Annamalai Univ. PHD - Pros - 2016-17
Annamalai Univ. PHD - Pros - 2016-17
Annamalai Univ. PHD - Pros - 2016-17
Annamalai University, one of the largest unitary, teaching,
and residential Universities in the country, was established
and incorporated in the year 1929 as per the Annamalai
University Act 1928 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1929). Now, the
Annamalai University Act, 1928 has been repealed and
replaced by the Annamalai University Act 2013 (Tamil Nadu
Act 20 of 2013). His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu is
the Chancellor of the University.
Annamalai University
I. Research Facilities 10
V. Categories of Admission 30
X. De-registration 36
XVIII. Training 43
XIX. Progress Report 44
Annexures- 1 to 10 61—72
Annamalai University
Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
Annamalai University
The University adheres to a strict academic calendar. The curriculum
is designed and implemented taking cognizance of the educational
policies of the State and Central Government and the global needs, while
serving the cause of national development and regional requirement. The
syllabus is dynamic and is constantly revamped to keep pace with the
developments in various fields of study and to meet the demands of the
academia, industry, and society. The Choice Based Credit System adopted in
2002, provides for flexibility by offering intra-departmental and
inter-departmental optional courses. Students enrolled in the full-time on
campus programmes can also enroll for programmes offered through the
Directorate of Distance Education with substantial fee discounts.
Annamalai University has always been a student-centric institution.
Student mentoring and support has been a priority of the University and
the residential nature of the University has made it a reality. The students
are mentored from the time of admission up to the completion of their
programmes at various levels. Every class has a teacher assigned to
counsel and mentor the students. Feedback is obtained from students to
ensure that teaching is student-centric. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell
conducts quality audit and conducts programmes for improving the
quality of teaching. Remedial classes are organized for students who have
problems coping with the class work. ICT is used to ensure a 24x7 learning
environment. Hostel students have access to their hostel officials round
the clock. The International Students Advisor provides guidance to foreign
students about admissions and on-campus facilities.
Annamalai University has a well organized and integrated platform for
the pre-examination, examination and post-examination processes including
professional management of examination material and logistics, attendance
capture, generic result processing and certification. The Evaluation process is
transparent. Students are evaluated in a continuous assessment system,
comprising written examinations, class seminars, and assignments. The Office
of the Controller of Examinations coordinates examinations for 30,000
students on campus every semester and for 2.5 lakh students annually for
those enrolled in the Directorate of Distance Education. The use of dummy
numbers ensures confidentiality. Optical Marking Recognition (OMR)-based
system has hastened the evaluation process eliminating human error in data
entry besides rendering the system tamper proof. The results are generally
announced within four weeks after the final examination.
Infrastructure Facilities
The University has excellent infrastructural facilities including adequate
classrooms, air conditioned high-tech seminar halls with interactive boards for
classroom teaching, spacious examination and valuation centres, auditoria,
well equipped research laboratories, and computer labs with internet facilities.
The Central Instrumentation Laboratory has facilities for advanced research
work. The General Library provides access to JSTOR for the Social Sciences
and Science Direct for the physical and natural sciences. The library staff also
impart training to students in the use of e-resources.
The campus has a Sports pavilion with gymnasium, 18 hostels, Internet
browsing facility, Canteens, waiting rooms for women, and vehicle parking.
The University has a well-furnished and comfortable Guest House with a
Annamalai University
seminar hall. A 24 X 7 Hospital with 1400 beds, advanced equipment and
facilities such as CT Scan, Trauma, ICU and emergency units caters to the
health care needs of students and faculty. The University has 24 hours
uninterrupted power supply and additional generators in various faculties. The
campus has its own water supply system, including reverse osmosis water
The University has invested substantially over the last few years to
improve the classroom and laboratory infrastructure, books and journals, and
online resources for teaching, learning, and research. Recent additions to
infrastructure include an Emergency Medicine Block, a 24x7 Pharmacy, a rapid
access Cardiac Wing, hostel for international students, the Innovation Centre,
and four new canteens.
The sports complex of the Universi-
ty, spread over several acres, houses
facilities for sports and games. Ten-
nis court complex, basketball com-
plex, volleyball complex, athletic
standard track, cricket field & nets,
football field, hockey field and a
wooden floored indoor stadium are
a few worth mentioning
I. Research Facilities
Research Facilities
Research Facilities
Computer laboratory
13 7
II. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy
The Ph.D. programme aims at training professionals and teachers
in the skills and competencies related to the systematic investigation of vari-
ous issues and problems in the area of their study. Annamalai University
awards Ph.D. degree to a candidate who, in accordance with the following reg-
ulations, has undergone a course work, has submitted a thesis based on origi-
nal independent research work done by him/her in any discipline or more
than one discipline, has had the thesis adjudicated and approved by a panel
of suitably constituted Examiners, and has defended the thesis in the presence
of experts and the public.
The following guidelines are based on the UGC (Minimum Standards and
Procedures for the Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation 2009.
Faculty Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering & Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Electrical,
Technology Instrumentation, Chemical, Computer Science & Engineering,
Education Education, Lifelong Education, Psychology, Physical Education,
Fine Arts Music.
