
the soil per unit volume of known core sampler which is expressed as
Ms Ms
b (2.3)
Vt Vs Va Vw
Bulk density of a soil is affected by soil texture, organic matter content and tillage
practices and ranges from 1.1 to 1.3 gm/cm3 in fine textured surface soils and
from 1.4 to 1.8 gm/cm3 in coarse textured surface soils. It decreases with an
It denotes the mass of soil solid per unit volume of soil solid and is expressed in
gm/cm3. In determining the particle density of soil, consideration is given only to
solid particles. Thus the particle density of any soil is constant and does not vary
with the amount of space between the particles. It is defined as the mass
(weight) per unit volume of soil particles (soil solids).
s (2.4)
Particle density does not change with tillage or cropping practices.
In most mineral soils the s is about 2.2 – 2.7 gm/cm3.
Total pore space and porosity
Total pore space (E) is the ratio of the volume of pores (voids) to the total volume
of soil and is expressed in %. It is the volume of soil occupied by air and water.
To determine porosity, soil samples are taken with core samplers and placed in a
pan of water until completely saturated. Then after saturation the cores are
weighed. Then after, the saturated samples are oven dried which again weighed.
The difference in weight between saturated and oven dry cores represents a
volume of the pore space.
Vf Va Vw Vt Vs Vs
E 1 (2.5)
Vt Vt Vt Vt
The ratio is then multiplied by 100 to obtain the porosity in percent. Total porosity
can also be calculated from the bulk density and particle density using the
following relationships,
E 1 b (2.6)
The relationship between the mass wetness and volume wetness is given by
v w (2.10)
The gravimetric method is still the most widely used technique to determine the
soil water content and is often taken as a standard for the calibration of other
methods. A disadvantage is that it is laborious, because samples in duplicate or
in triplicate are required to compensate for errors and variability. Moreover,
volumetric samples need to be taken carefully. The samples cannot usually be
weighed in the field, and special care must be taken to prevent them from drying
out before they are weighed in the laboratory.
ii. Neutron-Scattering
The neutron-scattering method is based on fast-moving neutrons emitted by a
radioactive source, usually Am, which collide with nuclei in the soil and lose
energy. A detector counts part of the slowed-down reflected (thermal) neutrons.
Because hydrogen slows down neutrons much more than other soil constituents,
and since hydrogen is mainly present in water, the neutron count is strongly
related to the water content. We use an empirical linear relationship between the
ratio of the count to a standard count of the instrument, which is called the count
ratio, and the soil-water content. The standard count is taken under standard
conditions, preferably in a pure water body. The empirical relationship reads
a b R (2.11)
R = the count ratio (-)
a and b = soil specific constants (-)
Because, apart from hydrogen, the count ratio is also influenced by the bulk
density of the soil and by various chemical components, a soil specific calibration
is required. Constant a in Equation 2.11 increases with bulk density; constant b is
influenced by soil chemical composition (Gardner 1986). The calibration can be
done by regression of the soil-water content of samples taken around the
measurement site, on the count ratio
For field measurements, portable equipment has been developed. The most
frequently used equipment consists of a probe unit and a scaler (Fig. 2.5). The
probe, containing a neutron source, is lowered into a tube, called an access tube,
in the soil down to the required depth. A proportion of the reflected slow neutrons
is absorbed in a boron-trifluoride gas-filled tube (counter). Ionization of the gas
results in discharge pulses, which are amplified and measured with the scaler.
The action radius of the instrument is spherical and its size varies with soil
wetness; the drier the soil, the larger the action radius (between approximately
15 cm in wet soil to 50 cm in dry soil.
The neutron-scattering technique has been widely used under field conditions.
