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Designation: D 2899 – 03

Standard Practice for

Establishing Allowable Stresses for Round Timber Piles1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2899; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.4 skin friction—the interaction between the pile surface

1.1 This practice contains procedures for establishing allow- and the soil which serves to distribute load either away from or
able stresses for round timber piles starting with clear wood into a pile. A positive skin friction refers to pile loads
strength properties. distributed to the soil. Negative skin friction distributes load to
1.2 Stresses established under this practice are applicable to the pile when soil strata subside or consolidate.
piles conforming to the quality, straightness, spiral grain, knot, 3.2 Symbols:
check, shake, and split provisions of Specification D 25. Ccp = adjustment for small clear compression perp for an-
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the nual ring orientation (1/1.67)
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Cct = conditioning factor
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Cdol = adjustment for duration of load and factor of safety
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Cd = adjustment for density applied for Douglas fir and
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Southern pine only
Cfs = combined adjustment for form and size (= 0.97)
2. Referenced Documents Cg = adjustment for grade characteristics applied to all
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 species including bending (0.75), compression (0.93), and
D 25 Specification for Round Timber Piles shear (0.50)
D 245 Practice for Establishing Structural Grades and Re- Ch = adjustment for height in the tree (= 0.96 if softwoods
lated Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber and = 1.0 for hardwoods)
D 2555 Test Methods for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Chv = adjustment for height and for reduced variability
Values (MOR = 0.91 for softwoods, 1.05 for hardwoods, C// = 0.91 for
softwoods, 1.05 for hardwoods, Shear = 0.99 for softwoods,
3. Terminology 1.03 for hardwoods)
3.1 Definitions: Cls = load sharing adjustment (structural engineers option)
3.1.1 allowable stress—the numeric value of pile strength Cs = size adjustment
that is appropriate for use in structural analysis. Cv = adjustment for shear deflection in calculation for bend-
3.1.2 end-bearing—compression-parallel-to-the-grain ing modulus of elasticity (= 1.06)
stress resulting when pile load is not carried to the soil through D = diameter of a round timber pile
skin friction. E = clear wood unseasoned average modulus of elasticity
3.1.3 load sharing—the distribution of load in proportion to from Test Methods D 2555
pile stiffness. This results in piles that perform as a group MOE = modulus of elasticity (average)
reducing effects of between-pile variability and increasing Fb = allowable stress for stress designated by the subscript b
system reliability over that of piles which perform indepen- Fc = allowable compression stress for pile tips
dently. fc05 = small clear lower 5 % exclusion compression strength
in accordance with Test Methods D 2555
fi05 = lower 5 % exclusion value for stress “x” determined
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D07 on Wood and using the green, small clear strength and standard deviation
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.04 on Pole and Pile Products.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2003. Published December 2003. Originally
values reported in Test Methods D 2555
approved in 1970 as D 2899 – 70 T. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as b = stress value subscripts, c = compression parallel,
D 2899 – 01. cp = compression perpendicular, b = bending, v = shear
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.