Agriculture Agronomy, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Soil
Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Botany,
Genetics & Plant Breeding, Seed Science & Technology,
Horticulture, Agricultural Economics, Agri. Business
Management, Agricultural Extension, Animal Husbandry
Medicine Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology,
Microbiology, Community Medicine, General Medicine,
Paediatrics, DVL, Psychiatry, General Surgery, ENT,
Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Orthopaedics,
Radio-Diagnosis, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
Anaesthesiology, Cardiology, Nursing.
Dentistry Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,
Periodontology, Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Prosthodontics
and Crown & Bridge, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics,
Oral Medicine and Radiology
The University does not offer Ph.D. Programmes under Distance Education mode.
III. Fee Structure & Scholarships
Fee Structure & Scholarships
Full-Time External
Sl.No. Faculty / Department / Discipline (Internal)
(Rs) (India) (Rs)
* This fee has to be paid by the students at the time of joining the hostel and would
exclusively cover the room rent and establishment charges. The mess charges which
are in addition could be adjusted through the scholarship amount.
to eligibility.
Scholarships Sanctioned By the Government of Tamil Nadu
Minority Scholarship: Minority Scholarship award on the basis of merit cum means
for minority community students.
Higher Education Special Scholarship: In addition to the Post Metric Scholarship,
Higher Education Special Scholarship is awarded to the hostel students belonging
to SC/ST and Converted Christian community and the number of scholarship is
limited by the Government. The Annual income from all sources should not
exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- per annum.
BC/MBC/DNC Scholarship: The Scholarship will be awarded to the Students
belonging to BC/MBC/DNC communities whose
Fellowship / Scholarship sanctioned by various Funding Agencies
UGC Scheme for award of Post Graduate Scholarship for professional courses
for SC/ST candidates.
Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for single girl Child: This is only for the
Candidate who happens to be single Girl child of the family (having no broth-
er or sister) and who has taken admission in regular full time Master Degree
course in recognised University or a Post Graduate College in
conventional basic subject.
Note: For all Scholarship, Income Certificate taken after April 2016 should be produced.
Eligibility Criteria
4.1 General Eligibility
For admission to the Ph.D. programme, a candidate has to fulfill the
following minimum qualifications:
4.1.1 Faculties of Arts, Science, Marine Sciences, Indian Languages, Engineering
& Technology, Education, Fine Arts, Medicine (Nursing & Physiotherapy
only) A pass in Master’s Degree with a minimum of 55% of marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognized as equivalent thereto.
4.1.2 Faculty of Agriculture
A pass in Master’s Degree in the same discipline with a minimum of
6.5 OGPA out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other examination
recognized as equivalent thereto.
4.1.3 Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry
A Pass in Master’s Degree with 50% of marks in the concerned subject is
the minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. Programme for the
Faculties of Medicine (except Nursing & Physiotherapy) and Dentistry.
4.2 Candidates who have passed Master’s Degree through Open University
system are not eligible to apply; however, candidates who have secured
their Master’s Degree under (11+1) or (10+2) + 3 + 2 / (10+2)+4+2 /
(10+3)+3+2 / (10+2) + 5 pattern of courses of study are eligible.
4.3 For SC/ST and Differently-abled candidates, there will be a relaxation of
5% marks for the minimum eligibility for admission in the Faculties of
Arts, Science, Marine Sciences, Indian Languages, Education & Fine Arts.
4.4 Preference will be given to candidates who have passed the
fellowship related examinations.
4.5 While granting admission to Ph.D. Programmes, due attention shall be
paid to the State Reservation Policy.
4.6 Discipline-wise Eligibility
4.6.1 Faculty of Arts
A pass in Master’s Degree in English, English & Comparative Literature,
English & Communication, English & Functional English, English & English
Language Teaching, American Studies, English Language and Literature,
English with Computer Applications, English Studies with a minimum of 55%
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
A pass in Master’s degree (M.Com) in Commerce / Accounting &
Finance / International Banking / Financial Services / Business Studies /
Co-operative Management and International Business / M.Com. Five Year
Integrated Programme / M.A. Co-operation / M.A. Corporate Secretaryship /
Master of Bank Management / Master of Business Studies / Master of
Financial Services/Master of Financial Management and Master of Financial
Control with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average
(GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
Population Studies
A pass in Master’s degree in Population Studies or other interdisciplinary
Programmes viz. Hospital Administration, Hospital Management, Project
Management, Sociology, Economics, Commerce, Management, Psychology,
Geography, Statistics, Social Work, Rural Development, Anthropology,
Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Education, and Adult Education
Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Population & Development, Master of Health
Social Sciences (MHSS) with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade
Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised equivalent thereto.
