Applied Science
Applied Science
Applied Science
possess a combination of focused, theoretical knowledge apply for full membership and receive the professional
and practical ability that has resulted in a strong demand designation of CET (Certified Engineering Technologist).
for their skills across Canada and around the world.
Program Facts
Start Date: September
Architectural Technology Length: 2 years
Architectural Technology is a two-year comprehensive Location: Prince of Wales Campus
training program that encompasses all aspects of the Credential Issued: Diploma, Architectural Technologist
architectural building industry. It offers an intensive study
Graduate Opportunities:
of architectural building sciences, the principles of
• Architects
architectural and engineering design, materials of
• Engineers
construction and the preparation of contract documents.
• Drafting services
Extensive emphasis is also placed on Computer-Aided
• Interior designers
Design (CAD).
• Contractors
Environmental Applied Science Graduates possess the technical skills and knowledge
required to plan and conduct a variety of surveys and
Technology assessments both in the aquatic and terrestrial
The Environmental Applied Science Technology program ecosystems; plan and conduct a variety of inventory
educates and trains Environmental Technicians to have the techniques regarding wildlife, fish and plant populations;
skills and knowledge to manage and enhance the evaluate and enhance habitat; prepare and present
sustainability of the environment. These activities include technical reports; and be competent in the use of a wide
environmental monitoring, or the use of sampling and variety of sampling and laboratory equipment.
analysis techniques in any of the following sectors: The Wildlife Conservation Technology program has received
• Environmental protection accreditation through the North American Wildlife
• Conservation and preservation of natural resources Technology Association. All students graduating from this
• Environmental sustainability program will receive North America-wide recognition as a
Program Facts Wildlife Technician, and will receive a certificate from the
Start Date: September accrediting body upon graduation.
Length: 2 years Graduates are trained to work as fish and wildlife
Location: Prince of Wales Campus technicians and in other related positions with provincial
Credential Issued: Diploma, Environmental Technician and federal governments, and with environmental
Graduate Opportunities: consulting firms. Those interested in a career as a
• Federal and provincial departments of environment, conservation enforcement officer may want to consider a
fisheries and oceans or natural resources combination of this program and the Conservation
• Provincial departments of occupational health Enforcement program, also offered at Holland College.
and safety Program Facts
• Municipal and industrial water, wastewater treatment Start Date: September
facilities Length: 2 years
• Municipal solid waste management Location: Prince of Wales Campus
• Environmental engineering consulting firms and Credential Issued: Diploma, Wildlife Technician
analytical laboratories
• Industrial health and safety Graduate Opportunities:
• Industrial process monitoring • Canadian Parks Service
• Research facilities • Canadian Wildlife Service
• Fisheries and Oceans Canada
If you have any questions concerning the • Provincial fish and wildlife agencies
Environmental Applied Science Technology program, • Natural resource agencies
please contact: • Private sector, including industry and consultants
Brian O’Neill
E-mail: [email protected] Please note that some occupations in this field require
applicants/employees to pass a police records check, which,
if the result is not favourable, may limit your ability to
Wildlife Conservation Technology access some on-the-job training sites or employment
The Wildlife Conservation Technology program trains opportunities.
learners as wildlife technicians to work in the field of fish If you have any questions concerning the Wildlife
and wildlife conservation. The program deals with a variety Conservation Technology program, please contact:
of field, laboratory, and classroom activities designed to Ben Hoteling
familiarize learners with the practical and theoretical E-mail: [email protected]
aspects of wildlife conservation.
2010 11 16
eligible to receive a salary (with benefits), and support
to offset tuition and materials if enrolled through the
Program Facts
Canadian Forces Non-Commissioned Member - Subsidized
Start Date: September
Education Plan.
Length: 9 months