Fig. 2.6: An example of the installation of the capacitance probes in a soil profile
and a schematic illustration of the capacitance probe (A) The probes are placed
in two columns in between two rows of a crop at different depths (B) The
capacitance probe consists of (a) a holder, (b) three electrodes, (c) a cable, and
(d) a connector.
v. Time-Domain Reflectrometry
A method that also uses the dielectrical properties of the soil is time-domain
reflectrometry (TDR). The propagation time of a pulse travelling along a wave
guide is measured. This time depends on the dielectrical properties of the soil
surrounding the wave guide, and hence on the water content of the soil. The
TDR method can be used for many soils without calibration, because the
relationship between the apparent dielectric constant and volumetric water
content is only weakly dependent on soil type, soil density, soil temperature, and
salt content. Time-domain reflectrometry has become popular in recent years,
mainly because the method does not need elaborate calibration procedures.
Several portable, battery powered TDR units are available at this moment.
Electrodes to be used as the actual measuring device are available in different
configurations. The full potential of this method is only realized when it is
combined with an automatic data acquisition system.
Types of soil water
Soil water has earlier been classified mainly into three heads:
(i) Hygroscopic water,
(ii) Capillary water, and
(iii) Gravitational water.
Hygroscopic Water: The water that an oven dry soil absorbs when exposed to
air saturated with vapour is called hygroscopic water. Water held tightly to the
surface of soil particles by adsorption forces. It occurs as a very thin film over the
surface of soil particles and is held tenaciously at a tension of 31 atmospheres.
Capillary water: With increasing supply of water, the water film held around soil
particles thickens. Water then enters the pore system gradually filling the pores
and wedges between adjacent soil particles until a stage is reached when the
water tension is in equilibrium with gravity. This soil water tension is about 0.10 –
0.33atm. The capillary water supplies the water needed by plants. Hence, it is
also designated as plant available water. Main factors that influence the amount
of capillary water in the soil are the structure, texture and organic matter content
of the soil. A greater amount of water is held by a fine textured soil than by a
coarse textured one.
Gravitational water
Field capacity
Capillary water
(Plant available
Excess gas
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Chapter –soil-water-plant relation ship 2014
t =total potential
m =matric potential
O =osmotic potential
g =gravitational potential
In soil physics, water potential can be expressed as energy on a mass basis
( m ), on a volume basis (v) or on a weight basis (w). As an example, let us
take the gravitational potential, g, with the water-table as reference level. The
definition of potential says that the mechanical work required to raise a mass of
water (m = wV) from the water-table to a height z is equal to mgz or wVgz. Thus
the gravitational potential on mass basis (m), on volume basis (v) or, on weight
basis (w) will be
wV g z
g gz ( J / kg) gravitational potential on mass basis
w V
wV g z
g gz ( Pa pressure) gravitational potential on volume basis
wV g z
g z (m height or in water column)
w Vg
In hydrology, one prefers to use the potential on a weight basis, and potentials
are referred to as 'heads'. In the following, we shall restrict ourselves to water
potentials based on weight. In analogy to Eq. 2.16, we can write
ht hm hO hg (2.17)
With the potentials now called 'heads' and the subscripts having the same
meaning as in Eq. 2.16
The matric head (hm) in unsaturated soil is negative, because work is
needed to withdraw water against the soil-matric forces. At the
groundwater level, atmospheric pressure exists and therefore h, = 0;
For Type C, ,we see that h d w m d m and dw = do + dm so that
h d m 1 m d 0 12.6 d m
Electronic transducers (Type D); they convert changes in pressure into small
electrical forces, which are first amplified and then measured with a voltmeter.
Fig. 2.12: Soil-water retention curves for four different soil types, and their ranges
of plant-available water
The curves show a continuous nature of attraction between soil and water. As
the soil water content decreases, soil water tension rises and at higher tension,
the soil water content becomes low. On the other hand, tension become
particularly insignificant as the soil approaches the saturation point. Different
2.4. Infiltration
2.4.1. Introduction
Infiltration is a process in which water enters the surface strata of the soil
The infiltrated water first meets the soil moisture deficiency, if any, and
thereafter the excess water moves vertically downwards to reach the
groundwater table. This vertical movement is called percolation.
Condition and characteristics of soil primarily involved in the process are the soil
water content, soil texture, soil structure, soil compaction, soil organic matter
The infiltration rate is influenced by the rainfall duration and its intensity.