Business Administration
A pass in Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a minimum of
55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
Library & Information Science
A pass in Master’s Degree in Library & Information Science with a
minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an
examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in M.A.(History, Political Science, Sociology),
M.S.W.(Master of Social Work) or any other Master’s Degree relevant to the
field of Philosophy & Religion with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent
Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent
4.6.2 Faculty of Science
A pass in Master’s Degree in Mathematics with a minimum of 55% marks
or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Statistics with a minimum of 55% marks
Eligibility Criteria
A pass in Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics with a minimum of 55%
Eligibility Criteria
marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto
A pass in Master’s Degree in Microbiology with a minimum of 55%
marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
Geology / Applied Geology
A pass in Master’s Degree in Geology / Applied Geology / Marine
Geology / Geo-Physics / Geo-Chemistry with a minimum of 55% marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Geoinformatics / Geology / Applied
Geology / Marine Geology / Geo-Physics / Geo-Chemistry with a minimum of
55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Biochemistry / Life Sciences / Molecular
Biology / Nutrition and Dietetics (equivalent thereto) / Biochemical
Technology / Genomics with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade
Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
A pass in M.Sc. / M.Tech. Degree in Biotechnology (Industrial, Plant,
Animal, Nano, Medical, Environmental and Microbiology)/Molecular Biology/
Biochemistry / Microbiology / Genetics (Plant, Animal, Human and Biomedical
Genetics) / Life Sciences / Biomedical Technology / Genomics with a minimum
of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
Computer Science
A pass in M.Sc (Computer Science / Information Technology /
Information Science / Software Engineering / Computer Technology) / MCA
with a minimum of 55% or its equivalent grade point average in the relevant
discipline of this University or any other University accepted by the Syndicate
as equivalent thereto.
4.6.3 Faculty of Marine Sciences
Eligibility Criteria
Ocean Science & Technology
A pass in Master’s Degree in Ocean Science & Technology, Geology,
Eligibility Criteria
Applied Geology, Geoinformatics, Environmental Sciences, Environmental
Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, M.E. Energy Engineering and
Management, M.E. Disaster Management and Engineering, M.E. / M.Tech.
Remote Sensing & GIS, and M.Tech. Coastal Management with a minimum of
55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
4.6.4. Faculty of Indian Languages
A pass in Master’s Degree in Tamil with a minimum of 55% marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Hindi with a minimum of 55% marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Linguistics / Translation Studies / any
language with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average
(GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
A pass in any Master’s degree other than the above with 55% of marks
with a condition that the candidate should complete his / her Master’s Degree
in Linguistics / Translation Studies (through DDE) or post-graduate Diploma in
Linguistics / Natural Language Processing before submitting the dissertation.
For those candidates the degree will be awarded as Ph.D. in Linguistics
4.6.5. Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Civil Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Civil Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point
Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
Structural Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Civil & Structural Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent
Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent
Eligibility Criteria
Mechanical Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Mechanical Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade
Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
Manufacturing Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
Electrical Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Electrical/Electronics Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent
Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent
Instrumentation Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering with a minimum of 55%
marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
Chemical Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Chemical Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade
Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
Computer Science & Engineering
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Computer Science & Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks orequivalent
Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent
A pass in Master’s Degree in any field of study/specialization related to
Pharmacy with a minimum of 55% marks orequivalent Grade Point Average
(GPA) or in an examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
4.6.6. Faculty of Education
Eligibility Criteria
A pass in Master’s Degree in Education (M.Ed./M.A. Education) with a
minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an
examination recognised as equivalent thereto.
A pass in Master’s Degree in Psychology or other specialization in
Psychology (Applied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Guidance and
Counselling, Organizational Behaviour etc.). with a minimum of 55% marks or
equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination recognised as
equivalent thereto.
Physical Education & Sports Sciences
A pass in Master’s Degree (M.P.Ed. / M.P.E. / M.P.E.S.) with a minimum of
55% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.
Lifelong Education
Master's Degree with 55% of marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA)
or equivalent grade point average in the Faculties of
a) Arts: (Sociology/ Economics/ Social Works/ Philosophy/ History/ Political
Science/ Rural Development/ Anthropology/ Population Studies),
Education: (Education/ Work Education/ Psychology/ Physical Education/
Adult and Continuing Education)
Languages: (Tamil/ English) and
b) Science
A pass in M.Sc., with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent Grade Point
Average (GPA) or in an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
A pass in M.Sc. Yoga with minimum of 55% of marks under 10+2+3 +
(P.G.Diploma in Yoga + M.Sc. Yoga (Lateral Entry) / M.Sc. Yoga or equivalent
Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination as equivalent thereto.
4.6.7. Faculty of Fine Arts
A pass in Master’s Degree in Music / Dance of this University with 55% of
marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) or in an examination as equiv-
alent thereto.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
A pass in Master’s Degree in Horticulture with a minimum of 6.5 OGPA
out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other examination recognized as
equivalent thereto in the fields of study.
Agricultural Economics
A pass in Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics with a minimum of
6.5 OGPA out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other examination
recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study.
Agri. Business Management
A pass in Master’s Degree in Agri. Business Management with a
minimum of 6.5 OGPA out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other
examination recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study.
Agricultural Extension
A pass in Master’s Degree in Agricultural Extension with a minimum of
6.5 OGPA out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other examination
recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study.
Animal Husbandry
A pass in Master’s Degree in Animal Husbandry with a minimum of
6.5 OGPA out of 10.00 of the aggregate marks or any other examination
recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study.
