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Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Types of Distillation Curve

1- True Boiling point (TBP) Distillation.

2- ASTM Distillation.
3- Semi-fractionating Distillation.
4- Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (EFV).

a) True-boiling-point (T.B.P) Distillation: (Fractional, run only on crude

oil, batch)
Distillation characteristics of a crude are assessed performing a
preliminary distillation called "True Boiling Point" analysis (TBP). This
test enlightens the refiners with all possible information regarding the
percentage quantum of fractions, base of crude oil and the possible difficulties
beset during treatment operation etc.
This type of distillation as in figure (1-A,1-B,1-C and 1-D) is commonly used
due to the accuracy of the results obtained by this method which is very close to
that obtained via real distillation or industrial distillation. In this distillation,
there is a fractionation column located between the condenser and the flask. In
general, this type of distillation is carried out by two steps: firstly, under
atmospheric pressure until 300°C (1% distilled very 2 min), secondly under
vacuum pressure (to prevent cracking process and to reduce the boiling point) at
40mmHg (1% distilled every3-5 min). In this process, the vapor press. temp. is
plotted vs. distilled(%) to get TBP curve.

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.1-A. Illustrate Simplified Shape of True boiling point distillation


Fig.1-B. Illustrate Simplified Shape of True boiling point distillation


Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.1-C. Illustrate Picture of True boiling point distillation apparatus

Fig.1-D: illustrate True boiling point Curve of Crude Oil

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

b) Equilibrium or Flash Vaporization (EFV) Distillation

Is a single stage separation technique. As in figure (2), a liquid mixture feed
is pumped through a heater to raise the temperature and enthalpy of the
mixture. It then flows through a valve and the pressure is reduced, causing the
liquid to partially vaporize. Because the vapor and liquid are in such close
contact up until the "flash" occurs, the product liquid and vapor phases
approach equilibrium. Or the feed material is heated as it flows continuously
through a heating coil. As vapor is formed it kept cohesively with liquid at
some temperature and a sudden release of pressure quickly flashes or separates
the vapor from the mixture without any rectification. By successive flash
evaporation like this the stock can be progressively distilled at different
increasing temperatures. A curve of percentage vaporized vs. temperature may
be plotted.

Fig.3-A. Illustrate Simplified Shape of Flash Vaporization distillation


Fig.3-B. Illustrate Simplified Shape of Flash Vaporization distillation

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

c) ASTM or no fractionating or Engler distillation (no fractional, run on

It is supposed to be like EFV, a non-fractionating distillation system, distinguishing
itself as differential distillation. It is a simple distillation carried out with standard
ASTM flasks 100,200,500 ml flasks. The data obtained is similar to TBP data. In this
type of distillation (in fig.3-A) there is on fractionation column located between the
condenser and the flask. On the other hand, the raised vapor will not be fractionated
in this process. This distillation is used with fractions having short range of the
boiling point.fig.3-B illustrate cut points.

Fig.3. Illustrate Simplified Shape of ASTM distillation apparatus

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.3-B: illustrate Cut Temperatures for Crude Oil Fractions

d) Humpel Distillation(Semi fractional).

In this type of distillation, there will be some fractionating process on the raised
vapor via package located between the condenser and the flask.

Fig.4. Illustrate Temperature versus volume distilled for TBP, ASTM, and

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.5. Illustrate Crude Distillation Curve

2) Mid Percent Curves:

The physical properties of an oil found to vary gradually throughout the
range of compounds that constitute the oil. Distillation is a means of
arranging of compounds these chemical compounds in order of their boiling
points. The properties such as color, specific gravity, and viscosity are found
to be different for each drop or fraction of the material distilled. The rate at
which these properties change from drop to drop may plot as mid per cent
In reality, the specific gravity or viscosity of a fraction is an average of the
properties of the many drops that constitute the fraction. If each drop is equally
different from the last drop and from the succeeding one, then the drop that
distills at exactly half of the fraction has the same property as the average of all
the drops. This would be the condition for a mid per cent that is a straight line,
but they are substantially straight through any short range of percentage. For a
short range of percentage the average property is equal to the property at

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

the mid-point of the fraction. The arithmetical average of the properties of

these small fractions is the property of the total or large fraction, or even the
entire sample. Integral- averaging by adding together the properties of a series
of short fractions and dividing by number of fractions can not be used on
properties that are not additive. Specific gravity (not API gravity) is an
example of an additive property, e. g. 10 volumes of an oil of specific gravity
0.8 when mixed with an equal volume of 0.9 specific gravity oil yields a
mixture that has a specific gravity 0.85.

Non additive Properties Additive Properties

API Gravity Boiling Point (T.B.P)
Viscosity Vapor Pressure
Color Specific Gravity
Flash Point Aniline Point
Sulfur Content

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.6 U.S Bureau of Mines crude petroleum analysis (From Gary and
Handwerk, 2001)

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig.7 Boiling point at 760 mmHg versus Boiling point at 40 mmHg

(From Gary and Handwerk, 2001).

Fig.8 TBP and gravity- mid percent curves. Hasting Field, Texas crude:
gravity 31.7 oAPI; sulfur, 0.15 wt%.(From Gary and Handwerk, 2001).

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Average Boiling Point

There are different types of boiling points and functional values
Average boiling point Physical property for which it is distinct
Volume Average Boiling Use for liquid viscosity, Specific gravity.
Weight Average Boiling Critical temperature.
Molal Average Boiling Characterization factor, thermal expansion of
Point liquids.
Mean Average Boiling Molecular weight, Specific gravity, Heat of
Point Combustion, Specific heat.
Cubic Average Boiling For additive properties; viscosities are additive
Point when expressed on cubic average.

1- Volume Average Boiling Point (VABP)

For short cut Boiling Point (having short B.P)

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

2- Weight Average Boiling Point (WABP)

3- Molal Average Boiling Point (MABP)

4- Mean Average Boiling Point

Mean Avg B.P=(Molal avg. B.P + Cubic avg. B.P)/2

; Va= Vol. Fraction

5- Cubic Average Boiling Point

6- Slope of Distillation Curve

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Fig. 10 Molal average boiling point of petroleum fractions

Fig.11 Mean average boiling point of petroleum fractions

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Husham Al.Tameemi

Chapter Three: Physical and Thermal properties of Crude Oil Petroleum Refining

Husham Al.Tameemi


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