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D 2899 – 03
4. Significance and Use 7.2 For round timber piles, only the between tree compo-
nent of variance is applicable. Clear wood 5 % exclusion
4.1 This practice is intended for use by associations, tech-
values applied to piles are adjusted to account for this reduced
nical societies and other groups that develop national design
standards and use recommendations for round timber piles.
4.2 In using allowable stresses established under this prac- 8. Minimum Tip and Critical Section Properties
tice, factors specific to each end use which may affect the
performance of the pile system shall be considered. Such 8.1 Average clear wood properties given in Test Methods
factors include the location of the critical section, the bearing D 2555 represent volume weighted average whole tree values
capacity of the soil, the ability of the pile to withstand driving where the average property is that associated with material
forces and conditions of service. occurring between heights of 8 and 16 ft. For softwood species,
clear wood strength properties generally decrease as the height
location in the tree increases.
8.2 For compression parallel to grain, the minimum strength
of the pile occurs at the pile tip, or at a minimum diameter of
5 in. For bending and shear strengths, the critical section of the
5. Species
pile is assumed to occur at a point 10 ft above the pile tip. In
5.1 This practice applies to any species of piles for which terms of location in the tree, both of these sections occur at
clear wood strength values are given in Test Methods D 2555. heights in the tree which are appreciably greater than the
5.2 Where pile allowable stress is to be established for a heights associated with the whole tree average property values.
combination of species and or regions, clear wood values Therefore clear wood average properties obtained from Test
assigned to such combinations are based on the grouping Methods D 2555 must be reduced to account for this height
criteria given in Section 5 of Test Methods D 2555. effect when establishing compression parallel to grain, bend-
ing, shear and modulus of elasticity design stresses for piles
6. Clear Wood Properties made with softwood species.
6.1 Information on average properties and their variation
9. Density
given in Test Methods D 2555 apply to small, clear, straight-
grained wood in the green condition under short-term loading. 9.1 Specification D 25 requires the outer 50 % of the radius
at the pile tip to have an average rate of growth of at least 6
6.2 Round timber piles having minimum tip diameters of 5
rings per inch and an average summerwood content of not less
in. or larger are considered by this practice to be comparable to
than 33.3 %. Piles with less than 6 rings per inch are acceptable
sawn timbers: General adjustment factors used to establish
if the average summerwood content in the outer 50 % of the
allowable stress for such timbers under Practice D 245 also are
pile tip radius is 50 % or more.
applied to piles.
9.2 Practice D 245 provides for the classification of Douglas
6.3 For the properties of bending strength (modulus of fir and southern pine sawn lumber meeting growth rate and
rupture), compression strength parallel to the grain and hori- summerwood content requirements similar to those in Speci-
zontal shear strength, clear-wood 5 % -exclusion values calcu- fication D 25 as dense material. The properties of such lumber,
lated from Test Methods D 2555 are divided by the adjustment except shear, are increased to account for the increased strength
factors given in Table 10 of Practice D 245 to obtain basic and stiffness associated with limiting the occurrence of low
values for these properties from which pile allowable stress is density material.
established. The adjustment factors for the three strength 9.3 Increases for density applicable to Douglas fir and
properties include a reduction for normal duration of load and southern pine lumber also are applicable to piles of the same
a factor of safety. species. The increase for density in compression parallel to
6.4 For the properties of modulus of elasticity and compres- grain applicable to lumber must be adjusted when applied to
sion perpendicular to grain at 0.04-in. deformation, clear wood piles to account for the inner core of the pile tip that is not
average values from Test Methods D 2555 are divided by the required to meet the density provisions.
adjustment factors for these properties given in Table 10 of
Practice D 245 to obtain basic values from which pile allow- 10. Form and Size
able stress for these properties also are established. The
10.1 The average bending strength of round wood sections
modulus of elasticity factor is a shear deflection adjustment.
based on standard beam formulas is greater than that of
The compression perpendicular to grain factor is an adjustment
matched rectangular sections. However, the section modulus of
to account for limiting ring position.
a round beam is less (1/1.18) than that of a square beam of
equivalent area by approximately the same ratio as the strength
7. Pile Variability
of the round member is greater than that of the rectangular
7.1 Standard deviations given in Test Methods D 2555 and member. Round members therefore are assigned a unit strength
used to calculate 5 % exclusion values include both variability equal to 1.18 times that based on rectangular sections when the
in properties between trees and variability in properties occur- section modulus of the circular cross section is used.
ring within the cross section and along the length of an 10.2 Clear wood bending stresses in Test Methods D 2555
individual tree. are based on tests of 2-in. deep rectangular sections. Under

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D 2899 – 03
Practice D 245, such values are adjusted for depth (d) by the 12.2 When the cumulative duration of the full maximum
factor (2/d)1/9 when applied to sawn lumber members. Based load is less than or more than ten years, pile allowable stress
on a circular section having an area equal to that of a square for bending, compression parallel to grain and horizontal shear
section, the equivalent depth adjustment for a round member is shall be modified in accordance with the duration of load
(2.2568/D)1/9. adjustments shown in Fig. 6 of Practice D 245. Load duration
10.3 Under standard practice, bending allowable stress for adjustments greater than 1.6 shall not apply to piles preserva-
beams and stringers and post and timbers are given for a 12-in. tively treated with water-borne salts.
beam depth. Values for beams exceeding 12 in. are reduced 12.3 Duration of load adjustments are not applied to pile
using the 1/9 power equation. The same practice is employed allowable stress for modulus of elasticity and compression