4.6.9. Faculty of Medicine
Master’s Degree with 50% of marks in the concerned subject is the
minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. Programme for the Faculty
of Medicine (Except Nursing and Physiotherapy).
Nursing & Physiotherapy
Masters Degree with 55% of marks in Nursing and Physiotherapy is the
minimum qualification for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Nursing and
4.6.10. Faculty of Dentistry
Master’s Degree with 50% of marks in the concerned subject is the
minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. Programme for the Faculty
of Dentistry.
V. Categories of Admission
Categories of Admission
5.2.2 Those who have joined as Assistant Professors with M.Phil. / M.E. /
M.Tech. / M.Pharm. / M.Sc.(Agri.) / M.D. / M.S. are permitted to register
for Ph.D. Programme after one year from the date of joining in the post.
5.2.3 Faculty who do not have an M.Phil. Degree shall register for the Ph.D.
Programme after two years from the date of joining in the post, provided
they fulfil the eligibility conditions of the Ph.D. registration Programme
as Part-time candidates.
5.2.4 The Regular Non-Teaching Staff shall register for the Ph.D.
Programme after five years from the date of joining in the post,
provided they fulfil the eligibility conditions of the Ph.D.
registration Programme as Part-time candidates. The normal office
work shall not be affected at any cost, if they are selected for the
Ph.D. programme. Their selection for the Ph.D. Programme is
subject to the final discretion of the Vice-Chancellor.
5.2.5 Those serving as Resource persons in Annamalai University are eligible to
apply for Ph.D. provided they fulfil the eligibility conditions of the Ph.D.
registration Programme as Part-time candidates.
Categories of Admission
5.3.1 The number of candidates considered for registration in this category
would depend upon the availability of research supervisors. The
University reserves full rights for the selection.
5.3.2 The candidate shall register under a Research Supervisor who is a member
of the Teaching Faculty of this University.
5.3.4 The candidate has to produce one month attendance per academic year
which will be issued by supervisor/co-supervisor.
Designation Members
The Head of the Department (HOD) Coordinator
The respective Wing Head of DDE/ Section Head, if exists Member
Two Professors /Senior Faculty members nominated by Members
the Vice-Chancellor
One Senior Associate Professor Member
One Senior Assistant Professor Member
VII. Admission Procedure
Admission Procedure
The selection of candidates for provisional admission shall be based on
the following procedure:
7.1 The Entrance Test for the Ph.D. programme (Full-time, Part-time and
External India and Foreign) will be conducted on the same day for all
the departments of study. The process will be coordinated by the
Controller of Examinations.
7.2 The selection shall be based on marks obtained in the qualifying
degree, a written test and an interview.
7.3 The weightage for Qualifying Degree Examinations will be given for 50
marks. The written test shall comprise objective type questions and
examine research aptitude, grasp of the subject, intellectual ability, and
general knowledge of the prospective candidates. The question paper
for the written Test shall be prepared for one hour duration. Question
papers will be set and evaluated by the DRC for 25 marks. The interview
will be conducted for 25 marks. The cut off marks for the selection shall
be fixed as 50%.
7.4 Candidates with M.Phil. Degree from an approved University, UGC-JRF/
NET / SLET / GATE / CSIR / ICAR /ICSSR qualified candidates and Teacher
fellowship holders are exempted from the Entrance Test but they have to
appear for the interview.
7.5 The Interview will be conducted by different departments simultaneously
following the written test on the same day. At the time of interview, the
candidates are expected to indicate their chosen area of research and
the research supervisor.
7.6 The allocation of the Research Supervisor for a selected student will
depend upon the vacancy, the number of students per faculty member
permitted by the University, the available specializations among the
faculty supervisors, and the research interest of the student as indicated
during the interview by the student.
7.7 For candidates who wish to undertake interdisciplinary research,
there will be two Supervisors – a Research Supervisor in the Department
where he/she is registered, and a Co-Supervisor in the relevant discipline.
7.8 The ‚Minutes of the DRC‛ shall indicate the chosen guide and the
research area of the candidate. The DRC shall certify that the selected
topic for research is not a repetition of earlier Ph.D. research works.
Duration of Research
7.9 The Minutes of the DRC together with the recommendation will be
placed before the Vice-Chancellor, who in consultation with the Head of
the Department and the Dean of the Faculty will select and admit the
candidate for the Ph.D. programme under a Research Supervisor.
7.10 A candidate provisionally selected for admission for the Ph.D.
programme shall join on or before the specified date after paying the
prescribed fees and verification of certificates of the qualifying
7.11 A full time Scholar admitted for the Ph.D. degree may be allowed to
pursue any one programme at any given time offered by DDE of
Annamalai University only.
7.12 A full time Scholar shall not undertake any employment either part-time or
full time anywhere.
8.3 Extension for submission of Ph.D. Thesis
9.1.1 Scholars who do not submit the thesis within the stipulated
period as mentioned in Section 8 (2) shall apply for extension of time,
3 months before the completion of the maximum period for submission.
Extension of time and the fees to be paid will be considered by the Deans
Committee, if the extension is duly recommended by the DC, Head of the
Department, and the Dean of the Faculty. Such candidates will be eligible
for extension of time for a maximum period of 2 years for men and 3 years for
women as stipulated in Section 8 (3).