When the rainfall rate is smaller than the infiltration capacity, there is still a
steady reduction of the infiltration capacity, but the rate of reduction is
lower. Under this condition, all rainfall will be infiltrated as long as rain
During heavy rainfall, the top soil is affected by mechanical compaction and by
the inwash of finer materials. This leads to faster decrease in the rate of
infiltration than with low intensities of rainfall.
2.4.3. Measurements of Infiltration
Infiltration is measured using a device called infiltrometer. Two types of
infiltrometers used are: single and double ring infiltrometer.
It consists of a hollow metal cylinder 30cm in diameter and 60 cm long driven into
the ground such that 10cm of it projects above ground level. A graduated jar or
a) b)
Inner ring
Outer ring
Under single ring infiltrometer the infiltrated water spreads at the outlet from the
tube as shown by dotted lines in Fig. 2.14. As the result the tube area is not
representative of the area through which infiltration takes place. To overcome
this problem, the ring infiltrometer consisting of a set of two concentric rings, i.e.
double ring (Fig. 2.14 b) is used. In this case, two rings are inserted into the
ground and water is maintained on the soil surface, in both the rings, to a
common level. The outer ring provides a water jacket or buffer to the infiltrating
water from the inner ring and hence prevents spreading out of the infiltrating
water from the inner tube. The measurement of water volume is taken from the
inner ring only.
Infiltration equations
An ideal infiltration capacity curve proposed by Horton is given by
it i f i0 i f e Bt (2.20)
where i(t) is the infiltration capacity at any time t from the beginning of water
application in mm/h, i0 is the maximum initial infiltration vale, when t 0 in mm/h
steady stage where the soil profile becomes fully saturated which is related to the
like soil characteristics and climatic conditions. A typical curve of i(t) separating
the rainfall intensity from infiltration and surface runoff is shown in Fig. 2.15.
Rainfall & Infiltration (mm/h)
Fig. 2.15:
Pilip equation
This is given by
I t S t A t 2
St 2 A (2.22)
dt 2
where S is the sorptivity which is a factor characterizing the soil water
relationship, and A is the factor that represents the effect of gravity.
Equation 2.22 shows that the infiltration capacity decreases with infiltration time,
A gives the final infiltration rate, the value of which is very near the saturated
hydraulic conductivity of the topsoil.
Kostiakov equation
Kostiakov : i(t ) k t n , I (t ) t1 n A t B
1 n (2.23)
modified Kostiakov : i(t ) k t n C , I (t ) t1 n C t A t B C t
1 n
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Chapter –soil-water-plant relation ship 2014
Where k (equivalent depth/time) and n are fitted to infiltration trials, and C is the
infiltration rate at large time t.
Example: From a double ring infiltrometer the following infiltration rate were
Time (h) 0.0167 0.0583 0.125 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
i (cm/h) 8.76 7.90 6.45 4.68 2.75 1.76 1.10
Determine the constants i0, if and B of Horton’s equation to describe the above
Solution: The Horton’s equation is given by
it i f i0 i f e Bt
The constants i0, if and B can be found out from the following two methods
Method i: The given data is plotted on an ordinary graph as shown in fig. below:
Infiltration (cm/h)
7 i0
6 FC= area of shaded portion
5 = 2.515cm (cm/h*h)
Then exponential
0 0.2 0.5 1curve
2 is3fitted
4 by
5 eye
6 to7 the8plotted
9 10data. This yielded
i0=9.2 cm/h (h)
if =1.0cm/h
the value of B may then be obtained as follows:
The Horton’s equation is rewritten as
i i if 0 i f e Bt
i i dt
LHS = f = the area of shaded portion in fig = Fc
i i f
i i f e Bt dt
RHS = 0
0 B
From these two results we can determine B from the equation
i0 i f
9.2 1.0 3.26
Fc 2.515
The Horton’s equation to describe the given data is therefore given by
i 1.0 9.2 1.0e 3.26t 1.0 8.2 e 3.26t
2.5. Flow of water in the soil
Soil water is dynamic and moves constantly in the soil medium in different
directions under different forces acting on it. Downward and lateral movement of
water occurs during or after irrigation or rainfall and upward movement takes
place when upper soil layers start drying up owing to evaporation or
Soil water moves in response to soil-water potential differences. Water will move
from points of higher water potential toward points of lower potential. Soil-water
potential differences give rise to water flow which can be either
a viscous flow of liquid water in water filled pores, or vapour flow in air-
filled pores; or
a diffusive flow, namely, diffusion of water molecules as vapour.