with round timber piles. Pile bending stresses are indexed to perpendicular to grain based on a deformation limit.
the diameter of a circular section having an area equal to that
of a 12-in. square, or 13.5 in. Clear wood bending values are 13. Moisture Content
adjusted to a 13.5-in. pile diameter by the factor 0.82. 13.1 Allowable stress established by this practice applies to
piles that are continuously wet or are continuously exposed to
11. Grade the weather.
11.1 Knots in round piles reduce compression parallel to 13.2 No increase in properties for material that is partially
grain and bending strength properties. Limits on allowable size above ground and may be partially seasoned is recognized.
and spacing of knots along the pile length are given in
Specification D 25. 14. Preservative Treatment
11.2 The effect of knots on pile tip strength is determined 14.1 Preservative treatment by approved processes and
from tests of full size pile sections containing various knot chemicals does not significantly affect allowable stress values
sizes. Regression analyses of compression strength against for round timber piles established in this practice.
knot size and specific gravity establish the effect of allowable 14.2 Conditioning of piles by kiln drying, steaming or
knots on compression parallel to grain strength. boiling in liquids prior to pressure treatment to facilitate
11.3 The effect of allowable knots on pile bending strength penetration of preservative chemicals does affect strength
is derived assuming load-carrying capacity is reduced by the properties. Reduction of allowable stress (Table 2) to account
ratio of the section modulus of a wedge section occupied by the
knot to the section modulus of the total circular section. The TABLE 2 Conditioning Effects on the Strength of Round Timber
combined interaction of clear wood strength, knot size and Conditioning Air Kiln Boulton Steaming Steaming
knot location along the pile length is assessed through random Drying Drying Drying (Normal) (Marine)
products simulation assuming (1) a rectangular distribution of Cct 1.0 0.90 0.95 0.80 0.74
strength ratio, (2) a normal clear wood distribution, and (3)
linear induced moment in 2-ft length segments over a 10-ft
cantilever beam length from the top of the pile to the critical for such effects are based on compression parallel to grain tests
section. of end-matched conditioned and unconditioned full-size pile
11.4 The effect of splits, checks, and shakes on pile shear sections.
strength is considered to be the same as that on the shear 14.3 No adjustments are made for conditioning prior to
strength of sawn timber. treatment of allowable stress for modulus of elasticity (E) and
compression perpendicular to grain at 0.04-in. deformation
12. Duration of Load (Fcp).
12.1 Wood strength properties are affected by the duration
of the maximum applied load: the shorter the duration the DERIVATION OF ALLOWABLE STRESS FOR
greater the maximum load that can be carried. Allowable stress UNTREATED PILES
for round timber piles established under this practice are 15. Compression Parallel to Grain
short-term test values reduced to a normal load duration basis.
Normal load duration represents application of a load that fully 15.1 Calculate compression allowable stress for pile tips
stresses a member to its design stress for a cumulative duration using the following equation:
of approximately 10 years. Fc 5 ~fc05Cdol!@Chv#@Cd#@Cg# (1)
15.2 Where the critical section in compression parallel to
TABLE 1 Strength and Stiffness Adjustments for Density (d), grain is located above the pile tip as a result of skin friction
Grade (g), and Combined Duration of Load and from the soil through which the pile is driven, or equivalent
Factor of Safety (dol) other effect; F1⁄2 c for softwood species may be increased by
Stress Factor Bending Shear Compression Compression MOE the following adjustment:
Parallel to grain Perpendicular to grain
P 5 0.4~L! # 9.0 (2)
CdA 1.17 1.00 1.13 1.17 1.05
Cg 0.75 0.50 0.93 1.00 1.00 where:
Cdol-Sftwd 1/2.1 1/2.1 1/1.9 1.00 1.00
Cdol-Hrdwd 1/2.3 1/2.3 1/2.1 1.00 1.00
P = percentage increase in pile compression strength, soft-
woods only, and
Density adjustments apply only to Douglas fir and southern pine.