9.1.3 If a Scholar requires a few more months after the expiry of the
maximum extension period for the submission of the thesis as per the
evaluation of the Research Supervisor, duly recommended by the Head of the
Department, DC and the Dean of the Faculty, as an exceptional case, the
Deans Committee may consider to enable the Scholar to submit the thesis
with a penalty. In any case, the time granted shall not exceed 6 months.
9.2. Re-registration
XI. Residential & Attendance Requirements
Research Supervisors
University with respect to eight number of Scholars they can guide
at a time as per UGC regulations. This number includes full-time and
part-time Scholars, Research Scholars appointed to work in research
projects and external Ph.D. registrants. However, there is no number
restriction for a research supervisor to act as co-supervisor.
There shall be no compulsion on or by the Supervisors to hold the
full complement of research Scholars all the time.
13.1.5 A Research Supervisor is normally eligible to only guide in his/her basic
subject/discipline. However, he/she may be permitted to guide in a
related subject in which he/she has at least two publications in
professionally recognized national/international journals, or authored a
book, after getting approval of the expert in the concerned discipline
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. If there is any dispute in this regard,
then the matter shall be referred to the University Administration and
the decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final in the matter.
13.1.6 A Research Supervisor shall not be allowed to register a candidate for
Ph.D. if the Researcher is blood related to him/her.
13.1.7 A Faculty member who accepts an administrative position such as
Controller of Examinations, Registrar or Vice-Chancellor shall not
function as a Research Supervisor. However, he/she may be allowed
to complete the theses of candidates registered with him / her and
after that he/she cannot register fresh candidates.
13.1.8 The Vice-Chancellor shall be empowered to summarily withdraw the
research supervisorship of a teacher on grounds of
Moral turpitude / Sexual Harassment
fraudulent academic claims
any act prejudicial to the reputation of the university without
assigning any reason thereof.
13.2 Change of Supervisors and Transfer of Scholars
13.2.1 Change of Research Supervisor shall not be permitted as a routine. In
exceptional cases, such change may be permitted, if valid reasons
are provided by the candidate. The Committee headed by the
Vice-Chancellor shall look into the request of the petitioner, if there is
any conflict between the scholar and the research supervisor. The
Doctoral Committee
Course Work
2. Approve the topic of research and the synopsis.
3. Assess and approve the progress reports of Ph.D. students in the
4. prescribed format and to report to the University on the fitness or
otherwise of the candidate to proceed with his/her research work for
the Ph.D..
4. If necessary, recommend and approve change of title of dissertation/
Thesis, change of Supervisor and status of Researcher (full time to
part time and vice-versa).
5. Conduct and supervise the presentation by the candidate of the final
draft of his/her proposed thesis for approval before the submission
of synopsis of the thesis to the University and to give a certificate to
this effect to be submitted along with the synopsis.
14.4 The Doctoral Committee will meet once in six months:
to scrutinize the research proposal submitted by the candidate.
to assess the conduct of experiments/field work, peruse laboratory
notebooks, data recording and analysis, and publication.
to review and endorse the annual progress report of the candidate.
to approve the synopsis of the thesis.
The Convener will convene the Doctoral Committee meetings with inti-
mation to the Controller of Examinations.
15.2 While the minimum number of courses is three, there can be a great
degree of flexibility in the number of courses that a research student
takes based on the discipline and the area of research.
Course Work
15.4 The course work for the ‚Area of Specialization‛ for a Ph.D. student shall
be prescribed by the Doctoral Committee.
15.5 The total marks for each course will be 100. The candidate shall secure not
less than 50% in the course work examination(s), failing which he/she has
to apply within six months after the first appearance. If a candidate
does not pass the course work examination in three appearances, his/her
registration will be cancelled.
15.6 The research scholars shall be required to complete the course work with-
in a period of eighteen months in order to pursue further with their re-
search work. For those who fail to complete the course work within the
stipulated time, the DC may recommend for an extension of six months,
if the DC is convinced of their performance. If not, the DC may recom-
mend cancellation of registration.
15.7 A student is deemed to have cleared any course only if he/she has more
than 80% attendance, appeared in the examination, and secured a
15.9 A student who has not secured a minimum of 50% of marks in a course is
deemed to have failed in that course. A candidate who has scored a min-
imum of 50% or equivalent GPA in a course is deemed to have passed
the course.
XVI. Topic of Research
Topic of Research
A candidate shall specify the broad area of his/her research at
the time of submission of application for Ph.D. admission.
16.3 If the Doctoral Committee is of the view that there is a major change in
the specific area of research and is not relevant to the course work
undertaken, the candidate will have to go through the process of fresh
examination pertaining to the area of research.
XVIII. Training
It is mandatory for all Ph.D. scholars to undergo training in Research
Methodology in order to adopt Good Research Practices (Section 34).
Scholars registering for a research degree shall compulsorily attend these
courses immediately after joining in order to inculcate best practices early in
their research career.
