A Review On Utilization of Coconut Shell As Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Review on Utilization of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate in

Saad Chishti1, Anuj Kumar2
1PG student, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT, Bareilly
2Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT, Bareilly
Abstract - The cost of producing concrete has been increasing construction. It will also help to reduce agricultural waste
progressively. Therefore, the demand for utilization of and make the world more sustainable.
agricultural waste as a partially replacement or admixture
inside concrete is also increasing gradually. Many researcher 2. COCONUT SHELL
scholars are doing research on agricultural waste such as rice
husk, palm oil, corn cobs and coconut shells. Agricultural Coconut shell is the agricultural solid waste which belongs to
waste is increasingly being utilized in cement, concrete and the family of palm and is obtained from coconut oil
other construction materials and provides numerous indirect industries. Coconut trees are cultivated on around 12 million
benefits such as reduction in land fill cost, saving energy and hectares worldwide. In a mature coconut, the white meat is
protecting the environment from possible pollution. The aim is surrounded by a tough protective shell and this by a thick
to produce concrete with improved properties at a lower cost husk. Coconut is cultivated in more than 93 countries. They
and to maintain environmental sustainability. In this review are available in substantial amounts in the tropical locations
paper, the utilization of coconut shell as coarse aggregate in of the world, generally in Africa, Asia and America. South
concrete for construction work will be the main focus. Coconut East Asia is regarded as the origin of the coconut. India is the
shells can be used as aggregates in concrete. The third largest country having cultivated coconut trees over an
characteristic properties of coconut shell concrete such as area of 1.89 million hectares in the year 2011 (Horticulture
workability, flexural tensile, compressive strength and split database 2011). As per the recent Indian horticulture
tensile strength. This paper attempts to answer whether database 2011 statistics, India has risen as the biggest
coconut shell is most suitable to be used in concrete to produce manufacturer of coconut on the globe with a generation of
a light weight concrete. 10840 million nuts. By this, India accounts for 26.9
percentage of the world’s output. In India, the four south
Key Words: Coconut Shell, Compressive Strength, Indian states, specifically Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
Flexural Strength. Andhra Pradesh produce around 90% of the total coconut
production in the nation. Kerala has higher production with
1. INTRODUCTION 3992 million nuts, whereas Tamil Nadu has 3692 million
nuts (Indian horticulture database 2011). The coconut
Concrete is a widely used construction material that consists industry in India accounts for over a fourth of the world’s
of a mixture of cement, aggregates, water and admixtures. total coconut oil output and is set to rise with further growth
Inert granular materials such as sand, crushed stone or in demand. Nevertheless, it is the principal contributor to
gravel form the major part of the aggregates. Traditionally nation’s pollution problem as a solid waste in the form of a
aggregates have been readily available at economic prices shell. Presently a low portion of these CS wastes is being
and of qualities to suit all purposes. But, the continued utilized for making charcoal shell, mosquito coils, decorative
extraction of aggregates from nature has caused its depletion purposes, utensils, etc.
at an alarming rate. Therefore, there is a growing demand to
find alternate materials that can be used as coarse aggregate 3. Objectives
in concrete. India produces about 20% of the coconut
produced in the world. Within India, Kerala produces 45% of The overall objective of the project is to investigate the
it. Disposal of coconut shells poses environmental issues as it feasibility of incorporating coconut shell as a replacement
is not easily degradable. Aggregates made by crushing for coarse aggregate in concrete. The specific objectives of
coconut shells can be effectively used in concrete by partially the project are as follows:
replacing coarse aggregate up to a certain amount. This will
not only reduce the unit weight of resulting concrete made, 1) To find economical solution for high construction
but also provides an efficient solution to the disposal of material.
coconut shells.
2) To prepare light weight concrete by using coconut shell as
Therefore, in order to achieve a comfortable environment, coarse aggregate.
this research will emphasize on utilization coconut shell
fillers to form composite materials in constructing of any
civil engineering work. Doing, So well reduce the cost of