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D 2899 – 03

L = distance from pile tip to critical section, ft. 20.3 Coefficient of determination (r2) values for strength
versus modulus of elasticity regressions are obtained from tests
16. Extreme Fiber in Bending of full-size piles. Conservative increases for load sharing are
16.1 Calculate extreme fiber in bending allowable stress established by multiplying ratios of 5th percentile average
using the following equation: strength of pile clusters to 5th percentile strength of a single
Fb 5 fb05 3 Cdol 3 Chv 3 Cd 3 Cfs 3 Cg (3) pile by the factor r2/2.
20.4 Compression parallel to grain (Fc) and bending (Fb)
16.2 When the diameter of the pile 10 ft above the pile tip allowable stress for a pile cluster connected by a concrete cap
(D) exceeds 13.5 in., the extreme fiber in bending allowable or equivalent load distributive element such that the pile cluster
stress shall be adjusted by the following size factor, Cs: deforms as a single member under load may be increased by
Cs 5 ~13.5/D!1/9 (4) the following factors (Cls):
Allowable Number of Piles
17. Horizontal Shear Stress in Cluster Cls
17.1 Calculate horizontal shear allowable stress using the Softwoods Hardwoods
following equation: Fc 2 1.06 1.00
3 1.09 1.00
Fv 5 fv05 3 Cdol 3 Chv 3 Cg (5)
4 or more 1.11 1.00
Fb 2 1.05 1.05
18. Modulus of Elasticity 3 1.07 1.07
18.1 Calculate modulus of elasticity allowable stress using 4 or more 1.08 1.08

the following equation:

21. Rounding
MOE 5 E 3 Cv 3 Ch 3 Cd (6)
21.1 Pile allowable stress shall be rounded after all adjust-
19. Compression Perpendicular to Grain ments have been made in accordance with the following
19.1 Calculate compression perpendicular to grain allow- increments:
able stress at a 0.04-in. deformation limit using the following Fc, Fb nearest 50 psi for values $ 1000 psi
equation: nearest 25 psi for values < 1000 psi
Fv, Fcp nearest 5 psi
Fcp 5 fcp 3 Ccp 3 Cd (7) E nearest 100 000 psi

ADDITIONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS 21.2 The rounding rules of Practice E 380 shall be followed.


20.1 Round timber piles are commonly connected by rein-
22. Pile Circumference and Diameter
forced concrete caps or equivalent load distributive elements
such that the pile cluster deforms as a single member under 22.1 The minimum pile butt and tip circumferences (diam-
axial or bending load. The load-carrying capacity of these pile eters) given in Specification D 25 shall be used with allowable
clusters is greater than the sum of the individual pile capacities stress established by this practice to determine load-carrying
as a result of load sharing. capacities and stiffnesses. The actual pile may be larger than
20.2 The increase in the load-carrying capacity of piles the minimum circumferences at every point along the length of
acting as a group is established through random products the pile.
simulation assuming clear wood strength is normally distrib-
uted and knot strength ratios are rectangularly distributed. The 23. Responsibility of Designer
5th percentile average strength of a pile cluster is compared to 23.1 It is the sole responsibility of the design engineer to
the 5th percentile strength of a single pile to quantify the effect relate allowable stress to design assumptions, and to determine
of the interaction. As load sharing is a function of differences the appropriateness of allowable stress adjustments for the
in relative stiffness, the actual increase in load-carrying capac- specific conditions of end use.
ity of a pile cluster is dependent on the variation in individual
pile strength values that is accounted for by pile modulus of 24. Keywords
elasticity. 24.1 design; piles; stresses; timber

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D 2899 – 03


(Nonmandatory Information)


NOTE X1.1—Fi, MOE = Allowable values for untreated, single piles. % vol. (D 2555 Table 4)
Fi = Allowable stress adjusted for conditioning and load sharing. Longleaf pine (LONG) 0.101
Slash pine (SLAS) 0.092
X1.1 Single Species: Coast Douglas fir
Conditioning: steaming, normal
Conditioning: Boulton
Cluster: three
Cluster: three
X1.2.1 Si Values:
X1.1.1 Stress Values:
D 2555 Table 1, Section 5.2.2
D 2555 Table 1, Section 5.2
Property Species Average V.I. S.D. 5 % E.V. CDF
Property Average V.I. S.D. 5 % E.V.
Compression LOBL 3511 1.09 612 2504 0.95
Compression parallel 3784 1.05 734 1577 parallel SHOR 3527 1.05 564 2599 1.28
Modulus of rupture 7665 1.05 1317 5499 LONG 4321 1.07 707 3158 1.98
Horizontal shear 904 1.03 131 689 SLAS 3823 1.07 547 2923 1.71
Modulus of elasticity 1560
Compression 700 Combination, note 8 A = 2637
Adj. For CDF < 1.18: (3511/1.09) - 1.18 (612) = 2499
X1.1.2 Modulus LOBL 7300 1.08 1199 5328 0.94
Fc = fc05[Chv][Cd]Cg] of rupture SHOR 7435 1.04 1167 5515 1.30
LONG 8538 1.07 1305 6391 1.80
= 2577[1/1.9] SLAS 8692 1.09 1127 6838 2.08
= 1297
F’c = Fc[Cls] Combination, note 8 A = 5630
Adj. For CDF < 1.18 (7300/1.08) - 1.18 (1199) = 5344
= 1297[0.95] Horizontal shear LOBL 863 1.05 112 679 1.02
= 1343 i 1350 psi SHOR 905 1.05 125 699 1.23
X1.1.3 LONG 1041 1.05 120 844 2.36
SLAS 964 1.05 128 753 1.64
Fb = fb05[Chv][Cd][Cfs][Cg]
= 5499[1/2.1] Combination, note 8 708
Adj. For CDF < 1.18 (863/1.05) - 1.18 (112) 690
= 2184
F’b = Fb[C1s] D 2555 Table 1, Section 5.2
= 2184[0.95] Property Species Average V.I. (Ratio, A/spec. av./V.I.)
= 2220 i 2200 psi Modulus of elasticity LOBL 1402 1.08 1.10
X1.1.4 SHOR 1388 1.04 1.07
Fv = fv05[Chv][Cg] LONG 1586 1.07 0.96
SLAS 1532 1.08 1.01
= 689[1/2.1]