XIX. Progress Reports
Progress Reports
19.1 The Research Scholars, both full time and part time, shall submit
Progress Reports in the prescribed format (Annexure-3) duly endorsed
by the Doctoral Committee once in six months to the Controller of
Examinations until he/she submits his/her synopsis.
19.2 Failure to submit the progress reports shall entail automatic
cancellation of registration.
19.3 The minutes of the meeting of the Doctoral Committee along with
enclosures will be sent to the Controller of Examinations.
19.4 The review meetings of the DC may also be conducted through video
conferencing or internet chat if the candidate or the Research
Supervisor is in a foreign country.
19.5 Candidates who are recipients of fellowships such as JRF/SRF directly
from any of the funding agencies, shall send the progress reports and
the utilization certificates in the format prescribed by the respective
funding agency through proper channel.
Submission of Synopsis
explain the findings/problems faced.
21.4 The gathering may suggest ideas/references to be consulted/suggestions
to improve the work and so on.
21.5 A report on this event along with an attendance sheet shall be forwarded
by the Research Supervisor with the endorsement of the DC and HOD to
the Controller of Examinations.
23.3 The thesis shall comply with the following conditions to merit award for
the Ph.D. degree :-
i) It should be a piece of research work characterized either by finding
of new facts or by a fresh approach towards interpretations of facts
and theories.
ii) It should reflect the candidate’s capacity for critical examination and
iii) It should be satisfactory in terms of presentation, adhering to proper
methodology of thesis writing.
23.4 The thesis shall not exceed 250 pages excluding the Bibliography,
Appendices, etc. If it exceeds the specified number of pages, the
Research Supervisor should write to University with the reasons and get
prior approval from the University. The candidate shall pay a penalty for
the excess number of pages as decided by the Deans Committee. The
thesis should be in A4 size. The specifications for the preparation of the
thesis are given in (Annexure-7). A model cover page for a thesis is given in
23.5 The thesis shall be typed on both sides of the page in order to save
paper and postage.
23.6 The thesis shall contain a Certificate from the guide (Annexure-9)
specifying that the thesis submitted is a record of research work done by
the candidate during the period of study under him/her, and that the
thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associate ship, Fellowship or similar title. A statement
from the guide indicating the extent to which the thesis represents
independent work on the part of the candidate should also be made.
23.7 The thesis shall also contain a Declaration by the candidate (Annexure-10
that the work reported in the thesis has been carried out by the
candidate himself/herself and that the material from other sources, if any,
is duly acknowledged and no part of the thesis is plagiarised.
23.8 The Ph.D. thesis in the field of Tamil, History and Fine Arts may be
submitted in the Tamil Language and for other language subjects in the
respective language also.
23.9 The title and the certificate for Ph.D. theses in Tamil, Hindi, and
46 Malayalam shall be given in English, besides the respective languages.
XXIV. On-Line Tracking System
Panel of Examiners
The Office of the Controller of Examinations shall complete all procedures
with respect to thesis evaluation in a timely manner. A Ph.D. student after submitting
the thesis can submit an online application for tracking the thesis position on-line.
Once the account is activated, the student shall be able to monitor the status of the
Ph.D. thesis
XXVII. Public Viva-voce / Thesis Defence
Public Viva-voce / Thesis Defence
27.1 The viva-voce Board shall consist of the Research Supervisor, one
of the adjudicators (Indian Examiner – External Examiner) and the
Head of the Department (Internal Examiner). The Research Supervisor
shall be the Convener of the viva-voce Board. The reports of the
Examiners shall be made available to the Convener (Research
Supervisor) of the viva-voce board, and the Co-Research Supervisor
(if any). It is the duty of the Research Supervisor to consolidate the
results of the viva-voce Examination.
27.4 The conduct of Ph.D. viva-voce examination shall be notified fifteen days
before the date of the viva-voce examination.
27.5 A copy of the thesis will be kept in the Department Library for perusal
by those interested in the thesis for at least 15 days preceding the
conduct of the public viva-voce examination.
27.7 The purpose of the viva-voce is to test the understanding of the Scholar
on the subject matter of the thesis and the competence in the general
field of study. The Scholar shall be asked to make a brief presentation
before the audience and answer the questions raised by the Examiners
and the audience.
27.10 The viva-voce Board shall decide the award of the degree based
on the candidate’s defence of his / her thesis.
27.11 The viva-voce examination shall be held in all seriousness befitting the
solemnity of an examination and no attempt shall be made to treat it as
a mere formality. The Candidate/Supervisor shall not indulge in any
action that may be perceived as influencing the External Examiner.
27.12.2 The Minutes shall record the performance of the candidate, the answers
furnished by the candidate to the questions posed by the Indian and
Foreign Examiners in their report, viva-voce board of examiners as
well as by the audience.
iii) that the degree be not awarded and the thesis be rejected.
XXVIII. Provisional and Degree Certificate
Provisional and Degree Certificate
28.1 After the thesis is approved by the Syndicate, the candidate can
apply for the provisional certificate. The provisional certificate shall state that
the candidate has undergone course work.
28.2 The Ph.D. Degree Certificate shall incorporate the title of the
thesis along with the name(s) of the Faculty/Faculties and discipline(s).
