Syllabus UE15ME352 Mechanical Vibrations 2017-18
Syllabus UE15ME352 Mechanical Vibrations 2017-18
Syllabus UE15ME352 Mechanical Vibrations 2017-18
UE15ME352:Mechanical Vibrations
Chapter 3: Harmonically excited vibration of single-degree-of-freedom system
Introduction, Equation of motion, response of an undamped system under harmonic force,
Response of a damped system under harmonic force, Magnification factor, Total Response,
Response of a damped system under the harmonic motion of the base (base excitation),
Displacement transmissibility and force transmissibility ratio, Response of a damped system under
rotating unbalance, Response of a damped system under rotating unbalance
Chapter 9: Vibration Control
Introduction, vibration nomograph and vibration criteria, Reduction of vibration at the source,
Whirling of rotating shafts, critical speeds, response of the system, Control of vibration, control of
natural frequencies, introduction of damping, vibration isolation, numerical problems
Chapter 5: Two- degree-of-freedom system
Introduction, Free-vibration analysis of undamped systems, Differential equation of
motion, natural frequencies and mode shapes of spring mass systems, Differential equation
of motion, natural frequencies and mode shapes of double pendulum, coupled pendulum,
Differential equation of motion, natural frequencies and mode shapes of masses on tightly stretched
strings, geared systems, Torsional systems, Coordinate coupling and principal coordinates,
Numerical, Forced vibration analysis, Semi-definite system, Vibration absorber, Undamped
dynamics vibration absorber
Chapter 6: Multi-degree-of-freedom systems
Introduction, modeling of continuous system as multi-degree of freedom system, equations of
motion using Newton’s second Law of motion, Influence coefficients, Stiffness influence
coefficients, Flexibility influence coefficients, Generalized coordinates and generalized forces
(Only theory), Equation of motion in matrix form (Only theory), Solution of the eigen value
problem, Orthogonality of normal modes (Only theory) , Matrix iteration method
Chapter 8: Continuous System
Introduction, Transverse vibration of a string or Cable, Longitudinal vibration of a Bar or Rod,
Torsional vibration of a rod, Lateral vibrations of beams and Numerical
Text Books:
1. “Mechanical Vibrations”, S S Rao, Pearson Education, 5th Edition, 2004
Reference Books:
1. “Theory of Vibration with application”, W T Thomson, M D Dahleh and C Padmanabha,
Pearson Education, 2008