For water movement the first form is predominant in wet soils, and the second is
responsible for water transfer in dry soils.
The forces causing soil-water movement may be divided into classes based on
the characteristics form of such movements:
mechanical forces are those forces, such as gravitational, pressure, and
matrical forces, that cause mass flow.
Molecular forces include the osmotic, adsorptive and vapour pressure
gradient forces that cause diffusion transfer.
w = density of water and H = difference in head between two ends of the tube
= viscosity of water
L = length of the tube
The equation states that the flow is directly proportional to the fourth power of the
radius of pore. The shows that a soil with large sized pores, for example, sandy
soil permits a faster movement of water than a soil with smaller sized pores (clay
Suppose a soil column contains cylindrical, parallel pores of one size only, and
the number of pores divided by the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flow
is n. Then the flow rate through the column is
q nQ (2.25)
If the pores, instead of being all the same, are of various size classes, the total
flow is the sum of the flows of each of the pore size classes.
Darcy's law
Darcy (1856) gave the empirical relationship between water flux and energy
gradient. Water flow in saturated soils is considered to follow the Darcy’s law
which states that the velocity of water flow is directly proportional to the
difference of hydraulic heads and inversely proportional to the flow length.
h Constant
Fig. 2.16:
In 1956, Darcy experimentally demonstrated for columns of sand a linear
relationship between the flux density q and the hydraulic gradient I h. In our
experiment shown
qK (2.27)
where h/L is the hydraulic gradient Ih, h the difference between water level on
both ends of the soil column of length L. h considered the hydraulic head drop
along the soil. Inasmuch as h/L is dimensionless, K is proportionality coefficient
called hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic gradient is the fall or decrease in
hydraulic head per distance in direction of flow. When hydraulic gradient
becomes unity, the driving force is equal in magnitude to force of gravity. That
means, q=K
Hydraulic conductivity
The hydraulic conductivity is a measure of the ability of the soil to conduct the
flow of water. It is a soil property that is highly dependent on the soil water
content and thus with matric potential. The hydraulic conductivity also differs
greatly between soils. The reason is that the friction forces acting on the flowing
water depend not so much on the total amount of water in the soil, but on the
geometry of the liquid filled pore space. This in turn depends on the pore-size
distribution of the soil, and thus on the soil texture and soil structure. Finally, the
hydraulic conductivity depends also on the friction between water molecules and
thus on the viscosity of the water.
Hydraulic conductivity of soils decreases by several orders of magnitude as the
water content changes from saturation to permanent wilting point.
A qout
Fig. 2.17: a tube of cross-sectional area A and length s is uniformly packed with
a uniform soil. Water enters at a flux density qin and leaves at a flux density qout
2.6. Water extraction by plant
Abut 60 – 95% of a physiologically active plant is water. Water is required for
such plant processes as:
Transport of minerals and photosynthates,
Structural support,
Growth and
The plant uses water primarily for transpiration. The process of transpiration,
defined as water loss through evaporation of living plants via openings of
stomata, usually accounts for about 99% of the water used by the plants.
Transpiration involves the conversion of water from the liquid to vapor phase
within the leaf and its support through stomata of the leaf into the atmosphere. It
occurs when the vapour pressure within the leaf exceeds that of the surrounding
air and stomata are open to allow carbon dioxide into the plant for
The plant extracts water from the soil to replenish water lost by transpiration.
Water moves through the soil into the roots, up the xylem and into the leaves due
The term rsoil can also be written as: rsoil
Where: K is the hydraulic conductivity of the soil.
Absorption of water occurs mainly through the roots. As the plant removes water
from the soil, the water content of soil decreases and soil decreases (becomes
more negative). At the same time the conductivity of the soil decreases (hence
rsoil increases). Decreasing soil and increasing rsoil tends to decrease water flow