28.3 In the case of the award of the Ph.D. Degree for inter-disciplinary
research, the Degree Certificate shall bear both the subjects of the candidate’s
post-graduate Degree and the discipline of the department in which the
candidate has conducted his/her doctoral research mentioning them as
Ethical & Legal Requirements
XXXI. Ethical & Legal Requirements
31.1 All research involving use of all data and material relating to
human subjects as well as laboratory animals must be approved by the
appropriate Ethical Committees constituted by the University. In practice this
means that no research in this line can be undertaken until all of the required
approvals and authorisations have been given from the Appropriate Ethical
31.2 It is the responsibility of the Research Supervisor and the Research
Scholar to obtain approval from the relevant committee before initiating the
research work.
31.3 The Research Supervisors and Scholars shall follow the regulations
stipulated by appropriate bodies for undertaking research. Annamalai
University has constituted Institutional Committees to scrutinize and approve
research proposals.
31.3.1 Institutional Psychology Research Ethics Committee (IPREC) for
research in Psychology and Institutional Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Committee (IHSSRC) for research in the Arts, Humanities and Social
Sciences or cognate areas shall scrutinize research proposals to ensure that the
dignity, human rights, interests, health, safety and privacy of research
participants is protected, that valid consent has been obtained and that the
information gained by the research is not outweighed by any costs to the
subject in time, effort, discomfort or potential risk. These Committees will
also explore potential ethical issues that may arise as the result of a proposed
research work.
31.3.2 Institutional Technology Ethics Committee (ITEC) will address ethi-
cal issues specific to new and emerging technologies in terms of impact on the
environment and human well-being.
31.4 Regulations for Studies on Plants: All research work carried out on
transgenic plants shall follow the guidelines laid down by the Department of
Biotechnology (
31.5 Regulations for Field work: Permission for field work shall be
obtained from the Departments of Forests, Fisheries, National Biodiversity
Authority, Wildlife etc., as appropriate.
31.6 Regulations for Studies on Laboratory Animals: The Institutional
Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) shall examine proposals involving research on
laboratory animals.
Ethical & Legal Requirements
XXXII. Research Ethics
Annamalai University is committed to undertaking research with
Research Ethics
impeccable scientific integrity and in conformity with the accepted code of
principles on Good Research Practices (GRP). GRP is concerned with the
organizational process and the conditions under which academic research is
planned, performed, monitored, recorded, archived, and reported. This requires
appropriate training and supervision to ensure the highest achievable standards
for conducting research. All Research Scholars and Supervisors shall follow the-
se guidelines while planning and executing research.
32.1 Scientific Integrity
All Researchers shall maintain a very high degree of integrity with
respect to all aspects of research including application for funding,
designing and conducting experiments, analysing data, and publication of
32.2 Ethical and Legal Requirements
All Researchers must be aware and comply with the ethical and legal
requirements relating to human participants, animals, disclosures of personal
information, biological material transfer and testing, and biodiversity protection
before undertaking research. All Researchers are expected to follow the
standard procedures for conducting research laid down by relevant scientific
and professional bodies.
32.3 Conflict of Interest
A conflicting interest exists when professional judgement concerning a
primary interest such as scientific knowledge may be influenced by a
secondary interest such as financial gain, personal advancement, or personal
rivalry. Conflicts of interests may influence interpretation of results. Examples
of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock
ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/
registrations, and grants or other funding. All conflicts of interest, perceived,
potential or actual, must be declared.
32.4 Safety
A researcher must be aware of the safety precautions and potential
hazards of materials and equipment, use, storage and disposal of chemicals,
how to deal with spills and accidents, and requirement for vaccinations when
dealing with biological samples. Equipment used to generate data should
be calibrated and serviced regularly to ensure optimal and reproducible
performance. A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and easily accessible
instructions for safe shutdown in case of emergency should be maintained for
each equipment.
32.5 Economy
All Researchers shall exercise the principle of economy in the use of
resources including infrastructure facilities, equipment, and consumables.
Regular review meetings shall be conducted by the Doctoral Committee to
Research Ethics
Research Misconduct
A minor form of fabrication is where references are included to give
arguments the appearance of widespread acceptance, but are actually
fake, and/or do not support the argument.
33.2.2 Falsification which refers to manipulation of research materials,
equipment, or processes or changing or omitting data or results such
that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
33.2.3 Plagiarism that involves the appropriation of another person's ideas,
processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit. Plagia-
rism also includes deliberate failure to appropriately credit prior
work by others thereby giving a false impression of priority (citation
Self-plagiarism is also considered as scientific misconduct.
33.2.4 Ghost-writing, the practice of commissioning an anonymous writer is also
regarded as a form of plagiarism because it undermines the integrity of
scientific publication system.
33.2.5 Unacceptable Authorship:
Guest authorship refers to granting authorship out of respect for an
individual, or because it will increase the likelihood of publication,
credibility, or status of the work.
Gift authorship is credit offered from a sense of obligation, or anticipated
benefit, to an individual who has not contributed to the work. Ghost
authorship is denying authorship to an individual who has made
substantial contributions to the research or writing of a manuscript.