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5268
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4. REVIEW OF LITERATURE improve its crack resistance, ductility, energy absorption and
impact resistance characteristics. An attempt has been made
The various literatures of light weight concrete with the to examine the suitability of partial replacing 10%, 20% and
characteristics of high compressive strength are reviewed in 30% of coconut shell as for coarse aggregate in concrete of
this chapter. Along with that the use of coconut shell as grade M20 and also adding a steel fiber at a certain amount
coarse aggregate to replace the coarse aggregate is also in the concrete. The results found were comparable with that
reviewed for analyzing the strength. The abstract and of conventional mix.
conclusions of various authors in their literature is stated in
this chapter for the study of strength characteristics of Yashida Nadir et al. (2017) An experimental investigation
concrete. was carried out to study the durability properties of Coconut
Shell (CS) aggregate concrete. Effect of mineral admixtures
Tukiman Siti AminahBt et al. (2009) have investigated the such as fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag
combination of coconut shell and grained palm kernel to (GGBFS) as partial replacement of cement on durability
replace aggregate in concrete. They found that combination properties of CS aggregate concrete was also verified. Four
of coconut shell (maximum percentage) and few percentage concrete mixes were considered for the study. Control mix,
of grained palm kernel shell have the potential for light mix with18.5% coarse aggregate replaced by CS by weight,
weight aggregate in concrete. Also the combination would mix with 18.5% CS and 30% cement replaced by fly ash, and
reduce the material cost in construction due to the cheap mix with 18.5% CS and 15% cement replaced by GGBFS.
and abundant availability of suitable agricultural waste for
concrete preparation Jerin M. George et al. (2016) The properties of concrete
using crushed coconut shell as coarse aggregate were
Amarnath Yerramala et al. (2012) Properties of concrete investigated in an experimental study. Coarse aggregate
with coconut shells (CS) as aggregate replacement were was replaced by crushed coconut shells in three different
studied. Control concrete with normal aggregate and CS percentages namely 25%, 50% and 100%. Workability,
concrete with 10 - 20% coarse aggregate replacement with compressive strength, flexural strength and splitting tensile
CS were made. Two mixes with CS and fly ash were also strength of the above said mixes were compared with
made to investigate fly ash effect on CS replaced concretes. normal concrete properties. The results from the study is
Properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength, expected promote the use of coconut shell as a substitute for
water absorption and moisture migration were investigated conventional coarse aggregates
in the laboratory. The results showed that, density of the
concretes decreases with increase in CS percent. Workability Dodda Nagarjun et al. (20170 The high cost of
decreased with increase in CS replacement. Compressive and conventional building materials is a major factor affecting
split tensile strengths of CS concretes were lower than housing delivery in world. This has necessitude research into
control concrete. alternative materials of construction and analyzing flexural
and compressive strength characteristics of concrete
Yogesh Narayan Sonawane et al (2013) The paper produced using crushed and sieved ,granular coconut as
analyzed compressive strength of concrete (M20-1:1.5:3) substitute for conventional coarse aggregate with full
produced using coconut shell as substitute for conventional replacement using m20,m15,m25 grade concrete.
coarse aggregate with 0%, 25%, 50%, 100% partial
replacement. Three sample cubes are prepared for M20 Amarnath Yerramala et al.(2017) Properties of concrete
grade concrete mix for each case another aim of this paper is with coconut shells (CS) as aggregate replacement were
to spread awareness about use of coconut shell as studied. Control concrete with normal aggregate and CS
construction material in civil engineering. concrete with 10 - 20% coarse aggregate replacement with
CS were made. Two mixes with CS and fly ash were also
Parag S. Kambli et al (2014) prepared three different Mix made to investigate fly ash effect on CS replaced concretes.
Designs for M20, M35, M50 grades of concrete. Percentage Constant water to cementitious ratio of 0.6 was maintained
replacement by coconut shell varied as 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, for all the concretes. Properties like compressive strength,
40% respectively. It is concluded in this study that for M20 split tensile strength, water absorption and moisture
grade concrete cubes with 30% replacement of CS migration were investigated in the laboratory.
aggregates had given strength of 23 MPa at 28 days.
Concrete cubes with 30% replacement of CS aggregates had 5. CONCLUSION
given strength of 42 MPa at 28 days for M35. For M50 grade
concrete cubes with 30% replacement of CS aggregates had Coconut Shell Concrete can be used in rural areas and places
given strength of 51 MPa at 28 days. where coconut is abundant and may also be used where the
conventional aggregates are costly. Coconut shell concrete is
R. Robert Singh et al. (2017) Coconut Shell Concrete (CSC) also classified as structural lightweight concrete. It is
could be used in rural areas and places where coconut is concluded that the Coconut Shells are more suitable as low
abundant and may also be used where the conventional strength-giving lightweight aggregate when used to replace
aggregates are costly. And also adding a steel fibre of certain common coarse aggregate in concrete production.
amount for increasing the strength in concrete and by
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5269
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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Mr. Saad Chishti is a student of

M.tech in Civil Engineering from
RIMT, Bareilly (UP)


© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5270

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