= 162 Combination, 5.2.1 A = 1428 required <1.16
F’v = Fv[C1s] Compression perpendicular LOBL 661 1.00 1.01
SHOR 573 1.00 1.17
= 162[0.95] LONG 804 1.00 0.83
= 155 i 155 psi SLAS 883 1.00 0.76
Combination, 5.2.2 A = 670 required #1.10
MOE = E [Cv][Ch][Cd] Adj. For ratio >1.10 630 = 573(1.10)
= 1560[1.06]
= 1673 i 1 700 000 psi X1.2.2
X1.1.6 Fc = fc05[Chv][Cd]Cg]
Fcp = F’cp = fcp[Cd] = 2499[1/1.9]
= 700[1/1.67] = 1258
= 490 psi F’c = Fc[C1s]
= 1258 [0.85]
X1.2 Species Group: southern pine (timber volumes avail- = 1165 i 1160 psi
able) X1.2.3
% vol. (D 2555 Table 4) Fb = fb05[Chv][Cd][Cfs][Cg]
Loblolly pine (LOBL) 0.507 = 5344[1/2.1]
Shortleaf pine (SHOR) 0.300 = 2123

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D 2899 – 03
F’b = Fb[C1s] D 2555 Table 2, Section 513
= 2123[0.80] Property Species Average S.D. 5 % E.V.
= 1817 i 1800 psi perpendicu- SRO 912
X1.2.4 lar
Fv = fv05[Chv][Cg]
= 690[1/2.1] X1.3.2
= 163 Fc = fc05[Chv][Cd]Cg]
F’v = Fv[C1s] = 2133[1/2.1]

= 163[0.80] = 992
= 130 psi F’c = Fc[C1s]
X1.2.5 = 992 [0.95]
MOE = E [Cv][Ch][Cd] = 942 i 950 psi
= 1428[1.06] X1.3.3
= 1531 i 1 500 000 psi Fb = fb05[Chv][Cd][Cfs][Cg]
X1.2.6 = 6099[1/2.3]
Fcp = F’cp = fcp[Cd] = 1693
= 630[1/1.67] F’b = Fb[C1s]
= 441 i 440 psi = 1693[0.95]
= 1721 i 1700 psi
X1.3 Species Group: red oak (no timber volumes available)
northern red oak (NRO) Fv = fv05[Chv][Cg]
southern red oak (SRO) = 719[1/2.3]
Conditioning: Boulton = 161
Cluster: three F’v = Fv[C1s]
X1.3.1 Si Values: = 161[0.95]
D 2555 Table 2, Section 513 = 153 i 155 psi
Property Species Average S.D. 5 % E.V. X1.3.5
Compression NRO 3440 619 2422 MOE = E [Cv][Ch][Cd]
parallel SRO 3030 545 2133
Modulus of NRO 8300 1328 6115
= 1141[1.06]
rupture SRO 6920 1107 5099 = 1214 i 1200 ksi
Horizontal NRO 1214 170 934 X1.3.6
shear SRO 934 131 719
Modulus of NRO 1353 Fcp = F’cp = fcp[Cd]
elasticity SRO 1141 = 912[1/1.67]
Compression NRO 987 = 546 i 545 psi

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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