33.2.6 Violation of ethical standards in human and animal experiments.
33.2.7 Suppression or failure to publish findings adverse to the researchers’
33.2.8 Failure to follow established protocols if this failure results in
unreasonable risk or harm to humans or the environment and
facilitating of misconduct in research by collusion in, or concealment of,
such actions by others.
33.2.9 Intentional, unauthorized use, disclosure or removal of, or damage to,
research-related property of another, including apparatus, materials,
writings, data, hardware or software or any other substances or devices
used in or produced by the conduct of research.
XXXIV. Investigation of Research Misconduct
Research Ethics
34.6 The Committee shall complete its investigation and submit its
report on the recommended course of action within a period of sixty days.
XXXV. Instructions for Application
ii. The Candidates seeking admission should Register and apply only
through Online by logging on to
iv. The filled in Online application should be downloaded and sent with all
the enclosures either by speed / Registered post or in person to
PIN- 608 002
and should reach on or before 22.08.2016 - 5.30 p.m.
vi. The candidates shall ensure that the completed online application form
with all particulars and enclosures reaches the Annamalai University
within the date and time specified. Applications received by Speed post/
Instructions for Application
courier or any other means, after the last date & time will not be
accepted irrespective of the date of booking.
vii. The University shall not be responsible for any delay in the receipt or for
the loss in transit of application form etc.,
viii. Request for extension of time for submission of documents called for,
after the specified date and time will not be entertained.
ix. Any supporting documents received after the due date or application
without required documents/particulars will not be entertained.
xi. The candidates are directed to enclose the following certificates along
with the Online application:
1. S.S.L.C Mark list
8. Transfer Certificate
9. Community Certificate
From Date:
The Registrar
Annamalai University
Annamalai Nagar
(To be filled by Co-guide (applicable for External / Interdisciplinary)
Positions held:
Name of Institution From To
(To be filled by Co-guide (applicable for External / Interdisciplinary)
Progress Report of the Ph.D. Scholar
[To be submitted once in an year by both full-time / part-time candidates
and External candidates]
i) The progress reports shall be submitted by the candidate in
quarduplicate, to the Research Supervisor accompanied by a report by the
candidate about the work carried out during the period of this report(in about
300 words) duly signed by the candidate and countersigned by the Research
ii) The Research Supervisor shall fill his/her part, sign it, and get it coun-
tersigned by the DC and Head of the Department.
iii) The first copy shall be retained by the Research Supervisor for
placing before the Doctoral Committee and subsequent office record, second
copy shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations through the HOD, and
the third copy shall be sent to the Research Scholar.
[b] Designation :
[c] Institution where employed :
The Research Scholar shall be permitted to submit the synopsis three months
The Research Scholar shall submit a copy of the synopsis of his/her re-
search work prepared in accordance with the format and specification prescribed, to
the Doctoral Committee through the Research Supervisor. If the Doctoral Committee
approves the research work reported in the synopsis, the candidate shall submit three
1. Synopsis should contain title of the thesis, outline of the research prob-
lem, the methodology used for tackling it, the organization of the thesis, and the
since 1970
A Synopsis
Submitted by
Name: ……………………………..
Department of Economics
Faculty of …………………
Annamalai University
ANNEXURE - 6 / Pg. 1
The Research Supervisor shall complete and return this form including the
brief academic CV for Foreign and Indian Examiners to the Controller of Ex-
The following panel of Examiners is proposed for the evaluation of the above
Sl. No. Affiliation
Foreign Examiners
thesis. The Curriculum Vitae of each Examiner are enclosed herewith along with
the contact details.
ANNEXURE - 6 /Pg. 2
Full Name
Mobile Number
Email Address
Current Academic/ Research Position &
Name of Institute
Complete Official Address
Address for Communication
(if different from above)
Publications & Experience
List of the 5 most Recent Publications
(pertinent to the thesis
topic to be examined)
ANNEXURE - 7 / Pg. 1
Specifications for the Preparation of the Thesis
I. Preliminaries
1. Title Page
2. Certificate from Research Supervisor
3. Declaration by the Research Scholar
4. Acknowledgements
5. Table of contents
6. List of tables (optional)
7. List of figures (optional)
8. List of Abbreviations (optional)
9. List of Symbols (optional)
III. Bibliography
13. References
14. Appendix / Appendices
15. Published research articles
A Thesis
Submitted by
Name: …………………………………..
Roll No.: ………………………………..
Department of Economics
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar 608 002
Tamil Nadu, India
Department of
Faculty of
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar-608 002
Tamil Nadu
I, _________________________________________ (Roll No. _____________) Research
work carried out with my personal effort and submitted by me under the
for the award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Fellowship/ Titles in this University or
referred to the researchers wherever their works have been cited in the body
of the thesis. I further declare that I have not willfully copied some other’s
data/ work/ results etc. reported in the journals, magazines, books, reports,
This brochure-cum-prospectus is published for enlightening those
who intend to apply for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), at
Annamalai University during 2016-2017.
The contents covered are subject to change from time to time and the
University may make such changes without notice.
The University will provide additional information in response to enquiries
from individuals and institutions.
FAX No. 04144-238080
email: [email protected]
Chidambaram, S.Rly.